Pisces's Horoscopes | Female.com.au



Born between: February 20th - March 20th

Pisces can be very shy people who take time to adapt but once they do Piscean makes a valuable friend as they're helpful, unselfish and trustworthy; however they need to be careful to not be too generous or be taken advantage of in all aspects of life.

2024-09-17, Tuesday
Some fascinating news could come from a friend who's presently out of town, Pisces. This might be personal, but it more likely involves new discoveries in a field that interests you both. You'll probably want to do some research of your own, so be prepared to spend time in the library or online over the next few weeks. Keep careful records. You won't want to forget a thing!
Someone you've never met before who you find exceedingly attractive could pass you today. You might decide to go say hello and discover not only a physical attraction but an intellectual compatibility as well. Your feelings are probably reciprocated! If you're single, this attraction might be worth pursuing. If you're involved, at least you might make a new friend.
You should be in glowing good health today, Pisces. You're feeling especially fit, and your appearance likely reflects that. You're looking for healthy activities that also bring you pleasure, such as exercise and proper diet. Find a cookbook full of tasty recipes and use it. Your relations with others should be warm, loving, and companionable. Exercising with friends, if possible, should encourage you to keep up the good work.
You might just want to stay on the couch today, Pisces. That's fine. Don't get up if you don't want to. You're probably better off sticking close to home and enjoying a good movie tonight. If people ask how you're doing, be honest. Others will be able to see right through you, so don't try to hide your feelings. Today is a good day to say how you really feel.
Keeping your emotions in balance is going to be the key to a successful day, Pisces. Don't get swept away by a fanciful situation that could send your mind spinning. Maintain control at all times. This might be easier said than done. Give yourself a break and avoid excess alcohol or any sort of drug use. It will be hard enough to keep your mind clear without them.
Expect some positive changes in a current partnership, Pisces. If this is a business partnership, a new agreement between you shows promise of success and good fortune. If this is a romance, you might be so perfectly compatible that you're considering moving to the next level of commitment. Any new partnership begun today should be promising and bring you whatever you hope to gain.
Finances should be going well, Pisces, but your financial affairs aren't something you want to talk about to anyone now. Perhaps you want to make a decision that's yours and not influenced by others. Nonetheless, a close friend or lover is going to find out. Maybe they'll guess or maybe you'll let it slip. Don't panic. This person understands you and won't try to exert undue influence.
You're good at dealing with others, but today you should be especially so. Your intuition is strong and you're likely to instinctively understand others' thoughts, feelings, needs, and desires. You give freely of your experience, knowledge, and understanding. This brings others closer to you, which can work for you on many levels. Virtual social events may bring new friends.
It's time to let go of the past and focus only on the future, Pisces. A new person may come into your life who can help you do just that. Communication with close friends and relatives is highlighted, and you may find yourself spending more time on the phone than usual. Enjoy this day as you anticipate your brilliant future!
It might feel like your home has turned into Grand Central Station. Lots of family members present, deliveries made and phones ringing, and you may just want to watch TV or read a book. This could lead to some understandable irritation. However, be your usual polite self. If possible, get a family member to screen your callers. You might be frustrated, but you don't want to offend anybody.
Unexpected people and events are likely to crop up today just as you're longing for adventure. Feel free to hop aboard a train to an unknown destination, Pisces. It's better to regret the things you've done than regret the things you haven't done. Take this to heart as you plan your day. There's no shortage of fun out there - you just need to find it.
Seemingly bad news about your financial situation could throw your usually even-keeled nature off kilter. Look into the matter carefully before panicking, Pisces. There may have been a computer error or other mistake, or perhaps someone confused you with someone else. Take steps to rectify the blunder. It's a drag, but you'll be relieved to know that all was better than it seemed.
You should be feeling especially romantic and sensual now, Pisces, and you might draw admiring glances from those around you - even strangers. Your passion is high, so this is an excellent day to plan a romantic evening. You could also feel especially creative and want to spend your day in some sort of artistic activity. Go to it!
Projects that you've worked on in the past may finally bear fruit today, Pisces. Financial benefits and career advancement are strongly indicated, and you be basking in the glow of success. Don't bask too long, however. This is only the beginning! You're on a roll. Throw yourself into new projects you enjoy and you're likely to continue in this fortuitous manner for a while.
The tricky things to balance today are your emotions and sense of duty, Pisces. Try not to let the stress of having to complete a task leak into your state of mind. The problem is that your emotions may be running away more quickly than you can handle. Meanwhile, there's a bit of a slowdown when it comes to your sense of duty and responsibility.
Expect to fall in love at first sight today, Pisces. Someone new will come on the scene and you'll feel an instant attraction. Whether it turns into anything lasting or not isn't certain, but whatever happens, you'll remember this person for a long time! You may also have a sudden interest in new forms of artistic expression and want to start learning videography or computer graphics.
A couple you've known for a long time could visit you at your home today, Pisces. Don't be surprised if they tell you how wonderful the place looks. Conversation should be lively and entertaining, though you should sidestep any discussion of controversial subjects. Debates on such matters could get rather heated. It might be wise to treat your guests to food rather than alcohol!

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