Libra's Horoscopes |



Born between: Sep 23rd - Oct 22nd

Convincing and charming are the best characteristics of someone born under the Libra star sign. When they overcome shyness those with the Libra sign are great debaters who will always share credit for their wins.

2025-02-11, Tuesday
You may be shaken to the core today by someone of great personal magnetism, Libra. Maybe you feel as if you're being overshadowed because of the grandiose ideas and mountains of information coming from this person. Perhaps you feel you're too slow. Did you ever think that someone is going too quickly? Don't automatically think that you're the one who needs to change gears.
2024-02-11, Sunday: How are you feeling?
With The Moon still moving through your sign, this may be a day of some emotional ups and downs. Family responsibilities loom large. Emotional life will be a key matter for some. For others, there will simply be a lot to do around the home. Take some time to have a long hot bath or a little self-nurture. While doing so, make sure you run a check list on how you're feeling. Pleasurable colors are brown and orange. Lucky numbers are 22 and 43.
2023-02-11, Saturday: How are you feeling?
With The Moon still moving through your sign, this may be a day of some emotional ups and downs. Family responsibilities loom large. Emotional life will be a key matter for some. For others, there will simply be a lot to do around the home. Take some time to have a long hot bath or a little self-nurture. While doing so, make sure you run a check list on how you're feeling. Pleasurable colors are brown and orange. Lucky numbers are 22 and 43.
2022-02-11, Friday: How are you feeling?
With The Moon still moving through your sign, this may be a day of some emotional ups and downs. Family responsibilities loom large. Emotional life will be a key matter for some. For others, there will simply be a lot to do around the home. Take some time to have a long hot bath or a little self-nurture. While doing so, make sure you run a check list on how you're feeling. Pleasurable colors are brown and orange. Lucky numbers are 22 and 43.
2021-02-11, Thursday: How are you feeling?
With The Moon still moving through your sign, this may be a day of some emotional ups and downs. Family responsibilities loom large. Emotional life will be a key matter for some. For others, there will simply be a lot to do around the home. Take some time to have a long hot bath or a little self-nurture. While doing so, make sure you run a check list on how you're feeling. Pleasurable colors are brown and orange. Lucky numbers are 22 and 43.
2020-02-11, Tuesday: How are you feeling?
With The Moon still moving through your sign, this may be a day of some emotional ups and downs. Family responsibilities loom large. Emotional life will be a key matter for some. For others, there will simply be a lot to do around the home. Take some time to have a long hot bath or a little self-nurture. While doing so, make sure you run a check list on how you're feeling. Pleasurable colors are brown and orange. Lucky numbers are 22 and 43.
2019-02-11, Monday: How are you feeling?
With The Moon still moving through your sign, this may be a day of some emotional ups and downs. Family responsibilities loom large. Emotional life will be a key matter for some. For others, there will simply be a lot to do around the home. Take some time to have a long hot bath or a little self-nurture. While doing so, make sure you run a check list on how you're feeling. Pleasurable colors are brown and orange. Lucky numbers are 22 and 43.
2018-02-11, Sunday: How are you feeling?
With The Moon still moving through your sign, this may be a day of some emotional ups and downs. Family responsibilities loom large. Emotional life will be a key matter for some. For others, there will simply be a lot to do around the home. Take some time to have a long hot bath or a little self-nurture. While doing so, make sure you run a check list on how you're feeling. Pleasurable colors are brown and orange. Lucky numbers are 22 and 43.
2017-02-11, Saturday: How are you feeling?
With The Moon still moving through your sign, this may be a day of some emotional ups and downs. Family responsibilities loom large. Emotional life will be a key matter for some. For others, there will simply be a lot to do around the home. Take some time to have a long hot bath or a little self-nurture. While doing so, make sure you run a check list on how you're feeling. Pleasurable colors are brown and orange. Lucky numbers are 22 and 43.
2016-02-11, Thursday: How are you feeling?
With The Moon still moving through your sign, this may be a day of some emotional ups and downs. Family responsibilities loom large. Emotional life will be a key matter for some. For others, there will simply be a lot to do around the home. Take some time to have a long hot bath or a little self-nurture. While doing so, make sure you run a check list on how you're feeling. Pleasurable colors are brown and orange. Lucky numbers are 22 and 43.
2015-02-11, Wednesday: How are you feeling?
With The Moon still moving through your sign, this may be a day of some emotional ups and downs. Family responsibilities loom large. Emotional life will be a key matter for some. For others, there will simply be a lot to do around the home. Take some time to have a long hot bath or a little self-nurture. While doing so, make sure you run a check list on how you're feeling. Pleasurable colors are brown and orange. Lucky numbers are 22 and 43.
2014-02-11, Tuesday: How are you feeling?
With The Moon still moving through your sign, this may be a day of some emotional ups and downs. Family responsibilities loom large. Emotional life will be a key matter for some. For others, there will simply be a lot to do around the home. Take some time to have a long hot bath or a little self-nurture. While doing so, make sure you run a check list on how you're feeling. Pleasurable colors are brown and orange. Lucky numbers are 22 and 43.
2012-02-11, Saturday: How are you feeling?
With The Moon still moving through your sign, this may be a day of some emotional ups and downs. Family responsibilities loom large. Emotional life will be a key matter for some. For others, there will simply be a lot to do around the home. Take some time to have a long hot bath or a little self-nurture. While doing so, make sure you run a check list on how you're feeling. Pleasurable colors are brown and orange. Lucky numbers are 22 and 43.
2011-02-11, Friday: Brighter And Lighter
A brighter, lighter mood descends as the changing Moon enters Gemini and your ninth house of travel and adventure. Dreams about the future are more vivid and inspiring while Uranus is activated, helping you to be more positive about the future if not more realistic. You may have a hard time concentrating as the promise of adventure beckons. Favourable colours are army green and golden khaki. Lucky numbers are 33 and 36.
2010-02-11, Thursday: Dreamy
The delightful Moon in your fifth house of romance and creativity makes this one of the most romantic nights of the month. Do not push for anything to happen; instead, allow relationships to develop at their own pace. The natural unfolding of love will be exquisite. Those of you with children or longing for children will also find this evening special. Fortunate colours are amethyst purple and pale gold. Lucky numbers are 10 and 16.
2008-02-11, Monday: To Go A Wandering
If you have travel plans, you should hire a professional to assist you, Libra. It's a great day to contact someone you know who has international influence or contacts as well. Finding relatives overseas, no matter how distantly related is so incredibly rewarding - get on the internet now. Anything long distance is favoured today. Supportive colours are maroon and dove grey. Lucky numbers are 26 and 76.
2006-02-11, Saturday: Progress
You may be able to set aside the concerns of the working week as the day wears on. Friends could feature and there is someone older whose company or advice you seek. Are you pulled between the social engagements that you have and the things you want to do for yourself? A strong individual may feature in today's events, especially a creative female. Independent colours are indigo and wine. Lucky numbers are 24 and 26.
2005-02-11, Friday: World War Three
Someone is very rattled this Friday, making it hard to talk to them for long without a blow up or starting a row. Rather than spend your time deflecting the flak, which is bound to be an unsuccessful manoeuvre in the long run, it would be far better for everyone concerned to ask this person what's bugging them and then to listen to their answer. That's right, to listen, and not to take umbrage if it seems that you're part of their problem. Stabilising colours are charcoal and amethyst. Lucky numbers are 12 and 8.
2004-02-11, Wednesday: How Are You Feeling?
This may be a day of some emotional ups and downs, for family responsibilities loom large. Emotional life will be a key matter and there will be a lot to do around the home. Take some time to have a long hot bath or a little self-nurture. While doing so, make sure you run a check-list on how you're feeling. Pleasurable colours are brown and orange. Lucky numbers are 22 and 43.

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