Born between: May 21st - June 20th
Adaptability is a Gemini's greatest strength which has positives for the workplace. Whilst their affection and imagination provides more great qualities; the negative of a Gemini is that they can be pessimism however they thrive on others optimistic nature.
Are you working two jobs, Gemini? Today one could demand a lot of you, probably at the expense of the other. You tend to be very conscientious and responsible, so this might bother you, but don't let it get to you. The day may come when the situation is reversed. Everyone around you knows that you're an asset to the enterprise, even if there are times like this when you have to ask for a break.
2024-02-21, Wednesday: New Moon
The New Moon meets deceptive Neptune in Pisces, your solar tenth house. Changes are afoot with regard to professional matters -- a lift or change of circumstance, bringing a puzzling shift with responsibilities. Watch for peculiar changes or reactions in bosses or those in authority and you may have a shift in your duties. Favorable colors are garnet and carnelian. Lucky numbers are 12 and 25.
2023-02-21, Tuesday: New Moon
The New Moon meets deceptive Neptune in Pisces, your solar tenth house. Changes are afoot with regard to professional matters -- a lift or change of circumstance, bringing a puzzling shift with responsibilities. Watch for peculiar changes or reactions in bosses or those in authority and you may have a shift in your duties. Favorable colors are garnet and carnelian. Lucky numbers are 12 and 25.
2022-02-21, Monday: New Moon
The New Moon meets deceptive Neptune in Pisces, your solar tenth house. Changes are afoot with regard to professional matters -- a lift or change of circumstance, bringing a puzzling shift with responsibilities. Watch for peculiar changes or reactions in bosses or those in authority and you may have a shift in your duties. Favorable colors are garnet and carnelian. Lucky numbers are 12 and 25.
2021-02-21, Sunday: New Moon
The New Moon meets deceptive Neptune in Pisces, your solar tenth house. Changes are afoot with regard to professional matters -- a lift or change of circumstance, bringing a puzzling shift with responsibilities. Watch for peculiar changes or reactions in bosses or those in authority and you may have a shift in your duties. Favorable colors are garnet and carnelian. Lucky numbers are 12 and 25.
2020-02-21, Friday: New Moon
The New Moon meets deceptive Neptune in Pisces, your solar tenth house. Changes are afoot with regard to professional matters -- a lift or change of circumstance, bringing a puzzling shift with responsibilities. Watch for peculiar changes or reactions in bosses or those in authority and you may have a shift in your duties. Favorable colors are garnet and carnelian. Lucky numbers are 12 and 25.
2019-02-21, Thursday: New Moon
The New Moon meets deceptive Neptune in Pisces, your solar tenth house. Changes are afoot with regard to professional matters -- a lift or change of circumstance, bringing a puzzling shift with responsibilities. Watch for peculiar changes or reactions in bosses or those in authority and you may have a shift in your duties. Favorable colors are garnet and carnelian. Lucky numbers are 12 and 25.
2018-02-21, Wednesday: New Moon
The New Moon meets deceptive Neptune in Pisces, your solar tenth house. Changes are afoot with regard to professional matters -- a lift or change of circumstance, bringing a puzzling shift with responsibilities. Watch for peculiar changes or reactions in bosses or those in authority and you may have a shift in your duties. Favorable colors are garnet and carnelian. Lucky numbers are 12 and 25.
2017-02-21, Tuesday: New Moon
The New Moon meets deceptive Neptune in Pisces, your solar tenth house. Changes are afoot with regard to professional matters -- a lift or change of circumstance, bringing a puzzling shift with responsibilities. Watch for peculiar changes or reactions in bosses or those in authority and you may have a shift in your duties. Favorable colors are garnet and carnelian. Lucky numbers are 12 and 25.
2016-02-21, Sunday: New Moon
The New Moon meets deceptive Neptune in Pisces, your solar tenth house. Changes are afoot with regard to professional matters -- a lift or change of circumstance, bringing a puzzling shift with responsibilities. Watch for peculiar changes or reactions in bosses or those in authority and you may have a shift in your duties. Favorable colors are garnet and carnelian. Lucky numbers are 12 and 25.
2015-02-21, Saturday: New Moon
The New Moon meets deceptive Neptune in Pisces, your solar tenth house. Changes are afoot with regard to professional matters -- a lift or change of circumstance, bringing a puzzling shift with responsibilities. Watch for peculiar changes or reactions in bosses or those in authority and you may have a shift in your duties. Favorable colors are garnet and carnelian. Lucky numbers are 12 and 25.
2014-02-21, Friday: New Moon
The New Moon meets deceptive Neptune in Pisces, your solar tenth house. Changes are afoot with regard to professional matters -- a lift or change of circumstance, bringing a puzzling shift with responsibilities. Watch for peculiar changes or reactions in bosses or those in authority and you may have a shift in your duties. Favorable colors are garnet and carnelian. Lucky numbers are 12 and 25.
2012-02-21, Tuesday: New Moon
The New Moon meets deceptive Neptune in Pisces, your solar tenth house. Changes are afoot with regard to professional matters -- a lift or change of circumstance, bringing a puzzling shift with responsibilities. Watch for peculiar changes or reactions in bosses or those in authority and you may have a shift in your duties. Favorable colors are garnet and carnelian. Lucky numbers are 12 and 25.
2011-02-21, Monday: Good News
You may be tempted to spend money in order to impress friends and associates, but don't! Exercise financial caution and delay material gratification. If you find yourself feeling jealous of someone who seems to have all the things you want, take a step back. No matter how good someone else's life looks, everyone has their own tale of woe. Good news comes from afar. Auspicious colours are aubergine and crimson. Lucky numbers are 27 and 36.
2010-02-21, Sunday: Bolder
While the morning is laid back, you'll feel bolder as the swift Moon enters your first house of personality later today. Once you're back to your normal Gemini self, you can get down to the serious business of communicating and gathering information. Your contacts from afar seem more intriguing now, but this may be the grass is always greener effect. Continue evaluating you situation carefully. Fortunate colours are ruby red and snow white. Lucky numbers are 1 and 10.
2006-02-21, Tuesday: Steady Progress
Despite a rocky start, you have some great ideas for steady progress, especially if you are connected with education, local projects or sales. Get them clear by lunchtime if you can, because the cosmos gets grumpier as the day goes on. There is a sense then that older people are not on your side and this could be depressing. If you feel tired or blocked tonight, go to bed early and get a good night's sleep. Favourable colours are pale grey and charcoal. Lucky numbers are 8 and 12.
2005-02-21, Monday: Bringing You Closer
This is a wonderful day for talking to a partner about the things that really matter to them, because the conversation will bring you closer together. If you meet someone for the first time today, it could be the start of a very intense relationship that will teach you a great deal about yourself. What's more, you may get the distinct impression that you were meant to know one another. Positive colours are jade and silver. Lucky numbers are 1 and 23.
2004-02-21, Saturday: Push And Pull
Lady Moon clashes with powerful Pluto and giant Jupiter as she rolls through Pisces and your solar tenth house. Pressures at work may cause an atmosphere that will affect partners or home life. Conversely, there may be difficulties with your nearest and dearest that affect your working situation. If there's an intrusion of someone in authority into your life, stay calm. Protective colour is cumquat. Lucky numbers are 39 and 43.