Pisces's Horoscopes | Female.com.au



Born between: February 20th - March 20th

Pisces can be very shy people who take time to adapt but once they do Piscean makes a valuable friend as they're helpful, unselfish and trustworthy; however they need to be careful to not be too generous or be taken advantage of in all aspects of life.

2025-02-12, Wednesday
You may be a bit confused today, Pisces. More than likely, it will be hard for you to get an accurate read on your emotions. One of your automatic responses in situations like this is to turn to a close partner for advice. Unfortunately, this advice may throw you into even more of a tailspin. What you need more than anything is to spend quality time alone.
2024-02-12, Monday: Cause And Effect
You may be the recipient of many blessings today, dear Pisces; these could be financial blessings but they are just as likely to be spiritual. Most Pisceans know that the law of cause and effect works in their favor; as they give, so shall they receive. If you can bless others with your time, love, and money, it will come back to you multiplied. Have faith in the wisdom of the universe. Fortunate colors are mossy green and aubergine. Lucky numbers are 8 and 9.
2023-02-12, Sunday: Cause And Effect
You may be the recipient of many blessings today, dear Pisces; these could be financial blessings but they are just as likely to be spiritual. Most Pisceans know that the law of cause and effect works in their favor; as they give, so shall they receive. If you can bless others with your time, love, and money, it will come back to you multiplied. Have faith in the wisdom of the universe. Fortunate colors are mossy green and aubergine. Lucky numbers are 8 and 9.
2022-02-12, Saturday: Cause And Effect
You may be the recipient of many blessings today, dear Pisces; these could be financial blessings but they are just as likely to be spiritual. Most Pisceans know that the law of cause and effect works in their favor; as they give, so shall they receive. If you can bless others with your time, love, and money, it will come back to you multiplied. Have faith in the wisdom of the universe. Fortunate colors are mossy green and aubergine. Lucky numbers are 8 and 9.
2021-02-12, Friday: Cause And Effect
You may be the recipient of many blessings today, dear Pisces; these could be financial blessings but they are just as likely to be spiritual. Most Pisceans know that the law of cause and effect works in their favor; as they give, so shall they receive. If you can bless others with your time, love, and money, it will come back to you multiplied. Have faith in the wisdom of the universe. Fortunate colors are mossy green and aubergine. Lucky numbers are 8 and 9.
2020-02-12, Wednesday: Cause And Effect
You may be the recipient of many blessings today, dear Pisces; these could be financial blessings but they are just as likely to be spiritual. Most Pisceans know that the law of cause and effect works in their favor; as they give, so shall they receive. If you can bless others with your time, love, and money, it will come back to you multiplied. Have faith in the wisdom of the universe. Fortunate colors are mossy green and aubergine. Lucky numbers are 8 and 9.
2019-02-12, Tuesday: Cause And Effect
You may be the recipient of many blessings today, dear Pisces; these could be financial blessings but they are just as likely to be spiritual. Most Pisceans know that the law of cause and effect works in their favor; as they give, so shall they receive. If you can bless others with your time, love, and money, it will come back to you multiplied. Have faith in the wisdom of the universe. Fortunate colors are mossy green and aubergine. Lucky numbers are 8 and 9.
2018-02-12, Monday: Cause And Effect
You may be the recipient of many blessings today, dear Pisces; these could be financial blessings but they are just as likely to be spiritual. Most Pisceans know that the law of cause and effect works in their favor; as they give, so shall they receive. If you can bless others with your time, love, and money, it will come back to you multiplied. Have faith in the wisdom of the universe. Fortunate colors are mossy green and aubergine. Lucky numbers are 8 and 9.
2017-02-12, Sunday: Cause And Effect
You may be the recipient of many blessings today, dear Pisces; these could be financial blessings but they are just as likely to be spiritual. Most Pisceans know that the law of cause and effect works in their favor; as they give, so shall they receive. If you can bless others with your time, love, and money, it will come back to you multiplied. Have faith in the wisdom of the universe. Fortunate colors are mossy green and aubergine. Lucky numbers are 8 and 9.
2016-02-12, Friday: Cause And Effect
You may be the recipient of many blessings today, dear Pisces; these could be financial blessings but they are just as likely to be spiritual. Most Pisceans know that the law of cause and effect works in their favor; as they give, so shall they receive. If you can bless others with your time, love, and money, it will come back to you multiplied. Have faith in the wisdom of the universe. Fortunate colors are mossy green and aubergine. Lucky numbers are 8 and 9.
2015-02-12, Thursday: Cause And Effect
You may be the recipient of many blessings today, dear Pisces; these could be financial blessings but they are just as likely to be spiritual. Most Pisceans know that the law of cause and effect works in their favor; as they give, so shall they receive. If you can bless others with your time, love, and money, it will come back to you multiplied. Have faith in the wisdom of the universe. Fortunate colors are mossy green and aubergine. Lucky numbers are 8 and 9.
2014-02-12, Wednesday: Cause And Effect
You may be the recipient of many blessings today, dear Pisces; these could be financial blessings but they are just as likely to be spiritual. Most Pisceans know that the law of cause and effect works in their favor; as they give, so shall they receive. If you can bless others with your time, love, and money, it will come back to you multiplied. Have faith in the wisdom of the universe. Fortunate colors are mossy green and aubergine. Lucky numbers are 8 and 9.
2012-02-12, Sunday: Cause And Effect
You may be the recipient of many blessings today, dear Pisces; these could be financial blessings but they are just as likely to be spiritual. Most Pisceans know that the law of cause and effect works in their favor; as they give, so shall they receive. If you can bless others with your time, love, and money, it will come back to you multiplied. Have faith in the wisdom of the universe. Fortunate colors are mossy green and aubergine. Lucky numbers are 8 and 9.
2011-02-12, Saturday: Under Pressure
Aggressive Mars and unforgiving Pluto are at odds today, placing you under extreme pressure. For some, it may be the stress of a demanding career, while others struggle under the burdens of a family in need. Take deep breaths, pace yourself, and remember to meet your own needs before you attempt to help anyone else. Advantageous colours are dove grey and ice blue. Lucky numbers are 31 and 40.
2010-02-12, Friday: Good Karma
A bit of good fortune may fall upon you as the mothering Moon acts as your guardian angel today. You may not notice your good luck as it may come in the shape of what you don't get. Getting what you deserve is not always a good thing; getting what you don't deserve can be true grace. Count your blessings and spread the good karma! Advantageous colours are dove grey and ebony. Lucky numbers are 39 and 48.
2008-02-12, Tuesday: Business Savvy
This is a banner day for you to make a deal with any business partner, new client or agent. Someone you will communicate and partner with on a regular basis will figure strongly in the day's events. You can make any relationship work. Beneficial colours are ultramarine and ginger. Lucky numbers are 7 and 10.
2006-02-12, Sunday: A Glitch
A delay or a challenge with a working concern is due no doubt to an obstructive individual. If you are in the planning stage of a work matter, you may have to give up a more leisurely routine to get something done. The practical side of life will call you into action, so clear the way to allow you to do what you wanted to do in the first place. Patient colours are aquamarine and turquoise. Lucky numbers are 10 and 39.
2005-02-12, Saturday: Loose Ends
Find the time today to tidy up any loose ends in your life, such as paying bills or replying to official letters. It will do you good to sort such things out, especially if you have a tendency to worry about them and wish they'd go away. At some point, you should have a think about your career and long-term goals, and decide whether you need to take any action over them in the next few days. Favourable colours are violet and caramel. Lucky numbers are 3 and 66.
2004-02-12, Thursday: The Far Climes
With Lady Moon in Scorpio and your solar ninth house, you may feel the need to get out and break free from the constraints of daily life. However, as the Moon clashes with Mars, getting your freedom could prove to be tricky. Watch for accidents or delays if travelling. Others may want something that you don't want to give. Circumstance may seem to conspire to hold you. Stay calm. Propitious colours are light brown and velvet blue. Lucky number is 10.

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