Pisces's Horoscopes | Female.com.au



Born between: February 20th - March 20th

Pisces can be very shy people who take time to adapt but once they do Piscean makes a valuable friend as they're helpful, unselfish and trustworthy; however they need to be careful to not be too generous or be taken advantage of in all aspects of life.

The coming fortnight is an excellent opportunity to get your money matters in order, and to pay particular attention to your everyday finances. For instance, you should go through bank and credit card statements in case they contain mistakes, and also pay any overdue bills before they lead to trouble. If you've been overspending this will be a good chance to cut back on your outgoings. Stabilizing colors are burnt orange and smoky quartz. Lucky numbers are 17 and 49.
You're rather outspoken this Wednesday, as you're tending to open your mouth and say the first thing that comes into your head. This could lead to some tricky moments if you get excited or het up, as you'll then have an unerring ability to say the wrong thing. Try to curb your worst excesses and, if in doubt, keep quiet! Diplomatic colors are turquoise and peach. Lucky numbers are 2 and 62.
Money, or the lack of it, is putting a crimp in your day. Maybe you've just received a hefty bill or a depressing bank statement, and you're feeling flattened and miserable as a result. Or perhaps you're realizing that an enjoyable trip or social event will have to be curtailed or even cancelled because it's going to cost too much money. Things seem bleak at the moment but they're unlikely to be as grim as you think, so take heart. Healing colors are pistachio and aqua. Lucky numbers are 31 and 57.
Turn your attention to your finances because this is a brilliant day for boosting your income through some clever moves. You might decide to invest some spare cash for a rainy day, or you could strike lucky when a windfall lands at your feet. You're feeling slightly daring, but don't let this turn to recklessness because then you'll take gambles that you can't afford to lose. Revealing colors are pineapple and copper. Lucky numbers are 34 and 47.
You're talking a lot of sense today, particularly when it comes to discussions with loved ones. You're taking a very practical approach, without losing either your sense of fun or your sense of humor. It's an especially good day for taking part in a discussion or serious conversation in which you're prepared to speak from the heart and say what you think. Prosperous colors are avocado and banana. Lucky numbers are 13 and 71.
A close relationship will blossom in all sorts of enriching and rewarding ways. There could also be more money on the horizon, whether your own earning power is increased or you benefit from the largesse of some of the people in your life. Fortunate colors are lilac and silver. Lucky numbers are 9 and 52.
This is one of those delightful days where you get on well with everyone - as easy as falling off a log. You're at your most charming and outgoing right now, so don't be surprised if you have everybody eating out of your hand. Who can blame them when you're in this sort of mood? The positive reaction you get from everyone will do wonders for your self-confidence, especially if a certain someone only has eyes for you. It's great! Beneficial colors are charcoal grey and mustard yellow. Lucky numbers are 12 and 19.
If a new relationship gets off the ground now it will be very intense and powerful, almost as though you're connected by a strong magnetic attraction. Before too long, you'll also realize that you were fated to meet for some reason, and that you'll both get a tremendous amount out of being together. This applies whether you're lovers, friends, colleagues or family. Empowering colors are Bright red and dark grey. Lucky numbers are 19 and 51.
You have a strong desire to get to the truth today, which means you'll dig away at the facts until you find what you're looking for. This will make you extremely persistent, possibly even to the point of rudeness if you end up cross-examining someone or demanding that they give you the answers you're looking for. Auspicious colors are violet and dark gold. Lucky numbers are 16 and 31.
A relationship goes through a renaissance today, and becomes even better than ever. You might spend all your time chortling with laughter, or discover that you have even more in common than you first thought. If you meet someone new now, they'll have an uplifting and exuberant impact on your life. Uplifting colors are shell pink and shimmering blue. Lucky numbers are 33 and 62.
Someone's favourite occupation today seems to be splitting hairs, and they're doing it with great precision. So much precision, in fact, that your face is rigid with suppressed yawns and you'll soon want to scream. However, the sad fact is that you may be equally pedantic and nit-picking right now, even if you don't realize it, particularly when it comes to red tape. Bold colors are burgundy and lilac. Lucky numbers are 2 and 39.
If you haven't heard from a friend or relative who lives a long way away, or even overseas, this is a good day for making contact with them again. They'll be thrilled to hear from you, and they might even be so chuffed that they invite you to visit them. If you can spare the time you'll enjoy a jaunt to a place that you've never seen before, especially if it's steeped in atmosphere. Favorable colors are spearmint green and ochre. Lucky numbers are 17 and 63.
If you're wandering around in a fog today, it's making it almost impossible to see what's right in front of your eyes. This is especially true when it comes to your relationship with certain people in your life, because right now you're busy ignoring some unpleasant facts that are staring you in the face. OK, ignore them today if you must, but you'll have to acknowledge them soon. Beneficial colors are ebony and honeycomb. Lucky numbers are 16 and 42.
A loved one is a towering support today, much to your delight. It's obvious that they're behind you all the way, and you're really grateful to them for their help. So why not say so? This is also a marvellous day for building bridges with someone if you've fallen out with them recently, and to start to repair your relationship piece by piece. Uplifting colors are cream and kiwifruit. Lucky numbers are 27 and 44.
Your partnerships get a shot in the arm from today, and this happy state will continue for the next two weeks. This might be your cue to salvage a relationship that's in trouble at the moment by adopting a different strategy, or by leveling with the person concerned about your feelings for them. Miracles might happen, as a result of your actions. Calming colors are crimson and jade. Lucky numbers are 30 and 8.
A great wave of sentiment washes over you this Thursday, making you highly emotional and tuned into your surroundings. Your antennae are working overtime, enabling you to pick up undercurrents and intuitively know what's going on with the people around you. Trust your instincts because they'll guide you in the right direction. Ideal colors are raspberry and mauve. Lucky numbers are 9 and 51.
Go carefully when handling partners today because you're feeling rather impatient and hasty. You could easily get off side by provoking them in some way. You might also have a showdown with someone who's been irritating you recently and who is long overdue for a piece of your mind. Put your tin hat on! Fortunate colors are butterscotch and salmon. Lucky numbers are 7 and 22.
You're speaking and thinking much more rapidly than usual, Pisces. This could be really exciting, with lots of original and innovative ideas rushing through your mind. However, remember not to be too blunt for comfort. Give yourself enough time to think things through before blurting them out, or expect to see some shocked faces! Creative colors are autumn brown and summer yellow. Lucky numbers are 11 and 40.
If the issue is who's in control, don't make your displeasure obvious. Perhaps your relationship is going through major changes that are having a stressful impact on you. Financial pressures begin to ease, so look for the deeper motivations. Fortunate colors are mango and burgundy. Lucky numbers are 7 and 8.
You may be lacking energy, with a strong desire to retreat from the world. Nothing unusual in that, dear Pisces! But if you're simply tired and could do with a break, perhaps something is weighing on your mind and draining your energy. Steer clear of any food or drink that doesn't always agree with you, because it will have a detrimental effect at the moment. Favorable colors are lilac and rose. Lucky numbers are 12 and 49.
Your relationship with a certain person grinds to a bad- tempered halt today, with both of you stubbornly sticking to your guns and refusing to acknowledge the other person's point of view. This situation will become even more critical if one of you sees it as a chance to assert your authority or even to crush the other one into submission. Don't do it, Pisces! Soothing colors are salmon pink and pastel blue. Lucky numbers are 19 and 38.
Your relationships are running very smoothly today, because you're able to strike exactly the right note with other people and win them over. You'll get on well with virtually everyone you meet, whether they're total strangers or your best friends, and you'll certainly have a whale of a time if you're going out on the town or are being whisked off on a hot date. Fortunate colors are avocado and mango. Lucky numbers are 4 and 5.
Do something on the spur of the moment today Pisces! Maybe you should ring up a friend and fix up a last-minute outing, or rearrange existing plans so you can do something more exciting. There could also be an unexpected but enjoyable connection with a certain person, perhaps when you bump into them by accident or they ring you out of the blue. Bold colors are dark purple and bright red. Lucky numbers are 22 and 69.
Are you caught in the grip of powerful emotions today? If problems from the past have reappeared or you're embroiled in a highly- charged conflict with someone, tread carefully. You'll be tempted to behave in compulsive or obsessive ways that will only make the situation worse. Stand up for yourself if needs be, but do it fairly and without being manipulative. Fortunate colors are ruby red and snow white. Lucky numbers are 9 and 10.
Between now and early October, it's service with a smile at every opportunity. Venus sees that you take additional pride in your work, and also in your ability to get on well with colleagues and customers. There might even be some romantic activity with someone you meet through the course of your job or through some other everyday activity. Fortunate colors are fawn and dark red. Lucky numbers are 6 and 26.
Be careful, especially if you're at home, because you could easily turn accident-prone. This is especially likely if you're suffering from a lot of pent-up nervous energy, or if you have to cope with a series of unexpected events that throw you for a loop and leave you feeling jittery. Do your best to keep calm. Beneficial colors are oak and amethyst. Lucky numbers are 35 and 46.
It's a wonderful day, because you're blessed with abundant energy, helping you to cope with whatever comes your way. The cosmpos awakens a fiery and powerful mood, making you the center of attention for the best possible reasons. If you've been waiting for the right time to talk someone into seeing things your way, you stand an excellent chance of doing so today. Bold colors are sapphire blue and emerald green. Lucky numbers are 24 and 77.
You're in a gregarious mood, so enjoy it while it lasts. This is a great day for any form of socializing, whether for business or pleasure, because you've got the happy knack of being able to bring out the best in other people and make them feel that you're genuinely interested in them. Play your cards right and you could be a big hit with a certain someone now. Enjoyable colors are dark green and cherry blossom. Lucky numbers are 20 and 24.
The stars promise that this is one of the nicest days for Pisceans in the whole of September, especially if you can be with some of your nearest and dearest. You're feeling extremely sociable and outgoing, so you'll get on well with everyone you meet but you'll be happiest when you're with some of your favourite people. A close relationship will go wonderfully well, and you could hear something that's so sweet or loving that you'll be blushing for hours to come. Healing colors are lemon and tangerine. Lucky numbers are 13 and 76.
Do yourself a favor and devote some time to activities that make your world go round. Why not get busy with a favourite occupation or make a point of seeing one of the most important people in your life. This is definitely a day for pampering yourself, even if all you can do is buy yourself a bar of chocolate or have a long soak in the bath. It's quality rather than quantity that counts now! Indulgent colors are shell pink and deep purple. Lucky numbers are 39 and 58.

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