Libra's Horoscopes |



Born between: Sep 23rd - Oct 22nd

Convincing and charming are the best characteristics of someone born under the Libra star sign. When they overcome shyness those with the Libra sign are great debaters who will always share credit for their wins.

Your relationships come under the spotlight today, and you'll have to pay extra attention to them during the next two weeks as well. If life with a certain person has been tricky recently then matters are about to reach crisis point, leaving you with no option but to take action. You must be decisive but don't over-react or issue ultimatums that are unrealistic or unfair. Ideal colors are deep purple and cherry blossom. Lucky numbers are 24 and 56.
You're full of optimism and enthusiasm today, which propels you forward at the rate of knots. You may be in such a hurry to achieve things that you end up slowing yourself down because your hands can't operate as quickly as your brain. Big ideas that come to you now seem irresistible and some of them will be strokes of genius, but you must resist the urge to rush in where angels fear to tread. Being impulsive is one thing, being foolish quite another. Opportune colors are blossom and honeycomb. Lucky numbers are 10 and 27.
It feels as though the wind has gone out of your sails, and you aren't nearly so sure of yourself as you were yesterday. The situation may be worsened by someone who wants you to err on the side of caution because they don't want to see you come a cropper. Alternatively, they may feel threatened by the progress you're making and want to stop you in your tracks. Auspicious colors are amethyst and smoky quartz. Lucky numbers are 28 and 45.
The events that are taking place at the moment are exciting and energizing, and they'll give a boost to your self-esteem. However, it's very important that you operate within your limitations today, even though this may seem like a boring cop-out. If you over-estimate your abilities you're liable to fall flat on your face, and that won't do your ego any favors at all. Positive colors are silvery grey and burgundy. Lucky numbers are 28 and 38.
The emphasis is on your personal life at the moment and it increases still further from today. You'll feel almost invincible at times, and will be determined to make your mark whenever possible. This will be great for pushing yourself further than usual, but make sure you know when to hold back or bide your time. Empowering colors are ivy green and dark gold. Lucky numbers are 12 and 5.
A surge of optimism and enthusiasm sweeps through your life, filling you with increased vitality and dynamism. This will help you to get many new schemes off the ground and it will also give you more confidence in your everyday life. In fact, your world is going to expand in many different ways. Beneficial colors are violet and apricot. Lucky numbers are 33 and 27.
Your social life promises to bring you all sorts of good things today, including a great big helping of love. A special person might make your day by making a huge fuss of you or buying you a present, or you could have a fantastic time with some of your favourite people. It's also a good day for giving full rein to some of your creative abilities. Inspirational colors are cornflower blue and lemon. Lucky numbers are 14 and 58.
There's a very powerful rapport between you and a friend, neighbor or close relative today. You might have a very important or significant conversation, or realize that you understand one another a lot more than you first thought. If you belong to a group or society and you're hoping to introduce some changes to it, this is an excellent day to set the ball rolling. Harmonious colors are shell pink and blueberry. Lucky numbers are 3 and 55.
Your levels of confidence, energy and initiative start to rise today, and you'll really shine during the coming four weeks. You've taken a back seat in so many ways recently, but now you're ready to claim your place in the world again and to shine whenever possible. So work out what you want to achieve and then get cracking on it. Dynamic colors are silver and gold. Lucky numbers are 37 and 6.
Do you believe in guardian angels? Whether you do or not, it seems that someone or something is looking out for you right now. You might have a lucky escape from a difficult situation, or an opportunity could land in your lap without any effort on your part. Do your best to appreciate your good fortune, rather than to think it means that you're bulletproof. Favorable colors are aqua and golden yellow. Lucky numbers are 9 and 70.
The more agitated you become today, the more likely you are to blurt things out in the heat of the moment that would have been better left unsaid. This could be anything from a piece of gossip that you were trying not to spread, to a sarcastic comment that really hits home. Don't be too embarrassed to apologize the moment you realize what you've done. Subtle colors are ice blue and lavender. Lucky numbers are 22 and 48.
Have a think about your values in life. Are you able to honor them in your day-to-day life or do you have to make certain compromises in order to make a living? For instance, you might be a vegetarian who has to work in a burger bar. Are you happy with the way things are? If not, it's time to consider what you're going to do about it. Adventurous colors are ebony and ivory. Lucky numbers are 1 and 71.
Be very careful regarding matters of the heart today. You can be idealistic at the best of times and right now you've definitely got stars in your eyes. This means you might persuade yourself that someone is nuts about you when they don't really care about you one way or the other. But if you're with someone who truly loves you, you'll have a very heady and romantic experience. Favorable colors are ice blue and charcoal grey. Lucky numbers are 39 and 52.
A strong current of realism is running through you, enabling you to face up to whatever is happening in your life at the moment and decide what you're going to do about it. It may help to discuss things with someone whose opinions you value, although you'll be just as happy to thrash things out by yourself. Either way, you'll get a real sense of satisfaction from the day's events. Strong colors are dark red and navy. Lucky numbers are 13 and 47.
During the coming fortnight you'll really benefit from spending time alone, especially if you're mulling things over and looking deeply into your life. You might even become interested in some form of meditation that helps you to do this, or you could be drawn to a contemplative religion that seems to offer you the peace and support that you crave at the moment. Fortunate colors are mahogany and sable. Lucky numbers are 17 and 27.
You're in need of some escapism today. Lose yourself in a favourite book, watch an engrossing film or take yourself off to some beautiful surroundings so you drink in the atmosphere. Speaking of drink, you should avoid the temptation to sink too much alcohol now. You'll end up regretting it, although it might seem like a good idea at the time. Dreamy colors are gossamer pink and shimmering pearl. Lucky numbers are 31 and 3.
Is something bugging you? Maybe you're trying not to hurt someone's feelings by getting angry, or you're feeling guilty about finding fault with a current situation. This may be very commendable but you still need to find a constructive outlet for your pent-up emotions, otherwise they're likely to fester and nag away at you. Positive colors are ivory and burgundy. Lucky numbers are 37 and 42.
You don't have much patience today, especially if you're at work, but don't throw in the towel when things get tough. You are likely to be more concerned with personal aspirations and happiness and the social aspects of romance may also be on your agenda. Joining organizations and participation in group activities can be very rewarding. Soothing colors are ochre and dark green. Lucky numbers are 11 and 7.
You have the ability to create positive and long-lasting changes in your life today, so make it happen. A situation isn't very positive or it's outlived its usefulness, but the cosmos wants you to be happy. Remember, certain people want to preserve the status quo, but what do your dreams say?. Beneficial colors are peacock blue and chocolate. Lucky numbers are 11 and 44.
It's difficult to keep track of your feelings today, which could lead to confusion or mixed messages. You're often susceptible to what's going on around you, but don't be unduly influenced by the mood of whoever you talk to. Are you trying to pretend that certain problems don't exist? There's no point in convincing yourself that something is true when you know deep down that it's false. Empowering colors are apricot and sunflower yellow. Lucky numbers are 20 and 69.
There will be times when you feel positively tongue-tied. Maybe the right words won't come or you'll be reluctant to say what you think. You'll also want to keep many things to yourself, making you seem rather private and self-contained. It may help to explain your current mood to anyone who's likely to be strongly affected by it, such as a family member, friend or associate. Fortunate colors are lemon and smoky quartz. Lucky numbers are 11 and 15.
Stick to your own devices as much as possible today. Chat to other people when necessary, but you'll be much happier if you can have some time to yourself as well. If you've got a full schedule, maybe you could fit in some solitude later on in the day, even if it means juggling your plans. It will be worth it. Beneficial colors are blackberry and amethyst. Lucky numbers are 9 and 11.
Your mind is running along inventive and clever lines today, particularly if you're trying to come up with some brainwaves connected with higher education, travel, or publicity. You might even surprise yourself! Don't be shy about airing your views when talking to a boss or colleague because you may be able to hit the nail on the head or come up with the perfect solution. Ideal colors are gunmetal grey and ice blue. Lucky numbers are 15 and 26.
You're feeling indulgent today and won't want to stint in any way. Your emotions are very much in evidence, and could raise your hopes about something dear to your heart. Now, it's one thing to have a positive attitude but it's quite another to have unrealistic expectations and then to be disappointed should they fail to materialize. Beneficial colors are navy and salmon. Lucky numbers are 17 and 48.
Friends will gladden your heart during the rest of the month, thanks to your lovely life-ruler Venus, so arrange some social outings. You might even grow closer to a special friend over the next few weeks. However, bear in mind that you won't always want to be out gadding, so you must also allocate plenty of time in your schedule for some peace and quiet. Then you can have the best of both worlds. Auspicious colors are cinnamon and white. Lucky numbers are 36 and 74.
Take things easy Libra, or you'll get frazzled in no time at all. You seem to be running on nervous energy right now, which will soon make you feel as though you're coming apart at the seams. It won't help if you're trying to do too much at once, or you keep being distracted or interrupted. A complete change of scene will help, as will some moderate exercise. Favourable colors are butterscotch and kiwifruit. Lucky numbers are 27 and 75.
Someone is desperate to create a good impression and make you think how wonderful they are. However, they're more likely to get on your nerves and to make you wonder what they're trying to cover up. You might also suspect they're behaving like a martyr or that they think they're the next Mother Theresa. Fortunate colors are silver and plum. Lucky numbers are 3 and 24.
Close relationships blossom today because you're so keen to create a sense of intimacy and safety. This is just what you want if you've recently become involved with someone and you're still on your best behavior with one other, because some of the barriers between you will fall away now. It's also a lovely day for enjoying your own company. Excellent colors are sapphire blue and emerald green. Lucky numbers are 10 and 6.
Things are going well for you today, especially if you're busy at work. You should get a big pat on the back from a superior or boss who's pleased with what you've achieved, and you could even get some special treatment from someone in a powerful position. A major new financial phase begins lasting for some 18 months. I hope you have plenty of money, because that's likely to be the big focus now. You may choose to keep what you are doing secret in weeks ahead. Lovely colors are violet and mother of pearl. Lucky numbers are 13 and 21.
It's an easy-going and understanding mood today, so appreciate others as they really are rather than as the people you'd like them to be. In other words, take them at face value and accept that we all have our faults as well as our good points. This is a great attitude if you need to forgive someone for a recent transgression. Harmonious colors are marmalade and cream. Lucky numbers are 26 and 34.

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