Pisces's Horoscopes | Female.com.au



Born between: February 20th - March 20th

Pisces can be very shy people who take time to adapt but once they do Piscean makes a valuable friend as they're helpful, unselfish and trustworthy; however they need to be careful to not be too generous or be taken advantage of in all aspects of life.

Although your natural charm is flowing in a healing way, you will still find time to check out the cashflow. You need to, as your expense have gone up! Try not to let your doubts get in the way of common sense. Make judgments only after you have all the information at your fingertips and have had a chance to double check everything, as a retro Mercury can lead to losses and miscalculations. Don't get too nit picky. Even if you find evidence of carelessness or sloppiness, say your piece tactfully but firmly. Healing colours are turquoise and indigo. Lucky numbers are 1 and 2.
You may need to tighten your belt as Mercury turns retrograde in your second house of finances. Funds may be held up and delayed until Mercury turns direct again on April 23. Have patience as business matters move slowly... look at this as a time to reconsider your values and priorities. In fact, this could be a blessing in disguise. Read more on Mercury retrograde! Fortunate colours are sage green and sweet magnolia. Lucky numbers are 2 and 20.
Impulsive Mars in your sign urges you to rush in where angels fear to tread. With Mercury under pressure, there's no mood to concentrate on practical details, but at least you're starting to make sense of the financial situation. Try to find some way of using that without flaring up about trivial irritations. What will help is the Moon in lovely aspect to lucky Jupiter, so there's optimism in the air. Optimistic colours are lapis lazuli and yellow sapphire. Lucky numbers are 2 and 8.
Venus in your own sign brings out your charm and elegance. With Chiron the Wounded Healer and Ceres the Great Mother in there too, you can be the healing spirit. It's up to you how you combine them to best advantage. This is a time when we must all raise our consciousness to a new level. As well as a change occurring on the inner level, your external appearance is also transforming. Try out new clothes, a whole new look. This is a significant time for you, when a new image is called for. Fortunate colours are platinum and pearl. Lucky numbers are 18 and 27.
With Venus moving into your own sign for some weeks, your social life returns to better form. Looking good and feeling popular, it's back in the swim for the Fish. Don't try too hard to gloss over the upsetting imperfections in life. If you compromise too much just for the sake of calm, it may make you sound insincere. Listen carefully before responding, since you may react to something you did not quite understand. Excellent colours are lilac and aqua. Lucky numbers are 1 and 2.
You have had recently a time of making decisions on your own, but now the emphasis turns to making money and achieving your goals. Co- operation will not always be easy, but making the effort will transform your life. Gather your friends around to make you feel loved and appreciated. You will benefit from advice about the long term. Swapping ideas and picking up more information will be useful. A secret attraction is likely to remain in your dreams. Fortunate colours are aquatic blue and silvery green. Lucky numbers are 30 and 26.
You will be all ears when it comes to financial information, work developments, meeting new people and generally being seen out and about. With your newfound independence you need to hear what others have to say and see how it all fits into the broader picture. It's time to sort out your health, so that you can be bouncing with vitality. Overindulgence is a real danger and diets may slide for lack of willpower. Overwork can be damaging to your health too. Positive colours are ice blue and ruby red. Lucky numbers are 2 and 12.
Excellent aspects may see you making great strides in your career, Pisces. Once you locate and lock in common aims with other people, everything will work well. If you try to do things on your own, it can backfire, but either way, you may need to rethink your personal priorities and values to take advantage of the exciting developments. They may also benefit family members. Do things for the good of all and, hey presto, it all flows smoothly. Fortunate colours are rose quartz and green jade. Lucky numbers are 10 and 11.
The Moon in your mid heaven is creating pressures at work, which will cause you to rethink your attitudes and your ambitions. Maybe what you thought you wanted isn't what you really want. Perhaps it isn't possible at this moment. Finding a sense of purpose in what you do will take more time. Luckily Mars is backing you up in your sign, so your own energy will get you through -- and may startle them with a brilliant performance!. Perhaps great success hasn't arrived yet, but you are promised improvements along the way. Fortunate colours are shell pink and charcoal. Lucky numbers are 14 and 42.
Get better informed over the next few days about money matters, dear Fish. Then you can keep everyone else up to scratch as well. Not only are you pushing to earn more money with the Sun in Aries, you are getting the paperwork sorted as you go. It's a rather hard headed line at the moment, but you will focus on what is practical and sensible. Avoid lofty discussions which never seem to lead anywhere. Favourable colours are lime and mauve. Lucky numbers are 2 and 10.
Now that the cosmos has flicked the switch to Aries, you'll need to put some extra effort into getting your budget into shape. Even though you and The Books are less than buddy-boys, you are determined to earn more and manage what you already have more sensibly. Your spending is likely to shoot up, but try to keep a balance. As the Sun dances with Uranus at the Equinox, you will experience a marvellous and unexpected financial opportunity. By the day's end you should be able to polish your halo. Fortunate colours are warm bronze and peacock blue. Lucky numbers are 2 and 11.
Love may not come as easily today, dear Pisces. If you feel you would rather shut yourself away than let your feelings be seen, maybe you are just oversensitive to rejection. Don't let opportunities for romance slide by because you feel you can't force yourself to speak out about what you need, or who you fancy. There could be some collision over shared financial matters, but the exploration of life's sexual mysteries need not be sublimated. Fortunate colours are purple sage and yellow sapphire. Lucky numbers are 11 and 12.
This is a significant Full Moon, dear Fish. Not only is it a cosmic spectacle of unusual beauty, but it falls in your opposite sign, so your love is under the spotlight. It may be that you need more support, but you also need your independence. How will you fulfil your own needs without sounding too contradictory, or indeed making partners feel their needs are not being met, whether in love or in business. You know you need another half to be fulfilled in whatever you are doing. Give a little... and receive a lot. Generous colours are lilac and silver. Lucky numbers are 1 and 2.
If you are feeling stifled or insecure where a deep relationship is concerned, give yourself a shake because it's just a passing phase, stimulated by the Super Moon in your seventh house. Be more positive. Looking on the dark side of any situation always throws up flaws and inadequacies. Smooth down the rough edges, and make everything as pleasant and comfortable as possible. A ray of sunshine shining on your home and in your emotional relationships will keep you glowing. Fortunate colours are white jade and antique silver. Lucky numbers are 11 and 25.
The trivialities of life may not be uppermost in your mind, which is just as well, as the impending Super Moon in your house of significant others is sure to show. Everything seems a wee bit out of joint, so if you push too hard you'll end up feeling thwarted. Just don't get too rigid about everything. Despite the pressures, life needs a little relaxation and even sloppiness to make it feel comfortable. Fortunate colours are rich red and ebony. Lucky numbers are 23 and 24.
Transacting business, increasing income, conserving assets, and comparison shopping should be on your agenda, Pisces. You may need to discuss, or perhaps even defend or reassess your priorities and values. Money is the source of pleasure, which is fine if you can afford to spend it. Don't waste your money on pointless luxury items and other status symbols. Fortunate colours are cool green and moonstone. Lucky numbers are 2 and 6.
The morning is very relaxed and quite creative, but as the day draws on, others demand a lot of you. Make sure everyone is being well looked after. If you feel a bit drained because of that, keep a karmic scorecard and chalk up a few points for yourself! You can redeem them under the magnificent Super Moon at the end of the week, just before the Equinox. It's up to you (as usual) to keep the peace, so may all your encounters be blissful. Favourable colours are deep purple and aquamarine. Lucky numbers are 13 and 33.
You need a budget that can cope with an uneven flow of money. Nothing will stay the same for long. If you can seek out different ways of earning money or just different ways of handling the money you already possess, then you will fare better. You may not be clear why you feel frustrated, or what is sticking you, but be patient and wait for the tide to turn in your favour. Fortunate colours are red and periwinkle. Lucky numbers are 20 and 29.
Critical influences early on tend to show up problems, especially at home. But if you do get pushed into a more disciplined mode, you will feel grateful at the end of the day because you will create a more substantial situation. As the Moon later moves into delightful, creative and homeloving Cancer, your spirits lift. You get what you want if you keep on keeping on. Positive colours are autumn leaves and sparkling green. Lucky numbers are 2 and 5.
You will need to be careful about your relationships or rather your expectations of them. If someone has let you down, ask yourself whether it's truly their fault. Maybe they always were what they were. You are not as socially outgoing as usual at the moment, but don't get discouraged. The upside is that you can be in touch with creative or spiritual interests. You will emerge wiser and revitalised because of your quiet weeks. You will definitely be more stable emotionally, as disruptive Uranus leaves your sign today. More on Uranus in Aries. Beneficial colours are smoky grape and turquoise. Lucky numbers are 4 and 20.
There's been more success for you in recent times, but the tensions brought by the added pressure at work or at school have brought emotional strains at home. Cooperation may not be easy for you since you feel if you give way on key issues, others might take advantage. It will be easier from this weekend on, as Uranus leaves your sign at last, after seven years of ups and downs. Try not to be too defensive because it will make things more difficult in the times ahead. Be ready for a rollercoaster ride in financial matters.. Favourable colours are turquoise and sable. Lucky numbers are 2 and 36.
You need a strategy to get it all rolling again, Pisces. Keep persevering, for the answers will come. It could even be a good time for a grand financial reorganisation. From now onwards what you chose to do may be unconventional, but you will sparkle with a quality which others will really admire. Even if it feels insecure at times, follow your star and tread a new path in your life. Prosperous colours are bright red and silvery blue. Lucky numbers are 21 and 33.
During the last seven years you have had disruptive Uranus moving through your sign. This brought on a new spirit of defiance and you insisted on going your own rather rebellious way. It may have been a strain at times but it has changed you from the person you used to be. Now that this cosmic powerhouse is about to move on, you will find yourself less edgy and erratic in the months ahead. Just continue to handle certain friends lightly. Favourable colours are green jade and red coral. Lucky numbers are 11 and 21.
A deeper, more spiritual awareness can be yours today, my lovely Fish. King Neptune is working for you in his aqueous domain, so be ready to surf! Financial changes are on the horizon, but in the midst of all this, compromise will not come easily to you. You will be ever so broadminded, so long as everyone gives you room to move. Don't be too chippy if you are expected to toe someone else's line. Fortunate colours are deep purple and desert sage. Lucky numbers are 2 and 12.
You are feeling generous today, Pisces, and good feelings should rub off on to everyone else. The only people who are not going to be happy around you are the old Scrooges and the negative people who are feeling a bit down with life. Keep a sparkle in your eye, for adventure beckons. Do anything that gets you away from boring chores and tedious routines. Adventurous colours are buttercup and antique leather. Lucky numbers are 37 and 21.
The focus is on financial matters today and now is the time to balance your books. It could be that you are paying too much in fees and charges, so shop around. It's a great day for bargain hunting, too. Look for those little shops that are tucked away and you might just find something you've been looking for for a while. Enjoyable colours are pale blue and emerald. Lucky numbers are 2 and 3.
You want to be off the beaten track, away from routines, finding more excitement. The key is to do so without causing serious disruption to your life. Write down all the brilliant inspirations and bolts from the blue, because you'll forget them otherwise. It's in one ear and out the other with Uranus active. Give yourself enough elbow room to suit. It's such a pain to be crowded. Positive colours are shining gold and lapis lazuli. Lucky numbers are 6 and 24.
You feel so much more self-sufficient today, but, hey, if you can't do that when the New Moon is in your sign, when can you? This only happens once a year, so aim to do anything that puts you in the centre of everyone's attention. Friends and team mates keep you on the go in coming weeks with adventurous plans. Co-operation is not always easy in the dark but Confucius say many hands make light work. Fortunate colours are aquamarine and old gold. Lucky numbers are 1 and 2.
Are you picking up subtle hints? Hints of unspoken needs? Make sure you're not pulled into carrying everyone else's problems as the Nodes change sign. Protect yourself from being drained, or dragged into activities that don't suit you. You won't be in any mood to compromise at work, but don't be too hard on yourself. Stay away from energy vampires Be a flexible Fish, and you'll get along just fine. Beneficial colours are bone and peach. Lucky numbers are 19 and 23.
With Venus tucked out of sight behind the scenes in Aquarius for a few weeks, your role is to be give rather than to receive. If you feel a touch isolated or under-appreciated, there really is no need. Just enjoy this quiet time, since it will not last long. You are in a position to give more, dear Fish. Allow your compassion to glow, but take care that you do not get emotionally overloaded by soaking in too much of other people's problems. Compassionate colours are deep green and ripe wheat. Lucky numbers are 17 and 44.
The Moon enters your house of the unconscious today, potentially affecting your dreams. Pisceans are often blessed with a sixth sense, and dreams of a psychic nature are not uncommon. If you have not mastered the art of lucid dreaming, consider picking up a book on the subject. When you can turn the tables in a nightmare simply by realizing it is only a dream, even bad dreams become something to look forward to. Auspicious colours are midnight blue and sunset pink. Lucky numbers are 3 and 12.

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