Aquarius's Horoscopes |



Born between: Jan 20th - Feb 19th

Those born under the Aquarian are honest, artistic and loyal in their nature which makes them wonderful friends and family members. However stubborn and defensiveness are characterises attributed to Aquarians.

Your emotions could affect your health now. If you feel like having a good long cry, go ahead -- it'll do wonders for your immune system. Most Aquarians have endured a marathon of stress over the past year, but the changes you have been through are part of the transformation you are meant to experience. Next year may prove to be almost as stressful, but you'll be prepared for whatever comes your way. Beneficial colors are cobalt blue and ivory. Lucky numbers are 23 and 24.
With the Moon zipping through multi-faceted Gemini and your fifth house of romance and creativity, it's time to have some fun. You'll be the life of the party as witticisms trip off your tongue effortlessly; don't hold back if you feel the urge to entertain. Start the holiday season off with a bang! Positive colors are hot pink and banana yellow. Lucky numbers are 5 and 9.
The Gemini Full Moon occurs in your fifth house of creativity and romance, placing the spotlight on the joys and pleasures, or lack thereof, in your life. Those of you with children or who work with children will find they are in need of your attention; hopefully this is a positive time in their lives. Creative projects reach fruition during this time frame, and romantic relationships begin to blossom. Fortunate colors are deep purple and silver. Lucky numbers are 11 and 23.
You may feel rather agitated as Mars and Pluto combine in your house of secrets and sorrows. Personal difficulties with family members or secret opponents among co-workers may disrupt your day. Deal directly with problems no matter how much you would rather procrastinate. What you avoid today is likely to escalate into a much bigger problem for you to solve tomorrow. Protective colors are cobalt blue and fern green. Lucky numbers are 4 and 12.
Time to retreat to home sweet home as the hearth-loving Moon moves into Taurus and your fourth house of home and family. Even if the people under your roof drive you crazy sometimes, make an effort to count your blessings. As Mercury turns direct after weeks of retro motion, career confusions begin to clear up. Give major decisions more time. Advantageous colors are deep green and pale violet. Lucky numbers are 10 and 22.
With so much to do and so much on your mind, you may feel scattered today. It will be easy to forget dates and appointments, so consider setting an alarm to remind you of important meetings. You may be a bit over-extended and preoccupied at the same time. The telephone may be ringing constantly, providing yet another distraction. Try to focus. Favorable colors are golden honey and peacock blue. Lucky numbers are 23 and 41.
Good vibes exist between you and your associates now, so take this opportunity to discuss your ideas with your peers. Relationships with friends, neighbors, and siblings are also benefited by today's aspects, so reach out to them through the telephone or email. Get involved with groups who are working towards improving the community. Teamwork is favoured today. Excellent colors are iridescent green and bright orange. Lucky numbers are 13 and 22.
The Moon moves into feisty Aries and your third house of communications today and you may be ready to give someone a piece of your mind. Choose your words carefully, as tomorrow there could be a showdown and you don't want to show your hand prematurely. You have a chance to recruit others to your side now, so make the most of your opportunity. Beneficial colors are pale yellow and sky blue. Lucky numbers are 5 and 14.
There is something in the air at work, or regarding personal finances today, but the intuitive Moon should help you tune in to what goes unsaid. As Venus enters your midheaven, your status can be affected positively, so pay attention to the little things. Be there... and be seen! Favorable colors are bright copper and ivy green. Lucky numbers are 11 and 20.
Focus on the things you want to accomplish today, as you're likely to make progress; in fact you can grab the tiger by the tail. You may find yourself assuming leadership in community affairs. Be more assertive, but avoid the delusion that your own ideas and opinions are the only ones worth listening to. Pleasant or not, it is in your best interests to turn each situation into a positive learning experience. Fortunate colors are ruby red and pure white. Lucky numbers are 19 and 28.
The Moon enters sensitive Pisces and your second house of personal finances and values today, activating your sixth sense about money. Past actions, good or bad, may catch up to you, with Mars busy behind the scenes, so choose your battles wisely. Financial issues are tinged with fantasy and deception, so check every detail, especially if your public image is in the spotlight. Favorable colors are sage green and desert sand. Lucky numbers are 2 and 8.
You may be noticing the effects of Mars in Sagittarius now, as he stirs up your house of hopes and wishes. Unfortunately, Mars does not impart tact or diplomacy as one of his gifts, so try to think before you speak as much as possible, especially where friends and associates are concerned. Legal issues should smooth out, but employ strategy rather than brute strength. Fortunate colors are red coral and terra cotta. Lucky numbers are 37 and 46.
Today should be just beautiful as the Moon enters your first house of personality. A little escapism won't be out of place, so go ahead and enjoy a dreamy afternoon. It's clear sailing for most Water- Bearers: why not relish the relative lack of pressure? Romance can be aided by this transit... plan a romantic picnic for two. Favorable colors are ruby red and snow white. Lucky numbers are 1 and 10.
The Moon moves through your twelfth house of the subconscious, triggering powerful dreams. If there's someone frustrating in your life, don't be surprised if you dream of wringing their neck, even if they are disguised as a chicken, kewpie doll, or annoying talk show host. With Mars there too, your feelings of anger and aggression are going to come out one way or another! Beneficial colors are sunset pink and lavender. Lucky numbers are 21 and 30.
The Moon triggers your low cycle today, so allow yourself some quiet time. Don't go out tonight if you don't feel like it; no matter what anyone says, you won't end up having a good time if what you really want is to be curled up with a good book. It's time to recharge your spiritual batteries, so indulge in all those things that make you feel whole again. Advantageous colors are midnight blue and silver. Lucky numbers are 3 and 12.
Changes are in store today, especially emotional changes of heart. You may suddenly decide you've had quite enough of a particular person or group; stand up for yourself and maintain your dignity. Changes may also be underway among your friends and associates; be supportive of those who need you most. All of this change can be for the best, much like the cleaning of a wound in preparation for healing. Positive colors are sparkling green and gold. Lucky numbers are 27 and 29.
The Moon dances into your eleventh house of friends and associates, which could prove to be too much of a good thing, as retro Mercury steps back into your midheaven. It's hard to imagine anything being too much fun, but things could get out of hand today and tomorrow. If you use your super powers of intuition, you may just be able to help someone who desperately needs a hand. Fortunate colors are electric blue and hot pink. Lucky numbers are 11 and 18.
The New Moon Fairy might be willing to grant you a new start in your career this month, so take this opportunity to look your options over. A career change may not be out of the question! Either way, change is in the air. Assert control of your own destiny; aim high and do not let failure discourage you from working toward the recognition you deserve. Capitalize on your natural assets, using your personality to catapult you to the top. Ambitious colors are charcoal and scarlet. Lucky numbers are 10 and 37.
The changing Moon enters your tenth house of career and status, bringing out a power struggle between you and someone in authority. Hold your ground if you are currently involved in a project that will eventually improve the overall structure. Pick your battles wisely, compromising where necessary but standing firm for important principles and issues.. Empowering colors are jet black and electric blue. Lucky numbers are 9 and 10.
If you don't have to work today, find a way to relieve the stress that's been building up inside you. A road trip may be just the thing; a small town an hour or two away may hold all the adventure you need. Take a friend along for the ride and enjoy being spontaneous. You need to find little ways to keep from losing your mind this month, and a spur- of-the-moment adventure should be just about right. Favorable colors are light tan and dark maroon. Lucky numbers are 12 and 21.
The Moon enters Libra, stimulating your ninth house of travel and adventure and urging you to explore new vistas. Trying new things such as new foods and different cultures will be uplifting for you at this time; you might even consider signing up for a course in a foreign language. Shake the cobwebs out of your life by reaching for something that excites you. Favorable colors are jade green and yellow ochre. Lucky numbers are 18 and 33.
You may feel quite amorous today as the Moon continues through your eighth house. Passionate, physical intimacy is often very healing, so if you have a committed relationship you feel safe in, just go for it. The mysteries of life -- including death -- will be embraced by you today. Realize that love never dies and when you have love, there is nothing to fear. Auspicious colors are golden amber and aubergine. Lucky numbers are 27 and 32.
Dreams you had last night may still be haunting you this morning; remember that monsters are just symbols for fears you have in your life. Your psychic abilities may be strong while the Moon passes through Virgo and your eighth house of sex, money, and power today... if you have a strong hunch about something, you can bet on it. Advantageous colors are wine red and rich brown. Lucky numbers are 9 and 18.
The Moon travels through your seventh house of marriage and partnerships, so be prepared to offer support to your partner. Conversely, you may need a shoulder to cry on and your closest friend may be just the place to seek refuge. Either way, spend time today with the one who means the most to you. Fortunate colors are red coral and pale aqua. Lucky numbers are 25 and 34.
Chatty Mercury turns retrograde in your eleventh house of friends and associates today. The next three weeks may find you committing a few slips of the tongue, so practice keeping your peace as much as possible. You may find that if you spend more time listening than speaking, you will soon know which friends are true blue and which friends are fair weather. Fortunate colours are peacock blue and bright silver. Lucky numbers are 11 and 22.
The Moon enters your seventh house of marriage and partnerships today, placing the focus on love. Over the next two and a half days, issues surrounding your closest relationships may come into play. The stress of the past few weeks may have taken quite a toll, so be supportive of your partner now. Get in his or her good graces so that tomorrow's tense aspects won't break you down. Auspicious colors are crimson and blush pink. Lucky numbers are 7 and 16.
Pay attention to your health as the Moon moves through sensitive Cancer and your sixth house. Choose your meals wisely and drink plenty of fresh water to ensure proper digestion. Be sure to get fresh air and exercise, too. When you feel well, you are better able to serve others, which is also a sixth house focus. Take care of yourself before you attempt to care for others. Favourable colors are dove grey and cornflower blue. Lucky numbers are 20 and 32.
The Moon is passing through your sixth house of health and service to others today, Aquarius. Unless you've been neglecting your own health lately, the emphasis is likely to be on how you can serve others. It might seem like everyone wants and needs something from you - take time out to relax before you wear yourself out. Fortunate colors are cobalt blue and pure white. Lucky numbers are 14 and 23.
Today has the potential to be absolutely delightful as the tender Moon and mighty Jupiter blend. Expect happy surprises; keep an eye out for little miracles and meaningful coincidences. Even if life seems dark at the moment, you can be sure things are about to improve. The tide is turning in the universe again; everything will soon be going your way. Favorable colors are carnation pink and pale gold. Lucky numbers are 33 and 36.
You might need to find a way to cheer yourself up as the sensitive Moon and aggressive Mars pick on dour Saturn today; if you're feeling blue, remind yourself that it's just a passing mood. In a few days, life will be looking bright again! Many of you will be tending to the emotional and physical needs of your home and family during this time. Spread good karma by being supportive and responsible. Healing colors are amethyst purple and golden amber. Lucky numbers are 6 and 8.

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