Gemini's Horoscopes |



Born between: May 21st - June 20th

Adaptability is a Gemini's greatest strength which has positives for the workplace. Whilst their affection and imagination provides more great qualities; the negative of a Gemini is that they can be pessimism however they thrive on others optimistic nature.

A quarrel over money could interfere with a friendship today, Gemini. Perhaps someone hasn't repaid a loan and the lender now needs it. Perhaps a member of your household is unable to pay their share of the bills. Don't let yourself get drawn into quarrels or recriminations. Work something out with your friend if possible. Money isn't worth throwing away a friendship and leaving a gap in your life.
If you find yourself tired and irritable now, Gemini, you should know that this is normal. You may have had a few months that were a little too studious. Would you like to continue with the same rhythm? Be careful that your ambitions don't lead you to physical exhaustion. If you get sick, you will be even more frustrated. So be wise and take care of your own basic needs.
You may find it hard to get rolling today, Gemini. It's likely that you're caught in a gridlock between your mind and heart. Be careful about letting this tension build. The most important thing for you today is to relax. Tackle things one step at a time and finish one project before starting another. You could get overwhelmed if you have too many things on your plate at once.
Make sure you solidify your affairs early in the day, Gemini, because the sparks are going to fly after sunset. People might try to throw you off balance with fast talk and fancy ideas. You need to make sure you're on solid ground before you take the next step upward. Balance your emotions so you don't take your frustration out on others. Focus on your goals.
You're rarely surprised or bothered by the occasional setback. Today, however, you should put a firm hand on any project you undertake. This isn't the time for a relaxed attitude, especially where money is concerned. If you take a systematic approach, you will have the double benefit of conserving both energy and assets.
A friend or family member is slowly poisoning your relationship, Gemini. A misunderstanding between the two of you will ultimately prove beneficial in the long run. Why? It makes you realize how uncomfortable you are with vague, ill-defined relationships. Today would be a good day to write a letter to the person in question. You're likely to find the results gratifying.
Now is the perfect time to say something to someone that you've been meaning to say for quite some time, Gemini. Get it out in the open. Keeping it inside will only eat away at you. Stop worrying about the consequences and make the move. Today is the time to be bold and aggressive. Other people might respond in a similar fashion, so if you dish it out, be prepared to take it.
You might not have heard from a close friend in a long time and worry a little, Gemini. Perhaps this person wasn't well the last time you talked. If you can, it might be a good idea to call. Strange and unsettling dreams could plague your sleep tonight, but don't get too agitated. They aren't prophetic in any way. The symbols probably represent nothing more than psychic detritus released through sleep.
Today may be one of those days in which you're trying to paint a large area, but you only have a small brush. Your strokes are careful and calculated. You're doing a neat and precise job, but you're also doing things the hard way. Go easy on yourself and get a large brush. Make your strokes gigantic so you can cover more area with less effort.
This is the end of the first stage in your "socialization," Gemini. Are you satisfied with the people you've met? You can usually make the most out of these encounters, but did your political savvy let you down? Did it lead you in directions you didn't want to go? Take advantage of this pause to catch your breath and figure out where you are today and where you want to be tomorrow.
Have you been thinking about expanding your computer skills? If so, this is the day to do it. You're likely to discover a lot of valuable information, as well as shortcuts for accomplishing your goals. Happiness reigns in the home as family members exchange a lot of new and interesting ideas. This could be a very gratifying day in a lot of ways, Gemini.
There's some likelihood that something you need or want has been eluding your grasp. The somewhat strained aspect of the heavens lately hasn't helped. But today everything is within reach, especially if it was material considerations holding you back. You have an auspicious day ahead, so make the most of it!
Lately, you've been nursing a feeling that your partner is inattentive. The tension has been building up and today, Gemini, you're likely to boil over with the rage that comes from one too many doubts and suspicions. The forecast for love is stormy, without a doubt. But making up after the quarrel promises to be lots of fun.
Gemini, you're demystifying the concept of talent. You used to look enviously at other people and think, "I wish I had a natural ability like that." Now you understand that the person who aroused your envy with is just someone who had the self-confidence to go to work and refine and develop an aptitude. It's a matter of hard work, belief in oneself, and bravery in the face of risk. You can do it, too!
Your emotions are solid, and you feel good, Gemini. At the same time, you may be tongue-tied. You're having a hard time expressing your true feelings in the way you'd like to, especially when it comes to love and romance. Perhaps you have so many thoughts that you don't know how to sort them out, or which to disclose and which to keep hidden.
If someone takes too long to do something today, Gemini, your temper may flare up. Patience isn't always your strong suit, and you may believe in the "if you want it done right, do it yourself" philosophy. This isn't always fair. Others need to do things at their own pace, and in some cases, it's essential that you give them the room to do so. Take a deep breath if you have to, and be patient.
With today's energy, you might want to let your imagination run free for a while, Gemini. This can add a real boost, as it will connect you with your inner self. Let your imagination be your ticket to your creative and artistic abilities. Problem-solving skills can also be accented or realized when the mind has time to roam. This part of you is as important as your heart, so use it to the fullest.
Today you might hear of opportunities to make extra money through creative work of some kind, Gemini. This could be a genuine lucky break achieved by being in the right place at the right time. You will probably take advantage of it, because right now you're full of inspiration. You might have a hard time keeping track of all your ideas. Write them down!
A lot of activity could occur at home today, Gemini. Perhaps you will have visitors or do some work on the house. Your intuition is particularly strong right now, and you could pick up too much of the thoughts and feelings of others, even strangers. You will probably be most in tune with your family. Take care to guard your thoughts. Today you might find that whatever you think of could actually manifest.
Your sense of responsibility is probably the catalyst for most of your motivation, Gemini. But what happens when events are beyond your control and you're powerless to do anything about them? You may have to admit that sometimes you can't control everything, especially your family and friends. Today you should think about letting things happen occasionally. Your life will be a lot less complicated.
You may feel yourself slipping into a deeper understanding with a close friend or loved one, Gemini. Romantic situations are heating up, and you're slowly letting your inhibitions fade away so they're completely absent. You realize the exuberance and excitement that come when you come out of hiding and let your playful spirit charm the world. Put serious subjects aside and make time to have fun and be more social.
Even if it's true in general that Gemini have strong bodies like you, there are times when it's important that they take care of themselves. This would be an ideal day to be more aware of that fact. It isn't that you're going to have health problems. Rather, the planets are positioned in the middle of abundant activity, suggesting that you'd be wise to take care of your body - your greatest asset.
It isn't always easy to think about how your life is going, Gemini. Imagine if you were alone in the world, with nothing to hold you back or force you to do anything. At least once a month dedicate an hour to visualizing what your life would be like under these conditions. This will help you figure out what's impeding you today.
Yes, Gemini, this is a good moment to abandon old beliefs and moral values. Your view of life has changed and, above all, you're more aware of how your outdated, preconceived ideas sometimes poison your life. The past no longer concerns you. It's time for you to make a clean break from the beliefs that are holding you back. You might shock your family, but they'll get over it.
It's important that you abandon the myth that you don't have any gifts or talents, Gemini. Consider thinking about your talents in the same way you think about your body. When you exercise, eat right, and get plenty of rest, your body responds. Your talents are no different. They need care and nurturing, too.
It isn't a good idea to try to fit people into a mold today, Gemini. This will only annoy others and frustrate you. It's important that you relax and simply let people blossom into the people they want to be. If you have a preconceived notion of who they should be, you're only setting yourself up for failure and disappointment, as well as anger from the other party.
This is a very spiritual and creative day for you, Gemini. You're especially intuitive. Any creative effort will likely resonate deeply. Even if you don't feel you have the talent for it, why not try some form of artistic expression? You could dabble with a paintbrush or makes notes in a journal. Don't let that pesky internal editor kick in. Create for the sheer joy of it.
Today's planetary configurations indicate that you can expect a very profitable period coming up, Gemini. You've worked hard lately, and it's only natural that you should finally arrive at this stage. You're going to be able to measure the distance you've come, and above all, evaluate your power. Whatever you do, think big!
Gemini, you hide your emotional needs from others. You need to be able to trust someone in order to share your feeling. They have to guess at your deepest secrets. Today you could save a lot of time in your love life if you just tell your partner what you want out of your relationship or even what you'd like to change about it. Talk about it. Your partner is listening.
Short visits in your neighborhood could catapult you into some negative situations, Gemini. It's best to stay close to home if you can. An angry letter or call could put you in a shaky mood. This isn't a day to socialize. Days like this are best spent keeping to yourself and throwing your energy into taking care of whatever you're working on.

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