Infertility The Hidden Causes

Infertility The Hidden Causes

Infertility The Hidden Causes

How to overcome them naturally!

In this well researched book, Dr Sandra Cabot and naturopath Margaret Jasinska explore the many hidden causes of infertility which are often easily overcome.

Fertility problems are escalating and it's not just women in their late 30s that are affected. Infertility is a sign that something is not right with you or your partner's health. A healthy body is a fertile body - our bodies are cleverly designed to reproduce, and when that doesn't happen, there is always an explanation. This easy-to-read book offers hope and direction for anyone trying to have a baby.

One in six couples experience infertility. They are often left confused, hopeless and with no definitive answers as to what can be done to improve their chance of conceiving. Infertility is not a disease; rather it is a symptom of an underlying health problem

By improving the health of both prospective parents, not only will this dramatically increase the chance of achieving a healthy pregnancy; it will also increase the likelihood of having a healthy baby.

Dr Sandra Cabot is the Medical and Executive Director of the Australian National Health Advisory Service. She graduated with Honours in Medicine and Surgery from the University of Adelaide in South Australia in 1975.

Dr Cabot began her medical career in 1980 as a GP Obstetrician-Gynaecologist and practiced in Sydney, Australia. Sandra is the author of the Liver Cleansing Diet - best selling non-fiction book of the 90's and still selling!

Dr Cabot has also written over twenty other ground breaking books which cover many health related topics.

Dr Cabot is an experienced commercial pilot and flies herself to seminars throughout Australia, often visiting remote areas. Dr Cabot and her Beechcraft Baron aircraft do regular work for the Angel Flight Charity, which provides free transport for patients with chronic and severe disabilities in remote Australian areas. Dr Cabot's aircraft has done well over 100 flights since January 2007 for the Angel Flight Charity.

Dr Cabot has conducted health seminars all over the world and is frequently asked to lecture for numerous health organisations such as The American Liver Foundation and the Annual Hepatitis Symposium.

Dr Cabot still has an active medical practice and does research into liver diseases.

Margaret Jasinska is a naturopath who has been in clinical practice for more than ten years. Margaret has a particular interest in disorders of the digestive system and immune system. She is a keen author and researcher who enjoys keeping abreast of new developments in health care. Margaret has co-authored six books with Dr Cabot. Margaret greatly enjoys educating individuals on how to improve their health through dietary modifications and nutritional medicine.

Infertility The Hidden Causes
Health Directions Pty Ltd
Authors: Dr Sandra Cabot and Margaret Jasinska ND
ISBN: 9780975743768
Price: $24.95

Interview with Margaret Jasinska ND, Naturopath for Dr Sandra Cabot

Question: What originally inspired you to write this book?

Margaret Jasinska: Infertility is an extremely common condition. Over the years we have seen an increasing number of patients presenting at our clinics with an inability to conceive. This inspired us to research the numerous causes of infertility further. We have seen so many couples opt for expensive and stressful fertility treatments, when these treatments should be a last resort. In the vast majority of cases a cause can be found for a couple's infertility and it can be treated for a fraction of the cost. We enjoy the detective work of finding out just what is standing in the way of each couple's inability to conceive. It is our aim to make both prospective parents healthier because by optimising the health of the parents, we hope to create a healthier future generation.

Question: How could our workplace be making us infertile?

Margaret Jasinska: We know that exposure to various chemicals can interfere with fertility, and some occupations are particularly risky. People at higher risk include dentists and dental assistants, veterinarians, people who work in dry cleaning, laboratory workers, painters, mechanics, hair dressers, factory workers and people who work in the plastics industry. Heavy metals, plastics, solvents and pesticides can all increase the risk of infertility. Many of these chemicals act as endocrine disruptors, meaning they disrupt hormones in our body. They increase the risk of menstrual disorders, infertility and miscarriage.

Question: How does our diet impact on our infertility?

Margaret Jasinska: Diet has an enormous bearing on fertility. Deficiency of several nutrients can greatly impair fertility. The most likely culprits are vitamin D, iodine, selenium, zinc and iron deficiency. In women they can prevent ovulation or reduce the quality of the egg; in men they undermine sperm quality and quantity. Nutrient deficiencies can be corrected rapidly and inexpensively. Excess sugar and carbohydrate rich foods (flour based foods) are a major trigger of polycystic ovarian syndrome in women, and this is an extremely common cause of infertility. Caffeine increases the risk of infertility and miscarriage. Excess alcohol and cigarettes greatly impair the health of sperm.

Question: Can you give us an idea of the fertility diet you talk about in Infertility The Hidden Causes?

Margaret Jasinska: The diet is based on eating unprocessed foods in their natural state. We encourage people to mostly eat fresh vegetables, protein (such as eggs, poultry, fish, red meat), fruit, nuts, seeds and good fats like extra virgin olive oil and avocados. We recommend couples keep their intake of grains and cereals and dairy products low, or avoid them altogether. This is because these foods commonly produce allergies that stress the immune system and can impair fertility. It is also important to avoid all kinds of artificial additives in foods. The less chemicals you consume, the better.

Question: What success have you seen from the fertility diet?

Margaret Jasinska: We have been successfully treating couples with infertility for a number of years and have shared some case studies in our book. Diet plays a major role in the treatment of infertility, but several other factors are just as important; these include: restoring hormonal balance, minimising exposure to certain environmental toxins, checking for and addressing the myriad immune system disorders that impair fertility, checking for infections and structural problems, and assessing the quality and quantity of sperm in the male. When all these factors are addressed in both prospective parents, conception and a healthy pregnancy are highly likely.

Interview by Brooke Hunter




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