Aquarius's Horoscopes |



Born between: Jan 20th - Feb 19th

Those born under the Aquarian are honest, artistic and loyal in their nature which makes them wonderful friends and family members. However stubborn and defensiveness are characterises attributed to Aquarians.

The Moon enters your fifth house of love, pleasure and creativity today, giving you the energy you need for tonight's festivities. Use caution and stay in groups if you plan to celebrate. If you plan to dress up, consider these Aquarius personalities: Galileo, Yoko Ono, Abraham Lincoln, Oprah Winfrey, Wolfgang Mozart. Auspicious colors are pale green and silver. Lucky numbers are 20 and 22.
You may lose your temper easily as upsets and disappointments mar your day. Disagreements with family members may reach a head, causing flared tempers and hurt feelings. The energy generated today demands release, so plan to get a good physical workout. Whether you decide to go for a walk, a bike ride, or clean your shower stall, it will feel good to work up a sweat. Auspicious colors are pacific blue and grass green. Lucky numbers are 11 and 13.
The Taurus Full Moon occurs in your fourth house of home and family, bringing matters here to a head. You'll need to pay attention to personal issues over the next two days or so, so try to be flexible. There can be wonderful improvements coming in your home environment, so be open to changes. Either way, it is time to reap what you have sown. Advantageous colors are pale green and oyster. Lucky numbers are 20 and 22.
Get an early start today, as there's lots to do. The phone often seems to ring more when the Moon travels through your third house of communication, so don't be surprised if you get more than your share of calls. Today is also good to catch up on emails and correspondence, so reach out and touch the ones you love. You might even consider sending a personal note through the mail, something that is fast becoming a forgotten art. Auspicious colors are canary yellow and peacock blue. Lucky numbers are 23 and 32.
Go ahead and indulge yourself today; you've certainly been working hard enough lately. With the Moon in Aries and your third house of communication, you need to get out and socialize. Siblings and neighbors can be wonderful company, so consider them as you make plans for entertainment. Beneficial colors are pale yellow and sky blue. Lucky numbers are 5 and 14.
How you make your living is on the front burner as the Moon moves through Pisces and your second house of values and personal finance today. You'll be able to put your heart and soul into what you do for a living, so let's hope you enjoy your job! If not, you should consider finding work that you can gain satisfaction from. Money isn't everything. Auspicious colors are sage green and desert sand. Lucky numbers are 15 and 20.
You should be able to get plenty of work done today as the Moon encourages you to be productive. You'll even be able to balance personal responsibilities with public obligations with the Sun and Saturn in conjunction. Your values are in evidence today, showing through the work you do. Remember, when you work with resentment you poison your efforts, but when you work with love, the angels sing. Beneficial colors are terra cotta and earth brown. Lucky numbers are 11 and 33.
Your personal magnetism is flashing and great ideas are splashing for Aquarians today. You may need to review your personal priorities and make use of your imagination, as your values come under question, especially if your dreams are tied up with money. You often feel quite detached from the financial world, but sometimes your bright ideas can have definite material consequences. Auspicious colors are metallic blue and deepest black. Lucky numbers are 11 and 33.
As the Sun heads into Scorpio, your public reputation, or what others think of you, comes to the fore. Assess the role you play in the world at large and, to a certain extent, how that role is affected by family responsibilities. If you can take the day off, why not go to the beach or to the country? Change your scenery and change your perspective. Fortunate colors are golden amber and forest green. Lucky numbers are 10 and 28.
Vitality returns as the Moon enters Aquarius and your first house of personality, making you especially magnetic and charming today. Romance is a possibility as the Moon and Uranus get moving, making you communicative and attractive to others. Express your love and vitality to the world, and receive love in return. Auspicious colors are ivory and rose. Lucky numbers are 1 and 10.
Communicative Mercury and obstructive Pluto join forces today, giving you a jolt of intellectual strength and energy. You'll need it, as responsibilities at home, career concerns and personal relationships cry out for attention. Make the effort to balance your life carefully today. You can't tend to one thing more than another or the whole structure will fall down; be sure to cover all your bases. Fortunate colors are brick red and cream. Lucky numbers are 19 and 28.
Spend time restoring your soul today, especially if you feel edgy or vaguely fearful. You must take time out to review the events of the past month and learn from them; this is the time to begin that process. Enjoy a gentle pace if possible, avoiding the hustle and bustle of public places. Turn in early tonight to allow plenty of time for dreaming. Favorable colors are ocean blue and lavender. Lucky numbers are 12 and 30.
Friends seem to be harder than usual to deal with today, and it will be a quiet evening for many of you as the Moon enters Capricorn and your twelfth house of secrets and seclusion. It's time to recharge your spiritual batteries, so don't push yourself to perform. Enjoy the activities that help you reconnect with your spirit tonight. Auspicious colors are midnight blue and sunset pink. Lucky numbers are 3 and 21.
Friendly competition is ignited as the Moon meets Mars and Uranus, adding excitement to the day. Don't let this get out of hand, however, as tempers can flare unexpectedly. Emotional energy is very strong now, so use this to your advantage. Those who are involved in supporting a worthy cause will feel as though they are on fire. Surround yourself with those who share your ideals. Favorable colors are cobalt blue and lime green. Lucky numbers are 6 and 16.
It's time to regain control over your position. Stay calm and consider any problems that have been revealed by yesterday's tension. Much can be accomplished today, so focus on the work at hand. Your supervisors will be impressed at how well you can work under pressure. Don't forget to make time for yourself this evening. Fortunate colors are basic black and beige. Lucky numbers are 2 and 11.
Some of you may be worried about the status quo as the Moon moves through Scorpio and your tenth house of career and status today. Yesterday's New Moon should help you get back on track, so think positively. Your achievements will be far greater if you become more organized. Fortunate colors are emerald green and jet black. Lucky numbers are 29 and 35.
The New Moon activates your ninth house of travel and adventure, urging you to explore new vistas. Trying new things such as new foods and different cultures will be uplifting for you at this time; you might even consider signing up for a course in a foreign language. Shake the cobwebs out of your life by reaching for something that excites you. Auspicious colors are tan and tangerine. Lucky numbers are 27 and 36.
The Moon aspects Mars in your eleventh house of friends and associates today, making a powerful impression on you. Your friends and associates will play key roles in your personal expression of your hopes and dreams. Auspicious colors are electric blue and hot pink. Lucky numbers are 11 and 12.
If you don't have to work today, find a way to relieve the stress that's been building up inside you. A road trip may be just the thing; a small town an hour or two away may hold all the adventure you need. Take a friend along for the ride and enjoy being spontaneous. You need to find little ways to keep from losing your mind this month, and a spur of the moment adventure should be just about right. Advantageous colors are khaki and olive green. Lucky numbers are 21 and 30.
Sexual tension is building, so plan to release it tonight in a safe, intimate setting. Those of you in committed relationships can enjoy building the passion throughout the day by sending love notes and phone calls. Those of you who are single may enjoy getting out tonight, but do be on your guard. Sometimes the most compelling strangers are the most dangerous ones. Favorable colors are sapphire blue and garnet red. Lucky numbers are 17 and 18.
The Moon moves through Virgo and your eighth house of power, sex and money today. Keep your desk in order as superiors may be watching you closely. It's nothing personal -- just part of the normal review process. Keep the personal phone calls to a minimum, and ears open for important information you can use to your benefit. It's definitely an all-business day. Favorable colors are burgundy and mink brown. Lucky numbers are 5 and 9.
You may find yourself working closely with someone else today and it may, or may not, be welcome. Your point of view will probably clash with that of your partner's, but it's important to keep things in perspective. Chances are good you will be able to win him or her over to your side, but today is not the day to attempt this. Wait patiently for the tide to turn. Fortunate colors are peach and pale yellow. Lucky numbers are 25 and 34.
With the Moon entering Leo and your seventh house of marriage and partnerships, it's time to connect with your partner. Enjoy simple times together. There is no need to do anything fancy; tea for two or a walk hand-in-hand should do the trick. Singles can find pleasure hanging out with a close friend... the key is to enjoy those relationships in which you feel both understood and appreciated. Auspicious colors are soft coral and teal. Lucky numbers are 7 and 16.
There's plenty to do today, so get started early. Even if you've caught up on all the housework, your mind and body are in need of maintenance. Fresh air, exercise and plenty of fruit and vegetables will help shake off toxins that have been building up for weeks. Stress has a very negative effect on the body, and it's time for you to combat it. Favorable colors are cornflower blue and golden amber. Lucky numbers are 14 and 32.
You may begin the day feeling carefree, but end up being disappointed in the reality. The Moon moves through Cancer and your sixth house of health and service to others, placing the emphasis on chores, responsibilities, and habits. Spend the evening hours relieving stress by going for a long walk or enjoying a warm bath. Avoid eating fattyfoods this evening, to ensure a good night's sleep. Benefical colors are navy blue and pure white. Lucky numbers are 23 and 42.
Hey, it's Saturday all day! It may be hard to get any work done as you may feel restless... don't worry, chances are good that your boss is also having trouble adjusting. Be creative and find unorthodox ways to get your work done... after all, Aquarius is the sign of genius! Favorable colors are amethyst purple and celery green. Lucky numbers are 37 and 38.
It's easy to feel lighthearted and friendly with the Moon in Gemini, so take advantage of the positive vibes. This can be one of the loveliest days of the month, so have some fun. However, be on guard against hidden dangers, and pay close attention to the needs of your children. As Saturn enters Scorpio, you are likely to get the recognition or increased status you deserve. However, what you gain will correspondingly be accompanied by additional responsibilities. Benefical colours are lilac and blossom pink. Lucky numbers are 10 and 21.
Today should provide you with a symbolic rainbow of hope after yesterday's frustrations. The Moon enters Gemini and your fifth house of romance and creativity today, giving you a renewed zest for life. Express yourself creatively over the next two days or so... your ideas should be received well. Those of you involved in romantic relationships should plan a nice surprise for your beloved. Fortunate colors are pale gold and royal purple. Lucky numbers are 5 and 25.
Joint income and social status are likely to surface this month, with Venus in Virgo. It's more intense with regard to romance or sexual encounters, especially the psychological motivations and behavior patterns involved. If there are no obvious impediments to prevent you, this is a good time to ask for loans or favors, as well as to collect those you are owed. Advantageous colors are ocean blue and sea green. Lucky numbers are 13 and 22.
You might feel like more of a homebody than usual, as the sensual Taurus Moon enters your fourth house of home and family. This is a good time to stay at home and count your blessings... in the end, you really shouldn't want what you haven't already got. Enjoy the company of your family, even if that just means your cat. Auspicious colors are pale green and oyster. Lucky numbers are 20 and 24.
The day moves at a fast pace as the Moon continues through impatient Aries... be sure to slow down and pay attention while operating machinery. If you aren't careful, you could end up involved in a minor accident that only slows you down further, so avoid needless worries by relaxing a bit. In the end, nothing is more important than the love you have in your life! Benefical colors are banana yellow and sky blue. Lucky numbers are 13 and 23.

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