Julia Morris has never been one for the easy life. Not content with joining the (fake) nobility whilst living in the UK, Julia returned to Australia to win Channel 7's It Takes Two in 2008 and then launched JMoFest, her 2010 short film festival that received nearly 200 entries and raised over $10,000 for the National Breast Cancer Foundation.
Friday 6th of May: Dee Why RSL
Saturday 7th of May: Rooty Hill RSL
Wednesday 11th of May: Doyalson Wyee RSL
Thursday 12th of May: Club Singleton
Friday 13th of May: Belmont 16 Foot Sailing Club
Saturday 14th of May: The Glasshouse Entertainment Centre, Port Macquarie
Thursday 19th of May: North Leagues Club, Cammeray
Friday 20th of May: Castle Hill RSL
Friday 27th of May: Mounties (Mount Pritchard)
Friday 3rd of June: Club Taree
Saturday 4th of June: Sawtell RSL Club