Gemini's Horoscopes |



Born between: May 21st - June 20th

Adaptability is a Gemini's greatest strength which has positives for the workplace. Whilst their affection and imagination provides more great qualities; the negative of a Gemini is that they can be pessimism however they thrive on others optimistic nature.

2025-02-17, Monday
Someone is keeping secrets from you. We all have private issues we don't wish to share, Gemini, but this affects you. Your intuition will probably tell you who this person is. Try to get him or her to open up without exerting pressure. Unfinished tasks could be driving you crazy. You may try to run through them quickly, causing too much stress. Get the most crucial done and let the others go.
2024-02-17, Saturday: Financial Matters
You may have to examine your financial situation, especially where the credit card or overdraft is concerned. Keep the spending to a minimum. Talk to someone who can help you plan or organize your strategies. You may chafe at the restraint this imposes, but be patient and cautious. Advantageous colors are turquoise and brick red. Lucky numbers are 38 and 40.
2023-02-17, Friday: Financial Matters
You may have to examine your financial situation, especially where the credit card or overdraft is concerned. Keep the spending to a minimum. Talk to someone who can help you plan or organize your strategies. You may chafe at the restraint this imposes, but be patient and cautious. Advantageous colors are turquoise and brick red. Lucky numbers are 38 and 40.
2022-02-17, Thursday: Financial Matters
You may have to examine your financial situation, especially where the credit card or overdraft is concerned. Keep the spending to a minimum. Talk to someone who can help you plan or organize your strategies. You may chafe at the restraint this imposes, but be patient and cautious. Advantageous colors are turquoise and brick red. Lucky numbers are 38 and 40.
2021-02-17, Wednesday: Financial Matters
You may have to examine your financial situation, especially where the credit card or overdraft is concerned. Keep the spending to a minimum. Talk to someone who can help you plan or organize your strategies. You may chafe at the restraint this imposes, but be patient and cautious. Advantageous colors are turquoise and brick red. Lucky numbers are 38 and 40.
2020-02-17, Monday: Financial Matters
You may have to examine your financial situation, especially where the credit card or overdraft is concerned. Keep the spending to a minimum. Talk to someone who can help you plan or organize your strategies. You may chafe at the restraint this imposes, but be patient and cautious. Advantageous colors are turquoise and brick red. Lucky numbers are 38 and 40.
2019-02-17, Sunday: Financial Matters
You may have to examine your financial situation, especially where the credit card or overdraft is concerned. Keep the spending to a minimum. Talk to someone who can help you plan or organize your strategies. You may chafe at the restraint this imposes, but be patient and cautious. Advantageous colors are turquoise and brick red. Lucky numbers are 38 and 40.
2018-02-17, Saturday: Financial Matters
You may have to examine your financial situation, especially where the credit card or overdraft is concerned. Keep the spending to a minimum. Talk to someone who can help you plan or organize your strategies. You may chafe at the restraint this imposes, but be patient and cautious. Advantageous colors are turquoise and brick red. Lucky numbers are 38 and 40.
2017-02-17, Friday: Financial Matters
You may have to examine your financial situation, especially where the credit card or overdraft is concerned. Keep the spending to a minimum. Talk to someone who can help you plan or organize your strategies. You may chafe at the restraint this imposes, but be patient and cautious. Advantageous colors are turquoise and brick red. Lucky numbers are 38 and 40.
2016-02-17, Wednesday: Financial Matters
You may have to examine your financial situation, especially where the credit card or overdraft is concerned. Keep the spending to a minimum. Talk to someone who can help you plan or organize your strategies. You may chafe at the restraint this imposes, but be patient and cautious. Advantageous colors are turquoise and brick red. Lucky numbers are 38 and 40.
2015-02-17, Tuesday: Financial Matters
You may have to examine your financial situation, especially where the credit card or overdraft is concerned. Keep the spending to a minimum. Talk to someone who can help you plan or organize your strategies. You may chafe at the restraint this imposes, but be patient and cautious. Advantageous colors are turquoise and brick red. Lucky numbers are 38 and 40.
2014-02-17, Monday: Financial Matters
You may have to examine your financial situation, especially where the credit card or overdraft is concerned. Keep the spending to a minimum. Talk to someone who can help you plan or organize your strategies. You may chafe at the restraint this imposes, but be patient and cautious. Advantageous colors are turquoise and brick red. Lucky numbers are 38 and 40.
2012-02-17, Friday: Financial Matters
You may have to examine your financial situation, especially where the credit card or overdraft is concerned. Keep the spending to a minimum. Talk to someone who can help you plan or organize your strategies. You may chafe at the restraint this imposes, but be patient and cautious. Advantageous colors are turquoise and brick red. Lucky numbers are 38 and 40.
2011-02-17, Thursday: It's Dramatic!
It's dramatic, Gemini. You are juggling so many hot balls that you hardly know where to toss them! The more spiritually conscious among you may find a doorway to illumination, but the average Joe is more likely to become confused by deceptive talk and delusions of grandeur. Writers and publishers may get amazing intuitions. Inspiring cultural connections may also arise, but avoid travel if possible -- and be sure to stay on the good side of the in-laws! Favourable colours are pale violet and electric blue. Lucky numbers are 18 and 21.
2010-02-17, Wednesday: New Perspective
The swift Moon enters your eleventh house of friends and associates, putting you in the mood for company, and if the weather's fine, consider stepping out with a friend for some fresh air. It's time to get a new perspective, and one of the best ways is to observe nature in action. You may need to think carefully about a decision you have to make soon. Don't rush yourself. Fortunate colours are bright tangerine and lime green. Lucky numbers are 33 and 35.
2006-02-17, Friday: True Brilliance
Your mind is firing on all eight, as the cosmos lights up your natural wit and charm. Be ready to seize those lucky breaks and make the most of them. Strike while the iron is hot. Your personal magnetism shoots through the roof tonight, as Mars rides into your sign. The iron is not all that's hot, as romance beckons. Get ready, or get roasted! Alluring colours are crimson and cream. Lucky numbers are 14 and 5.
2005-02-17, Thursday: Looking Sweet
Life is looking pretty sweet from where you're standing, and you want to celebrate. If you can't think of any other reason to raise a glass or go out on the town, celebrate the fact that it's Thursday! You certainly won't need much encouragement to go out and have a good time, but the only problem will lie in knowing when to stop, especially if you're with someone very special. Fortunate colours are copper and dark brown. Lucky numbers are 28 and 56.
2004-02-17, Tuesday: Understanding Yourself
This is a good day to look within and come to grips with the complex workings of that changeable nature of yours. Chiron and Lady Moon harmonize with giant Jupiter, enabling you to see into the emotional roots of yourself and your situation. There may be financial benefit through an emotional or family link, but you need to put money to work with regard to your home situation. Healing colours are coral pink and champagne. Lucky numbers are 39 and 44.

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