Pisces's Horoscopes | Female.com.au



Born between: February 20th - March 20th

Pisces can be very shy people who take time to adapt but once they do Piscean makes a valuable friend as they're helpful, unselfish and trustworthy; however they need to be careful to not be too generous or be taken advantage of in all aspects of life.

Praise you may receive this morning could make you feel on top of the world, Pisces, but try not to let this feeling go to your head. Stay modest despite the lavish praise that may be showered on you. By evening, you won't be able to get by on just talk alone. Actions will speak much louder than words and it's important that you have some sort of plan.
You're less optimistic and energetic than usual, Pisces. Your mind feels sluggish - your whole body does, in fact. You're either coming down with the flu or completely and thoroughly disheartened. This would be a good day to take some time off. Issues from the past may come back to haunt you. Perhaps you should address them once and for all.
You may find that you have a strong will now, Pisces. Once you get fired up to go somewhere, there's little chance that anyone can stop you. People may accuse you of being lazy or wanting to take the easy way out, but it's different this time. You should feel fired up and ready to move. The only thing that could get in the way might be someone's oversensitive emotions.
Someone, perhaps a close friend or partner, could present you with a small gift today, Pisces, possibly a book. There might not be any special occasion other than your friend thought you'd enjoy it. This can bring up warm and affectionate feelings. You'll want to spend a considerable amount of time with this person. You may think it's rare to find someone so sensitive and kind.
This isn't a good day to invest in anything. Don't spend much time working on speculative projects, Pisces, and don't put your money into anything but gold, land, or blue-chip stocks and bonds. You probably wouldn't lose everything, but it would be a long time before you saw a profit. Concentrate on what you know is secure now. There will be better days to wheel and deal.
Keep your mind open to any and all possibilities today, Pisces. It's likely that you'll encounter someone who imparts valuable information. You may not realize right away just how important this information is, but it could have a dramatic impact on your life. Be prepared for anything. This is likely to be a most interesting day.
This is a terrific day for you, Pisces, and you'll find that long-term trends are moving in your favor. Your sense of discipline combined with a little bit of luck is setting the stage for you to perform. The audience is waiting anxiously, and you have a great deal of humor, knowledge, and happiness to share. Engage in witty conversation and remember that life is an easy flow.
Keeping things in balance today might be tricky, Pisces, since your instincts may gravitate toward a loving, fanciful, peaceful situation. There's a harsh, warring force working against this position. Beware of this powerful energy that's self-centered and courageous. Stick with the things you know and don't stoop to another's level if it doesn't sit right with you.
Your imagination should be flying high today, Pisces. Words, images, melodies, or whatever your artistic media are probably popping into your head faster than you can keep track of them. Write them down, record them, or do whatever you can to remember them or you could very easily forget them. You don't want that to happen. Take time to do this no matter what else is pressing.
Get-togethers with friends or meetings with a small group, if possible, should prove informative and enlightening today, Pisces, although some of it may be a bit perplexing. You may have useful information to share, but you'll probably spend as much time listening as talking. Your friends may have happy news. Don't be surprised if day's end finds you more tightly bonded than before. Enjoy!
There's an extra spark in your eye that people won't be able to ignore. Today's a good day to get your point across, because you'll find people more open and receptive to new things than usual. Speak with confidence and you'll go far. It's important for you to say what you feel. If you don't, others will find reasons to walk all over you.
Recharge today by getting outside and stretching your arms to the sky, Pisces. Be proud and courageous. You have the power to turn an unhealthy situation into a positive one, but first you must get rid of all self-doubt. If you don't have confidence in yourself, it will be hard for others to have confidence in you. Make sure you let the world know exactly where you stand.
If there's something you've wanted to take on, Pisces, today's the day. There's an increase in your physical and mental strength. Dispose of any insecurity or lack of confidence and take the steps to tackle a project or goal. You have an innate ability to make sound judgments and this is what you need to trust. Take steps to get what you want.
Don't fear change, Pisces. Even if you think you don't adjust well, you have far more adaptability than you realize. Without change, life would become stagnant and lifeless. It wouldn't be long before you grew unsatisfied and bored with the same old thing. Try to see change as an adventure and a gateway to greater happiness and fulfillment. Trust in your versatility, too.
If you feel tired, Pisces, you may need to close your eyes and listen to soothing music. You work hard most of the time, so do your body and mind some good and just relax and listen to your favorite music. Even a few minutes will make a difference. You can always use the quiet time to plan if you feel you need to accomplish something.
Today could bring a keen sense of empathy and understanding, Pisces. Verbal communication is likely to be enhanced. Take advantage of this by talking through any problems or issues with important people in your life. Go to visit or call to work things out. Most importantly, express your affection for those closest to you by telling them straight out what they mean to you.
If you saw something in a craft shop or art studio that you'd like to buy but can't afford, consider making it, Pisces. Even if you don't think you're artistic, you could surprise yourself if you try. There are resources for novice crafters. They can give you the needed support and instructions. Don't dismiss your ability. Explore this avenue and see about finding a creative niche.
Enhanced determination could motivate you today, Pisces, giving you the zip to plow through your work. Finish projects that have been pending and think about what you want to tackle next. Don't hesitate to do something that feels complicated or big. You'll probably be able to handle anything, and it will feel great when you're done. Making the most of any opportunity. Enjoy your day.
You're able to assert yourself with more confidence than usual, Pisces. You should have a grounded perspective regarding your emotions. You aren't afraid to speak your mind in a situation where normally you'd only say anything that helps keep the peace. Other people may prefer that you keep things on an even keel, but you aren't working for them. You're working for yourself.
Some vast changes in your community could take place, Pisces. They're positive, for the most part. Today the news should spread widely, and you could be hearing about it from all sides - local newspapers, neighbors, and conversations on the street. The level of excitement in your neighborhood is likely high, and you could get caught up in it. Be prepared for some surprises.
Romance should be going beautifully for you today, Pisces. Your romantic partner looks especially attractive and probably is in a great mood. You might decide to attend a lecture together or plan a weekend getaway. Communication between you is open, honest, supportive, and loving. Don't let this day pass you by. Make sure you get together, if possible. This could end up being a day to remember.
Information that you receive from others and from within your own heart could compel you to participate in some ambitious projects, Pisces. They may be work related, connected with a group, or your own. You'll find them interesting, challenging, and gratifying. New opportunities to advance and express yourself could open for you. It's best to move ahead now or they might pass you by.
Today you might complete a difficult project that's important to your career. Acknowledgement of your dedication and hard work could find you more emotionally overwhelmed than makes you comfortable. You may have to make a special effort to control your feelings. You've moved mountains to get where you are, Pisces, so it's nice to be recognized. You deserve to celebrate tonight.
Miscommunication with someone from far away could lead to bruised egos, heightened emotions, and angry phone calls. It's best not to get drawn into a quarrel, Pisces. Try to straighten it all out. Changes in your neighborhood could cause problems with travel, so be prepared for blocked streets and heavy traffic. Walk - it will clear your head and get you where you're going more quickly.
Either your lover or a colleague is likely to be irritable today, Pisces, which you might find upsetting. Bear in mind that this person's mood probably has little, if anything, to do with you or anything you've said or done. Just stay out of the way until your friend gets over it. This isn't a good day to host or attend social events or even accept invitations. Wait until a better time.
If you're single, Pisces, love may come to you completely out of the blue today. The person could be standing behind you in line at the store or sitting nearby you in the park. Wherever you connect, don't be too cautious. Move ahead carefully, but at least get to know something about this person before giving in to insecurity and running the other way.
Mornings aren't usually your best time, Pisces. You aren't fully awake until afternoon. Try not to discount the events of this particular morning, however. More than likely, you'll enjoy your best mental clarity sometime before noon. Surprise people with an upbeat attitude and a solution for every problem that comes your way.
People around you are apt to be touchy, Pisces, so be careful how you interact with them. You'll find that they can see beyond any sort of facade and easily detect dissention within the ranks. Be honest about your opinion, regardless of how you think it will be received. This is your best approach to a certain situation, especially since the truth will surface no matter what.
You may feel especially lonely, overworked, and passionate today, Pisces, and therefore longing for the company of your romantic partner. But responsibilities involving you both could well be keeping you apart. This could be more than frustrating - it could make you gloomy. Don't let that happen. Concentrate on your work and finish before evening. You'll see your friend then if possible.
Catch the wave of activity that's spinning in your direction today, Pisces. You'll find prosperity and good fortune within your reach. Expand your horizons and connect with others intellectually. Hurdles will shrink to nothing as long as you maintain a positive attitude. It will be tremendously easy for you to make great strides in any project you're working on.
Your love life might be a little fragile, and you'll find that your partner is more sensitive than usual, Pisces. A more caring, emotional approach to a situation will help you form a better connection with your partner. Today you'll find that clear boundaries need to be established in order to keep things running smoothly between you and your loved ones.

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