Aries's Horoscopes |



Born between: March 21st - April 19th

Aries often are active people with great dynamics which allows them to be brave and therefore inspiring to others. Often hot headed those born under Aries will be strong-willed, determined and life-long friends.

Many of you will be celebrating All Hallows Eve by dressing in costume tonight, as the Moon enters chatty Gemini and your third house of community. It's a fun night to spend celebrating in your neighborhood. Characters that reflect the Aries personality include Joan of Arc, Scarlett O'Hara, Vincent Van Gogh and Lady Gaga. Beneficial colors are pale green and oyster. Lucky numbers are 3 and 27.
Unpredictable Uranus and the Moon blend to create some surprises today so expect the unexpected. Take advantage of this energy by doing something on the spur of the moment... rather than let the day happen to you, take the reins and make something happen! Play everything by ear and go where the wind takes you. How often to you get to be spontaneous? Auspicious colors are sage green and terra cotta. Lucky numbers are 11 and 24.
Tonight's Full Moon occurs in your second house of personal finances, with the Sun lighting up your eighth house of sex, money, and power. These issues will be coming to a head over the next two days or so but hopefully everything will be resolved in a positive manner. However, some may be experiencing intense power struggles in their relationships: if so, it's time to step back so that you can be more objective. Fortunate colors are chestnut brown and sage green. Lucky numbers are 2 and 20.
It's easy to feel like a hotshot while the Moon dances in your sign; just remember that while this can bring out the best in you, it can also bring out the worst. With Venus moving into your seventh house of partners, sparks may fly between you and an attractive associate; enjoy the light flirtation, but don't let it get out of hand. Advantageous colors are cinnamon and cream. Lucky numbers are 37 and 46.
The Moon boosts Aries and your first house of personality, making you the star of the show. The temptation to make a snap decision is there early on, but go with the flow. Even if you are not in the mood for socializing before lunch, this afternoon there's no stopping you. Watch out world! Fortunate colors are bright red and snow white. Lucky numbers are 1 and 10.
Your lunar low cycle continues for most of the day, urging you to reconnect with faith. Every ending is followed by a new beginning, so allow the mysteries of life and death to be a reason for hope, not fear. By tomorrow, you'll be ready to face the world again, but in the meantime it is quite all right to let time heal your wounds. Fortunate colors are pale aqua and lavender. Lucky numbers are 39 and 48.
It's the ideal time to undertake a mini spiritual retreat as the Pisces Moon encourages you to refresh your soul. It may be best to keep the television turned off as upsetting news will only serve to agitate you... instead, enjoy the quiet company of a good book or take a leisurely walk outdoors. Encourage your loved ones to enjoy a moment of silence as well. Beneficial colors are sunset pink and silver. Lucky numbers are 21 and 30.
Even your boundless energy wanes sometimes; as the Moon enters Pisces and your twelfth house of secrets and solitude, you may find it's time to slow down. Sure, there is still plenty you must accomplish before the end of the week, but you'll just have to pace yourself if you want to keep your mind and body from breaking down. Turn in early tonight for a good night's sleep. Favorable colors are royal blue and dove gray. Lucky numbers are 3 and 12.
As the Sun enters sexy Scorpio and your eighth house of power and intimacy, you'll feel a jolt of energy. Those of you who are single may plan to go out on the town tonight. Aries has a tendency to be self- oriented; the best way to get to know another person is to be a good listener. Show people you meet that you want to find out all about them; this is the fastest way to make them curious to know all about you! Auspicious colors are cinnabar and wine. Lucky numbers are 8 and 9.
You should be ready to go, go, go as the Moon in your eleventh house of friends and associates connects with lively Uranus. It won't be hard to feel in tune with those around you, especially if you're working together for a good cause. Some may find that it's too easy to spend the day bonding instead of working - at least try to look busy when the boss goes by! Favorable colors are electric blue and magenta. Lucky numbers are 11 and 20.
The Moon and Neptune join forces today, giving you an extra jolt of psychic energy. Even if you don't see visions of the future, you can use your imagination to come up with visionary ideas. Unfortunately, many of these ideas cannot be financed by you alone, but getting financial support from others in the workplace is favored by Venus. Go Rams! Advantageous colors are flame red and plum purple. Lucky numbers are 11 and 19.
The Moon and Pluto strike sparks, fuelling your urges and making you feel like a powerhouse. Unfortunately, you may also be more susceptible to illnesses, so take precautions. Take vitamins that will give your immune system a boost and be sure to get plenty of sleep! Don't allow frustration to affect you: take a brisk walk if you feel like screaming. Fortunate colors are garnet red and jet black. Lucky numbers are 8 and 13.
After a day of frustration connected with cultural pursuits (or perhaps the in-laws!), you may find yourself in the public eye so be ready for some exposure. Social events tonight and on the weekend are likely to center around public events. With Venus traveling in your sixth house, you could be socializing with workmates or employees. Advantageous colors are ebony and gold. Lucky numbers are 26 and 35.
The Moon enters Sagittarius, your ninth house of travel and adventure, putting a positive spin on the day. Mars is active too, so most of you will feel upbeat as you meet all challenges, preferring to look on the sunny side of life. Later this evening, the mood intensifies as the emotional Moon, wise Mercury and transformative Pluto join forces. Beneficial colors are khaki and olive green. Lucky numbers are 27 and 36.
The emotional Moon and unpredictable Uranus clash, causing tension today. It may be that you and a friend don't see eye-to-eye: if this is the case, it may be best to take a break from each other. Sometimes it's best to just let things go for a while... there is no sense in trying to change someone's opinion once they have made their mind up. Advantageous colors are wine red and gold. Lucky numbers are 26 and 35.
You may feel a bit moody and intense as the Moon treks through Scorpio and your eighth house of sex, power and money today. You may not feel that life is turning out the way you planned it, but who better than an Aries to turn lemons into lemonade? Don't let a momentary mood get you down. Auspicious colors are burgundy and bronze. Lucky numbers are 8 and 18.
The New Moon activates your seventh house of marriage and partnerships today, placing the emphasis on your closest relationships. Do your best to be supportive of your partner; meet for lunch if at all possible. Your best friend may need you to listen to him/her today, so bite your tongue if you feel tempted to give advice. Sometimes all you have to do to help is just be there. Advantageous colors are soft coral and pale aqua. Lucky numbers are 25 and 34.
With the Moon aspecting Mars in your ninth house of travel and adventure today, you may be longing for changes in your life. Whether you dream of exotic safaris or exploring the halls of higher learning, it may be time to break away from the routine. Those of you living far from your place of birth may find you are being profoundly changed by your new surroundings. Fortunate colors are maroon and mink brown. Lucky numbers are 30 and 37.
You can show your love for others today through service, even if it just means taking out the trash and washing the dishes. With the Moon entering your seventh house of significant others, it is satisfying to help the ones you love. It is the many little things that add up, so be aware of the details in your relationships. Just spending five minutes with someone can make all the difference. Benefical colors are warm orange and fern green. Lucky numbers are 16 and 33.
Life is too short to spend worrying about little things, Rams. You'll find your health improves just from spending time in the sun with your loved ones; get some fresh air and exercise if you can. If you are planning to tidy up the house, gather every together, turn on your favorite tunes, and make it a party. Benefical colors are cobalt blue and ivory. Lucky numbers are 3 and 12.
The Moon enters Virgo, your house of health and service late today, so make sure you're practicing good habits. It's very important for you to keep yourself healthy this month; avoid poor dietary habits and be sure to practice stress relief tactics every day. This is a good day for organizing and preparing yourself for the month ahead... pay attention to details you might have neglected recently. Benefical colors are navy blue and pure white. Lucky numbers are 5 and 14.
Today should be lovely for most of you as the Moon moves through your fifth house of romance and pleasure. Those with children will enjoy spending time with them, so make sure you arrange your schedule to include the young ones. You can be especially creative and inventive at work, so let your imagination take you places. Favorable colors are pale gold and lavender. Lucky numbers are 1 and 6.
Although it's quite a fortunate day in some ways, there is an edge to it. Personal relationships come under fire. Don't let your past conditioning ruin your present relationships. Avoid anger and frustration due to the demands of superiors. If others challenge what you are doing, or get in your way, don't stop to prove anything or engage in energy-wasting games. Be there for your loved ones and ask them to do the same. Fortunate colors are red coral and azure blue. Lucky numbers are 5 and 7.
Yesterday's trends continue, making today perfect for housekeeping activities. You'll feel much better once you have your home in order, so spend the morning sprucing things up. Fresh flowers and candles always make a home more inviting, so set them out for a cozy atmosphere. Tonight is another fine evening to spend with the ones you love, so keep it simple. Favorable colors are seaweed green and pale aqua. Lucky numbers are 7 and 15.
The Moon travels through Cancer and your fourth house of home and family today, urging you to stay close to home. Tonight is perfect for bonding with those you live with. Forget dressing up and going out; instead, make some popcorn and gather your loved ones together. And as Mars enters freedom-loving Sagittarius, make travel plans, or investigate the higher realms of the mind. Fortunate colors are pale green and oyster. Lucky numbers are 12 and 24.
Tension between you and an in-law may overwhelm you today; those who are involved in legal proceedings may find that today is not the best time to meet in court. Travel is also more difficult, so try to have patience as you sit in traffic or wait in line at the airport. Take something to read in anticipation of delays. Fortunate colors are sky blue and sunny yellow. Lucky numbers are 23 and 41.
Office gossip may be hard to avoid today; it seems like one of those days when everyone wants to gather around the water cooler. Keep one ear open for any important information. As Saturn and Mercury enter Scorpio, the focus turns to joint assets or status gained through partnership, inheritance, investments and property you own or manage for others, and finances related to debt or the collection of debt. The tax collector will cast his long shadow if you have been careless or tried to evade him in the past. Advantageous colours are rich red and turquoise. Lucky numbers are 8 and 17.
The Moon enters Gemini and your third house of communication, getting the day off to a busy start. You'll feel more in tune with your friends and associates, and some of you will even find you are a bit telepathic today. Troubling news from afar may disturb you; remain calm and objective. Plan your strategy with a level head and then carry it out. Benefical colors are pale yellow and sky blue. Lucky numbers are 5 and 23.
It's time to put some harmony into your working environment, Aries. Venus heading into healing Virgo improves relationships with colleagues and employees. An office romance, or a social event connected with co-workers is likely. Beautify your workplace: anything from major renovations to adding fresh paint, plants or artwork to brighten things up. It's time to get your diet and fitness together too. Beauty treatments, dental work, and cosmetic surgery are favoured. Favorable colors are terra cotta and sage green. Lucky numbers are 20 and 29.
The Moon travels through Taurus and your second house of personal finances today, forming a challenging aspect to Jupiter. Guard against mixing business with pleasure today, as money is likely to be a sore spot. Your values may be more conservative than those of your associates, which may cause friction today. Fortunate colors are ivy green and copper. Lucky numbers are 2 and 8.
Emotional energy is strong as the Moon continues to liven up your first house of personality; you should have charm and magnetism to spare today. However, your mate, best friend, or partner may need your attention, so take a few moments out of your busy day for the ones you love. Tonight, a quiet dinner with your loved ones is just what the doctor ordered. Benefical colors are brick red and ivory. Lucky numbers are 19 and 28.

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