Aquarius's Horoscopes |



Born between: Jan 20th - Feb 19th

Those born under the Aquarian are honest, artistic and loyal in their nature which makes them wonderful friends and family members. However stubborn and defensiveness are characterises attributed to Aquarians.

2025-02-09, Sunday
Friends or a group with which you're affiliated could want you to help them formulate a workable plan for advancement. You're in just the right frame of mind for this, Aquarius, and therefore willing to roll up your sleeves and pitch in. You might be the center of attention at some point, perhaps sharing your skills with associates. Don't forget your own goals. They could be advanced today, too.
2024-02-09, Friday: Busy Busy
You're buzzing with ideas and making conversation. Friends and associates will be on hand. It's time to cook up a new plan or scheme to get things moving. As far as today's influences are concerned, Mars and Mercury clash, so loved ones may be a little testy. Watch for accidents in the home. Pleasurable colors are turquoise and cherry pink. Lucky number is 23.
2023-02-09, Thursday: Busy Busy
You're buzzing with ideas and making conversation. Friends and associates will be on hand. It's time to cook up a new plan or scheme to get things moving. As far as today's influences are concerned, Mars and Mercury clash, so loved ones may be a little testy. Watch for accidents in the home. Pleasurable colors are turquoise and cherry pink. Lucky number is 23.
2022-02-09, Wednesday: Busy Busy
You're buzzing with ideas and making conversation. Friends and associates will be on hand. It's time to cook up a new plan or scheme to get things moving. As far as today's influences are concerned, Mars and Mercury clash, so loved ones may be a little testy. Watch for accidents in the home. Pleasurable colors are turquoise and cherry pink. Lucky number is 23.
2021-02-09, Tuesday: Busy Busy
You're buzzing with ideas and making conversation. Friends and associates will be on hand. It's time to cook up a new plan or scheme to get things moving. As far as today's influences are concerned, Mars and Mercury clash, so loved ones may be a little testy. Watch for accidents in the home. Pleasurable colors are turquoise and cherry pink. Lucky number is 23.
2020-02-09, Sunday: Busy Busy
You're buzzing with ideas and making conversation. Friends and associates will be on hand. It's time to cook up a new plan or scheme to get things moving. As far as today's influences are concerned, Mars and Mercury clash, so loved ones may be a little testy. Watch for accidents in the home. Pleasurable colors are turquoise and cherry pink. Lucky number is 23.
2019-02-09, Saturday: Busy Busy
You're buzzing with ideas and making conversation. Friends and associates will be on hand. It's time to cook up a new plan or scheme to get things moving. As far as today's influences are concerned, Mars and Mercury clash, so loved ones may be a little testy. Watch for accidents in the home. Pleasurable colors are turquoise and cherry pink. Lucky number is 23.
2018-02-09, Friday: Busy Busy
You're buzzing with ideas and making conversation. Friends and associates will be on hand. It's time to cook up a new plan or scheme to get things moving. As far as today's influences are concerned, Mars and Mercury clash, so loved ones may be a little testy. Watch for accidents in the home. Pleasurable colors are turquoise and cherry pink. Lucky number is 23.
2017-02-09, Thursday: Busy Busy
You're buzzing with ideas and making conversation. Friends and associates will be on hand. It's time to cook up a new plan or scheme to get things moving. As far as today's influences are concerned, Mars and Mercury clash, so loved ones may be a little testy. Watch for accidents in the home. Pleasurable colors are turquoise and cherry pink. Lucky number is 23.
2016-02-09, Tuesday: Busy Busy
You're buzzing with ideas and making conversation. Friends and associates will be on hand. It's time to cook up a new plan or scheme to get things moving. As far as today's influences are concerned, Mars and Mercury clash, so loved ones may be a little testy. Watch for accidents in the home. Pleasurable colors are turquoise and cherry pink. Lucky number is 23.
2015-02-09, Monday: Busy Busy
You're buzzing with ideas and making conversation. Friends and associates will be on hand. It's time to cook up a new plan or scheme to get things moving. As far as today's influences are concerned, Mars and Mercury clash, so loved ones may be a little testy. Watch for accidents in the home. Pleasurable colors are turquoise and cherry pink. Lucky number is 23.
2014-02-09, Sunday: Busy Busy
You're buzzing with ideas and making conversation. Friends and associates will be on hand. It's time to cook up a new plan or scheme to get things moving. As far as today's influences are concerned, Mars and Mercury clash, so loved ones may be a little testy. Watch for accidents in the home. Pleasurable colors are turquoise and cherry pink. Lucky number is 23.
2012-02-09, Thursday: Busy Busy
You're buzzing with ideas and making conversation. Friends and associates will be on hand. It's time to cook up a new plan or scheme to get things moving. As far as today's influences are concerned, Mars and Mercury clash, so loved ones may be a little testy. Watch for accidents in the home. Pleasurable colors are turquoise and cherry pink. Lucky number is 23.
2011-02-09, Wednesday: Low Key
The Moon activates your house of home and family today, making you desire more privacy. You could certainly use a break after the past few days of bustling activity. If you don't feel well, it may simply be that you have become over stimulated and need time to wind down. It's a perfect day to work from home, but if that isn't possible, stay low key at the office. Auspicious colours are pale green and oyster. Lucky numbers are 4 and 15.
2010-02-09, Tuesday: Alone, Not Lonely
Spending some quiet time alone will help you maintain your sanity as the Moon moves into your twelfth house of secrets and solitude. The next two days may find you feeling less sociable than usual. Honour your soul's need for regeneration. Find time to do the things that make you feel whole, peaceful and rested. There'll be time for action later. Beneficial colours are midnight blue and sunset pink. Lucky numbers are 3 and 12.
2008-02-09, Saturday: Erratic
Your self esteem feels as though it's on a see-saw. You might be up and feeling quite good about yourself in the morning and by afternoon have a very different set of emotions. No one knows what to expect from you. Expressive colours are spring green and almond. Lucky numbers are 32 and 59.
2006-02-09, Thursday: Money Talks
Mercury moves to Pisces, so there will be some talk about money in the weeks ahead. You may be discussing financial plans or arrangements and may have to alter something you've been doing for a while, quite suddenly. You may simply be scheming and dreaming. If so, you'll come up with a new idea. The only thing to avoid is ignoring a problem in the hope that it will go away. It won't. Act. Prudent colours are vibrant pink and plum. Lucky numbers are 24 and 2.
2005-02-09, Wednesday: Point Of View
If you've been confused by a friend's behaviour recently, this is your chance to get to the bottom of it. You won't have to give them the third degree, either, because they'll probably be happy to talk about what's been happening to them. In fact, today is good for increasing your understanding of anyone in your life, simply by talking to them and doing your best to see things from their point of view. Vibrant colours are grapefruit and sienna. Lucky numbers are 19 and 20.
2004-02-09, Monday: Busy Busy
Venus the goddess is in Aries and your solar third house, travelling there over the next four weeks. You'll be buzzing with ideas and making conversation. Friends and associates will be on hand. You may cook up a new plan or scheme to get things moving. As far as today's influences are concerned, Mars and Mercury clash so loved ones may be a little testy. Watch for accidents in the home. Pleasurable colours are turquoise and cherry pink. Lucky number is 23.

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