Cancer's Horoscopes |



Born between: June 21st - July 22nd

Supportive and encouraging those born under the Cancer sign are lovers that strive in the home setting. Traditional in their beliefs they are often conservative although they value unaccompanied time, greatly.

2024-09-17, Tuesday
Are you looking for a particular piece of information, Cancer? A friend, possibly another Cancer, has this information but is unaware that you're searching for it. Don't be afraid to let all your friends and acquaintances know that you need to find some specific facts. The person who finally comes forward may surprise you. Enjoy your day!
An affectionate letter, phone call, or email could come to you from an old friend, Cancer, expressing gratitude for past favors. This is going to make you feel warm and loving toward this person, and you'll want to reciprocate in kind. Invite him or her for coffee and have a long conversation. The bond between you is strong. This isn't a friendship you'll want to let go.
A pleasant surprise comes your way when you receive either a present or small sum of money, perhaps in the mail, Cancer. Someone will either pay you back a loan or you could receive a gift for some small service you performed for someone. You could be tempted to turn that around and buy a present for someone else. Expect some calls that result in long and meaningful conversations.
Call or write a letter to a friend today, Cancer. Your brain may feel like it's stuck in a rut, which is probably best remedied by sharing these feelings with others. Take it one step at a time, and be patient with others in return. People are likely to snap more easily since fuses will be extra short. Take care as you approach the deep end. Make sure you have your life jacket on.
There may be an area of your life that seems completely fanciful now, Cancer. The issues regarding it have become a bit hazy. You may no longer be sure of the reality of the situation. Today's energies will bring these issues into focus. Your emotions are especially heightened, and they, too, will seem a bit clouded. Try to stay balanced and gain a new perspective on the situation.
Some wonderful news could come to you, Cancer, possibly from a sibling or neighbor. It might involve money or a new opportunity that's opening up nearby. A group event concerning a subject you're very interested in could also take place. You might feel you have a lot of phone calls to make and plans to think about. The future looks bright. Enjoy!
Some unexpected changes that have been kept under wraps at the workplace could come out soon. They may involve reorganization or a change of ownership. This is going profoundly affect your attitude toward your job. It could cause you to consider making a change of your own. This isn't the time to make a decision. Take a few days to consider your options before making up your mind.
Normally you tend to view things on a logical, intellectual level, Cancer, but today the strength of your intuition could surprise you. Your communications could be subtler than words. Today you're probably feeling especially optimistic, enthusiastic, and very inspired by your circumstances. Continue on your path!
A rising tide lifts all boats. When someone close experiences a windfall or especially good luck, Cancer, the ripple effect reaches you. Change is in the air. While everything happening is positive, sometimes it feels like it's going too quickly. You feel a bit off balance, with little or no time to adjust. Even windfalls take some getting used to. Give yourself time to settle into the new circumstances.
An exciting communication could inform you of an advancement opportunity that you should explore. While you'd be quick to act under normal circumstances, Cancer, today you might be more cautious. You've sought recognition for a while, so don't be too reticent. Don't let your insecurity get the better of you. Learn all you can about the situation and then make an informed decision.
Things should be going quite well for you today, Cancer, especially in the love and romance department. You'll find that there is a magical, adventuresome spirit when you connect with others. Take advantage of this courageous energy and put it to good use in whatever way you see fit. Bring an extra element of excitement into your world tonight with someone very special to you.
A family member may be depressed and not up for talking about what's wrong. His or her mood could spread to everyone else, so it might be a good idea to ask what's wrong. Point out that moods are contagious! Don't force the issue, Cancer. That would be worse. A number of calls could interrupt your work, which you might find irritating. Don't be afraid to let voicemail get the calls.
Your mind is likely to be going a thousand miles an hour. Ideas for imaginative and innovative projects may come faster than you can possibly turn them into reality. Write them down. You may not have time to work on them now, but you will later. You could decide to attend a virtual lecture, sign up for an online class, or make plans to join friends and attend another kind of small group activity, if possible.
Sudden and unexpected changes could have you feeling a bit confused, disoriented, and doubtful about the future, Cancer. Relax! The changes may be not only beneficial for your career but also for your finances. Don't think those in authority haven't noticed your skills and ingenuity. In fact, you may receive some sincere compliments and gratitude.
Put some of your fantastic ideas to good use today, Cancer. It's one thing to be a genius with plenty of masterpieces floating around in your head. It's quite another to actually put things into motion. You may be full of talk, but today it's important to be full of action. Restriction and limitation are creeping in, so do what you can to get things in place before it's too late.
Bizarre, unexpected developments might turn your life upside down today, Cancer. Money could be involved. New people could arrive who open doors that eventually lead to a new life. You could even fall in love at first sight. It isn't easy to make predictions for a strange day like this. Rest assured that when you go to bed you won't be the same person you were when you woke up.
Today you're likely to be working hard behind the scenes, perhaps preparing a project for others to make public or coaching people for some kind of virtual performance. You'll expend a lot of energy in the course of completing this chore, yet you'll probably feel it was all worth it. Don't expect to go home early, Cancer. You'll probably go above and beyond the call of duty.

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