Images's Horoscopes |



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Get your finances in order as the conscientious Moon enters your second house of personal finances. You'll feel much better once you have paid your bills and know what is remaining in your budget. Try to limit your credit card spending this year; the temptation to run up your cards may be strong but try to keep your shopping urges in check. Auspicious colors are deep bronze and verdigris. Lucky numbers are 2 and 12.
The dreamy Moon enters romantic Cancer and your ninth house of travel and adventure, sparking off daydreams. If you find yourself under holiday stress and pressure, let your mind take you to a happier place and time. Sure, the holidays are supposed to be happy, but for you the family tension may be a bit stronger than you can cope with. Fortunate colors are pale yellow and olive green. Lucky numbers are 33 and 38.
The pace of life picks up as the Moon stimulates your third house of communication and short distance travel. It seems like the phone won't stop ringing and the email won't stop piling up. Take a deep breath and deal with each item, one at a time. Later this evening, enjoy a stroll through your neighborhood. Be sure to wave to the neighbors! Beneficial colors are butter yellow and pale pink. Lucky numbers are 5 and 14.
The holiday season combined with the Moon in your sign is making you positively luminous. Now is the time to see and be seen. Holiday parties will go well whether you are hosting or a guest; either way, you should feel like the belle of the ball. Be sure to give plenty of attention to your most significant other, who could be feeling rather insignificant next to you. Fortunate colors are ruby red and warm violet. Lucky numbers are 1 and 10.
Expect to be the responsible party today as the changing Moon enters your tenth house of career and status. Your leadership potential is highly visible as people look to you for wisdom in both business and family matters, so use your considerable diplomatic skills to keep the peace and to make progress in negotiations. Auspicious colors are charcoal gray and wine red. Lucky numbers are 8 and 10.
The Moon enters home-loving Cancer and your fourth house of home and family, drawing you closer to the ones you love. This is often the most wonderful time of the year to spend at home with your family, but it can also be stressful. Take some time just to relax and enjoy your many blessings. Fortunate colors are silvery green and pale blue. Lucky numbers are 20 and 29.
Spending time with friends and associates should be a jolly affair, as the Moon glides through clannish Cancer. It seems some of your friends are really more like family, so enjoy the special bond between you. Work may seem like play, as parties take up most of your time. Allow yourself to enjoy the warm glow of the season, as there'll be plenty of time for work later. Fortunate colors are Pacific blue and emerald green. Lucky numbers are 11 and 20.
Give your partner plenty of TLC as the Lunar Light shines on marriage and partnerships. This has been a big year for your household, with many changes leading to growth and greater understanding. If you haven't moved to a new home, renovated the old one or added a family member, you've missed out on all the fun other Capricorns are having! Don't worry, it's not too late to get started. Auspicious colors are pale aqua and blossom pink. Lucky numbers are 7 and 16.
Slow down and reflect on the past few weeks as the Moon enters your twelfth house of secrets and solitude. Today marks the beginning of your low lunar cycle, so prepare to recharge your spiritual batteries. Avoid people and places that make you uncomfortable, sticking to familiar and comfortable environments instead. Beneficial colors are white poppy and lavender. Lucky numbers are 3 and 12.
With the Moon gliding through your fifth house of romance and creativity, you should be feeling rather playful. The holiday season brings out the child in you, so don't hold back. You don't need to spend money to enjoy this feeling... take a walk in the park where lights are hung and music is playing. Fortunate colors are amethyst purple and golden amber. Lucky numbers are 10 and 15.
The emotional Moon floats through your eighth house of sex, money and power today, giving you the urge to dominate your world. This is fine if you're feeling like Good King Wenceslas but not so good if you find Adolf Hitler inspiring. Rise above your wish to have things your way and you'll be surprised at how quickly everything begins to go your way! Favorable colors are silver and rose. Lucky numbers are 9 and 20.
Your emotions could affect your health now. If you feel like having a good long cry, go ahead -- it'll do wonders for your immune system. Most Aquarians have endured a marathon of stress over the past year, but the changes you have been through are part of the transformation you are meant to experience. Next year may prove to be almost as stressful, but you'll be prepared for whatever comes your way. Beneficial colors are cobalt blue and ivory. Lucky numbers are 23 and 24.
It's time to organize your finances; if you put off balancing your budget, the holiday season may put you in the poor house, come January. There are no excuses: if you're reading this horoscope, you must have a computer. If you have a computer, you can organize your finances. Stop surfing the net for a few minutes and pay attention to your money house! Advantageous colors are terra cotta and ivy green. Lucky numbers are 14 and 17.
The maternal Moon rolls through your fourth house of home and family, urging you to spend time with the folks at home. With the holiday season upon us, this is the perfect time to visit those who are confined or otherwise unable to travel. Spread a little cheer by taking home baked goods and other homemade gifts to those you love. It's the season of giving... what better gift than a bit of your time? Fortunate colors are sea green and cobalt blue. Lucky numbers are 11 and 29.
With the Moon zipping through multi-faceted Gemini and your fifth house of romance and creativity, it's time to have some fun. You'll be the life of the party as witticisms trip off your tongue effortlessly; don't hold back if you feel the urge to entertain. Start the holiday season off with a bang! Positive colors are hot pink and banana yellow. Lucky numbers are 5 and 9.
The Moon in multi-talented Gemini and your sixth house of health and service is urging you to get ready for holiday celebrations. Pay special attention to your diet and exercise routine as it will be all too easy to gain weight during the last few weeks of the year. Clear your desk of old business in preparation for the coming New Year; start implementing your resolutions now! Advantageous colors are clear blue and pure white. Lucky numbers are 32 and 41.
Pay attention to your partner and other important people in your life as the Moon is still in Gemini after yesterday's eclipse. A battle of wills is likely, thanks to Saturn, but you have to decide if the price you will pay to win is worth it. Since Jupiter is on your side, your relationships are changing for the better. Bold colors are bright red and white stripes. Lucky numbers are 25 and 36.
The changeable Moon glides through Gemini and your eighth house of sex, money and power, making many of you feel especially intense. Difficulty in your personal finances or a disagreement concerning joint resources may flare up now. Try not to take it personally. Everything can be worked out, but there are always the proper channels that must be accessed. If you feel like you're drowning in a sea of red tape, take a break and step away from the matter. Favorable colors are indian red and emerald green. Lucky numbers are 27 and 28.
You may feel some frustration as the Moon conflicts with stern Saturn, Lord of Obstacles today, but don't be discouraged. Jupiter is working with you, so remain patient and keep a cautious and conservative attitude when traveling or communicating over long distances. Venus is receiving good support from Mars, so if you're strong and stay the course, chances are better than good that you will emerge victorious. Fortunate colors are ivory and tangerine. Lucky numbers are 8 and 16.
Many of you will be in the public eye, as the lively Moon activates your tenth house of career and reputation. Your genius may be very much in evidence after the Full Moon; you may even have the opportunity to save the day. Take the time to groom and dress yourself well this morning -- you never know who you might meet! Advantageous colors are garnet red and sapphire blue. Lucky numbers are 26 and 35.
The Moon is in talkative Gemini and your eleventh house of friends and associates, blending well with expansive Jupiter. Mars and Venus are dancing, so friendships could turn to love and love could turn into friendship... this can be a good thing either way. Allow each relationship to flow and follow its own natural course. Excellent colors are sparkling silver and sapphire blue. Lucky numbers are 5 and 11.
The Moon glides through your twelfth house of subconscious matters, urging you to seek peace and quiet. Your lunar low cycle should be spent recharging your spiritual batteries. Evaluate the events of the past year and how you feel about them; recount your reactions and responses the people in your life. Allow yourself to heal and grow stronger. Beneficial colors are sunset pink and lavender. Lucky numbers are 30 and 39.
Emotional strength is yours as the Moon moves through your sign, with a fortunate connection to Jupiter bringing good news from afar. Some of you may find an important financial relationship especially intense today; someone who challenges you to be your best is in the picture. This person may bring out the worst in you, but it is important for you to experience the depth of all your feelings, reactions, and responses. Fortunate colors are cinnamon red and pearly white. Lucky numbers are 19 and 28.
An excellent conjunction of the chatty Moon and fortunate Jupiter in Gemini, combined with a sweet connection between Mars and Venus in sexy Scorpio, sets you up for a fortunate and potentially romantic day. You can also charm your way through meetings, corporate business and public issues today, so make the most of it. The Ram is always active and loves to lead, and the cosmos is on your side. Fortunate colors are red and yellow. Lucky numbers are 3 and 10.
The Gemini Full Moon brings powerful feelings to the surface, so be prepared to deal with subjects such as sex, death, power and money during this time. The reflective Moon may set off events related to your finances, as it interacts with transiting Pluto. A power struggle could be underway between you and another: make your decisions thoughtfully and carefully, as this could be a recurring theme over the next several years. Fortunate colors are silver and orange. Lucky numbers are 2 and 8.
The Full Moon places emphasis on who you have become over the past six months. The changes you've been going through become more evident at this time; as the Sun progresses through Sagittarius, your relationships will begin to reflect the new you. Be prepared for intensity in the coming weeks! Fortunate colors are yellow and light blue. Lucky numbers are 1 and 7.
The Gemini Full Moon triggers your twelfth house of subconscious matters; dreams you have during this time reveal much about your psychological state. If you have been under a great deal of pressure in your work or with health concerns lately, it's time to go on a spiritual retreat. If a vacation isn't feasible, consider turning off the television for a few days and enjoy the silence. Fortunate colors are midnight blue and silver. Lucky numbers are 6 and 12.
Your relationship with your partner comes into focus with the Gemini Full Moon; you may need to devote time to your best friend or mate at this time. Try to be understanding of the pressure your loved ones may be under. Over all, celebrate the love you have in your life, no matter what form it may take. Fortunate colors are cobalt blue and turquoise. Lucky numbers are 7 and 10.
The Gemini Full Moon shines the spotlight on your home and family; you may feel torn between your place in your family and your need to have an identity in the outside world. There may be a tug-of-war going on between your private and personal lives; as hard as it may be, try to find a balance. Don't try to please everyone... try to please yourself for once and see how much happier you can be. Fortunate colors are pale green and apricot. Lucky numbers are 22 and 37.
The Gemini Full Moon brings situations at work to a head; there may be a sudden event that shakes up the office, but you should be free and clear of any real trouble. The real issue is the one you have most likely been avoiding: what sort of state is your health in? Have you been buying larger pants each year for the past three or four years in a row? Is your idea of strenuous exercise scooping hard ice cream out of the carton? If so, it's time for some changes. Fortunate colors are red tourmaline and dove gray. Lucky numbers are 12 and 24.
The Gemini Full Moon occurs in your third house of communication, bringing recent talks to fruition. Your thinking and decision making can also be affected; if you have been debating a choice, now is the time to make up your mind. You can express your ideas with much success during this time frame as the timing is right to present your theories. Favorable colors are pale yellow and sky blue. Lucky numbers are 3 and 9.
The Gemini Full Moon brings educational and cultural projects to fruition; all the hard work you have done in these areas should begin to pay off. Travel may play an important role in your life over the next month, so look for opportunities to visit new places. Religious matters can also come to a head; many of you will experience an epiphany soon. Fortunate colors are spearmint and tan. Lucky numbers are 3 and 9.
Your personal finances come into focus with the Gemini Full Moon; your fiscal flexibility saves the day again. As one of the most resourceful signs in the zodiac, you can truly make lemonade out of the lemons life sends your way. Ignore inflammatory rumors in the workplace and trust that, one way or another, you'll be just fine. Fortunate colors are sage green and desert sand. Lucky numbers are 2 and 8.
The Gemini Full Moon places the spotlight on your career and reputation; most Virgos are very discriminating and should have nothing but good coming their way during this time. However, many of you will be thrown a curve or two, so be prepared to meet the challenge. Your private life may be disturbed as the Moon shines her light on your public life... don't be afraid to tell people that your personal life is none of their business. Fortunate colors are charcoal and pale lilac. Lucky numbers are 4 and 10.
The Gemini Full Moon occurs in your fifth house of creativity and romance, placing the spotlight on the joys and pleasures, or lack thereof, in your life. Those of you with children or who work with children will find they are in need of your attention; hopefully this is a positive time in their lives. Creative projects reach fruition during this time frame, and romantic relationships begin to blossom. Fortunate colors are deep purple and silver. Lucky numbers are 11 and 23.
Friendships come into focus during the Gemini Full Moon; some of you may find that friendships are turning into romance and romantic relationships are becoming more like friendships. The intensity you are experiencing in relationships will continue for some time to come, as Pluto transforms the way you express yourself creatively and with the Sun is in Sagittarius, you won't want to hold back. Fortunate colors are amethyst and lemongrass. Lucky numbers are 5 and 11.
Spend the day recharging your spiritual batteries as your low lunar cycle gets underway. Listen to your favourite music, surround yourself with your things and let confrontations and business dealings wait until tomorrow. Give yourself time to heal and rejuvenate on a soul level as the waxing Moon prepares to become full in your sign. Favorable colors are sunset pink and lavender. Lucky numbers are 21 and 39.
Basic differences between you and others are likely to be felt as Mars conjoins Pluto in your midheaven. This will inspire you to be a good deal more forceful than usual in expending your own energy, especially in the public sphere. However, if you listen with an open mind and move forward with a forgiving heart, it ll be easy to reap the benefits of today's aspects. After all, differences make life more interesting! Favorable colors are ebony and silver. Lucky numbers are 7 and 18.
Today is potentially very romantic, if a trifle egocentric on your own part as cultured foreigners flock. However, if you open up your heart, you'll be pleasantly surprised. The Bull is slow to fall in love, but tends to be very loyal and committed, which makes it important for you to choose your partners wisely. It may just be that the love of your life is already by your side. Favorable colors are red garnet and old gold. Lucky numbers are 7 and 9.
The nurturing Moon continues to move through your eleventh house of friends and associates, possibly bringing a mentor into your life. There is always much wisdom that can be gained by observing the lives of others; you can avoid certain mistakes by watching them made by others. You may be faced with relationship issues as macho Mars meets transformative Pluto in your seventh house. If the stakes are high, you need to think twice. Positive colors are bright red and apple green. Lucky numbers are 19 and 23.
Many of you will be in the public eye as the Moon lights up your tenth house of reputation so be sure to be on your best behavior! It may be hard to focus on your work, but this is not the time to fall down on the job. Avoid office gossip and discipline yourself so that when bonuses are handed out, your diligence will be remembered! Favorable colors are basic black and emerald green. Lucky numbers are 26 and 44.
Keep an open mind while the Moon moves through your ninth house of travel and adventure. Everything you go through can be a learning experience, if you're willing to examine each situation closely. The study of law, philosophy, religion and culture is favoured now. When was the last time you read something that wasn't on the Internet? Take a trip to your local library and check out a few books. Favorable colors are maroon and tan. Lucky numbers are 9 and 23.
You may have serious business to attend to this morning, so set your alarm half an hour earlier than usual. You'll need to keep your wits about you as power struggles are in full swing. Stick to your guns and adhere to your principles. The mysteries of life and death may be on your mind as the Moon glides through your eighth house of sex, money, and power. Remember, what goes around comes around! Favorable colors are amethyst purple and sapphire blue. Lucky numbers are 8 and 44.
Potent developments are likely as Warrior Mars combines with dark Pluto. It's intense! Your interactions can cause you to become deeply jealous and vengeful, perhaps with truly perilous results; so it would not be wise to confront or provoke a hostile situation. Try bringing out your hidden talents: finding new uses for old things; assessing and investing assets of all kinds; perhaps conducting research and investigation, especially concerning the mysteries of the science and nature. Favorable colors are rich red and white jade. Lucky numbers are 25 and 34.
As much as the robust Archer would like to indulge, today you must mind your health. If you go out to celebrate the holidays, go easy on the rich foods and spirits. Too much alcohol and you might find yourself saying the absolute wrong thing to the right person, thus blowing what could be a perfectly lovely evening. Strive for moderation. Remain calm in financially threatening situations. Favorable colors are forest green and spruce blue. Lucky numbers are 23 and 42.
The Moon swoons through your fifth house of romance and creativity, making today perfect for a romantic interlude. Use your natural charm and imagination to create the perfect atmosphere for seduction. Creative projects and children's interests are also favored, but thanks to Mars and Pluto, intense, competitive and aggressive physical activities are emphasized. Physical passions are potent. Watch out, Cap. Dishonest actions or wasted energy in the past may come back to haunt you. Favorable colors are charcoal grey and golden amber. Lucky numbers are 1 and 5.
You may feel rather agitated as Mars and Pluto combine in your house of secrets and sorrows. Personal difficulties with family members or secret opponents among co-workers may disrupt your day. Deal directly with problems no matter how much you would rather procrastinate. What you avoid today is likely to escalate into a much bigger problem for you to solve tomorrow. Protective colors are cobalt blue and fern green. Lucky numbers are 4 and 12.
Try to improve your health by incorporating good habits into your daily routine; if you sit at a desk all day long, find ways to stretch your muscles while you are seated. Since the December holidays are almost upon us, it is a good idea to increase your consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables. Before you know it, you will be tempted to eat nothing but rich, fat-laden foods; set some good habits now before you no longer fit into your holiday outfits. Beneficial colors are royal blue and creamy white. Lucky numbers are 14 and 29.
It should be easy to express yourself as the Moon passes through your third house of communication today and Mercury turns direct after weeks of retro spin. You may want to choose your confidantes carefully; make sure only your tried and true friends are privy to your deepest secrets. Expressive colors are bright yellow and sky blue. Lucky numbers are 14 and 23.
Although the Moon is passing through your fifth house of pleasure, the Sun is moving through your twelfth house of solitude and reflection. You may want to enjoy simple, quiet pleasures that help soothe your soul as Mercury turns direct. The month before your birthday is often a time of retreat and reflection. Take a look at the year in review and decide what mistakes you want to avoid next year. Beneficial colors are amethyst purple and pale gold. Lucky numbers are 6 and 12.
If you've been troubled lately, now's the time to seek a friend's counsel. Mercury's retro phase is ending, so even just a little tea and sympathy will be nice. Why not plan to have lunch with someone simpatico? Everyone needs to spend a little time with someone who won't judge them; Cancer is often wonderful at giving this sort of unconditional affection but often has a harder time seeking it out. Accept a little TLC... you need it now. Communicative colors are bright red and lime green. Lucky numbers are 24 and 31.
You should be feeling better as Mercury stations in Scorpio, and not a minute too soon! Everyone will be charmed by you as the Moon in your sign gives you extra charisma; use this advantage on your most significant other, who may be needing your attention. Communications between you are due to improve, thank heavens. You may feel somewhat awkward and out of place at a social function, but it's all in your head. You are the belle of the ball and you don't even know it! Fortunate colors are russet red and shimmering green. Lucky numbers are 1 and 7.
You might find yourself feeling a bit moody today as the Moon enters your eighth house of sex, money, and power. In fact, the next two days or so may be rather intense, so plan to exercise your frustration today. It isn't that anyone has done anything wrong, it's just that it seems you are working very hard but not getting anywhere. That isn't really true, you know. Have faith. At least Mercury is ending his retro phase, so financial matters will start to improve. Beneficial colors are red wine and ebony. Lucky numbers are 26 and 27.
You need to take time out to spend with your partner today as he/she probably has something they need to share with you. If you don't take the time now, as Mercury slows to a halt in your sign, you'll find that tomorrow won't go very smoothly. Take this opportunity to work things out, even if it's the last thing you want to do today. A little sacrifice is called for. Beneficial colors are soft pink and teal. Lucky numbers are 7 and 16.
Mercury stations today, preparing to turn direct after weeks of retro motion. Practice creative visualization: the more you imagine something, the more likely it is to happen. Focus on the future vision you have for yourself and imagine the steps you must take to get there. Do this often and see how quickly fantasy can become reality. Beneficial colors are olive green and burnt sienna. Lucky numbers are 27 and 45.
Time to retreat to home sweet home as the hearth-loving Moon moves into Taurus and your fourth house of home and family. Even if the people under your roof drive you crazy sometimes, make an effort to count your blessings. As Mercury turns direct after weeks of retro motion, career confusions begin to clear up. Give major decisions more time. Advantageous colors are deep green and pale violet. Lucky numbers are 10 and 22.
Mercury turns direct today thank heavens, but the Moon's in your twelfth house so stay in bed and dream as long as you can. What have the Twins learned over the past few weeks? Ask yourself where you've been and where you want to be. Any woman will tell you that there is a profound sense of relief mixed with pain, that marks the end of each monthly cycle. Letting go of the old to make way for the new, is what ties us into the universal cycle of life. Beneficial colors are midnight blue and silver. Lucky numbers are 12 and 30.
Pay attention to your health as the Moon enters Taurus and your sixth house of health and service today; it might be time for a check up. With your life-ruler Jupiter in your opposite sign Gemini, nervous tension could be leading you into bad habits. Mercury has reached the end of his retro phase, but the next few weeks will still be problematic, till he reaches his release point in Sagittarius in mid-December. Beneficial colors are cobalt blue and pure white. Lucky numbers are 38 and 41.
How you feel about your values and how your associates feel may not mesh too well today; so avoid conversations about morals and scruples while Mercury is stationary in Scorpio. Of course, you could be a politician or a religious worker, in which case you may be tiring of your own rhetoric. It's hard to be good all the time, especially when everyone else seems to be having a jolly time being bad. Conciliatory colors are spring green and earth brown. Lucky numbers are 2 and 8.
Mercury stations today, so be on your toes at work and at home, where misunderstandings are likely to originate. Organize yourself well in preparation for tomorrow, when the real fun begins. The more you can clear things up now, the better you will fare tomorrow when everyone seems to go mad. Favorable colors are garnet red and heather gray. Lucky numbers are 7 and 17.
You may want to do things on the spur of the moment, but pay attention to detail if you want to avoid unexpected expenses. Even a last-minute decision to go for a bike ride could end up with an injury or a flat tire, so try to think your actions out carefully. Once unpredictable Uranus settles down, you can enjoy a more relaxed attitude towards life. This evening you can let your hair down. Positive colors are emerald green and cherry red. Lucky numbers are 6 and 14.
You can make progress in business and legal affairs. Use this energy to express your point of view and persuade others; at the very least you should be able to disarm your enemies and gain a firmer foundation for future success. For some of you, this aspect will be felt in your relationships with in-laws, who may occasionally seem like enemies! Fortunate colors are true blue and grass green. Lucky numbers are 25 and 31.
It may only be Tuesday, but this is a great time to get together with your friends. Whether your idea of heaven is pizza and beer or fine cuisine and wine, tonight's meal is best shared. Good times are the perfect antidote for troubled times, so forget your cares and enjoy the love and laughter in your life. Favorable colors are bright orange and shocking pink. Lucky numbers are 15 and 16.
The Moon completes her course through your fourth house of home and family, for better or for worse. Of course, your home is what you make it, and we often create a replica of our childhood experience. If you aren't happy with your living arrangements, you would do well to consider what influences from the past have led you to create something you are dissatisfied with. Beneficial colors are desert sand and ocean blue. Lucky numbers are 16 and 22.
Achieving goals should be easy on this high energy day, and others will be inspired by your vigor and enthusiasm. Your friends will want to jump on your bandwagon, so if you have a cause to push, now is the time to speak up. Just be careful not to lose your focus; if you take on too much at one time, you won't be effective. Fortunate colors are burnt orange and flame red. Lucky numbers are 10 and 28.
You might feel edgy as the sensitive Moon hovers in your second house of personal values and finances during the early part of the day. Protecting your assets and defending your values may become an issue; try not to get into a needless power struggle with someone over personal differences. On the positive side, this is a great day to throw yourself into your work. The powerful emotional energy will help you get the job done. Things brighten up later. Beneficial colors are aubergine and copper. Lucky numbers are 17 and 38.
Your intuition may be sharper than usual, but if you feel you may be in danger, don't take any chances. Social gatherings are not favoured, but often your sixth sense will process information that slips by your conscious mind. Trust your gut and your heart today. Auspicious colors are pale gold and eggshell white. Lucky numbers are 21 and 48.
You could be the victim of friendly fire in the office, so be sure to keep your eyes and ears open. If you're not there to represent yourself, someone may misrepresent you. It's nothing personal, but just what happens when people assume things. Make your presence felt -- let people know who you are and what you stand for! Auspicious colors are amethyst purple and golden honey. Lucky numbers are 4 and 13.
You may feel a bit edgier than usual, especially when reality fails to live up to your hopes and dreams. Find positive uses for this energy, such as working towards making your world a better place. You can't control other people's actions, but you can control your responses and take positive action. Propitious colors are emerald green and golden amber. Lucky numbers are 35 and 36.
Unexpected pressure on the job may add stress to your day, but by evening you are ready to relax with your partner, best friend, or spouse. Take this opportunity to talk about what you have been going through lately. The more you can help your partner understand your experiences, the better. Make sure you allow him or her plenty of airtime, too! Make love a two way street. Beneficial colors are pale aqua and blossom pink. Lucky numbers are 25 and 34.
The Moon places the emphasis on your responsibilities and obligations. Be sure to get organized this morning as you may be asked to produce important documentation. If you find you have become disorganized, now is the perfect time to return order to your life. This is also a good time to pay attention to your health needs. Your body and mind need to be cared for in order to function properly. Auspicious colors are dove grey and lavender. Lucky numbers are 22 and 24.
With so much to do and so much on your mind, you may feel scattered today. It will be easy to forget dates and appointments, so consider setting an alarm to remind you of important meetings. You may be a bit over-extended and preoccupied at the same time. The telephone may be ringing constantly, providing yet another distraction. Try to focus. Favorable colors are golden honey and peacock blue. Lucky numbers are 23 and 41.
Going out could be dangerous on this wild and wooly day when anything can happen. You'll need to expect the unexpected and take special care in public places. Your friends and associates may need your assistance but they may also be a drain on your resources and your sanity. Romance can be exhilarating but may be tinged with just a touch of obsession. Fortunate colors are cherry red and coal black. Lucky numbers are 7 and 18.
The Moon and Jupiter egg each other on, tempting you towards social and sexual excess. You're far too wise to find yourself in bed with a stranger, but keep the alcoholic drinks to a minimum anyway. You wouldn't want to get wild and then realize you've had a one-night stand with the boss's niece or nephew. Avoid iffy situations. Favorable colors are electric blue and salmon pink. Lucky numbers are 11 and 33.
If you haven't been feeling well, you are likely to have more strength and energy today. Your health can be improved through positive thinking; optimism has been shown to be a factor in longevity. Eliminate the excess stress in your life and replace bad habits with good ones... you will start to feel better and look better in no time! Positive colors are blueberry and cream. Lucky numbers are 4 and 5.
Consider your spiritual priorities as the Moon passes through your second house of personal values and finances. Most Pisceans know the magic law of resources... it seems when you give to others, whether it is your money or your time, your own wealth is increased. Hoarding your resources will get you nowhere, so don't forget it! Advantageous colors are terra cotta and forest green. Lucky numbers are 8 and 20.
You may be lucky in love today as the romantic Moon sails through your fifth house of romance and creativity. If you have a special someone in mind to be your sweetheart, this is a good time to make your intentions known. Archers in the creative fields will find today is a banner day as well. Allow your imagination free reign. Advantageous colors are banana yellow and plum purple. Lucky numbers are 43 and 46.
Good vibes exist between you and your associates now, so take this opportunity to discuss your ideas with your peers. Relationships with friends, neighbors, and siblings are also benefited by today's aspects, so reach out to them through the telephone or email. Get involved with groups who are working towards improving the community. Teamwork is favoured today. Excellent colors are iridescent green and bright orange. Lucky numbers are 13 and 22.
You may receive kudos from your superiors or important people in your community and the Moon blends with Jupiter to encourage rewards from The Powers That Be. This has the potential to be a wonderful time for you and will continue to be, while Jupiter transits your money house. Look for growth-encouraging opportunities for several months to come. Fortunate colors are royal blue and silver. Lucky numbers are 17 and 35.
Your emotions are high as the Moon moves through fiery Aries, but you'll have more energy to complete important tasks as the day wears on. Love is highlighted, so don't be surprised if you must deal with persistent suitors. If you are in a romantic relationship, it's time to express your affection. Take the time to do something nice for someone special now; tomorrow may be too hectic. Auspicious colors are ruby red and golden topaz. Lucky numbers are 1 and 19.
Tension arises between your private life and your public persona. Both your family and your career may be vying for your attention. It seems you can't please anyone today and that the harder you try the worse it gets. Family arguments or difficulties at home may affect your job performance. Find a way to release stress and relax this evening to avoid unnecessary arguments. Beneficial colors are eggshell white and spring green. Lucky numbers are 22 and 26.
If you wake up early this morning after a strange sexual dream, don't worry. It's just Venus and Mars digging deep into your psyche and it doesn't mean you are perverted. Dreams about sex are almost always about something other than the carnal desires; the language of the sleeping mind is almost entirely symbolic. You are normal, so carry on in good faith. Advantageous colors are deep red and plum purple. Lucky numbers are 30 and 39.
Aim high while the Moon favors your endeavors. Creative projects and publishing ventures should go well now. Those of you seeking to continue your education may find that a teacher or professor is especially helpful in pointing you in the right direction, so don't be afraid to ask for advice. Advantageous colors are maroon and tan. Lucky numbers are 14 and 22.
If you had a bad day with your partner yesterday, today is the day to kiss and make up. The fiery Aries Moon blends with Jupiter to create a romantic passion; this may be a little over the top, but sometimes a bit of drama is in order. Those of you with children may find them acting up, but if you listen closely, you'll find they really just want and need your attention. Advantageous colors are cobalt blue and blush pink. Lucky numbers are 25 and 34.
Your dreams are trying to tell you something now, Rams. Pay attention to what seem like ridiculous details, make note of the way you feel and respond to your dreams. There's quite a bit of cosmic tension in the air, so learning to understand your own dreams can be a wonderful key to mental health. Not only are your actions unpredictable under today's aspects, but so are their consequences. Whatever you hope to gain by them is not likely to be what turns out in the end. Begin the journey to perfect understanding, and don't be thrown off course by the cosmic gales. Fortunate colors are amethyst purple and golden amber. Lucky numbers are 10 and 33.
The Moon enters Aries, your twelfth house of secrets, so it's time to slow down a bit, take your time, and go easy on yourself. Avoid going out tonight unless you absolutely must; it's better to spend time alone over the next two days. It's time to recharge your spiritual batteries again and prepare for the new cycle by pampering yourself! Beneficial colors are midnight blue and sunset pink. Lucky numbers are 3 and 12.
Your career goals and personal ambitions come into focus as the Moon enters your tenth house of reputation and you may be quite the pioneer in your chosen field. Socially you can make a great deal of progress too, as long as you remember to be just as diplomatic in public as you are at home. The Powers That Be are watching you, so be on your best behavior! Fortunate colors are garnet red and heather gray. Lucky numbers are 8 and 10.
The mysterious Moon helps you feel quite generous and passionate today and others will notice and respond in kind. Some of you may be overwhelmed by the uncharacteristic need to indulge like crazy, more like a Taurus enjoying a Bacchanalian reverie. Go ahead and let it flow; this is a great day for you to wallow in the mud with the rest of the zodiac. Fortunate colors are cabernet and copper. Lucky numbers are 9 and 30.
The Moon moves into feisty Aries and your third house of communications today and you may be ready to give someone a piece of your mind. Choose your words carefully, as tomorrow there could be a showdown and you don't want to show your hand prematurely. You have a chance to recruit others to your side now, so make the most of your opportunity. Beneficial colors are pale yellow and sky blue. Lucky numbers are 5 and 14.
The emphasis shifts to your marriage or partnerships today; it's time to devote some time to your partner. Understanding runs deep between you and the ones you are closest to now; go out and have some fun while you are in tune. Why not see a suspenseful movie this evening? Nothing like a rush of adrenaline to get the evening off to an exciting start! Fortunate colors are red coral and teal blue. Lucky numbers are 7 and 16.
The changing Moon enters energetic Aries, your second house of personal finances, helping you to a more productive phase. You may be more motivated to increase your resources as well as tending to what you currently possess. Emotional gratification can be gained from buying things that please you today. It can't hurt to indulge in shopping therapy if you stick to your budget. Fortunate colors are desert sand and sage green. Lucky numbers are 2 and 4.
The Moon enters your fourth house of home and family today, urging you to spend more time with your loved ones. There may be trouble brewing at home, so head it off at the pass before tomorrow, when conditions are right for a blowout. Take the time to really listen to what the people you live with are saying. If you live by yourself, you might want to water your plants and talk to them for a while; they miss you. Fortunate colors are pale green and dove gray. Lucky numbers are 4 and 11.
Time to dream about an amazing future and time to start thinking about blazing new trails. The Moon enters pioneering Aries and your ninth house of travel and adventure today, waking up your urge to experience life in technicolor. Include your mate or partner in your plans for the future, as he or she may have a lot to contribute. Onward and upward! Auspicious colors are olive green and khaki. Lucky numbers are 12 and 21.
Your eleventh house of friends and associates is activated by the Moon in Aries. It's time to go out and play with your friends! Even you Twins who have been somewhat reclusive lately, will benefit from socializing tonight. A sense of relief will take hold when you realize that no one really has a better life than you. Sure, it might seem like someone else has a more glamorous existence, but if you could be a fly on the wall in their bedroom, you'd find they have nightmares, too! Fortunate colors are electric blue and hot pink. Lucky numbers are 4 and 31.
Be diligent about sticking to your diet or exercise routine today, because you need to pay attention to your body's health needs now. You'll also need to cover all your bases if you're working today -- don't overlook any details unless you want to pay the price next week. Your friends may be urging you to come out and indulge with them tonight, but unless you want to pay the price tomorrow, you'd better turn in early. Fortunate colors are cobalt blue and pure white. Lucky numbers are 23 and 31.
The mood is considerably lighter as the Moon enters Aries, your fifth house of romance and creativity today. Be ready to enjoy a good time tonight. Make a play date with your inner child and forget about all your responsibilities for a few hours; you've been working hard and deserve time off for good behavior. Just remember, no drinking and driving... hire a cab if you plan to go out for the evening. Fortunate colors are amethyst purple and celery green. Lucky numbers are 6 and 10.
You'll find it is easy to understand others without the need for words today; some may even find they experience telepathy. It could be difficult to express yourself verbally, but body language and subtle nuances should be exceptionally clear to you. What makes you happy, Cap? Joining organizations and participation in group activities can be very rewarding now. Favorable colors are banana yellow and blueberry. Lucky numbers are 23 and 30.
The Moon and Saturn combine to create confusion at work so don't take anything for granted today. A vindictive co-worker may be at the heart of today's misinformation: you could have stepped on this person's toes unknowingly. It's time to put harmony into your working environment, by improving the surroundings and the relationships. Beneficial colors are emerald green and heather gray. Lucky numbers are 17 and 19.
Venus and Neptune blend, making it necessary for you to use your intuition more than your intellect. Sometimes you need to stop thinking and just feel; your gut is probably the best barometer of each situation. Harmonious relationships between family members should be encouraged. Real estate negotiations, legal matters connected with a family business, or the artistic endeavors of a parent are stimulated in weeks ahead. Fortunate colors are royal purple and crimson. Lucky numbers are 27 and 30.
It will be much easier to communicate with your loved ones as the Moon and Mercury harmonize. You may even understand each other without words. You should have little trouble gaining favors from others. Pleasant relations with neighbors and people with whom you come in daily contact are favoured. If such contacts have been troubled in the past, this is a good time to improve them. Favorable colors are blueberry and cinnabar. Lucky numbers are 25 and 34.
There is something in the air at work, or regarding personal finances today, but the intuitive Moon should help you tune in to what goes unsaid. As Venus enters your midheaven, your status can be affected positively, so pay attention to the little things. Be there... and be seen! Favorable colors are bright copper and ivy green. Lucky numbers are 11 and 20.
The Moon blends well with Mercury, as Venus dances with Neptune today. Let your intuition lead you to success, dear Libra. With Venus entering Scorpio, you may feel the urge to splurge on luxury items. Social or cultural events stretch the budget as the Christmas season gets busy and you'll long to spend on your appearance or your environment. The issue of wealth connected with social status may arise in some form. Fortunate colors are cornflower blue and beige. Lucky numbers are 5 and 30.
Those of you who have been rubbing the Buddha's belly for good luck may find a financial windfall coming your way. As Venus enters thrilling Scorpio, making a sweet aspect with dreamy Neptune, your good karma bounces back to you in marvelous ways. Let the good life flow to you! Beneficial colors are rose red and white carnation. Lucky numbers are 9 and 11.
Your dreams could be very psychic during this time so pay attention to the language of your unconscious mind. The Pisces Moon will give you extraordinary insight into your self and perhaps others. You need not hear very much to understand what people are really trying to say. As Venus enters Scorpio you are more susceptible to false flattery. Love relationships from the past, especially where you suffered a loss, can intrude on the present in some way. Intuitive colors are sea green and blossom pink. Lucky numbers are 27 and 30.
You'll need to work as a team to get things done today; a group effort is necessary to implement changes. Causes of a humanitarian nature are favored; the more selfless your efforts, the more success you will see. As loving Venus hits Scorpio, partnerships are emphasized. There is also the possibility of establishing new partnerships and joint ventures. And it is a time of increased pressure to resolve disagreements. Imaginative solutions are in the wind. Auspicious colors are coppery pink and sea green. Lucky numbers are 7 and 16.
Trust your natural telepathic abilities today and listen to your gut feelings as Venus enters Scorpio, forming a lovely relationship with psychic Neptune. If you'd like to put a little more romance in your life this is the time. Vacations, socializing, hobbies, pastimes (and taking a few risks!) are in the wind. Your children are also trying to communicate with you, so pay close attention to what they say -- and what they don't say. Favorable colors are maroon and tan. Lucky numbers are 5 and 36.
As Venus dives into the deep waters of Scorpio today you'll be renewed spiritually, which will help you face your challenges. Use this blessing to work towards your goals and aspirations, quietly but surely. For now, hold your head up and display a positive attitude. If you believe you can be successful, everyone else will believe it, too. This is a good time to ask for loans or favors, as well as to collect those you are owed. Advantageous colors are sunset pink and lavender. Lucky numbers are 21 and 30.
Almost anything you do can be enjoyable as Venus sashays into your sign, just as the Moon passes through simpatico Pisces, your house of pleasure. Whatever is on your agenda, make time to please yourself. Beauty treatment, new clothes, fine foods. Yum. Even if your most creative act is shopping at the mall, be sure to indulge in your favorite pastime. Life is too short not to have a little fun once in a while. Favorable colors are rich red and silver. Lucky numbers are 1 and 37.
As the Sun enters your twelfth house, now is a good time to analyze why you may have developed hidden resentments, especially of control by others. In fact, a need to use or gain hidden power and control or even to hide the power and resources you have is stimulated. Understanding your subconscious, courageously dealing with failure or shame and accepting limitations will develop remarkable inner strength and determination. Positive colors are forest green and earth brown. Lucky numbers are 38 and 47.
The cosmic focus turns to private life, domestic chores and matters related to home or property. Family relationships and activities increase. Your role and influence in the family, and the need to assert and express yourself is enhanced. There may be disputes over family property. Keep your radio on the easy listening station today. Beneficial colors are chocolate brown and burgundy. Lucky numbers are 12 and 13.
Your ego becomes involved with money and status (or lack of either) gained through inheritance, business partners or marriage, for the next month or so. Payment of debts, or debt collection are other concerns. Avoid the embarrassment of a public scene by channeling the excess energy into creative projects... your ability to tap into the next big thing should be high today. Either way, you'll be feeling pressure. Don't snap! Beneficial colors are garnet red and sapphire blue. Lucky numbers are 44 and 46.
With the Moon in your sign and the Sun in Sagittarius, it's time to assess the role you play in the world at large and how that role is affected by your family responsibilities. Aim high; do not let failure discourage you from working toward the recognition you deserve. Whether your primary work is raising a family, pursuing a career, or a combination of both, you do make a difference. Favorable colors are sunset pink and pale violet. Lucky numbers are 39 and 48.
Focus on the things you want to accomplish today, as you're likely to make progress; in fact you can grab the tiger by the tail. You may find yourself assuming leadership in community affairs. Be more assertive, but avoid the delusion that your own ideas and opinions are the only ones worth listening to. Pleasant or not, it is in your best interests to turn each situation into a positive learning experience. Fortunate colors are ruby red and pure white. Lucky numbers are 19 and 28.
The Sun enters your opposite sign of Sagittarius, making this the halfway mark until your next birthday. The focus of the next few weeks is likely to be on others rather than on yourself. Your financial relationships are changing as Mars is now stirring trouble in your financial arena while Mercury is retrograde in Scorpio, your zone of work and health. Fortunate colors are honey gold and eggshell white. Lucky numbers are 16 and 45.
Your birthday cycle begins as the Sun enters Sagittarius today; celebrate the beginning of your personal new year! Even if all you're celebrating is the fact that you survived the past year, you should congratulate yourself for a job well done. With Jupiter retro in your seventh house of partners, relationships seem to have developed a mind of their own, but a creative approach will stand you in good stead. Fortunate colors are indian red and butter yellow. Lucky numbers are 1 and 7.
As the Sun strides into fiery Sagittarius, ask yourself what does or does not motivate you to work. Do you take pride in carrying out daily tasks and responsibilities with efficiency? Does whether you work for yourself, or for someone else, make a difference to your attitude? Change is in the air, and change is often fueled by passionate emotions. It will be hard to keep such fires under control today, but if you keep the lines properly drawn, the outcome will be positive. Advantageous colors are wine red and ebony. Lucky numbers are 6 and 18.
The Sun enters optimistic Sagittarius and your second house of finances, helping you to be more resourceful during the next month. You can focus your energies on gaining financial stability as well as find a way to truly enjoy the work that you do; make it your goal this year to transform your earning power by doing what you love and loving what you do. Auspicious colors are forest green and terra cotta. Lucky numbers are 2 and 12.
The shining Sun enters fiery Sagittarius today, so even if you are not usually a sensualist, your capacity for enjoyment increases. Romantic encounters will erupt in weeks ahead, but they tend to involve more ego-gratification than emotional commitment. Ego? You? Gosh. Fortunate colors are warm tan and golden amber. Lucky numbers are 5 and 8.
As the Sun strides into Sagittarius, the urge to travel is calling you, whether into other physical or spiritual realms. A desire to pursue higher education or advanced training is stimulated, as is the urge to speculate, take risks and be more daring. You become more outgoing and assertive when travelling abroad, or dealing with those of a different race or culture. Fortunate colors are silver and gold. Lucky numbers are 29 and 45.
Your imagination can create worlds of wonder today so don't hesitate to express your creative ideas. Children can bring great pleasure, so spend some time with the young ones in your life. Love and romance are sublime, but possibly bittersweet and elusive. No matter; the greatest love stories are about love found, love lost, and the painful pleasure of longing. Favorable colors are butter yellow and celery green. Lucky numbers are 16 and 19.
Some of you may have a hard time staying on solid ground as the Moon moves through dreamy Pisces; dream big dreams that have no earthly hope of coming true, and then see how quickly the universe moves to support your ambitions. There's no harm in imagining a fabulous future for yourself and your loved ones; just remember not to imagine your enemies getting their just rewards. They will get their due eventually, with or without your help! Beneficial colors are olive green and khaki. Lucky numbers are 18 and 27.
You'll be ready to strut your stuff again as the Moon moves into your sign. People will be drawn to you as you are more radiant than usual. Your powers of intuition are on the increase; it may even be painful for many of you to be around other people. You can use your strength today to heal, so don't be afraid to be with those who need your healing powers. Even the psychic vampires can't drain you now. Auspicious colors are rose red and bright yellow. Lucky numbers are 1 and 4.
The reactive Moon travels through your sixth house of health and service, placing an emphasis on the way you feel and the work you do. You may be under quite a bit of pressure as Venus battles Jupiter; it will seem as though everyone wants everything yesterday. Tell the world to chill out and maintain a pace that is comfortable for you. Auspicious colors are yellow sapphire and emerald green. Lucky numbers are 12 and 14.
Your career and reputation are highlighted as the Moon moves into Pisces; you may feel more pressure to perform creatively today. Some of you may even question the line of work you are in... Gemini is a natural healer and poet, but often overlooks these gifts in seeking a career. You can always start something up on the side; go ahead and submit something you have written to an appropriate publication! Favorable colors are garnet red and sapphire blue. Lucky numbers are 8 and 10.
Good friends come to the rescue, urging you to get out and have some fun when you most need it. Life can't be all work and no play for the pleasure-loving Bull: with Venus as your ruler, you crave a feast for the senses. It's time to take a break, whether you go out for lunch or meet after work for drinks. The bonds you create now will help pull you through rough times. Advantageous colors are electric blue and hot pink. Lucky numbers are 11 and 22.
The Moon enters spiritual Pisces and your twelfth house of secrets, showing that it's time to slow down, relax, and review the events of the past month. Some of you may react to this transit by becoming anxious and paranoid... if you haven't figured out that you are in control over almost nothing in your life, you might not like what you feel. Use this time to understand what 'let go and let God' really means. Favorable colors are midnight blue and sea green. Lucky numbers are 3 and 12.
The Moon enters sensitive Pisces and your second house of personal finances and values today, activating your sixth sense about money. Past actions, good or bad, may catch up to you, with Mars busy behind the scenes, so choose your battles wisely. Financial issues are tinged with fantasy and deception, so check every detail, especially if your public image is in the spotlight. Favorable colors are sage green and desert sand. Lucky numbers are 2 and 8.
The home fires could get out of control today as Venus clashes with your life-ruler Jupiter; you may find that you're saying all the wrong things to certain family members. It could also be that the emotions of others are getting on your nerves; you might want to step out of the house today and spend some time doing your own thing somewhere else. Beneficial colors are pale green and pearl gray. Lucky numbers are 4 and 20.
If you've been under pressure lately, you might reach critical mass today. The sensitive Moon in your seventh house clashes with the Sun and Pluto, adding an edge to the mood in your relationships. You're likely to bite your room-mate's head off if your head isn't bitten off first... try to find something to laugh about to ease the tension. Those of you in intimate relationships can channel all this wild energy into passionate encounters, so avoid senseless bickering. Beneficial colors are pale aqua and aubergine. Lucky numbers are 7 and 16.
The Moon enters mystical Pisces, stimulating romance and creativity. Some of you may feel an epiphany coming on... no matter how many times you have been reborn spiritually, it's always nice to feel new again. With Venus glowing in your twelfth house, you may be ready for something completely different this time around. Follow your heart and see where it leads. Fortunate colors are pale gold and amethyst purple. Lucky numbers are 5 and 12.
The changeable Moon enters your eighth house, stirring passions that have been lying dormant for some time. Fantasy and imagination play an important role as the Moon wears her Pisces face; you may even find yourself experiencing psychic phenomena as the Neptune influence makes itself felt. Those of you involved in romantic relationships will find the heat turned up tonight and the differences between you are likely to ignite a mighty spark. Fortunate colors are wine red and ebony. Lucky numbers are 9 and 18.
The Moon enters poetic Pisces today, giving you the gift of words. Those of you who play a musical instrument will find your sound is deeper and contains more feeling; release everything that you have been holding in for the past few days. Even if it means engaging in primal scream therapy in your back yard, it's time to speak. Beneficial colors are pale yellow and sky blue. Lucky numbers are 3 and 5.
The Moon makes a lovely aspect with jolly Jupiter, making you more sensitive to your environment, especially in the public sphere. Tender loving care for yourself or someone close to you is the order of the day; you'll be more intuitive about your health and the health of others. Those of you in the healing professions can work miracles, but remember to guard your own health first. Fortunate colors are cornflower blue and daisy white. Lucky numbers are 32 and 34.
Today can be truly romantic, as the nurturing Moon lights up your fifth house and forms a beautiful aspect with Jupiter. Express your love and affection and it will return to you several times over. You can multiply your joy today by spreading it around. Watch out for too much of a good thing, however. There are bound to be killjoys who will resent your blithe spirit; don't waste your happiness on them. Fortunate colors are pale lilac and spring green. Lucky numbers are 15 and 42.
You may be noticing the effects of Mars in Sagittarius now, as he stirs up your house of hopes and wishes. Unfortunately, Mars does not impart tact or diplomacy as one of his gifts, so try to think before you speak as much as possible, especially where friends and associates are concerned. Legal issues should smooth out, but employ strategy rather than brute strength. Fortunate colors are red coral and terra cotta. Lucky numbers are 37 and 46.
You might find yourself in the hot seat at work today as the Moon passes through your fourth house of home and family, igniting powerful Jupiter, Lord of the Celestials. This is an anything-can-happen kind of day, so be on your toes. Your closest relationships may also be strained under this influence, so remember not to take a bad day out on the ones you love. You can be a hero today if you apply your Scorpio strength and stamina. Advantageous colors are charcoal gray and iridescent green. Lucky numbers are 18 and 21.
Sudden insight may come to you as the Moon in your third house of communication awakens intuitive Jupiter, your planetary ruler. It's one of those days when you just know things. Be careful not to step on anyone's toes as you announce your findings. Keep that famous foot out of your mouth. Advantageous colors are golden amber and ocean blue. Lucky numbers are 23 and 32.
You may have to take a trip at a moment's notice, so don't let the unexpected jangle your nerves. Look at the day as an adventure, and welcome unexpected twists and turns. The Twins have been far too predictable lately and could use a change of pace, anyway. Those of you who end up staying planted in terra firma could find yourself on a journey of the mind, as philosophical debate turns into an intellectual adventure! Auspicious colors are maroon and tan. Lucky numbers are 23 and 30.
The Moon and Jupiter combine to create good fortune in your life so pay attention during important discussions, especially when concealed information surfaces. Don't lose your cool during business transactions, but by the same token, don't let anyone run roughshod over you. Those of you with children should keep a close eye on them, as accidents are more likely to happen today. Advantageous colors are cobalt blue and red coral. Lucky numbers are 13 and 16.
Some of you will feel like you have a guardian angel watching over you with the Moon and Jupiter in harmony. As much stress as you are under, everything should work out today, for fortunate Jupiter favors your finances. This is a high stress day for your partner, so proceed with caution. Don't play 'my day was worse than your day' games, unless you want to pay dearly. Fortunate colors are emerald green and silver. Lucky numbers are 26 and 35.
Others may think you are in fairy land as the dreamy Moon dances with divine Jupiter. Go ahead and let your imagination run wild! This is a good day for dreaming about the future and visualizing where you want to be in the coming days. Allow yourself to drift a bit on this somewhat lazy day. Advantageous colors are midnight blue and plum purple. Lucky numbers are 30 and 39.
Some of you may be unduly worried today; it's just the emotional Moon clashing with macho Mars and upsetting Uranus today. You could imagine all kinds of terrible fates that could befall you, but none of them are likely to happen. Your best defense against your fear and anxiety is to think positive, happy thoughts... you'll swear you can fly! Propitious colors are fern green and terra cotta. Lucky numbers are 29 and 47.
The Moon and Neptune smooch in your seventh house of marriage and partnership today, making you long for a dream lover. It's easy to imagine that a frog is really a prince or princess today because reality is not what you're looking for in a partner at the moment. On the other hand, a very spiritual, ideal relationship can be a reality under this influence. It all depends on your state of mind. Beneficial colors are plum purple and cherry red. Lucky numbers are 25 and 34.
The Moon and Mars make a tense aspect today, boosting your energy and increasing your competitiveness. However, when your emotions are stimulated, you'll find you can leap tall buildings in a single bound. Use your superpowers for the good today... it will be all too easy to get angry with someone and then blow them away with your impassioned reactions. Watch out for traffic jams! Advantageous colors are peacock blue and shimmering pink. Lucky numbers are 11 and 22.
It's time to look inward as the Moon enters Aquarius and your twelfth house of endings. Another lunar cycle has come and gone for you; spend these next two days healing and recharging your spiritual batteries. Spend the day doing whatever floats your boat... no pressure, no stress, no hurry. Breathe deep and take time to smell the flowers in your own garden. Fortunate colors are amethyst purple and silver. Lucky numbers are 3 and 12.
The Moon enters your third house of communication, helping you to express yourself more eloquently. Writing poetry may help you to express the subtle emotions you long to express. Reading a book of pure escapist fiction is also good medicine today... hey, no one has to know what it is you're reading. All aboard Jilly Cooper! Fortunate colors are pale yellow and sky blue. Lucky numbers are 5 and 14.
Some of you may wonder where your money's going as the Moon meets Neptune in your second house of personal finances; your money seems to be spent as fast as you can make it. Before you go blaming everyone else, do a prosperity dance. Get all the junk you don't use anymore out of your house and donate it to charity, then dance naked under the stars. You'll soon find you have all the money you need. Fortunate colors are sage green and desert sand. Lucky numbers are 2 and 7.
Some exciting and unexpected communications may come your way. Good news of some kind is in the air. And since something good is likely to come out of the blue as the Moon dances with Uranus, it might pay you to take a lottery ticket. Someone's got to win it! Excellent colors are rich gold and deep red. Lucky numbers are 3 and 6.
With the Moon entering Aquarius and your fourth house of home and family, some quiet time with your loved ones is in order. You may feel like your home is a haven while the Moon blends with Neptune; at the very least it can provide a temporary escape from the stressful pressures of the world. Take a few deep breaths and relax. Beneficial colors are pale green and oyster. Lucky numbers are 20 and 47.
The Moon enters Aquarius, your ninth house of travel and adventure today, reminding you of all the plans you've made for the future. Yes, you should scuba dive in a lagoon in Tahiti, and don't forget to skydive in Italy next summer! Dream your grandest, craziest dreams and you might find them coming true. Fortunate colors are peacock blue and tropical green. Lucky numbers are 9 and 11.
Keep an open mind today as the Moon enters experimental Aquarius, urging you to try new things in your life. Why not sign up for a class with your best friend or partner? That way, if the experience turns out to be a disaster, you'll both have something to laugh about. After all, life is just one great big adventure, so have fun with it! Fortunate colors are blossom pink and aqua. Lucky numbers are 7 and 16.
Today should be just beautiful as the Moon enters your first house of personality. A little escapism won't be out of place, so go ahead and enjoy a dreamy afternoon. It's clear sailing for most Water- Bearers: why not relish the relative lack of pressure? Romance can be aided by this transit... plan a romantic picnic for two. Favorable colors are ruby red and snow white. Lucky numbers are 1 and 10.
The Moon travels into your fifth house of romance and creativity, putting you in a playful mood. Anything can happen while unpredictable Uranus lends excitement to the day, so be prepared for anything. If you are planning a surprise for someone special, do think it out carefully first. Fortunate colors are royal purple and pale gold. Lucky numbers are 6 and 10.
As the Moon opposes Neptune, you may find yourself deep in a fantasy about what might have been. Don't allow yourself to be deceived by swirling cosmic forces at work. Your eleventh house of friends and associates is soon stimulated by the Moon entering Aquarius, so you'll be in a friendly mood and ready to hang out with your gang again. Beneficial colors are red and chestnut. Lucky numbers are 11 and 20.
The Moon enters Aquarius and your tenth house of career and status today, making you more aware of your personal reputation. The Bull is often a pillar of the community, so chances are good that you are well thought of. You may want to use your good name to benefit a good cause, so check out your local charities. Help out in any way you can. Fortunate colors are deep purple and shimmering blue. Lucky numbers are 6 and 10.
Strange dreams and desires may disturb you this morning; rest assured that just because you dreamt it, you're not weird! Everyone dreams weird fantasies on occasion, and no one has been locked up for it yet. If you analyze your dreams carefully, you'll find that they're often about things that seem to have nothing to do with the imagery you recall. Beneficial colors are wine red and chocolate brown. Lucky numbers are 9 and 18.
The Moon and Mars in your sign can make you an emotional powerhouse. Try to maintain a positive attitude and a good mood; if you get angry, you're likely to over-react and say things you'll regret later. Use this energy up in a positive fashion; sports, crafts, and other personal hobbies will help you focus on your aims, short and long term. Fortunate colors are crimson and cream. Lucky numbers are 19 and 28.
It may be Tool Time at your house today; the desire to make home improvements could be overwhelming. Slow down so you don't hurt yourself... there is always a possibility of cuts and bruises so take precautions. Some of you may have an unrelenting urge to remake a loved one; this presents risks as well, so think about any constructive criticism you want to offer. Beneficial colors are sea green and sand. Lucky numbers are 4 and 25.
The Moon blends well with Mercury, adding a lively, exciting feel to the day. You'll be able to express yourself cleverly; even your rivals will be charmed by your wit. As mighty Mars, your life-ruler, takes the reins in Capricorn, your career is boosted in weeks ahead. It's time to take action that affects your future. Fortunate colors are garnet red and emerald green. Lucky numbers are 17 and 19.
The benefits of all your hard work may be evident today as the responsive Moon moves through your second house of personal values and finances. Some of you will receiving extra money, possibly in the form of a gift. Spending money on fine dining or beautiful objects will be very gratifying. If your budget won't allow for extra expenditures, you can always enjoy an inexpensive treat. Favorable colors are coin silver and copper. Lucky numbers are 11 and 15.
The Moon and Jupiter are out of sorts and the 'Powers That Be' and your own creative leanings blend for better or for worse. This influence is potentially valuable, because as the Sun combines with Mercury, your mind is on high alert. However, too much of a good thing could be a problem today, so practice moderation. Fortunate colors are ebony and charcoal gray. Lucky numbers are 18 and 21.
As Mighty Mars swings into Capricorn, the cosmic heat can be positively channeled into passionate embraces or wasted on a ridiculous argument -- take your pick. Your partner could be itching to start a fight, but if you've been paying attention, you'll know how to diffuse this timebomb. With a little tender loving care and patience, you can turn the tiger into a pussycat. Auspicious colors are spring green and baby blue. Lucky numbers are 25 and 34.
Warrior Mars sallies into practical Capricorn and your sixth house of service, helping you to be more productive. Pay attention to quality and detail as you complete your tasks, everything from the food you serve and eat to the way you file your papers should be noted. If you have time, organize your desk for greater efficiency. Favorable colors are deep blueberry and golden honey. Lucky numbers are 17 and 23.
With Mars in your house of communication, your powers of persuasion are strong today and you should be able to win most people over to your side. Don't leave out tact and diplomacy in your presentation. Remember that not everyone is going to like what you have to say... if you really believe in the stand you are taking, don't back down in order to win a popularity contest. Fortunate colors are golden amber and ocean blue. Lucky numbers are 23 and 32.
You may find that you are so in tune with your best friend or partner today that you even share the same dreams; your powers of intuition are working overtime and this can benefit your relationships. Make an effort to spend some time with the most significant other in your life... meeting for lunch or dinner after work is a nice way to focus on each other. Intuitive colors are jade green and charcoal. Lucky numbers are 24 and 25.
With the Moon and Mars lighting up your fifth house of pleasure, you might feel like a colt on a spring morning. Everything takes on a more passionate feel today; you'll want to sweep your lover off of his/her feet, play with your children like you were their age again, and throw your heart and soul into your art projects. Let it flow! Advantageous colors are plum purple and cherry red. Lucky numbers are 15 and 19.
The Moon moves through your twelfth house of the subconscious, triggering powerful dreams. If there's someone frustrating in your life, don't be surprised if you dream of wringing their neck, even if they are disguised as a chicken, kewpie doll, or annoying talk show host. With Mars there too, your feelings of anger and aggression are going to come out one way or another! Beneficial colors are sunset pink and lavender. Lucky numbers are 21 and 30.
You're all fired up as Mars enters Capricorn. Why not take a road trip if you can today; there's nothing like a change of scenery to lift your soul. Even an hour's drive can take you someplace new and wonderful, so don't rule out the seemingly insignificant destinations near you. Joy can be found almost anywhere, you just have to be willing to see it! Consider yourself successful if you discover a diner that serves a mean cheesecake. Favorable colors are maroon and tan. Lucky numbers are 12 and 19.
The Moon enters Capricorn and your ninth house of travel and adventure today, stirring up your goals and aspirations. Of course there's always more to life, but you have to be willing to see it in simple places. If you are unsatisfied with your lot, start to look for small miracles. Capture a caterpillar and feed it until it forms a cocoon; witness the miracle of metamorphosis and realize that the caterpillar is a metaphor for you. Fortunate colors are olive green and khaki. Lucky numbers are 30 and 33.
You may want to go deeper as the changing Moon activates your eighth house of sex, power and intimacy today. Simple, surface explanations won't satisfy as you seek to understand the meaning behind your life and your experiences. Find a quiet place to meditate and connect with that still, small voice inside. Beneficial colors are ebony and wine red. Lucky numbers are 9 and 27.
The Moon enters Capricorn and your seventh house of marriage and partnerships, placing the focus on your partner. Even if your better half has four legs and a furry tail, you should spend some time listening and intuiting the needs of your companion. Days like these allow you to discern whether your chosen is a faithful friend or a dirty rat, so pay attention. Fortunate colors are soft coral and pale aqua. Lucky numbers are 7 and 16.
If something is bothering you, get to work around the house and put some elbow grease into it. you'll be surprised at how therapeutic physical chores can be and gardening can be pure nirvana. Try not to think too much today; you're better off doing things that take more brawn than brains. You'll feel much better once you see everything you have accomplished. Favorable colors are cobalt blue and beige. Lucky numbers are 14 and 44.
Hurrah! The Moon takes a tour of your fifth house today, emphasizing romance and pleasure. Put down your work and get outside and play; your creative juices will be stirred by joyful activity. Spend the next two days or so on vacation... no serious work allowed. There will be plenty of time to attend to obligations and duties later. Favorable colors are pale gold and lavender. Lucky numbers are 6 and 12.
You'll feel like being a homebody today. There's something to be said for staying in your pajamas until noon and working within reach of your own kitchen. If you can't stay home, take a little comfort along with you to work. Be generous and bring in doughnuts and coffee... if you are really sweet, no one will notice when you slip out before 5p.m. Advantageous colors are pale green and oyster. Lucky numbers are 11 and 20.
The Moon enters sober Capricorn and your tenth house of career and status today, demanding that you get back to serious business. Some may feel a bit depressed during this transit, but hard work is the remedy for what ails you. You'll feel much better as you work towards your goals... just remember, Rome was not built in a day. Favorable colors are basic black and heather gray. Lucky numbers are 8 and 10.
People will be listening to you today, so talk while the Moon is passing through your third house of communication. Sure, the important thing is to walk the walk, but sometimes you have to sell yourself, too. Go ahead and express your views, share your experiences and listen to what others have to say. There is the key: listen to others so that when you open your mouth, you'll have a better chance of keeping your foot out of it! Favorable colors are pale yellow and sky blue. Lucky numbers are 5 and 14.
It may seem that the faster you bring money in, the faster money goes out. With the Moon in your second house of personal finances, you may be making more money, but you'll also need to spend more of it. To stay balanced, sit down right now and see what you can cut out of your budget for the rest of the month. You'll be surprised at all the things you don't really need. Beneficial colors are sage green and desert sand. Lucky numbers are 2 and 8.
The Moon enters Capricorn and gets you glowing: it's time to shine. You'll have more emotional energy over the next two days, so plan important events and meetings for this time. Your creative potential is at its peak, so allow your ideas to flow. This is also a wonderful time for socializing, especially if you're interested in social climbing. Beneficial colors are ruby red and snow white. Lucky numbers are 1 and 10.
The Moon triggers your low cycle today, so allow yourself some quiet time. Don't go out tonight if you don't feel like it; no matter what anyone says, you won't end up having a good time if what you really want is to be curled up with a good book. It's time to recharge your spiritual batteries, so indulge in all those things that make you feel whole again. Advantageous colors are midnight blue and silver. Lucky numbers are 3 and 12.
The Moon enters Capricorn and your eleventh house of groups and associates today, starting off a two day period of fun and friendship. Parties and get-togethers will be especially enjoyable, especially those that celebrate someone's achievements or happy milestones. You may not get much work done today, but the feelings of cheer and kindness will do you good. Beneficial colors are electric blue and hot pink. Lucky numbers are 11 and 24.
Changes are in store today, especially emotional changes of heart. You may suddenly decide you've had quite enough of a particular person or group; stand up for yourself and maintain your dignity. Changes may also be underway among your friends and associates; be supportive of those who need you most. All of this change can be for the best, much like the cleaning of a wound in preparation for healing. Positive colors are sparkling green and gold. Lucky numbers are 27 and 29.
Disturbing dreams and intense emotions could dominate the day; try to look at this discomfort as a healing process. You may have to face those who have helped produce much of your inner torment at this time. The only way out is forgiveness: you don't have to trust or even like someone who has hurt you in the past, but forgiveness is the key to setting yourself free. Auspicious colors are ocean blue and pale yellow. Lucky numbers are 11 and 18.
Psychological healing is likely as the Moon moves through your twelfth house; some may make peace with a family member or finally be able to break a bad habit. You can feel serenity if you're able to let go of the past; psychic or intuitive Sea-Goats could be receiving messages from those who have passed on. Keep your notebook by the bed just in case someone gives you the winning lottery numbers in a dream. Auspicious colors are lavender and silver. Lucky numbers are 21 and 12.
Honesty is the best policy, but be careful not to burn all your bridges before noon. You have something important to say, but it is impossible to know just what kind of impact your words will have. Your legendary tact will grace all your communications this evening. Auspicious colors are golden amber and ocean blue. Lucky numbers are 23 and 32.
The Moon in your eighth house of sex, money and power opposes Jupiter today and some financial struggles may result. Emotional blackmail is very possible; avoid leaning unfairly on others, and refuse to let others take advantage of you. Ultimately, this is a time of changes in your attitudes. You may even find yourself losing sexual inhibitions, which could be a good thing. Favorable colors are deep purple and ruby red. Lucky numbers are 27 and 35.
You may be struggling with a career issue or with your reputation. There is no use fighting when Jupiter is under pressure, so try to relax and understand what is happening on a deeper level. Your heart will let you know which direction to take as events unfold. You may need to let go of deeply cherished ambitions and follow a different path. Whatever you do, do not misuse any authority you are given. Auspicious colors are emerald green and sapphire blue. Lucky numbers are 37 and 45.
If you're stuck in an office, spend the day cleaning your desk. You'll look busy, so no one will know the difference. Home sweet home is likely to be the most pleasant of places this evening, so if you do feel the urge to entertain, invite someone special over to sample your home cooking. Fortunate colors are steel gray and cornflower blue. Lucky numbers are 14 and 32.
You can run, but you can't hide from your partner today, as the Moon moves through Sagittarius and your seventh house, placing the emphasis on marriage and partnerships. As retro Mercury spends the next few weeks in Scorpio, your sexual health may be under pressure, and relationships at work will intensify. Make no firm commitments till next month at the earliest. Beneficial colors are wine red and ivory. Lucky numbers are 16 and 36.
Today should be fun, light and easy, so enjoy the happy vibes. Your creativity is reaching a monthly peak as the Moon travels through your fifth house of romance and creativity, so let it flow. Children will be more responsive to you and eager to spend time with you; make time for the young ones in your life. Romance heats up as well, so send a love note to your intended. Fortunate colors are golden amber and lavender. Lucky numbers are 10 and 24.
Mars in your sign is giving you strength to tackle any job. Face your fears and meet challenges, as you are likely to succeed with the extra courage the Cosmic Warrior brings. Watch out for a tendency to be an emotional steamroller... not everyone will feel as strongly as you do today. You can be an agent for change, but work on your own life before you try to make over others. Auspicious colors are brick red and cream. Lucky numbers are 19 and 28.
With the Moon in your ninth house of travel and adventure, you may be longing for changes in your life. Whether you dream of exotic safaris or exploring the halls of higher learning, it may be time to break away from the routine. Those of you living far from your place of birth may find you are being profoundly changed by your new surroundings. Beneficial colors are maroon and tan. Lucky numbers are 27 and 38.
Venus is favoured in your twelfth house of secrets today, so if you do receive a note from someone from your past, today's the day to make the most of it. With Mercury and the Sun in your sign, your personal magnetism is high. Mysteries are there to be investigated... and solved! Favorable colors are forest green and bronze. Lucky numbers are 17 and 18.
Your eighth house of sex, money and power is activated by the Moon today so steer clear of power struggles and intrigue. What happens now will have a strong influence over tomorrow's trends, so be sure to follow the Golden Rule. Shared finances may be an issue now; remember that it's only money after all. Look out for your own interests while maintaining a generous attitude. Auspicious colors are wine red and jet black. Lucky numbers are 9 and 18.
The Moon dances into your eleventh house of friends and associates, which could prove to be too much of a good thing, as retro Mercury steps back into your midheaven. It's hard to imagine anything being too much fun, but things could get out of hand today and tomorrow. If you use your super powers of intuition, you may just be able to help someone who desperately needs a hand. Fortunate colors are electric blue and hot pink. Lucky numbers are 11 and 18.
Do what you love and love what you do to achieve greater fortune, Scorp. The Moon in your house of finances enlivens your ideas about what you really value in life, and as Mercury slips back to your sign during his retro phase, what affects you personally through communication or judgement comes to the fore. Get your facts straight before making any financial decisions and delay commitments till after Mercury straightens out. Favorable colors are sage green and desert sand. Lucky numbers are 2 and 10.
The Moon activates your tenth house of career and status, arousing friction with authority figures. You may have brilliant, creative ideas, but a stubborn superior may only be interested in ruling with an iron fist. Use your famous flexibility to position yourself successfully. Travel arrangements are not favoured, as retro Mercury enters Scorpio. Double-check your bookings if you must take a journey. Fortunate colors are basic black and garnet red. Lucky numbers are 8 and 10.
Feeling bright and spunky today? As the Moon enters Sagittarius you'll be ready to go back into battle as your emotional strength reaches a monthly high. The power to change your life is just around the corner. As Mercury retros into your twelfth house, messages you receive now may be very subtle. What happens today may hold clues to the near future. Certain information must be kept confidential. Advantageous colors are ruby red and alice blue. Lucky numbers are 1 and 7.
The Moon is in your fourth house of home and family as retro Mercury heads back to Scorpio, so take control of your emotional responses before they take control of you. If you've never given primal scream therapy a try, you might want to experience it yourself over the next day or two. Bend down with your head between your knees, then lift up with a scream that comes from your toes all the way through to the top of your head. Feel better now? Fortunate colors are pale green and apricot. Lucky numbers are 2 and 4.
With the Moon in your house of communication as Mercury dives back into Scorpio, some financial news is coming your way. You may be the one to drop the bomb on someone unsuspecting; use your native charm to ease the shock. Brothers and sisters may be affecting your life in some way, so pay attention to their activities. Those of you who live in big cities should watch out for road rage... you may want to strangle another driver today. Fortunate colors are pale yellow and sky blue. Lucky numbers are 3 and 29.
You might feel good enough to flirt outrageously today, but you may go overboard this evening. Intense, passionate types are likely to get your attention and light flirting could be taken more seriously than you intend. Children may also be extra sensitive to your attempts at playfulness and humor... don't be surprised if your well intentioned comments trigger an emotional outburst. Fortunate colors are royal purple and old gold. Lucky numbers are 14 and 37.
It's off to work you go, so clear your mind of dreams and fancies and get busy. Appreciate this opportunity to simply serve and work where you're needed: many of you have had too much time to think lately. Chores that involve very little skill will be therapeutic today. You might even have a chat with God or your own personal goddess while scrubbing out the shower. Auspicious colors are cobalt and sable. Lucky numbers are 6 and 24.
The Moon travels through Sagittarius, your ninth house of travel and adventure, helping put a positive spin on the day. Most of you will feel upbeat as you meet the challenges, preferring to look on the sunny side of life. However some of you may begin to feel more intense as retro Mercury slips back into Scorpio today. Watch out for confusion with finances and debts in particular. Positive colors are dark green and light tan. Lucky numbers are 36 and 48.
The intuitive Moon sends you visions of the future today; hopefully you'll see the greatest good possible and not just a reflection of your own fears and anxieties. If you find yourself dancing on the pessimistic side of the dance floor, snap out of it. Mercury steps back to Scorpio, so you need to get your facts straight on matters concerning your hopes and dreams. Don't believe everything you read. Favorable colors are midnight blue and sunset pink. Lucky numbers are 30 and 48.
Certain relationship matters come to critical mass as retro Mercury heads back to Scorpio. Most Twins will find today's events strenuous and somewhat distasteful. Intensity is not your favourite entree, especially when it is served by an emotional partner. Could it be that your actions or perhaps lack of action has brought this firestorm on? Propitious colors are blush pink and goldenrod. Lucky numbers are 8 and 26.
The New Moon in your fourth house of home and family may find you longing to stay cuddled up in bed. Many of you will want to sleep late this morning, but few of you have the luxury to do so. If you can spend more time at home with your family in the coming days, you'll be glad you did. In the immortal words of Dorothy: 'There's no place like home!' Homeloving colors are sea green and american oak. Lucky numbers are 4 and 22.
It's the right time to make a fresh start in business and financial endeavors as today's New Moon occurs in your second house of personal values and finances. Make a wish list and send it out into the Universe; you're more likely to achieve your dreams if you speak up first. You may feel like your entire life is taken up by work at the moment, but it will all soon pay off. Prosperous colors are ivy green and dark cherry. Lucky numbers are 1 and 2.
The New Moon Fairy might be willing to grant you a new start in your career this month, so take this opportunity to look your options over. A career change may not be out of the question! Either way, change is in the air. Assert control of your own destiny; aim high and do not let failure discourage you from working toward the recognition you deserve. Capitalize on your natural assets, using your personality to catapult you to the top. Ambitious colors are charcoal and scarlet. Lucky numbers are 10 and 37.
Today's New Moon gives you a chance to improve your relationships, but beware of people who are deceiving you. Someone you trust may have proverbial feet of clay, so try not to be too disappointed. If you enter each new relationship with your eyes wide open, you can avoid the disillusionment that comes with wishful thinking. This said, you can make a tremendous new commitment under this influence. Fortunate colors are red coral and golden amber. Lucky numbers are 7 and 24.
This could be the beginning of a fabulous time for the Fish as a Scorpio New Moon promises hedonistic, exotic pleasures. Few signs can handle the intensity and passion of the Scorpio energy, but it certainly has the effect of energizing and invigorating *you*. Travel may be highlighted over the month ahead, so plan to make time for an escape. Romance is favored, so don't leave the house without shaving or with your hair in curlers! Adventurous colors are green satin and ginger. Lucky numbers are 9 and 10.
Today's New Moon activates your eighth house of sex, money and power. You may be facing challenges when it comes to your associates and these matters; a new beginning may be in order for some. Confusion about a friend who is attracted to you, or an attraction you have for an associate, may also come into play during the next few days. Favorable colors are red wine and purple sage. Lucky numbers are 8 and 17.
Pay attention to things you normally breeze over as today's New Moon occurs in penetrating Scorpio. Be sure to cover all your bases and then some at work this month. Your health is also a likely area of concern. Have you checked your teeth lately? If you've been neglecting your health, oral or otherwise, it is likely to show up now. Clean up your act! Positive colors are navy blue and crimson. Lucky numbers are 6 and 7.
This is your opportunity to make a profound impression as today's New Moon activates your first house of personality. A need to develop your appearance and personal skills is combined with a greater urge to be more successful and independent. A strong, healthy self-image makes you more productive as an individual, which in turn encourages you to treat others with more generosity and sensitivity. Take care of things personally. Make up your mind to have the best year ever, and to be the best you can be. Empowering colors are bloodstone and emerald. Lucky numbers are 1 and 12.
Take time out to renew your spirit as today's New Moon stimulates the need to spend time in self-healing. Understanding your subconscious, courageously dealing with failure or shame and accepting limitations will develop remarkable inner strength and determination. The darkest hour is often before the dawn, but some of the best dreams take place in the wee hours before you wake. Allow yourself to dream wild, brilliant, 'I don't think we are in Kansas anymore' kinds of dreams. Beneficial colors are lavender and silver. Lucky numbers are 12 and 25.
It's so much easier for you to speak your mind as the New Moon activates your third house of communication. Let your sharp powers of analysis speak volumes, as you're able to get straight to the heart of any matter. Just remember that it's easier to catch flies with honey, than with vinegar. Communicative colors are emerald and violet. Lucky numbers are 3 and 4.
New friends and faces can result from today's New Moon, so be open to the social possibilities it brings. You may be feeling pressure to keep up with the Joneses -- perhaps your new circle of friends could be making you long for things you can't have at this time. If you're married with children, avoid hanging out with singles. Similarly, those who are single and long for the married life should think twice before joining an all-couples party. Auspicious colors are sparkling green and red chestnut. Lucky numbers are 10 and 11.
Today's New Moon in Scorpio can mean pregnancy for some Cancerians and new love for others! What a great chance for a new beginning. Your creative juices will surely be stirred. Passion, for better or for worse, is practically guaranteed. Go with the flow, because one way or another, change is going to find you. Erotic colors are deep purple and rich red. Lucky numbers are 5 and 14.
The changing Moon enters your twelfth house of secrets and solitude, urging you to spend some time alone today. It is important to spend time reviewing the events of the past month in order to begin the next cycle without repeating the same mistakes. Release your fears and disappointments, forgiving yourself and others. Recharge your spiritual batteries by spending time in natural surroundings. Beneficial colors are midnight blue and seaweed green. Lucky numbers are 3 and 12.
Don't allow your financial worries get you down today; obsessing over every little detail will not solve the overall problem. You may find your finances are tight this month but you can remedy the situation through long-term planning. Prosperity is literally just around the corner; as Venus graces your money house later in the month. A much needed bonus may become a reality. Favorable colors are sage green and desert sand. Lucky numbers are 2 and 17.
Dreams you had last night could be psychic in nature; pay attention to the clues your sleeping mind has given you. There is a feeling of mystery to the day as the Moon completes her tour of your eighth house; the greater cycles of life and death take center-stage. You may be especially sensitive to the moods and emotions of others, so surround yourself with positive influences. The day brightens up later as the Moon enters sensual Scorpio. Enjoy the attention! Favorable colors are chocolate and cherry. Lucky numbers are 30 and 35.
There is plenty to do today in your own community and you'll find you're out and about more than usual now. There may be some misunderstandings at home, so don't be surprised if you have to make several trips before you have everything right. Don't allow emotional upsets to affect you too much -- if you've had a fight, wait at least thirty minutes before getting behind the wheel of a car. Favorable colors are lemon yellow and lime green. Lucky numbers are 41 and 42.
The Moon enters Scorpio and your first house of personality today, increasing your energy. You'll be intense and powerful in your expression, so be careful not to overwhelm those who are not as strong as you. Your powers of intuition are doubled, so don't be surprised if you find yourself reading the minds of others. Fortunate colors are rich red and shimmering green. Lucky numbers are 1 and 3.
The changing Moon enters your tenth house of career and status, bringing out a power struggle between you and someone in authority. Hold your ground if you are currently involved in a project that will eventually improve the overall structure. Pick your battles wisely, compromising where necessary but standing firm for important principles and issues.. Empowering colors are jet black and electric blue. Lucky numbers are 9 and 10.
The Moon moves into Scorpio and your sixth house of health and service today, urging you to put away your toxic toys and clean up your act. If you've been eating and drinking too much lately, today is the day to start detoxifying your body. Eat fresh, healthy foods and drink plenty of water; consider going on a juice fast if your health practitioner will allow it. Clean up your environment and prepare to clean you! Beneficial colors are blue gray and silver. Lucky numbers are 23 and 27.
The Moon completes her tour of your seventh house of partnerships today, urging you to keep the lines of communication open between you and your partner. Matters intensify later, so take it easy while you can today, enjoying the simple things in life with someone you love. Let the pressures of the world evaporate as you allow yourself to savor the good things in life with someone special. Supportive colors are red coral and celery green. Lucky numbers are 34 and 44.
The Moon enters intense Scorpio and your eleventh house of friendships today, giving your relationships a more emotional edge. One of your associates may need you right now, so be prepared to lend a shoulder to cry on. Refuse to become embroiled in someone else's drama, however. You may be sympathetic, but you know when to steer clear of trouble. Favorable colors are sapphire blue and red coral. Lucky numbers are 11 and 15.
As much as you would like to tell a certain someone off today, it's wiser to bite your tongue. Email can come back to haunt you; we all know stories of someone who accidentally sent the wrong memo out to the entire office. If you really must vent, wait until you get home and then tell your partner your woes. Go for a long walk first to get the edge off. Healing colors are golden amber and peacock blue. Lucky numbers are 23 and 32.
No matter how busy you are today, take time out to connect with your mate, best friend or partner. The changing Moon moves into sensitive Scorpio and your seventh house of partnerships, so be sure to check on the people you most love and depend upon. The seventh house also rules competitors, so watch out for those who are working against you! Fortunate colors are plum purple and wine red. Lucky numbers are 25 and 34.
You may feel like even more of a homebody than usual as the day begins; don't leave the house if you don't really feel like it. Then again, your family may be driving you nuts and leaving the house may be critical to your sanity! Be sure to find plenty of time to rest and regain your emotional balance as cosmic pressure increases. The passionate Moon slides into sexy Scorpio later in the day, so be ready for an ego-boosting attraction. Creative colors are aubergine and crimson. Lucky numbers are 5 and 23.
If your mate, best friend or partner is struggling, offer your strength to get them through the day. Change is in the wind, but the pioneering Ram is not afraid: lend courage to those in need. If you can, meet your partner for lunch and enjoy each other's company. Tonight, turn off the television and go for an evening stroll. Fortunate colors are crimson and cream. Lucky numbers are 25 and 34.
If you don't have to work today, find a way to relieve the stress that's been building up inside you. A road trip may be just the thing; a small town an hour or two away may hold all the adventure you need. Take a friend along for the ride and enjoy being spontaneous. You need to find little ways to keep from losing your mind this month, and a spur- of-the-moment adventure should be just about right. Favorable colors are light tan and dark maroon. Lucky numbers are 12 and 21.
Today can be loads of fun, especially for those planning to entertain at home this evening. You'll be expressive and impressive as the Moon and Jupiter blend well, adding to the day's amusements. If you keep your sense of humor, you can have everyone around you in stitches. Laugh at yourself and life's little foibles. Beneficial colors are golden amber and ocean blue. Lucky numbers are 23 and 32.
Avoid borrowing or lending money today, as this could be a source of contention. If you make an effort to remain centered, you will be able to bring peace to any difficult situation. To relieve stress, take a long walk or bike ride this afternoon... the fresh air will help clear your mind. Beneficial colors are sapphire blue and bronze. Lucky numbers are 18 and 26.
You might be feeling especially chatty while the Moon passes through your eleventh house of friendships. With Libra flavoring the conversation, the topics of interest are likely to be artistic, creative, or glamorous. You may need to make an effort to be discreet, as today's talkative vibe may have some saying just a bit too much. Remember, if you can't say something nice... well, you know. Positive colors are flaming orange and pale aubergine. Lucky numbers are 22 and 24.
Today is the sort of day you should try to do whatever pleases you most. For some, it might be attending a social event, but others will naturally prefer more solitary pursuits. Honor your need for comfort and plan at least one indulgence for today. There'll be plenty of time to tackle the dishes and the laundry tomorrow, so let yourself enjoy this easy day. Positive colors are rose red and ivory. Lucky numbers are 19 and 37.
Many of you will be receiving kudos for a job well done; your ability to work under pressure has not gone unnoticed. Even if you don't actually have more money or a fancy title to show for your efforts, you do have the respect and admiration of the community. Surround yourself with positive influences and take pride in your accomplishments. Auspicious colors are chestnut brown and bronze. Lucky numbers are 26 and 30.
Avoid a fight by being honest today. If you don't feel like socializing, just say so -- it's better to be up front about it. You may be in the mood for fun tonight, so don't rule out evening activities. Take care of the things that are important to you early in the day and then try to come to a happy compromise tonight. Favorable colors are pearly white and teal blue. Lucky numbers are 15 and 25.
You may find that too much of a good thing causes you trouble. What you want and what you can have may be poles apart, so try to be satisfied with what you do have. Use this energy to create something positive. You can use your imagination and be extremely resourceful under the current planetary influences. Focus on making your wishes come true without the help of a magic wand. Beneficial colors are forest green and copper. Lucky numbers are 20 and 26.
If you plan to relax and have fun today, you're practically guaranteed an afternoon of bliss. There'll be plenty of time to get back to business tomorrow, so allow yourself to indulge in pleasure today. Do whatever it is that renews your spirit and helps you to express your creativity. By all means, don't sit inside in front of a television screen or computer monitor. Do whatever you did for fun before you became an adult! Fortunate colors are lavender and rose. Lucky numbers are 33 and 37.
Slow down and take your time today; there's no reason to rush. Spend time relaxing and renewing your spirit, allowing your natural rhythms to complete the monthly cycle. It's better to stay in a peaceful environment than to go where chaos reigns, and you won't be able to suffer fools gladly this evening. Get plenty of sleep tonight and you'll be ready to face the world tomorrow. Favorable colors are sunset pink and pale gold. Lucky numbers are 21 and 30.
The Moon continues through your tenth house of career and status, helping to bring attention to your status at work and in the community. Most Capricorns prefer like a high profile and many are often well- respected members of their towns. Do a good deed or two and it's sure to be noticed: there's nothing wrong with doing something right, while everyone is watching. Excellent colors are garnet red and emerald green. Lucky numbers are 19 and 26.
The Moon enters Libra, your first house of personality, helping you get back into high gear today. It should be easier for you to assert yourself, as your emotional strength returns. You can make a good impression, so make important connections now. You're in demand, so take advantage of this energy! Fortunate colors are bright yellow and silvery green. Lucky numbers are 1 and 19.
The Moon enters Libra, your fifth house of romance and creativity, making this weekend the perfect time to play. Most Geminians never lose their sense of wonder, but if you have, it is time to get back in touch with that mercurial inner child. All work and no play is lethal for the Twins, so plan to have a sybaritic, not-a-care- in-the-world kind of weekend. Advantageous colors are amethyst purple and pale gold. Lucky numbers are 5 and 12.
You'll be quite happy at home today, as the Moon transits your fourth house of home and family; however, your mate may want to go out on the town. You'll be torn between what you want to do and what your most significant other desires. Don't go out if you think you will be miserable; that will only start a fight. Be honest about the way you feel, and don't be hurt if you spend the evening alone this time. Advantageous colors are pale green and oyster. Lucky numbers are 4 and 6.
The Moon enters Libra, stimulating your ninth house of travel and adventure and urging you to explore new vistas. Trying new things such as new foods and different cultures will be uplifting for you at this time; you might even consider signing up for a course in a foreign language. Shake the cobwebs out of your life by reaching for something that excites you. Favorable colors are jade green and yellow ochre. Lucky numbers are 18 and 33.
The focus shifts to your career as the Moon enters Libra and your tenth house of career and status. You'll need to be more aware of the emotional atmosphere if you're at work today. A woman in your office may be supportive of you at this time -- show your appreciation for those who have given you a helping hand. Fortunate colors are amber and purple. Lucky numbers are 8 and 10.
The Moon dives into Libra, your sixth house of health and service today, reminding you to take better care of yourself. This month can be a good one for you in terms of health, but you need to commit yourself to practicing good habits. Exercise in response to stress in your life rather than overindulging in rich, fatty foods... you'll love the results. Advantageous colors are cobalt blue and tan. Lucky numbers are 32 and 33.
Your relationships may intensify as the Moon enters Libra, awakening your eighth house of sex, power, and money. Libra encourages fairness and harmony; this is the key to happiness in your intimate relationships. You may have a difference of opinion with a friend today; this person may be overreacting, so back down and give him or her some space. Beneficial colors are pale violet and old lace. Lucky numbers are 8 and 22.
You might feel rather talkative today as the Moon enters Libra and your third house of communications. It's time to catch up on all your correspondence, including phone calls and email. Make connections now while the Moon favors your voice... say what you need to say, while people are listening! Advantageous colors are pale yellow and sky blue. Lucky numbers are 5 and 14.
Friendship may be on your mind as the Moon enters Libra and your eleventh house of friends and associates today. You may find a friend needs your support during this time; conversely, if you need a shoulder to cry on, seek out a trusted pal. Sometimes it seems that no- one understands you, but there is at least one person out there who truly does, and loves you just the same! Friendly colors are tan and gold. Lucky numbers are 11 and 15.
You may prefer solitude to company now, as the Moon awakens Libra, your twelfth house of secrets and solitude. This marks the start of your low lunar cycle, so don't push yourself too hard. Stress is likely to make you more susceptible to illness today, so protect yourself with plenty of rest and vitamin C. Turn in early tonight and let your soul breathe deep. Beneficial colors are midnight blue and lavender. Lucky numbers are 3 and 12.
As the Moon enters your seventh house of marriage and partnerships, the emphasis turns to your closest relationships. Do your best to be supportive of your partner. Why not meet for lunch if at all possible? Your best friend may need you to listen today as well, so bite your tongue if you feel tempted to give advice. Sometimes all you have to do to help is just be there. Favorable colors are blush pink and carnation red. Lucky numbers are 7 and 16.
The Moon enters Libra and your second house of personal finances today, giving some of you the irresistible urge to buy something. There's nothing wrong with treating yourself to a small luxury, just be sure to stay within your budget. Men and women alike often splurge as a way to reward themselves after working hard. Find something that will give you pleasure and remind you that you deserve the best. Advantageous colors are sage green and desert sand. Lucky numbers are 2 and 11.
Feelings of goodwill prevail, even towards those who are less than kind towards you. This is another fine day for romance, so meet someone special for lunch. Those who are living with a mate may find yourself feeling vigorous this morning... why not spend some time together before heading off to work? Fortunate colors are blossom pink and daisy white. Lucky numbers are 5 and 14.
As the Moon moves through your sign, you gain extra energy and confidence. Have lunch with someone special to add pleasure to your day; plan to enjoy a brisk walk or bike ride this afternoon. Keep a positive attitude and you'll find it's highly contagious. Life is good, so celebrate! Fortunate colors are brick red and tan. Lucky numbers are 19 and 28.
Today has the potential for being absolutely lovely as the Moon lights up your ninth house of travel and adventure; some may even find romance with someone from a far-off place or different culture. Trying something new will be good for your soul, so be open to new experiences. In-laws and other relatives at a distance are feeling generous towards you, so make an effort to communicate. Fortunate colors are bronze and brown. Lucky numbers are 24 and 37.
You can show your love for others today through service to others, even if it just means taking out the trash and washing the dishes. The Moon in service-oriented Virgo gently urges you to help the ones you love. It is the many little things that add up, so be aware of the details in your relationships. Just spending five minutes with someone can make all the difference. Beneficial colors are buttercup yellow and cornflower blue. Lucky numbers are 6 and 9.
Some of you will be traveling when you really don't feel up to it; brace yourself and put on a good face. The secret to confidence is often just pretending you feel fabulous... pretty soon, everyone starts to believe your act. Even you will believe it after a while, so repeat after me: I am amazing. I am brilliant. I am worthy. I am Gemini! Advantageous colors are pearl white and sea green. Lucky numbers are 7 and 38.
The Moon activates your seventh house of marriage and partnership, giving your closest relationships a rosy glow. Even unions that are experiencing hard times can benefit from this influence; call a truce and let love and caring work their magic. A quiet dinner by candlelight followed by an evening stroll should set the mood just right. Fortunate colors are crimson and gold. Lucky numbers are 25 and 34.
You may feel quite amorous today as the Moon continues through your eighth house. Passionate, physical intimacy is often very healing, so if you have a committed relationship you feel safe in, just go for it. The mysteries of life -- including death -- will be embraced by you today. Realize that love never dies and when you have love, there is nothing to fear. Auspicious colors are golden amber and aubergine. Lucky numbers are 27 and 32.
Enjoy a day of peace and harmony as the Moon continues through your eleventh house of friendship. You'll find service to others especially rewarding today, so don't hesitate to give someone a helping hand. An evening with friends should be uplifting, so plan for an impromptu dinner together. You'll have less emotional energy tomorrow, so touch base with your loved ones now. Fortunate colors are bright orange and lime green. Lucky numbers are 33 and 34.
You can enjoy today's energy, no matter how frantic the pace of life might seem. Plan to meet a friend for lunch and talk about silly things; there is no need to stay serious all the time, so let loose for a while. Pick the brains of someone older and wiser. If you're the oldest person you know, you'll be surprised at how much wisdom can come from the mouths of babes. Fortunate colors are lemon yellow and lime green. Lucky numbers are 32 and 41.
You might find your dreams are unusually vivid at this time, so consider keeping a journal by your bed. Clues to your inner psyche based on past experiences may emerge as re-occurring themes in your night fancies... pay attention to the language of your sleeping mind. You may be low on energy today, so pace yourself accordingly. Fortunate colors are sunset pink and lavender. Lucky numbers are 21 and 30.
Work and reputation remain the focus, but tension from yesterday should begin to abate. Your business associations take on a friendlier tone as the Moon and Venus join forces, so offer the olive branch to someone you normally disagree with. You'll enjoy your public life today whether you are a CEO or a homemaker, so get out and smile at someone. You'll be amazed at the response. Fortunate colors are garnet red and emerald green. Lucky numbers are 17 and 26.
The Moon continues through tidy Virgo, allowing you to get quite a bit of work done. Some of you might be considering working from home... just remember that work is work, no matter where you do it. You can be extra resourceful today, finding efficient uses for the materials you have at hand. Tonight is perfect for enjoying your home, your belongings and the fruits of your labor! Favorable colors are terra cotta and chestnut brown. Lucky numbers are 28 and 34.
The Moon enters Virgo and your first house of personality today, helping to give you an edge in everything you do. Your charm and grace are at an all-time high for the next two days; even those suffering from depression or frustration will find it is easier to express yourself with positive results. Be open to love and other little miracles now. Favorable colors are ruby red and snow white. Lucky numbers are 1 and 10.
With the sensitive Moon transiting your twelfth house of secrets and spirituality, you may not care for the company of others today. Make an effort to feed your soul this afternoon, whether you indulge in aroma therapy, yoga, or a chocolate ice cream treat. Being alone for any length of time should be therapeutic. Tell your loved ones you need some alone time and then take it! Favorable colors are midnight blue and lavender. Lucky numbers are 3 and 12.
Once the Moon enters Virgo and your eleventh house of friends and associates, you'll feel optimistic and friendly again. Yesterday's frustrations are quickly forgotten, so make an effort not to hold a grudge. You may agree to disagree with someone as the Moon and Mercury clash: just remember that everyone is entitled to an opinion, no matter how wrong it is! Favorable colors are electric blue and celery green. Lucky numbers are 11 and 14.
The Moon enters Virgo and your second house of personal finances, urging you to pay attention to your bank balance. You may be tempted to spend on personal desires as the Moon and Mercury clash, but if you don't have room for it, don't buy it! Your creative powers can be stimulated by this energy, so allow yourself to imagine, create, and dream. Favorable colors are sage green and desert sand. Lucky numbers are 2 and 8.
You'll have your nose to the grindstone as the Moon enters Virgo and your tenth house of career and status. The drive to achieve may be especially strong as the Moon heads for a clash with noble Jupiter. This same energy could create problems among coworkers and other associates, so be aware of the moods of others. Also, watch for a tendency to say the wrong thing at the wrong time to the wrong person. Favorable colors are basic black and heather gray. Lucky numbers are 8 and 10.
The Moon enters Virgo and your third house of communications today, making you more talkative. Take this opportunity to respond to your phone calls and e-mail; you'll be extra efficient and effective with words. Someone at work may get on your nerves, by saying something that doesn't sit right with you; let it slide if you want to make a good impression on your higher ups. Favorable colors are pale yellow and sky blue. Lucky numbers are 5 and 14.
The Moon enters Virgo and your sixth house of health and service today, so make sure you are practicing good habits. It's very important for you to keep yourself healthy this month; avoid poor dietary habits and be sure to practice stress relief tactics every day. This is a good day for organizing and preparing yourself for the month ahead... pay attention to details you might have neglected recently. Auspicious colors are cobalt blue and pure white. Lucky numbers are 23 and 32.
With the Moon entering Virgo and your ninth house of travel and adventure, it's time to try something new. Even if all you do is order something you haven't tried before from your favorite restaurant, you need to expand your horizons a bit. Capricorn often takes comfort in the tried-and-true, but there is a part of you that longs for the excitement of change. Favorable colors are olive green and khaki. Lucky numbers are 30 and 36.
Dreams you had last night may still be haunting you this morning; remember that monsters are just symbols for fears you have in your life. Your psychic abilities may be strong while the Moon passes through Virgo and your eighth house of sex, money, and power today... if you have a strong hunch about something, you can bet on it. Advantageous colors are wine red and rich brown. Lucky numbers are 9 and 18.
The Moon enters Virgo and your fourth house of home and family today, urging you to stay close to the hearth. You may need to talk to your partner about an important issue and if you don't handle this now, it could snowball into something worse. Much can be accomplished at home today, so plan to spend your spare time working around the house. Favorable colors are pale green and oyster. Lucky numbers are 20 and 29.
The Moon enters Virgo and your seventh house of marriage and partnership, urging you to focus on your relationship with your most significant other. Even if your most significant other is your cat or your dog, this individual needs your undivided attention. Take time out for the two of you and really savour the pleasure of companionship. Beneficial colors are soft coral and teal. Lucky numbers are 7 and 16.
The Moon moves into Virgo and your fifth house of romance and creativity today, giving you a lighthearted view of the world. This is a wonderful day for romantic encounters, so take the opportunities that come your way. Do something unexpected and wonderful for someone you care about, especially the young people in your life. Favorable colors are pale gold and plum purple. Lucky numbers are 5 and 10.
The Moon travels through your seventh house of marriage and partnerships, so be prepared to offer support to your partner. Conversely, you may need a shoulder to cry on and your closest friend may be just the place to seek refuge. Either way, spend time today with the one who means the most to you. Fortunate colors are red coral and pale aqua. Lucky numbers are 25 and 34.
Those who have passed away may be on your mind, as the Moon rumbles through your twelfth house of secrets and karma. This is the perfect day to remember and cherish the memory of the dead, so don't feel like you're being morbid. It's only natural to wonder and think about those who have gone before us, and this will help you come to terms with your own physical mortality. Benefical colors are lavender and silver. Lucky numbers are 21 and 30.
The conscientious Moon urges you to work, work, work while the Sun invites you to play. How hard is it to get anything done during this cosmic conflict! The best solution is to do a bit of both: work hard, then play hard to relieve the stress. You can come up with creative solutions for your problems, with a little bit of brainstorming today. It's time to think, think, think! Benefical colors are terra cotta and bronze. Lucky numbers are 11 and 20.
Even though Merc is in reverse, those of you who have been seeking answers in religion and philosophy may find a way through the fog. It seems there really are no absolute answers to many of the questions we ask. One of the things we can be most certain of is that some things will always remain a mystery. Fortunate colors are bright green and pale yellow. Lucky numbers are 10 and 22.
You may find that your mind is on far away places today, making it hard for you to get much work done. The Moon is currently traveling through your ninth house of travel and adventure, making daydreams and fantasies more interesting than the daily grind. Since most of you have to work today, you'll just have to pretend to be busy. Adventurous colors are bright yellow and magenta. Lucky numbers are 9 and 33.
Some of you may be annoyed with office or community gossip today; make an effort not to participate and spare yourself the bad karma. If it seems no one is getting any work done today except for you, don't expect anyone to come through for you on any favors either. If you are the rare Libran involved in a clandestine romance, cover your tracks well today. The office gossips are watching. Fortunate colors are sunset pink and python green. Lucky numbers are 26 and 33.
Aren't you in a talkative mood! That's the Moon in Leo for you. So much fun. Tell someone you care about how you feel: it's never too soon or too late to express your affection. It may be hard to get much work today due to myriad distractions; to make the most of this energy, handle all your important correspondence. You'll be less talkative tomorrow, so put your mouth to work today. Benefical colors are golden amber and teal. Lucky numbers are 41 and 46.
The Moon passes through your eighth house, stirring up thoughts of the afterlife. You may or may not be at peace with the great cycle of life; if you're not at peace, it's time to review your beliefs and the feelings they are based upon. Witness the glory of the sunrise, flowers in bloom, children at play, old folks reminiscing and the serenity of the sunset for your answers. Beneficial colors are deep red and charcoal. Lucky numbers are 8 and 26.
The Moon flits through Leo and your tenth house of career and status today, increasing the pace. The day will pass by quickly and you should be able to accomplish much, just be sure to take time out for centering and calming yourself. If you feel too much pressure to perform, step back and try and see things in perspective. Ambitious colors are emerald green and sapphire blue. Lucky numbers are 26 and 37.
Today should be a lovely day for most of you as the Moon favors Mars from your fifth house of romance and pleasure. Those with children will enjoy spending time with them, so make sure you arrange your schedule to include the young ones. You can be especially creative and inventive at work, so let your imagination take you places. Advantageous colors are amethyst purple and blossom pink. Lucky numbers are 10 and 15.
If it seems a little bit harder for you to get out of bed this morning, try to take things slowly and enjoy time with your family. There's no need to start the day off by fighting. You might have to give more than you receive today, so why not do so with a smile? Benefical colors are dove gray and sea green. Lucky numbers are 20 and 24.
The luminous Moon moves through your sign, helping you get your own way, dear Leo. Why not spread your sunshine around? You can accomplish a great deal without having to work too hard; many people will be more than happy to assist you as you ride your high lunar cycle. Fortunate colors are golden topaz and rich cream. Lucky numbers are 19 and 28.
The next three weeks may bring snafus at work and troubles with your health as Mercury turns retrograde in your sixth house. Double check everything and get second opinions as the Winged Messenger goes astray. This is not a good time to begin anything new, as misunderstandings and confusion reign. Pay attention to detail and make sure all the t's are crossed and the i's dotted. Healing colours are dove grey and periwinkle blue. Lucky numbers are 6 and 11.
Mercury dances the backstairs tango in your house of romance, urging you to pay more attention to your children and to get in touch with your own inner child. If you are sending love notes, or meeting your lover, be sure to get the arrangements correct, as mistakes in these areas are just the sorts of embarrassments that can occur. Typically a time of frustration, it can also present opportunities to reflect and analyze current situations. Fortunate colours are pale gold and royal purple. Lucky numbers are 5 and 11.
Chatty Mercury turns retrograde in your eleventh house of friends and associates today. The next three weeks may find you committing a few slips of the tongue, so practice keeping your peace as much as possible. You may find that if you spend more time listening than speaking, you will soon know which friends are true blue and which friends are fair weather. Fortunate colours are peacock blue and bright silver. Lucky numbers are 11 and 22.
Mercury, the divine Messenger, turns retrograde in your sign today, Archers, creating some degree of havoc in your personal lives, although you will get the chance to right past misunderstandings. Expect business transactions and communications to slow down over the next three weeks, as confusion and frustration reign. This is not a good time to travel, or make expensive purchases, so keep a low profile and put your plans on hold. Positive colours are emerald green and spanish leather. Lucky numbers are 1 and 7.
Everything grinds to a halt as Mercury turns retrograde in your twelfth house today. Take a few deep breaths and try not to get frustrated; the next three weeks may find you struggling to express yourself. At least you will have plenty of time to formulate just exactly what it is you want to say! Be patient with your loved ones and with government departments, institutions, hospitals and the like, as they cannot read your mind. Favourable colours are lavender and silver. Lucky numbers are 10 and 12.
Mercury turns retrograde in your third house of communication, making it difficult to express yourself clearly for the next three weeks. Misunderstandings and confusion could frustrate your attempts to achieve your goals, so slow down and read the fine line very carefully. This is also a good time to notice what is not being said... consider learning more about body language and other forms of non-verbal communication. Fortunate colours are light tan and golden honey. Lucky numbers are 1 and 3.
Tricky Mercury turns retrograde in your eighth house of other people's money, creating trouble for you over the coming three weeks. Travel could be problematic, so make sure you have plenty of time to get where you need to go. Matters of inheritance and insurance are delayed, so have patience. It might be best to call in favours in a few weeks. Just remember that this too shall pass! Fortunate colours are purple and bronze. Lucky numbers are 8 and 24.
A victory dinner with your love is in order tonight, even if you're just celebrating surviving the past six months! You have been tested and tried relentlessly, but still prevail. Your consistency in the face of transformation is apparent as your persistence pays off. The next few weeks may bring a promotion or other form of increase in status. Positive colours are royal blue and caramel. Lucky numbers are 4 and 22.
Mercury turns retrograde in your tenth house of career and status, slowing down your progress on the job. Be sure to take notes and document everything, as misunderstandings and confusion reign. Stay as organized as possible while the cosmic Trickster does his best to trip you up... by the time it is all over, you will have come out on top. Fortunate colours are sapphire blue and golden amber. Lucky numbers are 10 and 22.
Your closest relationships come under scrutiny as the Winged Messenger sets up the backstairs tango in your seventh house of marriage and partnerships today. Listen carefully to what your spouse or partner is saying during the next three weeks -- and perhaps even more carefully to what he or she is not saying! Favourable colours are steely grey and grass green. Lucky numbers are 7 and 10.
You may need to tighten your belt as Mercury turns retrograde in your second house of finances; funds may be held up and delayed until after Mercury has turned direct in your sign on Nov 26. Have patience as business matters move slowly... look at this as a time to reconsider your values and priorities. In fact, this could be a blessing in disguise. Fortunate colours are sage green and desert sand. Lucky numbers are 2 and 3.
Mercury turns retrograde in your ninth house of travel and adventure today, slowing down your pace for the next three weeks or so. Travel is not what it used to be, now that we have entered a new age of *increased security*, but of course, this is for our benefit. Those of you involved in higher education, publishing, religion or other cultural pursuits may be frustrated by red tape... just take a deep breath and have patience. Favourable colours are dark tan and ruby red. Lucky numbers are 9 and 21.
Try to find a balance while the Moon passes through your second house of personal finances, threatening noble Jupiter and challenging deceptive Neptune. You may be giving away too much, whether it's tangible or intangible things. Then again, this is a potentially spiritual time for you. Just remember, you don't have to give away everything and join a convent to be cleansed. Auspicious colors are spring green and desert sand. Lucky numbers are 2 and 8.
Call your friends and make a play date for tonight; it's time you got out and had some fun. The Moon passing through flamboyant Leo is urging you to frolic with your most colorful playmates... don't sit inside alone during this time frame. True, these same friends may drive you mad with their dramatic tales, but you can thank your lucky stars that your life seems tame in comparison to the tricky fixes they find themselves in. Flamboyant colors are electric blue and shocking pink. Lucky numbers are 7 and 11.
Your ninth house of travel and adventure is activated by the transiting Moon today; take time to review and evaluate your goals and dreams. If you have the day off and the weather is fine, a short day trip may be just what the doctor ordered. You'd be surprised at what interesting and amazing places can be found within an hour's drive from your home; get out a map and target new places. Auspicious colors are olive green and khaki. Lucky numbers are 27 and 36.
The Moon enters playful Leo, your fifth house of romance and creativity, helping many of you to feel rejuvenated. Some of your friends may not agree with your idea of fun, but that's okay... you'll be feeling creative and should allow yourself free rein to do your own thing. There could be some emotional tension as the Sun clashes with the tender Moon, but it should pass quickly enough. Auspicious colors are amethyst purple and golden amber. Lucky numbers are 15 and 25.
The Moon enters your seventh house of marriage and partnerships today, placing the focus on love. Over the next two and a half days, issues surrounding your closest relationships may come into play. The stress of the past few weeks may have taken quite a toll, so be supportive of your partner now. Get in his or her good graces so that tomorrow's tense aspects won't break you down. Auspicious colors are crimson and blush pink. Lucky numbers are 7 and 16.
The Moon enters Leo and your first house of personality, helping you to sparkle even more brightly. Now that you've had a chance to rest and recharge your spiritual batteries, you can make quite a splash on the social scene. Don't be afraid to show off -- your charm and humor will open doors for you today! Fortunate colors are golden amber and royal blue. Lucky numbers are 1 and 19.
It'll be easier to express yourself, once Mercury enters your first house of personality, but for now Mercury is about to turn retrograde, so consider your verdict. Don't be afraid to say what you think or feel; it's natural for the Scorpion to be a speaker of truth. You'll have a much better understanding of your own truths in the coming days. Favourable colors are ruby red and gold. Lucky numbers are 1 and 14.
The Moon and Jupiter may cause you to go overboard today; it'll be easy to splurge on some favourite luxury after weeks of denial. Take a peek at your bank balance before you start spending; chances are you have plenty, but you may want to pay a few bills first. Some of you may find that you are seeking a guilty pleasure... as long as no one is hurt in the process, go ahead and indulge! Fortunate colors are sage green and desert sand. Lucky numbers are 20 and 26.
The Moon travels through Leo and your sixth house of health today, reminding you to take better care of yourself. Ironically, it seems you must spend most of your time taking care of others. Make a toast to your health today... acknowledge the fact that if you don't take good care of yourself, you won't be of much service to others. Beneficial colors are cobalt blue and pure white. Lucky numbers are 6 and 22.
It's time to confront any negative situations. Learn from them, let them go and move forward, dear Virgo, as Mercury is stationary, preparing to hit reverse. The past can impose severe burdens on the present, as well as the future, so seek out activities that relate to health practices and a positive mental attitude. Beneficial colors are pale yellow and peacock blue. Lucky numbers are 14 and 36.
Pressure begins to build as the outside world makes demands that take you away from your precious inner sanctuary; some of you will prefer staying home and avoiding social events today. Tomorrow may be hard to handle for some of you, so take a break right now. Do what you want to do, when you want to do it as much as possible today. Sometimes it's necessary to be selfish. Favourable colors are ocean blue and charcoal gray. Lucky numbers are 37 and 38.
Your mood can become a bit intense as the tempestuous Moon enters your eighth house of sex, money and power. Try not to become embroiled in any money fights today; chances are good you've missed something in your own calculations. Some of you may be dealing with issues of life and death, such as witnessing the physical and mental deterioration of loved ones. Try to find the beauty in the cycle of life rather than the horror. Benefical colors are wine and crimson. Lucky numbers are 9 and 20.
Friends can become lovers, and lovers can become friends while the Sun and Moon blend positively; unpleasant memories from yesterday will fade under this happy influence. The Twins are notoriously fickle in affairs of the heart but can be remarkably faithful to a friend. The trick is to combine friendship and romance with the right, versatile person. Positive colors are blossom pink and gold. Lucky numbers are 5 and 6.
You may be more aware of public opinion with the Moon in your tenth house, so pay close attention to what you hear in the office. You may disagree with someone in authority, but try to keep this to yourself. If you want to get ahead, you will have to work within the system. Once you are in a position of power, you can start making changes! Advantageous colors are sterling silver and glittering gold. Lucky numbers are 28 and 35.
Some of you may feel pulled apart by the pressures of home, family and career today. As successful as you've been recently, it's time for a rest. Call it an early evening and enjoy the fruits of your labor, even if it means sitting on your easy chair in front of the television all night long. Beneficial colors are pale green and oyster. Lucky numbers are 4 and 20.
Intense passions may come to the surface as the passing Moon lights up your eighth house of sex, money, and power. You may find yourself feeling very emotional and possibly even edgy; the best cure for this is to direct the energy in a positive way. An intimate encounter with your most significant other should do the trick, but if that option is not available, a brisk walk will do. Advantageous colors are bronze and cinnabar. Lucky numbers are 29 and 36.
Sharing your ideas with your friends and associates will be invigorating for you today. Tell someone about your plans for the future and get some feedback! Chances are good others will be supportive of your dreams and goals. This is also a wonderful time to sample cultural treasures, so make time for trying something new today. Favourable colors are maroon and tan. Lucky numbers are 3 and 7.
Pay attention to your health as the Moon moves through sensitive Cancer and your sixth house. Choose your meals wisely and drink plenty of fresh water to ensure proper digestion. Be sure to get fresh air and exercise, too. When you feel well, you are better able to serve others, which is also a sixth house focus. Take care of yourself before you attempt to care for others. Favourable colors are dove grey and cornflower blue. Lucky numbers are 20 and 32.
With the Moon passing through Cancer today, you should be in your element. You can nurture, create and emote to your heart's content, and people will love you for it. Sometimes people are frightened by your rich and potent emotional life, but the tears and laughter are the sunshine and rain that are so crucial to human growth and development. Make no excuses, or apologies. Fortunate colors are ruby red and golden honey. Lucky numbers are 19 and 28.
It may seem as though you need to be in three different places at once on this busy day! Try not to spread yourself too thin: you won't be any good to anyone if you collapse from the strain. This afternoon, be sure to check in with your neighbors. In this day and age, it's more important than ever to be in tune with the people in your community! Advantageous colors are lemon yellow and lime green. Lucky numbers are 23 and 41.
Tap into your own intuitive wisdom while the Moon passes through your twelfth house of secrets; remembering your dreams will help you understand the workings of your inner mind. You might not feel like going out with your friends tonight, but who says you have to go out in order to have a good time? Intuitive colors are sunset pink and lavender. Lucky numbers are 21 and 30.
You could be living with an angel and not even know it until today, when the shining Sun blends well with the sensitive Moon. Even when you think you've reached your lowest point, someone is looking out for you. No, it's not the vultures waiting for your demise... there are people out there who really believe in you, and sometimes that's all you really need. Just ask Tinkerbell. Excellent colors are cranberry red and earth brown. Lucky numbers are 25 and 34.
Your dreams and ideals come into focus as the generous Moon lights up in Cancer. Spending time with friends is likely to be inspiring, so join the gang for dinner tonight. Plans for the future can be shared with your associates, who may have some good ideas to share. Romance is also a good bet today, especially when you are working together on something creative. Advantageous colors are bright orange and magenta. Lucky numbers are 28 and 32.
The tender Moon passes through loving Cancer and your fifth house of romance and creativity, adding warmth to relationships with children, and bringing lovers closer together. Inspiration can be found in the joyful things in life, whether it's watching a dandelion dancing in the wind, or newborn kittens at play. Embrace the fullness of life, and catch every moment. Fabulous colors are plum purple and spring green. Lucky numbers are 29 and 33.
You may have to do some flying during the next few days, so don't let extra security precautions and flight delays ruin your mood. It should be easy to look at life as a great adventure, while the Moon passes through your ninth house of travel, but it's also easy to become overly emotional when schedules are changed and things don't work out quite as planned. Fortunate colors are olive green and khaki. Lucky numbers are 23 and 27.
You might be feeling a bit of pressure now that the Moon is passing through your tenth house of career and reputation; all eyes are on you as you make your way today. Those in positions of authority over you could be exceptionally demanding and emotional today, but you may be fortunate enough to have a caring boss who is moved to help you with your personal concerns. Fortunate colors are basic black and heather gray. Lucky numbers are 8 and 10.
The empathetic Moon and generous Jupiter combine to create a generosity of spirit in you today you may find yourself especially helping someone at a distance. Your personal magnetism is improved this year by Jupiter passing through your sign, reminding you of spiritual laws of self-development. What goes around, comes around... so give your best! Fortunate colors are ivy green and bronze. Lucky numbers are 20 and 38.
You may want to stay close to home as the Moon enters sentimental Cancer and your fourth house of home and family. With fortunate Jupiter blessing your personal communicative endeavors for several months to come, this may be the perfect time to start a home business. Just think of all the money you can save on gas and dry cleaning! Fortunate colors are buttercup yellow and celery green. Lucky numbers are 7 and 12.
The romantic Moon passes through your fifth house of love and creativity today, helping you enjoy the sweeter things in life. Go ahead and indulge in a few pleasures today, even the guilty ones. No one has to know if you listen to Barry Manilow in secret, or that you might actually like the story line on the Kardashians. Have some fun with no apologies! Fortunate colors are royal purple and silver. Lucky numbers are 6 and 20.
Love is in the air as the tender Moon passes through Cancer and your seventh house of marriage and partnerships; you may even be slightly overwhelmed by emotion as nebulous Neptune adds emphasis. If you're in a committed relationship, stay home and enjoy simple pleasures tonight. If you're single and looking, you might just meet that special someone. Fortunate colors are blush pink and baby blue. Lucky numbers are 7 and 16.
Spending time with friends and family should be enjoyable as the Moon enters cozy Cancer today. Surround yourself with the people who make you feel good about yourself; life is too short to waste time on people you can never satisfy. You can choose your own personal tribe, and blood ties are not a requirement. Fortunate colors are pale green and dove gray. Lucky numbers are 20 and 29.
Tell an important person in your life how much they mean to you today; sweet words spoken now will get you a lot of mileage in the future. Even discussing your frustrations will be easier, so don't be afraid to ask for help or for advice. If there's no one to talk to, write a love letter to the Universe just because it really is good to be alive! Fortunate colors are pale yellow and sky blue. Lucky numbers are 5 and 14.
You're a butterfly emerging from a cocoon as your high lunar cycle begins today. People will notice your charm and magnetism and be attracted to you, so if there's something you want, ask for it now! You should have all the strength and energy you need to accomplish your objectives. Move forward in confidence and with courage! Fortunate colors are blush pink and rose red. Lucky numbers are 1 and 10.
The Moon is passing through your sixth house of health and service to others today, Aquarius. Unless you've been neglecting your own health lately, the emphasis is likely to be on how you can serve others. It might seem like everyone wants and needs something from you - take time out to relax before you wear yourself out. Fortunate colors are cobalt blue and pure white. Lucky numbers are 14 and 23.
You may enjoy spending quiet time alone today, however, with your current workload it may be impossible to enjoy a moment of silence. The Moon enters sensitive Cancer, kicking off your lunar low cycle today. You may not feel like socializing or dealing with the real world, but you probably don't have a choice. Pamper yourself tonight with a long, hot bubble bath. Fortunate colors are midnight blue and silver. Lucky numbers are 3 and 12.
The intuitive Moon enters your eighth house of sex, power and money today, urging you to look below the surface. You may have deep thoughts to contend with... just don't let yourself get depressed over the inevitability of death and taxes. This is a good time to connect with your partner, as intimacy can help express the feelings you cannot find words for. Fortunate colors are wine red and ebony. Lucky numbers are 8 and 9.
Today should be lovely overall as the nurturing Moon and fortunate Jupiter blend in your seventh house. Take this opportunity to spend time with the people you enjoy most. Don't be afraid to express your feelings and discuss your interests; you'll have a way with words during this time frame. Even if you stick your foot into your infamous mouth, you'll be able to recover your blunders with grace. Favorable colors are soft coral and pale aqua. Lucky numbers are 34 and 43.
The Moon and Jupiter blend well today, making this one of the nicest days of the month for you. You should be feeling creative and strong during this time frame, so don't doubt your abilities or your potential. Romantic relationships blossom, especially when you are spontaneous in your expression of affection. Do something new and exciting to get your blood flowing. Favorable colors are olive green and gold. Lucky numbers are 18 and 21.
Career or job opportunities may arise from a social situation today, as the Moon blends with Jupiter in your midheaven. Genius is simply being able to look at a problem from new angles, so apply a little of your own superior brain power to an old problem today. You'd be surprised at how simple the answers to some complicated problems can be. Favorable colors are garnet red and sapphire blue. Lucky numbers are 17 and 19.
Life may feel as if it's in slow motion today; try to enjoy the temporary change of pace. The Earth really is turning more rapidly than it used to, causing us to lose a few seconds with each year that goes by. Fight this trend by pretending you are molasses... imagine you are the lava in a lava lamp or a sloth hanging from a tree. Don't let anyone rush you today. Favorable colors are sunset pink and lavender. Lucky numbers are 21 and 30.
Bright Jupiter and the warmhearted Moon blend today, helping you regain your sense of fun. Don't get stuck indoors all day: if the weather's fine, have lunch outside in the park. Spending time with good friends will help boost your spirits, so seek out those who you feel most comfortable with. Favorable colors are electric blue and lime green. Lucky numbers are 11 and 15.
The intuitive Moon and healing Jupiter blend to increase your psychic abilities today and you might be receiving mystic messages that help to improve your life. Unfortunately, it may be difficult to decipher these messages, as the language of the subconscious mind is often symbolic. Ponder your hunches and gut-feelings before acting on them. Favorable colors are wine red and ebony. Lucky numbers are 3 and 9.
Today has the potential to be absolutely delightful as the tender Moon and mighty Jupiter blend. Expect happy surprises; keep an eye out for little miracles and meaningful coincidences. Even if life seems dark at the moment, you can be sure things are about to improve. The tide is turning in the universe again; everything will soon be going your way. Favorable colors are carnation pink and pale gold. Lucky numbers are 33 and 36.
The Moon blends well with fortunate Jupiter today, making you especially charming and attractive. If you're single, take advantage of this aspect by getting out where you can meet new people As goofy as it might seem, having a cup of coffee at the bookstore during your lunch break just might be the way to meet the kind of people you're looking for. Favorable colors are pale aqua and carnation pink. Lucky numbers are 19 and 28.
The Moon blends well with fortunate Jupiter today, helping you to be successful in your endeavors. You may not see results right away, but after tomorrow obstacles will begin to melt away. Display a positive attitude and see just how contagious it can be! This is also a good time to speak candidly with your mate or partner as he or she is more likely to be receptive to your ideas. Favorable colors are pale yellow and sky blue. Lucky numbers are 5 and 14.
The intuitive Moon and noble Jupiter combine in Gemini, making you very empathetic indeed. This opens up the potential for true service and blesses your public persona. You might want to avoid negative people as you may be too sensitive to dark vibrations; surround yourself with positive people and things. You may be able to help others with your natural healing touch, but don't let yourself be taken advantage of. Favorable colors are pale green and pearl gray. Lucky numbers are 10 and 12.
It's time to shake your money tree while the intuitive Moon and generous Jupiter are in agreement today. You can save the day at the office or at home with your quick, resourceful thinking. Capricorn is one of the most capable of all the signs, able to turn lemons into lemonade and turn any situation around to the best possible outcome. Have faith in your abilities. Favorable colors are cornflower blue and beige. Lucky numbers are 32 and 42.
The planets unite in a splendid dance to bring you good fortune in your career and finances, and you can expect your hard work to pay off soon. Your reputation as being both resourceful and dependable has won many people over, and a promotion or a raise is quite likely. If you are in business for yourself, this may be the day you finalize the big deal. Favorable colors are terra cotta and forest green. Lucky numbers are 2 and 6.
With the Moon in your ninth house of travel and adventure, many of you will be ready to have fun with your friends. The next two days may find you itching to do something new and exciting. Why not take a day trip to a place of interest not far from your home town? Those of you who truly live in the middle of nowhere can always rent a foreign film. Favorable colors are maroon and khaki. Lucky numbers are 21 and 39.
Start your day off in a healthy, practical way as the Moon enters your sixth house of health and service. You may want to recruit your best friend or partner to join you... improving your health can be fun when you do it as a team, so consider starting a walking routine. If you walk for thirty minutes together each evening, you can let off a lot of steam in a positive way. Favourable colors are cobalt blue and dove gray. Lucky numbers are 14 and 32.
The Moon sails through your eighth house of sex, money, and power today, stimulating your desires. Many of you will find this is a good day for business, while others will find intimate expression exquisite. Even normally antagonistic relationships can be harmonious now. One thing is for sure: if you find yourself involved in a power struggle, it is apt to be something you enjoy. Fortunate colors are chocolate brown and golden honey. Lucky numbers are 9 and 14.
The Moon enters your tenth house of career and reputation, combining with flattering Venus to bring you kudos. You may have an opportunity to impress your superiors, especially if women are involved. If you blend good manners and taste with your presentation, you should be able to win everyone over. Remember that 'good guys finish last' is just a myth perpetuated by sore losers! Benefical colors are basic black and heather gray. Lucky numbers are 8 and 10.
Your psychic impressions are likely to be strong, which may be troubling for some. Sudden insights may be jarring, and dreams disturbing. Relax, and allow the caring Moon to help you understand the meaning of these messages. By taking stock of how you feel, you'll be able to make sense of the information you're receiving. Take time out to meditate. Fortunate colors are pale green and oyster. Lucky numbers are 12 and 15.
Difficulties and delays are likely to be caused by lack of preparation, planning, and organization. Even if you are the most careful individual, you are apt to be caught just when things are in disarray, or, just when you need something, it cannot be located in time. People are out of sync with each other and with you. Bad timing is an obstacle to progress. Benefical colors are lemon yellow and sea blue. Lucky numbers are 23 and 32.
Sweetness can be found as the Moon enters your seventh house of marriage and partnerships. If you can find time for your significant other, you can make this one of those beautiful, lazy days. Try not to worry about the outside world for now. Focus on celebrating your relationship with the most important person in your life. If that person happens to have four legs, treat your furry friend to a romp in the park. Ideal colors are blossom pink and spring green. Lucky numbers are 7 and 16.
Try to be available to those who need you, Leo. If have been experiencing difficulties as Mars and Saturn put pressure on your lovelife and family responsibilities, just remember that in the end, you'll know who your real friends are. If you're a true friend to others, you'll find that they will respond in kind. Benefical colors are sparkling orange and magenta. Lucky numbers are 8 and 14.
Enjoy a quiet day, Cancer. Reflect upon the events of the past month and decide where you go from here. Avoid people who are upsetting to you and stay close to the places you feel comfortable in as you recharge your spiritual batteries. Put your favourite music on the stereo, light some candles and create your own heaven on earth. Benefical colors are midnight blue and silver. Lucky numbers are 3 and 12.
You'll know exactly what to do to make money today; those of you involved in trading could find this is a banner day. Of course, sudden reversals are also possible, but any Bull involved in the stock market should know that by now. The point is that you have the Midas Touch in work and in business during this time. Capitalize on your good fortune. Benefical colors are sage green and desert sand. Lucky numbers are 17 and 20.
You should wake up feeling fine and frisky as your high cycle begins; with the Moon in your sign, you can conquer the world! Your powers of persuasion are increased as your charm and magnetism are high; if there is something you want, now is the time to ask for it. Romance and passion are also stimulated, so make sure you look your best when you leave the house. Benefical colors are ruby red and pale violet. Lucky numbers are 1 and 7.
You might need to find a way to cheer yourself up as the sensitive Moon and aggressive Mars pick on dour Saturn today; if you're feeling blue, remind yourself that it's just a passing mood. In a few days, life will be looking bright again! Many of you will be tending to the emotional and physical needs of your home and family during this time. Spread good karma by being supportive and responsible. Healing colors are amethyst purple and golden amber. Lucky numbers are 6 and 8.

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