Leo's Horoscopes | Female.com.au



Born between: July 23rd - August 22nd

The Leo symbol is a lion and the attributes are mimicked by those born under the Leo star sign as they are proud, strong characters who are passionate leaders which unfortunately may be perceived as bossy.

The changing Moon enters your house of friendships, making this a lovely night to spend with your best pals. Those following the ancient tradition of dressing in costume tonight will have a grand time; this day is practically tailor-made for you. The drama and the pageantry are all yours, so dress up even if all you do is open the door for little trick- or-treaters. Famous Leo personalities you might consider are: Lucille Ball, Fidel Castro, Mata Hari, May West, Hulk Hogan, Mick Jagger. Beneficial colors are black and white. Lucky numbers are 4 and 11.
You may find yourself in the spotlight today as the expressive Moon continues to shine in your tenth house of career and reputation; you may need to make a stand for yourself and others at work, or in your community. You can perform practical good works under this influence, but you may be undergoing inner turmoil and pressure while Uranus continues to wreak havoc in your personal relationships. Hang in there! Auspicious colors are emerald green and sapphire blue. Lucky numbers are 19 and 28.
Work-related issues come to a head as the Taurus Full Moon culminates in your tenth house of career. Next week will reveal the fruits of your labor, for better or for worse. Some of you may be going through changes during this period, but it is nothing the brave Lion cannot handle. Prepare yourself through meditation and visualization; become what it is you want to be. Fortunate colors are earth brown and garnet red. Lucky numbers are 8 and 10.
Venus and the Moon combine to bring sweet words into your life.... this is the perfect time to contact someone who is at a distance. It will be much easier to let bygones be bygones and to renew the bonds of friendship under these influences, so be open to the process. Some of you may find that the bonds of love, which are never broken, bring a message to you from beyond. Advantageous colors are golden amber and mink brown. Lucky numbers are 16 and 21.
The Moon in Aries your ninth house of travel and adventure urges you to avoid boredom at all costs. Find a way to go on a journey, even if it is only a journey of the mind. The Internet and bookstores are wonderful places to begin, so find time to visit one today. This is a day for pleasure; enjoy it while it lasts. Auspicious colors are cranberry red and cobalt blue. Lucky numbers are 2 and 7.
Some Lions will choose to go even deeper in intimate relationships this evening, while others may not be able to resist the urge to go out on the prowl. The Moon will complete her journey through your eighth house of sex and power and then enter your house of travel and adventure today. Go with the natural energy and explore the mysterious! Advantageous colors are steel gray and maroon. Lucky numbers are 35 and 44.
The Moon is giving you a deeper understanding of your life and relationships. Pay attention to dreams you have this morning, as they could even be prophetic. At the very least, you will find your dream symbolism quite fascinating, so spend some time learning the language of your dreaming mind. Favorable colors are wine red and royal purple. Lucky numbers are 9 and 18.
Whatever disasters befell you yesterday will begin to work themselves out today. 'Don't sweat the small stuff' is a good motto to live by, especially for Lions who have seen more than their share of trouble lately. Take the day moment by moment and don't expect too much of yourself. Relationships can improve simply by spending time really listening to each other. Favorable colors are burnt orange and butter yellow. Lucky numbers are 9 and 43.
As the glorious Sun rolls into Subtle Scorpio, your attention turns to private life, domestic chores and matters related to home or property. Your role and influence in the family is enhanced. Set aside some time today to do absolutely nothing. Yes, you read that right; everyone knows from time to time, the King (and Queen) of the Jungle must stop all activity and simply lounge. Spend time in a hammock or swing and just be. Let the family in (with drinks and cakes of course!). Fortunate colors are cobalt blue and white. Lucky numbers are 4 and 22.
The Moon enters your seventh house of marriage and partnerships today, aspecting Uranus for a romantic rendezvous. Even if you are single, all important relationships are improved by this energy. Make a date to spend time with someone important to you today; it's the best cure for the blues. Advantageous colors are ivory and rose. Lucky numbers are 6 and 15.
You may be under a great deal of stress, dear Leo. It seems as though you simply can't please anyone, so stop trying to please everyone. Your partner and your career may hold the most sway with you now, so try to reach a compromise between them. If that doesn't work, just tell the world to chill out. Advantageous colors are red garnet and smoky quartz. Lucky numbers are 25 and 34.
You may want to spend some time evaluating your health today. Most of you have been under tremendous stress this past year and may have fallen into unhealthy patterns. Even the vegetarians among you can improve your diets, so don't be afraid to try new, nutritious foods. Take a trip to the health food center today and see what is fresh. Favorable colors are navy blue and tan. Lucky numbers are 5 and 17.
You should feel quite good today as the Moon completes her journey through Sagittarius; many of you will be in the mood for weekend festivities. However, it's a good idea to leave the party early and get to bed at a decent time. The Moon will enter Capricorn tonight, placing the emphasis on your health. You'll need to get your beauty sleep! Auspicious colors are flame red and pumpkin. Lucky numbers are 12 and 15.
The Moon enters Sagittarius and your fifth house of romance and creativity today, setting off a pleasure binge. If you feel like indulging in rich foods and sweets, try eating one or two cookies instead of devouring the whole bag! It may be very hard to keep your appetite for pleasure under control, whether you crave food, wine or sex. Beneficial colors are moonlight yellow and mint green. Lucky numbers are 15 and 20.
Take a few deep breaths and count to ten as many times as you need to today. Yesterday's problems should be improving, but you may be a bit frazzled from all the stress. Your home can be your haven today, so plan a quiet dinner by candlelight. Skip the nightly news and curl up in bed with a good book instead; keep the real world at bay. Fortunate colors are white and silver. Lucky numbers are 2 and 11.
The changing Moon enters your fourth house of home and family, urging you to spend some time with your clan. Some of you might be considering working from home... just remember that work is work, no matter where you do it. You can be extra resourceful today, finding efficient uses for the materials you have at hand. Tonight is perfect for enjoying your home and your belongings... enjoy the fruits of your labor! Auspicious colors are dove gray and sea green. Lucky numbers are 22 and 24.
You might feel rather talkative today as the New Moon activates your third house of communications. It's time to catch up on all your correspondence, including phone calls and e-mail. Miscommunications are more likely while Mercury is still retrograde. Say what you need to say while people are listening. Fortunate colors are pale yellow and sky blue. Lucky numbers are 5 and 14.
With the Moon aspecting Mars, you should feel a burst of energy today. Some may explode in a fit of temper, but most of you should simply be feeling a zest for life. Children are especially active today, so try to be both patient and mindful of their safety. Those involved in romantic relationships should feel passion's fire tonight. Advantageous colors are pale gold and royal purple. Lucky numbers are 1 and 5.
There is plenty to do in your community today, and you'll find you're out and about more than usual. There may be some misunderstandings at home, but don't allow emotional upsets overwhelm you. If you've had a fight, wait at least thirty minutes before getting behind the wheel of a car. Favorable colors are butterscotch and baby blue. Lucky numbers are 16 and 23.
You may feel as though life is all work and no play as the Moon insists you put business before pleasure. You may be right, but everything comes and goes in seasons. Today may be very hectic and busy for you, so take a few deep breaths and pace yourself. By this evening, you should be feeling much better. Go for a brisk walk to help you release stress. Favorable colors are copper and fern green. Lucky numbers are 29 and 38.
Once the Moon has entered Virgo and your second house of finances, it's time to get down to business. Review your values and priorities. What can you spend less time doing so that you can spend more time with the ones you love? Remember, love often involves many little sacrifices. Prosperous colors are twine brown and slate gray. Lucky numbers are 2 and 20.
The Moon moves through Leo and your first house of personality, helping you to zip through the day. You'll be especially magnetic and charismatic, so take advantage of the positive energy. If you really want something, now is the time to ask for it. Interviews go well today, as do performance reviews and special requests. Favorable colors are ruby red and pale gold. Lucky numbers are 19 and 28.
It should be easy for you to shine as the Moon makes her way through your sign today, just as the regal Sun makes a beautiful aspect with mighty Jupiter. You can make a stellar impression, as you are gifted with even more charm and magnetism than usual. You may find that increasing pressure in your career and in your closest relationships will keep you on your toes for the next two days or so. Favorable colors are bright gold and pale lilac. Lucky numbers are 1 and 3.
Many of you will want to sleep late this morning, but few of you have the luxury to do so. Don't worry, you can get through the day in slow motion... no one else is likely to notice if you are only half- awake. You may have to pretend to be busy if your boss or authority figures walk by, so try to be aware of their comings and goings. Auspicious colors are sunset pink and lilac. Lucky numbers are 21 and 30.
You probably won't be up for much today. Some of you may be pondering strange dreams you had last night; you might want someone else's input on the possible meanings. Those of you who plan to go out this evening may not have such a wonderful time; your energy is low now that you are in your lunar low cycle. Take time out for your own thoughts. Your lovelife will soon pick up, as Mars enters adventurous Sagittarius today. Benefical colors are salmon pink and aqua. Lucky numbers are 3 and 39.
Although a light and friendly mood lifts your spirit for most of the day, the Moon will enter Cancer and your twelfth house of secrets and solitude tonight. You'll need to slow down and pace yourself carefully over the next two days, conserving your energy. Turn in early so you will be sure to get enough sleep. Favorable colors are lavender and midnight blue. Lucky numbers are 12 and 30.
You may feel like flirting outrageously, but don't go overboard this evening. Intense, passionate types are likely to get your attention and light flirting could be taken more seriously than you intend. Children may also be extra sensitive to your attempts at playfulness and humor... don't be surprised if your well intentioned comments trigger an emotional outburst. Family responsibilities increase. Should you be disappointed with your home or domestic arrangement you are likely to change it in months ahead. Favorable colours are celery green and charcoal grey. Lucky numbers are 4 and 5.
The Moon enters Gemini and your eleventh house of friends and associates, making you feel more sociable today. It may be hard to get much work done as people will feel like chatting; you can still be productive in-between the chitchat. You may find that your most significant other is feeling rather frisky, so why not meet for lunch? Fortunate colors are electric blue and flame orange. Lucky numbers are 11 and 22.
Find a way to balance your public and your private lives today without wearing yourself out. By this evening, you should be ready for some fun, so surround yourself with your favourite people. Personal finances, friendships, and your values are stressed this month. Luxury items do appeal! You'll be keen to spend on your appearance, thanks to Venus. Is social status connected with wealth in your world? Auspicious colors are emerald green and steel gray. Lucky numbers are 17 and 26.
The Moon enters Taurus and your tenth house of career and reputation today, starting the day off on a tense note. It seems everyone wants something and they want it yesterday... don't crack under the pressure. Hold your head up high. There is much to do, but you are up to the challenge! Advantageous colors are coal black and garnet red. Lucky numbers are 8 and 10.
Resolution of a troubling matter can come into your life now; the stress of yesterday gives way to greater peace and understanding. The worst is over... you can continue making progress if you work hard to communicate clearly and directly. Let love and forgiveness begin the healing process. Benefical colors are burnt orange and hazel. Lucky numbers are 27 and 28.

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