You might not be able to accomplish what you'd hoped today, Sagittarius. Some minor but irritating conflicts could occur within a group. You might find this exasperating, as petty squabbles interfere with reaching the group's objectives. You could be called on to use your intuition and sensitivity to spread oil on troubled waters. Be direct, fair, and clear, and try not to let your irritation show.
Arrangements for a get-together you're planning to host could go awry, with everything turned upside down and nothing happening the way you planned. This isn't going to halt your plans, Aries, but it's going to require more effort to get things back on track and make it happen. This is going to be exasperating for you, but don't waste time moaning about it. Get busy and take care of business.
Your usually abundant energy may experience a sudden setback today, Taurus. Work pressure could create stress that leaves you feeling exhausted and out of sorts. This will pass. You should be strong and healthy and so able to overcome it quickly. It's going to drive you crazy to not feel as active as you usually are. Relax and spend a day resting. It won't hurt you in the long run.
A trip through exclusive boutiques or antique shops might have you throwing financial caution to the wind and buying luxury items you hadn't planned for. This is all right - up to a point. Take care not to buy more than you can use. Don't go to the opposite extreme and be too miserly either. You've worked hard and deserve a treat or two.
Unexpected visitors might throw you into a dither. You could panic over how to dress, what to say, and what to serve. Don't make yourself crazy, Cancer. Follow your heart and go with the flow. Spontaneity is the best policy. Your guests will enjoy yourselves more if you worry less about being the perfect host. Just have fun.
Some rather disconcerting information may come to light today. This could throw you into a daze, as it isn't anything that you expected. This isn't necessarily bad news, Leo. In fact, it might be great news, but it may be something you never expected in a million years. Work through the shock and try to view it from all sides.
Even though everything is going well for you, Virgo, a sudden upset of some kind, probably involving money, could throw you into a momentary panic. You may wonder if your good fortune is going to end as quickly as it began. This probably isn't the case. The situation is temporary. With a little effort, you should be able to straighten everything out and put yourself back on track.
An unexpected development might interfere with your plans to attend a social event, group activity, or get-together with your partner. This isn't going to sit well with those you've been planning to meet, Pisces. It's going to be frustrating for you, too, but it has to be done. It's best if you just postpone your plans and take care of business. Your friends will forgive you.
Upsets regarding your career or the activities that take up most of your time are likely to negatively affect your self-confidence. Don't fall into this trap, Libra. The forces are beyond your control and the situation doesn't reflect any shortcomings on your part. You might have to put in some effort to straighten things out and return to normal. It's a pain, but you'd best do it without delay.
Unexpected responsibilities could interfere with plans to take a trip of some sort. Someone might need your help, and you may well have to put your own activities on hold for a while. This could be frustrating, Aquarius. It only delays whatever you're doing but doesn't stop it. Take care of whatever you need to do and then continue with your plans. You will feel better if you do.
A temporary upset with a partner might distract you so you can't function as effectively as you normally do. Don't let your anger get the best of you. The situation is probably due to a lack of communication, and could be cleared up with explanations, understanding, and an agreement as to how similar situations should be handled. By the end of the day, all should be well again.
New scientific or archaeological discoveries could temporarily shake your faith in your spiritual path, Scorpio. You may suddenly doubt something you've always accepted. This could propel you to study, primarily to reaffirm your faith. You're likely to find that your discoveries don't invalidate your ideas, but actually confirm them. Write down your ideas so you can put things in proper perspective.
Relations with neighbors, siblings, or other relatives could get a shot in the arm now, Aries. For some, your recent business successes cause them to get on the bandwagon. For others, your personal growth could increase their admiration of you. Partnerships of any kind formed today show great promise of success. These could be business, personal, or romantic. Don't be shy. Go with the flow.
Emotions that run very deep should bring you a lot of satisfaction today, Pisces. Relationships of all kinds could also be especially promising. A romantic relationship may be consummated, revitalized, or moved to the next level of commitment. Close friendships might become closer because of your mutual interests. Happiness and satisfaction should reign in the home today.
Discussions with those close to you could lead to the discovery of new concepts, perhaps from foreign cultures. You will want to learn more about them, Aquarius, as will your friends. You might even decide to plan a trip to a place where you could expand your knowledge of this new interest. Any trip planned today should go smoothly and be quite rewarding. Don't hesitate.
Everything should be going great for your career, Capricorn. It may all seem too good to be true, but rest assured that it's real. Events could involve a job change, promotion, raise, or the opportunity to strike out on your own. Don't kid yourself. A lot of challenges lie ahead, but this should all lead to great personal satisfaction in the long run. Go for it.
All your relationships should be especially warm and supportive now, Sagittarius. This is a great day to form a business, personal, or romantic partnership. Business partnerships made now should be successful, while committed romantic bonds entered into today could well last for a long time. Be open, honest, and unafraid to speak your mind. You might find that others share your thoughts.
Today you might have insights as to how to advance your career. These could come your way through dreams, sudden revelations, or perhaps visions. Don't hesitate to put them into action simply because of the unorthodox way they come to you, Scorpio. Some of the most progressive and successful ideas have come because the inventor had a vivid dream. Write down your insights and go for it.
You're flying high at this point, Libra, enjoying the success you've achieved over the past several weeks. Today you could accomplish yet another goal, adding to your feeling of accomplishment. You might plan a vacation or perhaps return to college. The expansion of your horizons hasn't left you complacent. Instead, you want to continue expanding. This is a very positive development. Go for it.
Your financial success over the past several weeks may seem too good to be true, Virgo. It might make yet another leap forward. This should make you happy. It also could bring up your insecurity over whether or not this cycle will continue. It probably will for a while. It might be a good idea to save or invest you money, just so you can feel more secure in the future.
Today shows the promise of being a very busy yet fulfilling day, Leo. Enterprises involving corporations, churches, or other groups in your community are likely to benefit from your participation. You combine intuition with practicality in everything you do. You're especially communicative and good at dealing with others. Don't be surprised if public recognition comes your way.
Today your sensitivity joins forces with practicality. Intuitive insights could come to you today, and you might express your new ideas to others, Cancer. Don't be surprised if they accept them. Your unconscious mind is on a far more practical track than you may assume. Make use of this ability while you can because it might not be so clear tomorrow. Go with the flow.
As you continue to enjoy success and good fortune, your self-confidence grows, Gemini, and so you're likely to attract new relationships with fascinating people in exciting fields who share your vision and interests. These could be business associations, close friendships, or new romantic partners. Relax and be yourself. You don't have to impress anyone. They probably already like you.
Success in your work continues to bring good fortune your way. Today you might get reassurance that this isn't a flash in the pan. You're likely to be financially secure for a long time. You're probably feeling strong and robust, full of energy and stamina, and ready to take on just about any challenge. Move ahead, Taurus, but move with caution. You're never too prosperous to be careful.
Does it seem like your life is pulling apart at the seams, Aries? Perhaps it's time to reevaluate. Major aspects of your being could be coming into question and you can't seem to find the answer to why you started down this road in the first place. Have confidence in yourself and your incredible ability to cut to the core of every matter. This is just a phase and you're able to work through it.
Your dreams and fantasies are more real than you know, Leo. Smile at the people you pass and watch them smile back. Your sensitive and fun-loving nature is infectious. Use it to help heal others' wounds. Laughter is the remedy that cures all. Be conscious of your tremendous effect on others and spread the beauty that lives inside you.
Your sensitivity is especially heightened today, Virgo. You're in tune with your emotions and more sensitive to your dreams. Realize the importance of friendship and show someone you care by initiating an outing or intimate dinner at your home. You have greater self-awareness, as well as the energy to get things done. Fantasy worlds may come to life if you let them. Watch out for overindulgence.
You may be going through a confusing period now, Libra. Today's energy brings these issues into focus. Parts of your life seem to be slapping you in the face, indicating that a drastic life change is coming. Resist the urge to play the victim and let other people grab the reins simply because they act more confidently. This is your life and only you know what's best for you.
Spiritual concerns and fanciful daydreams move into sharp focus today, Scorpio. Perhaps you're pulled by playful emotions and escapism. Keep one foot on the ground while you send your mind into the clouds, but definitely take time to check the air up there and report your findings to your conscious self. You may feel a greater sensitivity toward others now while your intuition is strong.
Have you taken someone for granted lately? Today you should give them the thanks and attention they deserve, Sagittarius. Your sensitivity and psychic awareness are especially strong. You aren't in the mood to put up with superficialities. Stick with what is real and say it like it is. Tension in your daily life may surface, but if you have things under control, you will ride through it just fine.
There may be some serious miscommunication today, so be honest in all your dealings, Capricorn. Be as straightforward as possible, since issues can backfire if the truth is clouded. Honesty is invaluable and must be maintained at all times. You have the power to make a lasting impression on people. Curb your tendency to snap at others. Watch out for accidents involving fire or metal.
You may not be sure what to think today, Aquarius. Mental confusion could be the day's theme for you, but don't let it get you down. Realize that it's just one of those days when none of the pieces fit right. The truth is that they do fit somewhere, just not now. Lay low and wait for this phase to pass. Things will pick up soon as the fog lifts and you can see clearly again.
Spiritual concerns are a bigger issue for you today, Pisces. You may have found that you're drawn to a fanciful mindset and unorthodox way of viewing the world. Pursue this realm of thought and trust that your intuition knows exactly where to take you. Emotional tension may run high, so try not to get down on other people's "me first" attitude.
You may feel idealistic today, Cancer. This is fine, but make sure these ideals are rooted in reality or they may be nothing more than a pipe dream. Feel free to escape to another mindset, but make sure you can still discern what's real and what isn't. This is a formative time for you in which you realize that the conventional ways of doing things aren't working anymore. Spread the word.
There may be serious challenges in your daily routine today, Gemini. How can you organize your day more efficiently? Take time to set a plan into motion. Write it down. You may want to drift into another realm, so let those emotions roam free - just make sure you deal with your daily tasks first. This will give you more freedom to take advantage of the blast of creative power that you have now.
There's an extra bit of fire in your words and emotions today, Taurus. Your sensitivity is heightened and you should consider doing some sort of volunteer work now. You may talk about saving the world, but talk will get you nowhere until you put those ideas into practice. Take part in the lives of people who are less fortunate and seek the truth in all the issues you encounter.
Relations with family or other members of your household should be especially warm now. Mutual goals and shared wins and losses are likely to bring you closer. Communication with friends and other acquaintances should be open and honest without being blunt, Pisces, providing you with a rewarding day. You probably won't spend much of your day alone. Make the most of it.
You should feel loving today toward just about anyone you like and respect. Clear communication with friends, lovers, and children could enhance your understanding of them, and vice versa. The bonds in these relationships will be strengthened, perpetuating the good feelings you've felt all year. Current bonds grow more devoted, while new ones become close. Keep the lines of communication open.
Powerful feelings of love well up today, particularly toward family members. Communication between you and those you love is likely to be heightened, Taurus, as you learn to speak your mind while not being too blunt. Romantic matters could thrive now, as you will be in the mood to physically express your feelings. Old friends form stronger bonds, while you discover common interests with new friends.
Messages from close friends expressing their love and admiration for you may seem to arrive out of the blue. Your accomplishments over the past few weeks may have caused them to see you in a new light. Today you will experience the full force of their feelings. The doors of communication are open for you. You could decide to spend the day getting to know your friends all over again.
You're always one to face things logically, Cancer, and today you turn that logic, along with your intuition, toward reassessing some of your values. Your judgment is especially acute, so any decisions you make or any new avenues you want to explore are likely to be just what you need now. Relations with friends, lovers, and family should be warm, loving, and close.
You're likely to feel especially friendly and outgoing today, Leo. People you meet, particularly through groups, are likely to be strongly attracted to you. Friendships, partnerships, and romantic relationships should continue to grow closer, enhanced by your high level of communication. In the evening, go out with those you love. Your bond will be stronger for it.
You should be in a warm and romantic mood today, Virgo. You will want to schedule an intimate evening with your partner, but you probably won't feel like staying in. You desire an evening out, perhaps to a restaurant, concert, or play. Regardless of how you usually feel, tonight you won't have any reservations about showing affection in public. Enjoy your evening.
The mutual exploration of spiritual and intellectual ideas could bring you closer to friends and lovers. Fascinating discussions open new horizons to all participants. You may be overcome by the strong feeling of unity. By day's end, you could experience a strong spiritual longing to study whatever the topic of conversation was. Don't hesitate. It can only help you grow.
You feel especially sexy right now. A powerful feeling of love and a need to physically express it could be with you all day. If you're involved, you want to spend a romantic evening with your lover. If you aren't, you could channel the energy into creative activities. Romantic novels and movies are poor substitutes for the real thing, Scorpio, but if they're all that's available, go for it.
Close relationships could lead to a feeling of spiritual unity today. In fact, Sagittarius, you might feel as if those who share your interests are actually your family now. If you're involved, expect to experience warm and passionate feelings toward your partner. If not, don't be surprised if someone new comes on the scene. Shared intellectual interests might be what bring you together.
Love, sex, and romance are on your mind today, Capricorn, so you will want to spend as much time as possible with your lover. You could also grow closer to your friends, resulting in a powerful feeling of unity. Right now you have the gift of being able to exercise good judgment when it comes to values in life. If decisions need to be made along this line, this is the time to make them.
Close relationships should grow closer today, and new relationships become close ones. You're likely to feel extremely warm and loving toward most of the people you know, and they should reciprocate that feeling. Romantic relationships, especially, could grow more intimate and physical. You like the way you feel, Aquarius, but want to express it outwardly through gifts or intimacy.
You should enjoy the intense energy of today, Aries. The mud is finally beginning to clear away. Expose the truth in every issue and get ready for the gremlins that may be unEarthed. Connect with nature today and spend some time with animals if you can. Take deep breaths in fresh outdoor air and enjoy a long walk somewhere special with a close friend.
Things are moving your way, Pisces. As the day progresses, you will find that the energy intensifies. Conflicts may arise near sundown, but don't worry about it too much. See it as a call to jump-start your motor. Visit an antique shop and chat with the people around you. Simple yet meaningful encounters may prove richly rewarding.
The morning might find you sitting like a stick in the mud, Aquarius. People might be getting down on you for not contributing, but tell them to be patient. You will be raring to go by nightfall. The catalyst may come from an outside source. Be on the lookout for a challenge. Someone might rattle your cage a bit too much, so be patient and don't take it personally.
For the past several weeks you've felt like you've been dragging your heels, Capricorn. Decisions may have been hard to make and people may have seemed wishy-washy. There's a major energy shift tonight that will spark things back into action. Once again you will be on center stage. Be yourself and smile. Fun is a commodity you have in abundance. Share this incredible gift with others.
Today's energies will get progressively more intense as the day goes on. In the morning, you may be in an easygoing, dreamy state, Sagittarius, but you will be itching to take action by nightfall. Take what you've learned from your sensitive, meditative state and share it with others. Use your inner calm to bring stability to stressful situations. Make sure things don't get out of hand tonight.
The early part of the day might find you sluggish and indecisive, Scorpio, but later you should be psyched up and ready to go. Today marks the beginning of a new period in which you should set your ideas in motion. Action is the key. Think before you speak and use caution when talking about other people. Make sure your discussions about others don't turn into gossip.
It's time to get up and get moving, Libra. You have tremendous ideas and vision for the future. You have all the information you need. Now all you have to do is act. Step up to the plate and hit one over the fence. Getting out of your box and further into the world at large will do you a great deal of good. Get a greater perspective on things and enjoy time in a new environment.
You will experience an intense amount of energy today, Virgo. Your dream state will be more active than usual, and you will find that people are drawn to you like moths to light. Make sure you keep your fiery emotions in balance and don't cross any boundaries with others. People have limits, and it's important that you honor theirs as well as your own.
Enjoy the calm morning, Leo, because things are going to get crazier and more energetic as the day goes on. Emotions will run high, and people will be more opinionated than usual. A conflict may arise from which you just want to extricate yourself. Realize that a more peaceful agreement will ensue if you jump in and add your two cents' worth.
Today may start out sluggish for you, Cancer, but by the end of the day the energy will move fast and furious. Your thoughts will be buzzing around your head like bees around a hive. An introspective and contemplative morning has filled your brain with a new wave of thoughts, which you will be eager to share with anything that has ears tonight.
Take a cold shower to jump-start yourself today, Gemini. It's fine if you laze around a bit in the morning, but by evening, you should be working at full capacity. You will be called into action whether you want to be or not. Notice how active your dreams are tonight and over the next couple of nights. Messages are trying to get through, so listen.
Today marks the beginning of a new cycle for you, Taurus. Collect and consolidate your recent ideas and focus them outwardly. The time is right for you to act. Improve your surroundings and adjust your bed so that it faces east/west. (A north/south placement aligns you with Earth's magnetic field and causes you to lose energy at night.) Drink plenty of water to keep your mind clear.
Try to stay disciplined and focused today, Scorpio. This may be easier said than done, but it's crucial for preserving your sanity. There's a restrictive, weighty air to the day that may put a damper on your jovial nature. Instead of getting down on yourself, use this energy to your advantage and make order out of the chaos in your life. Eat a healthy meal and share your thoughts with others.
There's a sober feeling to the day that may leave you feeling a bit down, Pisces. There may not be any specific instance or situation that causes you to feel this way, so don't sweat it. Focus on getting your projects done. This isn't the best day to look for sympathy from others. Crank up your stereo as loud as you can and indulge in a scrumptious meal.
You're going through a time of great preparation right now, Aquarius, You're building the foundation for a major life project. This period isn't to be taken lightly. The day's energy brings this importance into focus. Make sure you're building with bricks and not straw, and that the mortar you use is strong. Try not to get discouraged by negative emotions. The situation is probably better than it seems.
Don't mess with superiors or people in authority today, Capricorn, or you might end up in some serious hot water. Take it easy and try not get bogged down by negative emotions. Things may not be as sunny as usual, but that doesn't mean the day will be terrible. Complete projects and stay focused on things that require a great deal of discipline on your part.
You're going through a time in which you have the opportunity to make tremendous advances, Sagittarius. These rewards won't come without hard work and discipline, however, and this seems to be a focus of the day. Get your emotions in line and make the best of what seems to be a pretty dreary situation. A fantastic opportunity is at hand.
You're going through a period of major evaluation and assessment of certain life projects. Today's energies bring much of that tension into focus, Libra, and put it right in the place where it affects you most - your heart. You may feel the clock ticking more loudly and have a sense that something holds you back. The situation probably looks worse than it is.
Your emotions may feel restricted today, Virgo. You may feel bad about something you did in the past. Somehow your heart isn't able to let it go. Work to overcome this by realizing that this is only a briefly passing trend and that you probably are feeling much worse about the situation than necessary. Don't be so hard on yourself.
There are opportunities open to you now whether you realize it or not. It may be hard to be aware of them today, given the astrological weather. Your emotions may feel restricted and weighed down, like something is trying to tie you down. Realize that this is just a message from the Universe reminding you that having at least one foot on the ground is key to manifesting your dreams.
Don't sweat the small stuff, Cancer. You may feel like something is restricting your otherwise light, witty nature, but don't worry about it. Things probably seem worse than they really are. Trust in yourself. Relations with others may not be at their best, and it may seem like your feelings are being squeezed through the ringer. Keep your chin up and work to get things done right the first time.
Today is a great day to get rid of the stuff that's cluttering up your life, Gemini. Get to the heart of the issue and stop beating around the bush. Your emotions may feel a bit more negative than usual, but realize that you can use this to your advantage. Your sober attitude can aid in making extremely practical, well-grounded decisions.
Your freedom-loving nature may seem a bit dampened today, Taurus, but don't let it get you down. Things might not be lining up perfectly, but that's no reason to get frustrated. Perhaps the situation was just not meant to be. Look for a higher, more practical solution. You have all the information you need to make an intelligent decision.
People may be extra stubborn today, so try to avoid any confrontations that could lead to full-scale war. Your emotions may feel restricted and restrained, Aries. Don't sweat the small stuff. Realize that you're going through a trying period right now and that you need all the sanity you can muster. Refrain from making mountains out of molehills.
Today is a great day to check off all the items on that list of yours, Aquarius. Get it done. At the same time, realize that your emotions might be a bit clouded and that things that seem genuine may actually be just a mirage. Issues of a spiritual nature are of primary concern. You should make sure you're nurturing this side of your being. Think with your heart.
People may tug at you from all sides today, Capricorn. No matter which way you turn, someone is there. Be patient and levelheaded. Your time will come. For now, look at these challenges as lessons for the future and learn from them. Your point of view isn't the only one in the world. It would probably be a good thing if you worked on incorporating other people's opinions into your own.
You may be out of step with the rest of the world today, Taurus, but don't sweat it. This is a good day to finish projects. Your head may be in the clouds and your emotions foggier than usual. Bring more of your fantasy world to the current reality. Don't just talk about lofty ideas and beautiful dreams - live them. You have the power to change every situation for the better.
Stay grounded and focused today, Gemini, You can accomplish a lot if you set your mind to it. You may sense a blurry cloud lingering - this is your emotion talking. Amid all the goal-oriented pursuits, mental processes, and work-related issues, you have given short shrift to your feelings. It's OK to cry. Recognize that emotions are an important part of you. They deserve your attention.
Today's events may cause disruption in your routine, Cancer. Your emotions may seem clouded, and other people may challenge aspects of your ego. Relationships with the opposite sex may not be great today, so don't try to force an issue that you know will end up in conflict. There's an air of conservatism throughout the day that may not pair well with your unconventional nature. Lay low.
Turn up your fantasy dial and let your imagination run wild. Your intuition is strong today, Leo, and you should give your emotions room to flow. Work to clear the blockages that keep you from doing things you truly want to do. Get your ideas on paper and manifest more of your fantasy world in reality. People may be stingy, so now isn't the best time to ask for a raise or loan.
Your emotions may be confused today, Aries. People may seem to rub you the wrong way, and you may feel like you're all alone in the world. Keep in mind that you're very sensitive and capable of picking up things that other people miss. You cut through the masks and see right to the core of every issue. Give yourself credit for being a passionate detective.
Your fantasy world is especially piqued today, Sagittarius. Your need to escape physical reality is strong. Be careful about how you go about this. Dreams may take you there, but be rational so you aren't left more confused than before. Keep your energy pure and clean. Other people will recognize you for your tender, sensitive nature, so feel free to be confident with your words.
The heaviness of the day weighs on you, Scorpio. Take your time with projects and carefully evaluate all the facts before making a decision. People can be deceptive, so be careful in all your dealings. You may be going through a period in which you care less about material possessions and concern yourself with spiritual things. This is a great time to delve into the occult.
Issues may be clouded today, Virgo. The things that seem real may actually be illusions. You might find that you feel a bit more reserved than usual and that you want to hold tight to your material possessions for comfort. Keep in mind that other people are extremely important to you now and you would benefit greatly by offering your hand to those who are less fortunate.
Terrific energy flows your way today, Libra. Make sure that what you're dealing with is genuine. There's a tendency for people to get lost in their fantasy worlds. Be aware that what seems practical today could be the opposite tomorrow. Your emotions may seem confused, but if you concentrate on releasing instead of judging them, you can sail through the day without any trouble.
Today is a great day to let your artistic nature shine through, Pisces. Your sense of color and pattern is right on target and your words are more poetic than usual. Create a time and space for your creative inner nature to manifest on the physical plane. Let your fantasy world spill onto a piece of paper for others to see. You have tremendous gifts. Feel free to share them with the world.
Your romantic side is powerfully charged today, Capricorn. The more you tune in to this side of your nature, the happier you will be. The one thing to watch out for is keeping at least one foot on the ground at all times. Work from a stable platform of honesty and practicality. Without this foundation, you will be hard pressed to establish any walls or windows.
Two different sides may tug on you today, and neither one may really make a strong case for pulling you one way or the other, Pisces. Realize that adjustments may have to be made for you to fit in with the scheme of things and fulfill your duties and responsibilities. A close loved one may distract you in subtle ways, so try not to get sidetracked if you can help it.
You may feel a bit of a strain today as you try to figure out the best way to get to where you need to be, Sagittarius. The happy, jovial approach tells you to let loose, be courageous, and strike out with conviction toward the things that mean the most to you. A sense of duty and restriction may be holding you back. Take the best of both worlds and come up with a unique plan of attack.
Tension may build today if you aren't careful about how you use your words, Cancer. Remember that forces are trying to push you one way and pull you another. You may encourage a focus on the collective while others seem too worried about themselves. Yet another force is calling for outdated remedies and traditional structures that no longer suit your purposes. Blaze your own trail.
Your heart is going pitter-pat, Scorpio, and you're tempted to escape into a romantic fantasyland in which you play the starring role. The bad news is that something may be trying to hold you back today. It could be that your conscience is coming on the scene to remind you that work needs to be done before you can go off into your own little fairytale world.
Take a look at what's going on around you today, Leo, and do some internal processing before you reach a conclusion regarding the best way to proceed. You may find that a combination of powerful forces is trying to win you over to their camp. Don't pigeonhole yourself into one way of doing things. Keep in mind that the best route is often a combination of several different paths.
Just when you thought you had everything planned and working smoothly, Libra, love comes in and clogs up the works. Suddenly your attention is diverted from work as the love of your life catches your eye. This could be a good or bad thing, depending on how you view it. Remember that both aspects of your life are important. The key now is to find a healthy balance between the two.
Watch out for a jolt in the action, Virgo, as someone close to you puts on the brakes in a relationship. There could be conflicts based on a need for more structure and stability in the partnership. The imbalance between having fun and taking care of practical matters is currently working to slowly destroy the good thing that you have going. Nip this problem in the bud.
Tension may be a bit high with everyone and everything you encounter today, Aries. There will be a strong need for stability and discipline, while others call for fun and frivolity. You may be caught in the middle. The worst thing is that no side, including yours, is going to want to compromise. Try not to take things too seriously.
Attend to your duties today, Aquarius. There's a pronounced sense of time and a feeling that the days are slipping away. Make sure you fit love and romance into the equation somewhere. At first you may experience a bit of resistance in this department, but see that as an indication that this is an area of your life that you need to explore and ultimately feel more comfortable with.
Remember that you're here to have fun, and happiness is your true destiny, Taurus. Keep this in mind today, as forces may tend to pull you away from the fun you've been having. There may be a rather sobering tone to the day that's stubbornly trying to rain on your parade. Recognize the need for structure and stability, but don't let it bring you down.
You will recognize and appreciate the need for structure and stability on a day like today, Gemini. This practical energy may work to take away some of the fun out of the equation. You may not realize it, but the fun in your life may be getting chipped away little by little. Hold tight to the things that give you passion and purpose in life. These are the keys to healthy living.