Pisces's Horoscopes | Female.com.au



Born between: February 20th - March 20th

Pisces can be very shy people who take time to adapt but once they do Piscean makes a valuable friend as they're helpful, unselfish and trustworthy; however they need to be careful to not be too generous or be taken advantage of in all aspects of life.

With the Moon gliding through your fifth house of romance and creativity, you should be feeling rather playful. The holiday season brings out the child in you, so don't hold back. You don't need to spend money to enjoy this feeling... take a walk in the park where lights are hung and music is playing. Fortunate colors are amethyst purple and golden amber. Lucky numbers are 10 and 15.
The maternal Moon rolls through your fourth house of home and family, urging you to spend time with the folks at home. With the holiday season upon us, this is the perfect time to visit those who are confined or otherwise unable to travel. Spread a little cheer by taking home baked goods and other homemade gifts to those you love. It's the season of giving... what better gift than a bit of your time? Fortunate colors are sea green and cobalt blue. Lucky numbers are 11 and 29.
The Gemini Full Moon shines the spotlight on your home and family; you may feel torn between your place in your family and your need to have an identity in the outside world. There may be a tug-of-war going on between your private and personal lives; as hard as it may be, try to find a balance. Don't try to please everyone... try to please yourself for once and see how much happier you can be. Fortunate colors are pale green and apricot. Lucky numbers are 22 and 37.
Try to improve your health by incorporating good habits into your daily routine; if you sit at a desk all day long, find ways to stretch your muscles while you are seated. Since the December holidays are almost upon us, it is a good idea to increase your consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables. Before you know it, you will be tempted to eat nothing but rich, fat-laden foods; set some good habits now before you no longer fit into your holiday outfits. Beneficial colors are royal blue and creamy white. Lucky numbers are 14 and 29.
It should be easy to express yourself as the Moon passes through your third house of communication today and Mercury turns direct after weeks of retro spin. You may want to choose your confidantes carefully; make sure only your tried and true friends are privy to your deepest secrets. Expressive colors are bright yellow and sky blue. Lucky numbers are 14 and 23.
You might feel edgy as the sensitive Moon hovers in your second house of personal values and finances during the early part of the day. Protecting your assets and defending your values may become an issue; try not to get into a needless power struggle with someone over personal differences. On the positive side, this is a great day to throw yourself into your work. The powerful emotional energy will help you get the job done. Things brighten up later. Beneficial colors are aubergine and copper. Lucky numbers are 17 and 38.
Consider your spiritual priorities as the Moon passes through your second house of personal values and finances. Most Pisceans know the magic law of resources... it seems when you give to others, whether it is your money or your time, your own wealth is increased. Hoarding your resources will get you nowhere, so don't forget it! Advantageous colors are terra cotta and forest green. Lucky numbers are 8 and 20.
The changing Moon enters energetic Aries, your second house of personal finances, helping you to a more productive phase. You may be more motivated to increase your resources as well as tending to what you currently possess. Emotional gratification can be gained from buying things that please you today. It can't hurt to indulge in shopping therapy if you stick to your budget. Fortunate colors are desert sand and sage green. Lucky numbers are 2 and 4.
Those of you who have been rubbing the Buddha's belly for good luck may find a financial windfall coming your way. As Venus enters thrilling Scorpio, making a sweet aspect with dreamy Neptune, your good karma bounces back to you in marvelous ways. Let the good life flow to you! Beneficial colors are rose red and white carnation. Lucky numbers are 9 and 11.
With the Moon in your sign and the Sun in Sagittarius, it's time to assess the role you play in the world at large and how that role is affected by your family responsibilities. Aim high; do not let failure discourage you from working toward the recognition you deserve. Whether your primary work is raising a family, pursuing a career, or a combination of both, you do make a difference. Favorable colors are sunset pink and pale violet. Lucky numbers are 39 and 48.
You'll be ready to strut your stuff again as the Moon moves into your sign. People will be drawn to you as you are more radiant than usual. Your powers of intuition are on the increase; it may even be painful for many of you to be around other people. You can use your strength today to heal, so don't be afraid to be with those who need your healing powers. Even the psychic vampires can't drain you now. Auspicious colors are rose red and bright yellow. Lucky numbers are 1 and 4.
Others may think you are in fairy land as the dreamy Moon dances with divine Jupiter. Go ahead and let your imagination run wild! This is a good day for dreaming about the future and visualizing where you want to be in the coming days. Allow yourself to drift a bit on this somewhat lazy day. Advantageous colors are midnight blue and plum purple. Lucky numbers are 30 and 39.
It's time to look inward as the Moon enters Aquarius and your twelfth house of endings. Another lunar cycle has come and gone for you; spend these next two days healing and recharging your spiritual batteries. Spend the day doing whatever floats your boat... no pressure, no stress, no hurry. Breathe deep and take time to smell the flowers in your own garden. Fortunate colors are amethyst purple and silver. Lucky numbers are 3 and 12.
You may find that you are so in tune with your best friend or partner today that you even share the same dreams; your powers of intuition are working overtime and this can benefit your relationships. Make an effort to spend some time with the most significant other in your life... meeting for lunch or dinner after work is a nice way to focus on each other. Intuitive colors are jade green and charcoal. Lucky numbers are 24 and 25.
The Moon enters Capricorn and your eleventh house of groups and associates today, starting off a two day period of fun and friendship. Parties and get-togethers will be especially enjoyable, especially those that celebrate someone's achievements or happy milestones. You may not get much work done today, but the feelings of cheer and kindness will do you good. Beneficial colors are electric blue and hot pink. Lucky numbers are 11 and 24.
You may be struggling with a career issue or with your reputation. There is no use fighting when Jupiter is under pressure, so try to relax and understand what is happening on a deeper level. Your heart will let you know which direction to take as events unfold. You may need to let go of deeply cherished ambitions and follow a different path. Whatever you do, do not misuse any authority you are given. Auspicious colors are emerald green and sapphire blue. Lucky numbers are 37 and 45.
The Moon activates your tenth house of career and status, arousing friction with authority figures. You may have brilliant, creative ideas, but a stubborn superior may only be interested in ruling with an iron fist. Use your famous flexibility to position yourself successfully. Travel arrangements are not favoured, as retro Mercury enters Scorpio. Double-check your bookings if you must take a journey. Fortunate colors are basic black and garnet red. Lucky numbers are 8 and 10.
This could be the beginning of a fabulous time for the Fish as a Scorpio New Moon promises hedonistic, exotic pleasures. Few signs can handle the intensity and passion of the Scorpio energy, but it certainly has the effect of energizing and invigorating *you*. Travel may be highlighted over the month ahead, so plan to make time for an escape. Romance is favored, so don't leave the house without shaving or with your hair in curlers! Adventurous colors are green satin and ginger. Lucky numbers are 9 and 10.
Dreams you had last night could be psychic in nature; pay attention to the clues your sleeping mind has given you. There is a feeling of mystery to the day as the Moon completes her tour of your eighth house; the greater cycles of life and death take center-stage. You may be especially sensitive to the moods and emotions of others, so surround yourself with positive influences. The day brightens up later as the Moon enters sensual Scorpio. Enjoy the attention! Favorable colors are chocolate and cherry. Lucky numbers are 30 and 35.
Avoid borrowing or lending money today, as this could be a source of contention. If you make an effort to remain centered, you will be able to bring peace to any difficult situation. To relieve stress, take a long walk or bike ride this afternoon... the fresh air will help clear your mind. Beneficial colors are sapphire blue and bronze. Lucky numbers are 18 and 26.
Your relationships may intensify as the Moon enters Libra, awakening your eighth house of sex, power, and money. Libra encourages fairness and harmony; this is the key to happiness in your intimate relationships. You may have a difference of opinion with a friend today; this person may be overreacting, so back down and give him or her some space. Beneficial colors are pale violet and old lace. Lucky numbers are 8 and 22.
The Moon activates your seventh house of marriage and partnership, giving your closest relationships a rosy glow. Even unions that are experiencing hard times can benefit from this influence; call a truce and let love and caring work their magic. A quiet dinner by candlelight followed by an evening stroll should set the mood just right. Fortunate colors are crimson and gold. Lucky numbers are 25 and 34.
The Moon enters Virgo and your seventh house of marriage and partnership, urging you to focus on your relationship with your most significant other. Even if your most significant other is your cat or your dog, this individual needs your undivided attention. Take time out for the two of you and really savour the pleasure of companionship. Beneficial colors are soft coral and teal. Lucky numbers are 7 and 16.
Even though Merc is in reverse, those of you who have been seeking answers in religion and philosophy may find a way through the fog. It seems there really are no absolute answers to many of the questions we ask. One of the things we can be most certain of is that some things will always remain a mystery. Fortunate colors are bright green and pale yellow. Lucky numbers are 10 and 22.
Mercury turns retrograde in your tenth house of career and status, slowing down your progress on the job. Be sure to take notes and document everything, as misunderstandings and confusion reign. Stay as organized as possible while the cosmic Trickster does his best to trip you up... by the time it is all over, you will have come out on top. Fortunate colours are sapphire blue and golden amber. Lucky numbers are 10 and 22.
The Moon travels through Leo and your sixth house of health today, reminding you to take better care of yourself. Ironically, it seems you must spend most of your time taking care of others. Make a toast to your health today... acknowledge the fact that if you don't take good care of yourself, you won't be of much service to others. Beneficial colors are cobalt blue and pure white. Lucky numbers are 6 and 22.
The tender Moon passes through loving Cancer and your fifth house of romance and creativity, adding warmth to relationships with children, and bringing lovers closer together. Inspiration can be found in the joyful things in life, whether it's watching a dandelion dancing in the wind, or newborn kittens at play. Embrace the fullness of life, and catch every moment. Fabulous colors are plum purple and spring green. Lucky numbers are 29 and 33.
The romantic Moon passes through your fifth house of love and creativity today, helping you enjoy the sweeter things in life. Go ahead and indulge in a few pleasures today, even the guilty ones. No one has to know if you listen to Barry Manilow in secret, or that you might actually like the story line on the Kardashians. Have some fun with no apologies! Fortunate colors are royal purple and silver. Lucky numbers are 6 and 20.
The intuitive Moon and noble Jupiter combine in Gemini, making you very empathetic indeed. This opens up the potential for true service and blesses your public persona. You might want to avoid negative people as you may be too sensitive to dark vibrations; surround yourself with positive people and things. You may be able to help others with your natural healing touch, but don't let yourself be taken advantage of. Favorable colors are pale green and pearl gray. Lucky numbers are 10 and 12.
Your psychic impressions are likely to be strong, which may be troubling for some. Sudden insights may be jarring, and dreams disturbing. Relax, and allow the caring Moon to help you understand the meaning of these messages. By taking stock of how you feel, you'll be able to make sense of the information you're receiving. Take time out to meditate. Fortunate colors are pale green and oyster. Lucky numbers are 12 and 15.

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