Scorpio's Horoscopes |



Born between: Oct 23rd - Nov 21st

Scorpios are emotional and passionate which ensures they have strong relationships. They are often confident and determined; yet, their emotional and secretive nature can cause them to be jealous and misunderstood.

Be a bit more sensitive with your words today, Scorpio. Your mind is apt to be especially active and even a bit restless. This is more than likely a signal to get more of your opinions out into the world. As you do, make sure you consider the feelings of others. People might have quite a different reaction to the same situation. Respect opposing viewpoints.
Finally, Scorpio, you'll be able to breathe a long overdue sigh of relief. It's likely that you've been worried about your finances for some time. Well, you need worry no longer. The events of today either put you back in the black or show you a clear path to get there. You've been working hard to resolve these financial matters. You can now start working smarter.
You have a keen analytical mind that has served you well in business. Alas, Scorpio, this characteristic doesn't always serve you well in your personal life. It's likely that someone close has bristled from your lack of empathy. Take time to reflect upon the events of the past few weeks. Did you inadvertently send a wrong message? Correct any unintentional slights. A simple "I'm sorry," will do wonders.
It's a long road to becoming exactly the person you want to be, Scorpio. You can't change who you are. Input from every person you know and lessons from every bump in the road contribute to who you are as a person. Be proud of yourself, but also realize that there's a great deal more internal development that needs to be done. Meditate or be alone for a little while.
Your receptivity to new ideas is stronger than usual today, Scorpio. Listen to what people say and remember that you can learn from every person you meet. There's a lesson in every situation. Remember to keep your brain exercised, just like any other part of your body. To keep it working properly, you must make sure you give it the daily stimulus that it requires.
Tune into your dreams today, Scorpio. Do you often feel intensely jealous thinking the people around you are living amazing lives while you're stuck in a dull, boring routine? The only person who can pull you out of this rut is you, so stop complaining and do it. Change is easier than it seems at first. Let your imagination take control and work toward manifesting your most fanciful goals.
Consider going on a trip with a close loved one, Scorpio. A long-term break from the current reality may be just the thing needed to infuse a new blast of romance into your life. If you're unattached, you might find that going on an adventure to a foreign country results in meeting the love of your life. Broaden your horizons and look to new ways of thinking and believing.
Today is a terrific day to express your thoughts, Scorpio. You'll find your mind especially clear and ready to tackle any mental issue that comes your way. Your tendency is toward free and unconventional ways of problem solving. Express the importance of being able to think for yourself. Write letters, make calls, and surprise someone with a personal visit. Connect with friends you haven't spoken with in a long time.
Don't second-guess yourself today, Scorpio. It could be that you're wavering so much about a decision that even after you make it, you hesitate to follow through with it. Once you make up your mind about something, stick with it. Have confidence in your own mental process. Once you begin to waver, it may be difficult to find the assurance that you need since you'll inevitably slide down the slippery slope of self-doubt.
Today isn't a great day for inspiring enthusiasm in others, Scorpio. You might find that there's a sober, conservative tone to the day that's stealing the fuel from your fire. Realize that this is just part of the natural cycle of things. Don't feel that you need to be up and active all the time. Give yourself a rest and focus your energy inward. Settle your nerves and get down to business.
Take inventory of your habits and behaviors, Scorpio. Look to certain patterns and note the ones that do and don't work for you. You'll more than likely feel an urge to break free from repetition and create new paths that allow for other opportunities to come along. You may not even be consciously aware that in many ways you're beating a dead horse. Don't continue to waste your energy on paths that go nowhere.
Your relationships are going well from an intellectual perspective, Scorpio, but from an emotional one, you might feel like they aren't as fulfilling as you'd like. Perhaps you're letting your brain do too much of the driving. It's time to let your heart take over and have its needs be tended to for a while. As your energy shifts, so will that of people around you. Let them react however they will. Try not to be upset by the changes that follow.
Today it might suddenly hit you that you have a lot of unfinished tasks that need to be completed, and this might lead to a case of the blues. Take heart! The process appears more overwhelming than it is, Scorpio. A little planning and focused discipline should enable you to get through everything without stressing yourself out too much. In the evening, reward yourself with a meal out or a movie.
Situations regarding love and romance are likely to get much heavier and more intense now, Scorpio. Are you ready to make a deeper commitment to the one you love? It may be quite hard for you to make a solid commitment because you could be wary of the freedom you'll lose. Now is the time to face the music and really dedicate yourself to the people who mean the most to you.
You could feel restless and anxious to get out in the open for a while today, Scorpio, but mundane tasks could force you to postpone it. Someone you care about might ask for a favor, and while you may not want to help this person, you probably will. Don't let your irritation show - just get it done quickly and accept the person's thanks. In the evening, go for a long walk under the stars.
Letters, phone calls, or emails from afar could put you in touch with new, interesting people. These people could well bring some fascinating ideas your way, Scorpio. Shared knowledge can lead to mutual advancement on material and spiritual levels. This process just might turn a casual acquaintance into a firm friend. Expect a lot of contact with these people for a long time to come. Enjoy your day.
Do countries abroad represent real opportunities for you, Scorpio? This is a question that you'll soon have to answer. The grass may be greener on the other side of the world, but have you considered the possibility that it isn't? Could it be that the dream of working abroad is a convenient explanation for the dissatisfaction you feel at work? It's important to solve this riddle, because you'll soon make some key decisions that depend on the answer.
Friction with family members, particularly women, could prove irritating, especially since you're torn between their quirks and the love you have for them. This isn't the time to hold grudges, Scorpio. Let them go. You might feel the urge to do some home repairs, redecorate, or otherwise improve your home, or perhaps cook a great meal. Channel your energy into these activities instead of quarreling. You'll be glad you did.
Romantic feelings blossom today, Scorpio. You may suddenly appear more attractive than usual. Lovers and potential lovers may seem unusually attentive. You could also be feeling very creative, and you might want to try your hand at poetry or fiction. Reading romantic novels or seeing romantic movies could also be appealing. Surround yourself with candles, flowers, and music, and enjoy!
A friend could put you in touch with a lot of interesting people, some in fields such as law, education, or the ministry. Expect at some point to be treated to a monologue on social and ecological responsibilities, Scorpio! You'll have a lot of definite ideas on those subjects, but you'll be more likely to listen than talk for most of the day. Enjoy your day.
You may have the spark that wants to light things today, Scorpio. Indeed, there's a fast-paced tendency to the day that is right up your ally. You should be able to accomplish quite a bit under the prevailing trends. Just make sure you're constructive with criticism and be careful that you aren't too abrasive toward the people you deal with. In other words, be nice.
Be careful not to be too cavalier today, Scorpio. It would be wise to adopt a more serious tone than you normally would. You might be inclined to be careless with your words, but people are going to take you very literally. Make sure you say things that you actually mean. Your attention to fashion and pop culture may conflict with a force that's asking you to focus on things of deeper spiritual value.
You might find yourself daydreaming about faraway places, Scorpio, perhaps toying with the idea of taking a long vacation by air to a place you've always wanted to visit in the future. This isn't a good day to make definite plans. You aren't likely to be inclined to do that now anyway. Love matters may take an unexpected turn, as a spiritual bond seems to be forming between you and a potential romantic partner.
The doldrums are over and its time to pick up the pace, Scorpio. Come out of your home in full regalia today and be proud of what you have to offer to the world. Be courageous in your dealings with others and take the time to express yourself fully in a creative manner. The bigger the smile you wear, the further you'll go in just about every situation you encounter.
People may be a bit critical of you today, Scorpio, and you would do well to hear what they have to say. Be receptive of feedback from others so that you may establish a healthy ego. It's important to keep your sense of humility in check. You might find that you're feeling rather critical as you see people moving like sloths compared to your lightning quick mind. Be patient with others.
This is an important day for you to make valuable connections with others, Scorpio. You'll find yourself engaged in fast-paced, witty conversations and debates from which you can learn a great deal. You're good at seeing both sides of an issue, but the problem is that this can lead to indecisiveness and an inability to commit to anything. Choose a path today and stick to it.
Listen closely to the wind, for the answers are blowing around right in front of you today, Scorpio. Contact people you haven't heard from in a while. You'll find that you can be quite productive where you least expect it. Ironically, the less you plan, the more you'll get done. Be spontaneous in your actions. Revelations will come to you like lightning.
Your mind may seem rather cloudy today, Scorpio, but don't let this hinder you. In fact, you'll find that you can use this feeling of fantasy to your advantage. Try to bring more magic into your life. You'll discover that the more you accept your bizarre feelings and ideas, the more things will fall into place. Don't think that everything in life has to be completely rational.
You may say one thing one minute and the opposite the next, Scorpio. Usually you can jump from one issue to another with no problem, but today people are likely going to call you on it. Think about what you really mean before you say it. Don't do all your thinking aloud where other people can hear. Your continuous thought process might be mistaken for a final analysis. Confusion could ensue.
Get up and get going today, Scorpio. You have no time to lose. Your quick mind will be busy working on many tasks, but this suits you just fine. You're well equipped to deal with the many frantic situations that are apt to crop up. There is a great deal of strength to your emotions that you can use to connect with others and communicate your thoughts in a healthy manner.
Your physical stamina is apt to be quite strong today, Scorpio. You should consider working out to release some of that pent-up energy. Engage in a sport or something that involves strategy and good coordination. Pick up a tennis racquet or join a basketball game, if possible. You'll find that your high level of energy will be the key to coming out on top.

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