Gemini's Horoscopes |



Born between: May 21st - June 20th

Adaptability is a Gemini's greatest strength which has positives for the workplace. Whilst their affection and imagination provides more great qualities; the negative of a Gemini is that they can be pessimism however they thrive on others optimistic nature.

It's a slow start but as the day goes on the changing Moon will enter your first house of personality, making you the star of the show. But whether you feel like the Grim Reaper or Mata Hari, you are sure to have a grand time. If you plan on dressing up, consider these famous Twins: Marilyn Monroe, Bob Dylan, Naomi Campbell, Queen Victoria. Auspicious colors are midnight blue and sunset pink. Lucky numbers are 1 and 7.
Some of you may be feeling isolated, as the sensitive Moon moves through your twelfth house, but don't allow this passing mood to get you down. Sometimes being alone is good for the soul... besides, being alone is not the same thing as being only. Many of you have learned that it is possible to be surrounded by people and feel very much alone, just as you can be on your own and yet never feel lonely. Auspicious colors are midnight blue and silver. Lucky numbers are 21 and 30.
Old fears and insecurities may come to the surface as the Taurus Full Moon culminates in your twelfth house of secrets and seclusion. Those of you who believe in past lives may find clues to them at this time, as all karmic matters come into focus. What goes around comes around is exemplified by this moon, so be sure to follow the Golden Rule. Fortunate colors are sapphire blue and lavender. Lucky numbers are 3 and 12.
Work is more fun when you share it with friends today; if you have a project that needs a hand, why not ask your friends for some help? You can order the beer and the pizza in exchange for a little elbow grease.Imagine how much faster you can paint your living room! Any activity is more enjoyable with the gang today, so make a few phone calls. As Venus heads into delightful Libra, a powerful phase of romantic attraction is in the stars. Auspicious colors are banana yellow and flame orange. Lucky numbers are 31 and 34.
The Moon dancing in Aries and your eleventh house of friends and associates is putting you in the mood for a bit of fun and frolic. Get out and enjoy the night life. Domesticated Twins who can't find a baby-sitter should order a pizza and rent a movie; those with fewer responsibilities should gather a group of friends and find a karaoke bar! Advantageous colors are hot pink and aqua. Lucky numbers are 4 and 22.
All eyes are upon you as the Moon activates your tenth house of status and career; be on your best behavior as you make the rounds today. You have a rare opportunity to show the world what you are made of as Jupiter passes through your sign, so don't be afraid to make the most of the cosmic push! It's time for the Twins to shine! Fortunate colors are steel gray and garnet red. Lucky numbers are 17 and 19.
Everything in your life should begin to come full circle as the Moon travels through your tenth house of career and reputation. If you play your cards right, this can be a stellar day for you at work and at home. At work, your ideas begin to take shape, and at home your contributions are appreciated. Anything can be accomplished with just a little hard work! Fortunate colors are gold and silver. Lucky numbers are 17 and 37.
Your ideas will go down well with the public today, as the Moon enters Pisces and your tenth house of career and public standing. Stress and pressure may be on the increase, but by tomorrow, everything should be going your way. Plan a workout for this evening to release nervous energy... you'll feel much better after you work up a sweat. Beneficial colors are mint blue and fern green. Lucky numbers are 21 and 28.
The Sun enters sensual Scorpio, making you desire pleasure at almost any cost. It may be easy to go overboard today, especially if you have been denying yourself lately. Those of you in loving, committed relationships can use this energy in a positive way by releasing sexual energy together. Plan a romantic day followed by and even more romantic evening! Advantageous colors are navy blue and ivory. Lucky numbers are 1 and 6.
The Moon enters Aquarius in your ninth house of travel and adventure, stimulating your intellect and urging you to dream about the future. It may be hard to stay on track today as daydreams dominate; give yourself frequent breaks in routine so you can capitalize on your creative energy. Fortunate colors are olive green and khaki. Lucky numbers are 12 and 30.
You and a co-worker may not see eye to eye on some matter today; there's someone working against you behind the scenes. You may be your own worst enemy by being flighty today, so try to be as consistent and reliable as possible. This may be a very tense day, but you can get a lot accomplished if you put your mind to it. Favorable colors are deep maroon and coffee brown. Lucky numbers are 9 and 30.
Your dreams may reflect your fears about money, power, and sexuality as the Moon stimulates Pluto in Capricorn. Take this opportunity to analyze the clues your subconscious mind is sending you. On the surface, most dreams make precious little sense. Break down the symbols and you will soon find the answers to many problems in your life. Auspicious colors are cinnamon brown and deep purple. Lucky numbers are 9 and 18.
The stresses in the cosmos have you feeling a bit edgy, so keep your sharp tongue in leash. Many of you will want to go out on the prowl this evening; just be reasonable and don't get into any trouble. Business opportunities or responsibilities may present themselves just as you are heading out the door... it might be worth it to stay an extra hour to tie up loose ends. Beneficial colors are wine and ebony. Lucky numbers are 26 and 35.
You can't run and you can't hide from your partner or room-mate today; the Moon meets Mars in Sagittarius, your seventh house, placing the emphasis on marriage and partnerships. Don't blow your cool, should someone special not see eye-to-eye with you, because sudden developments could work out well for you both. Beneficial colors are rose pink and spring green. Lucky numbers are 7 and 16.
It's off to work you go, whether you commute to an office or telecommute from home. It's important to start the day off right, so try taking a brisk walk before breakfast. You'll need all the energy you can get, so you can focus on the tasks at hand. Some may be in a fog left over from last night's dreams... remember that dreams are the language of the sleeping mind. What are yours saying? Favorable colors are forest green and burgundy. Lucky numbers are 19 and 26.
The Moon moves through Scorpio and your sixth house of health and service today, urging you to put away your toys and clean up. If you have been eating too much junk, today is the day to detoxify your body. Eat only fresh, healthy foods and drink plenty of water; you might even consider going on a juice fast if your health will allow it. Auspicious colors are navy blue and cream. Lucky numbers are 41 and 44.
The New Moon activates your fifth house of romance and creativity, making this a perfect time to play. Most Geminians never lose their sense of wonder, but if you have, it is time to get back in touch with that mercurial inner child. All work and no play is lethal for the twins, so plan to have a sybaritic, not-a-care-in-the-world kind of day. Fortunate colors are gold and ruby red. Lucky numbers are 10 and 16.
The Moon, Mars and Pluto collide today, bringing certain relationship matters to a head. Unless you have Scorpio Rising, most Twins will find today's events strenuous and somewhat distasteful. Aggression is not your favorite entree, especially when served by an emotional partner. Could it be that your actions or perhaps lack of action has brought this firestorm on? Fortunate colors are soft coral and pale aqua. Lucky numbers are 25 and 34.
If you plan to relax and have fun today, you're practically guaranteed an afternoon of bliss. There'll be plenty of time to get back to business tomorrow, so allow yourself to indulge in pleasure today. Do whatever it is that renews your spirit and helps you to express your creativity. Don't sit inside in front of a television screen or computer monitor. Do whatever you did for fun before you became an adult! Beneficial colors are royal purple and sage green. Lucky numbers are 33 and 28.
With the Moon transiting Virgo and your fourth house of home and family, you might not feel like getting out of bed this morning. Sleep late if you can; you might even want to take a mental health day if you don't feel you can be very productive. Pace yourself today, allowing for frequent breaks and rest periods. Everyone needs to slow down once in a while, even you. Auspicious colors are silver and pearl white. Lucky numbers are 11 and 24.
Today should be less hectic than yesterday, allowing you to focus on the task on hand. There are errands to run, phone calls to make, and email to answer, but you should be able to multi-task effectively. By this evening, you'll be ready to curl up in bed with a good book and a glass of wine to help you escape the pressures of the day. Take a few deep breaths and relax. Benefical colors are oyster and sea green. Lucky numbers are 20 and 29.
The pace of life picks up as the Moon passes through Leo and your third house of communications. Traffic jams are likely this morning and this afternoon as many are confused and distracted, causing minor accidents and big delays. If it seems like you will never get your work done today, don't worry, good news is in the wind. You'll have plenty of time to catch up later this week. Auspicious colors are sky blue and butter yellow. Lucky numbers are 14 and 23.
This is a good time to manage your resources. You have a busy week, so the more you can do today, the better! You may have some ideas for a home-based business or a way to earn extra money. Research your ideas carefully to guard against mistakes. You might want to make some phone calls or catch up on email as the Moon enters Leo. Fortunate colors are pale green and yellow. Lucky numbers are 5 and 10.
Today is a wonderful day to spend with family, especially if you have a common goal in mind. Get together and paint the house, work on a child's science project, or any team activity. Being productive is good for your soul, so don't spend the day in front of the television! If the weather is fine, find a project you can do outdoors. Get busy! Advantageous colors are terra cotta and fern green. Lucky numbers are 11 and 24.
The Twins are surprisingly conservative, and you're reminded of this as the Moon moves through Cancer and your second house of personal finances and values. You may be tempted to spend money on family, so why not do some holiday shopping this evening? It is always good to get started early. As Mars enters your 7th house, your energy flows into partnerships and other alliances, cooperative efforts, and interaction with others in general. Benefical colors are desert sand and sage green. Lucky numbers are 2 and 20.
Everything continues to go your way as the Moon sails through Gemini. If you find you have excess energy, get out for a brisk walk or a bike ride this afternoon. Your creative abilities are strong now, so try to channel them into your work. Spending time with friends and family can be rewarding, so make time for your personal relationships. Auspicious colors are brick red and pure white. Lucky numbers are 19 and 28.
Today's Moon is in Gemini, helping lively Twins to sparkle. You'll be ready to face the world again, so welcome fresh challenges and new faces. You are especially charming and magnetic today, so don't hesitate to ask for what you want. As Mercury and Saturn enter Scorpio, work-related responsibilities increase. Routines and tasks become boring and tedious. Difficulties related to work arise. Chronic illness may flare up, so beware physical distress from overwork, strain, and emotional burdens. Beneficial colours are pale violet and deep crimson. Lucky numbers are 1 and 6.
It's the weekend afterall, so take this opportunity to recharge your spiritual batteries. If you remember any dreams you had last night, write them down and try to decipher what they mean. Find a way to bring freshness and light into your life, which can be as simple as opening the windows and bringing fresh flowers into your home. Indulge in personal comforts today. Fortunate colors are aqua and coral. Lucky numbers are 21 and 33.
The Moon travels through Taurus and your twelfth house of secrets today, urging you to slow down and listen to your inner voice. It may be hard to get started today, so pace yourself wisely. Harmonious relationships between family members are encouraged as Venus heads to Virgo. Real estate negotiations, legal matters connected with a family business, or the artistic endeavors of a parent are stimulated this month. Favorable colors are lavender and silver. Lucky numbers are 12 and 30.
Slow down as the changing Moon enters sensual Taurus and your twelfth house of secrets and solitude, marking the beginning of your lunar low cycle. This is the perfect time to leave work early and see a movie... a little escape never hurt anyone. Recharge your spiritual batteries by spending time doing what you want to do! Auspicious colors are midnight blue and sunset pink. Lucky numbers are 3 and 21.
This is a wonderful day for a break so why not meet your friends for lunch? So often we take friends for granted and before you know it, so much time has gone by that we feel awkward making the call. Go ahead and reach out to your friends and let them know how much you really do appreciate them. Benefical colors are bright orange and hot pink. Lucky numbers are 15 and 22.

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