Johanna Liauw Interview

Johanna Liauw Interview

A person with blonde hair Description automatically generated with medium confidenceBorn in San Diego, CA and raised in Atlanta and South Florida, actress Johanna Liauw got her start in acting during quarantine in 2020, when she wrote and starred in the web series Quarantine Leap. Since then, Johanna has made the leap into feature films, starring in two Lifetime films, The Wrong Cheerleader Coach and College Professor Obsession and will now star in her breakout role as 'Stella' in Netflix's Tall Girl 2 (released February 2022).

Liauw is a former competitive swimmer, who was home-schooled from Sophomore to Senior year of high school. She is an avid reader and gamer, but also enjoys cooking, baking, and traveling. Her favorite vacation spot is Santorini, Greece or anywhere tropical. To stay in peak mental and physical condition, Johanna likes to bike, play tennis, hike, rollerblade, go swimming and makes sure to set aside time to meditate.

Johanna is an animal rights activist (has two cats, one of them three legged) and mental health advocate, as well as passionate about helping unhoused individuals get a fresh start and off the streets.

Interview with Johanna Liauw

Question: Tell us about your role as Stella in Tall Girl 2?

Johanna Liauw: I guess technically this would be the debut of my first comedic role. I've played more villainous archetypes before, so it was a nice change of pace to get to play a character that more closely represented my own personality. Stella is an absolute delight, I thoroughly enjoyed bringing her to life. I feel exceptionally grateful that people have taken a liking to her. It's really cool!

Question: What or who inspired your love of acting?

Johanna Liauw: I was drawn to acting since I was young. I would daydream all the time about what my life would be like if I were able to be on sets, playing specific types of characters that excite me. So, yes the love has always been there!

Question: Can you tell us about your experience starting your acting career during a pandemic?

Johanna Liauw: It was a journey of self-discovery in many ways. I found my joy and purpose in acting along with confronting things within myself that needed to be healed. My soul was working double time, but it was like a mental reset. I lost my way and ironically enough, during a period where things felt difficult and somewhat hopeless. I somehow managed to keep my hope alive and the motivation in me going to make my dreams reality.

Question: What's your favourite part of your job?

Johanna Liauw: I love how much fun it is to freely express myself, getting to meet and befriend new likeminded individuals. Being in a creative space with others is the best. The vibes are immaculate.

Question: If you could work with any other actor or director, who would it be?

Johanna Liauw: I adore Jim Parsons, as a soul and an actor. He would be fun to work with. I of course have to mention Quentin Tarantino as well. His style of the worlds he creates are very much in line with a character I envision myself playing. But yes, there are so many other amazing creatives I would be honored to collaborate with.

Question: What advice do you have for aspiring actors?

Johanna Liauw: Hands down my top advice would be to have a strong belief in yourself and know that you are talented. Say your affirmations, meditate… keep your mind in a state of bliss as much as possible. Your thoughts and the frequency you vibrate at create your reality.

Interview by Gwen van Montfort


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