Aquarius's Horoscopes |



Born between: Jan 20th - Feb 19th

Those born under the Aquarian are honest, artistic and loyal in their nature which makes them wonderful friends and family members. However stubborn and defensiveness are characterises attributed to Aquarians.

2024-09-17, Tuesday
You could be quite busy today as friends from far away call for long-overdue conversations, Aquarius. You'll probably spend as much time as you can catching up on the latest news, but don't go overboard. Your friends want to talk to you, but they aren’t judgmental. Talk about whatever is on your mind, and don’t worry about making a good impression. The truth is more important than bragging. Enjoy visiting.
You could feel like a millionaire today, Aquarius. Money matters seem to surpass your expectations. You might want to spend time fixing up your home or perhaps shopping for yourself. Do you have plans to video chat tonight? A sexy new item might make your friend's eyes pop! Increased self-confidence adds even more juice to an already enhanced appearance. Dress in your favorite colors and have fun.
Affection blooms in close relationships as you tune into the thoughts, feelings, needs, and desires of those around you. Communication should be clear, open, and honest without being brutal. Social events should prove especially enjoyable today, Aquarius, as you're likely to attract interesting people with intriguing and useful information. Reading could also prove beneficial now. Enjoy your day.
Yes, you may have another cookie, Aquarius. Enjoy it and don't feel guilty. Guilt is useless. Today, get rid of regret. Express your emotions but don't dwell on them. Your sensitivity is acute, so put up your psychic shield. You might pick up on others' intense energy, so be careful. Sympathize with others, but don't take on their garbage. They need to take out their own trash.
Ask for help if you need it, Aquarius. Your nature is to serve others, but in order to maintain that energy, make sure that you're taken care of as well. Offer extra support to the people you love. In work-related issues, make sure that you aren't biting off more than you can chew. Delegate tasks to others. Pamper yourself tonight with a hot bath and a good meal.
A financial windfall might open new doors for you, Aquarius, and you could consider making some major changes in your life. You might think about moving to a nicer home. Romance is definitely on your mind. If you aren't already involved in a domestic situation, you might consider it seriously right now. Change can be frightening, but these changes are good. Don't hesitate.
Stress could have you feeling uncommunicative today. You probably aren't going to want to talk to anyone, even your dearest friend, Aquarius. This might prove difficult, as people around you are going to ask for advice and help. Keep your cool. This feeling will pass, and you won't want anyone to think you're upset. Go to lunch alone, and tonight crash into bed with a good book.
Your health should be in top shape today, Aquarius. You're likely to feel physically, emotionally, and spiritually strong and ready to tap into your inner power. Dreams may make it possible to release old traumas and move ahead. An increased understanding of the needs and desires of others enriches your relationships. Take heart from past success, continue as you are, and enjoy your day.
Don't let others' bad moods get you down, Aquarius. And don't feel it's your responsibility to cheer them up. Their moodiness is their business, not yours. You could be a little bit anxious today, and allowing yourself to be negatively influenced by others will do you no good at all. The general atmosphere will improve in a few days.
You like to be honest with those you care about, but today you're likely to be a bit too honest. Don't be too quick to take offense and watch the tendency to be too blunt. If you temper your honesty with some diplomacy, you should get your message across with a minimum of hurt feelings. You create win/win situations that way. It's best for all involved.
There's an adventurous side to today that you should latch onto. Try not to get weighed down by the little things in your life that don't really matter much. Look at the big picture and understand the importance of having great breadth of vision. There's a whole world to explore out there, Aquarius, so get going. There may be a few surprises today, so be ready for anything.
Perhaps you've been planning a trip or a return to school for a long time. However, Aquarius, a rather disturbing letter or phone call could jeopardize your plans and leave you teetering on the edge of disappointment. If you look at the situation carefully, you may find that it doesn't set you back that much. You can take care of it without sacrificing what you want.
Today is a good day to ask for a raise or consider other ways to increase your income, Aquarius. Superiors will be in a receptive mood and likely feeling more benevolent than usual. This is a good time to study and consider investment possibilities, but it isn't a good time to make investments. The facts may differ from what you read or hear. Wait about a week before deciding.
Aquarius, a long-awaited letter or call could come from a love partner or beloved friend, bringing much happiness into your life. Don't be surprised if the person needs a shoulder to cry on. You could experience some powerful psychic insights today, and this might be a bit frightening. Don't let that get in the way of seeing these revelations objectively. They could be important.
There may be some tension today as you try to stabilize your emotions, Aquarius. There could be a force at work out there that's rather impersonal and detached. More than likely, this force doesn't relate as much to how you feel as it does to how well you've done the job. Stick to your tasks in a practical, grounded manner.
You could get upsetting news regarding your job, Aquarius. There could be a shakeup in the hierarchy or someone in a position of authority could abruptly leave. You and your co-workers could have some momentary fears about job security, but they're probably unwarranted. Your security will survive these events, and you'll probably be better off than you were before.
This should be a fortunate day for you, Aquarius. Everything you try to do should go fairly smoothly. Relations with others are warm, friendly, and congenial. Any chores or other pending work should be completed quickly and efficiently. If you've been planning to start a new project, this is the day to get going. Romance should be intense and passionate now, so make the most of it!

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