Leo's Horoscopes | Female.com.au



Born between: July 23rd - August 22nd

The Leo symbol is a lion and the attributes are mimicked by those born under the Leo star sign as they are proud, strong characters who are passionate leaders which unfortunately may be perceived as bossy.

2024-07-15, Monday
You'll probably be perfectly in tune with the day ahead, Leo. Of course, there are days when it's tempting to run away from the reality of the moment and its hardships. At times like today, you're so compassionate that you find it easy to listen to others, and life is truly rewarding. People find your company soothing and pleasant, and they are likely to thank you for it.
2023-07-15, Saturday: Mercury Retrograde
Mercury, the divine Messenger, turns retrograde in your sign today, Lions, creating some degree of havoc in your personal lives, although you will get the chance to right past misunderstandings. Expect business transactions and communications to slow down over the next three weeks, as confusion and frustration reign. This is not a good time to travel, or make expensive purchases, so keep a low profile and put your plans on hold. Favorable colors are burnished gold and antique silver. Lucky numbers are 1 and 12.
2022-07-15, Friday: Mercury Retrograde
Mercury, the divine Messenger, turns retrograde in your sign today, Lions, creating some degree of havoc in your personal lives, although you will get the chance to right past misunderstandings. Expect business transactions and communications to slow down over the next three weeks, as confusion and frustration reign. This is not a good time to travel, or make expensive purchases, so keep a low profile and put your plans on hold. Favorable colors are burnished gold and antique silver. Lucky numbers are 1 and 12.
2021-07-15, Thursday: Mercury Retrograde
Mercury, the divine Messenger, turns retrograde in your sign today, Lions, creating some degree of havoc in your personal lives, although you will get the chance to right past misunderstandings. Expect business transactions and communications to slow down over the next three weeks, as confusion and frustration reign. This is not a good time to travel, or make expensive purchases, so keep a low profile and put your plans on hold. Favorable colors are burnished gold and antique silver. Lucky numbers are 1 and 12.
2020-07-15, Wednesday: Mercury Retrograde
Mercury, the divine Messenger, turns retrograde in your sign today, Lions, creating some degree of havoc in your personal lives, although you will get the chance to right past misunderstandings. Expect business transactions and communications to slow down over the next three weeks, as confusion and frustration reign. This is not a good time to travel, or make expensive purchases, so keep a low profile and put your plans on hold. Favorable colors are burnished gold and antique silver. Lucky numbers are 1 and 12.
2019-07-15, Monday: Mercury Retrograde
Mercury, the divine Messenger, turns retrograde in your sign today, Lions, creating some degree of havoc in your personal lives, although you will get the chance to right past misunderstandings. Expect business transactions and communications to slow down over the next three weeks, as confusion and frustration reign. This is not a good time to travel, or make expensive purchases, so keep a low profile and put your plans on hold. Favorable colors are burnished gold and antique silver. Lucky numbers are 1 and 12.
2018-07-15, Sunday: Mercury Retrograde
Mercury, the divine Messenger, turns retrograde in your sign today, Lions, creating some degree of havoc in your personal lives, although you will get the chance to right past misunderstandings. Expect business transactions and communications to slow down over the next three weeks, as confusion and frustration reign. This is not a good time to travel, or make expensive purchases, so keep a low profile and put your plans on hold. Favorable colors are burnished gold and antique silver. Lucky numbers are 1 and 12.
2017-07-15, Saturday: Mercury Retrograde
Mercury, the divine Messenger, turns retrograde in your sign today, Lions, creating some degree of havoc in your personal lives, although you will get the chance to right past misunderstandings. Expect business transactions and communications to slow down over the next three weeks, as confusion and frustration reign. This is not a good time to travel, or make expensive purchases, so keep a low profile and put your plans on hold. Favorable colors are burnished gold and antique silver. Lucky numbers are 1 and 12.
2016-07-15, Friday: Mercury Retrograde
Mercury, the divine Messenger, turns retrograde in your sign today, Lions, creating some degree of havoc in your personal lives, although you will get the chance to right past misunderstandings. Expect business transactions and communications to slow down over the next three weeks, as confusion and frustration reign. This is not a good time to travel, or make expensive purchases, so keep a low profile and put your plans on hold. Favorable colors are burnished gold and antique silver. Lucky numbers are 1 and 12.
2015-07-15, Wednesday: Mercury Retrograde
Mercury, the divine Messenger, turns retrograde in your sign today, Lions, creating some degree of havoc in your personal lives, although you will get the chance to right past misunderstandings. Expect business transactions and communications to slow down over the next three weeks, as confusion and frustration reign. This is not a good time to travel, or make expensive purchases, so keep a low profile and put your plans on hold. Favorable colors are burnished gold and antique silver. Lucky numbers are 1 and 12.
2014-07-15, Tuesday: Mercury Retrograde
Mercury, the divine Messenger, turns retrograde in your sign today, Lions, creating some degree of havoc in your personal lives, although you will get the chance to right past misunderstandings. Expect business transactions and communications to slow down over the next three weeks, as confusion and frustration reign. This is not a good time to travel, or make expensive purchases, so keep a low profile and put your plans on hold. Favorable colors are burnished gold and antique silver. Lucky numbers are 1 and 12.
2013-07-15, Monday: Mercury Retrograde
Mercury, the divine Messenger, turns retrograde in your sign today, Lions, creating some degree of havoc in your personal lives, although you will get the chance to right past misunderstandings. Expect business transactions and communications to slow down over the next three weeks, as confusion and frustration reign. This is not a good time to travel, or make expensive purchases, so keep a low profile and put your plans on hold. Favorable colors are burnished gold and antique silver. Lucky numbers are 1 and 12.
2012-07-15, Sunday: Mercury Retrograde
Mercury, the divine Messenger, turns retrograde in your sign today, Lions, creating some degree of havoc in your personal lives, although you will get the chance to right past misunderstandings. Expect business transactions and communications to slow down over the next three weeks, as confusion and frustration reign. This is not a good time to travel, or make expensive purchases, so keep a low profile and put your plans on hold. Favorable colors are burnished gold and antique silver. Lucky numbers are 1 and 12.
2011-07-15, Friday: Full Moon
The Moon comes to the Full in Capricorn, and your sixth house of work and health today, and something hidden from view may come to light. This may be to do with your working situation or co-workers, or there could be a problem that has been festering beneath the surface. You will know what it is by the end of the day. If you've had a feeling that you're coming down with something, today is the day that you're likely to.... Healing colours are grey and lilac. Lucky numbers are 15 and 27.
2009-07-15, Wednesday: Exotic Lions
Take a break from your schedule, Lions, so you're free to go on an exotic adventure. Pick a new venue with different cuisine if you're looking for somewhere to eat. Why not try a foreign film or some exotic band if you're looking for entertainment? The King (or Queen) of Beasts needs to get out in the fresh air for a bit of exercise. Inspiring colours are wild cherry and purple sage. Lucky numbers are 9 and 37.
2008-07-15, Tuesday: Sharp Thinker
Mercury is strong this week and you'll find that most of your focus this week is on mental activities. Today you can move mountains with the power of your mind. Brains and muscle combine. Prosperous colours are fuchsia and spearmint. Lucky numbers are 9 and 30.
2007-07-15, Sunday: Venus In Virgo
Venus moves into your second house of finances for the next few weeks and as Venus rules money and will be in the house of money, you can expect some lovely surprises concerning - you guessed it - money! Prosperous colours are midnight blue and avocado. Lucky numbers are 4 and 29.
2005-07-15, Friday: Creative Changes
You're in the mood to make some creative changes to your world today. You don't even feel any sense of trepidation or anxiety because you're convinced that you're doing the right thing. It's a fabulous day for booking up a holiday or arranging a long-distance journey, especially if you suspect that it will have a profound impact on your life. So go on, what are you waiting for? Ideal colours are crimson and amber. Lucky numbers are 8 and 76.
2004-07-15, Thursday: Spur Of The Moment
Take your other half by the hand and do something on the spur of the moment. For instance, instead of staying in, you might decide to go out for a meal. If you're currently hoping that your relationship with you-know-who will develop into something much more intimate than it is at the moment, your dreams could come true now. Liberating colours are topaz and coffee. Lucky numbers are 13 and 3.

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