Safari-Pinned-Tab.Svg's Horoscopes |



Born between:

2025-03-09, Sunday
Romance is very much highlighted today, Pisces. All signs point to you and your partner being in perfect sync. No wonder you two have been getting along so well! It's a great time to consider taking the next important step in your relationship. Whether you're just starting out or have been together for a while, there's always room to grow and reach new heights together. Communicate openly about your shared goals and dreams, and plan something special to celebrate this harmony. Trust that this positive energy will elevate your connection to new levels.
2025-03-09, Sunday
It looks like a financial blessing is headed your way, Aquarius! Whether it’s an unexpected inheritance or a fantastic return on an investment, this windfall could boost your spirits significantly. To make the most of it, consider planning wisely for the future. Instead of splurging on immediate pleasures, think about securing your long-term goals. Perhaps consult a financial advisor to explore options like savings, investments, or paying off debts. Making strategic choices now could bring stability and prosperity in the years to come. Enjoy the surprise, but keep your eyes on the long-term prize!
2025-03-09, Sunday
It’s a great day to connect with your community, Capricorn! You might find yourself at a local event or gathering, where you're pleasantly surprised to discover shared interests with those who live nearby. Initially attending out of obligation, you soon feel the genuine camaraderie and teamwork that unfold. This setting offers the perfect opportunity to roll up your sleeves and contribute to a common goal alongside your neighbors. By the end of the event, expect to forge some meaningful friendships and connections. Enjoy the sense of unity and the satisfaction of working together towards something positive!
2025-03-09, Sunday
Today, you may feel the urge to add some color to your life, Sagittarius. Take this opportunity to refresh your home environment with small, vibrant touches. Consider picking up a few flowering plants or some colorful scatter rugs and artwork to instantly lift your spirits. You don't need to break the bank; even small changes can make a big difference. Another way to create warmth and coziness is by baking a batch of chocolate chip cookies. The smell alone can make your space feel more homey and inviting. Plus, it's hard to stay grumpy with a milk moustache!
2025-03-09, Sunday
You're a hard and conscientious worker, Scorpio, and it's important to balance that dedication with some much-needed personal time. Working hard is admirable, but pushing yourself too far can lead to burnout. Make it a priority to schedule regular breaks and downtime. Whether it’s a short walk, a hobby, or simply some quiet meditation, these moments can recharge your energy and maintain your well-being. Remember, sustaining a healthy work-life balance will not only benefit you in the long run but also enhance your productivity and satisfaction. Take care of yourself; you're worth it!
2025-03-09, Sunday
Spending time outdoors in quiet reflection can be incredibly rejuvenating, Libra. Consider taking a half-hour walk through a city park or a nearby natural setting. This brief escape will help you feel more rested and grounded, providing a much-needed break from your busy routine. You've been working hard lately, and it’s essential to refill the well of your soul. Prioritize this downtime to avoid burnout. Remember, a little self-care goes a long way in maintaining your energy and well-being. Make it a habit to weave these peaceful moments into your day.
2025-03-09, Sunday
With your charm and social skills, Virgo, you’re in the perfect spot to shine. The astral energy is giving you that extra boost, making today an ideal time to step out and impress. Even if you're not feeling it, going the extra mile could lead to exciting opportunities. Keep an eye out for invitations from influential people or chances to showcase your talents in social settings. These could be stepping stones to bigger things. Embrace the spotlight and let your natural charisma work its magic. Remember, this is your time to stand out, so seize every moment with confidence!
2025-03-09, Sunday
It might feel tempting to search for a new job to boost your income, Leo, but drastic moves may not be necessary. Your current situation might be more promising than it seems. Consider having an open conversation with your boss; they might already be thinking about offering you a raise. It's worth exploring this option before making any big decisions. If your financial concerns are temporary, think about discussing a low-interest loan with a family member to bridge the gap. This could provide the relief you need without long-term changes. Trust that things could improve soon with the right approach.
2025-03-09, Sunday
You've been putting in the effort, and it's about to pay off, Cancer. Your dedication hasn't gone unnoticed, and a significant career opportunity is on the horizon. Stay focused on your goals and keep putting your skills to use. Networking and seeking feedback could enhance your visibility and readiness for the next step. Remember, patience and persistence are key. Keep your eyes open for new opportunities, and trust that your hard work will lead to rewarding advancements. You're on the brink of something great, so maintain your momentum and stay optimistic. Your perseverance is about to yield exciting results!
2025-03-09, Sunday
Today, you'll likely wake up, glance around your home, and see plenty of room for improvement. Fortunately, Gemini, you are the perfect person for this task! You have a knack for creativity and decorating, even if you don’t always recognize it. With some visitors expected this evening, why not spend the day reorganizing and enhancing your living space? Add homey touches with groupings of framed family photos on one table and a cherished collection on another. Remember, it doesn’t take money to make a home feel welcoming; just a little bit of love and creativity can transform your space beautifully.
2025-03-09, Sunday
It looks like today is the day your persistence pays off, Taurus. That project you've been grinding away at is finally gaining momentum. Your dedication and effort are starting to show results, giving you that well-deserved sense of achievement. Keep the momentum going, though! Use this progress as motivation to push even harder. Set short-term goals to maintain focus and take proactive steps to keep things moving forward. Remember, consistency is key to long-term success. Celebrate your victories but stay driven to achieve even more recognition and success in your endeavors!
2025-03-09, Sunday
Harness your ambitious nature today, Aries. The stars are aligned in your favor, so it's the perfect time to tackle those career goals. Your focus is sharp, and your understanding of what needs to be done is crystal clear. Start by setting specific objectives and outlining the steps to achieve them. Prioritize tasks that have the most impact, and don't hesitate to take bold actions. Trust in your capabilities—there’s nothing standing in your way. Embrace the positive momentum and push forward with confidence. Success is within your reach, and today’s efforts will set the stage for future achievements.
2024-03-09, Saturday: Full Of Energy
Find the right balance for your strong opinions and you'll brighten up the room. You have confidence in what you're doing and what you believe in, but don't push it too far and end up in disagreements. Everything is under the microscope today, so don't get suspicious or make judgments before you have all the information at your fingertips. Control the temptation to be over-forceful. Appropriate colors are emerald and ivory. Lucky numbers are 10 and 27.
2024-03-09, Saturday: Creative Discussions
Todays configuration gives you a sense of boldness and the feeling that you are able to do things you haven't been able to do before. Just don't get too sharp or confrontational. Open up a little more. If you feel you might be humiliated if you disclose all your best ideas, consider that you will actually gain from creative discussions. Beneficial colors are black onyx and red coral. Lucky numbers are 13 and 15.
2024-03-09, Saturday: Helpful Influences
Don't get yourself over-hyped, dear Virgo. Your energy and assertiveness is high, so it's important not to look as if you're trying to pick a fight. If everyone is honest and straightforward, then the influences today can be immensely helpful. Remaining detached and unemotional is the key. Auspicious colors are purple and bronze. Lucky numbers are 42 and 25.
2024-03-09, Saturday: Speak Your Mind
Be positive, upfront and speak your mind. This is not the time to hide in a corner or sweep your feelings out of sight. Just don't be too critical, especially with the thin-skinned. Remember their sensitive spots before you blurt out your opinions. Communication is a two-way process, so it pays to listen more to other people. The more you hear what they have to say, the better it will be in the long run. Suitable colors are tan and graphite. Lucky numbers are 74 and 2.
2024-03-09, Saturday: Keep Moving
Keep moving, but be wary of foot-in-mouth syndrome. If you leap into saying one or two things too sharply, it won't work. But if you're clear in what you're saying, then others will appreciate it. Avoid homing in on one matter to the point of obsession - so focused in on the detail that you can't see the broader picture. Focused colors are pistachio and citrine. Lucky numbers are 9 and 11.
2024-03-09, Saturday: Enjoy The Challenge
Don't get furious if someone disagrees with you, but stand back and be creative about the differences. Enjoy the challenge. If you are feeling gloomy give yourself a shake. Sometimes you just have to get underneath to find out what people's motivations really are, or what has led you to the situation you are facing. Knowledge can lead to freedom. Advantageous colors are mink and melon. Lucky numbers are 8 and 45.
2024-03-09, Saturday: Cool And Clinical
Edgy planetary aspects can make you a bit cool and clinical about other people's inadequacies. Needless to say they may not take it very kindly. Soften your approach. Stop and think about the consequences of your behavior for others, because Mars tends to push you straight for where you want to go. You are likely to find that you're thinking about things rather more deeply. You may come across as being a little bit more forceful than you intend. Communicative colors are clotted cream and american oak. Lucky numbers are 36 and 21.
2024-03-09, Saturday: Barrel Ahead
Warrior Mars stimulates a challenge, a bit of controversy, but do not push it too far. You have the confidence to get things done and will barrel ahead quickly, but you could be critical, seeing mistakes and pointing out other people's flaws. This they may not take to very kindly. Are you frustrated because companions shut off what you say? It's time to rethink your approach. Beneficial colors are aubergine and kiwi fruit. Lucky numbers are 21 and 19.
2024-03-09, Saturday: On Your Toes
It's a busy day, so stay on your toes. There's no chance of boredom, with a so much variety in your schedule. Mercury always zaps around at top speed, but remember to be more reflective, and tactful. Your enthusiasm will help other people and sweep them along with you. Remember to be tolerant, keeping an open mind fo optimum results Fortunate colors are burgundy and barley bread. Lucky numbers are 11 and 66.
2024-03-09, Saturday: Confidence Stimulated
Say the things you need to say, Scorp. Be clear about who you are, but also be clear that it's OK for other people to be who they are. Aim for a creative and constructive discussion. You may be absolutely right in what you are thinking or saying, but keep an open mind. Confident colors are cumquat and blackberry. Lucky numbers are 13 and 12.
2024-03-09, Saturday: Buzz Buzz
You're likely to be busy with your mind on red alert. Buzzing around at speed, your tongue will also be moving rather quickly. You won't take kindly to those who tell you what to do, give you orders or crowd you. You need to muster up all your persuasive force and vigor. Persuasive colors are salmon and azure. Lucky numbers are 66 and 78.
2024-03-09, Saturday: Courage And Confidence
With the gorgeous Moon glowing in Libra, you're full of the courage and confidence to say the things you want to say. Sort the situation out in a sensible way now and take constructive steps to find out what you need to know. Long-term answers will come to you if you persist. Appropriate colors are yellow and silver. Lucky numbers are 45 and 26.
2023-03-09, Thursday: Confidence Stimulated
Say the things you need to say, Scorp. Be clear about who you are, but also be clear that it's OK for other people to be who they are. Aim for a creative and constructive discussion. You may be absolutely right in what you are thinking or saying, but keep an open mind. Confident colors are cumquat and blackberry. Lucky numbers are 13 and 12.
2023-03-09, Thursday: Creative Discussions
Todays configuration gives you a sense of boldness and the feeling that you are able to do things you haven't been able to do before. Just don't get too sharp or confrontational. Open up a little more. If you feel you might be humiliated if you disclose all your best ideas, consider that you will actually gain from creative discussions. Beneficial colors are black onyx and red coral. Lucky numbers are 13 and 15.
2023-03-09, Thursday: On Your Toes
It's a busy day, so stay on your toes. There's no chance of boredom, with a so much variety in your schedule. Mercury always zaps around at top speed, but remember to be more reflective, and tactful. Your enthusiasm will help other people and sweep them along with you. Remember to be tolerant, keeping an open mind fo optimum results Fortunate colors are burgundy and barley bread. Lucky numbers are 11 and 66.
2023-03-09, Thursday: Speak Your Mind
Be positive, upfront and speak your mind. This is not the time to hide in a corner or sweep your feelings out of sight. Just don't be too critical, especially with the thin-skinned. Remember their sensitive spots before you blurt out your opinions. Communication is a two-way process, so it pays to listen more to other people. The more you hear what they have to say, the better it will be in the long run. Suitable colors are tan and graphite. Lucky numbers are 74 and 2.
2023-03-09, Thursday: Full Of Energy
Find the right balance for your strong opinions and you'll brighten up the room. You have confidence in what you're doing and what you believe in, but don't push it too far and end up in disagreements. Everything is under the microscope today, so don't get suspicious or make judgments before you have all the information at your fingertips. Control the temptation to be over-forceful. Appropriate colors are emerald and ivory. Lucky numbers are 10 and 27.
2023-03-09, Thursday: Courage And Confidence
With the gorgeous Moon glowing in Libra, you're full of the courage and confidence to say the things you want to say. Sort the situation out in a sensible way now and take constructive steps to find out what you need to know. Long-term answers will come to you if you persist. Appropriate colors are yellow and silver. Lucky numbers are 45 and 26.
2023-03-09, Thursday: Helpful Influences
Don't get yourself over-hyped, dear Virgo. Your energy and assertiveness is high, so it's important not to look as if you're trying to pick a fight. If everyone is honest and straightforward, then the influences today can be immensely helpful. Remaining detached and unemotional is the key. Auspicious colors are purple and bronze. Lucky numbers are 42 and 25.
2023-03-09, Thursday: Keep Moving
Keep moving, but be wary of foot-in-mouth syndrome. If you leap into saying one or two things too sharply, it won't work. But if you're clear in what you're saying, then others will appreciate it. Avoid homing in on one matter to the point of obsession - so focused in on the detail that you can't see the broader picture. Focused colors are pistachio and citrine. Lucky numbers are 9 and 11.
2023-03-09, Thursday: Barrel Ahead
Warrior Mars stimulates a challenge, a bit of controversy, but do not push it too far. You have the confidence to get things done and will barrel ahead quickly, but you could be critical, seeing mistakes and pointing out other people's flaws. This they may not take to very kindly. Are you frustrated because companions shut off what you say? It's time to rethink your approach. Beneficial colors are aubergine and kiwi fruit. Lucky numbers are 21 and 19.
2023-03-09, Thursday: Buzz Buzz
You're likely to be busy with your mind on red alert. Buzzing around at speed, your tongue will also be moving rather quickly. You won't take kindly to those who tell you what to do, give you orders or crowd you. You need to muster up all your persuasive force and vigor. Persuasive colors are salmon and azure. Lucky numbers are 66 and 78.
2023-03-09, Thursday: Enjoy The Challenge
Don't get furious if someone disagrees with you, but stand back and be creative about the differences. Enjoy the challenge. If you are feeling gloomy give yourself a shake. Sometimes you just have to get underneath to find out what people's motivations really are, or what has led you to the situation you are facing. Knowledge can lead to freedom. Advantageous colors are mink and melon. Lucky numbers are 8 and 45.
2023-03-09, Thursday: Cool And Clinical
Edgy planetary aspects can make you a bit cool and clinical about other people's inadequacies. Needless to say they may not take it very kindly. Soften your approach. Stop and think about the consequences of your behavior for others, because Mars tends to push you straight for where you want to go. You are likely to find that you're thinking about things rather more deeply. You may come across as being a little bit more forceful than you intend. Communicative colors are clotted cream and american oak. Lucky numbers are 36 and 21.
2022-03-09, Wednesday: Creative Discussions
Todays configuration gives you a sense of boldness and the feeling that you are able to do things you haven't been able to do before. Just don't get too sharp or confrontational. Open up a little more. If you feel you might be humiliated if you disclose all your best ideas, consider that you will actually gain from creative discussions. Beneficial colors are black onyx and red coral. Lucky numbers are 13 and 15.
2022-03-09, Wednesday: On Your Toes
It's a busy day, so stay on your toes. There's no chance of boredom, with a so much variety in your schedule. Mercury always zaps around at top speed, but remember to be more reflective, and tactful. Your enthusiasm will help other people and sweep them along with you. Remember to be tolerant, keeping an open mind fo optimum results Fortunate colors are burgundy and barley bread. Lucky numbers are 11 and 66.
2022-03-09, Wednesday: Speak Your Mind
Be positive, upfront and speak your mind. This is not the time to hide in a corner or sweep your feelings out of sight. Just don't be too critical, especially with the thin-skinned. Remember their sensitive spots before you blurt out your opinions. Communication is a two-way process, so it pays to listen more to other people. The more you hear what they have to say, the better it will be in the long run. Suitable colors are tan and graphite. Lucky numbers are 74 and 2.
2022-03-09, Wednesday: Full Of Energy
Find the right balance for your strong opinions and you'll brighten up the room. You have confidence in what you're doing and what you believe in, but don't push it too far and end up in disagreements. Everything is under the microscope today, so don't get suspicious or make judgments before you have all the information at your fingertips. Control the temptation to be over-forceful. Appropriate colors are emerald and ivory. Lucky numbers are 10 and 27.
2022-03-09, Wednesday: Confidence Stimulated
Say the things you need to say, Scorp. Be clear about who you are, but also be clear that it's OK for other people to be who they are. Aim for a creative and constructive discussion. You may be absolutely right in what you are thinking or saying, but keep an open mind. Confident colors are cumquat and blackberry. Lucky numbers are 13 and 12.
2022-03-09, Wednesday: Courage And Confidence
With the gorgeous Moon glowing in Libra, you're full of the courage and confidence to say the things you want to say. Sort the situation out in a sensible way now and take constructive steps to find out what you need to know. Long-term answers will come to you if you persist. Appropriate colors are yellow and silver. Lucky numbers are 45 and 26.
2022-03-09, Wednesday: Helpful Influences
Don't get yourself over-hyped, dear Virgo. Your energy and assertiveness is high, so it's important not to look as if you're trying to pick a fight. If everyone is honest and straightforward, then the influences today can be immensely helpful. Remaining detached and unemotional is the key. Auspicious colors are purple and bronze. Lucky numbers are 42 and 25.
2022-03-09, Wednesday: Keep Moving
Keep moving, but be wary of foot-in-mouth syndrome. If you leap into saying one or two things too sharply, it won't work. But if you're clear in what you're saying, then others will appreciate it. Avoid homing in on one matter to the point of obsession - so focused in on the detail that you can't see the broader picture. Focused colors are pistachio and citrine. Lucky numbers are 9 and 11.
2022-03-09, Wednesday: Barrel Ahead
Warrior Mars stimulates a challenge, a bit of controversy, but do not push it too far. You have the confidence to get things done and will barrel ahead quickly, but you could be critical, seeing mistakes and pointing out other people's flaws. This they may not take to very kindly. Are you frustrated because companions shut off what you say? It's time to rethink your approach. Beneficial colors are aubergine and kiwi fruit. Lucky numbers are 21 and 19.
2022-03-09, Wednesday: Buzz Buzz
You're likely to be busy with your mind on red alert. Buzzing around at speed, your tongue will also be moving rather quickly. You won't take kindly to those who tell you what to do, give you orders or crowd you. You need to muster up all your persuasive force and vigor. Persuasive colors are salmon and azure. Lucky numbers are 66 and 78.
2022-03-09, Wednesday: Enjoy The Challenge
Don't get furious if someone disagrees with you, but stand back and be creative about the differences. Enjoy the challenge. If you are feeling gloomy give yourself a shake. Sometimes you just have to get underneath to find out what people's motivations really are, or what has led you to the situation you are facing. Knowledge can lead to freedom. Advantageous colors are mink and melon. Lucky numbers are 8 and 45.
2022-03-09, Wednesday: Cool And Clinical
Edgy planetary aspects can make you a bit cool and clinical about other people's inadequacies. Needless to say they may not take it very kindly. Soften your approach. Stop and think about the consequences of your behavior for others, because Mars tends to push you straight for where you want to go. You are likely to find that you're thinking about things rather more deeply. You may come across as being a little bit more forceful than you intend. Communicative colors are clotted cream and american oak. Lucky numbers are 36 and 21.
2021-03-09, Tuesday: Creative Discussions
Todays configuration gives you a sense of boldness and the feeling that you are able to do things you haven't been able to do before. Just don't get too sharp or confrontational. Open up a little more. If you feel you might be humiliated if you disclose all your best ideas, consider that you will actually gain from creative discussions. Beneficial colors are black onyx and red coral. Lucky numbers are 13 and 15.
2021-03-09, Tuesday: On Your Toes
It's a busy day, so stay on your toes. There's no chance of boredom, with a so much variety in your schedule. Mercury always zaps around at top speed, but remember to be more reflective, and tactful. Your enthusiasm will help other people and sweep them along with you. Remember to be tolerant, keeping an open mind fo optimum results Fortunate colors are burgundy and barley bread. Lucky numbers are 11 and 66.
2021-03-09, Tuesday: Speak Your Mind
Be positive, upfront and speak your mind. This is not the time to hide in a corner or sweep your feelings out of sight. Just don't be too critical, especially with the thin-skinned. Remember their sensitive spots before you blurt out your opinions. Communication is a two-way process, so it pays to listen more to other people. The more you hear what they have to say, the better it will be in the long run. Suitable colors are tan and graphite. Lucky numbers are 74 and 2.
2021-03-09, Tuesday: Full Of Energy
Find the right balance for your strong opinions and you'll brighten up the room. You have confidence in what you're doing and what you believe in, but don't push it too far and end up in disagreements. Everything is under the microscope today, so don't get suspicious or make judgments before you have all the information at your fingertips. Control the temptation to be over-forceful. Appropriate colors are emerald and ivory. Lucky numbers are 10 and 27.
2021-03-09, Tuesday: Courage And Confidence
With the gorgeous Moon glowing in Libra, you're full of the courage and confidence to say the things you want to say. Sort the situation out in a sensible way now and take constructive steps to find out what you need to know. Long-term answers will come to you if you persist. Appropriate colors are yellow and silver. Lucky numbers are 45 and 26.
2021-03-09, Tuesday: Helpful Influences
Don't get yourself over-hyped, dear Virgo. Your energy and assertiveness is high, so it's important not to look as if you're trying to pick a fight. If everyone is honest and straightforward, then the influences today can be immensely helpful. Remaining detached and unemotional is the key. Auspicious colors are purple and bronze. Lucky numbers are 42 and 25.
2021-03-09, Tuesday: Keep Moving
Keep moving, but be wary of foot-in-mouth syndrome. If you leap into saying one or two things too sharply, it won't work. But if you're clear in what you're saying, then others will appreciate it. Avoid homing in on one matter to the point of obsession - so focused in on the detail that you can't see the broader picture. Focused colors are pistachio and citrine. Lucky numbers are 9 and 11.
2021-03-09, Tuesday: Barrel Ahead
Warrior Mars stimulates a challenge, a bit of controversy, but do not push it too far. You have the confidence to get things done and will barrel ahead quickly, but you could be critical, seeing mistakes and pointing out other people's flaws. This they may not take to very kindly. Are you frustrated because companions shut off what you say? It's time to rethink your approach. Beneficial colors are aubergine and kiwi fruit. Lucky numbers are 21 and 19.
2021-03-09, Tuesday: Buzz Buzz
You're likely to be busy with your mind on red alert. Buzzing around at speed, your tongue will also be moving rather quickly. You won't take kindly to those who tell you what to do, give you orders or crowd you. You need to muster up all your persuasive force and vigor. Persuasive colors are salmon and azure. Lucky numbers are 66 and 78.
2021-03-09, Tuesday: Enjoy The Challenge
Don't get furious if someone disagrees with you, but stand back and be creative about the differences. Enjoy the challenge. If you are feeling gloomy give yourself a shake. Sometimes you just have to get underneath to find out what people's motivations really are, or what has led you to the situation you are facing. Knowledge can lead to freedom. Advantageous colors are mink and melon. Lucky numbers are 8 and 45.
2021-03-09, Tuesday: Cool And Clinical
Edgy planetary aspects can make you a bit cool and clinical about other people's inadequacies. Needless to say they may not take it very kindly. Soften your approach. Stop and think about the consequences of your behavior for others, because Mars tends to push you straight for where you want to go. You are likely to find that you're thinking about things rather more deeply. You may come across as being a little bit more forceful than you intend. Communicative colors are clotted cream and american oak. Lucky numbers are 36 and 21.
2021-03-09, Tuesday: Confidence Stimulated
Say the things you need to say, Scorp. Be clear about who you are, but also be clear that it's OK for other people to be who they are. Aim for a creative and constructive discussion. You may be absolutely right in what you are thinking or saying, but keep an open mind. Confident colors are cumquat and blackberry. Lucky numbers are 13 and 12.
2020-03-09, Monday: Creative Discussions
Todays configuration gives you a sense of boldness and the feeling that you are able to do things you haven't been able to do before. Just don't get too sharp or confrontational. Open up a little more. If you feel you might be humiliated if you disclose all your best ideas, consider that you will actually gain from creative discussions. Beneficial colors are black onyx and red coral. Lucky numbers are 13 and 15.
2020-03-09, Monday: On Your Toes
It's a busy day, so stay on your toes. There's no chance of boredom, with a so much variety in your schedule. Mercury always zaps around at top speed, but remember to be more reflective, and tactful. Your enthusiasm will help other people and sweep them along with you. Remember to be tolerant, keeping an open mind fo optimum results Fortunate colors are burgundy and barley bread. Lucky numbers are 11 and 66.
2020-03-09, Monday: Speak Your Mind
Be positive, upfront and speak your mind. This is not the time to hide in a corner or sweep your feelings out of sight. Just don't be too critical, especially with the thin-skinned. Remember their sensitive spots before you blurt out your opinions. Communication is a two-way process, so it pays to listen more to other people. The more you hear what they have to say, the better it will be in the long run. Suitable colors are tan and graphite. Lucky numbers are 74 and 2.
2020-03-09, Monday: Full Of Energy
Find the right balance for your strong opinions and you'll brighten up the room. You have confidence in what you're doing and what you believe in, but don't push it too far and end up in disagreements. Everything is under the microscope today, so don't get suspicious or make judgments before you have all the information at your fingertips. Control the temptation to be over-forceful. Appropriate colors are emerald and ivory. Lucky numbers are 10 and 27.
2020-03-09, Monday: Confidence Stimulated
Say the things you need to say, Scorp. Be clear about who you are, but also be clear that it's OK for other people to be who they are. Aim for a creative and constructive discussion. You may be absolutely right in what you are thinking or saying, but keep an open mind. Confident colors are cumquat and blackberry. Lucky numbers are 13 and 12.
2020-03-09, Monday: Courage And Confidence
With the gorgeous Moon glowing in Libra, you're full of the courage and confidence to say the things you want to say. Sort the situation out in a sensible way now and take constructive steps to find out what you need to know. Long-term answers will come to you if you persist. Appropriate colors are yellow and silver. Lucky numbers are 45 and 26.
2020-03-09, Monday: Helpful Influences
Don't get yourself over-hyped, dear Virgo. Your energy and assertiveness is high, so it's important not to look as if you're trying to pick a fight. If everyone is honest and straightforward, then the influences today can be immensely helpful. Remaining detached and unemotional is the key. Auspicious colors are purple and bronze. Lucky numbers are 42 and 25.
2020-03-09, Monday: Keep Moving
Keep moving, but be wary of foot-in-mouth syndrome. If you leap into saying one or two things too sharply, it won't work. But if you're clear in what you're saying, then others will appreciate it. Avoid homing in on one matter to the point of obsession - so focused in on the detail that you can't see the broader picture. Focused colors are pistachio and citrine. Lucky numbers are 9 and 11.
2020-03-09, Monday: Barrel Ahead
Warrior Mars stimulates a challenge, a bit of controversy, but do not push it too far. You have the confidence to get things done and will barrel ahead quickly, but you could be critical, seeing mistakes and pointing out other people's flaws. This they may not take to very kindly. Are you frustrated because companions shut off what you say? It's time to rethink your approach. Beneficial colors are aubergine and kiwi fruit. Lucky numbers are 21 and 19.
2020-03-09, Monday: Buzz Buzz
You're likely to be busy with your mind on red alert. Buzzing around at speed, your tongue will also be moving rather quickly. You won't take kindly to those who tell you what to do, give you orders or crowd you. You need to muster up all your persuasive force and vigor. Persuasive colors are salmon and azure. Lucky numbers are 66 and 78.
2020-03-09, Monday: Enjoy The Challenge
Don't get furious if someone disagrees with you, but stand back and be creative about the differences. Enjoy the challenge. If you are feeling gloomy give yourself a shake. Sometimes you just have to get underneath to find out what people's motivations really are, or what has led you to the situation you are facing. Knowledge can lead to freedom. Advantageous colors are mink and melon. Lucky numbers are 8 and 45.
2020-03-09, Monday: Cool And Clinical
Edgy planetary aspects can make you a bit cool and clinical about other people's inadequacies. Needless to say they may not take it very kindly. Soften your approach. Stop and think about the consequences of your behavior for others, because Mars tends to push you straight for where you want to go. You are likely to find that you're thinking about things rather more deeply. You may come across as being a little bit more forceful than you intend. Communicative colors are clotted cream and american oak. Lucky numbers are 36 and 21.
2019-03-09, Saturday: Creative Discussions
Todays configuration gives you a sense of boldness and the feeling that you are able to do things you haven't been able to do before. Just don't get too sharp or confrontational. Open up a little more. If you feel you might be humiliated if you disclose all your best ideas, consider that you will actually gain from creative discussions. Beneficial colors are black onyx and red coral. Lucky numbers are 13 and 15.
2019-03-09, Saturday: On Your Toes
It's a busy day, so stay on your toes. There's no chance of boredom, with a so much variety in your schedule. Mercury always zaps around at top speed, but remember to be more reflective, and tactful. Your enthusiasm will help other people and sweep them along with you. Remember to be tolerant, keeping an open mind fo optimum results Fortunate colors are burgundy and barley bread. Lucky numbers are 11 and 66.
2019-03-09, Saturday: Speak Your Mind
Be positive, upfront and speak your mind. This is not the time to hide in a corner or sweep your feelings out of sight. Just don't be too critical, especially with the thin-skinned. Remember their sensitive spots before you blurt out your opinions. Communication is a two-way process, so it pays to listen more to other people. The more you hear what they have to say, the better it will be in the long run. Suitable colors are tan and graphite. Lucky numbers are 74 and 2.
2019-03-09, Saturday: Full Of Energy
Find the right balance for your strong opinions and you'll brighten up the room. You have confidence in what you're doing and what you believe in, but don't push it too far and end up in disagreements. Everything is under the microscope today, so don't get suspicious or make judgments before you have all the information at your fingertips. Control the temptation to be over-forceful. Appropriate colors are emerald and ivory. Lucky numbers are 10 and 27.
2019-03-09, Saturday: Confidence Stimulated
Say the things you need to say, Scorp. Be clear about who you are, but also be clear that it's OK for other people to be who they are. Aim for a creative and constructive discussion. You may be absolutely right in what you are thinking or saying, but keep an open mind. Confident colors are cumquat and blackberry. Lucky numbers are 13 and 12.
2019-03-09, Saturday: Courage And Confidence
With the gorgeous Moon glowing in Libra, you're full of the courage and confidence to say the things you want to say. Sort the situation out in a sensible way now and take constructive steps to find out what you need to know. Long-term answers will come to you if you persist. Appropriate colors are yellow and silver. Lucky numbers are 45 and 26.
2019-03-09, Saturday: Helpful Influences
Don't get yourself over-hyped, dear Virgo. Your energy and assertiveness is high, so it's important not to look as if you're trying to pick a fight. If everyone is honest and straightforward, then the influences today can be immensely helpful. Remaining detached and unemotional is the key. Auspicious colors are purple and bronze. Lucky numbers are 42 and 25.
2019-03-09, Saturday: Keep Moving
Keep moving, but be wary of foot-in-mouth syndrome. If you leap into saying one or two things too sharply, it won't work. But if you're clear in what you're saying, then others will appreciate it. Avoid homing in on one matter to the point of obsession - so focused in on the detail that you can't see the broader picture. Focused colors are pistachio and citrine. Lucky numbers are 9 and 11.
2019-03-09, Saturday: Barrel Ahead
Warrior Mars stimulates a challenge, a bit of controversy, but do not push it too far. You have the confidence to get things done and will barrel ahead quickly, but you could be critical, seeing mistakes and pointing out other people's flaws. This they may not take to very kindly. Are you frustrated because companions shut off what you say? It's time to rethink your approach. Beneficial colors are aubergine and kiwi fruit. Lucky numbers are 21 and 19.
2019-03-09, Saturday: Buzz Buzz
You're likely to be busy with your mind on red alert. Buzzing around at speed, your tongue will also be moving rather quickly. You won't take kindly to those who tell you what to do, give you orders or crowd you. You need to muster up all your persuasive force and vigor. Persuasive colors are salmon and azure. Lucky numbers are 66 and 78.
2019-03-09, Saturday: Enjoy The Challenge
Don't get furious if someone disagrees with you, but stand back and be creative about the differences. Enjoy the challenge. If you are feeling gloomy give yourself a shake. Sometimes you just have to get underneath to find out what people's motivations really are, or what has led you to the situation you are facing. Knowledge can lead to freedom. Advantageous colors are mink and melon. Lucky numbers are 8 and 45.
2019-03-09, Saturday: Cool And Clinical
Edgy planetary aspects can make you a bit cool and clinical about other people's inadequacies. Needless to say they may not take it very kindly. Soften your approach. Stop and think about the consequences of your behavior for others, because Mars tends to push you straight for where you want to go. You are likely to find that you're thinking about things rather more deeply. You may come across as being a little bit more forceful than you intend. Communicative colors are clotted cream and american oak. Lucky numbers are 36 and 21.
2018-03-09, Friday: Creative Discussions
Todays configuration gives you a sense of boldness and the feeling that you are able to do things you haven't been able to do before. Just don't get too sharp or confrontational. Open up a little more. If you feel you might be humiliated if you disclose all your best ideas, consider that you will actually gain from creative discussions. Beneficial colors are black onyx and red coral. Lucky numbers are 13 and 15.
2018-03-09, Friday: On Your Toes
It's a busy day, so stay on your toes. There's no chance of boredom, with a so much variety in your schedule. Mercury always zaps around at top speed, but remember to be more reflective, and tactful. Your enthusiasm will help other people and sweep them along with you. Remember to be tolerant, keeping an open mind fo optimum results Fortunate colors are burgundy and barley bread. Lucky numbers are 11 and 66.
2018-03-09, Friday: Speak Your Mind
Be positive, upfront and speak your mind. This is not the time to hide in a corner or sweep your feelings out of sight. Just don't be too critical, especially with the thin-skinned. Remember their sensitive spots before you blurt out your opinions. Communication is a two-way process, so it pays to listen more to other people. The more you hear what they have to say, the better it will be in the long run. Suitable colors are tan and graphite. Lucky numbers are 74 and 2.
2018-03-09, Friday: Full Of Energy
Find the right balance for your strong opinions and you'll brighten up the room. You have confidence in what you're doing and what you believe in, but don't push it too far and end up in disagreements. Everything is under the microscope today, so don't get suspicious or make judgments before you have all the information at your fingertips. Control the temptation to be over-forceful. Appropriate colors are emerald and ivory. Lucky numbers are 10 and 27.
2018-03-09, Friday: Confidence Stimulated
Say the things you need to say, Scorp. Be clear about who you are, but also be clear that it's OK for other people to be who they are. Aim for a creative and constructive discussion. You may be absolutely right in what you are thinking or saying, but keep an open mind. Confident colors are cumquat and blackberry. Lucky numbers are 13 and 12.
2018-03-09, Friday: Courage And Confidence
With the gorgeous Moon glowing in Libra, you're full of the courage and confidence to say the things you want to say. Sort the situation out in a sensible way now and take constructive steps to find out what you need to know. Long-term answers will come to you if you persist. Appropriate colors are yellow and silver. Lucky numbers are 45 and 26.
2018-03-09, Friday: Helpful Influences
Don't get yourself over-hyped, dear Virgo. Your energy and assertiveness is high, so it's important not to look as if you're trying to pick a fight. If everyone is honest and straightforward, then the influences today can be immensely helpful. Remaining detached and unemotional is the key. Auspicious colors are purple and bronze. Lucky numbers are 42 and 25.
2018-03-09, Friday: Barrel Ahead
Warrior Mars stimulates a challenge, a bit of controversy, but do not push it too far. You have the confidence to get things done and will barrel ahead quickly, but you could be critical, seeing mistakes and pointing out other people's flaws. This they may not take to very kindly. Are you frustrated because companions shut off what you say? It's time to rethink your approach. Beneficial colors are aubergine and kiwi fruit. Lucky numbers are 21 and 19.
2018-03-09, Friday: Buzz Buzz
You're likely to be busy with your mind on red alert. Buzzing around at speed, your tongue will also be moving rather quickly. You won't take kindly to those who tell you what to do, give you orders or crowd you. You need to muster up all your persuasive force and vigor. Persuasive colors are salmon and azure. Lucky numbers are 66 and 78.
2018-03-09, Friday: Enjoy The Challenge
Don't get furious if someone disagrees with you, but stand back and be creative about the differences. Enjoy the challenge. If you are feeling gloomy give yourself a shake. Sometimes you just have to get underneath to find out what people's motivations really are, or what has led you to the situation you are facing. Knowledge can lead to freedom. Advantageous colors are mink and melon. Lucky numbers are 8 and 45.
2018-03-09, Friday: Keep Moving
Keep moving, but be wary of foot-in-mouth syndrome. If you leap into saying one or two things too sharply, it won't work. But if you're clear in what you're saying, then others will appreciate it. Avoid homing in on one matter to the point of obsession - so focused in on the detail that you can't see the broader picture. Focused colors are pistachio and citrine. Lucky numbers are 9 and 11.
2018-03-09, Friday: Cool And Clinical
Edgy planetary aspects can make you a bit cool and clinical about other people's inadequacies. Needless to say they may not take it very kindly. Soften your approach. Stop and think about the consequences of your behavior for others, because Mars tends to push you straight for where you want to go. You are likely to find that you're thinking about things rather more deeply. You may come across as being a little bit more forceful than you intend. Communicative colors are clotted cream and american oak. Lucky numbers are 36 and 21.
2017-03-09, Thursday: Creative Discussions
Todays configuration gives you a sense of boldness and the feeling that you are able to do things you haven't been able to do before. Just don't get too sharp or confrontational. Open up a little more. If you feel you might be humiliated if you disclose all your best ideas, consider that you will actually gain from creative discussions. Beneficial colors are black onyx and red coral. Lucky numbers are 13 and 15.
2017-03-09, Thursday: On Your Toes
It's a busy day, so stay on your toes. There's no chance of boredom, with a so much variety in your schedule. Mercury always zaps around at top speed, but remember to be more reflective, and tactful. Your enthusiasm will help other people and sweep them along with you. Remember to be tolerant, keeping an open mind fo optimum results Fortunate colors are burgundy and barley bread. Lucky numbers are 11 and 66.
2017-03-09, Thursday: Speak Your Mind
Be positive, upfront and speak your mind. This is not the time to hide in a corner or sweep your feelings out of sight. Just don't be too critical, especially with the thin-skinned. Remember their sensitive spots before you blurt out your opinions. Communication is a two-way process, so it pays to listen more to other people. The more you hear what they have to say, the better it will be in the long run. Suitable colors are tan and graphite. Lucky numbers are 74 and 2.
2017-03-09, Thursday: Full Of Energy
Find the right balance for your strong opinions and you'll brighten up the room. You have confidence in what you're doing and what you believe in, but don't push it too far and end up in disagreements. Everything is under the microscope today, so don't get suspicious or make judgments before you have all the information at your fingertips. Control the temptation to be over-forceful. Appropriate colors are emerald and ivory. Lucky numbers are 10 and 27.
2017-03-09, Thursday: Helpful Influences
Don't get yourself over-hyped, dear Virgo. Your energy and assertiveness is high, so it's important not to look as if you're trying to pick a fight. If everyone is honest and straightforward, then the influences today can be immensely helpful. Remaining detached and unemotional is the key. Auspicious colors are purple and bronze. Lucky numbers are 42 and 25.
2017-03-09, Thursday: Keep Moving
Keep moving, but be wary of foot-in-mouth syndrome. If you leap into saying one or two things too sharply, it won't work. But if you're clear in what you're saying, then others will appreciate it. Avoid homing in on one matter to the point of obsession - so focused in on the detail that you can't see the broader picture. Focused colors are pistachio and citrine. Lucky numbers are 9 and 11.
2017-03-09, Thursday: Barrel Ahead
Warrior Mars stimulates a challenge, a bit of controversy, but do not push it too far. You have the confidence to get things done and will barrel ahead quickly, but you could be critical, seeing mistakes and pointing out other people's flaws. This they may not take to very kindly. Are you frustrated because companions shut off what you say? It's time to rethink your approach. Beneficial colors are aubergine and kiwi fruit. Lucky numbers are 21 and 19.
2017-03-09, Thursday: Buzz Buzz
You're likely to be busy with your mind on red alert. Buzzing around at speed, your tongue will also be moving rather quickly. You won't take kindly to those who tell you what to do, give you orders or crowd you. You need to muster up all your persuasive force and vigor. Persuasive colors are salmon and azure. Lucky numbers are 66 and 78.
2017-03-09, Thursday: Enjoy The Challenge
Don't get furious if someone disagrees with you, but stand back and be creative about the differences. Enjoy the challenge. If you are feeling gloomy give yourself a shake. Sometimes you just have to get underneath to find out what people's motivations really are, or what has led you to the situation you are facing. Knowledge can lead to freedom. Advantageous colors are mink and melon. Lucky numbers are 8 and 45.
2017-03-09, Thursday: Cool And Clinical
Edgy planetary aspects can make you a bit cool and clinical about other people's inadequacies. Needless to say they may not take it very kindly. Soften your approach. Stop and think about the consequences of your behavior for others, because Mars tends to push you straight for where you want to go. You are likely to find that you're thinking about things rather more deeply. You may come across as being a little bit more forceful than you intend. Communicative colors are clotted cream and american oak. Lucky numbers are 36 and 21.
2017-03-09, Thursday: Confidence Stimulated
Say the things you need to say, Scorp. Be clear about who you are, but also be clear that it's OK for other people to be who they are. Aim for a creative and constructive discussion. You may be absolutely right in what you are thinking or saying, but keep an open mind. Confident colors are cumquat and blackberry. Lucky numbers are 13 and 12.
2017-03-09, Thursday: Courage And Confidence
With the gorgeous Moon glowing in Libra, you're full of the courage and confidence to say the things you want to say. Sort the situation out in a sensible way now and take constructive steps to find out what you need to know. Long-term answers will come to you if you persist. Appropriate colors are yellow and silver. Lucky numbers are 45 and 26.
2016-03-09, Wednesday: Creative Discussions
Todays configuration gives you a sense of boldness and the feeling that you are able to do things you haven't been able to do before. Just don't get too sharp or confrontational. Open up a little more. If you feel you might be humiliated if you disclose all your best ideas, consider that you will actually gain from creative discussions. Beneficial colors are black onyx and red coral. Lucky numbers are 13 and 15.
2016-03-09, Wednesday: On Your Toes
It's a busy day, so stay on your toes. There's no chance of boredom, with a so much variety in your schedule. Mercury always zaps around at top speed, but remember to be more reflective, and tactful. Your enthusiasm will help other people and sweep them along with you. Remember to be tolerant, keeping an open mind fo optimum results Fortunate colors are burgundy and barley bread. Lucky numbers are 11 and 66.
2016-03-09, Wednesday: Speak Your Mind
Be positive, upfront and speak your mind. This is not the time to hide in a corner or sweep your feelings out of sight. Just don't be too critical, especially with the thin-skinned. Remember their sensitive spots before you blurt out your opinions. Communication is a two-way process, so it pays to listen more to other people. The more you hear what they have to say, the better it will be in the long run. Suitable colors are tan and graphite. Lucky numbers are 74 and 2.
2016-03-09, Wednesday: Full Of Energy
Find the right balance for your strong opinions and you'll brighten up the room. You have confidence in what you're doing and what you believe in, but don't push it too far and end up in disagreements. Everything is under the microscope today, so don't get suspicious or make judgments before you have all the information at your fingertips. Control the temptation to be over-forceful. Appropriate colors are emerald and ivory. Lucky numbers are 10 and 27.
2016-03-09, Wednesday: Confidence Stimulated
Say the things you need to say, Scorp. Be clear about who you are, but also be clear that it's OK for other people to be who they are. Aim for a creative and constructive discussion. You may be absolutely right in what you are thinking or saying, but keep an open mind. Confident colors are cumquat and blackberry. Lucky numbers are 13 and 12.
2016-03-09, Wednesday: Courage And Confidence
With the gorgeous Moon glowing in Libra, you're full of the courage and confidence to say the things you want to say. Sort the situation out in a sensible way now and take constructive steps to find out what you need to know. Long-term answers will come to you if you persist. Appropriate colors are yellow and silver. Lucky numbers are 45 and 26.
2016-03-09, Wednesday: Helpful Influences
Don't get yourself over-hyped, dear Virgo. Your energy and assertiveness is high, so it's important not to look as if you're trying to pick a fight. If everyone is honest and straightforward, then the influences today can be immensely helpful. Remaining detached and unemotional is the key. Auspicious colors are purple and bronze. Lucky numbers are 42 and 25.
2016-03-09, Wednesday: Keep Moving
Keep moving, but be wary of foot-in-mouth syndrome. If you leap into saying one or two things too sharply, it won't work. But if you're clear in what you're saying, then others will appreciate it. Avoid homing in on one matter to the point of obsession - so focused in on the detail that you can't see the broader picture. Focused colors are pistachio and citrine. Lucky numbers are 9 and 11.
2016-03-09, Wednesday: Barrel Ahead
Warrior Mars stimulates a challenge, a bit of controversy, but do not push it too far. You have the confidence to get things done and will barrel ahead quickly, but you could be critical, seeing mistakes and pointing out other people's flaws. This they may not take to very kindly. Are you frustrated because companions shut off what you say? It's time to rethink your approach. Beneficial colors are aubergine and kiwi fruit. Lucky numbers are 21 and 19.
2016-03-09, Wednesday: Buzz Buzz
You're likely to be busy with your mind on red alert. Buzzing around at speed, your tongue will also be moving rather quickly. You won't take kindly to those who tell you what to do, give you orders or crowd you. You need to muster up all your persuasive force and vigor. Persuasive colors are salmon and azure. Lucky numbers are 66 and 78.
2016-03-09, Wednesday: Enjoy The Challenge
Don't get furious if someone disagrees with you, but stand back and be creative about the differences. Enjoy the challenge. If you are feeling gloomy give yourself a shake. Sometimes you just have to get underneath to find out what people's motivations really are, or what has led you to the situation you are facing. Knowledge can lead to freedom. Advantageous colors are mink and melon. Lucky numbers are 8 and 45.
2016-03-09, Wednesday: Cool And Clinical
Edgy planetary aspects can make you a bit cool and clinical about other people's inadequacies. Needless to say they may not take it very kindly. Soften your approach. Stop and think about the consequences of your behavior for others, because Mars tends to push you straight for where you want to go. You are likely to find that you're thinking about things rather more deeply. You may come across as being a little bit more forceful than you intend. Communicative colors are clotted cream and american oak. Lucky numbers are 36 and 21.
2015-03-09, Monday: Creative Discussions
Todays configuration gives you a sense of boldness and the feeling that you are able to do things you haven't been able to do before. Just don't get too sharp or confrontational. Open up a little more. If you feel you might be humiliated if you disclose all your best ideas, consider that you will actually gain from creative discussions. Beneficial colors are black onyx and red coral. Lucky numbers are 13 and 15.
2015-03-09, Monday: On Your Toes
It's a busy day, so stay on your toes. There's no chance of boredom, with a so much variety in your schedule. Mercury always zaps around at top speed, but remember to be more reflective, and tactful. Your enthusiasm will help other people and sweep them along with you. Remember to be tolerant, keeping an open mind fo optimum results Fortunate colors are burgundy and barley bread. Lucky numbers are 11 and 66.
2015-03-09, Monday: Speak Your Mind
Be positive, upfront and speak your mind. This is not the time to hide in a corner or sweep your feelings out of sight. Just don't be too critical, especially with the thin-skinned. Remember their sensitive spots before you blurt out your opinions. Communication is a two-way process, so it pays to listen more to other people. The more you hear what they have to say, the better it will be in the long run. Suitable colors are tan and graphite. Lucky numbers are 74 and 2.
2015-03-09, Monday: Full Of Energy
Find the right balance for your strong opinions and you'll brighten up the room. You have confidence in what you're doing and what you believe in, but don't push it too far and end up in disagreements. Everything is under the microscope today, so don't get suspicious or make judgments before you have all the information at your fingertips. Control the temptation to be over-forceful. Appropriate colors are emerald and ivory. Lucky numbers are 10 and 27.
2015-03-09, Monday: Confidence Stimulated
Say the things you need to say, Scorp. Be clear about who you are, but also be clear that it's OK for other people to be who they are. Aim for a creative and constructive discussion. You may be absolutely right in what you are thinking or saying, but keep an open mind. Confident colors are cumquat and blackberry. Lucky numbers are 13 and 12.
2015-03-09, Monday: Courage And Confidence
With the gorgeous Moon glowing in Libra, you're full of the courage and confidence to say the things you want to say. Sort the situation out in a sensible way now and take constructive steps to find out what you need to know. Long-term answers will come to you if you persist. Appropriate colors are yellow and silver. Lucky numbers are 45 and 26.
2015-03-09, Monday: Helpful Influences
Don't get yourself over-hyped, dear Virgo. Your energy and assertiveness is high, so it's important not to look as if you're trying to pick a fight. If everyone is honest and straightforward, then the influences today can be immensely helpful. Remaining detached and unemotional is the key. Auspicious colors are purple and bronze. Lucky numbers are 42 and 25.
2015-03-09, Monday: Keep Moving
Keep moving, but be wary of foot-in-mouth syndrome. If you leap into saying one or two things too sharply, it won't work. But if you're clear in what you're saying, then others will appreciate it. Avoid homing in on one matter to the point of obsession - so focused in on the detail that you can't see the broader picture. Focused colors are pistachio and citrine. Lucky numbers are 9 and 11.
2015-03-09, Monday: Barrel Ahead
Warrior Mars stimulates a challenge, a bit of controversy, but do not push it too far. You have the confidence to get things done and will barrel ahead quickly, but you could be critical, seeing mistakes and pointing out other people's flaws. This they may not take to very kindly. Are you frustrated because companions shut off what you say? It's time to rethink your approach. Beneficial colors are aubergine and kiwi fruit. Lucky numbers are 21 and 19.
2015-03-09, Monday: Buzz Buzz
You're likely to be busy with your mind on red alert. Buzzing around at speed, your tongue will also be moving rather quickly. You won't take kindly to those who tell you what to do, give you orders or crowd you. You need to muster up all your persuasive force and vigor. Persuasive colors are salmon and azure. Lucky numbers are 66 and 78.
2015-03-09, Monday: Enjoy The Challenge
Don't get furious if someone disagrees with you, but stand back and be creative about the differences. Enjoy the challenge. If you are feeling gloomy give yourself a shake. Sometimes you just have to get underneath to find out what people's motivations really are, or what has led you to the situation you are facing. Knowledge can lead to freedom. Advantageous colors are mink and melon. Lucky numbers are 8 and 45.
2015-03-09, Monday: Cool And Clinical
Edgy planetary aspects can make you a bit cool and clinical about other people's inadequacies. Needless to say they may not take it very kindly. Soften your approach. Stop and think about the consequences of your behavior for others, because Mars tends to push you straight for where you want to go. You are likely to find that you're thinking about things rather more deeply. You may come across as being a little bit more forceful than you intend. Communicative colors are clotted cream and american oak. Lucky numbers are 36 and 21.
2014-03-09, Sunday: Creative Discussions
Todays configuration gives you a sense of boldness and the feeling that you are able to do things you haven't been able to do before. Just don't get too sharp or confrontational. Open up a little more. If you feel you might be humiliated if you disclose all your best ideas, consider that you will actually gain from creative discussions. Beneficial colors are black onyx and red coral. Lucky numbers are 13 and 15.
2014-03-09, Sunday: On Your Toes
It's a busy day, so stay on your toes. There's no chance of boredom, with a so much variety in your schedule. Mercury always zaps around at top speed, but remember to be more reflective, and tactful. Your enthusiasm will help other people and sweep them along with you. Remember to be tolerant, keeping an open mind fo optimum results Fortunate colors are burgundy and barley bread. Lucky numbers are 11 and 66.
2014-03-09, Sunday: Speak Your Mind
Be positive, upfront and speak your mind. This is not the time to hide in a corner or sweep your feelings out of sight. Just don't be too critical, especially with the thin-skinned. Remember their sensitive spots before you blurt out your opinions. Communication is a two-way process, so it pays to listen more to other people. The more you hear what they have to say, the better it will be in the long run. Suitable colors are tan and graphite. Lucky numbers are 74 and 2.
2014-03-09, Sunday: Full Of Energy
Find the right balance for your strong opinions and you'll brighten up the room. You have confidence in what you're doing and what you believe in, but don't push it too far and end up in disagreements. Everything is under the microscope today, so don't get suspicious or make judgments before you have all the information at your fingertips. Control the temptation to be over-forceful. Appropriate colors are emerald and ivory. Lucky numbers are 10 and 27.
2014-03-09, Sunday: Confidence Stimulated
Say the things you need to say, Scorp. Be clear about who you are, but also be clear that it's OK for other people to be who they are. Aim for a creative and constructive discussion. You may be absolutely right in what you are thinking or saying, but keep an open mind. Confident colors are cumquat and blackberry. Lucky numbers are 13 and 12.
2014-03-09, Sunday: Courage And Confidence
With the gorgeous Moon glowing in Libra, you're full of the courage and confidence to say the things you want to say. Sort the situation out in a sensible way now and take constructive steps to find out what you need to know. Long-term answers will come to you if you persist. Appropriate colors are yellow and silver. Lucky numbers are 45 and 26.
2014-03-09, Sunday: Helpful Influences
Don't get yourself over-hyped, dear Virgo. Your energy and assertiveness is high, so it's important not to look as if you're trying to pick a fight. If everyone is honest and straightforward, then the influences today can be immensely helpful. Remaining detached and unemotional is the key. Auspicious colors are purple and bronze. Lucky numbers are 42 and 25.
2014-03-09, Sunday: Keep Moving
Keep moving, but be wary of foot-in-mouth syndrome. If you leap into saying one or two things too sharply, it won't work. But if you're clear in what you're saying, then others will appreciate it. Avoid homing in on one matter to the point of obsession - so focused in on the detail that you can't see the broader picture. Focused colors are pistachio and citrine. Lucky numbers are 9 and 11.
2014-03-09, Sunday: Barrel Ahead
Warrior Mars stimulates a challenge, a bit of controversy, but do not push it too far. You have the confidence to get things done and will barrel ahead quickly, but you could be critical, seeing mistakes and pointing out other people's flaws. This they may not take to very kindly. Are you frustrated because companions shut off what you say? It's time to rethink your approach. Beneficial colors are aubergine and kiwi fruit. Lucky numbers are 21 and 19.
2014-03-09, Sunday: Buzz Buzz
You're likely to be busy with your mind on red alert. Buzzing around at speed, your tongue will also be moving rather quickly. You won't take kindly to those who tell you what to do, give you orders or crowd you. You need to muster up all your persuasive force and vigor. Persuasive colors are salmon and azure. Lucky numbers are 66 and 78.
2014-03-09, Sunday: Enjoy The Challenge
Don't get furious if someone disagrees with you, but stand back and be creative about the differences. Enjoy the challenge. If you are feeling gloomy give yourself a shake. Sometimes you just have to get underneath to find out what people's motivations really are, or what has led you to the situation you are facing. Knowledge can lead to freedom. Advantageous colors are mink and melon. Lucky numbers are 8 and 45.
2014-03-09, Sunday: Cool And Clinical
Edgy planetary aspects can make you a bit cool and clinical about other people's inadequacies. Needless to say they may not take it very kindly. Soften your approach. Stop and think about the consequences of your behavior for others, because Mars tends to push you straight for where you want to go. You are likely to find that you're thinking about things rather more deeply. You may come across as being a little bit more forceful than you intend. Communicative colors are clotted cream and american oak. Lucky numbers are 36 and 21.
2012-03-09, Friday: Creative Discussions
Todays configuration gives you a sense of boldness and the feeling that you are able to do things you haven't been able to do before. Just don't get too sharp or confrontational. Open up a little more. If you feel you might be humiliated if you disclose all your best ideas, consider that you will actually gain from creative discussions. Beneficial colors are black onyx and red coral. Lucky numbers are 13 and 15.
2012-03-09, Friday: On Your Toes
It's a busy day, so stay on your toes. There's no chance of boredom, with a so much variety in your schedule. Mercury always zaps around at top speed, but remember to be more reflective, and tactful. Your enthusiasm will help other people and sweep them along with you. Remember to be tolerant, keeping an open mind fo optimum results Fortunate colors are burgundy and barley bread. Lucky numbers are 11 and 66.
2012-03-09, Friday: Speak Your Mind
Be positive, upfront and speak your mind. This is not the time to hide in a corner or sweep your feelings out of sight. Just don't be too critical, especially with the thin-skinned. Remember their sensitive spots before you blurt out your opinions. Communication is a two-way process, so it pays to listen more to other people. The more you hear what they have to say, the better it will be in the long run. Suitable colors are tan and graphite. Lucky numbers are 74 and 2.
2012-03-09, Friday: Full Of Energy
Find the right balance for your strong opinions and you'll brighten up the room. You have confidence in what you're doing and what you believe in, but don't push it too far and end up in disagreements. Everything is under the microscope today, so don't get suspicious or make judgments before you have all the information at your fingertips. Control the temptation to be over-forceful. Appropriate colors are emerald and ivory. Lucky numbers are 10 and 27.
2012-03-09, Friday: Confidence Stimulated
Say the things you need to say, Scorp. Be clear about who you are, but also be clear that it's OK for other people to be who they are. Aim for a creative and constructive discussion. You may be absolutely right in what you are thinking or saying, but keep an open mind. Confident colors are cumquat and blackberry. Lucky numbers are 13 and 12.
2012-03-09, Friday: Courage And Confidence
With the gorgeous Moon glowing in Libra, you're full of the courage and confidence to say the things you want to say. Sort the situation out in a sensible way now and take constructive steps to find out what you need to know. Long-term answers will come to you if you persist. Appropriate colors are yellow and silver. Lucky numbers are 45 and 26.
2012-03-09, Friday: Helpful Influences
Don't get yourself over-hyped, dear Virgo. Your energy and assertiveness is high, so it's important not to look as if you're trying to pick a fight. If everyone is honest and straightforward, then the influences today can be immensely helpful. Remaining detached and unemotional is the key. Auspicious colors are purple and bronze. Lucky numbers are 42 and 25.
2012-03-09, Friday: Keep Moving
Keep moving, but be wary of foot-in-mouth syndrome. If you leap into saying one or two things too sharply, it won't work. But if you're clear in what you're saying, then others will appreciate it. Avoid homing in on one matter to the point of obsession - so focused in on the detail that you can't see the broader picture. Focused colors are pistachio and citrine. Lucky numbers are 9 and 11.
2012-03-09, Friday: Barrel Ahead
Warrior Mars stimulates a challenge, a bit of controversy, but do not push it too far. You have the confidence to get things done and will barrel ahead quickly, but you could be critical, seeing mistakes and pointing out other people's flaws. This they may not take to very kindly. Are you frustrated because companions shut off what you say? It's time to rethink your approach. Beneficial colors are aubergine and kiwi fruit. Lucky numbers are 21 and 19.
2012-03-09, Friday: Buzz Buzz
You're likely to be busy with your mind on red alert. Buzzing around at speed, your tongue will also be moving rather quickly. You won't take kindly to those who tell you what to do, give you orders or crowd you. You need to muster up all your persuasive force and vigor. Persuasive colors are salmon and azure. Lucky numbers are 66 and 78.
2012-03-09, Friday: Enjoy The Challenge
Don't get furious if someone disagrees with you, but stand back and be creative about the differences. Enjoy the challenge. If you are feeling gloomy give yourself a shake. Sometimes you just have to get underneath to find out what people's motivations really are, or what has led you to the situation you are facing. Knowledge can lead to freedom. Advantageous colors are mink and melon. Lucky numbers are 8 and 45.
2012-03-09, Friday: Cool And Clinical
Edgy planetary aspects can make you a bit cool and clinical about other people's inadequacies. Needless to say they may not take it very kindly. Soften your approach. Stop and think about the consequences of your behavior for others, because Mars tends to push you straight for where you want to go. You are likely to find that you're thinking about things rather more deeply. You may come across as being a little bit more forceful than you intend. Communicative colors are clotted cream and american oak. Lucky numbers are 36 and 21.
2011-03-09, Wednesday: Less Erratic Times Ahead
During the last seven years you have had disruptive Uranus moving through your sign. This brought on a new spirit of defiance and you insisted on going your own rather rebellious way. It may have been a strain at times but it has changed you from the person you used to be. Now that this cosmic powerhouse is about to move on, you will find yourself less edgy and erratic in the months ahead. Just continue to handle certain friends lightly. Favourable colours are green jade and red coral. Lucky numbers are 11 and 21.
2011-03-09, Wednesday: Inspirational Developments
As Mercury moves into Aries, your mental facilities are quite stimulated. Make the most of it and get out and about to computer fairs, phone shops and onto the internet. You might even find a new car! Mercury turns retrograde later in the month, so now is a good time to stock up on comms-related goodies. Your whole life is undergoing a phase shift this month, so flow with the changes. Outgoing colours are apple green and violet. Lucky numbers are 11 and 29.
2011-03-09, Wednesday: Smoother Cash Flow
Your personal life and your finances have been through a bum,bumpy phase lately, dear Cap. You have had to discover what things held value for you apart from money. Your old priorities have been swept away. Just rest assured that cash will flow more smoothly as the cosmos swings into gear for you. Your life is actually undergoing a phase of transformation, so keep exploring to find out what is really bothering you. Ask the questions and the answers will come. Communication and business with the family will receive a boost in weeks ahead. Favourable colours are indigo and carnelian. Lucky numbers are 22 and 39.
2011-03-09, Wednesday: Learn To Let Go
In recent years your domestic situation has tended to go off in ten different directions at once. You have overpacked your schedule at times or got too wound up. Now you will find more order and stability as the cosmos turns in your favour. Controlling others will only lead to resentment. Learn to let go and welcome in new experiences. Then you will cope with a wide variety of situations in new and helpful ways. Beneficial colours are amethyst and amber. Lucky numbers are 1 and 5.
2011-03-09, Wednesday: Mature Footing
Recent years have seen your home and family situation change out of all recognition. Along the way some long running relationships did seem to be separating temporarily, but now you are at a point where you can re-establish them on a more mature footing. You can also build better financial security, but you can't keep doing things the old way. Clear the decks and start again. You could start by reworking the schedules, tasks and responsibilities related to your own work, and that of those who work for or with you. Practical colours are barley bread and copper. Lucky numbers are 22 and 33.
2011-03-09, Wednesday: New Approach
Your working life (and your love life) has been unpredictable and changeable in recent times. Nothing felt too secure, but it certainly wasn't boring. Everything is soon going to settle in a different way, so relationships with loved ones, children and social mates will alter for the better. Just keep your sense of humour handy. Your words will carry weight but you need to be less intense, more persuasive. Try new ways of getting your message across. Communicative colours are ivory and red. Lucky numbers are 16 and 24.
2011-03-09, Wednesday: More Elbow Room
Having reorganised your working life in recent years to suit your own individuality better, you are feeling happier. The old compromises have gone and you have found more elbow room. Don't give up exploring new techniques, but recognise that many of your battles are now won. At home, you need more depth of connection. If you feel you cannot find it, you will move back from those who don't share your outlook. As Merc hits your eighth, psychological analysis and development of your skills take the focus. Joint income and debts may also be under discussion. Favourable colours are blush pink and golden beryl. Lucky numbers are 8 and 9.
2011-03-09, Wednesday: Partnership Pressure
You need to give each other much more space, Leo. Possessiveness on one side will only push the other into flying for freedom. Not that there is anything new in this. But you will notice a different atmosphere in intimate relationships in coming weeks. Try not to over react. Liberating colours are aquamarine and chrysoprase. Lucky numbers are 7 and 9.
2011-03-09, Wednesday: Play Your Cards Subtly
Finances in business or at home have been in an unpredictable phase. But you will find from now on that your cash situation stabilises which means you will not be so preoccupied with money. Emotionally you may feel more settled, too. Work will continue to be an area where you are pushing and pulling to upgrade or regenerate it. You'll be more in the public eye than usual in weeks ahead, so tread softly and play your cards subtly. Practical colours are apple green and russet. Lucky numbers are 6 and 10.
2011-03-09, Wednesday: Out The Window
Your plans could go out the window today, probably because someone else keeps changing the rules. Don't be blue, you are one of the most versatile signs of the zodiac, so pick yourself up, dust yourself off and get on with it. Keep your temper and don't let things get you down. You'll take more interest in clubs and associations as Mercury moves into your eleventh house. Activities such as fund raising, membership drives, or newsletters may be on your agenda in weeks ahead. Positive colours are lime green and silvery blue. Lucky numbers are 11 and 21.
2011-03-09, Wednesday: Something Different
Responsibilities are the last thing on your mind today with the Moon in your sign, and you'll most likely have a case of itchy feet. If you can't get away and leave everything behind for the day, try some exotic new food for dinner or rent a foreign movie. A stick in the mud could ruin your day, but only if you let them. Taureans are normally very reliable, but with communicative Mercury in your house of secrets, you are drawn to the unpredictable. Don't blow a confidence, no matter how intriguing. Favourable colours are rose pink and silver. Lucky numbers are 1 and 12.
2011-03-09, Wednesday: Stirred And Shaken
Adventure and excitement are the key words today, as chatty Mercury moves into your sign. Just be yourself, even if you are sometimes a little weird, because people who truly love you will understand and others will find you intriguing. You can really stir things up when you put your mind to it, and it looks as though it's going to be one of those days! You may feel like spending up a storm, with the Moon in Taurus, but if you do your hip pocket will feel it big time. Fortunate colours are strawberry and avocado. Lucky numbers are 1 and 2.
2010-03-09, Tuesday: Satisfying
Working with others should be more satisfying than working alone now. Teamwork does have advantages when done properly. You should make time for both working together and goofing off together, with definite guidelines to signal proper times. Remember when you were in school and a bell would ring to signal the end of class or the beginning of another? Use this technique to keep everything moving forward. Beneficial colours are tropical orange and lemon yellow. Lucky numbers are 34 and 35.
2010-03-09, Tuesday: Anxiety
The Moon continues in your twelfth house, making you less than enthusiastic to greet the morning. Anxiety-ridden dreams may have disturbed your sleep, making it hard for you to get started. You can keep working on recharging your spiritual batteries by staying in low gear. There is no need to put undue pressure on yourself. Adopt a relaxed attitude and many problems will clear up on their own. Beneficial colours are lavender and silver. Lucky numbers are 21 and 30.
2010-03-09, Tuesday: High Gear
This should be an energetic, productive day for you. It is good to know that you are valued and needed, and you will be reminded of this today. The old saying Make hay while the sun shines applies now. Take advantage of your extra energy and drive while you are in high gear. Beneficial colours are brick red and tan. Lucky numbers are 19 and 28.
2010-03-09, Tuesday: Values
Today's emphasis is on your personal values and finances. Unfortunately, what you want to do and what you can afford to do may be poles apart. Take time now to decide what you can and cannot spend on pleasure and entertainment. With leisure loving Venus in your fifth house of fun and games, you may be driven to seek pleasure at every turn. Find pleasure in things that are free, like walks in the park and playing with your children. Beneficial colours are forest green and terra cotta. Lucky numbers are 2 and 20.
2010-03-09, Tuesday: Significant Progress
You can make significant progress as the Moon continues to activate your third house of communication. You may find yourself travelling here and there to accomplish your goals, but it will be worth it. Relationships with neighbours and siblings are also favoured; why not meet at a favourite restaurant for lunch? It's time to connect with the special people in your life. Beneficial colours are Pacific blue and lemon yellow. Lucky numbers are 23 and 32.
2010-03-09, Tuesday: Roots
A fight you have today with your partner may be a shadow from your past; what is upsetting you may really have roots in your childhood, long before you met your mate. Try not to get upset over little things. Take a few breaths and ponder what is really bothering you. If others seem testy with you today, there is a good chance that they are responding to echoes, too. Beneficial colours are pale green and oyster. Lucky numbers are 4 and 17.
2010-03-09, Tuesday: Blessings
Venus begins to send emotional blessings to you today in the form of cash bonuses, unexpected triumphs, and sexual healing. Don't look a gift horse in the mouth... if the cosmos wants you to have something, accept it without too many questions. Sometimes we get what we deserve, and sometimes we don't get what we deserve. Somehow, we always get what we need. Beneficial colours are cinnabar and gold. Lucky numbers are 6 and 18.
2010-03-09, Tuesday: Proper and Healthy
It's time to pay attention to your health... when was the last time you had your teeth cleaned? For that matter, when was the last time you flossed your teeth? The regal Lion is often known for his or her fabulous appearance, but stress and responsibility may have taken time away from your beauty routine. Make time for proper meals and healthy exercise today. Beneficial colours are champagne and indigo. Lucky numbers are 23 and 35.
2010-03-09, Tuesday: Pussycat
Today's heat could be positively channelled into passionate embraces or could be wasted on a ridiculous argument... take your pick. Your partner could be itching to start a fight, but if you've been paying attention, you will know how to diffuse this time-bomb. With a little tender loving care and patience, you can turn the tiger into a pussycat. Favourable colours are cornflower blue and cranberry red. Lucky numbers are 7 and 38.
2010-03-09, Tuesday: Pay Attention
You'll be more aware of interpersonal power plays as the Moon activates your eighth house of sex and money. Not that you would ever participate in such a thing... but you might want to pay closer attention to how you get your needs met. Everyone needs to manipulate in order to survive; it's a perfectly normal, natural, and necessary function. Those who rely on it as their sole method of survival are another story. Favourable colours are cayenne and copper. Lucky numbers are 44 and 45.
2010-03-09, Tuesday: Structure and Focus
With an open mind, you can learn just about anything today. It will be easier to focus your mind and your emotional energy on subjects you are currently interested in, as well as the things you are forced to learn. By applying structure to your learning environment, you should be able to conquer any subject step-by-step. Have confidence in your abilities. Beneficial colours are maroon and twine brown. Lucky numbers are 14 and 23.
2010-03-09, Tuesday: Still, Small Voice
Your supervisors and others in authority may be temperamental today, but that won't stop you from making progress. If you're quiet and listen to that still, small voice, you may receive some invaluable advice. You can benefit from help behind the scenes as the spiritual Sun, healing Jupiter and loving Venus act as your personal guardian angels. Keep your ear to the ground. Beneficial colours are Pacific blue and shell pink. Lucky numbers are 17 and 26.
2008-03-09, Sunday: Intuitive Edge
You should use today's energy to its fullest potential, dear Fish. You've got an edge when it comes to listening to what's not said, or reading between the lines. Be sure to trust that instinct and know it will serve you well. It's not just your imagination this time. Stimulating colours are pale violet and amber. Lucky numbers are 14 and 36.
2008-03-09, Sunday: Swimming With Ideas
Your mind is swimming with the most brilliant ideas as wise Mercury, the planet of thought, is in your sign and aligns today with dreamy Neptune, the force of imagination. You feel optimistic and inspired to share your ideas with the world. Inventive colours are emerald and dark grape. Lucky numbers are 3 and 9.
2008-03-09, Sunday: Imaginative Budget
You have tremendous creative energy behind you to whip up a budget or financial plan that is not only out of the norm, but efficient. Although it's somewhat elusive at first to others, you really do have a method behind your madness. Trust it! Insightful colours are red cherry and aquamarine. Lucky numbers are 2 and 72.
2008-03-09, Sunday: Fantasy Island
You may need to snap a sibling out of his or her reverie today. This energy is strong for simply not living in reality, which may frustrate you. It's wonderful to dream, but you can see that, in this instance, your sibling is simply playing the fool. Practical colours are beige and yellow ochre. Lucky numbers are 3 and 10.
2008-03-09, Sunday: Creative Scorpions
This is a brilliant time for you to use your creative genius around the home, Scorpio. You can easily whip up a plan to re-decorate a room or even think about purchasing new artwork to spruce up a room. Creative colours are peach and crimson. Lucky numbers are 9 and 40.
2008-03-09, Sunday: Creative Output
This is an extraordinary day in terms of your creative energy and output. You will surely have an easy flow of energy and ideas in terms of whatever project you are working on. Express yourself without hesitation. Expressive colours are mellow yellow and reddish bronze. Lucky numbers are 13 and 6.
2008-03-09, Sunday: Inspired Work
You have an artistic flair to your work projects today, Virgo. Your boss will compliment you for your creativity on the job, but either way, your daily tasks will be anything but routine. Grounding colours are coffee and mustard yellow. Lucky numbers are 5 and 29.
2008-03-09, Sunday: Partnerships Flourish
This is a great day to communicate a dream with your partner or business associate. There is favourable energy to indicate that an important person in your life will relate to your dreams and your words. You are being listened to Leo, so don't waste this day! Prosperous colours are gunmetal grey and russet. Lucky numbers are 11 and 32.
2008-03-09, Sunday: Intuitive
Your psychic mind has the edge today. Mercury, the planet of thought aligns with Neptune, the planet of all that is unseen. This occurs in your eighth house of the occult, so there is sure to be a supernatural experience in your day. Energising colours are tomato red and silver. Lucky numbers are 31 and 8.
2008-03-09, Sunday: Inspiration
You will have a gorgeous day when it comes to talking about your most enchanting visions. You have the opportunity in some way to teach others how to dream and believe in their ability to make a dream come true. In so many ways, you're an inspiration. Insightful colours are amber and mulberry. Lucky numbers are 28 and 30.
2008-03-09, Sunday: Career Dreams
You will voice your most cherished professional dreams in a very public way today. It's a wonderful opportunity to be listened to. A communication project will prove to be downright enchanting! Inspirational colours are terracotta and dark green. Lucky numbers are 4 and 75.
2008-03-09, Sunday: Communicate Goals
This is a brilliant day to share your personal aspirations with people you trust. Everyone who hears you will not only be receptive, but you just might have the ear of someone with the ability to help you immensely. Opportune colours are dark green and navy. Lucky numbers are 15 and 8.
2006-03-09, Thursday: Dream Day
This is really the dreamiest day of the year for Pisces, as fortunate Jupiter, your life-ruler, enjoys a stately dance with the Sun and Moon. The cosmos is shining and it's shining for you! While Pisces is not normally fond of pushing forward, the influences are very much in your favour, especially for romance, travel, education, the law, cultural pursuits and spiritual subjects. It's your day, so make the most of it. Auspicious colours are silvery green and golden honey. Lucky numbers are 1 and 9.
2006-03-09, Thursday: Get Organized
This a great day to get organized, as your career is highly stimulated. If you have been involved in new directions at work, or in starting a new venture, this is the ideal day to set wheels in motion. Big developments in your working relationships and a new look at your personal value system are in order. Your health will benefit from unorthodox treatments. Advantageous colours are orchid and blue. Lucky numbers are 23 and 6.
2006-03-09, Thursday: Long Term Achievements
Pay more attention to your partner, my lovely Goats, as today is potentially one of the best days of the year. Your mate, business partner or best friend may need a little extra TLC, so don't be stingy with your affection and work together on joint projects that have creative, long term goals. If you have been having a problem communicating with your significant other, rest assured that improvement is just around the corner. Hang out with friends, or invite them over for a perfect occasion. Beneficial colours are bright turquoise and amber gold. Lucky numbers are 9 and 3.
2006-03-09, Thursday: Revamp Your View
Lordly Jupiter, your life-ruler, is dancing with joy today, Archers. This is one of the most fortunate days of the year, so if you have any new ventures in mind, it's the ideal time to begin. Financial matters fall in your favour, and you may well find that today is the ideal day to revamp your view of the world. Fabulous colours are royal blue and gold. Lucky numbers are 3 and 6.
2006-03-09, Thursday: An Epiphany
Is this an epiphany coming on? The aspects for the day are all in your favour, Scorp, so make the most of them. Spiritual, cultural and creative projects are ready to spring into the frame for you, and the romantic light is glowing brightly. Follow your heart and see where it leads.... Beneficial colours are royal purple and honey gold. Lucky numbers are 1 and 9.
2006-03-09, Thursday: Prancing Moon
It's a marvellous day! With the Moon prancing through your tenth house of status, why not make a public appearance? Show the world just how together your life is now, regardless of how satisfied you are with the current status quo. Grab your partner, mate, or best friend, make yourself gorgeous and get out there! Auspicious colours are crimson and silver. Lucky numbers are 10 and 2.
2006-03-09, Thursday: Fortunate And Enjoyable
This most fortunate and enjoyable day will be best spent among friends and in pursuit of your most treasured hopes and dreams. Leave your work for another day and enjoy the company of your favourite people. Better yet, gather everyone together for team sports or volunteer work, as today's aspects favour group efforts. Educational, cultural and trade related projects benefit, as do projects to do with travel and partners. Auspicious colours are rich blue and yellow. Lucky numbers are 7 and 3.
2006-03-09, Thursday: Intuitive Wisdom
There is some very fortunate energy swirling through your financial zone, so this is the ideal time to take matters such as joint ventures to a new and better level, particularly those that have some concealed issues. Tap into your own intuitive wisdom while the Moon passes through your twelfth house of secrets; remembering your dreams will help you understand the workings of your inner mind. Traders will reach good heights. Life's mysteries are fascinating. Advantageous colours are crimson and silver. Lucky numbers are 4 and 8.
2006-03-09, Thursday: Fantastic Day
This is surely one of the best days of the year for you, my lovely seafood morsels. It's a fantastic day! It's ideal to buy a lottery ticket, travel abroad, or start a new venture, especially connected with faraway places, cultural pursuits, travel, education, children or speculative business. Romantic fulfilment, especially with a foreigner, or someone you meet whilst travelling is sure to be hot! You may even meet a mentor, or spiritual guide. Enjoy! Auspicious colours are silver and gold. Lucky numbers are 1 and 9.
2006-03-09, Thursday: Talents Expressed
Quite a salubrious day for the Twins, as the overall energies are highly fortunate, but be careful that your notorious mouth doesn't get you into trouble tonight. The powerhouses are in career and finance, though a very good energy is opening up in your daily routines, relationships with co-workers and health. Your talents can be very well expressed today in these areas; the results will surprise you, and those around you. It's ideal to put new ideas to work, or hire some new help, but make sure you pin down all the details, as Mercury is retrograde in your mid-heaven. Advantageous colours are rich gold and lapis lazuli. Lucky numbers are 1 and 6.
2006-03-09, Thursday: Excellent Energy
The energy is fabulous and fortunate for Bulls today. It will be great to shop with a friend and any group projects you have in mind can have a brilliant start. Expect some excellent news. Lunch with a neighbour or with your brother or sister should lift your spirits and you'll be appreciated for your warmth and support. Tonight is wonderful for getting together with friends... perhaps a neighbourhood barbecue or community event will appeal to you. Favourable colours are peacock blue and bright gold. Lucky numbers are 32 and 41.
2006-03-09, Thursday: Shake Your Fleeces!
Rams shake your fleeces and look up, as today is quite exceptionally fortunate, with financial matters working out well and family issues taking a definite turn for the better. Concealed endeavours have a way of turning up trumps, especially anything to do with culture, religion, trade or higher education. Get going early, as the evening gets grittier. Advantageous colours are translucent amber and pastel violet. Lucky numbers are 16 and 8.
2005-03-09, Wednesday: Makeover!
Fed up with your current image, or bored with looking at yourself in the mirror? Then do something about it! You don't have to give yourself a complete makeover this Wednesday but even a small change will make you feel better about yourself. If you decide to buy yourself some new clothes, don't go for anything too outlandish because you may hate it tomorrow and have to return it to the shop. Beneficial colours are claret and silver. Lucky numbers are 40 and 75.
2005-03-09, Wednesday: Stick To The Budget
Remember how you were tempted to spend money last Friday? Well, you get another taste of that spending urge today, but thankfully it isn't as strong as it was last week. Even so, you could get into trouble if you spot things you'd like to own but you can't really spare the money at the moment. Maybe you should set yourself a modest budget and stick to it. Favourable colours are spearmint and red. Lucky numbers are 3 and 15.
2005-03-09, Wednesday: Spice Of Life
Variety is the spice of life and you need plenty of it today if you're to keep boredom at bay. Ideally, you should drop your usual Wednesday routine and do things on the spur of the moment instead. If that isn't possible, try to be spontaneous when you've finished work for the day. Look out for a surprise or two when you have a conversation with someone you see on a regular basis. Sociable colours are turquoise and honey. Lucky numbers are 9 and 13.
2005-03-09, Wednesday: A Real Need
You have a real need to be with people that you know inside out. You'll feel rather uncomfortable and on edge if you have to spend too much time with strangers or people who seem peculiar in some way. Your idea of heaven right now is to curl up at home with some delicious food and some enjoyable company. Rejoin the rest of the world when you're ready. Restful colours are green grape and golden topaz. Lucky numbers are 16 and 50.
2005-03-09, Wednesday: Lovefest
It's a fantastic day for love, because your special someone wants to give you a very good time. They might spring a little surprise that's designed to make you feel special or give you a treat that tells you how much they care. If you were recently tempted by the attractions of a certain person, you'll find it hard to get them out of your head. Maybe you should take things one step further? Delightful colours are peach and jade. Lucky numbers are 3 and 62.
2005-03-09, Wednesday: Escape Artist
You simply aren't in the mood for any sort of boring routine today and you're looking for ways to escape it. If possible, you should scrap your usual schedule and do something enjoyable and spontaneous instead. No chance of that? Then think of less drastic but equally enjoyable ways to liven up your day, even if you can only spare five minutes or so for them at any one time. If you don't do this, you'll get really restless. Harmonious colours are ruby red and deep gold. Lucky numbers are 10 and 53.
2005-03-09, Wednesday: Diplomatic Virgo
Your powers of diplomacy are working really well today, which is just what you need if you've got to choose your words carefully when talking to someone. Not only can you say the right things but you're also able to put people at their ease and make them feel comfortable with you. This is no mean feat so don't squander it. Use it! Beneficial colours are hazelnut and sky blue. Lucky numbers are 12 and 53.
2005-03-09, Wednesday: Naughty, Naughty
Fancy spending some money? It's one of those days when you can't help going shopping or buying something over the internet. That's fine if you've got the money but not such good news if you haven't. There's a great atmosphere between you and a special person this Wednesday, making it the perfect excuse to do something nice together. Inspirational colours are silvery grey and marmalade. Lucky numbers are 11 and 8.
2005-03-09, Wednesday: Something Different
Try to spend time with someone who comes from another country or a different walk of life, because they'll do you a lot of good. They'll cheer you up for a start, if you need cheering up, and you'll enjoy chatting to them about their way of looking at the world. If you're toying with the idea of booking your next holiday, you'll think about it again this Wednesday. Fortunate colours are red velvet and aqua. Lucky numbers are 13 and 42.
2005-03-09, Wednesday: Terrific Atmosphere
There's a terrific atmosphere between you and someone older or more powerful today, so make the most of it. You might enjoy a great rapport with your boss, which can only do you good, or there could be lots of affection between you and an older relative. Let this work in your favour by getting in touch with people who demand your respect but aren't always easy to deal with. Beneficial colours are ultramarine and hazel. Lucky numbers are 26 and 28.
2005-03-09, Wednesday: A Little Distraction
You're in the mood for a little distraction, so try devoting some time to a pastime or hobby, forgetting about the chores and watching a film instead? If you fancy going out, you'll enjoy visiting a restaurant or cafe with friends, especially if you can eat some foreign food. You don't have to spend a fortune to have fun, so remember that if you're currently broke. Ideal colours are primrose yellow and spring green. Lucky numbers are 18 and 15.
2005-03-09, Wednesday: Topsy Turvy
Your emotions are in a topsy turvy state today, making you unpredictable and edgy. If things don't go the way you were expecting you'll soon start to feel nervy and rather irritable. The best way to handle this is to take a deep breath, see the funny side of it all and relax. Otherwise you'll end up feeling frazzled and everyone else will follow suit. Harmonious colours are pale pink and lemon. Lucky numbers are 12 and 59.
2004-03-09, Tuesday: Pioneering, Or Rebellious?
Wake things up that have become dull and routine. If you're too insecure, it could make you a little edgy because you're scared of letting go. Yet if you take a risk, and open up to life, something rather fun could be happening. Your bright ideas and inventive schemes can make you seem either pioneering or rebellious. Adventurous colours are caramel and red satin. Lucky numbers are 50 and 48.
2004-03-09, Tuesday: Back To Life
An old, long-running relationship could be sparkling back to life, or a new relationship put the twinkle back in your eye. You could get sudden financial gains as well. Keep things on an even keel and there shouldn't be too many problems. You fizz and sparkle with brilliant ideas about almost everything now. Not everyone around will agree, but frankly you could not care less. Amusing colours are tartan and blueberry. Lucky numbers are 6 and 5.
2004-03-09, Tuesday: New Perspectives
Look for new experiences - anything that's original, experimental and a little bit inspired. Try something artistic too. You like rather intriguing decor at the moment, which can be very modern or slightly eccentric. All this is due to the influence of state-of-the-art Uranus which is affecting your domestic conditions. It gives you a totally new perspective on what you want from your home and family life. Expressive colours are mulberry and nutmeg. Lucky numbers are 38 and 6.
2004-03-09, Tuesday: Tensions Come Out
Tensions in your emotional life may come out into the open. That is all to the good, because they will set you free in the long term, allowing you to go off and do the things you really need to do for yourself. You are in a longish period of Uranus casting its disruptive rays over your romantic life and self-expression. Your presence out on the social scene is alternately sparkling and then serious. Calming colours are sea green and copper. Lucky numbers are 16 and 55.
2004-03-09, Tuesday: Room To Breathe
Venus flirting with Uranus isn't good for possessive relationships or relationships where you want to keep everything absolutely still and stable. Rid yourself of restrictions and give yourself a bit of room to breathe. Open the window, let a blast of fresh air blow through... you are exploring different ways of keeping fit, new diets and ways of sorting out minor ailments. All of this is down to Uranus passing through your sixth house of work and health. Advantageous colours are slate and lavender. Lucky numbers are 9 and 44.
2004-03-09, Tuesday: See Other's Viewpoint
Maybe your attitude to agreements is a touch careless, since you are finding it difficult to see the other point of view. Slow down and put yourself in your partner's place and you will be more likely to get your own way at the end of the day. It might also help to tone down your comments as you may be a touch brusque or undiplomatic. Beneficial colours are oyster and myrtle. Lucky numbers are 30 and 48.
2004-03-09, Tuesday: Feeling Flirty
Feeling flirty? You're probably spending money like mad on rather more entertaining things than usual. This is not the day for solid, sensible routines. You are pining for that electrical quality which puts all the neon lights on, so to speak. Your inventive, penetrating mind is now delving into areas other people find obscure. Adventurous colours are rouge and honeycomb. Lucky numbers are 66 and 75.
2004-03-09, Tuesday: New Choices
Sensual Venus in a gritty aspect to Uranus can be disruptive, creating a roller-coaster situation with your affections. Are you spending money like mad, and then suddenly wishing you hadn't bothered? You are happily tossing out of the window a good many ideas that have been around for a long time, perhaps since your childhood. Old teachings are being abandoned, since you dislike having your agenda set for you. Life now has new choices. Adventurous colours are mauve and maple. Lucky numbers are 5 and 9.
2004-03-09, Tuesday: Fresh Air
Long-running emotional relationships are shaken up, so if you're hanging on for security, be prepared. This lets a blast of fresh air blow through things. You want to push the limits in some way at work or in your community activities. Try testing out new skills or techniques, rather than constantly fronting up to bosses or influential figures. Beneficial colours are hyacinth and golden syrup. Lucky numbers are 13 and 61.
2004-03-09, Tuesday: Go Your Own Way
You want to take risks and have thrills but make sure that you're not going a little bit over the score. You firmly believe you have the right to think what you please. At the moment you are prepared to shine light on hidden places, to explore new matters of psychological interest, or even look at new mystical and spiritual beliefs. Go your own way and do not be too swayed by other people's attitudes or approach. These are your personal concerns. Bold colours are onyx and golden wattle. Lucky numbers are 1 and 19.
2004-03-09, Tuesday: Mixed Blessing
Friends and teammates are a mixed blessing at the moment, sometimes exhilarating and at other times infuriating. The influences could bring good, fun relationships into your life, but it will also bring rather zany people who are not always the kind of friends you want in the long term. They are very exciting in the short term, but you then begin to meet people who are more solid and settled. There's a lot to learn with both types. Balancing colours are marshmallow and vermilion. Lucky numbers are 28 and 34.

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