Images's Horoscopes |



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Make time for you on this extra day of February. Your communicative skills are very strong now, especially regarding financial matters. This is the day for a creative breakthrough or a lifestyle change, however, the Moon clashes with Neptune and Pluto early on so things could be a little stressful. Just ride it out. Be careful of accidents, especially where recreational activities are concerned. Children are a challenge. Ardent colors are vibrant blue and velvet red. Lucky numbers are 6 and 18.
Powerful encounters mark the early part of the day as the Moon in your seventh house clashes with Saturn and Neptune. There's passion of one kind or another with partners, friends or close associates. You may come to an impasse or make a new beginning. Do something special with your loved ones to bring new possibilities and patterns into your lives on this, the extra day of the year! Uplifting colors are golden peach and plum. Lucky numbers are 28 and 30.
If there's tension, talk things through and ease the situation. If there's passion, then be passionate and give in to the feelings of the moment. Do something special on this extra day of the year, something that sets a pattern for the changes you'd like to make. With the Moon bubbling in your sign, clashing with deceptive Neptune, there may be some intensity of feeling with family and career issues. Passionate colors are scarlet and blue sapphire. Lucky numbers are 9 and 27.
The day begins on something of a tricky note, so you need to be both resourceful and ingenious to solve any problems. Set that as a benchmark for the coming year on this, the extra day. Do something different: let problems take care of themselves and take care of 'you' for a change. Mystic colors are ice blue and indigo. Lucky numbers are 3 and 12.
Make sure this is a special day that reflects your desire to bring about change. There's pressure as the day gets underway so it is likely you will have to deal with a strong woman or an emotional outburst. Stay calm and listen to the other person's side of the story. It's a case of onward and upward with your professional life. If you grow through your circumstances, things will fall into place. Lucky colors are amethyst and mint green. Lucky numbers are 11 and 16.
Make a big deal of the extra day around the home and don't waste it. Use it as a signal to the universe about what you want in your emotional and domestic life in the coming year. The day begins with pressure or stress and you are accident prone at the moment, especially if you're not paying attention to what you're doing. Watch domestic appliances because they have a mind of their own today. Be flexible in your responses. Earthy colors are rich brown and clay red. Lucky numbers are 26 and 28.
Stress levels are high and the air is ripe for conflict. Sort out difficulties early on rather than letting irritation build. If there are health matters to deal with, do so. Rest may be essential. Daily routines may be disrupted. Systems or appliances may fail unexpectedly. Mark the extra day by breaking the pattern you're used to. Propitious colors are charcoal and cherry. Lucky numbers are 5 and 21.
Make good use of the extra day this year. Do something special! Set a new pattern. This could be a breakthrough time if you have the nerve to take the leap. Something old can finish. Something new can begin. The Moon clashes with powerful Pluto so the process of communication is the one marked for change. Take care if travelling in the early part of the day. Don't quibble over words. Vibrant colors are magenta and brilliant blue. Lucky numbers are 19 and 23.
The bonus of an extra day of the year shouldn't be wasted, so do something special to help introduce a new pattern into your life! There is stress and tension in the air, so keep your finger on the pulse with regard to finances. Be ready to bail out at a moment's notice if spending gets too high and try not to fight with women over money. Seek professional financial advice if necessary. Suitable colors are grape and . Lucky numbers are 4 and 17.
Use the extra day to set new patterns for personal enjoyment this year. It may be time for you to branch out and try something different with regard to romance, recreation or creative expression. Push yourself. Learn a craft. Mix with new or different people. After all, your sign generally has little trouble making friends. Let your hair down today. Enjoy yourself. Admirable colors are chartreuse and steel blue. Lucky numbers are 1 and 25.
There's stress at the beginning of the day as the Moon clashes with Saturn in your sign, then nebulous Neptune and powerful Pluto. Communications of all kind are hit by snags, snarls and stuff ups and there could be aggression from another passenger if travelling. Stay calm. Use this extra day of February to set a new pattern regarding what you want to say and how you want to say it to carry you through this new year. Expressive colors are spring green and twilight grey. Lucky numbers are 15 and 33.
The extra day begins on a tense note as the Moon works on a clash with powerful Pluto. Work to keep stress levels down. Stay in cruise mode. Keep a tight rein on the spending and sort out any problems with finances, especially joint or credit arrangements. You may be feeling frisky or restless. Do something on this extra day that reflects your intent for the coming year. Favorable colors are cherry and marigold. Lucky numbers are 8 and 24.
There may be surprise developments or communications today. These may bear on your financial situation or just the day to day mechanics of your life. Take things in your stride and don't worry too much: some things that pop up can be gone as quickly as they came. Someone may phone or turn up unexpectedly. Lateral thinking will solve a mundane problem. Be inventive. Stimulating colors are coral pink and plum. Lucky numbers are 4 and 27.
If you have a change of heart or mind, this is because things don't go to plan. Your best strategy is to follow the behest of what happens rather than trying to keep to the schedule you've created. The unexpected avenue holds more promise than the predictable path. Pay attention to odd talk or unusual ideas, which could present you with another perspective. Congenial colors are aqua and pale yellow. Lucky numbers are 29 and 35.
There may be unexpected inspirations or dramatic developments, especially if there's an overseas connection with partnership implications. You may have to revise your ideas or your plans because of developments in the wider picture. Some of you may decide to study. Others will find themselves drawn to travel overseas. But the outlook either way is potentially transformative. Adventurous colors are carmine and champagne. Lucky numbers are 26 and 40.
Mercury under pressure in Pisces and your solar tenth house brings an element of unpredictability to professional dealings or interactions with authorities. Sudden changes or realizations mean things may go for you or against you, but the trick is not to worry. Just ride things out and absorb what is useful. What tests you will pass as quickly as it came. Earthy colors are green onyx and black onyx. Lucky numbers are 25 and 39.
There's a glitch in discussions or a hitch regarding plans or schedules today. This may arise unexpectedly, necessitating further consideration. Be flexible and ride around any obstacles - the trick is not to get flustered. The problem will pass as suddenly as it came. Someone has a bright idea regarding your home. Unusual communications may come from, or to, a family member. Serene colors are dark amethyst and silky grey. Lucky numbers are 9 and 13.
You will have an excellent opportunity to change tack or change gear today and how you manage will depend on how well you deal with the unexpected. If you can think on your feet and run with the process of change, you can switch gear and end up on a new track. If you get caught up in trying to make something happen that is just not going to work, you'll waste time and effort. Be intuitive. Courageous colors are vivid green and peach. Lucky numbers are 16 and 18.
A sudden burst of inspiration is something that allows you to see an old situation in a new way. This will be a breakthrough if you handle things carefully because impatience will not win the day. There may be communications about money that come unexpectedly, changing your situation in some way. An encounter with a sibling sees you talking about the meaning of life. Inspiring colors are obsidian and amethyst. Lucky numbers are 15 and 28.
A few startling ideas and communications are floating around as the Moon crosses the path of revolutionary Uranus. The trick will be to work out which ones are actually worth listening to. Take care while driving today. Make sure your arrangements are flexible as they may need to be changed at the last minute or on the run. Siblings or neighbors may be moody. Independent colors are velvet blue and sky blue. Lucky numbers are 23 and 30.
Bright ideas spill over again today as the Moon crosses the path of revolutionary Uranus. You may go through a lot of changes of mind and opinion. Watch out that you don't trip yourself up in the flurry. There could be developments in your life that surprise you. You may surprise your nearest and dearest with a sudden change of heart. Be excited but not impatient. Beneficial colors are dusky brown and red ochre. Lucky numbers are 10 and 11.
Mercury in Pisces your seventh house is at odds with the Moon. A changing tide of communication or feeling from a partner or close associate could come from changed circumstances or just from within. Ride out whatever happens, even if the influence seems uncertain or unpredictable for a time. It will quickly pass and be forgotten. Thanks to Pluto, a powerful love encounter could transform your life, at least for a while. Congenial colors are forest green and nut brown. Lucky number is 2.
The Sun bows gravely to Pluto, lord of the underworld, but the Moon is making trouble. Long term benefits outweigh the obstructions, so only minor upsets or glitches will follow on earth. Unexpected news or developments may change the pattern of your day and children change their plans with maddening regularity. You yourself start off going down one road and end by taking another route. If you're inclined to gamble, you could have a win, but know when to stop. Your intuition is heightened and love is in the air. Fortunate colors are tan and grey. Lucky numbers are 14 and 38.
Expect some surprises as the day gets underway because routines may not go as planned. Schedules may be disrupted and work could well bring the unexpected. All of this is because Mercury the Messenger is under pressure in your solar sixth house. Things will settle down after a while but the unexpected influences may be harbingers, revealing the shape of things to come. Inspiring colors are oyster pink and mauve. Lucky numbers are 17 and 28.
Now that you are no longer so involved in intense or confidential matters, you will find yourself talking more confidently to a wider audience. Mercury is now in your ninth house of expansive ideas and long distance travel. Find more stimulating interests and get out of ruts now. Just watch you don't get yourself too hyped-up. Then you may get into a competitive frame of mind where it will be go, go, go every moment of the day. Inspirational colors are citrine and amethyst. Lucky numbers are 9 and 32.
Your career and ambitions are concerning you at the moment and as I said, the next couple of weeks are ripe to put foundations in place, if you think things through carefully first. Don't be afraid to ask for advice because there are people around you who would be delighted to help -- they just wouldn't dare unless you ask! Never forget, the best way to a new job or career is education or brushing up on old skills. Auspicious colors are rusty red and dark plum. Lucky numbers are 1 and 40.
You will be digging deeper for more fundamental answers in a highly discreet way for a couple of weeks. Mercury passing through your eighth house of confidential matters, joint finances and major changes will be focusing your mind on private business. Today especially you will have a sense of boldness about getting things done you haven't been able to do before. Just don't get too sharp or confrontational. Insightful colors are red rose and pink carnation. Lucky numbers are 11 and 40.
Suddenly you feel heard again, after a phase when you reckoned no one was listening. Today aspects to Mercury and Mars could make you a bit cool about other people's inadequacies. Why don't they get their act together? After all, if you can do it, why not? It's best to soften your approach. Stop and think about the consequences of your words on others, because Mars will tend to push you straight for where you want to go. Congenial colors are sunrise yellow and cornflower blue. Lucky numbers are 22 and 24.
Whatever's happening in your life, make sure you stay grounded through simple, practical activity. With the Moon in Taurus and your solar second house, count the pennies, keep to the basics and don't worry too much about what you can't see, touch or taste. There are new ideas and schemes all around, but you don't want to get swept away by possibilities. Make change as and when you can. Beneficial colors are vermillion and sapphire blue. Lucky number is 15.
Racing around a good deal faster in coming days, you will be chatting brightly about a million different things. OK so you may be a touch scattered, but at least you won't be bored. You'll be determined now that you've found courage to say whatever suits you. If you can find people who are happy to be involved in stimulating conversations and debates without it spilling over into resentment, then you will thoroughly enjoy yourself. Expressive colors are milk chocolate and smokey red. Lucky numbers are 13 and 21.
The Moon's in your sign making a lovely aspect to Pluto in your ninth house of travel. You could do with a change of scenery, even if it's just a drive to another town a few hours away. Of course, a holiday is the best thing but as your career is looking up this month, now is not such a great time to be away. You can always take an Internet holiday, after all. Uplifting colors are coral and sea green. Lucky numbers are 3 and 33.
You will be coping with detail and specialized information more than usual, Libra. You will be talking about reorganizing your working life. Just don't get too critical with workmates. Handle yourself with a touch of care, because you're likely to be over busy with your mind on red alert. Buzzing around at top speed, your tongue will also be moving rather quickly. You won't take kindly to anyone telling you what to do. Fortunate colors are caramel and light coffee. Lucky numbers are 10 and 36.
Slow down to talk over emotional and domestic matters. You may have been putting off family discussions recently since there was no time. Mars now brings added enthusiasm. OK so you'll be a bit competitive. Just don't get furious if someone at home disagrees with you. Stand back and be creative about the differences. Enjoy the challenge. Communicative colors are sepia and off white. Lucky numbers are 5 and 28.
You will want to get yourself better informed over the next two weeks about money matters. Then you will be able to keep everyone else around you up to scratch as well. Keep moving, but watch where you're putting your feet and also be wary of foot-in-mouth syndrome. If you leap into saying one or two things too sharply, it won't work. But if you're charming and witty as well as direct in what you're saying, then others will appreciate it. Profitable colors are ruby and obsidian. Lucky numbers are 2 and 17.
Get certain things straight with close partners as simply and quickly as possible. Mercury, the chatty planet, your ruler, is still in your opposite sign, so you will be talking more than usual to loved ones and out on the social scene. This is not the time to be hiding in a corner or sweeping your feelings out of sight. Just don't be too critical especially with thin skinned mates. Remember their sensitive spots before you blurt out your opinions. Meaningful colors are sunflower and vibrant red. Lucky numbers are 14 and 41.
No one will miss your presence for the next few days. You will want to put on quite a show of wit. If you have to speak to a wider audience than usual, then you will find the confidence to say almost anything and get away with it. The trick is to be assertive but not too competitive. Be clear about who you are. But also be clear that it's also OK for other people to be who they are. Aim for creative and constructive discussions. Propitious colors are dusky green and rusty red. Lucky numbers are 7 and 18.
The Moon moves through Taurus and your solar seventh house so dealings with partners and close associates are likely. Whether this is an ending, a beginning or somewhere in between, pay attention to what's being said. Don't be afraid to express your emotions -- it's not enough just to be there, you need to be present. Things should start to fall into place now. Opportune colors are pale grapefruit and dark lime. Lucky numbers are 11 and 29.
It's just one thing after another at the moment and you may have to keep adapting or adjusting to things as you go. There will be unexpected ideas or news that change the scope of what you see; this is a process of development, so just go with it. This year will see a whole new era of your life unfold. Ride the tides of change. Uplifting colors are plum and champagne. Lucky numbers are 12 and 23.
The Moon is in your sign today, making sweet harmony in one stream of the Heavens while building tension in another. The thing is to hold to your course in a firm but gentle way. Look after yourself. Spoil yourself a little if you can. Friends will offer support for your endeavors. Plans may show signs of coming to fruition, though that's a little way down the track yet. Stay calm and enjoy! Serene colors are radiant blue and poppy red. Lucky numbers are 9 and 30.
The Moon moves through Taurus and your solar sixth house so it will be back to the simple routines of the day. Try and maintain a good balance between work and health. Some exercise and good eating will help to round out a busy day. You may begin to feel a little tired or under par as The day wears on so give yourself some time for relaxation. Express yourself creatively and watch out for health problems. Benign colors are powder blue and velvet blue. Lucky number is 27.
Things will fall into place for you today if you let them. Don't be in too much of a hurry and most of the things you have to get done will do themselves. You may have some important realizations about yourself along the way. Things will be busy but you can still stay calm in the midst of the chaos. Know just how far to go and when to stop and the day will slip by easily. Beneficial colors are burnished gold and claret. Lucky numbers are 20 and 37.
The Moon cruises through Taurus and your solar twelfth house today, asking you to step back from the business of life and reflect on what's really important. Creative and spiritual matters need to take precedence. You need time to look at the inner self and see how you're actually feeling. You may want to consider your beliefs and ask yourself how much they determine what you do. Soothing colors are cinnamon and coffee. Lucky numbers are 7 and 39.
With the sensual Moon in Taurus, you may have some dreams to share with friends. You may just enjoy catching up, but there could be contact with someone you haven't seen for a long time. A note of fatigue or confusion asks you to give yourself time to rest or withdraw as the evening closes in. Companionable colors are grape and lemon. Lucky numbers are 5 and 21.
The Moon cruises through Taurus and your solar tenth house, bringing the call of obligation. There are duties to be fulfilled and responsibilities to be taken care of. Step up and do so without complaint. Dealings with authority figures are likely, which could be testing or confusing. Be patient. There may be interaction with a parent or female family member: there is something that needs to be resolved here. Providential colors are satin pink and grey. Lucky numbers are 9 and 39.
The Moon glides through Taurus and your solar fifth house now, so spend time living the life you enjoy. This may involve recreational pursuits, creative activities, romance or the simple pleasures of a social gathering and food. Whichever path you take, make sure you find the creative expression that helps to liberate your spirit from the stresses and struggles of the last little while. Invigorating colors are bottle green and apricot. Lucky numbers are 20 and 33.
With the Moon in Taurus and your solar ninth house, the urge for freedom and wide open spaces will be overwhelming. Things should fall into place now, possibly more by accident than design. At least you'll know where you're going and what you need to do. A break from current circumstances or routines is highly likely. Adventurous colors are avocado and yellow ochre. Lucky numbers are 4 and 25.
With the Moon in Taurus, get things on an even keel by going back to basics. Look for the simple routines that anchor your day. Work, healthcare, exercise, diet, just put all the elements together in a way that will allow you to go forward once again. There may have been changes or disturbing influences in recent times. Simplicity and stability at home will keep you on track now. Nurturing colors are daisy yellow and pale violet. Lucky numbers are 24 and 31.
With the Moon in Taurus and your solar third house, things fall into place today if you really make an effort with your communications. Be clear about what you need. Be clear about what you need to do to receive what you need. Discussions of this nature will help to get things on track, emotionally and creatively. If you adopt a different approach, you'll get different results. Radiant colors are cherry and champagne. Lucky numbers are 28 and 36.
If there's anything or anyone you need to break from in order to keep good health, now's the time to do so. Change habits and patterns where exercise and diet are concerned. If the company you're keeping doesn't allow you to do what's right, then it's time for a change there too. Beneficial colors are marigold and honey. Lucky numbers are 35 and 44.
There may not be a lot to do except run with what's happening today. The events will be things you've set in motion for yourself or alternatively, happenings over which you have no control. Warrior Mars is weaving something new in the web of your life. Let it take place. Impatience or frustration will not achieve anything. Mystic colors are shimmering silver and satin pink. Lucky numbers are 6 and 30.
You may have to cut back on a plan you've been pursuing because of the cost. This could be a creative project, or it may involve some form of speculation. You come to the attention of others, but you may not like all the attention you get. Frustration or delays with plans are quite likely. Some task or project proves to be harder than you thought. Propitious colors are lavender and champagne. Lucky numbers are 26 and 32.
You are coming to the end of a cycle in your emotional or domestic life, as the cosmos is indicating breaks or changes with the past. There could be frustration with this: a situation may have gone on for too long. Work your way through problems with patience -- attempting to hurry things won't work. Change is either inevitable or for the best. Protective colors are aquamarine and . Lucky numbers are 9 and 41.
Be careful of breakdowns especially where vehicles or appliances are concerned. Communication and travel schedules may be interrupted or subject to delays. If you're dependent on overseas connections, there are likely to be problems. This configuration indicates a break or change with a cycle of communication and the rhythm of the day may be erratic. Protective colors are maroon and yellow ochre. Lucky numbers are 5 and 28.
A major break or change is coming up for the Bulls. You may be changing your direction, your associates, your job or even your home in this next cycle of your life. You will need to change your approach or your action style. Be determined but work around conflict. Vibrant colors are strawberry and lime. Lucky numbers are 1 and 25.
A break with the past is built into today's cosmic influences. You may be going through a change of daily routines because of changes in your circumstances with regard to work or health. You could be leaving people behind as well as patterns -- you may have already done so and will now experience the full impact of what's occurred. Some adjustment will be needed. Proper colors are shell blue and rose pink. Lucky numbers are 33 and 43.
There may be changes with people you know. You'll leave some friends behind, either through necessary change or through shifts in attitude or belief. There is a break with the past as you push determinedly towards a new future. Crossing water may bring unexpected results. Adventurous colors are amethyst and silver. Lucky numbers are 20 and 25.
It's time for a break, Leo; old associations end and new ones begin. It may be that you're taking a new direction or there's simply nothing to sustain what was once important to you. This is not the time to break new ground though as your judgement is a little flawed at the moment. Dealings with authority figures could be difficult. Intuitive colors are burnt sienna and red bronze. Lucky numbers are 12 and 31.
You are coming to a parting of the ways with someone or something. This brings about change in your emotional life but in your work and responsibilities. Your changing values or attitudes separate you from what was once familiar. Just accept this inevitability and let go! Philosophical colors are amber and cloudy blue. Lucky numbers are 17 and 42.
A break or change with someone with whom you've had financial dealings may come as a result of a disagreement or a simple parting of the ways. If you're dividing joint monies or resources, make sure things are fairly done. Err on the side of caution. Insightful colors are almond and caramel. Lucky numbers are 2 and 22.
Today's influences signal the end of a cycle or even the end of an era. The price of living or doing things a certain way makes itself known. There are bills to be paid and if you've overdone it, now's the time to cut your coat according to the cloth you have. Changes with associates, particularly where finances are concerned are very likely. Expect a change in your lifestyle as well. Prudent colors are leaf green and autumn brown. Lucky numbers are 4 and 23.
Keep your foot on the brake and not on the accelerator, as the Moon in Aries clashes with underworld Pluto, the lord of wealth. There are problems involving money, lifestyle matters or children -- or any combination thereof. The important thing is that you demonstrate patience and restraint, for which your sign is hardly legend. Don't push ahead without checking the ground beneath your feet. Earthy colors are ginger and lemon. Lucky numbers are 15 and 38.
Work and home life come into conflict as the moody Moon clashes with powerful Pluto in your seventh house. Responsibility may keep someone close to you very preoccupied. Your partner seems to be going nowhere fast or taking a different track to you. Try and hold things together for the moment. It's important for Crabs to break old patterns this year and try to see new solutions to old problems. Beneficial colors are sepia and orange. Lucky numbers are 14 and 18.
You'll find yourself up against a brick wall as Saturn is under pressure and Uranus is stimulated, so travel arrangements could be interrupted by unexpected developments. Communications are impeded by people who just won't listen and arrangements may be changed at the last minute. You could meet resistance or even hostility. Your efforts seem wasted at the moment, but just be patient. The risk of an accident is high. Practical colors are dusky brown and rich red. Lucky numbers are 5 and 20.
Things could be a little tense at home at the moment. This could be because of family relationships or it may come about because work just won't progress. There could be minor accidents, so be careful while travelling, or handling sharp objects. Don't let frustration get the better of you with your tasks. If the problems are emotional, it may take time to understand what's wrong, let alone sort things out. Be patient. Careful colors are terracotta red and black onyx. Lucky number is 29.
Tension is building in the work place as the Moon clashes with powerful Pluto. Travel, communications and schedules are all put under pressure. You may be doing more but seeming to get less done and co- workers are not in a very cooperative mood. Try and put your frustration to one side and let things sort themselves out. Don't exercise too hard. Be careful if you're around water or chemicals today. Cooperative colors are fuchsia and plum. Lucky numbers are 26 and 35.
You feel like pushing forward but you would be better served by holding back and trying to read the situation first, as things may not be what they seem. We don't always get what we want but we nearly always get what we need. The Moon clashes with Pluto, muddying the pond, so don't get caught out by errors of judgement. You may not be seeing things clearly. Stay out of sudden power plays, especially with friends over money. Propitious colors are rose and lime. Lucky numbers are 13 and 25.
The Moon and Pluto clash today, bringing pressure to bear on how you're going to achieve your goals. Financial stresses lie right at the core of the issues, so you have to pull one out of the bag to solve any problems. Some may not be solvable so you may have to change tack. This is not a day to mix friendship and money. Prudent colors are clay and dark green. Lucky numbers are 9 and 27.
The Moon clashes with dark Pluto today. You may be caught out by unexpected developments behind the scenes and not know what to do. Reflect before you act and don't force the pace. Your actions may not seem to get you anywhere. Expect some antipathy with academics, in-laws or foreigners. Conciliate. If you're travelling overseas, take extra care. Favourable colors are pale lemon and oyster pink. Lucky numbers are 4 and 32.
The Moon in your sign clashes with obstructive Pluto in your solar tenth house. If you hit any obstacles, especially people in authority, work around the situation. Don't charge head-on. You may feel frustrated or indecisive about professional direction or responsibilities. This is not time to force the issue. Pace yourself. See what happens. Stay out of sudden power plays. Grounding colors are nut brown and russet red. Lucky numbers are 17 and 19.
If your partner or a close associate is under pressure, it's reflecting strongly in your life at the moment and can adversely affect the quality of life at home. The Moon in your seventh house clashes with dark Pluto, creating a theme of frustration or fatigue for those close to you, with sudden upsurges of feeling coming out of the blue. This is not a 'push ahead' situation: bear with it and try to work through things methodically. Obstruction and power struggles are on the cards. Calming colors are forest green and dark brown. Lucky numbers are 6 and 23.
There are strong feelings building as the Moon clashes with obstructive Pluto so go for it. Lifestyle spending is an issue today, so cut up the credit card if you dare. You may feel more than usually passionate. If so, stay close to your nearest and dearest. Psychic or creative urges may be strong but you may be uncertain as to how to put them to work. Don't let frustration drive you. Forthright colors are beige and navy. Lucky numbers are 12 and 28.
There's confusion or uncertainty as the things you've done may not seem to be leading you anywhere. However, you could be on the edge of a profound shift with regard to your beliefs. Events that take place overseas especially may have significant influence on where you're going. Don't force the pace. Companionable colors are cherry and champagne. Lucky numbers are 16 and 33.
The day starts off nicely with the Moon in your sign, but there are some bumpy bits, especially if you need to confront a partner or spouse. Tonight your thoughts turn towards money and resources, so re- organize your finances by taking a close look at your spending, or put your money to work in a new and different way. It's important to be aware of what will benefit you in the long term: go for what is solid and secure and works over time. Providential colors are maroon and pale yellow. Lucky numbers are 4 and 41.
The Moon moves from Pisces to Aries at the end of the day, bringing a strong change of mood or feeling as she does so. You may be uncertain or uncharacteristically hanging back until the lovely lunar light blazes in your sign. Then you'll put your foot on the accelerator. However, as you do so, you'll probably run up against an obstacle straight away. Negotiate your way around it. Favourable colors are avocado and red. Lucky numbers are 1 and 3.
As the day begins you are absorbed in your own problems. There may be minor details to attend to or a work schedule to finish. As the day goes on, your focus begins to shift to those around you, especially to your partner or a close associate. You become more mindful of their presence or their influence. Later on, you can shift your attention from work to romance. Enjoy! Ideal colors are rouge and powder blue. Lucky numbers are 14 and 19.
The day starts on a note of cooperation and there will be certain things that need to be done because of where you are and who you're with. As the day wears on, there's a shift in your mood, making you a bit restless or uncertain. There are strong feelings of passion and it's better to relieve them through some healthy exercise than to overindulge in something you'll have to pay for later. Pleasurable colors are silver grey and crimson. Lucky numbers are 8 and 15.
This may start out quietly but it certainly won't finish that way! The list of little things you need to get done keep growing by the hour. Chores or routines keep you from the things you really want to do, especially later on in the day. Beware of any minor health problems - they may keep you grounded when you want to fly. Pragmatic colors are ochre and ash. Lucky numbers are 18 and 20.
Lady Moon begins the day in Pisces but ends it in Aries, clashing with sober Saturn. You may feel duty bound to complete something, but will finally break from your tasks and seek the company of friends. Enjoy yourself in the evening. Make sure you socialize or do something that provides the stimulation so necessary for your sign. There may be a problem or a delay with seeing someone. Balancing colors are burnt orange and cloudy blue. Lucky numbers are 11 and 31.
It could be a moody day as the restless Moon moves out of Pisces and into Aries, then caps things off by clashing with sober Saturn. Just ride out the changes. Do what you have to early on, but remember to step back as the day progresses and take a little time for yourself. Enjoy a bit of quiet time to rest and reflect. Take the time you need to mull things over. Protective colors are charcoal grey and silver. Lucky numbers are 2 and 34.
Things may begin in a straighforward manner today, with simple tasks to do and perhaps a little consideration of your finances. As the day wears on, change comes. Communications may begin to influence the course of things. The number of comings and goings will increase. Interest in conversation may lift and life may turn into something of a busy street for a while. Just enjoy it. Meaningful colors are taupe and navy. Lucky numbers are 26 and 28.
The day starts on an upbeat note as you're in sync with everybody, doing what needs to be done. However, as the day wears on, things shift into a distinctly emotional and domestic framework. Pay attention to what's going on at home, especially in terms of the emotional atmosphere. There are some problems there and you need to deal with them. Your partner is not pleased.... Routine colors are electric blue and mauve. Lucky numbers are 29 and 33.
You may spend some of the day coasting, or cleaning up yesterday's left-overs. Later on, the mood will shift as the clarion call to duty sounds. Responsiblities come up for you, generated either by work or by your position. You may not get the relaxation or rest that you're looking for, as a demanding situation needs your attention. Providential colors are steel grey and white. Lucky numbers are 27 and 30.
You may be seeking answers within yourself, pondering the deeper matters of life and perhaps you have money worries as well. However, as the day wears on your mood will shift. There's a restless feeling in the air and you need to assert your sense of freedom and independence. However, what begins as a quest for adventure may be blocked by an unforeseen development or restriction. Just cruise. Auspicious colors are mink and cream. Lucky number is 17.
With today's shifting influences, you may start proceedings in a relaxed manner, letting things take care of themselves. However, as time marches on, you go from taking it easy into a stronger working focus. Little jobs and the attention to detail they demand will become important. Health matters may be a concern so try to slot in some exercise and a good, nutritious meal. Grounding colors are sunflower yellow and jet black. Lucky numbers are 23 and 35.
Romance is in the air and the feelings may be larger than life. This could be a passionate encounter. Speculations will test your joint resources, so don't push the envelope too far. Children may be emotional or difficult to control and social gatherings may be boisterous. Good news is in the wind, so keep smiling. Lucky colors are cinnamon and rose. Lucky numbers are 5 and 33.
Differences of opinion or beliefs could see you at loggerheads with friends or associates. Test the waters to see how serious the situation is. It's actually wiser to step back from any conflict today. Where are you really going in your life? Friends and money don't mix well: don't lend money if you can possibly help it. Admirable colors are carnelian and citrine. Lucky numbers are 15 and 24.
Pressures at work may cause an atmosphere that will affect partners or home life. Conversely, there may be difficulties with your nearest and dearest that affect your working situation. If there's an intrusion of someone in authority into your life, stay calm. Don't let ego interfere with your acceptance of ideas, methods, or information; progress is possible. Favourable colors are apricot and aubergine. Lucky numbers are 39 and 43.
Ructions with your daily routines demand that you act to solve anything in this area with speed. Be careful of work related stress or accidents. Mercury however is creating an excellent time to launch a writing or communications project, engage in business transactions, or begin a journey. Negotiate any difficulty with a female co-worker. Calming colors are sea green and shell blue. Lucky numbers are 12 and 29.
Keeping things in a balanced perspective is the key for today, so resist the urge towards extremes or over-reaction. Whatever occurs, keep a rein on your feelings and try to see what's actually happening. Be careful as far as the credit card or overdraft are concerned. If you push to the limit now, you will pay a hefty bill in time. Pragmatic colors are ginger and lime. Lucky numbers are 27 and 35.
You need to work out how much you are spending on your lifestyle, with a view to some economic management. You'll benefit from cutbacks and simplifying the way you live. If your habits or patterns are costing you money, change them. See if you can create a way of doing things that keep a strict limit on what you spend. Prudent colors are terracotta and lime. Lucky numbers are 11 and 26.
Issues with your partner are tense, but your own strengths will come to the fore. You may wish to go one direction and your partner another. Calls on your time need to be balanced, so be ready to deal with what is coming up. However, the stars are on your side, and good news is sure to ease the pressure. Travel plans in particular are favoured. Beneficial colors are orange and peppermint. Lucky numbers are 6 and 10.
There's a tricky atmosphere today as Mars and Saturn are at odds. There could be minor health problems or technical difficulties that block your progress for the moment. Something may stop you in your tracks: the trick to all this is to tell yourself 'This too will pass'. Hidden information may surface tonight. Propitious colors are dark blue and light blue. Lucky numbers are 13 and 14.
Stress comes out of the blue today, and verbal disagreements arise out of nothing. Problems with travelling are very likely, and aggression on the roads is in the stars, so take extra care Cappies. Don't rise to any emotional bait that's offered: stay calm and you'll stay in control of the situation. Serene colors are vivid green and corn. Lucky numbers are 21 and 38.
Make sure you're not spending too much with regard to your lifestyle or the pursuit of pleasure. You may be so busy enjoying something that you don't notice that it's costing you the earth. Rein in the spending and keep a better balance with the budget. If you're having trouble with your children's spending, today's the day to crack the whip. If you're involved in extreme pursuits the risk of accident is high, so take extra precautions and double check your gear. Beneficial colors are dazzling blue and bright silver. Lucky numbers are 22 and 34.
Opposing forces bruise your ego, as ideas and opinions emerge that are incompatible with your own. They are less than sympathetic with the type of image you like to project, or the personal influence you want to exert. Why waste your efforts trying to get others to change their minds? This is a potentially stressful time, but you have to try and view it as a learning process that will lead to spiritual growth. Meaningful colors are turquoise and obsidian. Lucky numbers are 20 and 40.
There may be sudden shifts or changes with your working environment especially where personnel are concerned. Changes of organization or structure could take place. Either way, there's likely to be a change of mood or feeling among those you work with. Daily routines are also subject to surprise developments. Watch out for minor accidents. Expect the unexpected. Stimulating colors are steel grey and brick red. Lucky numbers are 25 and 41.
The New Moon meets deceptive Neptune in Pisces, your solar tenth house. Changes are afoot with regard to professional matters -- a lift or change of circumstance, bringing a puzzling shift with responsibilities. Watch for peculiar changes or reactions in bosses or those in authority and you may have a shift in your duties. Favorable colors are garnet and carnelian. Lucky numbers are 12 and 25.
The New Moon comes in Pisces in conjunction with mysterious Neptune. This marks dramatic developments with home life or emotional life -- with either a positive outcome, or a reversal of conditions. There certainly will be excitement! The home will not be a place of peaceful bliss just for the moment but it will settle in time. Expansive colors are brick red and bottle green. Lucky number is 4.
The Moon is New in charming Pisces (your seventh house), which may bring change with regard to your affections. This could either make you avoid someone close to you, or alternatively bring you closer together. A change in your partner's circumstances could see marked changes in your own life with a strange, inexplicable shift in your relationship. Intuitive colors are aquamarine and lilac. Lucky numbers are 7 and 25.
As the Moon comes to the New in Pisces (your solar twelfth house) conjunct mysterious Neptune, there are likely to be breakthroughs and changes regarding creative or spiritual matters. Prepare for an unsettled period following this; you will need to adjust and go with the flow, but you deepen your understanding of the mysteries of life. A surprising event may come out of the blue. Auspicious colors are champagne and lavender. Lucky numbers are 10 and 16.
A new beginning comes with the New Moon in romantic Pisces, joining fantasy-driven Neptune as she does so. Scorpions with children may find that one of them takes a strange new tack without warning. You are drawn to new interests or pursuits that will get you out of a rut. Romance may either flourish or mysteriously fizzle. Playful colors are copper green and rich red. Lucky numbers are 27 and 39.
The Moon comes to the New in sociable Pisces today, conjunct imaginative Neptune. Strange new developments mark a new start with your hopes and dreams. There may be a way to do something you've been chasing for a while or a new possibility may present itself. Either way, this is not the time to be a stubborn Bull. Go with the flow and let something different unfold. Ideal colors are electric blue and carnation pink. Lucky number is 32.
The New Moon conjunct Neptune in Pisces awakens new ideas and mysterious developments. A peculiar individual will influence your way of thinking, urging you to see things a different way. However, do you want to? There are bizarre developments or changes with communications or travel plans. Prepare to revise your schedule. Fortunate colors are pale rose and ash grey. Lucky number is 19.
The Moon comes to the New in Pisces and your solar second house. There may be a difficult-to-decipher development or change where money is concerned, one that will push you to set a new pattern or habit in place. This may be to do with family or your domestic situation or, it could come right out of the blue. Be innovative and take advice. Providential colors are velvet black and plum. Lucky number is 31.
The New Moon comes in Pisces and your solar eighth house setting new trends or changes regarding joint finances. There is likely to be an unsettling shift in current conditions and an opportunity may come out of the blue. Take it: you have the chance to look deep within yourself and realize something about your nature and make-up. Insightful colors are purple and gold. Lucky numbers are 5 and 21.
Make a commitment to a new line of work or a new approach as the New Moon arrives in Pisces, dancing merrily with King Neptune, Lord of the Sea. Fishes should forge plans and dream dreams. You will benefit from a more creative slant on work and you may find that a change takes place for mysterious reasons. Health matters are very significant now and can affect your working life. Set a new health regimen in place. Auspicious colors are copper and . Lucky numbers are 22 and 38.
The New Moon comes in your sign, all wrapped up in mighty Neptune, your new-age planetary ruler. New beginnings will push you out of your comfort zone. Surprises or changes are also the cards, or you may feel moved to institute some of your own. Lift your game or change your approach or strategy, because you're setting out on a new journey this year. Don't try to do things the same old way. Exhilarating colors are vivid green and crimson. Lucky numbers are 29 and 36.
It's time to make changes with regard to your convictions or beliefs as the New Moon in Pisces strikes up the band with mysterious Neptune, Lord of the Sea. You may have something of an epiphany, dear Cancer. Strange or mysterious communications and developments with regard to overseas connections or legal matters may mean you decide to travel. In any case you'll be excited by a new perspective. Expansive colors are flaming red and sapphire. Lucky numbers are 14 and 26.
As the Moon moves through Aquarius and your solar sixth house, it's important to keep the little things together no matter how boring your daily routine may be. Make sure you get everything done in a simple and orderly fashion. A little fresh air and exercise will help to keep the work routines ticking over. Maintain a bright and breezy attitude and deal with problems with a healthy sense of detachment. Competent colors are indigo and white rose. Lucky numbers are 22 and 38.
The Moon zips through Aquarius and your solar second house, turning your attention to matters of personal finance. Get out the accounts. Go through them with a fine tooth comb. Ensure everything's paid and up to date. Examine things to see where you could make the sort of economies that lead to good savings. Sometimes a fresh new look can be a great help. Talk things over with an associate. Prudent colors are red rose and salmon. Lucky numbers are 17 and 23.
The Moon in your sign increases your charm and magnetism, bringing good spirits and good company. You may find that you want to be engaged around the home, giving things a spring clean and a reorganize and family play a big part in the day. Alternatively you may be heading out to seek the company that uplifts you. Begin a new cycle with something today: set a new pattern in motion or put a new idea to work. Invigorating colors are berry red and spring green. Lucky numbers are 25 and 37.
The Moon zips through Aquarius your eleventh house of friends, hopes and wishes as the day begins. Whether it's the company of many or just a few like-minded people, there will be those who understand and sympathize with your aims or ideals. The air is buzzing with conversation and interesting ideas to stimulate you. You come closer to fulfilling a dream. Inspirational colors are apricot and lime. Lucky numbers are 11 and 20.
The Moon cruises through Aquarius and your solar seventh house, placing the focus on partners and close associates. Attend to your nearest and dearest. Give them consideration and listen to what they have to say. If you spend time together, you will realize a few things about how loved ones or associates are feeling. Some of this may come as a surprise. Aim for a romantic evening. Romantic colors are soft rose and dark wine. Lucky numbers are 12 and 21.
As the ambitious Moon moves into Aquarius and your solar tenth house, responsibilities or obligations come to your attention. You may have dealings with people in authority, especially women and there may be an unusual character to such dealings. Work or professional matters may take center stage for some. Take a different approach if things have been tricky. Do what's required without complaint. Active colors are violet and butterfly yellow. Lucky numbers are 4 and 31.
The Moon dances through Aquarius and your solar third house, asking you to be on your mettle with all communications. Be the one that comes up with the bright idea, the one that suggests a new or unusual approach. The company of good friends will be important to you today, simply because you may need to use them as a sounding board. You may receive a communication from an unexpected source or travel unexpectedly. Invigorating colors are blossom pink and apple. Lucky numbers are 8 and 13.
The Moon cruises through Aquarius and your solar twelfth house, urging you to step back and take some quiet time. You may want to withdraw to pursue creative or spiritual concerns or you may simply want to take a little time out for yourself. If the world and its demands weigh heavily on you, ask for the time and space you need by setting clear boundaries. Protective colors are cloudy lavender and carnelian. Lucky numbers are 24 and 39.
The adventurous Moon zips through Aquarius bringing an urge to adventure and freedom. You may want to charge off with a few friends in tow and look for somewhere interesting to go. Try a new foreign restaurant or take in a foreign film. Perhaps it's just a matter of getting in the car and driving to the wide open spaces. Adventurous colors are royal purple and peach. Lucky numbers are 36 and 41.
The Moon moves through Aquarius and your solar eighth house, bringing a touch of restlessness to the life of the Crustacean. You may be inclined to go too far so keep a tight rein on the spending. Don't wave the plastic about. Vigorous activity would be best to work off the intensity of feeling. The more athletic of you can run a half-marathon. Standard recreational activity will suit the rest. Radiant colors are off white and crimson. Lucky numbers are 27 and 33.
The Moon is in Aquarius and your solar fourth house, calling attention to matters emotional and domestic. Whether it's a bit of a clean-up in the practical sense or whether you need to sort matters out with family or loved ones, get down to the business of managing this side of your life. If there are problems, try to see them objectively rather than subjectively, and solve them that way. Congenial colors are blood red and riesling. Lucky numbers are 16 and 26.
The Moon dances through Aquarius and your solar fifth house today, urging you to enjoy yourself. A favourite creative or recreational pursuit will do you the world of good. Whether physical or mental it doesn't matter, as long as its something you can really express yourself through. Some Librans are feeling very romantic, while others will enjoy the company of friends. Make merry! Expressive colors are cornflower blue and deep red. Lucky numbers are 15 and 19.
The Sun moves into Pisces and your solar eighth house, travelling there over the next four weeks, so you'll be feeling more restless than usual and will want to push things along. Make sure you don't go too far though. You need to be careful with your spending habits. Extravagance could come all too easily. Joint arrangements with money may feature. You are feeling more than passionate than usual.... Earthy colors are russet red and autumn brown. Lucky numbers are 9 and 40.
The Sun moves into Pisces and your solar twelfth house today, sojourning there over the next month. It's important for Rams to take things quietly for a while. Reflect on where you've been or where you're going and immerse yourself in creative or spiritual activities. Watch your health and also the healthy of those close to you. Plan and dream for the future, but take the quiet path for a while. Serene colors are lilac and crimson. Lucky numbers are 18 and 24.
As the Sun moves into Pisces and your solar third house over the next four weeks, trust your intuition. Situations will call for you to be sympathetic or understanding of the circumstances and dilemmas of others. You may even be something of an 'agony aunt'. In the long term, Uranus is revolutionizing your expressive abilities. Go with these changes in the short term. Intuitive colors are cloudy blue and silver grey. Lucky numbers are 6 and 13.
The Sun moves into Pisces and your solar fourth house, travelling there over the next four weeks. For many centaurs, there are changes with regard to domestic and emotional conditions on the cards in the next few years and this period could bring them to the forefront. Navigate whatever new course opens up for you. When opportunity knocks, accept the changes that come with it. Intuitive colors are dusty brown and charcoal. Lucky numbers are 3 and 25.
The Sun moves into Pisces and your solar eleventh house for the next four weeks. You will be among friends. There may be a path to share and ideas to exchange and you can advance your hopes and wishes if you use a creative approach to put your dreams into action. There may be changes as someone you've known moves on and someone new comes in. This may happen suddenly. Harmonious colors are champagne and green topaz. Lucky numbers are 8 and 27.
As the Sun moves into Pisces and your solar fifth house, travelling there over the next four weeks, it's time for new interests or pursuits to invigorate the quality of your life. For some Scorpions, romance is in the offing where others may feel an urge to renew affections with their partner. Physical pursuits beckon, but the creative path is also appealing. You can enrich your life by utilizing your talents - you don't need to depend on anyone else. Passionate colors are cherry and chocolate. Lucky number is 10.
It's time to look at the bigger picture and make your decisions about where to go, as the Sun moves into Pisces and your solar ninth house. Overseas travel or study may be important in the coming month and you may be moved to consider your beliefs. Get away from the daily grind and seek the wide open spaces. Exhilarating colors are strawberry pink and pearl. Lucky numbers are 23 and 38.
The Sun moves through Pisces and your solar seventh house, travelling there over the next four weeks, so partners and close associates will figure strongly in any plans. You will have to determine what you're going to do because of things that happen to, or for, those close to you. Let the month take shape in its own way. A bond between you and a loved one strengthens. Secure colors are mauve and lemon yellow. Lucky numbers are 19 and 21.
The Sun is moving through your sign, so it's time to re-establish the pursuit of your aims and goals. If work or career has slowed down, rev things up. Take action to assert yourself and the position you want in things. Dream those Piscean dreams but make sure that you push ahead so as to begin to make some of them real. Put relations with partners and close associates back into balance. Forthright colors are jet black and shocking pink. Lucky number is 22.
As the Sun moves into Pisces and your solar tenth house, your focus will be career or vocation. Pay attention to your responsibilities over the next month and make sure you get all the set tasks done. You may have necessary dealings with people in authority. You yourself may have to take authority in a situation, so be attentive to those who rely on you. Providential colors are pearl and fuchsia. Lucky number is 42.
The Sun moves into Pisces and your solar sixth house of work, health and daily routines, travelling there over the next four weeks. Pay very close attention to detail and get down to the nitty gritty. Get the little things right and the big ones will fall into place. Maintain a good balance between your effort to get things done and your effort to keep healthy and well-exercised. Use your creative flair. Examine your work methods. Proper colors are raspberry and peppermint. Lucky numbers are 12 and 16.
The Sun moves into Pisces and your solar second house of money and personal resources, travelling there over the next four weeks. You will need to get your budget organized in this time. Look at your patterns of spending and saving. Where are you overdoing things? Revise both your approach and your methods and get more out of your money this next month. Profitable colors are wild orange and dark chocolate. Lucky numbers are 7 and 11.
The Moon and Mars are working hard for you, Taurus. Creative expressions consistent with your beliefs become possible now, largely because of what you've been doing for some time. Your sign is concerned with values. This is a time to really put it out there with regard to what you believe is important in life. Break the shackles! Passionate colors are midnight blue and deep red. Lucky numbers are 7 and 28.
The Moon in your house of romance, children and speculation stimulates passionate Mars, which is retrograde in your sign. An old flame may reappear. But bear in mind that this is an important time for coming to grips with the process by which you get what you really want. There may be expansion or development as you cross a personal horizon, and a strong feeling of what you really need to do next. Keep a hand on the tiller and the ship will steer itself. Expansive colors are autumn brown and pale gold. Lucky numbers are 24 and 26.
This is a good day to look within and come to grips with the complex workings of that changeable nature of yours. The Sun and Saturn harmonize, enabling you to see into the emotional roots of your situation. There may be financial benefit through an emotional or family link, but you need to put money to work with regard to your home situation. Beneficial colors are coral pink and champagne. Lucky numbers are 39 and 44.
This is a good day to try to achieve some balance with partners and close associates through the art of cooperation. Discuss what needs to be done and negotiate an effective process by which you can work together to achieve common goals. Look for the ideas and aspirations that you share and then examine how you can work together under the aegis of these important ideals. Excellent colors are plum and dark wine. Lucky numbers are 41 and 43.
This is a day for deep realizations. You may discover abilities that will set you on a new path as time goes on. Accept responsibilities and initiate important long term projects, especially in real estate, business, building, or engineering. Seek favors from those in authority and those who are older and wiser, with more experience. If you allow others to benefit from your own experience, you will gain a distinct advantage. Insightful colors are pale grey and snow white. Lucky numbers are 18 and 28.
You're coming to some kind of change in status or position with regard to your finances and you should be looking to secure a long term change. Changes with regard to work or professional matters are pointing you in a new or different direction and there could be dealings with people of status or authority that have some bearing on this situation. Be organized, clear and precise with all things financial. Secure colors are caramel and lime. Lucky numbers are 2 and 20.
If you've had money problems or worries lately, this is the day to sort things out and get moving again. The Sun and Saturn harmonize in the Heavens, getting you into a long term cycle that will be financially productive. The key is to not wait around, wondering if it's all worth while, but to simply get on with what needs to be done. It's better to do something no matter how small, rather than sit around and mope. Profitable colors are white carnation and misty blue. Lucky number is 4.
Things will fall into place for you with regard to work and professional matters as long as you've put in the spade work. The Moon and Mars harmonize in the Heavens, setting alight your solar sixth and tenth houses. You can have the cooperation of important people. You can feel a new level of confidence in your own efforts. When opportunity comes, step up to the mark. Confident colors are rich brown and lincoln green. Lucky numbers are 19 and 24.
If you've been having difficulty with your nearest and dearest or with someone close, today is the day to sort things out. The Moon and retro Mars harmonize, bringing communications that negotiate and resolve difficulties, though this may take time. You may need to go back over old ground in order to get the picture. In the end, it will be worth it, as an old ghost can be laid to rest. Healing colors are lilac and marigold. Lucky numbers are 23 and 37.
The Moon in Capricorn is urging you to find a better way of saying what's on your mind. Traditionally, Scorpions carry a sting in the tail, but you are also a water sign and thus do not always say directly what you think or feel. Try to be forthright and let people know where they stand with you. This applies particularly to friends. Gracious colors are pale yellow and misty green. Lucky numbers are 5 and 11.
If you can take time out to reflect on yourself and your life, you will benefit immensely. With the Moon in Capricorn and your solar fourth house harmonizing with mighty Mars retro in your twelfth, you can gain insight and understanding, especially if you reflect on the past, your family history and the effect it's had on you. Take some time out. Positive colors are apricot and violet. Lucky numbers are 9 and 12.
The Moon is conjunct transformative Pluto in your sign as the day begins. Lucky you, but the Sun forms a beneficial aspect later in the day with stern Saturn, your life-ruler. Big emotional issues are in the wind, but you have the freedom to indulge your own thoughts and beliefs today, so go for it. Hard work, planning and organization can really pay off. Superiors are ready to be impressed. Beneficial colors are sunset red and royal blue. Lucky numbers are 3 and 10.
The Moon moves through Capricorn and your solar second house today so money matters will be on your mind. This is a time to do your budget and check your personal spending. Rein it in if you find you're living with the extravagance for which your sign is known. Organize your money along clear and practical lines and you will benefit in the long term. Look at a savings plan. Providential colors are tangerine and soft pink. Lucky numbers are 7 and 28.
The Moon moves through your sign today, so matters of co- operation will be first and foremost on the list for consideration. There are demands on your time and you'll have to be here, there and everywhere for everyone. Don't bother making any plans.... Harmonious colors are crabapple yellow and smokey grey. Lucky numbers are 24 and 37.
The Moon moves through Capricorn and your solar fourth house today so your attention will turn to matters regarding your domestic and emotional life. Make sure you're attending to all the necessary tasks and responsibilities. Someone needs your care and attention. If you've let an atmosphere or a mess accumulate until it's become a problem, now's the time to start sorting things out. Practical colors are emerald and grey. Lucky numbers are 4 and 39.
Today will be all about give and take, as the moody Moon moves through Capricorn and your solar seventh house of partners and close associates. Fulfill your responsibilities to others; you may have alter your schedule. An older person may bring tension to the home, so work to resolve things. If someone takes a set against you, negotiate with them. Harmonious colors are pearl and azure. Lucky numbers are 5 and 11.
The Moon moves through Capricorn and your solar third house, urging you to get out there, get on with it and get things done. If you want to say something, say it clearly and concisely or you could be misunderstood. If you want something, go after it -- don't wait for it to come to you. Stick with what you know but be flexible. If a new idea or strategy is suggested, give it fair consideration. Profitable colors are golden topaz and violet. Lucky numbers are 10 and 23.
The Moon moves into Capricorn and your solar twelfth house, urging you to step back from the hustle and bustle, and take time for your inner process. Creative or spiritual activities may suit. You may just want some time to yourself. Perhaps you need to look after yourself a little more. For those of you who are drawn to contemplate what lies beyond our earthly life, this is the time to do so. Cosmic colors are blue sapphire and pale gold. Lucky numbers are 23 and 36.
The Moon rolls through Capricorn and your solar sixth house, focusing your attention on the details of your daily routine. It's a day to simply get on with jobs that need to be done. Watch your health and attend to any minor ailments as soon as possible. Something may be weighing heavily on you -- try to work off the feelings by keeping busy rather than letting them get you down. Practical colors are aubergine and pastel red. Lucky numbers are 15 and 25.
Looking for rest or relaxation today? Well, you will find that you have to be on the ball. The Moon hovers in Capricorn and your solar fifth house, resulting in more responsibility or a goal to pursue. Romance is in the frame for eligible Virgos, so try to work a little recreation into the demands of an otherwise busy day. Stay focused. Active colors are pale purple and rich brown. Lucky numbers are 19 and 22.
The Moon moves through Capricorn and your solar eleventh house, bringing you the company of friend and you'll have the chance to discuss dreams and revise plans. If you've reached a point where you can go no further, the advice of others will be helpful on the path you've taken. You may be torn between your responsibilities and what you'd really like to do. Talk it over with someone you trust. Auspicious colors are smokey green and apache red. Lucky numbers are 6 and 31.
With the Moon moving through Capricorn and your solar ninth house, you may feel the urge to get away. However, you may have trouble breaking away from duties or obligations for long enough to satisfy those freedom urges. Some of you may content yourself with an imaginative roam. Others may flee, but it'll all be there waiting for you on your return. Prudent colors are carmine and apple green. Lucky numbers are 3 and 29.
The Moon moves through Capricorn and your solar tenth house, so issues around work or profession, and home or domestic life are in the balance. You may need to put one thing aside to gain another. Make some hard decisions and follow them through with determination. Practical colors are salmon pink and jet. Lucky numbers are 12 and 21.
You may have to examine your financial situation, especially where the credit card or overdraft is concerned. Keep the spending to a minimum. Talk to someone who can help you plan or organize your strategies. You may chafe at the restraint this imposes, but be patient and cautious. Advantageous colors are turquoise and brick red. Lucky numbers are 38 and 40.
The Moon careers through Sagittarius and your solar eighth house, so take care with spending, especially where the credit card or the overdraft are concerned. It will be easy to go over the limit. Seek a healthy outlet for your energies and don't let restlessness push you to doing things out of boredom. Consider your professional direction. Are you ready for a change? Go for it! Providential colors are almond and copper green. Lucky numbers are 2 and 26.
There's an end and a beginning with a domestic or emotional cycle now. This could bring a dramatic change... or you'll simply take it in your stride and incorporate it in your daily life. Mercury joins forces with fortunate Jupiter, so you could be in the right place at the right time! Take care in all health matters - prevention is better than cure. Providential colors are fuchsia and berry red. Lucky numbers are 3 and 18.
As the Moon is cruising through your solar fifth house, take the time to ensure that what you and your paramour want is the same thing. There could be excellent career news, especially regarding financial matters, and good luck could come out of the blue. Cooperative colors are bright orange and dark grey. Lucky numbers are 4 and 13.
Partners or close associates might like to make the running today. Romantic possibilities are there for those with partners, but there could also be tension to be resolved. Make sure you do what's required. This is not a day to avoid the issues. Communications may come from overseas. What comes from afar may be enticing. Lucky colors are canary yellow and ice blue. Lucky numbers are 37 and 43.
The Moon in Sagittarius brings good news into your life. Venus is in a good place too, so your health and working conditions should improve. There's a financial component to this, but resist the urge to splurge! Avoid disagreements with males over matters that should be kept confidential, or the knives will be out. Meaningful colors are blackberry and leaf green. Lucky numbers are 5 and 28.
It's a fortunate day for the Scorpion, despite the potential for disagreement. Be ready to take advantage of developments in your personal finances and important relationships. Email, phone calls and other communications promise opportunities related to those of another culture or race, higher education, long distance travel, religious or political activities, or cultural events. If you are in a marriage or a close alliance, things will get steamy in the Scorpion's Lair. Fortunate colors are lavender and light green. Lucky numbers are 1 and 14.
The Moon is in your solar twelfth house today, crossing swords with Saturn, so you need to step back and take some time out for yourself. Perhaps something happened recently which you need to look at. It may simply be that's there's been a lot of pressure and you need some relief from it. Mercury promises good news and a great opportunity later in the day, so keep your eye on the ball. Restful colors are misty pink and pale lilac. Lucky numbers are 21 and 42.
It's the little things that need attention. The detail you miss will be the one that kicks back later on. Don't fight with female co- workers -- compromise is the key word. Find a way to work things out. Take care of your health by eating well and getting some exercise in the open air. Ideal colors are shocking pink and jet black. Lucky numbers are 12 and 41.
The Moon, Mars and Jupiter are at odds today, so remember to lighten up. Conflict can be resolved by negotiation rather than forcing the issue. Later in the day Mercury promises excellent news on the home front or in real estate. If you have been negotiating a financial deal, it should soon pay off. Relaxing colors are wild mint and orange. Lucky numbers are 27 and 38.
There's a beginning or an end and nothing in between, as the Moon in your solar eleventh house of friends, hopes and wishes clashes with Saturn and Mars. This leads to a renewal of desire for something that is very important to you. Discussion is essential, but the emphasis must be on you -- what you believe in, and how you need to live in order to respect your beliefs. Financial developments later in the day are very promising. Ardent colors are ash grey and cloudy blue. Lucky numbers are 19 and 36.
This is an excellent day for taking a fresh outlook or making a new start. You may want to be off on an adventure, either literal or metaphorical, and friends play an important part in this next cycle. Follow the urge to break free or cut loose somehow as shining dreams call you to new horizons. Ardent colors are citrine and emerald. Lucky numbers are 17 and 23.
The Moon in your solar tenth house is pushing you to the limit as far as work or responsibilities go. You may encounter an obstacle or person you can't move. However, as Mercury in your sign awakens glorious Jupiter in your house of communications, good news is definitely in the wind. Fishes should keep the faith, as something really fantastic is sure to come up. Fortunate colors are cobalt blue and pale lilac. Lucky numbers are 10 and 22.
The Moon travels into Sagittarius, giving you a dose of that restless urge for freedom. Get out and get away from the grind and boring routine. Take in some fresh air, or even run a few kilometers on the beach if you're that way inclined. Give yourself room to move. If you're of a mind for cultural activity, take in a foreign film or concert. Why not try a new restaurant and a dose of exotic cuisine? Adventurous colors are ruby red and plum. Lucky numbers are 3 and 22.
The Moon shimmers in Sagittarius and your solar third house so you can be out and about today. It's time to cut deals, make conversation, stay on the move and generally have a busy day that will leave you feeling good. If you find that things don't quite go to your liking, use your sense of humor to laugh it off. You may need to travel here and there to get things done or catch up with people. Enjoy! Advantageous colors are carnation and powder blue. Lucky numbers are 5 and 11.
Lady Moon zips through Sagittarius and your solar eleventh house of friends, hopes and wishes. This should put a zing in your step and bring a few interesting people into your life. There will be bright and breezy exchanges and lots of ideas to share. Your own dreams could get a real lift from the exchanges. Keep on the move. Mix with different people. Lucky colors are brilliant red and coral. Lucky numbers are 12 and 42.
With the Moon sizzling in Sagittarius and your solar seventh house, you could spend the day in the company or even the arms of someone you love. Make the most of your nearest and dearest. Have an adventure. You could just wander off into the sunset, arm in arm and enjoy the freedom of being together. If there's anything that needs resolving between you, do so. Togetherness is the key. Companionable colors are indigo and cerise. Lucky numbers are 15 and 32.
Lady Moon is moving through Sagittarius and your solar twelfth house today, so step back a little and let life take its own course. Immerse yourself in a favourite creative activity. Spend time in the inner space, for this is a good day to give attention to your spiritual life. Focus on the things that are really important and let everything else run as it wants to. Uplifting colors are dusky purple and bright plum. Lucky numbers are 7 and 20.
The Moon blazes in fiery Sagittarius today so you'll need to find an outlet for your energy. Make sure it's not a spending spree you'll regret when the bill arrives! If you are feeling passionate at the moment, indulge yourself. Other Bulls need to burn off their restlessness with vigorous activity of another kind. Turn your attention inward if you're feeling restless and ask what's really driving you. Insightful colors are cherry and blossom pink. Lucky numbers are 34 and 39.
With the Moon in Sagittarius and your solar sixth house, you need to stick to the basics. A little hard work, good diet and healthy exercise will see you through. Try to get out in the open if you can, because fresh air will do you good. Attend to whatever tasks need to be done and keep yourself buoyant and enthusiastic. It's very likely there will be communications from overseas connected with work. Stimulating colors are silver grey and honey. Lucky numbers are 10 and 31.
Get down to the tin tacks of personal money and spending and make sure you're organized. The extravagant Moon is moving through Sagittarius and your solar second house so make sure you're not sacrificing something important in the big picture for the sake of some little indulgence. If you're careful with money now, you can put what you save to work later on when it really counts. Prosperous colors are amber and forest green. Lucky numbers are 4 and 33.
After a day or two in the doldrums, you'll be bubbling with enthusiasm as the Moon soars through your sign. Why not look after yourself, or even indulge a bit? Give some time to children or family. Whatever you do, make sure that it's fun for all concerned. This could also be a good time to catch up on some sleep. Of course, if you want a lazy day, that can work too. Fun colors are bottle green and ginger. Lucky numbers are 6 and 28.
The Moon is moving through Sagittarius and your solar fourth house today so your attention will naturally turn to matters of the home and your emotional life. You may simply want to give the premises a good clean. It may be that there are changes of circumstance that bring a different feel to the home and visitors are extremely likely. There could be news from overseas. Magnanimous colors are rich brown and corn. Lucky numbers are 2 and 26.
The Moon clatters into Sagittarius, your midheaven, bringing a surge of energy with regard to career and responsibilities. You may hear the clarion call to action even though you want to kick back and enjoy the weekend. If family life is the center of your world, you'll have to work to keep your brood together. If you have to have dealings with authorities, keep them light and easy. Appropriate colors are raspberry and leaf green. Lucky numbers are 25 and 36.
The Moon sizzles in Sagittarius and your solar fifth house of pleasure and recreation so go ahead and make a day of things. Be passionate with your loved one and energetic in your pleasures. Be creative in your recreation. Get into the open air or get right away from the city and enjoy the country life. Have fun and throw off the shackles of the week if you can. Inspirational colors are peppermint green and magenta. Lucky numbers are 9 and 27.
Many of you will find yourselves feeling overly emotional and responding to others in unpredictable ways. The true meaning of the information is obscure, especially if connected with your love, a partner or legal matters. Trying to get to the bottom of a mystery (or any situation) may end in confusion, raising more questions than it answers. Don't lose your keys! Ideas may be understood in a mystical or spiritual sense, whether or not that is the intended result. Spend the day doing what makes you feel centered and balanced. Fortunate colors are pale yellow and sky blue. Lucky number is 5.
Today could be a surprisingly fortunate day for you as Mercury meets Neptune in your sign; and with the Moon in stunning Scorpio you might just be reaping some of that good karma you've been so carefully sowing. Good news is in the wind. Even if it doesn't pay off in cold, hard cash, you'll know that your efforts have been noticed. You are one of the most selfless and generous givers of the zodiac, and it's finally starting to pay off. Fortunate colors are pale violet and rich maroon. Lucky numbers are 9 and 16.
Mercury heads into Pisces, as the Moon moves through your seventh house of marriage and partnerships. This helps you make a fresh start in important relationships. This may be painful and you may have difficulty accepting certain changes within yourself or someone you love. Under this influence you'll take more interest in clubs and associations. Fundraising, membership drives, blogging or newsletters may be on your to-do list. Sociable colors are blush pink and spring green. Lucky numbers are 11 and 25.
Dreams and visions could be disturbing, but if you take the time to analyze them, you'll find they're a great tool for personal and spiritual growth. Surround yourself with things and people that comfort you and avoid negative places. Real estate transactions, matters related to home or property, family business, and correspondence or short trips to visit relatives are coming up. Have you thought about collecting and restoring family heirlooms? Why not gather information on your genealogy or family history, or visit your childhood home. Fortunate colors are midnight blue and sunset pink. Lucky numbers are 22 and 31.
The Moon moves through Scorpio and your fourth house of home and family, urging you to tend to the home fires today. For better or worse, your home and the people in it are a big part of who you are. Research and financial matters are deceptive, but important as Mercury moves into Pisces for a few weeks, You may be kept busier than usual handling inheritance, tax or insurance matters, preparing investments, and funds for the repayment or collection of debts. Favorable colors are pale green and salmon pink. Lucky numbers are 4 and 20.
Get back in touch with your inner child as Mercury meets Neptune in sweet Pisces and the Moon moves through your fifth house of love and pleasure. Take part in your favourite games, sports and hobbies and you leave your worries behind, as life is too short not to enjoy all the sweetness it has to offer. Your intuition will be stronger than ever, and your lovelife might get steamy! Intuitive colors are champagne and blush. Lucky numbers are 5 and 9.
Love notes will boost your ego and the good ship Fantasy will rule the waves as Mercury combines with Neptune and the Moon lights up your sign. Some of your emotions may be overpowering, but try not to let yourself get carried away. On the positive side, you should be able to persuade others to your point of view with very little effort. Your charm and magnetism are strong. Advantageous colors are rich red and pale purple. Lucky numbers are 19 and 28.
It's a weird world, isn't it Aries? With the Scorpio Moon stirring up your depths, snarky Mercury dives into the waters of Pisces, bumping heads with Neptune in your spooky 12th house. Ugh. Information and activities are confidential, and you're not inclined to share your thoughts or ideas. Contact with people from your past is also in the wind. Messages may be very subtle or contain hidden meanings meant only for you. Follow your intuition, get in touch with your subconscious, and pay closer attention to your dreams. Propitious colors are aubergine and charcoal. Lucky numbers are 6 and 8.
Communication hots up as Mercury joins imaginative Neptune in your third house today. Since Merc is coming off a lovely aspect with structured Saturn, your life ruler, good news regarding your career is in the wind. This will be a boost to what you have already learned, and you may acquire knowledge or develop skills you missed when you were younger. Your attention turns to cars and other vehicles, computers, or mechanical and electrical equipment for home or office. Others will support your promotion or increased authority. Communicative colors are banana yellow and lime green. Lucky numbers are 21 and 30.
Someone may be working behind the scenes in your behalf or perhaps good karma is coming back your way. Money may come in from an unexpected source just when you need it most. Spiritual and emotional support may also be coming from places you least expect it as the Universe sends love your way. Accept the kindness of others and go on to spread good will. Beneficial colors are terra cotta and fern green. Lucky numbers are 15 and 29.
Some of you may be worried about the status quo as the Moon moves through Scorpio, your tenth house of career and status today. However, the magic of Mercury greeting Neptune in your house of finances will help you get back on track with an imaginative solution, so get organized. Don't fall for any tricky schemes. Prepare yourself for the rest of the week by organizing yourself. Ambitious colors are garnet red and emerald green. Lucky numbers are 8 and 10.
Mercury the divine Messenger skips into intuitive Pisces today then bumps into Neptune, powerful Lord of the Sea. Your imagination is on fire so get out there and share your knowledge and skills. You may seek information concerning spirituality, mysticism or the occult. Other discussions and activities relate to charitable institutions, prisons, or hospitals. Travel now may involve going by water or over water. Fortunate colors are cobalt blue and white stripes. Lucky numbers are 24 and 37.
With the restless Moon moving through Scorpio and your solar fourth house, striking sparks with Jupiter in your midheaven, prepare for tension or conflict between home life and working life. You may be hard pressed to find the right balance. Work around testy or difficult males. Mercury and Saturn harmonize today, bringing a touch of determination to your usual round of efforts. Your domestic or emotional situation can benefit greatly from what you accomplish. Fortunate colors are dark blue and yellow sapphire. Lucky numbers are 4 and 10.
Money is a burning issue today and you need to sort out your spending, especially if joint finances are involved. Don't punish your credit card and keep your urges on a tight rein. With Mercury and Saturn in harmony, you can get a lot done if you act with determination. Keep your own counsel and act judiciously in matters of money. Keep a leash on that fiery temperament as well! Prudent colors are coral and cream. Lucky numbers are 4 and 26.
The Moon simmers in Scorpio, your third house of communication, lighting a fire under Warrior Mars running retro in your sign. Thankfully, Mercury your life-ruler and Saturn harmonize, bringing the promise of assistance when you need it most. Whatever it is you've been working on or trying to complete, the efforts of others will assist you to get things done or advance them in some way. Get outside for some vigorous exercise before tension gets the better of you. Once you've thought things over, your mood improves. Fortunate colors are rose red and lime. Lucky numbers are 2 and 3.
Put the full force of your energies into play and you can accomplish miracles. Mercury and Saturn harmonize, with the Moon in intense Scorpio, giving you the drive you need to get things done. Cooperation with superiors or authorities comes easily if you lay your cards on the table. If you need to negotiate an agreement of any sort, you can succeed without resorting to your legendary diplomacy. Honesty will do it. Positive colors are yellow topaz and red garnet. Lucky numbers are 6 and 29.
The Moon is in Scorpio, so the atmosphere is more intense than usual, but you will get the opportunity to put your most serious ideas forward. Your lifestyle may be costing you too much -- financially and spiritually. Think about the hours you have to work to pay for something you want and then ask 'is it worth it?'. For some Cancerians there's tension with children and for others, a creative project may prove costly. Providential colors are fuchsia and lemon. Lucky numbers are 23 and 35.
Work and health are on the agenda as the Moon moves through Scorpio and your solar sixth house now. If you're putting in the work but not moving forward, you're not on track. The old adage 'cut your coat according to your cloth' is good advice. Be simple and purposeful and don't waste time with things that get no practical results. Radiant colors are vibrant yellow and dusky brown. Lucky numbers are 14 and 28.
The Moon moves through Scorpio, so something will surface that either allows you to go forward or blocks your progress. There's some underlying tension in the home and it may be about to erupt. It could be boredom or restlessness or it may be that something deeper is at work here. There are mixed messages or confusing signals from loved ones. Take time and care to sort things out. Gracious colors are riesling and garnet. Lucky numbers are 20 and 40.
The Moon moves through Scorpio your twelfth house, striking out at mighty Jupiter as she does so. Take refuge from the stress or inconvenience of things going wrong. Work may be trying because of mistakes or through difficulties with co-workers and health may be a problem. Muster your resources and energies and push through to the next level. The harmony between Mercury and Saturn will support your efforts. If you need to dig deeper into shared resources or your credit facilities, now's the time to do so. Protective colors are purple and pearl. Lucky numbers are 12 and 15.
The Moon is in Scorpio and your solar seventh house of partners and close associates, so if you can sort out any differences then you can work together to achieve your goals. Don't try to put aside the concerns or objections of others, though. Take time to discuss important matters. There's passion in the air; it may be passionate delight or there may be fireworks of a different nature. Whichever way things go, pay attention to those close to you and work to enjoy what's right or resolve what's wrong. Passionate colors are crimson and wine red. Lucky numbers are 18 and 30.
With the saucy Moon in Scorpio and your solar ninth house, you may feel the need to get out and break free from the constraints of daily life. However, as the Lunar Orb clashes with bright Jupiter, getting your freedom could prove to be tricky. Mercury and Saturn harmonize today, bringing the opportunity to put something together in your creative field. You can turn a corner now. Push through any blockage or barriers. Determined efforts will bring results. The more you take on at this point, the better you'll be in the long term. Fortunate colors are navy blue and crimson. Lucky numbers are 9 and 18.
The sensual Moon purrs in your sign, lighting a touch paper with warrior Mars. Things may be electrifying with your nearest and dearest, but which way the passion runs is up to you. Things could go up in smoke as easily as smoulder into romance. Communicate with each other. If you have any problems with legal people or folk from overseas, tread carefully. Don't let your lifestyle betray your beliefs. There may be a chance encounter for the single Scorpion. Know what you're getting into. Favorable colors are rich gold and lilac. Lucky numbers are 9 and 10.
As the Moon glitters in Scorpio and your solar eleventh house today, friends and your own hopes and wishes come into focus. Where are you going? What and who is important to you? The lovely lunar light also lights a touch paper with warrior Mars, so the temperature in those around you may run high. Watch relations with children or difficult males. Be inspired. Stimulating colors are aquamarine and burnished gold. Lucky numbers are 28 and 34.
Yesterday's dark moods lift and you begin to feel like your free and easy self again. The changing Moon will enter your fifth house of romance and creativity tonight, giving you a lift in the pleasure department. In fact, the next two days or so are likely to be the most enjoyable of the month as the planets stimulate you to relax and have some fun. Favorable colors are pacific blue and emerald green. Lucky numbers are 4 and 5.
Nothing will appear less attractive to you than the predictable today, dear Gemini. With the Sun, Moon and Mercury in harmony, it's the perfect day to court people and activities that will inject some excitement into your life. Exercise that bright intellect. There is stimulating news on the way. Someone you meet when you undertake a new challenge will add a sparkle to the day. Stimulating colors are emerald and neon. Lucky numbers are 5 and 9.
Be proactive today, Leo. Do something different: go somewhere new, change your take on life a little. The Sun and Moon are in a beautiful aspect, stimulating your intellect and strengthening your personal bonds. Your part of the bargain is simple enough... just a walk down a side street you normally ignore could find you discovering a new shop or cafe, or an enthralling new face. Step out and meet life full on. Fortunate colors are golden amber and deep plum. Lucky numbers are 3 and 7.
If you are still feeling depleted of energy, remember that it's always darkest before the dawn. During the last day of your low lunar cycle, find ways to refresh your soul. Buying fresh flowers for yourself is a wonderful pick-me-up, so is a treat from the local bakery. So often it is the little things that make all the difference. Give yourself permission to rest and relax today. Things liven up later, once the magnetic Moon enters your sign. Beneficial colors are avocado green and purple plum. Lucky numbers are 39 and 48.
You may be the recipient of many blessings today, dear Pisces; these could be financial blessings but they are just as likely to be spiritual. Most Pisceans know that the law of cause and effect works in their favor; as they give, so shall they receive. If you can bless others with your time, love, and money, it will come back to you multiplied. Have faith in the wisdom of the universe. Fortunate colors are mossy green and aubergine. Lucky numbers are 8 and 9.
Before the day's even fully under way, you could be drawn to an item which proves irresistible. Of course, there could be other wonderful items in other shops.... but can you afford to smile and keep shopping? Take advantage of the atmosphere, dear Virgo. Financial benefit is coming your way, and what you find today could be the key! Beneficial colors are sky blue and olive green. Lucky numbers are 2 and 9.
It's a wonderful day for Libra, with the Sun and Moon shining for you! The cosmos infuses a more positive sense of your own uniqueness. Your increased self-confidence and vitality make the circumstances in your life even better, especially if a whiff of romance is in the air. What a good day to enjoy the world and your place in it. Enjoyable colors are silver and blue. Lucky numbers are 1 and 5.
The day starts out on a high note, so Archers in tune with the cosmos will dance their way through the day! If you begin to feel uneasy tonight, not to worry, it's just the beginning of your lunar low cycle, which may drain your energy. This is Nature's way of telling you to slow down and recharge your spiritual batteries. You may want to schedule time for a long bubble bath or a massage from your partner tonight. Favorable colors are light tan and purple sage. Lucky numbers are 3 and 11.
Most Taureans prefer to work methodically, finishing one task thoroughly before moving on to the next, but there's not much chance of that today. Why not try exercising your versatility muscle - let's face it, it's not the strongest one you have, so it'll do you good. Good news is on the way and your partnership energy is strengthened by the Moon tonight. Use your imagination. Some of you are in line to receive a spiritual epiphany tonight. Excellent colors are duckegg blue and warm brown. Lucky numbers are 11 and 16.
What's new? It'd better be something interesting, and it's likely to come in a very interesting package today. Trip the light fantastic tonight, but not at the usual old haunts or with the same old people. Even if you can't be at the swishest or trendiest nightclub with the intelligentsia or show biz glitterati, you can be inventive, or, be adventurous at home. You're inspired and inspirational, tonight. Fortunate colors are dusky rose and parchment. Lucky numbers are 7 and 11.
After an excellent day of stepping up to the plate and socializing with the Powers That Be, you might be persuaded to go out tonight and have some fun. After all, even the super responsible Capricorn has to have fun sometimes. If amusements cost more than you would like to pay, set a limit on what you will allow yourself to spend. Don't let anyone talk you into doing anything you are uncomfortable with. Fortunate colors are crimson and ivory. Lucky numbers are 10 and 11.
You should be feeling six foot tall and bullet proof today. Many Aquarians will finally free themselves from an oppressive financial partnership or joint ownership. Isn't it amazing how a whirlwind of romance and sensuality can free up the best in you? Embracing a new relationship could give you the heightened vision to see an old friendship or partnership for what it really is. Study and travel is also favored at this time. Positive colors are ivory and jade. Lucky numbers are 1 and 9.
Just try to cruise through the business of the day and try to see each situation from the other side. You have to weigh matters up or put something on the scales to see how the balance is. If you have dealings with women of importance or authority, make sure you listen to what's being said, even if you don't like it. Serene colors are magenta and lilac. Lucky numbers are 12 and 44.
The Moon continues her sojourn in Libra and your solar eleventh house today, urging you to find the cooperative spirit and work in with the interests of friends and associates. The shared aim or goal will find you at your best and benefit you most in the long run. You may meet unusual or interesting people, especially women. Flow along with them and their ideas and see what you can learn. Favorable colors are autumn gold and garnet. Lucky numbers are 24 and 39.
You may be wavering as the day gets underway, trying to please everyone (not usual for you!) or trying to work around the needs of others. Spend time listening to the other side of things or trying seeing another's point of view. Later on, the mood shifts. For some Rams there will be a night of passion. For others, you may be restless or out of sorts. Find a healthy outlet for your energies. Harmonious colors are cherry red and charcoal. Lucky numbers are 9 and 38.
With the Moon sailing through Libra and your solar third house, it's time to talk things over with your partner or associates. It's a day where you can gain a lot from the simple exchange of speaking and listening. Hear the other side of any story. Put yourself in someone else's shoes and imagine how things are from their point of view. Enjoy a good old-fashioned chat and an exchange of views. Pleasurable colors are steel blue and fuchsia. Lucky numbers are 7 and 18.
Harmony and cooperation are the key words for you today, especially in your domestic and emotional life. Make an extra effort to get on with others and to resolve any differences. Give time to the shared tasks of the household and enjoy doing things as part of a team, even if the work itself is not that interesting. Put some effort into beautifying your castle: a few nice touches won't go astray. Harmonious colors are dusky red and sea green. Lucky numbers are 25 and 37.
If you concentrate and focus on getting things done today, you'll win by a mile. Never forget the benefits of team work: brainstorming and prioritizing tasks will see things running much more smoothly. Virgoans are extremely resourceful and with a little help from your friends or associates there'll be no stopping you! Profitable colors are chartreuse and obsidian. Lucky numbers are 19 and 28.
Fresh air and remote places may have something of an appeal. Some of you may feel like getting away from it all. If you have the opportunity to travel to the country then do so. If not, then perhaps you can content yourself with a vigorous walk or a round of exciting physical activity. You'll burn off some of the restlessness by staying on the move but the open air will have the most to offer. Stimulating colors are russet red and autumn brown. Lucky numbers are 15 and 20.
The Moon moves through Libra and your solar eighth house so you may need to examine financial arrangements, especially where joint or shared monies are involved. Get a grip on your spending as far as the credit card or the overdraft is concerned. Find out exactly where you are. Don't push the limits any further. Examine your spending patterns and see if you can change them for the better. Profitable colors are green topaz and red topaz. Lucky numbers are 5 and 11.
If you have to make work or health related decisions, give them your full attention: there may be more at stake than you realize. You will set patterns for the future with the approach your adopt now. Discuss important matters with colleagues or loved ones as they may present a different view or reveal another side of the picture. Emotional happiness is as important as achievement in work. Propitious colors are champagne and cloudy blue. Lucky numbers are 8 and 19.
If you have a favourite creative pursuit, now's the time to get to work on it. Whether it's that novel you've never finished, a visual project or an art or craft you love , get going. You can derive great satisfaction from expressing your creative side today. If work or obligations won't allow it, then steal a few moments to daydream or fantasize about what you'd most like to do. Pleasurable colors are scarlet and sapphire. Lucky numbers are 6 and 21.
It's a day for coasting rather than hitting things head on. There may be a lot going on around you but the best thing will be to stand back a bit and try to take it all in without doing too much. If you have a favourite creative pastime or spiritual practice, this is a good day to immerse yourself in it. If you don't have that kind of freedom then go with the flow and let the day take its natural course. Benign colors are carnation and almond. Lucky numbers are 10 and 26.
With The Moon still moving through your sign, this may be a day of some emotional ups and downs. Family responsibilities loom large. Emotional life will be a key matter for some. For others, there will simply be a lot to do around the home. Take some time to have a long hot bath or a little self-nurture. While doing so, make sure you run a check list on how you're feeling. Pleasurable colors are brown and orange. Lucky numbers are 22 and 43.
The Moon steps into Libra and your solar third house and she's moving away from a clash with sober Saturn. You're not your usual lively self, even though you think you should be: something may be troubling you or you may just be out of sorts. Consider what you need to say and then try to talk things through at a deep level. Don't skate over the top, all the while knowing things aren't right. Expressive colors are sky blue and silver grey. Lucky numbers are 28 and 33.
The Moon surfs into Libra and your solar eleventh house of friends, hopes and wishes. Seek out friends and companions today, especially those whose advice you can rely on or trust. You may be considering weighty matters about your direction or what you really want. There may be an important change coming up that you need to evaluate. Experienced people have something to offer. Harmonious colors are amber and silver. Lucky numbers are 27 and 39.
The Moon slips into LIbra and your solar ninth house, bringing your thoughts around to serious matters of ideas and beliefs. You'll mull over what's actually important in your life. Some of you will feel the need to get out and away. Others will want to try something exotic. Try a foreign film or a new foreign restaurant. Academics or people of status may be part of your day. Inspiring colors are copper and sea green. Lucky numbers are 21 and 38.
Money matters will be on your mind today as the Moon sails into Libra and your solar second house. As the lovely lunar light is coming off a clash with sober Saturn, it may be that there is a lack or deficiency that you're concerned about making up. Don't worry! A little careful management will get you where you want to go. Assistance from others fill in the gaps. Beneficial colors are honey and chocolate. Lucky numbers are 12 and 24.
The Moon cruises into Libra and your solar fourth house, coming away from tension with sober Saturn. There are important matters to consider in your emotional or domestic life and responsibility weighs heavily on some Crabs. Dealings with children or older people will take up your time and there are tasks or work to be completed. Some Cancerians just need time to reflect. Proper colors are plum and wine red. Lucky numbers are 17 and 26.
The mystic Moon is moving into your sign today, dear Libra. For some, responsibilities may seem especially burdensome. For others, there may be some tension in dealing with authorities or older people. Reflect on what's happened. Take a little time to spoil yourself. It might be the best means of getting away from the pressures for a while. Restful colors are blue grey and sunflower yellow. Lucky numbers are 19 and 37.
You might be moved to indulge yourself today but you may be better to take the path of restraint, especially where passionate activities or finances are concerned. If you're feeling restless or hard to please, you'd better off to look within and see what it is that drives you. Perhaps there is some deeper register of dissatisfaction that you really need to deal with. Insightful colors are mauve and charcoal. Lucky numbers are 16 and 43.
As the Moon cruises into airy Libra, partners and close associates want your undivided attention. There could be important emotional issues to discuss or domestic affairs to sort out. For some Rams, a child or an elderly person will be high on your list of priorities. Congenial colors are marigold and lime. Lucky numbers are 7 and 41.
As the secretive Moon slips through Libra your twelfth house, step back from the hurly-burly and seek some peace and quiet. Stay within and focus on your thoughts and feelings, for you have deep matters to consider. If you're at work, stay in the background. Creative and spiritual practices are best. Be prepared to care for others who need you. Keep calm. Serene colors are lavender and twilight blue. Lucky numbers are 6 and 11.
The ambitious Moon moves through Libra and your solar tenth house, coming away from a clash with sober Saturn. You may be preoccupied with responsibilities or obligations, but dealings with authorities or elderly people may take time and attention. There is little time for personal feelings as you work your way through the demands of the day. Problems are best discussed and brought into the open. Advantageous colors are rose pink and peppermint. Lucky numbers are 15 and 29.
The Moon sails through Libra and your solar sixth house of work and health today, so take time for exercise if your schedule is busy. Eat what does you good rather than indulging in what you feel like. You may have to work around the needs of others, but make sure you get your own tasks done. You'll feel better at the end of the day if you've crossed off everything on the list. Don't ignore minor health problems. Practical colors are red ochre and light brown. Lucky numbers are 14 and 21.
It may be a working day but the Moon in Libra calls you to romance, recreation and enjoyment as she sails through your solar fifth house. For Twins who have their freedom, make the most of some good old-fashioned leisure and pleasant company. For Gems who are bound by routine, take a little extra time for a nice meal or stimulating conversation. Give the evening to romance if you possibly can. Playful colors are shocking pink and powder blue. Lucky numbers are 5 and 9.
Venus the goddess is now moving through Aries, bringing social interactions that help with your career. Prepare for dealings with women of status or authority over the next month. Step forward, but observe diplomatic niceties. Mercury the Messenger clashes with Warrior Mars as well, which signals testing times with friends and money. Someone needs help, but you'll have to go out of your way to give it. Radiant colors are brilliant green and pale rose. Lucky numbers are 22 and 30.
Your attention will be on budgeting and money matters. Get your finances organized and make a new start with either spending or saving. Mercury clashes with Mars, so travel or communications could be disrupted by unexpected developments. Protective colors are vibrant blue and chartreuse. Lucky numbers are 15 and 41.
As Mercury the Messenger clashes with Warrior Mars you might be feeling impatient and a bit testy. Get on with the business of the day, as you'll have plenty of energy for that. Curb any tendencies towards excessive speed as they will probably bring you up against something hard or sharp. You'll have plenty of instant responses and good ideas but the follow through could be weak. Protective colors are russet red and autumn brown. Lucky numbers are 11 and 14.
Venus will be livening things up for the next four weeks. Spice up your daily routines and reinvigorate your methods at work. Make a fresh start with both, for you can expect a change among co-workers and friction with a female. As Mercury and Mars clash today, stay calm in any tension with family or partners. Work to resolve your differences. Beneficial colors are sepia and pastel green. Lucky numbers are 5 and 36.
As Venus moves through your solar twelfth house you need to step back from the hurly-burly and take time for your inner self. Focus on creative activities and/or your spiritual life and give some attention to a loved one in need. Try to see how your life is going, as well as where it is going. Don't take risks with love or money. Protective colors are forest green and apricot. Lucky numbers are 7 and 13.
Mercury the Messenger clashes with Warrior Mars, upsetting the apple cart in your solar seventh and tenth houses. Family and work obligations are a testing mix and there are likely to be harsh words: it may be that your partner is simply having a difficult day. Something could happen at the last minute to change arrangements, but don't be put out if things don't go as planned. Positive colors are chocolate and cherry. Lucky numbers are 19 and 35.
Romance and recreation call, so make sure you take time out to enjoy yourself. Work on creative projects, but don't fight with co- workers. Mars and Mercury clash so communications and daily routines could be subject to change or disruption. Don't act in haste. Travel with care. Calming colors are peach and lavender. Lucky numbers are 14 and 29.
Mercury the messenger is tested by warrior Mars now, so don't fall over your feet in your hurry to go somewhere or get everything done at once. Act quickly and instinctively but make sure you can tell the difference between speed and haste. There could be conflict with friends, and money might be at the root of it. Are you overspending as you race towards your goals? Rein in a little. Beneficial colors are bottle green and burnt orange. Lucky numbers are 12 and 20.
Warrior Mars clashes with Mercury the messenger, illuminating matters in your solar eighth and fifth houses. This is not a day for risk-taking or running on instinct, whether your endeavors be physical or financial. You may be inclined to 'go for it' when what's needed is good old-fashioned wisdom before the event. You can, of course, indulge your passions in the regulation manner. Providential colors are claret and rouge. Lucky numbers are 24 and 40.
You're buzzing with ideas and making conversation. Friends and associates will be on hand. It's time to cook up a new plan or scheme to get things moving. As far as today's influences are concerned, Mars and Mercury clash, so loved ones may be a little testy. Watch for accidents in the home. Pleasurable colors are turquoise and cherry pink. Lucky number is 23.
With Venus moving through Aries and your solar eighth house there over the next four weeks, you'll be looking for a little bit more of everything. Renewed passion is definitely on the cards and you'll put more effort into making those few extra dollars. You might be inclined to take risks at this time but make sure you take good advice first. Favorable colors are leaf green and wild strawberry. Lucky numbers are 9 and 18.
Domestic and emotional life may be in for a lift or a bit of excitement. Get ready to renew affections or your environment with some vigor. Mercury clashes with Mars, so keep a tight rein on your temper and on the purse strings. Children or lifestyle matters might be tricky issues. Meaningful colors are daisy yellow and brilliant blue. Lucky numbers are 6 and 13.
Venus the cosmic temptress blazes in Aries, awakening the urge for adventure and a desire for something different. Travel and independence will be very much on your mind over the coming month. However, as generous Jupiter receives a boost, some good luck is in the air, especially in your career environment. News from abroad, or in dealings with foreigners is favored. Make the most of it, even though the urge is to walk on the wild side. Admirable colors are radiant rose and emerald. Lucky numbers are 5 and 22.
The Moon in Virgo your seventh house of partners and close associates is making eyes at giant Jupiter, intensifying the emotional atmosphere. Vivid communications or big events may affect professional matters. Dealings with authority will cause tension or strong reactions. Let the emotions run their course then try to sort things out. Venus entering Aries also brings financial luck, associated with a bit of extravagance in weeks ahead. Ideal colors are indigo and pale yellow. Lucky numbers are 16 and 38.
Shining Venus your life-ruler moves into Aries, spicing up your romantic life as she travels there over the next four weeks. Some begin a new partnership under this influence. Others renew old affections. The Moon is in your twelfth house today, so it will be best if you can stay in a more reflective mode. Prepare for upsets as hidden matters come to light. Stay calm. Favorable colors are vivid green and dark cherry. Lucky numbers are 25 and 37.
The Moon dances with giant Jupiter, clashing with Pluto so there are intense or emotional communications today. There is a tendency to overreact and some Crustaceans will have to deal with strong reactions in those around them. Be careful of work-related accidents; relations with co-workers could be strained or prone to difficulty. You may receive news of a change at work, but as Venus moves to your midheaven, your starlight is shining in the boss's eye. Ideal colors are navy blue and off white. Lucky numbers are 9 and 31.
Allies play an important part in the day as the discriminating Moon meets giant Jupiter. Deep feelings and important encounters boost your hopes or dreams. Listen to the advice of friends and partners, especially where it's simple and practical. It's time to put harmony into your working environment. A new diet and fitness program, or other beauty treatments, perhaps a new hair style is in the stars. You could find love this month with a co-worker or employee, or even someone at the gym! Uplifting colors are vermillion and silver. Lucky numbers are 19 and 28.
The Moon in Virgo forms a good aspect with Jupiter in earthy Taurus, and a testing one with obstructive Pluto in your own sign. There could be strong debate or dramatic events and matters of law or connections with overseas may be involved. It's generally fortunate, but you may have to sort out your own ideas or beliefs because of what occurs. Inspirational colors are scarlet and purple. Lucky numbers are 5 and 9.
As the Moon in your sign forms the beneficial trine to giant Jupiter and clashes with Pluto, there could be some strong emotion at work in your life today. You're up and down with the force of it all, but something good is in the air. Travel is favored. There could be important developments in your emotional and spiritual life as well. Serene colors are lavender and white gold. Lucky numbers are 21 and 36.
The marvellous Moon awakens expansive Jupiter today, testing Pluto in your money house. Superb serves of solid luck are in the wind, but If eruptions over your responsibilities or dealings with authorities emerge, keep a cool head and negotiate any difficult situations rather than flying off the handle. It's time for major decisions with regard to career matters or your general role in things. Fortunate colors are royal blue and rich red. Lucky numbers are 6 and 23.
As Venus slips behind the scenes to your twelfth house, the Moon dances with Jupiter and sorely tests Pluto. Visitors and gatherings may set the scene for high drama -- some of which might be connected with children, or romantic connections. Don't push the budget and don't get locked into old agendas. Beware false flattery and ulterior motives. Love relationships from the past can intrude on the present in some way. Stay buoyant but maintain a practical focus. Craft or creative activities are favored. Fortunate colors are emerald and ruby. Lucky numbers are 5 and 12.
Lady Moon and Jupiter conjoin in Virgo and your solar eighth house today so, if you're tempted to go to extremes with spending, don't! This is a day to consider consequences rather than just waving the credit card at anything you want. You may be feeling energetic or restless, so let that out through healthy activity. Consider what drives you rather than just being driven. Expressive colors are carnation and white. Lucky numbers are 29 and 32.
Venus, goddess of love, moves into your sign now, driving passions and pleasures in the weeks ahead. You can race towards the horizon and take others along for the ride at the same time. Why not give yourself a new look or just a bit of good old-fashioned nurturing? Love is definitely in the air for some Rams and renewal of affection is there for others. An attraction for a work colleague is highly likely, but tread carefully with this one. Ardent colors are red and silver. Lucky numbers are 1 and 6.
The Moon in your solar fourth house dances with fortunate Jupiter, so your domestic and emotional life will be buoyant or changeable. Tension with co-workers may bug you, so you need to resolve these difficulties if you can. Venus moves into Aries as well, so the next month will see you making the most of your friendships and even forming some exciting new connections. Now is the time to find out what you really want! Beneficial colors are shell pink and plum. Lucky numbers are 4 and 21.
The blazing Moon comes to the Full in Leo and your solar eighth house, testing the Sun and Mercury. Something may come clear to you about your financial situation. You may need to look at the books and do a balancing act, because things are not what you thought. Changes are afoot in your career environment, as Saturn turns retrograde in Libra. Issues from the past demand to be resolved in weeks ahead. Look deep within to see what you are doing and what you really want. Be honest with yourself. Balancing colors are obsidian and . Lucky numbers are 9 and 18.
The Moon blazes in brilliant Leo as she opposes both the Sun and magical Mercury, so you need to redefine your goals in accordance with the results so far. With Saturn stationary in the heavens, creative projects need some disciplined work on your part, especially if your spouse or a partner is involved. Children could be tricky, but romance is favored with those who truly share your dreams. Plan a lost weekend with someone you love or doing something you really love to do. Inspirational colors are amethyst and gold. Lucky numbers are 14 and 42.
The blazing Moon comes to the Full in fiery Leo and your solar tenth house, challenging the Sun and gossipy Mercury. Prepare for a disturbance or disruption with home and career matters. Dealings with authority and difficulties with a strong female are likely. If you have misread the situation with loved ones, clear the air and talk things through. Something is at work behind the scenes that will be difficult to deal with in the weeks ahead. Propitious colors are white wine and scarlet. Lucky number is 2.
The bold Moon comes to the Full in Leo and your solar ninth house, testing the Sun and Mercury, bringing issues to a head that may change the course of your travels. Communications could be tricky or confusing, so watch that you mean what you say and understand what is being said. Take care while travelling. Your dreams may be blocked, as Saturn turns. For some, there may be inspiration. For others, uncertainty. Tread carefully. Prudent colors are chartreuse and chocolate brown. Lucky numbers are 24 and 27.
Lady Moon blazes in fiery Leo as she comes to the Full, testing the Sun and tricky Mercury, so issues in your emotional or domestic life tend to surge to the surface now. You need to think deeply about what you're doing or where you're going as there will be confusion or uncertainty for Bulls who don't have spiritual values in place. Make decisions about what is of real value in your life, or Saturn will have his way creating problems at work or in your health. Uplifting colors are oyster grey and misty blue. Lucky numbers are 11 and 33.
The Moon comes blazing to the Full in fiery Leo, illuminating your solar third and ninth houses of communication. There are strong forces at work, and for some Twins this may lead to a shift of ideas or beliefs. Some Geminians who've been searching for a new way or path suddenly find that things become clear at last. Be careful if travelling as there may be unforeseen events and consequences. Lucky colors are sparkling peach and pearl. Lucky numbers are 25 and 36.
As the Moon blazes to the Full in your sign, you could be in a bad mood. Something may flare up or come to the surface with your nearest and dearest. Close associates could be subject to emotional dramas as you want to take the lead and do things your way. This plan may not work as well as you would like... Sympathetic understanding of others will go a long way if you remember to apply it. Companionable colors are pale orange and coffee. Lucky numbers are 29 and 44.
The Moon comes blazing to the Full in glorious Leo, your solar seventh house. Partners and close associates may be testy or even a little eruptive today. Listen to what they say. Pay attention to how they feel. There could be a heated exchange but you may not understand exactly what it's been about. Travel, advertising, or religious plans and projects may be blocked, as Saturn turns tail in Libra today. The answer may lie with you rather than with them. Review your own moves in this light. Meaningful colors are honey blonde and charcoal. Lucky numbers are 1 and 39.
The divine Moon comes to the Full in fiery Leo and your solar sixth house, clashing with the Sun and meddling Mercury. If health matters trouble you today, make sure you get them attended to. Something could flare up suddenly. Your work routines could suffer and there simply may not be enough time to get things done. Financial developments are likely to suffer setbacks, perhaps through incorrect or insufficient documentation, as Saturn turns tail in your house of other people's money. Some may struggle, yet others may find inspiration in the stress. Opportune colors are blue topaz and marigold. Lucky numbers are 25 and 41.
As the magnificent Moon blazes to the Full in dramatic Leo and your solar eleventh house, you may find friendships are tested by current emotional conditions. Something about those around you causes you to step away, or vice-versa. As Saturn stations in your sign, you may have to alter plans for something you've been aspiring to as it simply won't work. There may also be difficulties with children, your own or someone else's. Calming colors are sky blue and silver grey. Lucky numbers are 23 and 37.
The Moon blazes to the Full in fiery Leo, illuminating your solar twelfth house. Spiritual insights and understanding surface, but they come through confusion or testing conditions, as unexpected feelings come to light. Work matters are subject to changing conditions or interruptions. Your health may fluctuate so don't wear yourself out. Financial developments may grind to a halt as Saturn turns retrograde in your second house today. Mystic colors are amethyst and silver. Lucky numbers are 7 and 22.
As the Moon comes to the Full in Leo and your solar second house there could be a sudden change or realization connected with finances. As the lovely lunar light clashes with tricky Mercury, change has crept up on you without you noticing. Be careful of dishonest dealings if you're financially involved with someone. Things may hit a wall in real estate dealings, especially if the family is involved. However, there's profound spiritual insight for some Crustaceans. Profitable colors are ginger and lemon. Lucky numbers are 26 and 34.
You may feel you are forced into a balancing act between your closest relationship and your business interests as the Moon switches from your seventh house of partnership to your eight house of other people's money. Savvy Cappy can handle it all with aplomb; spend a few extra minutes with your lover this morning and then treat your most important client or supporter to lunch. Stable colors are burnt orange and chocolate. Lucky numbers are 3 and 66.
The passing Moon activates your third house of communication, awakening confusing Neptune and stimulating Uranus. This may create an information overload. If you attend an important class or meeting, be sure to take notes. It will be all too easy to mix up messages under these influences, especially if you are taking any kind of medication. Go slowly and pay attention. Energizing colors are sky blue and lemon. Lucky numbers are 27 and 50.
The presence of the Moon in your ninth house of travel and adventure may have you running here and there today. You may want to sit down and plan your day before you leave the house; the more organized you can be, the better the day will go. In fact, the sooner you return home, the better. With the life-giving Sun in your fourth house of home and family, it is time to tend to your personal life. Polarizing colors are tan and olive green. Lucky numbers are 28 and 3.
It is time to check on your physical and mental health... when was the last time you had a physical examination? Have you been to the dentist in the past year? The Fish are famous for sacrificing self for others, but this often translates into poor health and dentures at an early age. Turn over a new leaf and be a bit more selfish from now own. If you don't take care of yourself, you won't be able to help others. Beneficial colors are pure white and passionfruit. Lucky numbers are 16 and 52.
The restless Moon drifts through your twelfth house of secrets and solitude today, making this a good time to recharge your spiritual batteries. Make time for rest and meditation so you can hear the small still voice that often gets drowned out by the noise of everyday living. If you are having health problems, consider alternative therapies. Be sure to get plenty of sleep. Uplifting colors are silver and bright orange. Lucky numbers are 18 and 32.
The changing Moon lights up your fifth house of romance and pleasure tonight, putting the emphasis on fun and games. The next two days are great for romance, so plan a special night. Your friends will probably enjoy your company as you are the perfect compliment to them now. You may even find that a friendship is blossoming into something more. Providential colors are cherry blossom and dark purple. Lucky numbers are 1 and 22.
The shifting Moon lights up your eleventh house of friends and associates, activating dreamy Neptune and exciting Uranus. Friends may become lovers and lovers seem more like friends under these influences. Creativity is high, so those of you in artistic fields should take advantage of the visiting muse. Children's interests are highlighted. Expansive colors are midnight blue and lavender. Lucky numbers are 8 and 36.
The Moon blends with nebulous Neptune to create some confusion today; do your best to be as clear as possible in your communication. You may want to double check your bills and make sure you pay attention to the cash register when shopping... chances are good you are about to pay more than the advertised price. Prosperous colors are strawberry and jade. Lucky numbers are 31 and 76.
With the luminous Moon sailing through your first house of personality, it is time to strut your stuff. Relationships and interactions with others are exciting and glamorous as Uranus lends a note of inspiration. Venus the love goddess turns your thoughts to the mysterious and sensual. You may turn more than a few heads on this smoky, seductive day. Favorable colors are charcoal and avocado. Lucky numbers are 6 and 44.
The Moon enters your seventh house of marriage and partnerships today, placing the focus on love. Over the next two and a half days, issues surrounding your closest relationships may come into play. The stress of the past month may have taken quite a toll, so be supportive of your most significant other during this time frame. Get in his/her good graces so that tomorrow's tense aspects won't break you down. Expressive colors are dusky rose and mushroom. Lucky numbers are 15 and 62.
The ambitious Moon activates your tenth house of career and status, placing more pressure on you to perform during the next two days. The presence of unpredictable Uranus in your sixth house may create a conflict for you at work; you may be forced to spend more time dealing with domestic issues than your supervisors care for. Auspicious colors are golden honey and navy. Lucky numbers are 14 and 17.
Problems at home may interfere with your job today. It may be that pressures at work are causing you to neglect your family; if this is the case, try to make time for your loved ones this afternoon. Many of you will find the emotional tension grows stronger as the day wears on. You may need to get some fresh air in order to repair your nerves. Make time for yourself this evening. Communicative colors are pale green and oyster. Lucky numbers are 5 and 49.
The Moon clashes with Uranus and Pluto so expect a change with regard to domestic conditions. Someone may go, or there may be a shift of interest in you or those around you. Your interests are sending you in a different direction from the accustomed one. Dealings with children may be tricky, but don't draw a line in the sand. Adjust your goals. Money may be an issue. Proper colors are apricot and almond. Lucky numbers are 12 and 43.
Your emotional and domestic life may pull against your work or responsibilities, pushing you to a point of decision. It may be time to set something aside as you put energies elsewhere. Only you can decide where the priority lies. For some, there could be an end or change with a current association. Others may find there is a loss in regard to private life. Either way, there may be no other choice. Practical colors are terracotta and . Lucky numbers are 8 and 14.
The Sun in Aquarius creates lifestyle pressures, but tonight the atmosphere improves out o sight as the Moon dances with Venus, your life-ruler. Of course there are limits as to how far you can push the envelope. Just take your time and don't blow the budget. If your love is feeling amorous, give in gracefully. Suitable colors are mink and cream. Lucky numbers are 7 and 24.
There may be a parting of the ways if you don't watch your step. The decisions you make, especially regarding friends and money will have significant consequences. If you want to make a stand or go your own way, then be sure you're prepared to make sacrifices or accept the inevitable outcome. Much of this year is about taking charge, especially where home and money are concerned. Independent colors are autumn brown and silver grey. Lucky numbers are 4 and 36.
There may be a little push and pull between home and work as the Sun in your sign clashes with the Moon. Things seem a little out of joint. Uranus and Pluto are under pressure, so work or obligations may mitigate your efforts. People in the neighborhood ask a lot of you, but don't be too amenable. Know the right time to say 'no'. Forthright colors are obsidian and gold. Lucky numbers are 18 and 38.
Money will be a crucial factor in dealings with friends or creative projects at the moment. You'll consider letting something go or bringing a cycle to an end. Someone you've been associated with strikes out in a new direction. The wheel turns and inevitably brings change so just make sure that you handle any parting of the ways with dignity. Watch for hidden costs if someone lets you down. Propitious colors are rouge and silver blue. Lucky numbers are 25 and 37.
Matters of conviction are important today and you may have to make decisions based on clashes between your own beliefs and the beliefs of others. This may set you apart, but it's important to gain inner strength by acting or speaking up for what's right, instead of just letting things slip by. You may lose a connection but you'll gain something important within. Favorable colors are olive green and avocado. Lucky numbers are 9 and 30.
The Sun and Mercury in your solar sixth house of work and health create some tension, but the energy picks up as the day flows on.. There are interruptions to your daily routine as co-workers or those in authority direct you down another path or claim your attention. Minor ailments or fatigue are likely -- rest and spiritual practices are the best cure. Proper colors are grey and brick red. Lucky numbers are 29 and 39.
If you're in a relationship there are testing times ahead with your partner. Either there will be difficulty between you or the pull of responsibility may take you in different directions. Be patient and don't let a minor thing become a major one. For some, your day may be subject to your partner's changing circumstances. For the singles, close associates may be difficult or absent when needed. Practical colors are salmon and burnt sienna. Lucky numbers are 27 and 35.
The Moon clashes with disruptive Uranus, bringing upsets or interruptions to your relationships through unexpected developments. A surprise turn of events or a change of circumstance may catch you off guard or cause you to make adjustments. Some may encounter someone who has a disturbing or unusual effect. Others may be listless or out of sorts. Work around the problems. Serene colors are tangerine and pale orange. Lucky numbers are 5 and 26.
You may need to take a break from certain people or circumstances today; this could be a short term decision for some Bulls while for others there may be long term consequences. If you find yourself at odds with either individuals or groups, ask yourself where you really stand over attitudes and values. Is there a growing rift or just intermediate tension you can ride out? If you remain calm it will be easier to make decisions. Gracious colors are royal blue and . Lucky numbers are 17 and 19.
Someone else's influence may disrupt or change the working pattern of your day. Communications could be problematic and travel arrangements may not be easy to keep. Be flexible. Think on your feet. Most of what happens will be minor. Take a few moments to consider that what stops you from doing what you want to do may be more important than you know. Is there a hidden lesson? Balancing colors are citrine and cinnamon. Lucky numbers are 11 and 28.
The Moon sails through Cancer and your solar sixth house so be mindful of the daily tasks that need your attention. Whether you're at work or at home, if you get on with the little things, the bigger picture will attend to itself. Keep a good balance with work and exercise. A walk in the fresh air will keep you concentrating. Take care of any minor ailments that occur. Favorable colors are grapefruit and ginger. Lucky numbers are 12 and 33.
The Moon is sailing through Cancer and your solar eleventh house of friends, hopes and wishes so enjoy the company of friends today. Discuss ideas and revise your strategies in light of what others have to say. Someone older may have a piece of good advice that comes home to you in time. If help is needed, don't hesitate to ask for it or to give it. Stimulating colors are navy and off white. Lucky numbers are 3 and 29.
The shifting Moon sails through Cancer and your solar tenth house today, coming away from a meeting with sober Saturn. There may be obligations that call on your time. There will be dealings with those in authority or with elderly people. Some of you will have to meet the requirements of the day with little time for yourself. Others will have to contemplate the burdens of the day alone. Meaningful colors are plum and ruby. Lucky numbers are 10 and 26.
The Moon is sailing through your sign, so your moods tend to fluctuate. Family or emotional ties may dominate, but it will be important to withdraw and rest, especially if you've been working hard. Try some self-nurture or spoil yourself a little. This will enable you to come back refreshed and renewed. Dealings with women or older family members feature prominently. Radiant colors are lilac and oyster grey. Lucky numbers are 20 and 41.
The Moon is cruising through Cancer and your solar twelfth house, coming off an encounter with Saturn. You may feel a little fatigued or want to step back from things take time for creative endeavors, spiritual practices or just a little extra rest. This is a good time to reflect on weighty matters. The answer you're looking for will come in time - don't be impatient. Composed colors are misty blue and cloudy pink. Lucky numbers are 11 and 18.
The Moon cruises through Cancer and your solar second house today so money and budgeting will be on the agenda. Don't think that you need to do anything clever or earth-shattering. Just get your daily finances organized effectively. As the sages say, take care of the cents and the dollars will take care of themselves. Your sign is inclined to be open-handed with money and you need to learn to be careful. Prudent colors are peppermint and white. Lucky numbers are 13 and 39.
The Moon sails through Cancer and your solar fourth house today, so emotional and domestic matters are high on your list of priorities. As the lovely lunar Light has crossed the path of sober Saturn, such things could have more than the usual importance. There are big decisions to be made and parents or older family members are likely to play a part in things. Don't be rash and take time out to reflect. Auspicious colors are apricot and sea green. Lucky numbers are 2 and 38.
With the adventurous Moon in Cancer and your solar ninth house, you may like to get away and have a little freedom. A new restaurant, a distant destination perhaps! As the Lunar Orb is coming from a meeting with sober Saturn, you may have matters to reflect on with regard to your beliefs. For some, the big picture may be looming large. For others, overseas communications or in-laws could be at issue. Expansive colors are champagne and peach. Lucky numbers are 5 and 26.
The creative Moon cruises through Cancer and your solar fifth house of leisure, romance and recreation. Try to kick back if you can and stretch out with some enjoyable activity. Creative projects are high on the list for enjoyment. If you have to work, then set the evening aside for some fun. A romantic tryst would be just the ticket. A good meal, a quiet evening and a loving companion will do the trick. Romantic colors are cinnamon and champagne. Lucky numbers are 24 and 34.
Partners and close associates are on the agenda today as the emotional Moon flows through Cancer and your solar seventh house. Give attention to your nearest and dearest. Heed the call of family and give what they ask. This is a day when time spent with loved ones will be necessary or invaluable. Those of you who are single may be drawn to someone, but test the waters gently if someone does appear. Pleasurable colors are forest green and deep red. Lucky numbers are 1 and 30.
The Moon glides through Cancer and your solar third house after crossing the path of Saturn, so you may have serious thoughts on your mind. There are important plans in the formative stages and you could have weighty matters to discuss with authority figures or elders. Take time to digest what's going on in your life -- the best results will come from deep thought. Prudent colors are almond and orange. Lucky numbers are 9 and 28.
Financial matters may be on your mind as the gorgeous Moon sails through Cancer and your solar eighth house. If you're tempted to push the envelope of your spending, resist. It will be all too easy to go over the top. There may be complex financial dealings involving older people, estate matters or those in authority. Understand what's going on and then negotiate a position for yourself. Practical colors are shocking pink and sky blue. Lucky numbers are 8 and 19.
Neptune heads out of Aquarius today, thank heavens, after years of confusion and deception. It's a subtle shift but stay solid, because an aura of confusion, yet perhaps also elation, begin to surround your personal finances. You may become more intuitive and even inspired as to how your income will improve. You may need to change your system of values in months ahead. Your values may get stronger as you come to realize that there are other things at least as important in life as money and material wealth. Look to the future and imagine possibilities as you're talking with your love.More on Neptune in Pisces. Benign colors are blue green and silver. Lucky numbers are 22 and 44.
As Neptune swims into Pisces, a new underlying cosmic influence opens up a new direction for the Bull. Make changes with the way you do things, for as time goes on you will have to re-imagine what you want from the people in your life. Love will be found among friends and associates, but it's a long term development. Keep your wits about you and don't take everyone at their word as the influence develops. More on Neptune in Pisces. Earthy colors are apache red and apple green. Lucky numbers are 6 and 23.
Neptune surfs into Pisces today, your seventh house of marriage, partners, and (gasp!) open enmity. It's a tricky new phase that will flavor the atmosphere for a long time to come. Be as patient and philosophical as you can. Avoid scandalous or dishonest people, or situations that could damage your reputation. It's possible to counterbalance the potential for erosion or uncertainty in alliances with a high level of spiritual and intuitive sensitivity, but nevertheless deception and delusion are in the wind, so be wary. Control any unrealistic expectations; you are vulnerable to false flattery and those who promise more than they can deliver. More on Neptune in Pisces. Adventurous colors are purple and rose. Lucky numbers are 12 and 25.
A cosmic transition begins as Neptune heads into the watery depths of sociable Pisces. Subtle elements of mystery, glamour, illusion, or spirituality in times ahead will see you demonstrating leadership, integrity, individuality and generosity. Find people to advise and guide you through confusing circumstances. High levels of inspiration, intuition, and spiritual awareness are there if you choose to tap them. More on Neptune in Pisces. Romantic colors are pearl and azure. Lucky numbers are 29 and 37.
Prepare for a move of cosmic dimension as Neptune heads into Pisces for a very long stay. Elements of confusion, disorientation or unreality arise, connected with your self-image. You may be unsure of how to satisfy your ego demands or where to direct your willpower. Swirling emotions are just not your cup of tea. A gradual erosion of ideas concerning home, family and childhood conditioning should be guarded against. Caution is vital when dealing with the real estate or domestic marketplace. Don't be deceived by family members in months ahead either.More on Neptune in Pisces. Fortunate colors are terracotta and olive. Lucky numbers are 19 and 38.
Today sees Neptune, the cosmic King of the Sea, diving into the waters of shimmering Pisces. Be wary. Romance can just as easily be treacherous, as well as inspirational and idealistic. Love is blind under this influence. The cosmic move is good in the long run for romance, but warns against taking matters for granted. If you have children, your relationship with them may see disillusionment and disappointment, yet can also see the creation of more intuitive, spiritual bonds. You may adopt a child in times ahead, or be forced by adverse circumstances to abandon one. More on Neptune in Pisces. Cooperative colors are satin pink and blue topaz. Lucky numbers are 33 and 35.
The Gemini Moon is really rather pleasant, but today Neptune moves into his cave beneath the waters of Pisces. It's a long term phase that brings a subtle realignment with your work and may mark the start of hard to diagnose issues with your health. This is a treacherous time for drugs, medicine, or alcohol since safe limits can easily be breached, or you may get adverse reactions. Don't be the victim of bogus health or diet systems. And don't be fooled by promises that seem too good to be true, especially among colleagues or employees. More on Neptune in Pisces. Insightful colors are scarlet and champagne. Lucky numbers are 9 and 27.
King Neptune, Lord of the Sea, slithers into his watery domain of Pisces, your twelfth house, Rams. The Sea Lord will be there for many years to come, so it's subtle a generational change and a major new phase. It's an unfamiliar flavor of mystery and seclusion that will set the scene in months ahead. As time goes on you may not have a clear sense of exactly what the trouble is when the cosmos seems to cloud your vision. It is better to concentrate on gaining greater spiritual or psychic growth under the new regime. More on Neptune in Pisces. Determined colors are crimson and forest green. Lucky numbers are 10 and 18.
The Moon's still in Gemini, so you are still full of wisecracks, but today marks a subtle change in your attitudes to your long range goals. King Neptune, moving out of the intellectual realms of Aquarius will be waving his wand in Pisces for a long time to come. Love (or at least fantasy) will be found among the Great and Good, so be ready for some sensual pleasure behind the filing cabinet. This can also mean you are more inspirational to others, more idealistic, spiritual and altruistic. A cosmic mood shift underscores your ambitions, but this is a subtle shift, and will become clearer in months ahead. More on Neptune in Pisces. Soothing colors are glass green and honey. Lucky numbers are 16 and 28.
As Neptune enters Pisces, a deep new phase begins, but you'll only notice it from time to time. Avoid jealousy and be ready to investigate the deeper side of life. Other people's money, especially shared funds, will become an issue. If you are intending to borrow say for a new home, tread carefully. You need to become more independent. < a href="neptunepisces.html">More on Neptune in Pisces. Propitious colors are marigold and lilac. Lucky numbers are 39 and 41.
Today marks a major turning point for the Fish, as Neptune, Lord of the Sea, dives into the Pisces pond. He'll be there for a very long time, so use this underlying energy for your benefit. The Sea Lord has been dogging you for years, but now his load is lightening. Consciously or subconsciously the images you project as time goes on are those of helplessness, glamour, and mystery. Attracted for reasons they may not quite understand or describe, people want to help and protect you. Isn't that sweet? More on Neptune in Pisces. Fortunate colors are caramel and green lime. Lucky numbers are 1 and 3.
Even if you have the blues, you'll bounce back up with a surge of emotional energy, as Neptune moves into sweet Pisces for the long term. Travels to plan, mountains to climb. There's true love amongst the emotional debris, perhaps with a foreigner. The cosmic shift may bring a more spiritual flavor, but it will certainly aid communication and a more outward looking approach in months ahead. Avoid fanatical and obsessive ideas, misplaced idealism and unrealistic schemes. Focus on spiritual awareness, lofty ideals and inspiring cultural pursuits. Roll on the revolution. Fantasy rules, okay! More on Neptune in Pisces. Nurturing colors are sea blue and shell pink. Lucky numbers are 2 and 28.
The Sun and Moon dance together today so cruise control will be your best option. You may be able to get what you want without even trying. Reflect on your hopes and wishes. Make sure you're not stepping away from important ideals -- be guided by them always. Time spent with a friend may well serve a greater purpose. Creative or spiritual contacts play an important part in your day. Uplifting colors are brilliant blue and silver. Lucky numbers are 14 and 29.
Home and emotional matters hit the spot today as the Sun and Mercury are active in your solar fourth house. Make sure you understand what's going on in your emotional life. If there are mixed messages or confused signals from loved ones, try to work out what's up, rather than hoping things will work out for the best. This could usher in a new romantic or domestic phase. Financial news is good. Radiant colors are rich red and twilight blue. Lucky numbers are 2 and 16.
With the Sun and Moon working well today, you may need to reflect on the path you're taking in life. Are you satisfied with your professional direction? Do you derive meaning or satisfaction from what you're doing? Only you can provide the answer. Dealings with authority figures should go well, but if you push too hard, they'll be frustrating or confusing. Mystic colors are amethyst and wild rose. Lucky numbers are 5 and 11.
The Sun and Mercury in Aquarius and your solar third house produce an interesting encounter. Explore what this opens up. Communications may move or stimulate you. If you feel uncertain about what you're trying to do or say, seek some benefit through the ideas or views of friends or associates. Your significant other will be chatty and helpful. Radiant colors are almond and wine red. Lucky numbers are 12 and 37.
As usual, you know where you're going with regard to money matters, Cap. If only all of us had your acumen. With the Sun and Mercury in your solar second house, good advice is there and your own ideas will be on the point. Dream big dreams, but make sure you can actually do what you're planning. Some of you may decide to spend more money on spiritual or creative pursuits. Auspicious colors are blue woad and charcoal grey. Lucky numbers are 20 and 41.
Keep an eye on your funds, especially where credit is concerned. As the Sun and Mercury are working for you in your solar eighth house, but your judgement with money depends on your access to concealed information. Someone involved in finance could leave you uncertain as to where you stand, but keeping your eye on the goal will win through for you. If you've been tested lately and are wondering what drives you, it's a good day to look deep within. Providential colors are aqua and yellow sapphire. Lucky numbers are 6 and 22.
The Sun and Mercury are active in Aquarius, your solar seventh house now, so partners and close associates are in focus. Friends are sure to lend a hand and you will find some great ideas concerning the realization of your dreams. You may meet a fascinating individual. Remember, every front has a back. Uplifting colors are blue topaz and jet. Lucky numbers are 19 and 28.
Different influences set different directions, but it's not unusual for the Twins to be pulled two different ways. The Moon in Gemini calls you to have fun and be your shining self, while the Sun and Mercury in Aquarius call you out and away, into the wilds or off on an adventure somewhere. On the other hand Saturn is a little grumpy, calling you to restrain your ego and work steadily on your goals, whether in love, or in career. You'll have to decide which one wins, the head or the heart. I know where my money is... Beneficial colors are poppy red and cherry blossom. Lucky numbers are 25 and 27.
As the Sun and Mercury are active in your solar sixth house there's a powerful urge to get on with the day. However, as Mars is retro in your sign, take it easy and don't try to get everything done, or your health will suffer. It wouldn't hurt to consult a traditional or alternative health practitioner. Things should go well with co-workers and employees, and the Gemini Moon says you can assume more responsibility in your career. Beneficial colors are mauve and pale gold. Lucky numbers are 36 and 41.
Creative projects get back on track as the Sun and Mercury are buzzing. Communication should be excellent. Trust your intuitive responses, but don't try to take control. Let life take its course. The best work today is that which does itself. Romance is favored, especially at a foreign fashion show. Children could be a joy: let them have their way, you'll love it! Fortunate colors are wild strawberry and dark wine. Lucky numbers are 13 and 18.
With the Sun and Neptune in your solar twelfth house, you may find yourself watching from a distance or hanging back. You just need a little time to absorb what's happening or simply to think things over. Inspiration or understanding comes as you reflect on spiritual matters. If you feel lost or out of sorts, let things pass in their own time. Good news is on the way. Suitable colors are grape and lemon. Lucky numbers are 24 and 30.
The Sun and Mercury are in your sign, so you may feel a new sense of purpose or aspiration, especially for those of you who are spiritually or creatively inclined. Some of you may have a touch of glamour about you. Your charm may be at its magnetic best. If you're feeling inspired or uplifted, don't forget to put the plans you conceive into operation, otherwise they'll just fade away. Stimulating colors are cornflower blue and forest green. Lucky numbers are 17 and 30.
The Moon clashes with Neptune as Mercury faces off with Mars, so routines may be interrupted by unexpected developments. You may simply feel stressed or under par and there are minor health problems that need attention. There could be tension between the needs of your work and the needs of your family Appropriate colors are honey and lavender. Lucky numbers are 12 and 31.
With the Moon in Gemini and your solar eleventh house, friends are all around you. There are sparkling connections and great ideas. However as the lovely lunar light also clashes with Neptune, there is tension in the air with partners -- and enemies! What you want or think and what others want or think are quite different at the moment. Resolve matters peacefully. You may clash with a talkative or manipulative female. Beneficial colors are caramel and cream. Lucky numbers are 14 and 28.
As Mercury clashes with Mars, you may find yourself dealing with a difficult individual, someone in business or in a position of authority. Don't allow conflict to develop: compromise before things get out of hand. Don't forget to give yourself a little RnR today either. You have some inhibitions about your freedom to play and relax but you can break through them. Your partner is under some stress so be extra loving. Playful colors are ginger and tangerine. Lucky numbers are 7 and 26.
The lively Moon is in Gemini and your solar seventh house, clashing with Pluto and Neptune. Expect an intense exchange of views or feelings with partners or close associates today. For some, the intensity of feeling will lead to a passionate encounter. For others, there could be a fireworks display. Make sure you work your way through any issues that occur. Intense colors are violet and crimson. Lucky numbers are 25 and 34.
The Moon sails through Gemini, clashing with dark Pluto and nebulous Neptune. A frisson of romance is in the air, but there are tensions in your circle as people disagree or decide to go their separate ways. It may be you yourself who sets a cat among the pigeons by putting your views forward too strongly. If you have clashes with children, try to soften them. Be careful of accidents in leisure activities. Rewarding colors are sea blue and rose red. Lucky numbers are 5 and 18.
The restless Moon clashes with Pluto in your sign, upsetting the apple cart. There may be minor health problems and work or daily routines will not go as planned. Just ride out the waves of the day's interruptions and keep yourself in a state of cool detachment. Work still needs to be done. Favorable colors are sunset pink and silvery green. Lucky numbers are 24 and 27.
Testing conditions at work make you feel troubled by responsibility. Nevertheless, sweet Venus is dancing with macho Mars, so romance is high on your list. If you're single, the world is your oyster, though if you are attached, partnership problems may stir, so be ready to put them to sleep with the sweet touch of love. Some conflict with regard to work and emotional life urges you to keep the balance as best you can and focus on getting through. After all, tomorrow is another day. Fortunate colors are coppery red and yellow sapphire. Lucky numbers are 14 and 21.
A touch of romance is in the air, but you might miss it if you're preoccupied. You may be wrestling with a money problem, especially where the credit card or overdraft is concerned, but it's hard to get the advice or help you're looking for. Sail your own course. Discuss important money matters with someone in the know. There may be communications from overseas. Beneficial colors are cerise and oyster. Lucky numbers are 17 and 21.
The Moon, Venus and Mars dance together as the Moon clashes with Neptune and Mercury teases Mars. This will be a testing day for friendships, but a great day for making romance! Ride out the stresses of any arguments and don't buy a car. If you learn from mistakes, you'll grow. Secrets or secret deals will cause problems, so keep everything out in the open. You'll charm your way through, but tonight is edgier. Take particular care in traffic. Fortunate colors are salmon pink and blue grey. Lucky numbers are 9 and 15.
Mercury clashes with retro Mars today, bringing tension with family members. Your best strategy will be to negotiate any important differences of opinion and listen to what's being said on the other side. If you don't take the views of others into account, things will end in conflict. For some Twins passion is definitely in the stars. For others, a brick wall -- just don't hit it head on. Propitious colors are red coral and leaf green. Lucky numbers are 6 and 23.
The chatty Moon breezes through Gemini and your solar eighth house, clashing with obstructive Pluto and deceptive Neptune. Make sure the figures add up in the budget. Don't let lifestyle spending get out of hand. There could be romantic tensions over money, but if you're careful and make sure you do your sums, you'll be happy at the end of the day. An erotic tango is in the frame for the Scorpion on the prowl. Prudent colors are violet and sunflower. Lucky numbers are 13 and 41.
The chatty Moon squares nebulous Neptune today, so social interactions don't run smoothly. You may meet friction or a block to your plans. Relations with co-workers could be tense and health issues could limit your efforts. Be careful with work-related travel. You may have to put aside social matters to fulfill responsibilities, but Venus and Mars are active, so romance is definitely in the wind. Practical colors are beige and tan. Lucky numbers are 4 and 16.

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