Taurus's Horoscopes | Female.com.au



Born between: April 20th - May 20th

Those with the Taurus sign are perfect partners in friendship and love as they're loving, loyal and understanding. However those born under the Taurus sign at times can be stubborn but always are patient and generous.

Today, Taurus, you might uncharacteristically decide to sequester yourself away from the world. Perhaps you're tired or feeling a bit under the weather and only wish to kick back and read a good book. That's fine. Everyone needs a little solitude from time to time. The only concern here is that if you stay too secluded, you might miss an important communication. Resist the temptation to turn off the phone!
You've been stamping the ground impatiently. You're waiting for the moment to jump into new adventures with renewed vigor after your meditation of the last few months. Taurus, know that the moment has almost arrived! You now have the strategy, objective, and means at your disposal to succeed. Just a bit more work remains. Gather your strength and get ready for action!
Your heart is in the right place today, Taurus, so feel free to share your good mood with others. Keep things simple and straightforward. Try not to complicate issues with unnecessary garble. Streamline your thoughts and actions. You will find that you can be much more efficient when you cut out the aspects that aren't pertinent or absolutely necessary. Follow your heart.
Communication with others could be extremely rewarding, Taurus, especially later in the day. Project more of your energy outward and join others in projects that you might otherwise try to tackle on your own. Things should flow smoothly as long as you take a lighthearted, optimistic approach. Move forward with projects instead of just contemplating their completion.
All dissatisfaction will be abolished today as you systematically confront and resolve all the little problems that have been bothering you. Your tolerance threshold is low to nonexistent. Give a wide berth to friends who have been irritating lately. Your wardrobe improves dramatically as you discard all those clothes that don't fit or no longer suit you.
Devote the day to your children or partner, Taurus. You may protest that it's too hard to find the time to give them the attention they deserve. You don't have time for yourself, much less anyone else. In any case, you will probably feel torn between what is expected of you and what you feel you can realistically give. If you want to dispel the inner tension, take care in the choices you make in the next few weeks.
Move in for the touchdown today, Taurus, and don't stop until you succeed. Don't let other people's insecurities become yours. Have confidence in yourself and the way you behave around others. Just because someone else feels sad doesn't mean you have to, just to make them feel better. The best thing you can do in this situation is turn it around by exhibiting sheer happiness.
You might be distracted by daydreams of a trip you're planning to take, Taurus. A friend could phone and want to discuss it, which doesn't help. Visions of faraway places and exciting pastimes may dance in your head, and routine tasks seem incredibly tedious and unworthy of attention. It's best to get them done if you can. Then you can fantasize about your vacation without guilt!
Your playful attitude is apt to be opposed by someone who refuses to see things your way, Taurus. Walk away from those who aren't committed to helping the situation. It could be that there are people who purposefully try to sabotage your plans. You're too smart to fall into this trap. Prove to others that even though you may be happy, it doesn't mean you're gullible.
The social agitation that has been in your life for the last three weeks is coming to an end, Taurus. The celestial energy will help you learn some lessons and prepare for the next cycle. It would be great if you had some success and honors because this would help you confront the coming weeks. It will be a time of meditation and feeling a little bit disconnected from the world.
Vast amounts of information could come to you through email or phone. Expect to hear from groups. You could make new friends, Taurus, possibly in your neighborhood, as changes could be taking place in your community. You could hear of online classes you want to take. Books or magazines may bring valuable information. This could be a very stimulating and significant day.
You have a promising day ahead, Taurus. Finally, you will advance by leaps and bounds in whatever needs to be done. Whatever has been causing the delays will likely be revealed today. You return to the skill and professionalism you so value after several weeks of halting progress. Don't tolerate any violation of your ethics now or in the future.
The day ahead won't be easy, Taurus. A glimpse at your love life reveals that you will be bridling at certain inhibitions. You long for peace and stability, and at the moment everything is in suspense. Use the day ahead to gain some perspective on the situation. Until the ice melts and the flow of events resumes, why not devote your energy to some other endeavor?
Your surroundings are currently changing, Taurus. Perhaps your circle of friends has already undergone a major change. The fact is that you no longer have so many prejudices about the people you meet, and no longer seek only a certain type of person as a friend. You accept whoever comes along. You may not realize it, but your attitude is completely different now than it once was. Good for you!
You've reached a climactic time of year regarding love and romance, Taurus. This is the time when your dream finally materializes, or you realize that all your efforts are failures. It all depends on how you played your cards over the past few months. This is one of those moments of reckoning when you face reality. You must bring your craft to the landing strip and check in with mission control.
Consider planning a romantic interlude, Taurus. With the influence from today's planetary aspects, it will be easy to connect with that special someone. Make dinner with your spouse or partner or make a date with someone new who's caught your eye, if possible. Don't let shyness or insecurity stand in your way. If you're single, consider loving the most important person in your life - you - by doing something special.
It's good to dream, especially on days like today, Taurus. Expanding your mind and thinking of possibilities are positive ways to increase your knowledge. Give yourself time to think. Why not lie on your back and watch the clouds or stars? Let yourself dream about things that may not seem practical or possible. Many real things have come out of someone's dreams. Your creativity will flourish if you take the time.
Errands or other short journeys in your neighborhood could result in a chance meeting with someone who could be of great benefit to you in the future, Taurus. Opportunities to advance your educational, artistic, or spiritual interests could open up as a result of this meeting. When you go out, make sure you look your best even if you're only going to the grocery store.
Obstacles that you encountered in attaining your cherished goals could suddenly seem to melt away, clearing the way to make your dreams come true, Taurus. This could involve physical health, plans for future travel and education, and self-expression. You could also feel especially passionate now, so a romantic evening with that special someone would be particularly enjoyable. You feel great, so look your best, too!
You may have had a hard time lately reaching your objectives. Unfortunately for you, Taurus, today will be no different. You may begin to feel a bit dissatisfied with the way your life is going at the moment. You will ask yourself certain questions about your goals. Does your personal life live up to those goals? Can you express your wonderful creativity as much as you'd like?
Your spirit sparkles, Taurus. You may feel filled with tremendous energy as you go about your day. Your sense of adventure is high, and there's very little that gets you down. One area that might be difficult to deal with right now is love and romance. You may feel like this is the one domain in which things aren't going the way you'd like them to. Patience is the secret.
Today could be rather constraining, Taurus. Despite your great aspirations, today will be marked by the need to take care of the small problems that arise in everyday life. In other words, just what you love. That said, being more down to Earth or in contact with the realities of the world can never do anything but good for you.
You're wasting your energy, Taurus, and you know it. You try your best to go about your everyday routine, but you're never really present. You listen to people but what they're saying doesn't interest you in any fundamental way. Yes, you're bored, and you're afraid to admit it to yourself. The depth of your inner search requires that you use a lot of energy to reexamine your life.
It isn't because your new projects demand such precision that they're causing you problems, Taurus. You tend to think details keep you from having a global vision, but that simply isn't true. There's no conflict between the long-term view and short-term needs. You just think that the latter gets in the way of the former. Try thinking of the details that you find annoying as steppingstones to your larger vision.
Today is going to be a great day for you, Taurus. You aren't one to embrace rules, constraints, or restrictions of any kind, preferring instead to reside in a fantasy world where no limitations apply. Have you considered that it's possible for you to join the rest of us here on Earth and still retain your liberty and ideals?
If you knew the truth of all the things that are going on outside your world, you'd be appalled, Taurus. You shouldn't take things at face value today. It's important to simply go and see things for yourself. Don't trust another's word on what is true and what isn't. Question what you see. Make sure you don't let others pull the wool over your eyes.
Today is well suited for making new friends, Taurus. Your sense of adventure is undoubtedly up to it! You will be your usual confident self, but others will seem to respond to your charisma even more than usual. If you’re able to attend a small party, you may meet someone who lives far away who invites you to visit at a later date. What a wonderful opportunity for travel!
Today's planetary configurations indicate that this would be a good moment to get rid of everything that's still holding you back from an impending rebirth, Taurus. One stumbling block for you may be the impulse that you seem to have to blend in with others. You're an individual, Taurus. This isn't something to overcome. It should be celebrated!
Taurus, you see new horizons. It's possible that the changes you've been going through lately aren't completely finished. You may even have a hard time keeping yourself from running away from it all. Your rebirth will only be complete after you clearly define your desires. Use today to think about what you want. Things aren't completely clear.
Taurus, check your house to make certain everything is in working order. There are indications that small hazards could exist that need correcting. Tension might run high among family members, and quarrels could result. Don't waste time trying to mediate. They will have to work it out for themselves. This is a great day for study and solitude since your mind is especially sharp.

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