Aquarius's Horoscopes |



Born between: Jan 20th - Feb 19th

Those born under the Aquarian are honest, artistic and loyal in their nature which makes them wonderful friends and family members. However stubborn and defensiveness are characterises attributed to Aquarians.

2025-02-12, Wednesday
You may feel a bit protective today, Aquarius, and with good reason. Others are likely to be aggressive when it comes to moving in on your territory. Be strong. Assure yourself as well as those in your charge that everything will be fine. Take reasonable precautions, but don't completely close yourself off to the outside world. That knock at the gate could just as easily provide much-needed help.
2024-02-12, Monday: Heightened Vision
You should be feeling six foot tall and bullet proof today. Many Aquarians will finally free themselves from an oppressive financial partnership or joint ownership. Isn't it amazing how a whirlwind of romance and sensuality can free up the best in you? Embracing a new relationship could give you the heightened vision to see an old friendship or partnership for what it really is. Study and travel is also favored at this time. Positive colors are ivory and jade. Lucky numbers are 1 and 9.
2023-02-12, Sunday: Heightened Vision
You should be feeling six foot tall and bullet proof today. Many Aquarians will finally free themselves from an oppressive financial partnership or joint ownership. Isn't it amazing how a whirlwind of romance and sensuality can free up the best in you? Embracing a new relationship could give you the heightened vision to see an old friendship or partnership for what it really is. Study and travel is also favored at this time. Positive colors are ivory and jade. Lucky numbers are 1 and 9.
2022-02-12, Saturday: Heightened Vision
You should be feeling six foot tall and bullet proof today. Many Aquarians will finally free themselves from an oppressive financial partnership or joint ownership. Isn't it amazing how a whirlwind of romance and sensuality can free up the best in you? Embracing a new relationship could give you the heightened vision to see an old friendship or partnership for what it really is. Study and travel is also favored at this time. Positive colors are ivory and jade. Lucky numbers are 1 and 9.
2021-02-12, Friday: Heightened Vision
You should be feeling six foot tall and bullet proof today. Many Aquarians will finally free themselves from an oppressive financial partnership or joint ownership. Isn't it amazing how a whirlwind of romance and sensuality can free up the best in you? Embracing a new relationship could give you the heightened vision to see an old friendship or partnership for what it really is. Study and travel is also favored at this time. Positive colors are ivory and jade. Lucky numbers are 1 and 9.
2020-02-12, Wednesday: Heightened Vision
You should be feeling six foot tall and bullet proof today. Many Aquarians will finally free themselves from an oppressive financial partnership or joint ownership. Isn't it amazing how a whirlwind of romance and sensuality can free up the best in you? Embracing a new relationship could give you the heightened vision to see an old friendship or partnership for what it really is. Study and travel is also favored at this time. Positive colors are ivory and jade. Lucky numbers are 1 and 9.
2019-02-12, Tuesday: Heightened Vision
You should be feeling six foot tall and bullet proof today. Many Aquarians will finally free themselves from an oppressive financial partnership or joint ownership. Isn't it amazing how a whirlwind of romance and sensuality can free up the best in you? Embracing a new relationship could give you the heightened vision to see an old friendship or partnership for what it really is. Study and travel is also favored at this time. Positive colors are ivory and jade. Lucky numbers are 1 and 9.
2018-02-12, Monday: Heightened Vision
You should be feeling six foot tall and bullet proof today. Many Aquarians will finally free themselves from an oppressive financial partnership or joint ownership. Isn't it amazing how a whirlwind of romance and sensuality can free up the best in you? Embracing a new relationship could give you the heightened vision to see an old friendship or partnership for what it really is. Study and travel is also favored at this time. Positive colors are ivory and jade. Lucky numbers are 1 and 9.
2017-02-12, Sunday: Heightened Vision
You should be feeling six foot tall and bullet proof today. Many Aquarians will finally free themselves from an oppressive financial partnership or joint ownership. Isn't it amazing how a whirlwind of romance and sensuality can free up the best in you? Embracing a new relationship could give you the heightened vision to see an old friendship or partnership for what it really is. Study and travel is also favored at this time. Positive colors are ivory and jade. Lucky numbers are 1 and 9.
2016-02-12, Friday: Heightened Vision
You should be feeling six foot tall and bullet proof today. Many Aquarians will finally free themselves from an oppressive financial partnership or joint ownership. Isn't it amazing how a whirlwind of romance and sensuality can free up the best in you? Embracing a new relationship could give you the heightened vision to see an old friendship or partnership for what it really is. Study and travel is also favored at this time. Positive colors are ivory and jade. Lucky numbers are 1 and 9.
2015-02-12, Thursday: Heightened Vision
You should be feeling six foot tall and bullet proof today. Many Aquarians will finally free themselves from an oppressive financial partnership or joint ownership. Isn't it amazing how a whirlwind of romance and sensuality can free up the best in you? Embracing a new relationship could give you the heightened vision to see an old friendship or partnership for what it really is. Study and travel is also favored at this time. Positive colors are ivory and jade. Lucky numbers are 1 and 9.
2014-02-12, Wednesday: Heightened Vision
You should be feeling six foot tall and bullet proof today. Many Aquarians will finally free themselves from an oppressive financial partnership or joint ownership. Isn't it amazing how a whirlwind of romance and sensuality can free up the best in you? Embracing a new relationship could give you the heightened vision to see an old friendship or partnership for what it really is. Study and travel is also favored at this time. Positive colors are ivory and jade. Lucky numbers are 1 and 9.
2012-02-12, Sunday: Heightened Vision
You should be feeling six foot tall and bullet proof today. Many Aquarians will finally free themselves from an oppressive financial partnership or joint ownership. Isn't it amazing how a whirlwind of romance and sensuality can free up the best in you? Embracing a new relationship could give you the heightened vision to see an old friendship or partnership for what it really is. Study and travel is also favored at this time. Positive colors are ivory and jade. Lucky numbers are 1 and 9.
2011-02-12, Saturday: Green Eyes
You may inspire jealousy in others today, but don't let that stop you from having a good time. Keep your eyes and ears open for signs that will give false friends away. Take notes and remember that it is good to keep your true friends close and your enemies even closer. Advantageous colours are pale pink and carat gold. Lucky numbers are 15 and 42.
2010-02-12, Friday: Extra Charm
It should be easy to make progress as the Moon and Mercury lend you extra charm and magnetism today. Your vibration is powerful, so expect others to be drawn to you. This is a great day to make requests as you are likely to get what you want. Learning new things also seems to come more easily, so why not try something different this afternoon? Advantageous colours are aubergine and bronze. Lucky numbers are 19 and 28.
2008-02-12, Tuesday: Coming Through
You'll hear positive financial news today concerning a home or real estate matter. Either a loan or mortgage is approved or a home sale is about to take place. There's every chance that you'll receive things on your terms. Fortunate colours are fuchsia and parchment. Lucky numbers are 32 and 3.
2006-02-12, Sunday: Support
Gather the support or help of friends and enlist their aid in any projects that need completing or require the effort of more than one. You feel inclined to talk, but those close to you may not be readily expressive. A situation is brewing with someone near and dear. Give it time to come to the surface. You're in an era of handling partnership matters in a new way. Congenial colours are bottle green and garnet. Lucky numbers are 25 and 38.
2005-02-12, Saturday: Foundation Stones
Have a think about your plans for the future. How are they progressing and are you happy with them? If you suspect that they aren't going as well as they might, start doing something about it. Even if your ideas are still in the early stages, they may benefit from some tweaking and fine-tuning. A few changes now could save you a lot of time and trouble in the future. Fortunate colours are bright purple and pale gold. Lucky numbers are 35 and 15.
2004-02-12, Thursday: Pulled In Different Directions
Lady Moon is moving through Scorpio and your solar fourth house, striking some sparks with Mars in Taurus and your solar tenth house. There may be tension or conflict between home life and working life and you may be hard pressed to find the right balance. Work around testy or difficult males. Someone's emotional needs may distract you from necessary tasks. Keep things in hand. Proper colours are riesling and baby blue. Lucky numbers are 3 and 25.

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