Sagittarius's Horoscopes |



Born between: Nov 22nd - Dec 21st

Often bitten by the travel bug those born under the Sagittarius sign are independent and always have a optimistic stance on life. However they need to be patient to not expect miracles while chasing their next positive outcome.

A special relationship needs a helping hand during the next two weeks. Maybe you've got to have a quiet word with this person so you can sort out a minor niggle or reach a better understanding with them. Alternatively, the coming fortnight may mark a watershed in your relationship as it moves from one stage to another. Dynamic colors are dark red and sunflower yellow. Lucky numbers are 28 and 14.
You're full of big ideas and you can't wait to tell everyone all about them, whether they want to listen or not. Right now you're absolutely bursting with enthusiasm and optimism, so you may be tempted to make promises that seem entirely possible at the moment but which may turn out to be impossible to fulfil in the long run. Fortunate colors are amber and jade. Lucky numbers are 9 and 45.
If you're feeling rather fragile, you are likely to put the worst possible interpretation on any problems with loved ones. You'll tell yourself that they've gone off you, found someone else or simply think you're boring. It's much more likely that they've got other things to do right now but that they love you just as much as ever. Feeling any better? Fortunate colors are shimmering gold and chocolate. Lucky numbers are 10 and 66.
This is a great day to have the courage of your convictions and push ahead with your aspirations for the future. Don't allow yourself to be deterred by anyone who doesn't share your enthusiasm. It's also brilliant for holding your own in a group of strangers or for breaking the ice with someone. Adventurous colors are burgundy and silver. Lucky numbers are 12 and 60.
You've definitely got your head screwed on the right way today, which is just what you need if you're reviewing your progress so far in your career and then deciding what to do next. It will help to talk to someone who has the experience and intelligence to understand what you're going through and possibly give you some helpful pointers. Propitious colors are mother of pearl and dark green. Lucky numbers are 14 and 54.
Part of the backdrop of your life changes from today, and during the next year it will emphasize your hopes and dreams for the future. What seems like nothing more than a pipe dream at the moment could become a glorious reality. Friends will also play a big role in your life, bringing you lots of laughter and happiness. Uplifting colors are blueberry and caramel. Lucky numbers are 34 and 5.
Throw yourself into your social life today because it's exactly what you're in the mood for. You need to put your ambitions on the back burner for a day and relax a little instead. It's a great opportunity to widen your social horizons by joining a new club or organization, because you never know who you might meet as a result. Prosperous colors are teal blue and pearl. Lucky numbers are 5 and 10.
A little magic takes place today, when you reach an important turning point in your life and take the right road for you. You may not be aware of this at the time, but later on you'll look back and marvel that some inner instinct pointed you in the right direction. You will also get a lot of meaning and comfort now from a spiritual, mystical or religious experience. Bold colors are bright red and jet black. Lucky numbers are 25 and 37.
Someone seems determined to tell you what to think today. They're busy pushing their opinions down your throat, whether you want to hear them or not, and then they expect you to swallow them wholesale. But you aren't going to, are you? There may be a lot of commonsense in what this person is telling you but right now you aren't interested in listening to any of it. Don't be too stubborn about this or you'll miss some pearls of wisdom. Receptive colors are dusky pink and silvery blue. Lucky numbers are 23 and 33.
You're in a very expansive and optimistic mood today, especially when you consider your current prospects and chances of success. Even though it might seem as though everything is in the bag, some details still need attention and you don't want to trip yourself up by being complacent, lazy or over-confident. Nevertheless, you're capable of great things right now. Prosperous colors are snow white and dark pink. Lucky numbers are 5 and 51.
You aren't being nearly as objective as you'd like to think today, so bear that in mind if you start to attract lots of trouble and strife. You may be acting in a very defensive or aggressive way, even if you aren't aware of it, or you might take a very self-centered view of a current difficulty. Luckily this mood won't last long but you should try to control it in the meantime. Creative colors are spring green and warm brown. Lucky numbers are 18 and 41.
You've been working very hard during the past few days and now you need a break. Although you'll be reluctant to come to a full stop, nevertheless you'll be much more impressive in the days ahead if you can recharge your batteries at some point today. It may also help to have an in-depth chat with someone who has your best interests at heart. Soothing colors are primrose and lavender. Lucky numbers are 13 and 14.
This going to be a really successful day, especially if you're able to pace yourself and exert exactly the right amount of effort for each task. Once again you're very effective and capable, which will impress everyone around you. You will also get a very good idea of what is and isn't possible, so there will be no risk of wasting your time on impossible goals. Positive colors are peach and avocado. Lucky numbers are 19 and 27.
You're feeling purposeful and businesslike, and you don't want to muck about or waste time. Instead, you'll want to organize your day in the most efficient way possible, so you don't have to backtrack or do anything twice. Ideally, you should work by yourself now because you'll appreciate a little peace and quiet. You need to be able to think without being interrupted. Dynamic colors are ochre and kiwifruit. Lucky numbers are 34 and 5.
Today's New Moon will affect your long-term goals during the coming fortnight, giving them fresh impetus and energy. This will be the perfect time to launch a new venture that's designed to put your name on the map. It will also be a great opportunity to take any action that will enhance your job prospects or increase your reputation. Creative colors are caramel and violet. Lucky numbers are 15 and 78.
You'll enjoy chatting to other people today, especially if you're talking to some kindred spirits. The conversation could soon turn to topics that have particular significance for you, and you'll want everyone to agree with what you're saying. Don't be offended or upset if they have their own opinions. Instead, listen to what they say because you could learn something important. Auspicious colors are champagne and charcoal grey. Lucky numbers are 29 and 15.
If you like the idea of making your mark on the world, you have the energy and stamina, and your confidence is boosted by recent achievements. However, try to guard against a tendency to be impatient if you don't get instant results, or if other people aren't nearly as excited about your plans as you are. Fortunate colors are gold and teal blue. Lucky numbers are 20 and 21.
Everything seems to be up in the air so you don't know whether you're coming or going. Plans may have to be changed at the last minute, calling for an adaptable attitude. Be careful if you're in the middle of a property deal or home improvement project because accidents and silly mistakes are more than likely right now. Court decisions tend to have unexpected or unusual outcomes or be reversed in your favor. Fortunate colors are kiwifruit and pineapple. Lucky numbers are 33 and 27.
If you're currently proposing any sort of change in your life, someone may feel threatened by what you're proposing because it goes against everything they're used to. Your ability to paint a rosy picture of the way things are meant to be is boosted, and valuable overseas connections are in the frame. Should you stick to your guns? Only you will know the answer, but a little flexibility would help. Beneficial colors are purple and strawberry. Lucky numbers are 9 and 10.
It's best not to believe everything you hear today, because someone could easily get their facts confused. There's also a chance that they may be carried away by the emotional power of what they're saying, and end up placing undue emphasis on some things, and ignoring others completely. A good attempt at propaganda -- try not to fall for it. Grounding colors are beige and hazelnut. Lucky numbers are 25 and 43.
You could easily be drawn into a major personality clash today, involving some form of power struggle or battle of wills. It won't be pleasant, but you'll soon realize that you can't let this person walk all over you now - otherwise they'll do it again any time they want. However, you will have to know when to step back from making the situation completely intractable. Empowering colors are sapphire blue and emerald green. Lucky numbers are 14 and 6.
Come to grips with bureaucratic and financial matters today, especially if you want to sort them out once and for all. You shouldn't have too much trouble about this because you'll manage to speak to people who are helpful and intelligent. If you haven't talked to an older friend or relative recently, make contact with them now so you can find out how they are. Favorable colors are green and black. Lucky numbers are 14 and 67.
With the Moon dancing with your life-ruler, noble Jupiter, in your seventh house, the benefits of working together with a partner or significant other are excellent. Even if there is some ego-conflict, the cosmos is keen to show you some good fortune today. Good news from abroad may come to or via your spouse or partner. Legal matters should go well. Positive colors are apricot and ebony. Lucky numbers are 16 and 23.
Someone is too big for their boots today -- busy boasting about their achievements or blowing their own trumpet. Although this may be rather irritating they don't mean any harm by it. Don't be drawn into a competitive conversation in which you vie with each other to see who's the most successful, or who has the most money. Fortunate colors are aqua and peach. Lucky numbers are 3 and 18.
Romance, marriage, or any cooperative venture involving a foreign country or someone of another culture or race is stimulated, as Venus sweeps into Leo today. Issues connected with a second marriage, or a court decision may also arise, but you might also be thinking about travel, spiritual development and even a bit of self-promotion. Excellent colors are amethyst and champagne. Lucky numbers are 9 and 23.
If you're having a get together, pull out all the stops to make sure they all have a good time. If that means spending more money than you'd intended on food and drink, it's all in a good cause. If you're doing the catering yourself, you might just provide enough food for an army. How generous! Dynamic colors are cornflower blue and sunflower yellow. Lucky numbers are 7 and 9.
Keep track of your belongings today, or you could waste a lot of time hunting for them. For instance, you might lose your doorkeys and spend ages searching for them, only to discover that they were in your pocket all the time. You're feeling absent-minded and over- emotional, so there's plenty to distract you from your mundane activities. Beneficial colors are pale green and shimmering silver. Lucky numbers are 3 and 15.
This is one of those days when everything seems to go right. People are cooperative, colleagues are friendly and even bosses are considerate. There's plenty to smile about if you're participating in a discussion or meeting, because you'll find it easy to get your point across. You'll also do well if you're attending a job interview or salary review. Ambitious colors are gold and purple. Lucky numbers are 9 and 62.
You'll have something to celebrate when you hear good news about a future job prospect or a long-term ambition. Love could also be in the air between you and someone who's influential, highly regarded and possibly even rich. You are entering a period when you are likely to seek, or be given, a public forum of some kind in which to express your ideas or share your knowledge and skills. Favourable colors are caramel and blackberry. Lucky numbers are 21 and 23.
Are you eager to show a certain person you're on side right now, especially if you think they're being treated unfairly for some reason. You might want to give your emotional support or encourage them yet again to tell you all about it. They'll appreciate knowing that they have your backing. Beneficial colors are smoky quartz and dark pink. Lucky numbers are 29 and 66.

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