Born between: May 21st - June 20th
Adaptability is a Gemini's greatest strength which has positives for the workplace. Whilst their affection and imagination provides more great qualities; the negative of a Gemini is that they can be pessimism however they thrive on others optimistic nature.
It could be hard to find your footing early in the day, Gemini. You may be better off sleeping in. Have a good breakfast and relax in the morning. By evening, you'll be refreshed, recharged, and ready to take on the town. Your emotions may feel restricted, which could make it difficult to fully express yourself. You'd be better off turning this energy inward now.
You're especially in tune with the environment and the people around you today, Gemini. Such sensitivity is new to you, and you aren't exactly sure what to do with the myriad messages that come into your head, seemingly out of nowhere. Even though this is outside your usual experience, try to accept rather than analyze.
You may find that someone or something is thinking or working opposite to the way you are, Gemini. This feeling is aggravated even more by a strong warrior force that wants to be recognized. There is definitely a squeaky wheel in the situation that desperately needs oiling. Take care of the basics first before you try to deal with the particulars of a certain situation.
Today you might attend a virtual group event of some kind involving your neighborhood, Gemini, possibly with a partner. You and your friend might take an active part in discussing goals for the group. You feel strongly bonded to everyone - your partner, fellow group members, even the community. It's a warm, fuzzy feeling that could stay with you all evening.
The need to attend to business or networking obligations disguised as parties could get to you today, Gemini. You may have been forced to attend too many of these recently, and now there are even more coming up. You dread going to a place you don't want to go, eating food you hate, talking pleasantly with people you can't stand. Decline if you can. Life's too short.
Tact isn't necessarily your strong suit, Gemini. No one would accuse you of being overly sensitive to other people's emotions, but today you turn over a new leaf. This "new and improved" you tunes in to the thoughts and feelings of others and responds in thoughtful, caring ways. You may be surprised at how effective this gentler touch can be.
There's a lighthearted, whimsical quality about the day that you might not appreciate at first, Gemini. You'll find that the more open and accepting you are of this energy, the more you can make it work positively for you. Use this feeling to balance the seriousness in your day. Don't get caught up in unnecessary drama that has nothing to do with your situation.
Wake up on the right side of bed, Gemini. This will set the tone for the rest of the day. Keep things positive and you'll find that the aggressive energies of the day work for instead of against you. Don't try to fight people who are so obstinate that they refuse to see another perspective. At the same time, make sure you stay open to other people's points of view.
Strange dreams, insights, or visions could upend your spiritual orientation, Gemini. These new ideas could have your mind going a thousand miles an hour and shake up concepts that you've embraced for most of your life. Think about it without making yourself crazy. What you're receiving is nothing more Earthshaking than information to consider and then accept or reject.
Today you might learn about new and creative ways to increase your income, Gemini, possibly involving technology in some way. So much new information could come your way that you find it hard to keep track of it, so make sure you take note of where you found it so you can consult the source later. Your mind could be going so fast that you need to take a walk to clear your head.
Be careful that you aren't acting in a way that you dislike in others, Gemini. You could find that you're slowly taking on the traits of the people you despise. Lighten up a bit and put a smile on your face. If you continue to see the negative side of everything, it's likely that other people will only see the negative side of you.
There may be a great deal of fuss over something that seems quite insignificant to you, Gemini. Try to see the beauty and importance of everything around you. At the same time, make sure you give yourself enough credit for being the person you are. Egos are apt to go through a bit of a transformation that will affect the way you react to the outside world.
With today's energy, you can take steps toward getting things in order, Gemini. Tackle desk drawers, closets, storage rooms, or filing cabinets. When you create order, you gain a sense of peace and personal control. Mental organization, such as goal planning, brainstorming, or scheduling, will add to this, too. Do what you can to clean out as many mental and physical corners as possible.
Feed your mind with new knowledge, Gemini. Visit an internet bookstore or read some interesting information online. If you have more time, visit the library, if possible, or explore courses that you might like. There is knowledge to be had everywhere you look, provided you're open to receiving it. People are often the best resource. Ask someone to explain something, if that's what you need.
You may find that today brings great physical strength and energy, Gemini. You may want to do some really challenging, physical work. This is the day for it, so why not go to it? Do some yard work or clean out closets, cupboards, drawers, and filing cabinets. Consider donating items that you don't use anymore or sell things online to make a couple bucks.
You might be really interested in getting out and doing something with the special people in your life, Gemini. You can thank the day's planetary aspects, which are conspiring to make this a perfect time to spend time together. Is there a place you're curious about and want to visit? Go today, if possible. Pack up the family and go for a fun day to check it out.
See about using your good relationships with friends and loved ones to get future group activities going, Gemini. You're probably feeling great, and the idea of socializing appeals to you. See about inviting people over for supper or cards, when possible. If you're feeling especially lively, some sports may be just the ticket to get you moving. Do whatever it takes to have fun and get some fresh air safely.
Don't judge someone just because his or her lifestyle differs from what you consider normal, Gemini. You may be traditional, but not everyone shares your view of relationships, work, or lifestyle. While this may seem hard to understand and even frightening to you, try not to be too hard on others. You'll be better off using that energy to keep your own life on track.
Be happy with yourself and others, Gemini. Stop trying to find fault with everyone you interact with. By criticizing what they do and how they do it, you could wake up one morning and find that you have no friends. By only seeing the bad in people, you may talk yourself out of relationships with them. Be careful about coming across as a know-it-all. It isn't your job to dictate or judge.
Today you could recapture the joy in life that you had as a child, Gemini. You're serious by nature, and feelings of joy are to be lived and treasured. You could be experiencing true flow. There might not be any real reason for it, so don't try to find one. Your imagination and your relationships with others could be enhanced as a result. Relish the moment.
Relations with family and other household members should be at their very best today, Gemini. If you see colleagues outside of work, they could also be congenial and supportive. This might stem from the fact that the lines of communication between you are wide open and you've reached a new understanding. Keep this going. It can only benefit everyone involved.
Have you wanted to move in a new direction, Gemini? If so, this could be when you get the lead of a lifetime. You might receive unexpected information indicating possible new sources of income to pursue on your own. New opportunities are going to come that could make a big difference in your lifestyle and catapult you to a higher socioeconomic bracket. Make the most of it all.
Emotional discussions with your partner could move you to tears, Gemini. You've overcome any difficulties and probably reached a new understanding. Any relationship or friendship started or advanced now shows promise of being strong and lasting. Your basic inclination will be to control your feelings, but don't be afraid to show them. It's OK at times like this.
Someone is keeping secrets from you. We all have private issues, Gemini, but this situation affects you. Your intuition will probably tell you who the person is. Try to get them to open up without exerting pressure. Unfinished tasks could drive you crazy. You may try to race through them, which can cause too much stress. Get the crucial ones done and let the others go. Relax with a movie tonight.
Pressure to get unfinished tasks completed and new ones begun causes emotions to run high, Gemini. Everyone, including you, is likely to feel tired and stressed, and quarrels may erupt. It might be best if you focus on the tasks at hand and ignore the petty squabbles that crop up around you. This will keep your blood pressure down and reassure those you want to impress.
An unexpected letter could arrive today, Gemini, with a check enclosed, perhaps a gift, bonus, or offer to make more money. This might be a welcome break, possibly coming at a time when you really need it. If it's work, don't worry about the time involved. You'll be able to finish it quickly and efficiently. It might lead to more offers in the future.
Prepare for a surprise today, Gemini. Perhaps it will come from someone else or perhaps it will come from you. Either way, by evening you're apt to be feeling quite lovey-dovey and rather spaced out. Give in to the lethargic attitude that might sweep over you. This is your time to play, so put work aside and have a good time while letting your emotions dictate your actions.
You may feel like a skipping record, Gemini. You've been scratched and mistreated, and now you continue to repeat the same thing over and over until you've driven your point home. This isn't your doing, so don't be concerned if you hear protests that you're sending others over the edge. This may be the very thing necessary for all of you to advance to the next step.
A temporary delay in receiving some expected funds might force you to postpone a much-needed purchase, Gemini. Don't make yourself crazy over this. It isn't worth the stress. The delay is disheartening, but it isn't a cancellation. Your money will arrive, and you'll be able to go ahead with your plans. In the meantime, keep yourself busy. Hang in there.
What seems like the perfect plan today may not necessarily seem like the perfect plan tomorrow, Gemini. Don't put all your eggs in one basket. There's an expansive feeling in the air that's working to catch you up in its net and pull you into its plan. Beware of get-rich-quick schemes. The wool could get pulled over your eyes on a day like this.
You may be at a rather climactic point now in the department of love and beauty, Gemini. Your creative levels are peaking, and you might feel a strong urge to create something on a giant canvas. Realize that discipline is needed to get those artistic juices flowing. Don't let fear stop you. Initiate your dreams and let the details fall into place later.