Libra's Horoscopes |



Born between: Sep 23rd - Oct 22nd

Convincing and charming are the best characteristics of someone born under the Libra star sign. When they overcome shyness those with the Libra sign are great debaters who will always share credit for their wins.

A strong attraction to someone could take you by surprise today, Libra. This person could be involved in the arts in some way, perhaps film, television, or recording. You might spend considerable time, perhaps virtually, together for the purpose of working on a project, but the energy between you should be strong and apparent to both of you. If you're interested in a new relationship, make sure you look your best!
Your technical skills take a real leap forward today, Libra. It seems all that training you've done is finally paying off. Your new skills will greatly increase your efficiency and enhance your marketability. If you've been thinking about applying for a new position, get your resume ready to send out when you see an appealing ad. Any move you make will be for the better.
Today's planetary energies are stimulating your ambition, Libra. Issues connected with your professional life may be very much on your mind. You could plot out ways to further your career. Perhaps you seek a promotion in your current business, or you could be thinking about looking for another job entirely. This is the ideal time to put specific plans into place for the future.
You may have lost your usual control of the purse strings and spent too much money lately, Libra. Don't worry about it. It's all been for a good cause. It's nothing you can't handle, and certainly not enough to bankrupt you. The situation is only temporary anyway. The financial picture looks great for you in the months to come. Make the most of it!
Instinct and determination drive you toward unconventional plans for making money, Libra. A finance counselor or other professional could be involved. You may see this as an opportunity to restore your ailing bank account. You may have future purchases in mind, perhaps even a new home. Consider your plans carefully before going ahead. You'll want to be sure it's what you need.
A change in career could be in the works for you, Libra. It might be within the scope of your current job or an entirely new one. It's definitely a change for the better. Don't let insecurity or an attachment to your current circumstances hold you back. Whatever opportunities appear at this time may not come around again for a long while. Think about it carefully and then follow your heart.
Today you'll realize that a clean slate brings with it the chance for a new beginning. You feel excited and optimistic about the future. Your goals are clear, and your mind is sharp. How can you not succeed? Take care not to let your fantasies run away with you. Keep your eyes on your attainable goals rather than waste time and energy chasing pipe dreams.
You could go over your accounts today and find that there's considerably less there than you thought. It isn't serious, but it can still be disappointing. There could be a new contract in the final stages of negotiation that will prove favorable, and you can find a way to make up for the shortfall. In the meantime, cut expenses so finances stay healthy until the new contract materializes.
Are you romantically attracted to someone you know through work, Libra? If so, this isn't a good time to pursue it. You might be wearing your heart on your sleeve a little too obviously. This could be unsettling for your friend, and it might sabotage the results you're hoping for. Be patient and let the relationship develop. Your feelings could well be mutual!
With the current celestial energy, you might be going on a trip, Libra. It may be for business, pleasure, or both. It's likely that this trip will achieve certain goals. Perhaps you're aiming for a promotion. Chances are you'll be successful in your ambitions. Or you may be ready to set out on your own and start a new business. It's an excellent time for this, too.
Your values could oppose those of a business or romantic partner today, Libra. One of you may be overly pragmatic and the other too idealistic. One seems callous, while the other seems to be living in a dream world. This could be a milestone in your relationship if approached properly. If you can't create a win/win situation, perhaps you should reconsider the partnership.
Information gleaned from surprising sources could lead to sudden, fortunate career breaks, Libra. You might explore totally new fields, although this could be temporary. Your efforts should attract the attention of those who matter and eventually lead to advancement or a raise. Don't be afraid to continue to explore these sources. Keep up the good work!
You may find people very stubborn today, so take care, Libra. Arguments can explode out of nowhere, so have your helmet ready. Think before you act and don't feel pressured to get involved in something that makes you feel uncomfortable. Remember that it's OK to just walk away. No one will win the boxing match, so don't even get in the ring.
Today, a flash of inspiration may resolve an obstacle to your career advancement that presented itself in the past few days, Libra. This solution could prove so beneficial that you'll want to remember it for obstacles in any area of your life for the future. You may feel so good about resolving this that you'll want to go out and celebrate. Go for it!
Erotic dreams could wake you up in a strange mood, Libra. You could long for a romantic encounter, but the impact is likely to be stronger than that. These intense dreams might stimulate your creative juices. If you aren't currently working on a project, ideas could flood your imagination. Let them stew for a while. There's no rush to pick one. Enjoy your day.
Today should be busy with regard to communication, Libra. Calls and emails to people close to you may take up a lot of your time. You could be organizing a meeting or social event of some kind. You're probably feeling optimistic and enthusiastic, and you'll likely spread these feelings to others. You're also better able to intuit what's going on with them.
It may be much easier than usual to express your emotions to someone today, Libra. If there has been something on your mind for a while, now is the time to say it. You'll be able to paint a clear picture of your true feelings. Express yourself with confidence so you don't come across as helpless or clingy. Your sensitivity is a gift that others will recognize and appreciate.
You may have a strange paranoia that people are out to get you today, Libra, but don't let this feeling paralyze you. Your emotions are more than likely getting the better of you. The reality of the situation is much different than your sensitive emotions perceive. Avoid the tendency to escape even further into this fantasy world. Stay away from drugs or alcohol.
If you've never tried your hand at the arts, Libra, this is the day to do it. Your imagination and ingenuity are flying high, and your aesthetic sense is acute right now. If you aren't already involved with such activities, look online to see what classes or workshops are offered. Get a friend to sign up with you. You'll probably have a great time!
Demands placed on you by work colleagues could have you stressed, Libra. You might feel that your co-workers are taking unfair advantage of you. This could start you thinking of perhaps going into business for yourself or with a partner. This could well be a great idea, but today isn't the day to make a decision this monumental. Wait a few days and give it some serious thought.
During this time, you'll feel especially intuitive, optimistic, and spiritually on a roll. You could feel artistically inspired, Libra, and channel some of your newfound awareness into recently started projects. Your relationships are probably going well. Your increased understanding of others' needs makes you generous with sympathy or assistance where needed. Enjoy your day.
Prosperity is just around the corner, Libra. With it comes change. Change in your job, career, or environment figures prominently today. However this change manifests, it's bound to be positive. You're lucky, and you're about to hit the road to even greater success. Savor this moment, for you'll be busy soon!
Frustration may be the word for today, Libra. You could be experiencing a bit of wanderlust. Distant states and foreign lands may beckon to you, but circumstances could make it hard for you to get away. There might also be friction with your partner. Don't get sucked into a quarrel. Use your placid nature to get grounded, then use your practicality to solve the issues at hand.
It might feel like there's a hole in your heart today, Libra, and you could have a hard time filling it. Remember that you're the one responsible for making sure this void is taken care of. If you insist that someone else fill the gap, you're setting yourself up for disappointment. Do something nice for yourself and feel free to spend a little money to make yourself happy.
Someone close to you may not be totally honest. This person could be avoiding telling the truth or hiding something from you in order to protect you. Trust your instincts, Libra. If someone tells you something important that doesn't ring true, check it out before accepting one person's word. This isn't a vicious deception - only a protective one. But shielding someone from the truth can sometimes backfire!
Relations with people on the job should be warm, Libra, and this could do wonders for your career. Take nothing at face value. All may not be as it seems. Someone has issues with you that render him or her untrustworthy. Take care to avoid getting too close to anyone who seems a little under the weather. Your immune system is a bit weak, and you could catch a bug.
A new romance may be in store today, Libra, perhaps with someone you've known for a long time, but you suddenly view in a new light. You could see a side of this person that you've never seen before, totally changing your perception of him or her. Any new relationship formed today shows a lot of promise of developing into a lifelong connection. The bonds involved will run deep.
Feel free to take care of any restructuring in your life that needs to be done now, Libra. Change may be a bit scary at first, but realize that it's a necessary variable in order to make progress. You may not have to change your focus or destination too much, but it's possible that you'll need to adjust your course to get there.
An unexpected career break could come your way, Libra. It should be exciting and encouraging - and a little scary! Don't let apprehension get to you. You won't want to let this opportunity pass you by. Your good fortune could arouse envy in some of your co-workers, but don't let this bother you either. Simply do what you need to do to get the ball rolling and then go ahead with it.
Today you should feel especially sexy and relationships with romantic partners should go well, Libra. Your passions are intense, the lines of communication are open, and appreciation of one another is running high. There might be talk of taking a long trip together in the future. Plan a cozy evening for two. You'll want to do a lot of talking - and more!

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