Taurus's Horoscopes | Female.com.au



Born between: April 20th - May 20th

Those with the Taurus sign are perfect partners in friendship and love as they're loving, loyal and understanding. However those born under the Taurus sign at times can be stubborn but always are patient and generous.

The topic of the day is knowledge and learning. Did you study the field you really wanted to? Do you feel bad about not having attended such-and-such school or program? If these issues are uppermost on your mind today, remember that your creativity has little to do with the degrees you hold. It has everything to do with how you use your skills and knowledge to better the world.
Taurus, if there's something interesting that you want to try, go for it. Adventure brings excitement, creative flow, and energy, and these are essential to you. Yours is a highly artistic nature. Continual stimulation is required to keep your psyche healthy. Experience something new today. Even if it's just a walk to a place you've never been, it will give you the adrenaline you need.
Follow your instincts, Taurus. Even if you have a tendency to listen more to reason, put it aside today. While your ears hear words, your intuition can hear what's between the words and unsaid, providing you with a bigger picture than whatever is presented. If everything sounds right but feels wrong, you'd be better off trusting your feelings. Act with careful consideration and caution.
Today, Taurus, consider that artistic expression can happen in many ways. It isn't always about drawing a picture, singing a song, playing music, or acting. The way that you arrange your home or workspace is an artistic expression. So are how you dress and do your hair. Each thing you do is an expression of you and your choice of style. Being uniquely artistic is innate for you.
Your mother may be on your mind today, Taurus. Your mother probably affects how you think, act, and feel, both in the past and now. If your mother's sign is opposite yours, conflict and misunderstanding can happen more easily. Take the time to learn about her sign today to help you understand her and the relationship you have.
Feed your mind today, Taurus. While you no doubt enjoy being active and social, you get bored fairly quickly, too. You need a constant supply of intriguing, fresh material in order to feel your best. Explore an interesting subject or learn a new hobby. Stimulate your mind and your body will become more energetic. Use the Internet if you can't get away.
Arts and crafts may interest you today, Taurus. Even if you lean more toward sports, an artistic streak will likely run pretty strong in you. The process of creating can be richly satisfying, both in the process and in the satisfaction of a finished product. Allow yourself the opportunity to explore this, as the day's energy will lend much to your abilities.
Does a love partner appear to be moody today, Taurus? One moment your friend may be enthusiastic and optimistic about the future, and the next moment overcome with gloom. Don't let this get to you, and certainly don't get overly upset with your partner. Listen rather than talk, and be patient. Tomorrow your friend's moods should be back to normal.
Has a new housemate recently moved in, Taurus? If so, you can expect this person to live with you for a while. This is good, because he or she is likely to be very loving, supportive, and able to bear his or her share of the household responsibilities. You and this person, along with any others who live with you, could become very close and possibly even friends for life.
Today might not be as lighthearted and free-spirited as you'd like, Taurus, but don't sweat it. Work with the grounded energy of the day to complete tasks that have been wearing on you for a while. Take a step back from the drama in your life and observe your emotions from a loftier viewpoint. Realize how your actions have been affecting others. Tone things down and evaluate.
An intense, emotional dream could move you so powerfully that you wake with the odd sense that the dream was real. Write it down, Taurus. Maybe it is. Efforts to overcome obstacles and advance yourself in your career could finally be paying off. You might be walking around in a daze asking if it's really happened. It has. Make the most of it. And don't be afraid to reveal your feelings to others.
A person you're attracted to may seem to be interested in someone else. This could bring up your insecurities and jealousy. Don't make yourself crazy, Taurus. Try to learn the facts before letting the situation get the better of you. Invitations to more than one social event for the same night might force you to make an uncomfortable choice. Make the choice that's best for you.
Today you might enjoy planning to have some visitors stay with you for a while, Taurus. Worry about developments on the job or unfinished chores of your own might have you feeling a bit stressed and under the weather. You need to look at your situation objectively. It isn't all that bad, just something that needs to be done. Get it handled and then reward yourself somehow.
A surge of inner power could make you feel like you can move mountains, Taurus. If you've been contemplating actions that others believe impossible, this is the day to get them going. Career matters, romance, and creative projects could all be advanced today by careful effort on your part. Give it some thought, write down your ideas, consider all contingencies, and move ahead.
Be open and honest about your feelings toward others today, Taurus. Your receptive nature should be ready. Take a break and let others come to you. Unexpected events may pop out of nowhere. Opportunities for new growth in love and romance are definitely at your fingertips as long as you're ready to receive them. Don't try to force the issue if the time and place aren't right. Let it flow.
A sibling or neighbor may tell you one thing, Taurus, while your intuition tells you the opposite. This isn't a vindictive deception. The person is probably trying to spare your feelings. Perhaps it's better not to challenge this person. Wait until you know more before bringing up the subject. You don't want to cause a rift between the two of you.
Break through the potential moodiness of the day, Taurus. Burst into song while walking down the street. Encourage others to sing back to you, as if your life were an opera. Your creativity is extra strong at this point, so let it shine in unexpected areas of your world. You have the wonderful ability to turn even the most mundane situations into something exciting.
Opportunity is the name of the game for you, Taurus. Don't turn out the lights before you make sure you've explored all your options today. Inspiration may come in a flash of unexpected thought, so make sure you have a pad and pencil handy. A good idea could be disguised as something insignificant, but if anyone is able to see the potential in something, it's you.
A powerful desire for change could have you thinking of traveling, Taurus, or perhaps relocating to a distant state or foreign country. Friends who live far away could be trying to convince you to join them. This isn't a minor decision. It requires careful thought. You might be tempted to act impulsively, but wait for a while. In a few days, you will know if the change is right for you.
Ideas and insights coming from deep within your psyche are likely to increase your effectiveness in whatever work you do today, Taurus. Your mind is particularly practical and logical. When coupled with an increased intuition, these abilities are invaluable. You might be most effective working solo, but if that isn't possible, you should still accomplish whatever you set out to do, and do it well.
You seem to have the bad habit of putting off until tomorrow what you can do today, Taurus, especially those little daily things that seem to pile up, like writing letters, paying bills, getting a health checkup, or cleaning the house. However, today is a great day to deal with these monotonous tasks, so seize the moment.
You need to be more spontaneous, Taurus, and stop trying to organize other people's lives. You will see that it isn't so hard to just let things happen. The unexpected also has a special charm. You're a slave to routine. You need to take a big bite out of life and put your trust in chance for a while. The people around you would like to see more originality in your personality. Listen to them.
Taurus, today you will be like a good-luck charm to your family and friends. It's up to you to motivate people to get going and have fun together. Show them your enthusiasm for life. Anyone would be extremely lucky to cross your path today. Your world is full of joy, creativity, and laughter. You're a real inspiration to the people around you.
An unexpected letter or call could totally turn your working situation in a new direction. This can be disconcerting, Taurus, but it's a very positive and fortunate development. Relations with colleagues should involve new respect and enthusiasm. By the end of the day, you will likely feel very good about the way your life is going. Don't expect it to be the same as it was this morning!
Obstacles may arise in the course of your chores when machines break down and interfere with your efficiency. Your frustrations may cause you to want to yell and throw things. If you must blow your top, Taurus, do it in such a way as to avoid causing upset to others. Go for a workout or jog. The machines will be fixed and the situation will pass. Hang in there.
Your physical and mental energy are exceptionally strong right now, Taurus. If you're creative, you will want to put that energy into a project that means a lot to you. If you're athletic, you will probably want to get outside and play a game or go for a jog or cardio class. Bear in mind that much of this energy is nervous energy that burns out quickly. Pace yourself.
A meeting, perhaps related to finances, might take place at your home, Taurus. For the most part, the meeting will go well and you will accomplish what you want. Communication flows freely and agreements are easily reached. Bear in mind that someone has an agenda of their own that might not correspond with the interests of everyone else. Avoid discussing anything that should be kept confidential.

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