Virgo's Horoscopes |



Born between: August 23rd - Sep 22nd

Dedicated and accomplished are the best ways to describe a Virgo as they have profound morals and are often initiative. However those born under the Virgo star sign need to take extra care to control their temper and be patient.

2025-02-24, Monday
Today, Virgo, you may think about competition and possible future goals. Imagining and dreaming can serve you well. What did you dream about as a kid? Who did you want to become? Are you close to this in your life now? If not, is this all right for you? Take time to think such things through and, if need be, get back on the right track.
2024-02-24, Saturday: Strong Feelings
There are strong feelings building as the Moon clashes with obstructive Pluto so go for it. Lifestyle spending is an issue today, so cut up the credit card if you dare. You may feel more than usually passionate. If so, stay close to your nearest and dearest. Psychic or creative urges may be strong but you may be uncertain as to how to put them to work. Don't let frustration drive you. Forthright colors are beige and navy. Lucky numbers are 12 and 28.
2023-02-24, Friday: Strong Feelings
There are strong feelings building as the Moon clashes with obstructive Pluto so go for it. Lifestyle spending is an issue today, so cut up the credit card if you dare. You may feel more than usually passionate. If so, stay close to your nearest and dearest. Psychic or creative urges may be strong but you may be uncertain as to how to put them to work. Don't let frustration drive you. Forthright colors are beige and navy. Lucky numbers are 12 and 28.
2022-02-24, Thursday: Strong Feelings
There are strong feelings building as the Moon clashes with obstructive Pluto so go for it. Lifestyle spending is an issue today, so cut up the credit card if you dare. You may feel more than usually passionate. If so, stay close to your nearest and dearest. Psychic or creative urges may be strong but you may be uncertain as to how to put them to work. Don't let frustration drive you. Forthright colors are beige and navy. Lucky numbers are 12 and 28.
2021-02-24, Wednesday: Strong Feelings
There are strong feelings building as the Moon clashes with obstructive Pluto so go for it. Lifestyle spending is an issue today, so cut up the credit card if you dare. You may feel more than usually passionate. If so, stay close to your nearest and dearest. Psychic or creative urges may be strong but you may be uncertain as to how to put them to work. Don't let frustration drive you. Forthright colors are beige and navy. Lucky numbers are 12 and 28.
2020-02-24, Monday: Strong Feelings
There are strong feelings building as the Moon clashes with obstructive Pluto so go for it. Lifestyle spending is an issue today, so cut up the credit card if you dare. You may feel more than usually passionate. If so, stay close to your nearest and dearest. Psychic or creative urges may be strong but you may be uncertain as to how to put them to work. Don't let frustration drive you. Forthright colors are beige and navy. Lucky numbers are 12 and 28.
2019-02-24, Sunday: Strong Feelings
There are strong feelings building as the Moon clashes with obstructive Pluto so go for it. Lifestyle spending is an issue today, so cut up the credit card if you dare. You may feel more than usually passionate. If so, stay close to your nearest and dearest. Psychic or creative urges may be strong but you may be uncertain as to how to put them to work. Don't let frustration drive you. Forthright colors are beige and navy. Lucky numbers are 12 and 28.
2018-02-24, Saturday: Strong Feelings
There are strong feelings building as the Moon clashes with obstructive Pluto so go for it. Lifestyle spending is an issue today, so cut up the credit card if you dare. You may feel more than usually passionate. If so, stay close to your nearest and dearest. Psychic or creative urges may be strong but you may be uncertain as to how to put them to work. Don't let frustration drive you. Forthright colors are beige and navy. Lucky numbers are 12 and 28.
2017-02-24, Friday: Strong Feelings
There are strong feelings building as the Moon clashes with obstructive Pluto so go for it. Lifestyle spending is an issue today, so cut up the credit card if you dare. You may feel more than usually passionate. If so, stay close to your nearest and dearest. Psychic or creative urges may be strong but you may be uncertain as to how to put them to work. Don't let frustration drive you. Forthright colors are beige and navy. Lucky numbers are 12 and 28.
2016-02-24, Wednesday: Strong Feelings
There are strong feelings building as the Moon clashes with obstructive Pluto so go for it. Lifestyle spending is an issue today, so cut up the credit card if you dare. You may feel more than usually passionate. If so, stay close to your nearest and dearest. Psychic or creative urges may be strong but you may be uncertain as to how to put them to work. Don't let frustration drive you. Forthright colors are beige and navy. Lucky numbers are 12 and 28.
2015-02-24, Tuesday: Strong Feelings
There are strong feelings building as the Moon clashes with obstructive Pluto so go for it. Lifestyle spending is an issue today, so cut up the credit card if you dare. You may feel more than usually passionate. If so, stay close to your nearest and dearest. Psychic or creative urges may be strong but you may be uncertain as to how to put them to work. Don't let frustration drive you. Forthright colors are beige and navy. Lucky numbers are 12 and 28.
2014-02-24, Monday: Strong Feelings
There are strong feelings building as the Moon clashes with obstructive Pluto so go for it. Lifestyle spending is an issue today, so cut up the credit card if you dare. You may feel more than usually passionate. If so, stay close to your nearest and dearest. Psychic or creative urges may be strong but you may be uncertain as to how to put them to work. Don't let frustration drive you. Forthright colors are beige and navy. Lucky numbers are 12 and 28.
2012-02-24, Friday: Strong Feelings
There are strong feelings building as the Moon clashes with obstructive Pluto so go for it. Lifestyle spending is an issue today, so cut up the credit card if you dare. You may feel more than usually passionate. If so, stay close to your nearest and dearest. Psychic or creative urges may be strong but you may be uncertain as to how to put them to work. Don't let frustration drive you. Forthright colors are beige and navy. Lucky numbers are 12 and 28.
2011-02-24, Thursday: Primal
Take control over your emotional responses before they take control of you. If you've never given primal scream therapy a try, you might want to experience it yourself over the next day or two. Bend down with your head between your knees, then lift up with a scream that comes from your toes all the way through to the top of your head. Feel better now? Fortunate colours are pale green and oyster. Lucky numbers are 9 and 13.
2010-02-24, Wednesday: Responsive
The normally reserved Virgo may find passions rising out of control today as the responsive Moon stimulates expansive Jupiter. This energy must find an outlet or you may find yourself embroiled in needless power struggles with those who are dearest to you, such as your children or your lover. Creativity and physical exercise will help make this a fortunate and productive day. Auspicious colours are pewter and aubergine. Lucky numbers are 30 and 42.
2005-02-24, Thursday: Full Moon
There's a Full Moon today and it's going to affect your personal life during the coming two weeks. This means it's a great opportunity for you to get rid of anything that you no longer need, such as any clutter that you've collected or that spare tyre round your waist. Alternatively, maybe you need to get rid of some bad habits, such as always putting yourself down or taking a negative attitude to life. Fortunate colours are bronze and lemon. Lucky numbers are 26 and 66.
2004-02-24, Tuesday: Changing Influences
There may not be a lot to do except run with what's happening today. The events will be things you've set in motion for yourself or alternatively, happenings over which you have no control. Warrior Mars, mystic Neptune and the Lunar Nodes are weaving something new in the web of your life. Let it take place. Impatience or frustration will not achieve anything. Mystic colours are shimmering silver and satin pink. Lucky numbers are 6 and 30.

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