Capricorn's Horoscopes |



Born between: Dec 22nd - Jan 19th

Highly intelligent and organised, the Capricorn star sign often relates to characterises of perseverance and planning. Capricorns need to be careful to not take on too many of other people's problems on top of their own.

You may need to take care of paperwork related to financial matters today, Capricorn. You will pay bills, make deposits, or balance checkbooks. Whatever you need to handle, you will get it done, and done well. You might even find that you're better off financially than you thought you were. In the evening, go to a movie and forget about money for a while.
Generally you avoid politics in any group you belong to, Capricorn, but today you might get caught up in the fray in order to support a friend. This goes against your grain. Be sure and assess the situation carefully before getting too involved. Friend or not, you aren't going to want to alienate anyone in the group. Think about it. Is it worth it?
Are you involved in an ambitious, creative project of some kind, Capricorn? You might have so much to do that you decide to take on a partner, if you haven't already. When you and this person work together, the whole is definitely greater than the sum of the parts. Without him or her, you might try to do the whole project yourself, which won't do you or the project any good.
Continued success and good fortune regarding finances could have you flying high right now, Capricorn. You're probably glowing with self-confidence and may well be surrounded by good friends. There might even be some public acclaim. A few minor mishaps might occur today, but they certainly won't put a damper on the mood. Expect to have a wonderful day!
Love, passion, romance, and marriage - your mind will focus on these matters all day even if there's no special person in your life right now, Capricorn. If you are involved, don't be surprised if talk of a long-term commitment creeps into your conversations with your beloved. If you aren't involved, someone new and exciting could appear on the scene. When you go out, make sure you look your best.
A misunderstanding with a family member or partner could mar your morning, Capricorn. One of you is less communicative than usual. It might take some effort to bring the issues into the open and work them out. They probably seem more serious than they are. Both you and the other person are apt to be stressed out and a little on edge. Cut yourselves some slack.
Some unexpected calls from friends or colleagues could bring you wonderful news today, Capricorn. A serendipitous lucky break could end the logjam that has held up the attainment of all your dreams. Love, money, success in career and personal development - all seem to be falling into place. You might spend the day in a daze, trying to take it all in. Relax and focus. You're on your way.
Today you could feel a rush of sensual passion and desire, Capricorn. You may want to get together with a love partner in the evening, but not be able to do it right now. Other responsibilities could get in the way of what you want to do. Perhaps it's best to schedule a meeting of some kind, even if it's very late in the evening. You will need the comfort if nothing else.
The day may be somewhat trying for you, Capricorn. You may have a speech to deliver or a private performance to put on for your beloved. In any case, you will have to prove yourself, and you will spare no energy in the attempt. By the end of the day, you will be satisfied but completely drained. Plan to rest afterward. You will have earned it.
You have the creative ability to make a real go of your music or writing. Why not put it to better use? Are you afraid to take the risk? Today you may be inspired to rise above your fear as you read a book or hear a piece of music that moves you to want to create one of your own. It's never too late to get started, Capricorn.
Conversation and travel are highlighted today, Capricorn. You may sit next to someone fascinating on a plane ride. You two have much in common, and the time will pass quickly as you enjoy discovering more about one another. You're likely to exchange phone numbers, if not kisses, by the end of the trip. There's no denying the chemistry. The question remains whether you will act on it or not.
A friend from far away could contact you by phone, email, or even in person, Capricorn. This person might bring great news that suddenly turns your life in a new direction. This could involve a new intellectual study or possibly a new circle of friends. At any rate, you will certainly enjoy catching up and hearing what your friend has to say.
Some problems with the structure of your house may need attention, Capricorn. Perhaps the plumbing or electrical wiring isn't operating at maximum efficiency. It probably isn't a good idea to try to fix this yourself, but you might not be able to reach a professional today. You will want to get this done soon. Don't be tempted to forget about it.
Be the star of your own movie and proud of the role you play, Capricorn. You might find yourself taking on many different characters, depending on your mood of the hour. There's a special gleam in your eye that you should share openly with others. Don't feel rushed to get anywhere. You've already arrived. Enjoy yourself in the company of those you love.
Today you're likely to feel especially romantic and sexy, and anxious to get together with a love partner. This doesn't mean you aren't in the mood for socializing in general. In fact, you may look forward to meeting with friends. You should be feeling especially creative, and you could spend a lot of your day either planning or working on projects.
An important project could require intense concentration today, Capricorn, and you're in the right frame of mind. You could be pleased with the results and so could others whose opinions matter. Expect public acknowledgment of some kind. A boost to your self-confidence is in the works, perhaps even a raise in income. Work hard, enjoy the spotlight, and treat yourself to an evening out.
Social events and group activities are likely to take up most of your day, Capricorn. You could come into contact with so many people you may not be able to keep track of them all. Get contact information for all new acquaintances. You should experience a lot of intellectual stimulation. Conversations take up most of your energy. This should be an enjoyable but tiring day.
Group activities dedicated to intellectual or humanitarian matters could prove rewarding, Capricorn, particularly if you attend them in the company of friends, a partner, or both. New people could make your acquaintance. Your intellect and intuition are sharp, and your interactions are likely to be congenial, stimulating, and rewarding. Books could prove especially enlightening.
This could prove to be a gratifying day, Capricorn. Recent success in business might now be making a positive difference in your financial situation. This is apt to boost your mood quite a bit and you're probably feeling optimistic and enthusiastic about your future. You could lapse into some very pleasant daydreams about the possibilities, but don't get carried away. Try to remain practical.
Various personal issues might be on your mind today, Capricorn. You could want to work them all out without distractions, so you may decide to spend part of the day alone. Responsibilities from the outside world might make it impossible for you to take as much time as you'd like. Don't let it get to you. Work out the matters that seem most pressing and save the rest for later.
Your social life might suddenly be busier than you expected, Capricorn, perhaps because of the appearance of some interesting new people. This could involve a group with which you're affiliated, perhaps one with a humanitarian focus. Expect to be busy over the next few weeks, as this trend isn't likely to slow down soon. Stimulating conversations could set your mind going a mile a minute.
Today you might have to do a lot of communicating with friends. Perhaps you need to make phone calls or catch up on correspondence. You may be on the verge of attaining a goal. Consider giving it that last little spurt of energy to complete. This could involve a lot of time in the car or on the phone, Capricorn, but stick with it. You will be glad you did.
A friend or family member might act strangely and seem distracted. You may wonder if he or she is upset with you. This probably isn't the case. This person has issues that need attention. Allow them some space. A romantic partner might have to break a date tonight. Spend the evening alone with a novel and look forward to the next get-together.
A temporary upset with a partner might distract you so you can't function as effectively as you normally do. Don't let your anger get the best of you. The situation is probably due to a lack of communication, and could be cleared up with explanations, understanding, and an agreement as to how similar situations should be handled. By the end of the day, all should be well again.
Everything should be going great for your career, Capricorn. It may all seem too good to be true, but rest assured that it's real. Events could involve a job change, promotion, raise, or the opportunity to strike out on your own. Don't kid yourself. A lot of challenges lie ahead, but this should all lead to great personal satisfaction in the long run. Go for it.
There may be some serious miscommunication today, so be honest in all your dealings, Capricorn. Be as straightforward as possible, since issues can backfire if the truth is clouded. Honesty is invaluable and must be maintained at all times. You have the power to make a lasting impression on people. Curb your tendency to snap at others. Watch out for accidents involving fire or metal.
Love, sex, and romance are on your mind today, Capricorn, so you will want to spend as much time as possible with your lover. You could also grow closer to your friends, resulting in a powerful feeling of unity. Right now you have the gift of being able to exercise good judgment when it comes to values in life. If decisions need to be made along this line, this is the time to make them.
For the past several weeks you've felt like you've been dragging your heels, Capricorn. Decisions may have been hard to make and people may have seemed wishy-washy. There's a major energy shift tonight that will spark things back into action. Once again you will be on center stage. Be yourself and smile. Fun is a commodity you have in abundance. Share this incredible gift with others.
Don't mess with superiors or people in authority today, Capricorn, or you might end up in some serious hot water. Take it easy and try not get bogged down by negative emotions. Things may not be as sunny as usual, but that doesn't mean the day will be terrible. Complete projects and stay focused on things that require a great deal of discipline on your part.
People may tug at you from all sides today, Capricorn. No matter which way you turn, someone is there. Be patient and levelheaded. Your time will come. For now, look at these challenges as lessons for the future and learn from them. Your point of view isn't the only one in the world. It would probably be a good thing if you worked on incorporating other people's opinions into your own.
Your romantic side is powerfully charged today, Capricorn. The more you tune in to this side of your nature, the happier you will be. The one thing to watch out for is keeping at least one foot on the ground at all times. Work from a stable platform of honesty and practicality. Without this foundation, you will be hard pressed to establish any walls or windows.

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