Safari-Pinned-Tab.Svg's Horoscopes |



Born between:

2025-03-10, Monday
Make the most of today's interactions, Pisces. Pay attention to everyone you meet, as they might play a significant role in your future. Use your keen insight to note any interesting details or opportunities that arise. Consider how these connections and observations could synergize down the line. In your work, let your attention to detail shine; it could lead to impressive results. Keep a notebook or app handy to jot down thoughts and ideas—everything you notice today might be the key to future success. Stay open and curious, and enjoy the potential this day holds!
2025-03-10, Monday
You're seeing the fruits of your hard work, Aquarius. It's the validation you've been craving, especially when others have shaken your confidence. Stay firm in your vision of happiness and don't let anyone derail you. Keep moving toward your goals, and don't get sidetracked by minor setbacks. Stick to your path, knowing you're on the right track. Remember, your determination is stronger than any obstacle. You're closer to your dreams than ever, so keep pushing forward without hesitation. Your perseverance and focus will lead you to success. Keep believing in yourself and your journey. You've got this!
2025-03-10, Monday
Time to shake off the solitude and step out, Capricorn! You've been in your own world for too long; it's time to mingle. Not only will you have fun, but you'll also meet some intriguing people who could open doors for you. Consider joining a group event to widen your circle, but don't underestimate the value of a cozy chat with a friend. Remember, both group dynamics and one-on-one interactions have their own special rewards. So, put down the book, embrace the social scene, and let those new connections unfold!
2025-03-10, Monday
Feel that creative spark today, Sagittarius? It’s like inspiration is flowing through you effortlessly. Whether writing or crafting art, let this energy guide you—trust that your talent is surfacing naturally. Relationships also get a boost, so reach out to friends and loved ones. Maybe plan a catch-up or simply send a thoughtful message to show you care. Embrace this day as a chance to connect deeply, both with your creative side and the important people in your life. Enjoy the flow and the sense of connection—it’s all coming together beautifully!
2025-03-10, Monday
You have a wonderful, nurturing nature, Scorpio. Those around you reap tremendous benefit from your caring soul. Just as you're attuned to the needs of others, remember to honor your own needs, too. It's important to practice self-care and allow yourself moments of rest and recharge. By being more receptive to accepting help, you create a balanced exchange of energy. Don't hesitate to reach out—whether it’s asking a friend for support or delegating tasks. You may be pleasantly surprised by the goodwill and assistance that come your way. Embrace the harmony of giving and receiving, and you'll find your relationships enriched and more fulfilling.
2025-03-10, Monday
It's a great moment for you, Libra! All your hard work is finally getting the recognition it deserves. But remember, this acknowledgment is just the beginning. It's time to take those original ideas you've been nurturing and put them into action. With the support of your higher-ups, you have a strong foundation to build on. Don't let nerves hold you back—stay focused on your plans and execute them with confidence. Keep pushing forward and remain diligent. Your efforts could lead to significant professional and financial rewards if you continue to work hard and stay committed.
2025-03-10, Monday
Feeling overwhelmed, Virgo? That wanderlust is real, but it’s your need for space speaking up. With mounting obligations, it’s time to prioritize. Assess which commitments truly matter and say no to the rest. Delegate where you can—let someone else handle less critical tasks. Remember, your time is yours to manage. Politely decline social invites if they don’t fit into your schedule. It's okay to put yourself first. You deserve a break and some downtime. Recharge and consider that escape, even if just a weekend getaway. Balance is key, and setting boundaries is crucial. Embrace the freedom and breathe!
2025-03-10, Monday
Feeling the heat at home, Leo? Before you put on those boxing gloves, consider a softer approach. Grab an oven mitt and channel that energy into cooking up something delicious. It's a great way to distract yourself from family tensions and might even bring everyone together over a shared meal. Not into cooking? No problem. Swap the mitt for some reading glasses and dive into your work. Keep yourself busy and focused on tasks that need your attention. Remember, these homefront tensions are temporary. Stay calm, keep busy, and soon enough, things will simmer down.
2025-03-10, Monday
Living your own fairy tale isn't reserved for royalty, Cancer. You deserve a happily ever after, and right now, the universe is aligning to bring a special person into your life. Forget the so-called "expert" advice on attracting a soul mate; what truly matters are your unique qualities. Embrace them. They are your personal magic, and they will naturally draw the right one to you. Remember to stay true to yourself, and don't be afraid to showcase your authenticity. It's this genuine version of you that will captivate their heart. Enjoy the journey, and know that your story is unfolding beautifully.
2025-03-10, Monday
Today, embrace your sense of style and go for those fashionable shoes and luxurious fabrics you've been eyeing. With your passion and sense of romance at an all-time high, it's the perfect time to indulge your fashion cravings. Consider planning a special outing or a romantic evening to showcase your chic ensemble. This could be anything from a dinner date to a fun night out with friends. Your extra efforts in sprucing up your appearance won't go unnoticed. Enjoy the confidence boost and the compliments that come your way. Make the most of this stylish energy and let it add a little sparkle to your day!
2025-03-10, Monday
Romance is in the air today, Taurus. Take this opportunity to refresh your look and invite that special someone for a cozy dinner. Whether you're dating or happily married, embrace the mood by planning a memorable date. Even if you've been together for years, a sprinkle of romance can reignite the spark. Think of a heartfelt surprise or revisit a place with cherished memories. It's all about showing appreciation and making each other feel special. Enjoy the romance and make it an evening to remember!
2025-03-10, Monday
This is a time of new beginnings, Aries. You’re more ready than ever to tackle new challenges, even if you haven't realized it yet. It’s easy to get comfortable in your career, but now is the perfect moment to shake things up. You've got the skills to make a significant leap forward, so why not seize the opportunity? Start by identifying what your dream job looks like and take active steps to pursue it. Better yet, consider creating that ideal role yourself. Remember, a little effort can lead to a big transformation. Stay proactive and watch your career flourish!
2024-03-10, Sunday: Fresh Air
Long-running emotional relationships are shaken up, so if you're hanging on for security, be prepared. This lets a blast of fresh air blow through. It's time to push the limits in some way at work, or in your community activities. Try testing out new skills or techniques, rather than constantly fronting up to bosses or influential figures. Beneficial colors are hyacinth and golden syrup. Lucky numbers are 13 and 61.
2024-03-10, Sunday: Tensions Come Out
Tensions in your emotional life may come out into the open. That is all to the good, because they will set you free in the long term, allowing you to go off and do the things you really need to do for yourself. Your presence out on the social scene is alternately sparkling and then serious. Calming colors are sea green and copper. Lucky numbers are 16 and 55.
2024-03-10, Sunday: New Perspectives
Look for new experiences - anything that's original, experimental and a little bit inspired. Try something artistic too. You like rather intriguing decor at the moment, which can be very modern or slightly eccentric. It gives you a totally new perspective on what you want from your home and family life. Expressive colors are mulberry and nutmeg. Lucky numbers are 38 and 6.
2024-03-10, Sunday: Pioneering, Or Rebellious?
Wake things up that have become dull and routine. If you're too insecure, it could make you a little edgy because you're scared of letting go. Yet if you take a risk, and open up to life, something rather fun could be happening. Your bright ideas and inventive schemes can make you seem either pioneering or rebellious. Adventurous colors are caramel and red satin. Lucky numbers are 50 and 48.
2024-03-10, Sunday: Room To Breathe
Today's aspects are not good for possessive relationships or relationships where you want to keep everything absolutely still and stable. Rid yourself of restrictions and give yourself a bit of room to breathe. Open the window, let a blast of fresh air blow through... you are exploring different ways of keeping fit, new diets and ways of sorting out minor ailments. Advantageous colors are slate and lavender. Lucky numbers are 9 and 44.
2024-03-10, Sunday: See Other's Viewpoint
If your attitude to agreements is uncharacteristically careless, slow down and put yourself in your partner's place. Then you will be more likely to get your own way at the end of the day. Since you are finding it difficult to see the other point of view, it might also help to tone down your comments as you may be a touch brusque or undiplomatic. Beneficial colors are oyster and myrtle. Lucky numbers are 30 and 48.
2024-03-10, Sunday: Back To Life
An old, long-running relationship could be sparking back to life, or a new relationship might put the twinkle back in your eye. You could get sudden financial gains as well. Keep things on an even keel and there shouldn't be too many problems. You fizz and sparkle with brilliant ideas about almost everything now. Not everyone around will agree, but frankly you could not care less. Amusing colors are tartan and blueberry. Lucky numbers are 6 and 5.
2024-03-10, Sunday: New Choices
Mars under pressure can be disruptive, creating a roller- coaster situation with your affections. Are you spending money like mad, and then suddenly wishing you hadn't bothered? You are happily tossing out of the window a good many ideas that have been around for a long time, perhaps since your childhood. Old teachings are being abandoned, since you dislike having your agenda set for you. Life now has new choices. Adventurous colors are mauve and maple. Lucky numbers are 5 and 9.
2024-03-10, Sunday: Feeling Flirty
Feeling flirty? You're probably spending money like mad on rather more entertaining things than usual. This is not the day for solid, sensible routines. Are you pining for that sensual electricity which switches all the neon lights on? Well, it seems as if your mind is delving into areas other people find obscure, so when you come up for air, go for it! Adventurous colors are rouge and honeycomb. Lucky numbers are 66 and 75.
2024-03-10, Sunday: Mixed Blessing
Friends and teammates are a mixed blessing at the moment, switching from exhilarating to infuriating and back again. The influences could bring good, fun relationships into your life, but it will also bring rather zany people who are not necessarily the kind of friends you want in the long term. It's exciting in the short term, but then you begin to meet people who are more solid and settled. There's a lot to learn with both types. Balancing colors are marshmallow and vermilion. Lucky numbers are 28 and 34.
2024-03-10, Sunday: Go Your Own Way
Take some risks and have thrills, but make sure you're not going a little bit over the top. Obviously you have the right to think what you please, and at the moment you are prepared to shine light on hidden places, to explore new matters of psychological interest, or even look at new mystical and spiritual beliefs. Go your own way and do not be too swayed by other people's attitudes or approach. These are your personal concerns. Bold colors are onyx and golden wattle. Lucky numbers are 1 and 19.
2024-03-10, Sunday: A Bit Impatient
If you are a bit impatient with loved ones, it's only because you want them to wake up. Don't worry, you'll have them on the edge of their seats. Everybody is heading for a great deal more fun, but be prepared for some minor squabbles as well. A curious mix of original and earthy, your schemes may seem wacky but they have a practical result in mind. Effective colors are auburn and primrose. Lucky numbers are 40 and 57.
2023-03-10, Friday: Tensions Come Out
Tensions in your emotional life may come out into the open. That is all to the good, because they will set you free in the long term, allowing you to go off and do the things you really need to do for yourself. Your presence out on the social scene is alternately sparkling and then serious. Calming colors are sea green and copper. Lucky numbers are 16 and 55.
2023-03-10, Friday: Pioneering, Or Rebellious?
Wake things up that have become dull and routine. If you're too insecure, it could make you a little edgy because you're scared of letting go. Yet if you take a risk, and open up to life, something rather fun could be happening. Your bright ideas and inventive schemes can make you seem either pioneering or rebellious. Adventurous colors are caramel and red satin. Lucky numbers are 50 and 48.
2023-03-10, Friday: A Bit Impatient
If you are a bit impatient with loved ones, it's only because you want them to wake up. Don't worry, you'll have them on the edge of their seats. Everybody is heading for a great deal more fun, but be prepared for some minor squabbles as well. A curious mix of original and earthy, your schemes may seem wacky but they have a practical result in mind. Effective colors are auburn and primrose. Lucky numbers are 40 and 57.
2023-03-10, Friday: Back To Life
An old, long-running relationship could be sparking back to life, or a new relationship might put the twinkle back in your eye. You could get sudden financial gains as well. Keep things on an even keel and there shouldn't be too many problems. You fizz and sparkle with brilliant ideas about almost everything now. Not everyone around will agree, but frankly you could not care less. Amusing colors are tartan and blueberry. Lucky numbers are 6 and 5.
2023-03-10, Friday: New Perspectives
Look for new experiences - anything that's original, experimental and a little bit inspired. Try something artistic too. You like rather intriguing decor at the moment, which can be very modern or slightly eccentric. It gives you a totally new perspective on what you want from your home and family life. Expressive colors are mulberry and nutmeg. Lucky numbers are 38 and 6.
2023-03-10, Friday: Room To Breathe
Today's aspects are not good for possessive relationships or relationships where you want to keep everything absolutely still and stable. Rid yourself of restrictions and give yourself a bit of room to breathe. Open the window, let a blast of fresh air blow through... you are exploring different ways of keeping fit, new diets and ways of sorting out minor ailments. Advantageous colors are slate and lavender. Lucky numbers are 9 and 44.
2023-03-10, Friday: See Other's Viewpoint
If your attitude to agreements is uncharacteristically careless, slow down and put yourself in your partner's place. Then you will be more likely to get your own way at the end of the day. Since you are finding it difficult to see the other point of view, it might also help to tone down your comments as you may be a touch brusque or undiplomatic. Beneficial colors are oyster and myrtle. Lucky numbers are 30 and 48.
2023-03-10, Friday: Feeling Flirty
Feeling flirty? You're probably spending money like mad on rather more entertaining things than usual. This is not the day for solid, sensible routines. Are you pining for that sensual electricity which switches all the neon lights on? Well, it seems as if your mind is delving into areas other people find obscure, so when you come up for air, go for it! Adventurous colors are rouge and honeycomb. Lucky numbers are 66 and 75.
2023-03-10, Friday: New Choices
Mars under pressure can be disruptive, creating a roller- coaster situation with your affections. Are you spending money like mad, and then suddenly wishing you hadn't bothered? You are happily tossing out of the window a good many ideas that have been around for a long time, perhaps since your childhood. Old teachings are being abandoned, since you dislike having your agenda set for you. Life now has new choices. Adventurous colors are mauve and maple. Lucky numbers are 5 and 9.
2023-03-10, Friday: Fresh Air
Long-running emotional relationships are shaken up, so if you're hanging on for security, be prepared. This lets a blast of fresh air blow through. It's time to push the limits in some way at work, or in your community activities. Try testing out new skills or techniques, rather than constantly fronting up to bosses or influential figures. Beneficial colors are hyacinth and golden syrup. Lucky numbers are 13 and 61.
2023-03-10, Friday: Mixed Blessing
Friends and teammates are a mixed blessing at the moment, switching from exhilarating to infuriating and back again. The influences could bring good, fun relationships into your life, but it will also bring rather zany people who are not necessarily the kind of friends you want in the long term. It's exciting in the short term, but then you begin to meet people who are more solid and settled. There's a lot to learn with both types. Balancing colors are marshmallow and vermilion. Lucky numbers are 28 and 34.
2023-03-10, Friday: Go Your Own Way
Take some risks and have thrills, but make sure you're not going a little bit over the top. Obviously you have the right to think what you please, and at the moment you are prepared to shine light on hidden places, to explore new matters of psychological interest, or even look at new mystical and spiritual beliefs. Go your own way and do not be too swayed by other people's attitudes or approach. These are your personal concerns. Bold colors are onyx and golden wattle. Lucky numbers are 1 and 19.
2022-03-10, Thursday: Pioneering, Or Rebellious?
Wake things up that have become dull and routine. If you're too insecure, it could make you a little edgy because you're scared of letting go. Yet if you take a risk, and open up to life, something rather fun could be happening. Your bright ideas and inventive schemes can make you seem either pioneering or rebellious. Adventurous colors are caramel and red satin. Lucky numbers are 50 and 48.
2022-03-10, Thursday: A Bit Impatient
If you are a bit impatient with loved ones, it's only because you want them to wake up. Don't worry, you'll have them on the edge of their seats. Everybody is heading for a great deal more fun, but be prepared for some minor squabbles as well. A curious mix of original and earthy, your schemes may seem wacky but they have a practical result in mind. Effective colors are auburn and primrose. Lucky numbers are 40 and 57.
2022-03-10, Thursday: Back To Life
An old, long-running relationship could be sparking back to life, or a new relationship might put the twinkle back in your eye. You could get sudden financial gains as well. Keep things on an even keel and there shouldn't be too many problems. You fizz and sparkle with brilliant ideas about almost everything now. Not everyone around will agree, but frankly you could not care less. Amusing colors are tartan and blueberry. Lucky numbers are 6 and 5.
2022-03-10, Thursday: New Perspectives
Look for new experiences - anything that's original, experimental and a little bit inspired. Try something artistic too. You like rather intriguing decor at the moment, which can be very modern or slightly eccentric. It gives you a totally new perspective on what you want from your home and family life. Expressive colors are mulberry and nutmeg. Lucky numbers are 38 and 6.
2022-03-10, Thursday: Tensions Come Out
Tensions in your emotional life may come out into the open. That is all to the good, because they will set you free in the long term, allowing you to go off and do the things you really need to do for yourself. Your presence out on the social scene is alternately sparkling and then serious. Calming colors are sea green and copper. Lucky numbers are 16 and 55.
2022-03-10, Thursday: Room To Breathe
Today's aspects are not good for possessive relationships or relationships where you want to keep everything absolutely still and stable. Rid yourself of restrictions and give yourself a bit of room to breathe. Open the window, let a blast of fresh air blow through... you are exploring different ways of keeping fit, new diets and ways of sorting out minor ailments. Advantageous colors are slate and lavender. Lucky numbers are 9 and 44.
2022-03-10, Thursday: See Other's Viewpoint
If your attitude to agreements is uncharacteristically careless, slow down and put yourself in your partner's place. Then you will be more likely to get your own way at the end of the day. Since you are finding it difficult to see the other point of view, it might also help to tone down your comments as you may be a touch brusque or undiplomatic. Beneficial colors are oyster and myrtle. Lucky numbers are 30 and 48.
2022-03-10, Thursday: Feeling Flirty
Feeling flirty? You're probably spending money like mad on rather more entertaining things than usual. This is not the day for solid, sensible routines. Are you pining for that sensual electricity which switches all the neon lights on? Well, it seems as if your mind is delving into areas other people find obscure, so when you come up for air, go for it! Adventurous colors are rouge and honeycomb. Lucky numbers are 66 and 75.
2022-03-10, Thursday: New Choices
Mars under pressure can be disruptive, creating a roller- coaster situation with your affections. Are you spending money like mad, and then suddenly wishing you hadn't bothered? You are happily tossing out of the window a good many ideas that have been around for a long time, perhaps since your childhood. Old teachings are being abandoned, since you dislike having your agenda set for you. Life now has new choices. Adventurous colors are mauve and maple. Lucky numbers are 5 and 9.
2022-03-10, Thursday: Fresh Air
Long-running emotional relationships are shaken up, so if you're hanging on for security, be prepared. This lets a blast of fresh air blow through. It's time to push the limits in some way at work, or in your community activities. Try testing out new skills or techniques, rather than constantly fronting up to bosses or influential figures. Beneficial colors are hyacinth and golden syrup. Lucky numbers are 13 and 61.
2022-03-10, Thursday: Mixed Blessing
Friends and teammates are a mixed blessing at the moment, switching from exhilarating to infuriating and back again. The influences could bring good, fun relationships into your life, but it will also bring rather zany people who are not necessarily the kind of friends you want in the long term. It's exciting in the short term, but then you begin to meet people who are more solid and settled. There's a lot to learn with both types. Balancing colors are marshmallow and vermilion. Lucky numbers are 28 and 34.
2022-03-10, Thursday: Go Your Own Way
Take some risks and have thrills, but make sure you're not going a little bit over the top. Obviously you have the right to think what you please, and at the moment you are prepared to shine light on hidden places, to explore new matters of psychological interest, or even look at new mystical and spiritual beliefs. Go your own way and do not be too swayed by other people's attitudes or approach. These are your personal concerns. Bold colors are onyx and golden wattle. Lucky numbers are 1 and 19.
2021-03-10, Wednesday: Pioneering, Or Rebellious?
Wake things up that have become dull and routine. If you're too insecure, it could make you a little edgy because you're scared of letting go. Yet if you take a risk, and open up to life, something rather fun could be happening. Your bright ideas and inventive schemes can make you seem either pioneering or rebellious. Adventurous colors are caramel and red satin. Lucky numbers are 50 and 48.
2021-03-10, Wednesday: A Bit Impatient
If you are a bit impatient with loved ones, it's only because you want them to wake up. Don't worry, you'll have them on the edge of their seats. Everybody is heading for a great deal more fun, but be prepared for some minor squabbles as well. A curious mix of original and earthy, your schemes may seem wacky but they have a practical result in mind. Effective colors are auburn and primrose. Lucky numbers are 40 and 57.
2021-03-10, Wednesday: Back To Life
An old, long-running relationship could be sparking back to life, or a new relationship might put the twinkle back in your eye. You could get sudden financial gains as well. Keep things on an even keel and there shouldn't be too many problems. You fizz and sparkle with brilliant ideas about almost everything now. Not everyone around will agree, but frankly you could not care less. Amusing colors are tartan and blueberry. Lucky numbers are 6 and 5.
2021-03-10, Wednesday: New Perspectives
Look for new experiences - anything that's original, experimental and a little bit inspired. Try something artistic too. You like rather intriguing decor at the moment, which can be very modern or slightly eccentric. It gives you a totally new perspective on what you want from your home and family life. Expressive colors are mulberry and nutmeg. Lucky numbers are 38 and 6.
2021-03-10, Wednesday: Tensions Come Out
Tensions in your emotional life may come out into the open. That is all to the good, because they will set you free in the long term, allowing you to go off and do the things you really need to do for yourself. Your presence out on the social scene is alternately sparkling and then serious. Calming colors are sea green and copper. Lucky numbers are 16 and 55.
2021-03-10, Wednesday: Room To Breathe
Today's aspects are not good for possessive relationships or relationships where you want to keep everything absolutely still and stable. Rid yourself of restrictions and give yourself a bit of room to breathe. Open the window, let a blast of fresh air blow through... you are exploring different ways of keeping fit, new diets and ways of sorting out minor ailments. Advantageous colors are slate and lavender. Lucky numbers are 9 and 44.
2021-03-10, Wednesday: See Other's Viewpoint
If your attitude to agreements is uncharacteristically careless, slow down and put yourself in your partner's place. Then you will be more likely to get your own way at the end of the day. Since you are finding it difficult to see the other point of view, it might also help to tone down your comments as you may be a touch brusque or undiplomatic. Beneficial colors are oyster and myrtle. Lucky numbers are 30 and 48.
2021-03-10, Wednesday: Feeling Flirty
Feeling flirty? You're probably spending money like mad on rather more entertaining things than usual. This is not the day for solid, sensible routines. Are you pining for that sensual electricity which switches all the neon lights on? Well, it seems as if your mind is delving into areas other people find obscure, so when you come up for air, go for it! Adventurous colors are rouge and honeycomb. Lucky numbers are 66 and 75.
2021-03-10, Wednesday: New Choices
Mars under pressure can be disruptive, creating a roller- coaster situation with your affections. Are you spending money like mad, and then suddenly wishing you hadn't bothered? You are happily tossing out of the window a good many ideas that have been around for a long time, perhaps since your childhood. Old teachings are being abandoned, since you dislike having your agenda set for you. Life now has new choices. Adventurous colors are mauve and maple. Lucky numbers are 5 and 9.
2021-03-10, Wednesday: Fresh Air
Long-running emotional relationships are shaken up, so if you're hanging on for security, be prepared. This lets a blast of fresh air blow through. It's time to push the limits in some way at work, or in your community activities. Try testing out new skills or techniques, rather than constantly fronting up to bosses or influential figures. Beneficial colors are hyacinth and golden syrup. Lucky numbers are 13 and 61.
2021-03-10, Wednesday: Mixed Blessing
Friends and teammates are a mixed blessing at the moment, switching from exhilarating to infuriating and back again. The influences could bring good, fun relationships into your life, but it will also bring rather zany people who are not necessarily the kind of friends you want in the long term. It's exciting in the short term, but then you begin to meet people who are more solid and settled. There's a lot to learn with both types. Balancing colors are marshmallow and vermilion. Lucky numbers are 28 and 34.
2021-03-10, Wednesday: Go Your Own Way
Take some risks and have thrills, but make sure you're not going a little bit over the top. Obviously you have the right to think what you please, and at the moment you are prepared to shine light on hidden places, to explore new matters of psychological interest, or even look at new mystical and spiritual beliefs. Go your own way and do not be too swayed by other people's attitudes or approach. These are your personal concerns. Bold colors are onyx and golden wattle. Lucky numbers are 1 and 19.
2020-03-10, Tuesday: Pioneering, Or Rebellious?
Wake things up that have become dull and routine. If you're too insecure, it could make you a little edgy because you're scared of letting go. Yet if you take a risk, and open up to life, something rather fun could be happening. Your bright ideas and inventive schemes can make you seem either pioneering or rebellious. Adventurous colors are caramel and red satin. Lucky numbers are 50 and 48.
2020-03-10, Tuesday: A Bit Impatient
If you are a bit impatient with loved ones, it's only because you want them to wake up. Don't worry, you'll have them on the edge of their seats. Everybody is heading for a great deal more fun, but be prepared for some minor squabbles as well. A curious mix of original and earthy, your schemes may seem wacky but they have a practical result in mind. Effective colors are auburn and primrose. Lucky numbers are 40 and 57.
2020-03-10, Tuesday: Back To Life
An old, long-running relationship could be sparking back to life, or a new relationship might put the twinkle back in your eye. You could get sudden financial gains as well. Keep things on an even keel and there shouldn't be too many problems. You fizz and sparkle with brilliant ideas about almost everything now. Not everyone around will agree, but frankly you could not care less. Amusing colors are tartan and blueberry. Lucky numbers are 6 and 5.
2020-03-10, Tuesday: New Perspectives
Look for new experiences - anything that's original, experimental and a little bit inspired. Try something artistic too. You like rather intriguing decor at the moment, which can be very modern or slightly eccentric. It gives you a totally new perspective on what you want from your home and family life. Expressive colors are mulberry and nutmeg. Lucky numbers are 38 and 6.
2020-03-10, Tuesday: Tensions Come Out
Tensions in your emotional life may come out into the open. That is all to the good, because they will set you free in the long term, allowing you to go off and do the things you really need to do for yourself. Your presence out on the social scene is alternately sparkling and then serious. Calming colors are sea green and copper. Lucky numbers are 16 and 55.
2020-03-10, Tuesday: Room To Breathe
Today's aspects are not good for possessive relationships or relationships where you want to keep everything absolutely still and stable. Rid yourself of restrictions and give yourself a bit of room to breathe. Open the window, let a blast of fresh air blow through... you are exploring different ways of keeping fit, new diets and ways of sorting out minor ailments. Advantageous colors are slate and lavender. Lucky numbers are 9 and 44.
2020-03-10, Tuesday: See Other's Viewpoint
If your attitude to agreements is uncharacteristically careless, slow down and put yourself in your partner's place. Then you will be more likely to get your own way at the end of the day. Since you are finding it difficult to see the other point of view, it might also help to tone down your comments as you may be a touch brusque or undiplomatic. Beneficial colors are oyster and myrtle. Lucky numbers are 30 and 48.
2020-03-10, Tuesday: Feeling Flirty
Feeling flirty? You're probably spending money like mad on rather more entertaining things than usual. This is not the day for solid, sensible routines. Are you pining for that sensual electricity which switches all the neon lights on? Well, it seems as if your mind is delving into areas other people find obscure, so when you come up for air, go for it! Adventurous colors are rouge and honeycomb. Lucky numbers are 66 and 75.
2020-03-10, Tuesday: New Choices
Mars under pressure can be disruptive, creating a roller- coaster situation with your affections. Are you spending money like mad, and then suddenly wishing you hadn't bothered? You are happily tossing out of the window a good many ideas that have been around for a long time, perhaps since your childhood. Old teachings are being abandoned, since you dislike having your agenda set for you. Life now has new choices. Adventurous colors are mauve and maple. Lucky numbers are 5 and 9.
2020-03-10, Tuesday: Fresh Air
Long-running emotional relationships are shaken up, so if you're hanging on for security, be prepared. This lets a blast of fresh air blow through. It's time to push the limits in some way at work, or in your community activities. Try testing out new skills or techniques, rather than constantly fronting up to bosses or influential figures. Beneficial colors are hyacinth and golden syrup. Lucky numbers are 13 and 61.
2020-03-10, Tuesday: Mixed Blessing
Friends and teammates are a mixed blessing at the moment, switching from exhilarating to infuriating and back again. The influences could bring good, fun relationships into your life, but it will also bring rather zany people who are not necessarily the kind of friends you want in the long term. It's exciting in the short term, but then you begin to meet people who are more solid and settled. There's a lot to learn with both types. Balancing colors are marshmallow and vermilion. Lucky numbers are 28 and 34.
2020-03-10, Tuesday: Go Your Own Way
Take some risks and have thrills, but make sure you're not going a little bit over the top. Obviously you have the right to think what you please, and at the moment you are prepared to shine light on hidden places, to explore new matters of psychological interest, or even look at new mystical and spiritual beliefs. Go your own way and do not be too swayed by other people's attitudes or approach. These are your personal concerns. Bold colors are onyx and golden wattle. Lucky numbers are 1 and 19.
2019-03-10, Sunday: Pioneering, Or Rebellious?
Wake things up that have become dull and routine. If you're too insecure, it could make you a little edgy because you're scared of letting go. Yet if you take a risk, and open up to life, something rather fun could be happening. Your bright ideas and inventive schemes can make you seem either pioneering or rebellious. Adventurous colors are caramel and red satin. Lucky numbers are 50 and 48.
2019-03-10, Sunday: A Bit Impatient
If you are a bit impatient with loved ones, it's only because you want them to wake up. Don't worry, you'll have them on the edge of their seats. Everybody is heading for a great deal more fun, but be prepared for some minor squabbles as well. A curious mix of original and earthy, your schemes may seem wacky but they have a practical result in mind. Effective colors are auburn and primrose. Lucky numbers are 40 and 57.
2019-03-10, Sunday: Back To Life
An old, long-running relationship could be sparking back to life, or a new relationship might put the twinkle back in your eye. You could get sudden financial gains as well. Keep things on an even keel and there shouldn't be too many problems. You fizz and sparkle with brilliant ideas about almost everything now. Not everyone around will agree, but frankly you could not care less. Amusing colors are tartan and blueberry. Lucky numbers are 6 and 5.
2019-03-10, Sunday: New Perspectives
Look for new experiences - anything that's original, experimental and a little bit inspired. Try something artistic too. You like rather intriguing decor at the moment, which can be very modern or slightly eccentric. It gives you a totally new perspective on what you want from your home and family life. Expressive colors are mulberry and nutmeg. Lucky numbers are 38 and 6.
2019-03-10, Sunday: Tensions Come Out
Tensions in your emotional life may come out into the open. That is all to the good, because they will set you free in the long term, allowing you to go off and do the things you really need to do for yourself. Your presence out on the social scene is alternately sparkling and then serious. Calming colors are sea green and copper. Lucky numbers are 16 and 55.
2019-03-10, Sunday: Room To Breathe
Today's aspects are not good for possessive relationships or relationships where you want to keep everything absolutely still and stable. Rid yourself of restrictions and give yourself a bit of room to breathe. Open the window, let a blast of fresh air blow through... you are exploring different ways of keeping fit, new diets and ways of sorting out minor ailments. Advantageous colors are slate and lavender. Lucky numbers are 9 and 44.
2019-03-10, Sunday: See Other's Viewpoint
If your attitude to agreements is uncharacteristically careless, slow down and put yourself in your partner's place. Then you will be more likely to get your own way at the end of the day. Since you are finding it difficult to see the other point of view, it might also help to tone down your comments as you may be a touch brusque or undiplomatic. Beneficial colors are oyster and myrtle. Lucky numbers are 30 and 48.
2019-03-10, Sunday: Feeling Flirty
Feeling flirty? You're probably spending money like mad on rather more entertaining things than usual. This is not the day for solid, sensible routines. Are you pining for that sensual electricity which switches all the neon lights on? Well, it seems as if your mind is delving into areas other people find obscure, so when you come up for air, go for it! Adventurous colors are rouge and honeycomb. Lucky numbers are 66 and 75.
2019-03-10, Sunday: New Choices
Mars under pressure can be disruptive, creating a roller- coaster situation with your affections. Are you spending money like mad, and then suddenly wishing you hadn't bothered? You are happily tossing out of the window a good many ideas that have been around for a long time, perhaps since your childhood. Old teachings are being abandoned, since you dislike having your agenda set for you. Life now has new choices. Adventurous colors are mauve and maple. Lucky numbers are 5 and 9.
2019-03-10, Sunday: Fresh Air
Long-running emotional relationships are shaken up, so if you're hanging on for security, be prepared. This lets a blast of fresh air blow through. It's time to push the limits in some way at work, or in your community activities. Try testing out new skills or techniques, rather than constantly fronting up to bosses or influential figures. Beneficial colors are hyacinth and golden syrup. Lucky numbers are 13 and 61.
2019-03-10, Sunday: Mixed Blessing
Friends and teammates are a mixed blessing at the moment, switching from exhilarating to infuriating and back again. The influences could bring good, fun relationships into your life, but it will also bring rather zany people who are not necessarily the kind of friends you want in the long term. It's exciting in the short term, but then you begin to meet people who are more solid and settled. There's a lot to learn with both types. Balancing colors are marshmallow and vermilion. Lucky numbers are 28 and 34.
2019-03-10, Sunday: Go Your Own Way
Take some risks and have thrills, but make sure you're not going a little bit over the top. Obviously you have the right to think what you please, and at the moment you are prepared to shine light on hidden places, to explore new matters of psychological interest, or even look at new mystical and spiritual beliefs. Go your own way and do not be too swayed by other people's attitudes or approach. These are your personal concerns. Bold colors are onyx and golden wattle. Lucky numbers are 1 and 19.
2018-03-10, Saturday: Pioneering, Or Rebellious?
Wake things up that have become dull and routine. If you're too insecure, it could make you a little edgy because you're scared of letting go. Yet if you take a risk, and open up to life, something rather fun could be happening. Your bright ideas and inventive schemes can make you seem either pioneering or rebellious. Adventurous colors are caramel and red satin. Lucky numbers are 50 and 48.
2018-03-10, Saturday: A Bit Impatient
If you are a bit impatient with loved ones, it's only because you want them to wake up. Don't worry, you'll have them on the edge of their seats. Everybody is heading for a great deal more fun, but be prepared for some minor squabbles as well. A curious mix of original and earthy, your schemes may seem wacky but they have a practical result in mind. Effective colors are auburn and primrose. Lucky numbers are 40 and 57.
2018-03-10, Saturday: Back To Life
An old, long-running relationship could be sparking back to life, or a new relationship might put the twinkle back in your eye. You could get sudden financial gains as well. Keep things on an even keel and there shouldn't be too many problems. You fizz and sparkle with brilliant ideas about almost everything now. Not everyone around will agree, but frankly you could not care less. Amusing colors are tartan and blueberry. Lucky numbers are 6 and 5.
2018-03-10, Saturday: New Perspectives
Look for new experiences - anything that's original, experimental and a little bit inspired. Try something artistic too. You like rather intriguing decor at the moment, which can be very modern or slightly eccentric. It gives you a totally new perspective on what you want from your home and family life. Expressive colors are mulberry and nutmeg. Lucky numbers are 38 and 6.
2018-03-10, Saturday: Tensions Come Out
Tensions in your emotional life may come out into the open. That is all to the good, because they will set you free in the long term, allowing you to go off and do the things you really need to do for yourself. Your presence out on the social scene is alternately sparkling and then serious. Calming colors are sea green and copper. Lucky numbers are 16 and 55.
2018-03-10, Saturday: Room To Breathe
Today's aspects are not good for possessive relationships or relationships where you want to keep everything absolutely still and stable. Rid yourself of restrictions and give yourself a bit of room to breathe. Open the window, let a blast of fresh air blow through... you are exploring different ways of keeping fit, new diets and ways of sorting out minor ailments. Advantageous colors are slate and lavender. Lucky numbers are 9 and 44.
2018-03-10, Saturday: See Other's Viewpoint
If your attitude to agreements is uncharacteristically careless, slow down and put yourself in your partner's place. Then you will be more likely to get your own way at the end of the day. Since you are finding it difficult to see the other point of view, it might also help to tone down your comments as you may be a touch brusque or undiplomatic. Beneficial colors are oyster and myrtle. Lucky numbers are 30 and 48.
2018-03-10, Saturday: Feeling Flirty
Feeling flirty? You're probably spending money like mad on rather more entertaining things than usual. This is not the day for solid, sensible routines. Are you pining for that sensual electricity which switches all the neon lights on? Well, it seems as if your mind is delving into areas other people find obscure, so when you come up for air, go for it! Adventurous colors are rouge and honeycomb. Lucky numbers are 66 and 75.
2018-03-10, Saturday: New Choices
Mars under pressure can be disruptive, creating a roller- coaster situation with your affections. Are you spending money like mad, and then suddenly wishing you hadn't bothered? You are happily tossing out of the window a good many ideas that have been around for a long time, perhaps since your childhood. Old teachings are being abandoned, since you dislike having your agenda set for you. Life now has new choices. Adventurous colors are mauve and maple. Lucky numbers are 5 and 9.
2018-03-10, Saturday: Mixed Blessing
Friends and teammates are a mixed blessing at the moment, switching from exhilarating to infuriating and back again. The influences could bring good, fun relationships into your life, but it will also bring rather zany people who are not necessarily the kind of friends you want in the long term. It's exciting in the short term, but then you begin to meet people who are more solid and settled. There's a lot to learn with both types. Balancing colors are marshmallow and vermilion. Lucky numbers are 28 and 34.
2018-03-10, Saturday: Go Your Own Way
Take some risks and have thrills, but make sure you're not going a little bit over the top. Obviously you have the right to think what you please, and at the moment you are prepared to shine light on hidden places, to explore new matters of psychological interest, or even look at new mystical and spiritual beliefs. Go your own way and do not be too swayed by other people's attitudes or approach. These are your personal concerns. Bold colors are onyx and golden wattle. Lucky numbers are 1 and 19.
2018-03-10, Saturday: Fresh Air
Long-running emotional relationships are shaken up, so if you're hanging on for security, be prepared. This lets a blast of fresh air blow through. It's time to push the limits in some way at work, or in your community activities. Try testing out new skills or techniques, rather than constantly fronting up to bosses or influential figures. Beneficial colors are hyacinth and golden syrup. Lucky numbers are 13 and 61.
2017-03-10, Friday: Pioneering, Or Rebellious?
Wake things up that have become dull and routine. If you're too insecure, it could make you a little edgy because you're scared of letting go. Yet if you take a risk, and open up to life, something rather fun could be happening. Your bright ideas and inventive schemes can make you seem either pioneering or rebellious. Adventurous colors are caramel and red satin. Lucky numbers are 50 and 48.
2017-03-10, Friday: A Bit Impatient
If you are a bit impatient with loved ones, it's only because you want them to wake up. Don't worry, you'll have them on the edge of their seats. Everybody is heading for a great deal more fun, but be prepared for some minor squabbles as well. A curious mix of original and earthy, your schemes may seem wacky but they have a practical result in mind. Effective colors are auburn and primrose. Lucky numbers are 40 and 57.
2017-03-10, Friday: Back To Life
An old, long-running relationship could be sparking back to life, or a new relationship might put the twinkle back in your eye. You could get sudden financial gains as well. Keep things on an even keel and there shouldn't be too many problems. You fizz and sparkle with brilliant ideas about almost everything now. Not everyone around will agree, but frankly you could not care less. Amusing colors are tartan and blueberry. Lucky numbers are 6 and 5.
2017-03-10, Friday: New Perspectives
Look for new experiences - anything that's original, experimental and a little bit inspired. Try something artistic too. You like rather intriguing decor at the moment, which can be very modern or slightly eccentric. It gives you a totally new perspective on what you want from your home and family life. Expressive colors are mulberry and nutmeg. Lucky numbers are 38 and 6.
2017-03-10, Friday: Room To Breathe
Today's aspects are not good for possessive relationships or relationships where you want to keep everything absolutely still and stable. Rid yourself of restrictions and give yourself a bit of room to breathe. Open the window, let a blast of fresh air blow through... you are exploring different ways of keeping fit, new diets and ways of sorting out minor ailments. Advantageous colors are slate and lavender. Lucky numbers are 9 and 44.
2017-03-10, Friday: See Other's Viewpoint
If your attitude to agreements is uncharacteristically careless, slow down and put yourself in your partner's place. Then you will be more likely to get your own way at the end of the day. Since you are finding it difficult to see the other point of view, it might also help to tone down your comments as you may be a touch brusque or undiplomatic. Beneficial colors are oyster and myrtle. Lucky numbers are 30 and 48.
2017-03-10, Friday: Feeling Flirty
Feeling flirty? You're probably spending money like mad on rather more entertaining things than usual. This is not the day for solid, sensible routines. Are you pining for that sensual electricity which switches all the neon lights on? Well, it seems as if your mind is delving into areas other people find obscure, so when you come up for air, go for it! Adventurous colors are rouge and honeycomb. Lucky numbers are 66 and 75.
2017-03-10, Friday: New Choices
Mars under pressure can be disruptive, creating a roller- coaster situation with your affections. Are you spending money like mad, and then suddenly wishing you hadn't bothered? You are happily tossing out of the window a good many ideas that have been around for a long time, perhaps since your childhood. Old teachings are being abandoned, since you dislike having your agenda set for you. Life now has new choices. Adventurous colors are mauve and maple. Lucky numbers are 5 and 9.
2017-03-10, Friday: Fresh Air
Long-running emotional relationships are shaken up, so if you're hanging on for security, be prepared. This lets a blast of fresh air blow through. It's time to push the limits in some way at work, or in your community activities. Try testing out new skills or techniques, rather than constantly fronting up to bosses or influential figures. Beneficial colors are hyacinth and golden syrup. Lucky numbers are 13 and 61.
2017-03-10, Friday: Mixed Blessing
Friends and teammates are a mixed blessing at the moment, switching from exhilarating to infuriating and back again. The influences could bring good, fun relationships into your life, but it will also bring rather zany people who are not necessarily the kind of friends you want in the long term. It's exciting in the short term, but then you begin to meet people who are more solid and settled. There's a lot to learn with both types. Balancing colors are marshmallow and vermilion. Lucky numbers are 28 and 34.
2017-03-10, Friday: Tensions Come Out
Tensions in your emotional life may come out into the open. That is all to the good, because they will set you free in the long term, allowing you to go off and do the things you really need to do for yourself. Your presence out on the social scene is alternately sparkling and then serious. Calming colors are sea green and copper. Lucky numbers are 16 and 55.
2017-03-10, Friday: Go Your Own Way
Take some risks and have thrills, but make sure you're not going a little bit over the top. Obviously you have the right to think what you please, and at the moment you are prepared to shine light on hidden places, to explore new matters of psychological interest, or even look at new mystical and spiritual beliefs. Go your own way and do not be too swayed by other people's attitudes or approach. These are your personal concerns. Bold colors are onyx and golden wattle. Lucky numbers are 1 and 19.
2016-03-10, Thursday: Pioneering, Or Rebellious?
Wake things up that have become dull and routine. If you're too insecure, it could make you a little edgy because you're scared of letting go. Yet if you take a risk, and open up to life, something rather fun could be happening. Your bright ideas and inventive schemes can make you seem either pioneering or rebellious. Adventurous colors are caramel and red satin. Lucky numbers are 50 and 48.
2016-03-10, Thursday: A Bit Impatient
If you are a bit impatient with loved ones, it's only because you want them to wake up. Don't worry, you'll have them on the edge of their seats. Everybody is heading for a great deal more fun, but be prepared for some minor squabbles as well. A curious mix of original and earthy, your schemes may seem wacky but they have a practical result in mind. Effective colors are auburn and primrose. Lucky numbers are 40 and 57.
2016-03-10, Thursday: Back To Life
An old, long-running relationship could be sparking back to life, or a new relationship might put the twinkle back in your eye. You could get sudden financial gains as well. Keep things on an even keel and there shouldn't be too many problems. You fizz and sparkle with brilliant ideas about almost everything now. Not everyone around will agree, but frankly you could not care less. Amusing colors are tartan and blueberry. Lucky numbers are 6 and 5.
2016-03-10, Thursday: New Perspectives
Look for new experiences - anything that's original, experimental and a little bit inspired. Try something artistic too. You like rather intriguing decor at the moment, which can be very modern or slightly eccentric. It gives you a totally new perspective on what you want from your home and family life. Expressive colors are mulberry and nutmeg. Lucky numbers are 38 and 6.
2016-03-10, Thursday: Tensions Come Out
Tensions in your emotional life may come out into the open. That is all to the good, because they will set you free in the long term, allowing you to go off and do the things you really need to do for yourself. Your presence out on the social scene is alternately sparkling and then serious. Calming colors are sea green and copper. Lucky numbers are 16 and 55.
2016-03-10, Thursday: Room To Breathe
Today's aspects are not good for possessive relationships or relationships where you want to keep everything absolutely still and stable. Rid yourself of restrictions and give yourself a bit of room to breathe. Open the window, let a blast of fresh air blow through... you are exploring different ways of keeping fit, new diets and ways of sorting out minor ailments. Advantageous colors are slate and lavender. Lucky numbers are 9 and 44.
2016-03-10, Thursday: See Other's Viewpoint
If your attitude to agreements is uncharacteristically careless, slow down and put yourself in your partner's place. Then you will be more likely to get your own way at the end of the day. Since you are finding it difficult to see the other point of view, it might also help to tone down your comments as you may be a touch brusque or undiplomatic. Beneficial colors are oyster and myrtle. Lucky numbers are 30 and 48.
2016-03-10, Thursday: Feeling Flirty
Feeling flirty? You're probably spending money like mad on rather more entertaining things than usual. This is not the day for solid, sensible routines. Are you pining for that sensual electricity which switches all the neon lights on? Well, it seems as if your mind is delving into areas other people find obscure, so when you come up for air, go for it! Adventurous colors are rouge and honeycomb. Lucky numbers are 66 and 75.
2016-03-10, Thursday: New Choices
Mars under pressure can be disruptive, creating a roller- coaster situation with your affections. Are you spending money like mad, and then suddenly wishing you hadn't bothered? You are happily tossing out of the window a good many ideas that have been around for a long time, perhaps since your childhood. Old teachings are being abandoned, since you dislike having your agenda set for you. Life now has new choices. Adventurous colors are mauve and maple. Lucky numbers are 5 and 9.
2016-03-10, Thursday: Fresh Air
Long-running emotional relationships are shaken up, so if you're hanging on for security, be prepared. This lets a blast of fresh air blow through. It's time to push the limits in some way at work, or in your community activities. Try testing out new skills or techniques, rather than constantly fronting up to bosses or influential figures. Beneficial colors are hyacinth and golden syrup. Lucky numbers are 13 and 61.
2016-03-10, Thursday: Mixed Blessing
Friends and teammates are a mixed blessing at the moment, switching from exhilarating to infuriating and back again. The influences could bring good, fun relationships into your life, but it will also bring rather zany people who are not necessarily the kind of friends you want in the long term. It's exciting in the short term, but then you begin to meet people who are more solid and settled. There's a lot to learn with both types. Balancing colors are marshmallow and vermilion. Lucky numbers are 28 and 34.
2016-03-10, Thursday: Go Your Own Way
Take some risks and have thrills, but make sure you're not going a little bit over the top. Obviously you have the right to think what you please, and at the moment you are prepared to shine light on hidden places, to explore new matters of psychological interest, or even look at new mystical and spiritual beliefs. Go your own way and do not be too swayed by other people's attitudes or approach. These are your personal concerns. Bold colors are onyx and golden wattle. Lucky numbers are 1 and 19.
2015-03-10, Tuesday: Pioneering, Or Rebellious?
Wake things up that have become dull and routine. If you're too insecure, it could make you a little edgy because you're scared of letting go. Yet if you take a risk, and open up to life, something rather fun could be happening. Your bright ideas and inventive schemes can make you seem either pioneering or rebellious. Adventurous colors are caramel and red satin. Lucky numbers are 50 and 48.
2015-03-10, Tuesday: A Bit Impatient
If you are a bit impatient with loved ones, it's only because you want them to wake up. Don't worry, you'll have them on the edge of their seats. Everybody is heading for a great deal more fun, but be prepared for some minor squabbles as well. A curious mix of original and earthy, your schemes may seem wacky but they have a practical result in mind. Effective colors are auburn and primrose. Lucky numbers are 40 and 57.
2015-03-10, Tuesday: Back To Life
An old, long-running relationship could be sparking back to life, or a new relationship might put the twinkle back in your eye. You could get sudden financial gains as well. Keep things on an even keel and there shouldn't be too many problems. You fizz and sparkle with brilliant ideas about almost everything now. Not everyone around will agree, but frankly you could not care less. Amusing colors are tartan and blueberry. Lucky numbers are 6 and 5.
2015-03-10, Tuesday: New Perspectives
Look for new experiences - anything that's original, experimental and a little bit inspired. Try something artistic too. You like rather intriguing decor at the moment, which can be very modern or slightly eccentric. It gives you a totally new perspective on what you want from your home and family life. Expressive colors are mulberry and nutmeg. Lucky numbers are 38 and 6.
2015-03-10, Tuesday: Tensions Come Out
Tensions in your emotional life may come out into the open. That is all to the good, because they will set you free in the long term, allowing you to go off and do the things you really need to do for yourself. Your presence out on the social scene is alternately sparkling and then serious. Calming colors are sea green and copper. Lucky numbers are 16 and 55.
2015-03-10, Tuesday: Room To Breathe
Today's aspects are not good for possessive relationships or relationships where you want to keep everything absolutely still and stable. Rid yourself of restrictions and give yourself a bit of room to breathe. Open the window, let a blast of fresh air blow through... you are exploring different ways of keeping fit, new diets and ways of sorting out minor ailments. Advantageous colors are slate and lavender. Lucky numbers are 9 and 44.
2015-03-10, Tuesday: See Other's Viewpoint
If your attitude to agreements is uncharacteristically careless, slow down and put yourself in your partner's place. Then you will be more likely to get your own way at the end of the day. Since you are finding it difficult to see the other point of view, it might also help to tone down your comments as you may be a touch brusque or undiplomatic. Beneficial colors are oyster and myrtle. Lucky numbers are 30 and 48.
2015-03-10, Tuesday: Feeling Flirty
Feeling flirty? You're probably spending money like mad on rather more entertaining things than usual. This is not the day for solid, sensible routines. Are you pining for that sensual electricity which switches all the neon lights on? Well, it seems as if your mind is delving into areas other people find obscure, so when you come up for air, go for it! Adventurous colors are rouge and honeycomb. Lucky numbers are 66 and 75.
2015-03-10, Tuesday: New Choices
Mars under pressure can be disruptive, creating a roller- coaster situation with your affections. Are you spending money like mad, and then suddenly wishing you hadn't bothered? You are happily tossing out of the window a good many ideas that have been around for a long time, perhaps since your childhood. Old teachings are being abandoned, since you dislike having your agenda set for you. Life now has new choices. Adventurous colors are mauve and maple. Lucky numbers are 5 and 9.
2015-03-10, Tuesday: Fresh Air
Long-running emotional relationships are shaken up, so if you're hanging on for security, be prepared. This lets a blast of fresh air blow through. It's time to push the limits in some way at work, or in your community activities. Try testing out new skills or techniques, rather than constantly fronting up to bosses or influential figures. Beneficial colors are hyacinth and golden syrup. Lucky numbers are 13 and 61.
2015-03-10, Tuesday: Mixed Blessing
Friends and teammates are a mixed blessing at the moment, switching from exhilarating to infuriating and back again. The influences could bring good, fun relationships into your life, but it will also bring rather zany people who are not necessarily the kind of friends you want in the long term. It's exciting in the short term, but then you begin to meet people who are more solid and settled. There's a lot to learn with both types. Balancing colors are marshmallow and vermilion. Lucky numbers are 28 and 34.
2015-03-10, Tuesday: Go Your Own Way
Take some risks and have thrills, but make sure you're not going a little bit over the top. Obviously you have the right to think what you please, and at the moment you are prepared to shine light on hidden places, to explore new matters of psychological interest, or even look at new mystical and spiritual beliefs. Go your own way and do not be too swayed by other people's attitudes or approach. These are your personal concerns. Bold colors are onyx and golden wattle. Lucky numbers are 1 and 19.
2014-03-10, Monday: Pioneering, Or Rebellious?
Wake things up that have become dull and routine. If you're too insecure, it could make you a little edgy because you're scared of letting go. Yet if you take a risk, and open up to life, something rather fun could be happening. Your bright ideas and inventive schemes can make you seem either pioneering or rebellious. Adventurous colors are caramel and red satin. Lucky numbers are 50 and 48.
2014-03-10, Monday: A Bit Impatient
If you are a bit impatient with loved ones, it's only because you want them to wake up. Don't worry, you'll have them on the edge of their seats. Everybody is heading for a great deal more fun, but be prepared for some minor squabbles as well. A curious mix of original and earthy, your schemes may seem wacky but they have a practical result in mind. Effective colors are auburn and primrose. Lucky numbers are 40 and 57.
2014-03-10, Monday: Back To Life
An old, long-running relationship could be sparking back to life, or a new relationship might put the twinkle back in your eye. You could get sudden financial gains as well. Keep things on an even keel and there shouldn't be too many problems. You fizz and sparkle with brilliant ideas about almost everything now. Not everyone around will agree, but frankly you could not care less. Amusing colors are tartan and blueberry. Lucky numbers are 6 and 5.
2014-03-10, Monday: New Perspectives
Look for new experiences - anything that's original, experimental and a little bit inspired. Try something artistic too. You like rather intriguing decor at the moment, which can be very modern or slightly eccentric. It gives you a totally new perspective on what you want from your home and family life. Expressive colors are mulberry and nutmeg. Lucky numbers are 38 and 6.
2014-03-10, Monday: Tensions Come Out
Tensions in your emotional life may come out into the open. That is all to the good, because they will set you free in the long term, allowing you to go off and do the things you really need to do for yourself. Your presence out on the social scene is alternately sparkling and then serious. Calming colors are sea green and copper. Lucky numbers are 16 and 55.
2014-03-10, Monday: Room To Breathe
Today's aspects are not good for possessive relationships or relationships where you want to keep everything absolutely still and stable. Rid yourself of restrictions and give yourself a bit of room to breathe. Open the window, let a blast of fresh air blow through... you are exploring different ways of keeping fit, new diets and ways of sorting out minor ailments. Advantageous colors are slate and lavender. Lucky numbers are 9 and 44.
2014-03-10, Monday: See Other's Viewpoint
If your attitude to agreements is uncharacteristically careless, slow down and put yourself in your partner's place. Then you will be more likely to get your own way at the end of the day. Since you are finding it difficult to see the other point of view, it might also help to tone down your comments as you may be a touch brusque or undiplomatic. Beneficial colors are oyster and myrtle. Lucky numbers are 30 and 48.
2014-03-10, Monday: Feeling Flirty
Feeling flirty? You're probably spending money like mad on rather more entertaining things than usual. This is not the day for solid, sensible routines. Are you pining for that sensual electricity which switches all the neon lights on? Well, it seems as if your mind is delving into areas other people find obscure, so when you come up for air, go for it! Adventurous colors are rouge and honeycomb. Lucky numbers are 66 and 75.
2014-03-10, Monday: New Choices
Mars under pressure can be disruptive, creating a roller- coaster situation with your affections. Are you spending money like mad, and then suddenly wishing you hadn't bothered? You are happily tossing out of the window a good many ideas that have been around for a long time, perhaps since your childhood. Old teachings are being abandoned, since you dislike having your agenda set for you. Life now has new choices. Adventurous colors are mauve and maple. Lucky numbers are 5 and 9.
2014-03-10, Monday: Fresh Air
Long-running emotional relationships are shaken up, so if you're hanging on for security, be prepared. This lets a blast of fresh air blow through. It's time to push the limits in some way at work, or in your community activities. Try testing out new skills or techniques, rather than constantly fronting up to bosses or influential figures. Beneficial colors are hyacinth and golden syrup. Lucky numbers are 13 and 61.
2014-03-10, Monday: Mixed Blessing
Friends and teammates are a mixed blessing at the moment, switching from exhilarating to infuriating and back again. The influences could bring good, fun relationships into your life, but it will also bring rather zany people who are not necessarily the kind of friends you want in the long term. It's exciting in the short term, but then you begin to meet people who are more solid and settled. There's a lot to learn with both types. Balancing colors are marshmallow and vermilion. Lucky numbers are 28 and 34.
2014-03-10, Monday: Go Your Own Way
Take some risks and have thrills, but make sure you're not going a little bit over the top. Obviously you have the right to think what you please, and at the moment you are prepared to shine light on hidden places, to explore new matters of psychological interest, or even look at new mystical and spiritual beliefs. Go your own way and do not be too swayed by other people's attitudes or approach. These are your personal concerns. Bold colors are onyx and golden wattle. Lucky numbers are 1 and 19.
2012-03-10, Saturday: Pioneering, Or Rebellious?
Wake things up that have become dull and routine. If you're too insecure, it could make you a little edgy because you're scared of letting go. Yet if you take a risk, and open up to life, something rather fun could be happening. Your bright ideas and inventive schemes can make you seem either pioneering or rebellious. Adventurous colors are caramel and red satin. Lucky numbers are 50 and 48.
2012-03-10, Saturday: Back To Life
An old, long-running relationship could be sparking back to life, or a new relationship might put the twinkle back in your eye. You could get sudden financial gains as well. Keep things on an even keel and there shouldn't be too many problems. You fizz and sparkle with brilliant ideas about almost everything now. Not everyone around will agree, but frankly you could not care less. Amusing colors are tartan and blueberry. Lucky numbers are 6 and 5.
2012-03-10, Saturday: New Perspectives
Look for new experiences - anything that's original, experimental and a little bit inspired. Try something artistic too. You like rather intriguing decor at the moment, which can be very modern or slightly eccentric. It gives you a totally new perspective on what you want from your home and family life. Expressive colors are mulberry and nutmeg. Lucky numbers are 38 and 6.
2012-03-10, Saturday: A Bit Impatient
If you are a bit impatient with loved ones, it's only because you want them to wake up. Don't worry, you'll have them on the edge of their seats. Everybody is heading for a great deal more fun, but be prepared for some minor squabbles as well. A curious mix of original and earthy, your schemes may seem wacky but they have a practical result in mind. Effective colors are auburn and primrose. Lucky numbers are 40 and 57.
2012-03-10, Saturday: Tensions Come Out
Tensions in your emotional life may come out into the open. That is all to the good, because they will set you free in the long term, allowing you to go off and do the things you really need to do for yourself. Your presence out on the social scene is alternately sparkling and then serious. Calming colors are sea green and copper. Lucky numbers are 16 and 55.
2012-03-10, Saturday: Room To Breathe
Today's aspects are not good for possessive relationships or relationships where you want to keep everything absolutely still and stable. Rid yourself of restrictions and give yourself a bit of room to breathe. Open the window, let a blast of fresh air blow through... you are exploring different ways of keeping fit, new diets and ways of sorting out minor ailments. Advantageous colors are slate and lavender. Lucky numbers are 9 and 44.
2012-03-10, Saturday: See Other's Viewpoint
If your attitude to agreements is uncharacteristically careless, slow down and put yourself in your partner's place. Then you will be more likely to get your own way at the end of the day. Since you are finding it difficult to see the other point of view, it might also help to tone down your comments as you may be a touch brusque or undiplomatic. Beneficial colors are oyster and myrtle. Lucky numbers are 30 and 48.
2012-03-10, Saturday: Feeling Flirty
Feeling flirty? You're probably spending money like mad on rather more entertaining things than usual. This is not the day for solid, sensible routines. Are you pining for that sensual electricity which switches all the neon lights on? Well, it seems as if your mind is delving into areas other people find obscure, so when you come up for air, go for it! Adventurous colors are rouge and honeycomb. Lucky numbers are 66 and 75.
2012-03-10, Saturday: New Choices
Mars under pressure can be disruptive, creating a roller- coaster situation with your affections. Are you spending money like mad, and then suddenly wishing you hadn't bothered? You are happily tossing out of the window a good many ideas that have been around for a long time, perhaps since your childhood. Old teachings are being abandoned, since you dislike having your agenda set for you. Life now has new choices. Adventurous colors are mauve and maple. Lucky numbers are 5 and 9.
2012-03-10, Saturday: Fresh Air
Long-running emotional relationships are shaken up, so if you're hanging on for security, be prepared. This lets a blast of fresh air blow through. It's time to push the limits in some way at work, or in your community activities. Try testing out new skills or techniques, rather than constantly fronting up to bosses or influential figures. Beneficial colors are hyacinth and golden syrup. Lucky numbers are 13 and 61.
2012-03-10, Saturday: Mixed Blessing
Friends and teammates are a mixed blessing at the moment, switching from exhilarating to infuriating and back again. The influences could bring good, fun relationships into your life, but it will also bring rather zany people who are not necessarily the kind of friends you want in the long term. It's exciting in the short term, but then you begin to meet people who are more solid and settled. There's a lot to learn with both types. Balancing colors are marshmallow and vermilion. Lucky numbers are 28 and 34.
2012-03-10, Saturday: Go Your Own Way
Take some risks and have thrills, but make sure you're not going a little bit over the top. Obviously you have the right to think what you please, and at the moment you are prepared to shine light on hidden places, to explore new matters of psychological interest, or even look at new mystical and spiritual beliefs. Go your own way and do not be too swayed by other people's attitudes or approach. These are your personal concerns. Bold colors are onyx and golden wattle. Lucky numbers are 1 and 19.
2011-03-10, Thursday: Follow Your Star
You need a strategy to get it all rolling again, Pisces. Keep persevering, for the answers will come. It could even be a good time for a grand financial reorganisation. From now onwards what you chose to do may be unconventional, but you will sparkle with a quality which others will really admire. Even if it feels insecure at times, follow your star and tread a new path in your life. Prosperous colours are bright red and silvery blue. Lucky numbers are 21 and 33.
2011-03-10, Thursday: Out With The Old
Venus in your sign makes it easier to let go of old patterns of behaviour that have been holding you back. Change is never simple, especially at a psychological level, but you will benefit greatly from abandoning what is not in your best interests. Do not act hastily and disregard advice in financial matters, but bright inspiration may lead you to new ways of making money. Keep your ear to the ground. Fortunate colours are cherry red and cobalt blue. Lucky numbers are 1 and 3.
2011-03-10, Thursday: Big Developments
Do not get discouraged. There are forces working behind the scenes which will allow you to turn your life around very soon. In time you will look back and know that your efforts did make a real difference. People test your patience in your career environment. Highly strung it may be, but boring it certainly isn't. Prepare for big developments in your domestic circle, too. Auspicious colours are red ochre and yellow sapphire. Lucky numbers are 19 and 27.
2011-03-10, Thursday: Be Bold
If you're willing to learn from life you can make significant progress. Be secure enough in your identity to take feedback from those close. Where can you alter course at home? If you feel you are losing some aspects of an old emotional way of life, think positively. What will replace it could be sparkling, stimulating and much more alive. Be brave and step out boldly. Auspicious colours are jade and beige. Lucky numbers are 10 and 11.
2011-03-10, Thursday: Tactful But Firm
An impasse in a close relationship brings some anxiety, Scorp. Be tactful but firm. You cannot change everything you would like, but you can make more of an impression than you'd imagine by the way you rise to the problem. Independence and excitement will be your watchwords in days to come. What you want you intend to have, and today's energy will open doors for you. Favourable colours are dark blue and silver. Lucky numbers are 5 and 7.
2011-03-10, Thursday: Another Way
Partnership matters are favoured and romance could be a delight! However, if colleagues are pushing you around, don't be drawn into their games. Responding negatively will only prolong a sticky situation. Use your charm and subtle ingenuity to find a third way, dear Libra. Allow yourself to explore with an open mind, and keep a little healthy scepticism up your sleeve. The end of the week looks very promising. Favourable colours are ebony and parchment. Lucky numbers are 5 and 7.
2011-03-10, Thursday: Cleansing Process
The Sun and Moon are dancing for you, and financial matters take a turn for the better. Still, you are no longer happy with superficial answers, and although you may feel stuck, this is part of a cleansing process. You need to get rid of inessentials. At work there is a definite feeling of change in the air, but if you can find the courage to go with it you will find the days ahead more interesting. Prosperous colours are ruby red and dark chocolate. Lucky numbers are 7 and 8.
2011-03-10, Thursday: Good News
If you claim complete control over cash or love, it may not get you the results you want. Being right does not necessarily mean you win, and a push-pull situation becomes a waste of energy. Good news is in the wind and it could lead to the improvements you are after. But is it wise to make long term commitments right now? Wait till the dust settles and you will be clearer. Positive colours are sunflower yellow and rose pink. Lucky numbers are 10 and 11.
2011-03-10, Thursday: Nothing Lasts Forever
It's time to examine what things are no longer necessary in your career and working life. Nothing lasts for ever in the same form, so you need to see what has passed its use-by date, and let it go. You are eager to find out about the latest knowledge and don't want to hear about the way it always was. The watchful Crab is on the brink of fortunate and perhaps astonishing developments. Get onto the leading edge. Beneficial colours are apple green and burnt orange. Lucky numbers are 10 and 17.
2011-03-10, Thursday: Excellent News
The focus is on your dreams and aspirations but you need to do some rethinking in this department. The key is to write down what you really need, as opposed to what you think you want and take small steps to help you achieve your goals. This way, if plans are changed at the last minute by things beyond your control you have still laid the groundwork and it won't seem so traumatic. Excellent news from abroad, or to do with cultural interests is in the air. Fortunate colours are chocolate brown and cream. Lucky numbers are 9 and 11.
2011-03-10, Thursday: Magnetic And Fortunate
The last thing on your mind with the Moon in your sign is work, but do your best to look busy when the boss walks past! It's magnetic and fortunate today, so make the effort to stay focused and on track. The rewards are there. A brisk walk in the park at lunchtime will get the blood flowing and a workout in the gym after work will help to clear the cobwebs. Fortunate colours are lilac and carmine. Lucky numbers are 10 and 37.
2011-03-10, Thursday: Fortunate And Friendly
If you're feeling sociable today there'll be no stopping you. Venus and Jupiter can turn on one of the best days of the month for you, so put on your bag and get out on the town. Others will find you irresistible. You may be tempted to overspend, so hold on to the plastic! If you plan on rambling through the bars, remember to take a cab! Sociable colours are vermilion and taupe. Lucky numbers are 2 and 11.
2010-03-10, Wednesday: Mars Direct
The changing Moon enters Aquarius and your twelfth house of secrets and solitude, urging you to slow down. Mars turns direct releasing stress, but possibly bringing a headache. It's time to recharge your spiritual batteries, so plan a restful evening for yourself. Turn off your telephone's ringer and draw a warm bubble bath to soothe your tensions away. You may find you have prophetic visions as the intuitive Moon links up with psychic Neptune and Jupiter as you sleep. More on Mars Retrograde. Favourable colours are midnight blue and sunset pink. Lucky numbers are 3 and 12.
2010-03-10, Wednesday: Mars Direct
You are coming from a position of strength whether you know it or not today. With the compelling Moon gracing your first house of personality, you have the power to persuade others to your point of view, especially now that Mars has turned direct in your 7th house. Aquarians are by nature ahead of their time and it is common knowledge that some of the world's greatest leaders and visionaries share this sign. Go ahead and reveal your own particular genius. More on Mars Retrograde. Favourable colours are cherry red and chocolate brown. Lucky numbers are 37 and 45.
2010-03-10, Wednesday: Mars Direct
Most Sea Goats will feel relatively good today as the Moon continues through your sign. Later in the day, the changing Moon enters your second house of personal values and finances, meeting up with inspirational Neptune. Your dreams and plans for a better future may be on your mind, as Mars turns direct in your financial zone, although the emphasis is more on the dreaming part rather than the actual doing. Favourable colours are forest green and clay. Lucky numbers are 2 and 11.
2010-03-10, Wednesday: Mars Direct
As the Moon enters your third house of communication and Mars turns direct in your house of travel, it may seem as though your life is speeding up. Towards the end of the day, it will seem as though you have more to do than when you began your morning. It will be easy to make mistakes if you rush as there is a hint of cosmic confusion. Meditation and relaxation will benefit you greatly tonight. More on Mars Retrograde. Favourable colours are pale yellow and sky blue. Lucky numbers are 5 and 14.
2010-03-10, Wednesday: Mars Direct
Mars, your life-ruler turns direct today, after months in reverse creating headaches in your career. At last things are turning your way! The Moon enters your fourth house of home and family, so you can tap into your spiritual strength late in the day, reminding you that life is one great cycle that you're eternally connected to. Spend time recharging your spiritual batteries as tomorrow may be rather more stressful. More on Mars Retrograde. Favourable colours are deep green and dove grey. Lucky numbers are 4 and 11.
2010-03-10, Wednesday: Mars Direct
Today's mood is much lighter as the Moon enters breezy Aquarius and your fifth house of romance and creativity. Mars turns direct and you'll notice the improvement as people are less likely to be impatient and demanding and are more open to having a good time. This evening you should kick back and enjoy something that is pure entertainment. Cut yourself some slack. More on Mars Retrograde. Favourable colours are amethyst purple and golden honey. Lucky numbers are 6 and 15.
2010-03-10, Wednesday: Mars Direct
This is a great day for taking care of yourself, body and soul. Pledge to only eat food that is good for you, listen only to music that makes you feel better, and spend time with people you enjoy. If you have to work today, you may have to wait until after your shift ends to follow the last suggestion. Mars turns direct today after months of churning through your house of secrets, so buy fresh flowers and have a love affair with yourself. More on Mars Retrograde. Favourable colours are amethyst purple and avocado green. Lucky numbers are 6 and 15.
2010-03-10, Wednesday: Mars Direct
Thank heavens Mars turns direct today, after months of retro motion in your sign. I think you've had enough of blasts from the past! Moon moves from your sixth house of service to your seventh house of partnerships, placing the emphasis on your responsibilities to others. The way you relate to others will ultimately change as your relationships demand that you take giant spiritual steps. More on Mars Retrograde. Favourable colours are soft coral and pale aqua. Lucky numbers are 1 and 7.
2010-03-10, Wednesday: Mars Direct
Your business partner, spouse or best friend may not want to share you today and this could cause problems, as your job is taking much of your energy. Mars is no longer stuck in reverse gear, so try not to fight: the real problem is that you haven't been able to talk lately, so make time for togetherness if you want the course of love to run smoothly. More on Mars Retrograde. Favourable colours are avocado green and coral pink. Lucky numbers are 34 and 43.
2010-03-10, Wednesday: Mars Direct
Mars turns direct today, releasing some karma in your friendships and opening up your hopes. Most of you will feel instantly lighter as the changing Moon enters Aquarius and your ninth house of travel, education, and adventure. All your dreams and wishes will keep you several feet off the ground this evening. Go ahead and indulge in a bit of escapism, whether you get lost in role-playing games, like to read books about faraway places, or prefer movie magic. More on Mars Retrograde. Favourable colours are burnt orange and tan. Lucky numbers are 9 and 36.
2010-03-10, Wednesday: Mars Direct
If the weather permits, this is the kind of day for flying kites. Imagine that it is you soaring above the clouds as you guide your kite through the air; imagine what sort of freedom you would have if you could fly! While you are at it, don't be afraid to dream of a better future for yourself, as Mars turns direct today, after months of dreary deviousness behind the scenes. Get outside and do something exhilarating, even if it's just taking a walk down a garden path. More on Mars Retrograde. Favourable colours are rose and garnet. Lucky numbers are 42 and 48.
2010-03-10, Wednesday: Mars Direct
Yippee! After months of retro motion in your house of romance, macho Mars turns direct at last, releasing the pressure on your lovelife and children, not to mention your creativity. A serious tone dominates the day as the Moon continues through strict Capricorn and your tenth house of career and status. Be mindful of your manners if you want to make a good impression. It isn't in the proud Ram's nature to be a yes-man, but everyone has to kiss up sometimes. More on Mars Retrograde. Favourable colours are garnet red and golden amber. Lucky numbers are 19 and 28.
2008-03-10, Monday: Short Trip
This is a fabulous day to get away on a short trip with a romantic partner. The energy promises adventure and great laughs, as well as memories in the making. If you can get away at all, be sure to do so! You won't regret it. Adventurous colours are white and salmon. Lucky numbers are 9 and 10.
2008-03-10, Monday: All Clear Ahead
If there has been any uncertainly around a loan, mortgage or other financial matter regarding your current residence, it should be cleared up today. You may just get everything your way. Yes! Advantageous colours are foxglove and charcoal. Lucky numbers are 9 and 11.
2008-03-10, Monday: Tender Capricorn
You're feeling affectionate and tender today towards a spouse or lover, Capricorn. You have the ability to make that special someone feel secure in your love and will go out of your way to accomplish this. Harmonious colours are bright red and pastel blue. Lucky numbers are 9 and 74.
2008-03-10, Monday: Work Smart
You have a brilliant edge today when it comes to showing an important authority figure how responsible you are on the job. The boss will be impressed with your sense of structure and your ability to use your instincts in a practical way. Excellent colours are antique silver and crimson. Lucky numbers are 14 and 10.
2008-03-10, Monday: Solid Ground
There's nothing like the security of knowing you can trust your closest partner. Today, as that special someone proves to you that they are behind your goals one hundred per cent, you will shine and be able to reach even higher than you thought you could. Flamboyant colours are scarlet and buttercup yellow. Lucky numbers are 24 and 7.
2008-03-10, Monday: Business Plan
This is a banner day for you in terms of business, dear Libra. You may find that a stable business person is interested in making a deal with you. Alternatively, you will be able to devise a business plan of your own where you will approach others for capital. Ambitious colours are steely grey and aubergine. Lucky numbers are 1 and 10.
2008-03-10, Monday: Foreign Influence
Expect a foreign influence to colour the day's events, Virgo. You may initiate contact with someone of another culture or background: this person will help you in either a legal, publishing or advertising venture. Beneficial colours are sky blue and cherry blossom. Lucky numbers are 4 and 66.
2008-03-10, Monday: Social Stability
You will fully enjoy a day of social, yet responsible fun. It's likely that you will attend some type of function or event that will mix business with pleasure and you can be sure that it'll be an absolute delight. Communicative colours are bright pink and honeycomb. Lucky numbers are 34 and 5.
2008-03-10, Monday: Domestic Stability
You will be the one your family turns to when security and stability is needed today. In fact, you have a calming effect of authority and self assurance that will diffuse any potential problems that arise. You surprise yourself. Expansive colours are pale gold and pistachio. Lucky numbers are 16 and 66.
2008-03-10, Monday: Serious
It's a sober but positive day for you in terms of romance. You see the love of your life with absolute clarity. He or she makes you feel secure and you find yourself thinking more about the long term potential of your union. Auspicious colours are amber and dark purple. Lucky numbers are 17 and 30.
2008-03-10, Monday: Stable
You'll feel a tremendous pull to do something today that will assure you greater monetary security. It all looks positive from a financial standpoint and the decision is well made. Ideal colours are spring green and treacle. Lucky numbers are 66 and 72.
2008-03-10, Monday: Banner Day
This is a banner day for you in terms of career and recognition, Leo so expect plenty of compliments from authority figures in your profession. It's a wonderful boost to your ego and well deserved! Dynamic colours are bright red and platinum. Lucky numbers are 9 and 53.
2006-03-10, Friday: Confused And Gaudy
I hope your managed to ground those glorious energies that entered your sphere yesterday, because today is a far shakier proposition. Communications are somewhat confused, as emotional reactions get in the way of clear thinking. It might be hard to keep a moderate approach to beauty, as the inclination is to select gaudy hues. Beneficial colours are clear ruby and lavender. Lucky numbers are 13 and 27.
2006-03-10, Friday: Fascinating And Unusual
The Moon enters Leo and your house of partners today, awakening romantic energies in a mysterious and fantasy-driven way. Single Water- Bearers are likely to make quite an impression on someone, evoking a fascination, as you seem more intriguing and unique than usual. You may find yourself attracted to those who make quite a splash themselves... just remember, love takes time. Expressive colours are brilliant blue and copper. Lucky numbers are 1 and 17.
2006-03-10, Friday: Universal Flow Of Life
The energies today tend to deepen the mind, bringing greater powers of concentration. You'll need it today, as the cosmos is rather erratic, so seek out something lively, perhaps in the nearby shops, lest your emotions become unduly gloomy and subject to spells of melancholy. Do not fear expressing yourself, as what you truly are is part of the universal flow of life and is as precious as a gorgeous jewel. Don't dwell on the past, but look to a brighter future. Empowering colours are emerald and peach. Lucky numbers are 7 and 19.
2006-03-10, Friday: Cosmopolitan Moon
The cosmopolitan Moon cruising through your house of travel and adventure has you running here and there today. Ideally you should sit down and plan your day before you leave the house; the more organized you can be, the better the day will go. In fact, the sooner you return home, the better. With bright Mercury retro in your fourth house of home and family, it is time to tend to your personal life. Adventurous colours are light lime and cobalt blue. Lucky numbers are 9 and 4.
2006-03-10, Friday: Serious Plans
There is a load of cosmic action in the Scorpion zone today, so get ready to gun the motor and break away from the pack. The energy enlivens your midheaven, so serious plans can be activated, though not without considerable opposition. Scorps on the prowl will find some fascinatin' rhythm. Favourable colours are chrome yellow and crimson. Lucky numbers are 15 and 19.
2006-03-10, Friday: Deep Transformation
The cosmos flickers on the walls of your eleventh house of friends and associates, activating dreamy Neptune in your fifth house of love and romance. Friends may become lovers and lovers seem more like friends under these influences. The potential for a deep transformation of your romantic and creative life is strong in coming weeks, so those of you in artistic fields should take advantage of the visiting muse. Children's interests are highlighted. Beneficial colours are clear blue and old gold. Lucky numbers are 11 and 22.
2006-03-10, Friday: Recharge
As the restless Moon drifts through your twelfth house of secrets and solitude today, this looks like a good time to recharge your spiritual batteries. Stay out of harm's way. Make time for rest and meditation so you can hear the still, small voice that often gets drowned out by the noise of everyday living. If you are having health problems, consider alternative therapies. Be sure to get plenty of sleep. Insightful colours are midnight blue and dark grey. Lucky numbers are 17 and 11.
2006-03-10, Friday: Strut Your Stuff
An edgy sort of a day sees a lot happening at a deeper level, especially with your relationships. Don't be discouraged. Although your energy feels fragmented at times, mainly due to enforced financial sobriety and emotional restriction, the Moon powers up later in the day bringing a splash of that old Leo magic you've been missing. It's a weekend to strut your stuff. Empowering colours are blue sapphire and old gold. Lucky numbers are 21 and 7.
2006-03-10, Friday: Sex And Money
The energy dynamic is good, especially in the financial arena, but some challenges are sure to arise. These may make you rethink your personal value system, as ego becomes quite an issue. At a deep level there is a potent restructuring of your attitude to work and those you work with, as you find that you can gain a profound insight into some of life's mysteries, notably sex and money. Favourable colours are rose and terra cotta. Lucky numbers are 23 and 7.
2006-03-10, Friday: Pace Of Life
The pace of life picks up as the Moon cruises into Leo, your third house of communications. Watch out for blow-ups at work. Traffic jams are likely this afternoon as planetary influences make many people confused and distracted, causing minor accidents and big delays. Romance heats up tonight, with some splendid action in your neighbourhood. Some of you will make a serious commitment. Empowering colours are bold stripes and violet. Lucky numbers are 23 and 10.
2006-03-10, Friday: On The Home Front
Problems at home may interfere with your job now Taurus. Pressures at work tempt you to neglect your family, so put some serious attention into your loved ones this afternoon. The emotional tension grows stronger as the day wears on. You may need to get some fresh air in order to repair your nerves. Make time for yourself this evening. Fortunate colours are silvery green and lemon. Lucky numbers are 4 and 12.
2006-03-10, Friday: Stay Perky
Today is a bit of a letdown, because your attitude to others (and theirs to you) may leave something to be desired. Also your health is under par and so you should not make any important decisions as these are liable to be revised and do you no good. There is romantic potential for Rams on the prowl, but be cautious and avoid serious involvement. Beneficial colours are blue sapphire and dark copper. Lucky numbers are 14 and 26.
2005-03-10, Thursday: New Moon
Congratulations! If it's your birthday, it coincides with a New Moon, meaning that your year ahead will be full of positive changes. It's still good news even if you weren't born today, because the New Moon is the signal for you to make some changes in your life. Take the initiative, start something new and dare to be different in some way. The world is your oyster! Liberating colours are parchment and dusky rose. Lucky numbers are 8 and 72.
2005-03-10, Thursday: New Moon
Today's New Moon will affect your finances during the next two weeks. What a surprise, considering the emphasis there's been on your money recently! It's a great chance to evaluate your current financial position and to do what you can to improve it. If you're feeling flush, it will be an excellent time to invest your money in items that will grow in value but also give you pleasure. Auspicious colours are apricot and ultramarine. Lucky numbers are 22 and 25.
2005-03-10, Thursday: Building Bridges
This is the perfect day for building bridges between you and a certain person in your life. Things haven't run as smoothly between you as you would like lately, so it's time to say sorry and do something constructive about the situation. If you have a tendency to take this person for granted, make a big effort to ask them what they would like out of your relationship, and be prepared to listen no matter what they tell you. Auspicious colours are lemon and cherry. Lucky numbers are 1 and 8.
2005-03-10, Thursday: New Moon
Today's New Moon will have a revivifying effect on your home life during the next two weeks. A new understanding is likely if things have been dicey between you lately, or you might decide to give your home a minor facelift. If you're thinking of moving house or buying somewhere for the first time, you should get started now so you can make the most of the energy of the New Moon. Empowering colours are passionfruit and aubergine. Lucky numbers are 6 and 60.
2005-03-10, Thursday: New Moon
Today's New Moon heralds the start of a brand new phase in your emotional life. If you've been having problems with a certain person recently, try to make amends during the coming two weeks. There could also be good news about a child and you might receive an invitation to a forthcoming celebration, such as a wedding. It sounds as though there's a lot for you to look forward to. Vibrant colours are crimson and ochre. Lucky numbers are 32 and 73.
2005-03-10, Thursday: Be Prepared!
This is a fabulous day for rolling up your sleeves and getting on with whatever happens to be important at the moment. You'll do really well if you're at work, and will take pride in doing the best job you can possibly manage. If you're thinking about looking for a new job, this is a good day for making plans or working on your CV. Be prepared! Fortunate colours are lime and smoky quartz. Lucky numbers are 35 and 65.
2005-03-10, Thursday: New Moon
There's a New Moon today and it will affect your relationships during the coming two weeks. This is ideal if you've been at cross purposes with someone recently and you've been wondering how to make amends, because New Moons are always times of fresh starts. If you're getting married in the next couple of weeks you couldn't have chosen a more auspicious time. Any other form of teamwork will go well, too. Auspicious colours are pistachio and brilliant white. Lucky numbers are 18 and 66.
2005-03-10, Thursday: Dependable
It's good to know that you can count on a certain person today. They're dependable and trustworthy, especially if you need to confide in them for some reason. Even if you don't have anything very earth- shattering to say, you'll appreciate knowing that you're rooting for each other and your relationship is built on strong foundations. Make sure you nurture it and let this person know how much you appreciate them. Fortunate colours are spring green and sable. Lucky numbers are 20 and 47.
2005-03-10, Thursday: New Moon
Today's New Moon will have a rejuvenating effect on you during the next two weeks because it will fire you with enthusiasm for all sorts of exciting projects and new enterprises. This is no time to tell yourself that you can't do something. Instead, you've got to persuade yourself that you can, and that you can even achieve things that you believed were beyond you. Practise the power of positive thinking, and you'll be astounded. Active colours are dark green and ochre. Lucky numbers are 25 and 57.
2005-03-10, Thursday: New Moon
Today's New Moon will have a rejuvenating effect on your career and long-term ambitions during the next two weeks. You might become fired up with renewed enthusiasm for a plan that's been falling by the wayside recently, or you could be approached out of the blue to do something that will put you on the map. It's also a brilliant time to apply for promotion or a new job. Revealing colours are moonlight blue and silver. Lucky numbers are 15 and 28.
2005-03-10, Thursday: New Moon
Today's New Moon is shining a light on your hopes and wishes for the future, and encouraging you to work towards some of them during the coming fortnight. The first step is to have faith in them and to believe that you'll actually achieve them, otherwise you may as well not bother. So select something that you're desperate to achieve and then give it a shot. Dynamic colours are burnt orange and sky blue. Lucky numbers are 29 and 43.
2005-03-10, Thursday: New Moon
Romance is in the air at the moment and it's even more likely from today. You could be about to fall in love with someone new, or an existing relationship might go through a very lovey-dovey phase. You might also become involved in a charitable event or a good cause during the next couple of weeks, in which case it could spark off a new chapter in your life. Auspicious colours are cinnamon and bright yellow. Lucky numbers are 33 and 71.
2004-03-10, Wednesday: Romantic Messages
The Scorpio Moon brings romantic messages, from abroad or from a distance away. You're dwelling on loftier subjects, whether philosophy, religion, education or politics. You need an escape route from dreary compadres and restrictive chores. Thoughtful gestures from everyday companions are making you feel admired and appreciated. It may not be grand passion but it is rather pleasant. Delightful colours are malachite and cream. Lucky numbers are 11 and 23.
2004-03-10, Wednesday: Dashing Around
If you are dashing around, trying to sort out things with lots of different people and getting yourself very confused, blame it on the Moon. Remember at the end of it all, you will be able to come to your own judgements and act accordingly. Your ability to sparkle in the spotlight will be attracting compliments, if not new admirers. You will be flirting, having fun, and trying to duck out of boring chores as much as possible. Suitable colours are toffee and marzipan. Lucky numbers are 27 and 55.
2004-03-10, Wednesday: Time For Reflection
If you're around others too much you'll end up being subjected to their demands, so you might as well give yourself permission to go off and take some time for reflection. You'll be surprised in the quiet moments how inspiration suddenly hits you about things that seemed to have no answer. Maybe you are too detached about your feelings. If you can let go, you could find deeper connections and more fulfilling relationships. Fortunate colours are chrysoprase and violet. Lucky numbers are 4 and 9.
2004-03-10, Wednesday: Other People's Comments
Other people's comments are annoying. Sometimes you can get yourself worked up about things that aren't as important as you make them out to be. Give yourself some space to wind down and be more at peace. Your heart is in the right place, so put your best diplomatic foot forward. If you are trying to sell or recommend anything at the moment, charm is your greatest asset. Advantageous colours are butterscotch and red coral. Lucky numbers are 49 and 32.
2004-03-10, Wednesday: Charming But Stubborn
Money and security are on your mind, so it's well worth pushing yourself into doing boring things like tedious paperwork. Once you have that organised, not only will you feel better, you'll be able to spend with a clear conscience! You will be amazingly charming as long as everything goes your way, otherwise your stubborn side may show through. But don't dig your heels in too hard. Charming colours are barley bread and sienna. Lucky numbers are 17 and 75.
2004-03-10, Wednesday: On The Move
With the Moon in your third house, you will be on the move, skimming the surface and cutting a few corners. Taking telephone calls, soaking in information, watching videos and thinking about travel is the flavour of the day. But as you will be restless and quite emotional, you may say things in a way that others won't entirely understand. Stand back, be reflective and a bit more sensible about one or two things. Positive colours are terra cotta and green olive. Lucky numbers are 37 and 52.
2004-03-10, Wednesday: Dreams And Reality
This is a good day to retreat into a private place, preferably at home. But even if you're at work, you need some kind of protective niche where you can avoid awkward people, and hassles. If you have creative or diplomatic talents, put them out on display. You can turn your dreams into reality over the next couple of weeks, but you will have to discipline yourself. Creative colours are chestnut and terra cotta. Lucky numbers are 21 and 15.
2004-03-10, Wednesday: Bask In The Limelight
Flamboyant and exuberant Crabs will bask in the limelight. It's not a day to keep your feelings to yourself, so go flirt, have fun, play games with loved ones or social buddies. Forget routine chores and duck out if you feel an order coming your way. If you are planning a party it will be impressive. The simple, rustic life will not hold much interest for you now. Celebratory colours are sandstone and scarlet. Lucky numbers are 28 and 57.
2004-03-10, Wednesday: Don't Fuss
Chaos seems to bother you more than it usually does, dear Gemini. However, endlessly fussing about trivia and tiny details can get in the way of progress. Other people demand a lot of you, so watch you don't end up feeling like a martyr. Having to fit in all the time with other people's plans, whims and orders can be a bit of a bore. Do what makes you feel virtuous, but don't let other people push you around. Positive colours are rhodium and khaki. Lucky numbers are 40 and 38.
2004-03-10, Wednesday: Intense Emotional Responses
Your emotional responses will be more intense for a couple of days. You will find that important, influential or strong-minded people are drawn into your orbit. But you need to tread softly, and not say everything that you feel or think. You will appear to other people to be like still waters that run deep. You'll be controlling your feelings, putting up a calm exterior. But watch that jealousy or possessiveness does not get in the way of closeness. Passionate colours are jet black and melon. Lucky numbers are 23 and 62.
2004-03-10, Wednesday: Express Your Feelings
Balance is what you are aiming for, though you may be swinging to extremes in the effort to find it. Having a close partner is vital to your confidence now. Try not to be jealous or possessive or get unsettled if things are not going precisely as you want. Don't react too quickly, hearing slights where none exist. If you express your feelings of affection directly, you will find you get what you want. Effective colours are heather and green tartan. Lucky numbers are 14 and 68.

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