Australia's biggest gluten free food show is set to hit Melbourne in September when the Irresistible Gluten Free Show serves up a smorgasbord of gluten free fare, an impressive line up of food and nutrition experts and for the first time, the macro wholefood market kitchen, featuring world class chef Tobie Puttock.

It's a veritable food Mecca for anyone with coeliac disease or other food intolerances as well as anyone just looking for a bit of a culinary health kick.

The gluten-free sector of Australia's food industry is growing rapidly as an estimated one million Australians follow a gluten-free diet.

And now Gluten Free eaters and dieters can now have their cake and eat it too with tips and ideas from some of the best gluten free chefs coming together including Spencer Clements and Rowie Dillion and joined by Deeks Bakery owner and former Olympian Robert de Castella.

You'll find the aisles cram-packed with the latest gluten free food products including pasta, bread, snack food, drinks, confectionary, natural supplements and cook books.

With more than 90 exhibitors at this year's Show, there will be products available at exclusive show special prices, loads of freebies and plenty of information on gluten free cooking and eating.

The show will also feature live cooking demonstrations from leading chefs and gluten-free experts and be inspired by delicious food that the whole family will love.

As well as the latest gluten-free food products, visitors to the two-day show can hear the latest information and advice on all things gluten-free from medical professionals including dietitians and doctors in a series of 'Ask the Experts' seminars.


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