Born between: August 23rd - Sep 22nd
Dedicated and accomplished are the best ways to describe a Virgo as they have profound morals and are often initiative. However those born under the Virgo star sign need to take extra care to control their temper and be patient.
If you've been feeling tired or sick lately, this will probably turn around for you, Virgo. You may often experience moodiness, and this can be a real drain. Your emotional state can affect how your body feels. Be sure to take care of your feelings as well as your body. If there are things that need to be worked out, take care of them today. The two really do go together.
2024-02-25, Sunday: Changing Influences
There may not be a lot to do except run with what's happening today. The events will be things you've set in motion for yourself or alternatively, happenings over which you have no control. Warrior Mars is weaving something new in the web of your life. Let it take place. Impatience or frustration will not achieve anything. Mystic colors are shimmering silver and satin pink. Lucky numbers are 6 and 30.
2023-02-25, Saturday: Changing Influences
There may not be a lot to do except run with what's happening today. The events will be things you've set in motion for yourself or alternatively, happenings over which you have no control. Warrior Mars is weaving something new in the web of your life. Let it take place. Impatience or frustration will not achieve anything. Mystic colors are shimmering silver and satin pink. Lucky numbers are 6 and 30.
2022-02-25, Friday: Changing Influences
There may not be a lot to do except run with what's happening today. The events will be things you've set in motion for yourself or alternatively, happenings over which you have no control. Warrior Mars is weaving something new in the web of your life. Let it take place. Impatience or frustration will not achieve anything. Mystic colors are shimmering silver and satin pink. Lucky numbers are 6 and 30.
2021-02-25, Thursday: Changing Influences
There may not be a lot to do except run with what's happening today. The events will be things you've set in motion for yourself or alternatively, happenings over which you have no control. Warrior Mars is weaving something new in the web of your life. Let it take place. Impatience or frustration will not achieve anything. Mystic colors are shimmering silver and satin pink. Lucky numbers are 6 and 30.
2020-02-25, Tuesday: Changing Influences
There may not be a lot to do except run with what's happening today. The events will be things you've set in motion for yourself or alternatively, happenings over which you have no control. Warrior Mars is weaving something new in the web of your life. Let it take place. Impatience or frustration will not achieve anything. Mystic colors are shimmering silver and satin pink. Lucky numbers are 6 and 30.
2019-02-25, Monday: Changing Influences
There may not be a lot to do except run with what's happening today. The events will be things you've set in motion for yourself or alternatively, happenings over which you have no control. Warrior Mars is weaving something new in the web of your life. Let it take place. Impatience or frustration will not achieve anything. Mystic colors are shimmering silver and satin pink. Lucky numbers are 6 and 30.
2018-02-25, Sunday: Changing Influences
There may not be a lot to do except run with what's happening today. The events will be things you've set in motion for yourself or alternatively, happenings over which you have no control. Warrior Mars is weaving something new in the web of your life. Let it take place. Impatience or frustration will not achieve anything. Mystic colors are shimmering silver and satin pink. Lucky numbers are 6 and 30.
2017-02-25, Saturday: Changing Influences
There may not be a lot to do except run with what's happening today. The events will be things you've set in motion for yourself or alternatively, happenings over which you have no control. Warrior Mars is weaving something new in the web of your life. Let it take place. Impatience or frustration will not achieve anything. Mystic colors are shimmering silver and satin pink. Lucky numbers are 6 and 30.
2016-02-25, Thursday: Changing Influences
There may not be a lot to do except run with what's happening today. The events will be things you've set in motion for yourself or alternatively, happenings over which you have no control. Warrior Mars is weaving something new in the web of your life. Let it take place. Impatience or frustration will not achieve anything. Mystic colors are shimmering silver and satin pink. Lucky numbers are 6 and 30.
2015-02-25, Wednesday: Changing Influences
There may not be a lot to do except run with what's happening today. The events will be things you've set in motion for yourself or alternatively, happenings over which you have no control. Warrior Mars is weaving something new in the web of your life. Let it take place. Impatience or frustration will not achieve anything. Mystic colors are shimmering silver and satin pink. Lucky numbers are 6 and 30.
2014-02-25, Tuesday: Changing Influences
There may not be a lot to do except run with what's happening today. The events will be things you've set in motion for yourself or alternatively, happenings over which you have no control. Warrior Mars is weaving something new in the web of your life. Let it take place. Impatience or frustration will not achieve anything. Mystic colors are shimmering silver and satin pink. Lucky numbers are 6 and 30.
2012-02-25, Saturday: Changing Influences
There may not be a lot to do except run with what's happening today. The events will be things you've set in motion for yourself or alternatively, happenings over which you have no control. Warrior Mars is weaving something new in the web of your life. Let it take place. Impatience or frustration will not achieve anything. Mystic colors are shimmering silver and satin pink. Lucky numbers are 6 and 30.
2011-02-25, Friday: Healing Process
Disturbing dreams and intense emotions could dominate the day, so just try to look at this discomfort as a healing process. As you grow spiritually, you may need to face those who have helped produce much of your inner torment. The only way out is forgiveness... you don't have to trust or even like someone who has hurt you in the past, but forgiveness is the key to setting yourself free. Advantageous colours are bark brown and ebony. Lucky numbers are 20 and 22.
2010-02-25, Thursday: Sweetheart
The tender Moon and affectionate Venus blend well in your relationship houses, helping this to be one of the most romantic days of the month. Why not write a note to your sweetheart and let him/her know just how special they are to you? During this month of hearts and flowers, it can't hurt to express your sentimental feelings. Beneficial colours are electric blue and sparkling green. Lucky numbers are 11 and 20.
2006-02-25, Saturday: Fully Engaged
There is some emotional stress today, a bit of a letdown after the recent fun. Nevertheless, if you are working, your mind is fully engaged, producing quite some progress in finding ways for improving systems and routines. Disagreements with colleagues and subordinates should be addressed with care and can wait till after the weekend. It's a good day for investigating new health treatments, getting a makeover, or starting a positive exercise routine. Beneficial colours are mandarin and white. Lucky numbers are 6 and 10.
2005-02-25, Friday: A Bit Different
Do yourself a favour and mix with people who are a bit different, or even eccentric today. It will do you good and bring out an unexpected side of your personality that could do with an airing. You may even be rather shocked by the way you behave, especially if you're usually quite buttoned-up and self-controlled. It's time to let down your guard and live a little! Energising colours are peacock blue and iridescent green. Lucky numbers are 25 and 18.
2004-02-25, Wednesday: Falling Into Place
With the Moon in Taurus and your solar ninth house, the urge for freedom and wide open spaces will be overwhelming. Things should fall into place now, possibly more by accident than design. At least you'll know where you're going and what you need to do. A break from current circumstances or routines is highly likely. Admirable colours are avocado and yellow ochre. Lucky numbers are 4 and 25.