To mark the day to raise awareness and encourage others to donate we are simply requesting that you style yourself in denim and show your support for Jeans for Genes via social media:
Instagram: @JeansforGenesAU #jeansforgenesau
Facebook: Jeans for Genes Australia
A Few Quick Facts regarding CMRI and Jeans for Genes Day:
1 in 20 kids is born in Australia with a genetic disease or birth defect
$2 will buy enough crucial enzymes to test the blood of one patient for aggressive types of cancers
$5 buys a plastic '96-in-one' test tube to screen 96 potential epilepsy drugs at once
$10 gives scientists 200 mini test tubes to help discover genes that cause blindness in children. CMRI scientists have already discovered 12
$1000 helps CMRI scientist test a new drug to treat cancer, epilepsy, or other neurological conditions