Cancer's Horoscopes |



Born between: June 21st - July 22nd

Supportive and encouraging those born under the Cancer sign are lovers that strive in the home setting. Traditional in their beliefs they are often conservative although they value unaccompanied time, greatly.

2024-05-15, Wednesday
You may need to take a more disciplined approach to your communication today, Cancer. Try not to be so harsh and limiting with your words. People respond better to comforting expressions and a sympathetic tone. Cold, abrasive facts will only aggravate an existing wound. Tone things down. Allot yourself some quiet time to be alone and contemplate your state of mind.
2023-05-15, Monday: Venus Retrograde
As Venus turns in your twelfth house, you are sensitive to the unspoken needs of those close. This phase tests your relationships, and you'll feel less sociable and more sensitive. One of the best things you can do now is work behind the scenes to help others, as the twelfth house also rules hospitals and institutions. Watch that you do not become emotionally overloaded, soaking in too much of their problems. Practice meditation or other means of naturally calming and centering yourself. A secret love may resurface. Positive colors are grey blue and chrysoberyl. Lucky numbers are 7 and 12.
2022-05-15, Sunday: Venus Retrograde
As Venus turns in your twelfth house, you are sensitive to the unspoken needs of those close. This phase tests your relationships, and you'll feel less sociable and more sensitive. One of the best things you can do now is work behind the scenes to help others, as the twelfth house also rules hospitals and institutions. Watch that you do not become emotionally overloaded, soaking in too much of their problems. Practice meditation or other means of naturally calming and centering yourself. A secret love may resurface. Positive colors are grey blue and chrysoberyl. Lucky numbers are 7 and 12.
2021-05-15, Saturday: Venus Retrograde
As Venus turns in your twelfth house, you are sensitive to the unspoken needs of those close. This phase tests your relationships, and you'll feel less sociable and more sensitive. One of the best things you can do now is work behind the scenes to help others, as the twelfth house also rules hospitals and institutions. Watch that you do not become emotionally overloaded, soaking in too much of their problems. Practice meditation or other means of naturally calming and centering yourself. A secret love may resurface. Positive colors are grey blue and chrysoberyl. Lucky numbers are 7 and 12.
2020-05-15, Friday: Venus Retrograde
As Venus turns in your twelfth house, you are sensitive to the unspoken needs of those close. This phase tests your relationships, and you'll feel less sociable and more sensitive. One of the best things you can do now is work behind the scenes to help others, as the twelfth house also rules hospitals and institutions. Watch that you do not become emotionally overloaded, soaking in too much of their problems. Practice meditation or other means of naturally calming and centering yourself. A secret love may resurface. Positive colors are grey blue and chrysoberyl. Lucky numbers are 7 and 12.
2019-05-15, Wednesday: Venus Retrograde
As Venus turns in your twelfth house, you are sensitive to the unspoken needs of those close. This phase tests your relationships, and you'll feel less sociable and more sensitive. One of the best things you can do now is work behind the scenes to help others, as the twelfth house also rules hospitals and institutions. Watch that you do not become emotionally overloaded, soaking in too much of their problems. Practice meditation or other means of naturally calming and centering yourself. A secret love may resurface. Positive colors are grey blue and chrysoberyl. Lucky numbers are 7 and 12.
2018-05-15, Tuesday: Venus Retrograde
As Venus turns in your twelfth house, you are sensitive to the unspoken needs of those close. This phase tests your relationships, and you'll feel less sociable and more sensitive. One of the best things you can do now is work behind the scenes to help others, as the twelfth house also rules hospitals and institutions. Watch that you do not become emotionally overloaded, soaking in too much of their problems. Practice meditation or other means of naturally calming and centering yourself. A secret love may resurface. Positive colors are grey blue and chrysoberyl. Lucky numbers are 7 and 12.
2017-05-15, Monday: Venus Retrograde
As Venus turns in your twelfth house, you are sensitive to the unspoken needs of those close. This phase tests your relationships, and you'll feel less sociable and more sensitive. One of the best things you can do now is work behind the scenes to help others, as the twelfth house also rules hospitals and institutions. Watch that you do not become emotionally overloaded, soaking in too much of their problems. Practice meditation or other means of naturally calming and centering yourself. A secret love may resurface. Positive colors are grey blue and chrysoberyl. Lucky numbers are 7 and 12.
2016-05-15, Sunday: Venus Retrograde
As Venus turns in your twelfth house, you are sensitive to the unspoken needs of those close. This phase tests your relationships, and you'll feel less sociable and more sensitive. One of the best things you can do now is work behind the scenes to help others, as the twelfth house also rules hospitals and institutions. Watch that you do not become emotionally overloaded, soaking in too much of their problems. Practice meditation or other means of naturally calming and centering yourself. A secret love may resurface. Positive colors are grey blue and chrysoberyl. Lucky numbers are 7 and 12.
2015-05-15, Friday: Venus Retrograde
As Venus turns in your twelfth house, you are sensitive to the unspoken needs of those close. This phase tests your relationships, and you'll feel less sociable and more sensitive. One of the best things you can do now is work behind the scenes to help others, as the twelfth house also rules hospitals and institutions. Watch that you do not become emotionally overloaded, soaking in too much of their problems. Practice meditation or other means of naturally calming and centering yourself. A secret love may resurface. Positive colors are grey blue and chrysoberyl. Lucky numbers are 7 and 12.
2014-05-15, Thursday: Venus Retrograde
As Venus turns in your twelfth house, you are sensitive to the unspoken needs of those close. This phase tests your relationships, and you'll feel less sociable and more sensitive. One of the best things you can do now is work behind the scenes to help others, as the twelfth house also rules hospitals and institutions. Watch that you do not become emotionally overloaded, soaking in too much of their problems. Practice meditation or other means of naturally calming and centering yourself. A secret love may resurface. Positive colors are grey blue and chrysoberyl. Lucky numbers are 7 and 12.
2012-05-15, Tuesday: Venus Retrograde
As Venus turns in your twelfth house, you are sensitive to the unspoken needs of those close. This phase tests your relationships, and you'll feel less sociable and more sensitive. One of the best things you can do now is work behind the scenes to help others, as the twelfth house also rules hospitals and institutions. Watch that you do not become emotionally overloaded, soaking in too much of their problems. Practice meditation or other means of naturally calming and centering yourself. A secret love may resurface. Positive colors are grey blue and chrysoberyl. Lucky numbers are 7 and 12.
2011-05-15, Sunday: Half Way Day
You may feel like celebrating the fact that it's Sunday, and with the changing Moon entering your house of pleasure, any excuse to have fun will do! Why not meet friends after work or watch your favourite comedy this evening? Love and laughter are just what you need now. Favourable colours are plum purple and golden amber. Lucky numbers are 10 and 33.
2010-05-15, Saturday: Haunting Moon
The Moon haunts your twelfth house of subconscious matters, urging you to find time for quiet moments. With all the cosmic tension in the air, you may be feeling extraordinarily anxious. Prayer and meditation will help you recharge your spiritual batteries and refresh your soul. Surround yourself with the most positive and uplifting influences possible. Favourable colours are midnight blue and sunset pink. Lucky numbers are 3 and 12.
2008-05-15, Thursday: Emotional Courage
You'll have the inner resolve to take care of a family situation that involves money today with great bravado. Perhaps you'll take the lead in a real estate matter or organize a garage sale. Energising colours are dark green and sable. Lucky numbers are 9 and 47.
2007-05-15, Tuesday: Action, Energy, Initiative
Today Mars, the planet of action, energy and initiative, will begin a six week tour of your 10th house of fame, honours and career success. This is your time to get things accomplished and seize the day! You must use this energy to go after what you want concerning career matters so that you can be properly rewarded financially for your efforts six weeks from now when Mars moves into your house of income earned from career. Don't waste a moment! Advantageous colours are silver and mulberry. Lucky numbers are 10 and 11.
2006-05-15, Monday: A Little Edgy
The situation involving a personal matter can get a little edgy if you don't handle things carefully. Those you contact today should respond with positive vibes. In love, you are likely to surprise your beloved in all kinds of delightful ways. Remember that cutting corners may be helpful in the short term, but harm you in the long run. Providential colours are yellow sapphire and cranberry. Lucky numbers are 24 and 36.
2005-05-15, Sunday: Their Own Way
A certain person is determined to go their own way today, and to hell with the consequences. They're so keen to express their independence and remind everyone that they're a free spirit that they might easily go over the top and end up being a lot more outrageous or bloody-minded than they'd intended. If you want to prove a point, try not to get so steamed up that you're willing to risk almost anything as a result. Fortunate colours are peach and coffee. Lucky numbers are 21 and 68.
2004-05-15, Saturday: Sounding Boards
Future possibilities need discussion, so you need mates as sounding boards for your brighter inspirations. Be open to new ideas, especially ones likely to upset others. You have the courage of your convictions and will not be swayed by criticism. Your livelier friends will adore you because you are up on the latest advances and not harping on about how things used to be. Creative colours are peach blossom and avocado. Lucky numbers are 14 and 31.

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