Leo's Horoscopes | Female.com.au



Born between: July 23rd - August 22nd

The Leo symbol is a lion and the attributes are mimicked by those born under the Leo star sign as they are proud, strong characters who are passionate leaders which unfortunately may be perceived as bossy.

You might long for a vacation today, Leo, and you could toy with the idea of a future journey by air. Your mind may turn to spiritual places such as India, Egypt, Israel, or Ireland as you wonder how it would feel to stand in the sacred places in those countries. Don't just toy with the idea. You're probably overdue for a trip that would suit your mystical nature.
This is the right moment to extricate yourself from relationships that have seen their day, Leo. This won't be easy, but you must. In your professional and private lives, you're too hesitant to get out of distasteful situations or obligations. You're afraid of hurting people or making them mad. But in the end, you're hurting yourself. Give more weight to your own needs and follow your own path.
Feel free to let it all out today, Leo. It's finally your turn to stand up and say what you feel. Don't let others push you into places you don't want to be. The key is to probe deeply with your penetrating mind and share your incredible insights with others. Don't be surprised if your actions cause some tension. Don't let this stop you from doing what you feel is right.
The energy is apt to pick up in your life today, Leo. You may be asked to report to duty. Don't make promises you can't keep. Your words will be taken seriously, and you shouldn't mislead people into thinking that something is going to happen when you know it isn't. You know how that situation will turn out. Trust yourself, regardless of the circumstances.
You're often called the "cleanup crew." Whether it's the home or the unconscious, you enjoy preparing nests for all sorts of births, real and figurative. Don't be surprised if you find yourself tidying up your home, throwing away useless things, clearing the desk, or catching up on mail. There are powerful forces compelling you to prepare for someone or something new and different.
Your thin skin feels even thinner than usual today, Leo. If you happen to witness a violent outburst in the street, at work, or on television, you suddenly become aware of your vulnerability. Don't let it frighten you into hiding. As one of the few remaining guardians of the world's dwindling reserves of kindness, you have a responsibility.
Your sensitive heart may be sparked by anger today, Leo. Don't be afraid of hurting other people's feelings. You'd be doing yourself and others a disservice by not revealing the true scope of your emotions. The other parties involved may not have all the facts necessary to make the most educated decision. Aid in this process by revealing your perspective.
Mundane tasks, including errands and answering correspondence, might bore you all day, Leo. You're likely to be restless and strongly tempted to chuck it all and go somewhere to enjoy yourself. Take a good look at what you're doing and try to judge objectively how important it is to get it done now. If it isn't that important, then put it aside. You probably need to relax!
In an attempt to merge with infinity, you might overlook some basic life principles, Leo. Be careful about being seduced by those who want you to be involved in their drama. You might willingly acquiesce at first. You may not even realize how deep a hole you've dug until it's too late. Make sure you haven't alienated everyone so that there's still someone left to dig you out.
After the events of the last few weeks, do you still want to continue acting like the same person? This is always a good question to ask with a celestial atmosphere like today's. People generally feel that they have a chance to get out of old systems and relationships. But people always hesitate to do this because of a fear of the future. Don't waver. Take the next steps!
Today your mind might be on social and political issues. If you aren't currently involved with groups dealing with these issues, you might consider joining one. A recent increase in income might have given you some extra time, and you may be excited about the possibilities. Service to others is one, Leo. Consider some others, perhaps developing a creative skill, before moving ahead.
You will be full of ideas for improving your lifestyle, Leo, especially as it relates to your family. It's true that over the past few months you've experienced some hardships. You can breathe easier now. Whether it's for your career or home, today's initiatives are likely to bring great rewards. Take advantage of the atmosphere to put together a realistic plan for the future.
Deep inside, don't you have an urge to breathe new spirit into your love life? Of course, some things are more easily said than done. Currently, you don't have much time to devote to yourself, much less your partner. Affection could thrive if given half a chance. The day suggests that you commit yourself to making some decisions that will help bring you and your mate closer.
Within the next few days, you're likely to gain access to dimensions of perception you never suspected, Leo. Perhaps you will become aware of certain energy phenomena, peak experiences, or other highly sensitive states of consciousness. Don't be frightened. Instead, investigate what these worlds have to offer. What you learn will help you cope with your sensitivity.
This is one of those days when the road forks in several directions and you must decide which way to go, Leo. This usually isn't hard. You just go with the flow. But now things are flowing in multiple directions and you need to figure out which way to go. Stick with the way that seems most natural. Remember that whatever choice you make will be the right one.
Be careful not to fall prey to your own idealism today, Leo. While this is one of your most admirable qualities, as it contributes to your romantic, creative nature, too much of anything can be harmful. It's important to see things as they are, despite how much you may wish them to be different. The real world doesn't always go hand in hand with your ideal place. If something feels off, it probably is. Trust your instincts.
You have an incredible imagination, Leo. Today is a great day to put it to use. Take time to engage in creative activities and try meditation, story planning, role playing, or visualization. You have a powerful tool to unlock inner fears and inhibitions, increasing your confidence and creativity and solving life's challenges. If this is a new idea for you, consider learning more about meditation to connect with your inner self.
Your mind is full of wonderful thoughts today, Leo. You might consider spending the day meditating, doing some volunteer work, or turning your inspiration into an artistic project of some kind. Your intuition is especially high, so you might tune in more acutely than usual to the thoughts and feelings of others. Take a few minutes during the day to be alone with your thoughts. You will probably benefit from it.
Events over which you seem to have no control seem to be coming together to make things happen for you, Leo. You might find this a bit frightening, but don't let it get to you. Go with the flow. You've worked hard for what's happening today, and you deserve to enjoy the results. The exhilaration you feel could manifest as abundant physical energy. This could be too much of a good thing. Don't overdo.
What are you after in life, Leo? Deep down, does the kind of work you do satisfy your most intimate desires? The little problems you encounter in your professional life over the next week could be the straw that breaks the camel's back. Take a look around to see if the work you do and the people in your life take your profoundly spiritual nature into account.
Sensual, passionate lovemaking is definitely on the agenda of activities for tonight, Leo. Fun, excitement, romance, and love are all key themes likely to take precedence if you have anything to say about it - and you do. Don't let someone else dictate your path for you. You know what you want, so don't say you don't care when you do. Love is coming your way. Learn how to grab it.
Here's a day that will be rather calm for you, Leo. Peace has replaced all your soul searching. You feel in contact with life's daily routine, including aspects that you don't always consider like the weather, people's expressions, or small coincidences. You seem to be floating on a cloud. You're going to have a good deal of confidence today!
You may be worn out, Leo, but you will have to push forward anyway. You're entering a long period of work and perseverance. This definitely isn't the moment to be late or balk. If you're still in your pajamas at noon, you should be ashamed! Do what you can to wake yourself from your recent daze. It's time to get up and get moving!
This would be the moment to say yes to your destiny, Leo. You're a little frustrated because things haven't been moving forward the way you'd like. But now that opportunities are coming your way, you find you're holding things up. You're just afraid, that's all. But rather than let your fear overtake you, turn its energy to your advantage.
If you have children, their difficulties may remind you of your own, Leo. Or it may simply be that their education brings back memories of yours. Are you holding onto an issue from a period in your life that still bothers you? This would be a good moment to ask yourself the question. Ask it, then answer it and put it to rest once and for all!
Don't expect others to take much notice of your emotions today, Leo. You're more respectful of theirs than they are of yours. Find peace among all you encounter. This could be difficult since other people's wills are involved. In that case, people aren't likely to back down. Others think they're right and refuse to see things any other way.
You have a good heart, Leo, and today it expands to bestow love on all mankind. You can't help but feel connected in a deep, spiritual way with all who have come before you and all who follow. Even if you don't have a lot of money, consider setting up an annual giving plan that will benefit worthwhile causes. This would be a direct expression of your feelings and could potentially help many people.
You can interpret today's aspects in several ways, Leo. The planetary configurations correspond to a search for space, whether physical or intellectual. You may be asking yourself philosophical questions, or perhaps you're thinking of taking a long trip in the future. What will you decide to do? Will you read Kant or plan your dream trip?
Leo, the people around you sometimes have a hard time understanding where you're going. You're living in an imaginary world that has little to do with reality. If you decide to stay home and lie around the house, you will have no problems. If you have to go to work, try to be as clear as possible with others. If you don't, your proposals could fall on deaf ears.
Your physical energy is very high today, Leo. You're likely to want to get out and exercise, perhaps jog through the park or attend a virtual aerobics class. Be careful! You might not be as fit as you think and trying too hard could cause minor injuries. Someone you know professionally might not be in a great mood. You could get swept up in their anger. Try to stay out of it.

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