Sagittarius's Horoscopes |



Born between: Nov 22nd - Dec 21st

Often bitten by the travel bug those born under the Sagittarius sign are independent and always have a optimistic stance on life. However they need to be patient to not expect miracles while chasing their next positive outcome.

Your creativity is high as the Moon hits Gemini for Halloween. Romance and partnership issues are also favored by the cosmos. Why not try something completely different, and what better way than to masquerade as someone else? Some famous Sagittarius personalities are: Beethoven, Harpo Marx, Winston Churchill, Stone Cold Steve Austin, Miley Cyrus, Jane Fonda. Advantageous colors are cobalt blue and pearl white. Lucky numbers are 23 and 30.
Today's tense aspects may provoke sudden outbursts. You might find yourself saying something you really mean but had no intention of revealing; everyone has ugly feelings from time to time that need to be kept private. Avoid drinking alcoholic beverages if you want to keep your tongue. Many of you will need to spend a good part of the day organizing your environment. Auspicious colors are ocean blue and dove gray. Lucky numbers are 23 and 42.
The Taurus Full Moon occurs in your sixth house of health and service, which also rules your employment situation. These issues may all come to a head with in the next day or two, so be prepared to reap what you have sewn. For some, this means good health and perhaps a coming pay raise, and for others it could mean a physical breakdown or a pink slip. If it's the latter, never fear - when one door closes.... Advantageous colors are cobalt blue and golden amber. Lucky numbers are 5 and 24.
Today is a wonderful day for fun and romance, so enjoy it while you can. However, if you are irresponsible in any way, you will soon regret your carelessness. Some of you may find that you are more talkative during this time frame, but be careful who you express yourself to. Surround yourself with people whom time has proven trustworthy. Auspicious colors are salmon pink and tangerine orange. Lucky numbers are 31 and 33.
Most of you should be feeling better, now that the Moon is spinning through Aries and your fifth house of pleasure. Just make sure you catch up on all your work before you go out to play! Tonight can be delightful for Archers prancing under the waxing moon, so grab a partner and join the party. Again, be certain you have tied up all your loose ends before leaving the office... any mistakes will be obvious soon. Advantageous colors are royal purple and pale gold. Lucky numbers are 1 and 13.
Enjoy the day relaxing at home while the Moon moves through your fourth house of home and family. Many of you have been under tremendous stress and pressure and now it is time to just count your many blessings. Sure, your family isn't perfect, but no one is... overlook the petty details and embrace the love you have been given. Beneficial colors are pearl white and pale blue. Lucky numbers are 16 and 20.
The Sun combines with Saturn today, so your personal needs and your career demands can be balanced, as long as you're willing to express yourself lovingly and honestly. Secrets may come out, but a supervisor is likely to be sympathetic to your personal situation, just don't go overboard. It's one thing to say you have a problem, but quite another to give all the gory details. Beneficial colors are sea green and ocean blue. Lucky numbers are 15 and 31.
Problems from yesterday begin to work themselves out, bringing improvements to your life. However, as the Moon moves into Pisces and your fourth house of home and family, you might just feel like staying home in bed today. If you've been stressed to the point where you are feeling ill, it's time to take stock of your life. Take care of your own needs first. Fortunate colors are pale green and oyster. Lucky numbers are 2 and 12.
The Moon meets Mars to create fireworks, as the Sun slips behind the scenes to Scorpio. If there is a project or cause you are working for, this is a wonderful time to make great strides forward. You'll be very compelling to your fans and perhaps a bit intimidating to your enemies. Understanding your subconscious and accepting limitations will develop remarkable inner strength and determination. Jupiter is favoured, so go forward with your plans and take no prisoners! Auspicious colors are lavender and pale yellow. Lucky numbers are 12 and 23.
The Moon in your third house of communications aspects inspiring Uranus, giving you sudden flashes of insight. Some of you may be having very strong psychic impressions, so pay attention to your gut feelings. You may be dealing with a sticky situation at work tomorrow, but today you have an opportunity to avert disaster. Stop, look, and listen! Fortunate colors are ice blue and canary yellow. Lucky numbers are 5 and 14.
Mercury and Pluto form an uneasy alliance today, causing some discord. Someone may be working quietly behind your back, but your own words may also be coming back to haunt you. It is very important that you guard your health today. Stop and slow down for a while, taking time to seek out quiet, peaceful places. Favorable colors are golden brown and claret red. Lucky numbers are 4 and 14.
The Capricorn Moon makes it a good day to review your finances. Even if you spent too much last night, you can always recover with careful planning. Take care of the things you value today, especially the things (and people) that bring you the most pleasure. If you are interested in saving up for something big, there is no better time to start than now. Advantageous colors are desert sand and emerald green. Lucky numbers are 11 and 38.
The day is lively and eventful with the Moon in your sign, despite some frustrations as the lunar light opposes mighty Jupiter, your life-ruler. Your second house of finances take the focus tonight, prompting you to spend. Some of you may feel the need to buy yourself a little present to reward yourself after a long hard week, while others may simply want to nurture others by treating them to something special. Enjoy the evening and the good vibrations it brings. Advantageous colors are deep purple and sea green. Lucky numbers are 20 and 29.
You should be feeling bright and spunky today as the Moon sprints into your sign! Be ready to go back into battle as your emotional strength reaches a monthly high. The power to change your life is just around the corner... by the time your birthday comes around, all should be clear. What happens today may hold clues to the near future. Beneficial colors are ruby red and snow white. Lucky numbers are 1 and 10.
Bide your time today and keep your chin up; the lunar low cycle is nearly over and soon you'll be feeling like your old self again. In the meantime, stay in low gear and don't push yourself too hard. Turn in early for a good night's sleep, and pay attention to any dreams you might have. Dreams are the language of the sleeping mind... what does yours have to say? Fortunate colors are aqua and silver. Lucky numbers are 30 and 39.
You may feel rather haunted today, literally or figuratively. Dreams and visions may disturb you, but if you take the time to analyze them, you will find they are a great tool for personal and spiritual growth. Surround yourself with things and people that comfort you and avoid negative places. Everyone needs time to hide once in a while... it's time for you to be in your own safe, private place. Beneficial colors are midnight blue and sunset pink. Lucky numbers are 3 and 12.
Friendship may be on your mind as the New Moon activates your eleventh house of friends and associates today. You may find a friend needs your support during this time; conversely, if you need a shoulder to cry on, seek out a trusted pal. Sometimes it seems that no one understands you, but there is at least one person out there who understands you and likes you just the same. Benefical colors are electric blue and magenta. Lucky numbers are 11 and 42.
Mars in your first house of personality gives you a powerful boost of dynamic energy. If you felt wishy-washy yesterday, you'll practically feel like you are on fire today. The subjects that are near and dear to your heart will be evident, and heaven help those foolish enough to get in your way! This is a great day for getting your point across. Favorable colors are brick red and snow white. Lucky numbers are 19 and 28.
You might hear some juicy gossip today, but be sure to keep it under your hat! Friends and associates will want to confide in you but you will need to keep their confidences... what you hear now could get you in trouble if you discuss it with others. The only exception to this would be if lives are in danger... in which case, contact the authorities! Favorable colors are silver and hot pink. Lucky numbers are 19 and 22.
You're under pressure to perform but you're more than capable, so hold your head up! If you hold tight to your personal standards and values and insist on quality in all that you do, there will be no question of who emerges a winner today. You shouldn't have to prove yourself, but every so often you must remind people of why you are special. Auspicious colors are emerald green and sapphire blue. Lucky numbers are 17 and 19.
The Moon moves through Virgo and your tenth house of career and reputation, putting the focus on work today. You may find a few power struggles underway with your superiors; hang in there, and be sure to go through the proper channels. With Pluto in your financial zone for years to come, you have the potential to make real changes over time. Just remember, the keyword here is over time. Favorable colors are charcoal black and heather gray. Lucky numbers are 8 and 10.
Archers who are stuck inside a classroom or office today will find that their thoughts often drift out the window. It may be hard to concentrate on the mundane while you are feeling restless. Use this time to make decisions about where you would like to be in the next year. Your birthday is not so far away, so evaluate your current progress and plan your strategy for the future. Fortunate colors are maroon and khaki. Lucky numbers are 1 and 9.
The Moon moves through Leo and your ninth house of travel and adventure today, stimulating your imagination. Even if you're an armchair tourist and only travel as far as the Travel Channel, you can enjoy learning about far off places on this pleasant afternoon. This is a great day for a little daydreaming, so allow yourself to go as far as your mind will take you. Favorable colors are royal blue and deep purple. Lucky numbers are 7 and 11.
The Moon continues through Cancer today, bringing up memories from the past. Dreams you have at this are psychic in nature, so pay attention to what your sleeping mind is telling you. You'll need to take plenty of time our for yourself. Rest, relaxation, and meditation will help you to get in tune with your inner motivations. Auspicious colors are aubergine and bronze. Lucky numbers are 9 and 27.
The Moon moves through Cancer and your eighth house of sex, money, and power today. Archers in committed relationships will enjoy spending an intimate evening together; why not make reservations at your favorite restaurant? Singles can take advantage of the energy by going out and being seen... you'll have a mysterious edge tonight, as Mars enters your sign, arousing your competitive spirit and making you more aggressive. Be careful when handling sharp objects and hot or explosive materials. Advantageous colors are burgundy and copper. Lucky numbers are 1 and 8.
As macho Mars enters your sign it's time to bring some passion into your life... for some this is welcome, but to others the drama is more than you can take. You may need to find some personal space and quiet time if you want to stay centered and balanced today; it'll be easy to go from one extreme to the other as emotions come to the surface. A brisk walk this evening will help you release tension. Benefical colors are sunny yellow and tangerine. Lucky numbers are 34 and 43.
Make time for your partner, spouse or best friend today while the Moon continues to travel through Gemini. Your 'better half' is often a person who demonstrates Gemini characteristics. But you must face your fears and worries, resolving issues from the past that weaken your happiness and productivity, and dealing responsibly with loss and disappointment. If you have taken refuge in self-pity and guilt in the past, you now have the responsibility to rid yourself of these destructive habits. Favorable colours are rose pink and mint green. Lucky numbers are 7 and 12.
The best way to get anything done today is through teamwork, so be open to group activities. Later in the day, the Moon enters Gemini and your seventh house of marriage and partnerships, urging you to spend time with your partner. If you have trouble communicating your feelings, Neptune may help you to express them in a more poetic fashion. Fortunate colors are soft peach and spring green. Lucky numbers are 7 and 16.
You'll definitely know it's time to get busy as the Moon passes through your sixth house of health, work and service. Venus in your midheaven this month emphasizes what is most attractive about your: good looks, artistic talent, or a charming personality. Use it or lose it! The next few weeks encourage cordial relationships and socializing with older family members, superiors and authority figures. Advantageous colors are navy blue and white. Lucky numbers are 6 and 14.
The pressure is on as the sensitive Moon and mighty Sol clash. Stay calm, stay cool, and you'll get the job done! You'll be ready to spend some time in your cave this evening. There's nothing wrong with curling up in bed with a good book or even turning in early after a long, hard day. Benefical colors are cornflower blue and cream. Lucky numbers are 23 and 32.
A playful mood dominates as the Moon continues through your fifth house of pleasure and creativity; whatever yesterday's Full Moon brought can still be enjoyed today. Many of you are enjoying a passionate romance as the stars favor love... express yourself fully and live life to the fullest. Seize the day! Benefical colors are purple amethyst and pale gold. Lucky numbers are 6 and 13.

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