Libra's Horoscopes |



Born between: Sep 23rd - Oct 22nd

Convincing and charming are the best characteristics of someone born under the Libra star sign. When they overcome shyness those with the Libra sign are great debaters who will always share credit for their wins.

Expect to be the responsible party today as the changing Moon enters your tenth house of career and status. Your leadership potential is highly visible as people look to you for wisdom in both business and family matters, so use your considerable diplomatic skills to keep the peace and to make progress in negotiations. Auspicious colors are charcoal gray and wine red. Lucky numbers are 8 and 10.
You may feel some frustration as the Moon conflicts with stern Saturn, Lord of Obstacles today, but don't be discouraged. Jupiter is working with you, so remain patient and keep a cautious and conservative attitude when traveling or communicating over long distances. Venus is receiving good support from Mars, so if you're strong and stay the course, chances are better than good that you will emerge victorious. Fortunate colors are ivory and tangerine. Lucky numbers are 8 and 16.
The Gemini Full Moon brings educational and cultural projects to fruition; all the hard work you have done in these areas should begin to pay off. Travel may play an important role in your life over the next month, so look for opportunities to visit new places. Religious matters can also come to a head; many of you will experience an epiphany soon. Fortunate colors are spearmint and tan. Lucky numbers are 3 and 9.
You may have serious business to attend to this morning, so set your alarm half an hour earlier than usual. You'll need to keep your wits about you as power struggles are in full swing. Stick to your guns and adhere to your principles. The mysteries of life and death may be on your mind as the Moon glides through your eighth house of sex, money, and power. Remember, what goes around comes around! Favorable colors are amethyst purple and sapphire blue. Lucky numbers are 8 and 44.
You might find yourself feeling a bit moody today as the Moon enters your eighth house of sex, money, and power. In fact, the next two days or so may be rather intense, so plan to exercise your frustration today. It isn't that anyone has done anything wrong, it's just that it seems you are working very hard but not getting anywhere. That isn't really true, you know. Have faith. At least Mercury is ending his retro phase, so financial matters will start to improve. Beneficial colors are red wine and ebony. Lucky numbers are 26 and 27.
Unexpected pressure on the job may add stress to your day, but by evening you are ready to relax with your partner, best friend, or spouse. Take this opportunity to talk about what you have been going through lately. The more you can help your partner understand your experiences, the better. Make sure you allow him or her plenty of airtime, too! Make love a two way street. Beneficial colors are pale aqua and blossom pink. Lucky numbers are 25 and 34.
If you had a bad day with your partner yesterday, today is the day to kiss and make up. The fiery Aries Moon blends with Jupiter to create a romantic passion; this may be a little over the top, but sometimes a bit of drama is in order. Those of you with children may find them acting up, but if you listen closely, you'll find they really just want and need your attention. Advantageous colors are cobalt blue and blush pink. Lucky numbers are 25 and 34.
The emphasis shifts to your marriage or partnerships today; it's time to devote some time to your partner. Understanding runs deep between you and the ones you are closest to now; go out and have some fun while you are in tune. Why not see a suspenseful movie this evening? Nothing like a rush of adrenaline to get the evening off to an exciting start! Fortunate colors are red coral and teal blue. Lucky numbers are 7 and 16.
The Moon blends well with Mercury, as Venus dances with Neptune today. Let your intuition lead you to success, dear Libra. With Venus entering Scorpio, you may feel the urge to splurge on luxury items. Social or cultural events stretch the budget as the Christmas season gets busy and you'll long to spend on your appearance or your environment. The issue of wealth connected with social status may arise in some form. Fortunate colors are cornflower blue and beige. Lucky numbers are 5 and 30.
Your imagination can create worlds of wonder today so don't hesitate to express your creative ideas. Children can bring great pleasure, so spend some time with the young ones in your life. Love and romance are sublime, but possibly bittersweet and elusive. No matter; the greatest love stories are about love found, love lost, and the painful pleasure of longing. Favorable colors are butter yellow and celery green. Lucky numbers are 16 and 19.
The reactive Moon travels through your sixth house of health and service, placing an emphasis on the way you feel and the work you do. You may be under quite a bit of pressure as Venus battles Jupiter; it will seem as though everyone wants everything yesterday. Tell the world to chill out and maintain a pace that is comfortable for you. Auspicious colors are yellow sapphire and emerald green. Lucky numbers are 12 and 14.
Today can be truly romantic, as the nurturing Moon lights up your fifth house and forms a beautiful aspect with Jupiter. Express your love and affection and it will return to you several times over. You can multiply your joy today by spreading it around. Watch out for too much of a good thing, however. There are bound to be killjoys who will resent your blithe spirit; don't waste your happiness on them. Fortunate colors are pale lilac and spring green. Lucky numbers are 15 and 42.
The Moon travels into your fifth house of romance and creativity, putting you in a playful mood. Anything can happen while unpredictable Uranus lends excitement to the day, so be prepared for anything. If you are planning a surprise for someone special, do think it out carefully first. Fortunate colors are royal purple and pale gold. Lucky numbers are 6 and 10.
It may be Tool Time at your house today; the desire to make home improvements could be overwhelming. Slow down so you don't hurt yourself... there is always a possibility of cuts and bruises so take precautions. Some of you may have an unrelenting urge to remake a loved one; this presents risks as well, so think about any constructive criticism you want to offer. Beneficial colors are sea green and sand. Lucky numbers are 4 and 25.
You'll feel like being a homebody today. There's something to be said for staying in your pajamas until noon and working within reach of your own kitchen. If you can't stay home, take a little comfort along with you to work. Be generous and bring in doughnuts and coffee... if you are really sweet, no one will notice when you slip out before 5p.m. Advantageous colors are pale green and oyster. Lucky numbers are 11 and 20.
Honesty is the best policy, but be careful not to burn all your bridges before noon. You have something important to say, but it is impossible to know just what kind of impact your words will have. Your legendary tact will grace all your communications this evening. Auspicious colors are golden amber and ocean blue. Lucky numbers are 23 and 32.
With the Moon in your house of communication as Mercury dives back into Scorpio, some financial news is coming your way. You may be the one to drop the bomb on someone unsuspecting; use your native charm to ease the shock. Brothers and sisters may be affecting your life in some way, so pay attention to their activities. Those of you who live in big cities should watch out for road rage... you may want to strangle another driver today. Fortunate colors are pale yellow and sky blue. Lucky numbers are 3 and 29.
It's the right time to make a fresh start in business and financial endeavors as today's New Moon occurs in your second house of personal values and finances. Make a wish list and send it out into the Universe; you're more likely to achieve your dreams if you speak up first. You may feel like your entire life is taken up by work at the moment, but it will all soon pay off. Prosperous colors are ivy green and dark cherry. Lucky numbers are 1 and 2.
Don't allow your financial worries get you down today; obsessing over every little detail will not solve the overall problem. You may find your finances are tight this month but you can remedy the situation through long-term planning. Prosperity is literally just around the corner; as Venus graces your money house later in the month. A much needed bonus may become a reality. Favorable colors are sage green and desert sand. Lucky numbers are 2 and 17.
Today is the sort of day you should try to do whatever pleases you most. For some, it might be attending a social event, but others will naturally prefer more solitary pursuits. Honor your need for comfort and plan at least one indulgence for today. There'll be plenty of time to tackle the dishes and the laundry tomorrow, so let yourself enjoy this easy day. Positive colors are rose red and ivory. Lucky numbers are 19 and 37.
The Moon enters Libra, your first house of personality, helping you get back into high gear today. It should be easier for you to assert yourself, as your emotional strength returns. You can make a good impression, so make important connections now. You're in demand, so take advantage of this energy! Fortunate colors are bright yellow and silvery green. Lucky numbers are 1 and 19.
You might find your dreams are unusually vivid at this time, so consider keeping a journal by your bed. Clues to your inner psyche based on past experiences may emerge as re-occurring themes in your night fancies... pay attention to the language of your sleeping mind. You may be low on energy today, so pace yourself accordingly. Fortunate colors are sunset pink and lavender. Lucky numbers are 21 and 30.
With the sensitive Moon transiting your twelfth house of secrets and spirituality, you may not care for the company of others today. Make an effort to feed your soul this afternoon, whether you indulge in aroma therapy, yoga, or a chocolate ice cream treat. Being alone for any length of time should be therapeutic. Tell your loved ones you need some alone time and then take it! Favorable colors are midnight blue and lavender. Lucky numbers are 3 and 12.
Some of you may be annoyed with office or community gossip today; make an effort not to participate and spare yourself the bad karma. If it seems no one is getting any work done today except for you, don't expect anyone to come through for you on any favors either. If you are the rare Libran involved in a clandestine romance, cover your tracks well today. The office gossips are watching. Fortunate colors are sunset pink and python green. Lucky numbers are 26 and 33.
Mercury turns retrograde in your third house of communication, making it difficult to express yourself clearly for the next three weeks. Misunderstandings and confusion could frustrate your attempts to achieve your goals, so slow down and read the fine line very carefully. This is also a good time to notice what is not being said... consider learning more about body language and other forms of non-verbal communication. Fortunate colours are light tan and golden honey. Lucky numbers are 1 and 3.
Call your friends and make a play date for tonight; it's time you got out and had some fun. The Moon passing through flamboyant Leo is urging you to frolic with your most colorful playmates... don't sit inside alone during this time frame. True, these same friends may drive you mad with their dramatic tales, but you can thank your lucky stars that your life seems tame in comparison to the tricky fixes they find themselves in. Flamboyant colors are electric blue and shocking pink. Lucky numbers are 7 and 11.
You may be more aware of public opinion with the Moon in your tenth house, so pay close attention to what you hear in the office. You may disagree with someone in authority, but try to keep this to yourself. If you want to get ahead, you will have to work within the system. Once you are in a position of power, you can start making changes! Advantageous colors are sterling silver and glittering gold. Lucky numbers are 28 and 35.
You might be feeling a bit of pressure now that the Moon is passing through your tenth house of career and reputation; all eyes are on you as you make your way today. Those in positions of authority over you could be exceptionally demanding and emotional today, but you may be fortunate enough to have a caring boss who is moved to help you with your personal concerns. Fortunate colors are basic black and heather gray. Lucky numbers are 8 and 10.
The Moon and Jupiter blend well today, making this one of the nicest days of the month for you. You should be feeling creative and strong during this time frame, so don't doubt your abilities or your potential. Romantic relationships blossom, especially when you are spontaneous in your expression of affection. Do something new and exciting to get your blood flowing. Favorable colors are olive green and gold. Lucky numbers are 18 and 21.
With the Moon in your ninth house of travel and adventure, many of you will be ready to have fun with your friends. The next two days may find you itching to do something new and exciting. Why not take a day trip to a place of interest not far from your home town? Those of you who truly live in the middle of nowhere can always rent a foreign film. Favorable colors are maroon and khaki. Lucky numbers are 21 and 39.

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