Virgo's Horoscopes |



Born between: August 23rd - Sep 22nd

Dedicated and accomplished are the best ways to describe a Virgo as they have profound morals and are often initiative. However those born under the Virgo star sign need to take extra care to control their temper and be patient.

A close relationship needs careful thought during the next two weeks. Maybe things have reached a rather sticky patch and you've got to consider your next move carefully. If your relationship has become bogged down with control issues and battles for power, you'll have to decide whether you want it to continue. Maybe you should discuss it with the person concerned. Fortunate colors are copper and olive. Lucky numbers are 1 and 74.
This is an absolutely brilliant day for spending large amounts of money - provided you have the funds, of course! Mind you, you'll still happily splash around your cash even if you can't afford it, because you're driven by a wild impulse to spend. Try to exercise some caution, even though this seems very boring at the time, otherwise you could land yourself in hot water. Fortunate colors are brass and walnut brown. Lucky numbers are 9 and 59.
Be spontaneous! Life doesn't run entirely to plan today and the best way to cope is to go with the flow. Don't be surprised if arrangements are changed or people alter their minds about what they want to do. If you're doing some travelling you could have an enjoyable and unexpected encounter, such as discovering you're sharing a train carriage with an old friend. Favorable colors are silver and black. Lucky numbers are 40 and 31.
This is a day for sticking to your guns, especially when it comes to your beliefs and priorities in life. You might have to defend some of your philosophies or put them to the test in some way. If you've been talking about going on the holiday of a lifetime, especially if it's to an exotic destination, you'll be very tempted to put your money where your mouth is now. Favorable colors are silver and lilac. Lucky numbers are 18 and 20.
You're at your brainy best today, thinking along very intelligent and rational lines. It's great for doing some troubleshooting or brainstorming. It's an especially good day for devising plans for the future or thinking about how you can turn a cherished wish into reality. You could surprise yourself, yet you won't indulge in flights of fancy. Adventurous colors are bright red and jet black. Lucky numbers are 70 and 52.
You might have more money, or want to invest it wisely. Your values will also flourish now, and you might discover an emotional or spiritual element to life that you've never noticed before. Try to set aside more time for the people and activities that make your world go round because you'll get a lot out of them. Creative colors are ginger and turquoise. Lucky numbers are 34 and 10.
You'll get a real sense of satisfaction from doing things to the best of your ability today. And you won't care if anyone is looking over your shoulder because you're working so well anyway. Even so, this is a great day for working in conjunction with other people and for pulling your weight. Ambitious colors are bright gold and bright purple. Lucky numbers are 35 and 60.
This is another day for concentrating on the current domestic stalemate. Play your cards right and it could start to shift now. Be prepared to talk about your feelings in depth, and to create an atmosphere in which it's safe for loved ones to do the same. It's obvious that there's much more involved here than the practicalities and this is a chance to get right down to the nub of the problem. It could mark a turning point. Uplifting colors are violet and aqua. Lucky numbers are 2 and 6.
If the domestic clashes you've faced recently are still rife, it's time to do something about them today. You certainly can't carry on like this for much longer because it's an enormous strain and it's hanging over your head like the Sword of Damocles. So what should you do for the best? Start by talking things through but allowing each person to have their say without interruption. And be prepared to negotiate. Calming colors are beige and silver. Lucky numbers are 8 and 48.
Life looks pretty good from where you're standing today. You're more than prepared to take the rough with the smooth, but right now you have so much to be thankful for that you hardly notice any rough bits. This positive approach will win you many fans, and it will also help to attract some positive experiences in your direction. Ambitious colors are sapphire blue and emerald green. Lucky numbers are 24 and 5.
The better you know someone, the more likely you are to feel irritated with them today. Their funny little habits may leave you totally cold, or you might want to scream if they start retelling a story that you've already heard a million times. Do you have a genuine grievance with this person that needs to be aired, or are you simply feeling exasperated by them? Soothing colors are shell pink and honeycomb. Lucky numbers are 12 and 1.
If things have been a bit dicey with a close relative or neighbor recently, this is a good opportunity to extend an olive branch and get things back on track. The very fact that you're big enough to make the first move will probably shame the other person into being friendly again, and what a relief that will be! Beneficial colors are jade and oyster. Lucky numbers are 5 and 2.
It's very difficult to see what's really going on today because your vision is clouded by idealistic yearnings. Unfortunately, this means you're showing a tendency to kid yourself about something or to allow others to pull the wool over your eyes. Be very careful about this because it means someone could easily take advantage of you, or that you're ignoring a glaring problem. Liberating colors are chocolate and sky blue. Lucky numbers are 12 and 61.
You're at your most efficient and practical this Friday, and you're working to the best of your abilities. Your brain is ticking over nicely and you're making good use of your time. It's an excellent day for doing some long-range planning because you know your limitations and will happily work within them. Auspicious colors are peach and dark gold. Lucky numbers are 32 and 56.
Today's New Moon encourages you to open up your life to new experiences, ideas and encounters. And the sooner you start, the better. So think about what you can do, even if you start small and work up to something bigger over time. Something that might appeal now is a change of appearance, so how about buying yourself some flattering new clothes. Auspicious colors are mahogany and terracotta. Lucky numbers are 35 and 71.
You're offering service with a smile today, whether you're at work or at home. You're in a very co-operative and helpful mood, so if someone needs a volunteer you'll be the first person to put up your hand. If you're looking for a new job you could hear about something that sounds right up your street now, but check that the working conditions are OK before taking things further. Beneficial colors are terracotta and charcoal grey. Lucky numbers are 2 and 50.
Start as you mean to go on, Virgo. You have the necessary confidence, energy and initiative. It's also a good chance to speak up for yourself or to show someone that you've got what it takes. Do your best to get plenty of exercise, otherwise you might become rather restless or bored. Favorable colors are dark red and cream. Lucky numbers are 1 and 3.
Someone is in an outspoken and controversial mood today, and they're looking for a reaction from you. Change in the status of joint income and property, payment or collection of debts, and other financial obligations is favoured. Reversals may be expected, but they reflect gain as well as loss. Fortunate colors are bright red and midnight blue. Lucky numbers are 3 and 8.
You may meet a deal of resistance from people who are opposed to the changes you're suggesting at the moment. Look for the hidden clues in these relationships and beware of getting so firmly entrenched in your position that you turn a deaf ear to everyone else. Keep a sense of perspective. Fortunate colors are almond blossom and honey. Lucky numbers are 6 and 37.
You long to do the right thing dear Virgo, and that might mean bending over backwards to help others at considerable inconvenience to yourself. Ask yourself why you're doing this. Is it because of a genuine desire to help, because you want to be seen to be a nice person or because you hope to gain something by it? There's a lot to think about. Expressive colors are persimmon and brilliant white. Lucky numbers are 45 and 69.
Someone may want you to adjust your ideas to make them more appealing, or they might announce that they'll oppose you every step of the way. Find a solution that is acceptable to everyone who'll be affected by what you're suggesting. If you insist on imposing your plans on others at any cost, you'll be setting in motion a massive problem. Be careful! Fortunate colors are mother of pearl and passionfruit. Lucky numbers are 6 and 19.
Have a think about your hobbies today. Do you have lots of varied interests? If so, do you have time for them all? If the answer to either of these questions is no, then think about how you change the situation. It's very easy for a conscientious Virgo like you to devote too much of your time to work and duty, but right now you need to fit in plenty of recreation and relaxation as well. Beneficial colors are green jade and marmalade. Lucky numbers are 10 and 11.
If you're feeling edgy, give yourself some light relief for a while. Get together with a friend or partner, or have a complete break from your usual routine. A career opportunity is due for you, and a last-minute invitation or change of plan could end up being the best thing that happens to you all day, even if that seems a rather dubious possibility at first. Wait and see! Favorable colors are avocado and aubergine. Lucky numbers are 21 and 37.
Do you feel as though you're caught between the devil and the deep blue sea? On the one hand you have a lot of responsibilities waiting for you, and on the other you've a loved one who's complaining that they never see you. Somehow, you're going to have to juggle all these demands without cutting yourself in half. Is this possible or is someone being unreasonable? Intense colors are jet black and salmon pink. Lucky numbers are 39 and 62.
Any hint of romance will make you go all weak at the knees between now and this time next month. If you rarely get the chance to display the sensitive and sentimental side of your personality, you'll be in your element now. All the same, watch out for a possible tendency to fall in love with love or to idealize your beloved in ways that can only lead to disappointment later on. Favourable colors are fawn and ivory. Lucky numbers are 10 and 12.
Someone dear to your heart is resistant to being told what to do today. The more determined you are to make them do what you want, the more determined they'll be to ignore you and do their own thing. If you both carry on like this there will be only one outcome -- a big fat stalemate. At least one of you needs to become more flexible, and quickly. Beneficial colors are lemon and bright orange. Lucky numbers are 38 and 67.
In a daring mood? Tempted to take some risks today? Play your cards right and things will go well, provided you don't do anything foolish or raise the stakes too high. It's a great day for being active and energetic, and you could be tempted to take part in a competitive sport or game. You won't be averse to making the odd bet or wager, either. Liberating colors are silvery green and azure. Lucky numbers are 14 and 72.
You're in an optimistic mood today, determined to look on the bright side. Opportunities are in the pipeline right now and all you've got to do is spot them when they appear. Some will be more than obvious while others will require a second glance or a lot of faith. Give them all a fair trial. Expressive colors are aubergine and pistachio. Lucky numbers are 6 and 13.
No matter what else you have on, try to fit in a little socializing as the nodes complete the move to Scorpio. You'll have a whale of a time and it will do you good to let your hair down. If you've been hoping that big things will happen between you and a friend, turn on the charm now as clever Mercury slips into your sign. Others may present some sort of written review of your personality or performance, or speak to you about aspects of your appearance and personality. Fortunate colors are bright purple and cornflower blue. Lucky numbers are 9 and 33.
A delightful sense of co-operation and camaraderie is in the air today, whether you experience it at work, with friends or with your other half. Everyone is happy to do whatever for everyone else, and is also prepared to give people the benefit of the doubt. If someone isn't very well, you'll be the first to mop their brow or tuck them up in bed. Auspicious colors are mulberry and silver. Lucky numbers are 17 and 45.

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