Born between: Sep 23rd - Oct 22nd
Convincing and charming are the best characteristics of someone born under the Libra star sign. When they overcome shyness those with the Libra sign are great debaters who will always share credit for their wins.
Are you frustrated at work because they seem to be shutting out what you are saying? Libra is known as the diplomat of the zodiac, but with Merc backtracking in your house of conflict and Saturn in your sign, you need to turn your agile brain and silver tongue to finding a better way to get the message across. Then what you say will come across as well-balanced and impartial. Don't budge from what you truly believe. Find an ally to back you up. Excellent colours are apricot and cinnamon. Lucky numbers are 6 and 13.
Your closest relationships come under scrutiny as the Winged Messenger starts the backstairs tango in your seventh house of marriage and partnerships today. Listen carefully to what your spouse or partner is saying during the next three weeks -- and perhaps even more carefully to what he or she is not saying! Read more on Mercury retrograde! Favourable colours are steel grey and emerald green. Lucky numbers are 7 and 33.
No one will cross swords with you and emerge unscathed today, dear Libra. There's a swag of planets in your house of open opponents, but if you can move into a creative discussion where no one takes offence but everyone speaks their mind, you will come out of it with better ideas. Romance is favoured, and partnered Librans could do well in a joint venture with their spouse. Thanks to Saturn, there are serious benefits in the long run, but be wary of get-rich-quick schemes, as Mercury has stalled and turns retro tomorrow. Fortunate colours are candy apple and lime. Lucky numbers are 1 and 5.
You may need to bend the rules or you could miss a valuable opportunity. This would be no mean feat under todays difficult aspects, so it may be best to resist the promise of something new and hang on to what you have, at least for the time being. It is important to realize that you will probably not be able to remove the forces that oppose you, which only leaves you the option of finding a constructive way to work around them or with them. Favourable colours are purple and cream. Lucky numbers are 5 and 7.
With Venus moving into your house of work and health, your attention turns to improving the workplace environment in coming few weeks. Some pressure is felt at home, so try to say what you want without sounding too sharp. An office romance, or social event connected with co-workers is in the stars. A new diet and physical fitness program, or beauty treatments, a new hair style, dental work, or even cosmetic surgery are favoured. Beneficial colours are ivory and bronze. Lucky numbers are 6 and 22.
The Moon conjunct dark Pluto in Capricorn stirs the home fires, Libra. Circumstances may force you to break with the past, but not before it has been dealt with openly and honestly. Destructive childhood conditioning may be undermining your present behaviour and attitudes. Issues and events that have been buried will surface. If your personal status within the family has been one of weakness or vulnerability you will (or should) attempt to strengthen it. Beneficial colours are glittering blue and jet black. Lucky numbers are 4 and 23.
The Moon forms a beautiful aspect with Venus, so you'll be happy to be part of a supportive team. Everything should run smoothly with no major problems. Your confidence and enthusiasm is an inspiration to everyone around you. Be willing to plan things carefully, to give credence to wisdom and experience before you act -- or allow others to act. It may be difficult to accept authority or rules imposed on you. Fortunate colours are avocado and dusky pink. Lucky numbers are 5 and 10.
Be persuasive and exert some subtle pressure to move your loved ones around to your way of thinking. There should not be too much resistance, because you have the fiery Aries Sun and the adventurous Sagittarian Moon on your side, as well as a neat strategy. If you need to resolve practical or business problems at home, or in the neighbourhood, knuckle down, get it done and then you can relax and have some fun. Get down to brass tacks. Face the bottom line, then the only way from there is up. Favourable colours are cerulean blue and raw silk. Lucky numbers are 3 and 7.
Your current passion for enquiry, questioning and searching, can make you sound self-righteous even dogmatic in discussions. It's not so much what you say as how you say it. Lighten up, be less intense and you will be successful. Your sunny self confidence makes everyone around you feel better, while they in turn give you a sense of better times to come. With the Sun at last in fiery Aries, it's time for renewed optimism. Favourable colours are spring green and antique silver. Lucky numbers are 29 and 42.
Follow the urge to chat with partners at home and at work, dear Libra. You need to get certain things straight as simply and quickly as possible. But remember, you can't rely on others to steer your ship. You could lose the opportunity to act or make a decision by the time you have made up your mind. Considering carefully is a good idea, but do not stretch it out too far. Advantageous colours are red grapefruit and deep green. Lucky numbers are 7 and 25.
Now that the Equinox has brought the Sun to your house of one- on-one partnerships, you need to share and care more in the coming weeks. Togetherness is the key to your happiness at home and at work. This stimulates the Cosmic Cross that is blazing in the heavens, so there could be a sudden coolness in the air, perhaps duty coming before pleasure. Agree to what seems sensible. Favourable colours are dark grape and sunrise red. Lucky numbers are 7 and 14.
Your ability to sparkle in the social spotlight is sure to attract a stream of compliments, if not new admirers with the Moon in your sign. Today's ideal for flirting and having fun on the eve of the Equinox. If you have to work, let your inventive ideas take you down new paths. Find out about the latest advances so you can introduce more speed, efficiency and interest into your working life. Be bold and be experimental. Flirty colours are celadon purple and madder lake. Lucky numbers are 1 and 6.
When the Moon falls in the sign before yours, it's time to retreat into a cosy nook and shut out the world for a while. But since this is the Full Moon, and a magnificent one at that, you are pulled between conflicting wants and oughts. Your sense of duty says work and service to others comes first, but you also have your own needs to consider. Give yourself permission to disappear into your own space. Relaxing colours are deep rose and pale cream. Lucky numbers are 12 and 13.
Be charming, yet businesslike, Libra. You know what you want, even if you are not saying. If you keep any ulterior motives out of sight, all should work out well. Smooth down any rough edges and maintain harmony in words and deeds, or miscommunication with your significant other could cause problems that run deeper than you think. Beneficial colours are amethyst and walnut. Lucky numbers are 25 and 32.
It's a pleasant morning with the Moon in friendly Leo, but as the day goes on you need to be more realistic and face the facts. Friends may be a bit edgy, but when the Moon gets into Virgo you turn to more private matters. Saturn active in your sign tells us that what you currently miss is your natural optimism. If you feel a bit depressed, it could be influencing you from a rather restrictive position, a narrow viewpoint if you like. Saturn damps down your enthusiasm and spontaneity, so remember to laugh along the way. Favourable colours are cerise and ivory. Lucky numbers are 11 and 12.
This is no time to work or spend a lot of time alone and out of touch, dear Libra. With Mercury dancing with Jupiter in your seventh house, you are most likely to succeed in association with others, so there are benefits to be gained from increased interactions, especially in learning from an exchange of valuable information. Other people, especially a partner or other allies, bring stimulation, broader knowledge and new experiences to the table. Fortunate colours are amethyst and apricot. Lucky numbers are 6 and 25.
Get in touch emotionally with your friends, because you need affectionate support and advice, and the Leo Moon today brings just the right time. You need to set an agenda and someone close to you can help you sort out your options. Pampering yourself seems a sensible compensation for loved ones being unappreciative. Avoid arguments or you will wind up with a major hassle. Advantageous colours are ebony and ivory. Lucky numbers are 20 and 46.
Your emotions will be on a roller coaster ride in the weeks ahead, Libra. The cosmos is awakening constant change in your intimate relationships. Ups and downs in your moods may confuse partners who had gotten used to the old ways. But you really cannot make yourself into what you are not. Focus on the main game, as obstructions at home can produce some depression in your soul. Beneficial colours are cream and marigold. Lucky numbers are 7 and 10.
Try not to get resentful if you feel you are being held back, especially by a powerful woman. Out of what may initially seem to be setbacks can come something more useful. Cutting corners really can see you end up going round in circles. Thinking through your opinions will be beneficial. You have become a bit of an armchair philosopher recently, and can sound as if you have all the answers. But the more you know, the more you realise how little you know. Favourable colours are aubergine and buttercup. Lucky numbers are 7 and 10.
As Uranus enters your house of partnerships for a seven-year stay, an underlying, unstable period begins regarding marriage, partnership and alliances of any kind, and joint ventures. Associations may suddenly or unexpectedly begin, come to an end, or undergo significant change. Get your energy up a bit, because otherwise you'll end up discontented. Venus is prompting you to head for more fun and let yourself sparkle in the spotlight. Aim to enjoy. More on Uranus in Aries. Ideal colours are cream and lilac. Lucky numbers are 17 and 19.
You are slowly moving towards a peak of success in your life, so it is important that you prepare well. You are laying very solid foundations at the moment for future rewards, but it would be a mistake to think you have all the answers just yet. Don't get a bit ahead of yourself. With Uranus changing sign, there is no sense in forcing others, especially significant others, to take on board what is beyond their understanding at this stage. Ambitious colours are golden peach and strawberry pink. Lucky numbers are 1 and 7.
Partnership matters are favoured and romance could be a delight! However, if colleagues are pushing you around, don't be drawn into their games. Responding negatively will only prolong a sticky situation. Use your charm and subtle ingenuity to find a third way, dear Libra. Allow yourself to explore with an open mind, and keep a little healthy scepticism up your sleeve. The end of the week looks very promising. Favourable colours are ebony and parchment. Lucky numbers are 5 and 7.
Your working life (and your love life) has been unpredictable and changeable in recent times. Nothing felt too secure, but it certainly wasn't boring. Everything is soon going to settle in a different way, so relationships with loved ones, children and social mates will alter for the better. Just keep your sense of humour handy. Your words will carry weight but you need to be less intense, more persuasive. Try new ways of getting your message across. Communicative colours are ivory and red. Lucky numbers are 16 and 24.
You need a congenial working atmosphere, Libra, because it's important to feel that what you are doing is valued. There's no need to push yourself, or become unduly tense; just work steadily to improve your efficiency. If relationships are not that easy with colleagues or bosses, or if you sense the beginnings of a power struggle, maybe you need to stop for a rethink. Changes which may initially seem unwelcome or unsettling will soon open new doors for you. Favourable colours are cerulean blue and caramel. Lucky numbers are 6 and 7.
Not all your present friends may last a lifetime, since even the closest relationship can tend to fade away. The key is your significant other, but today there is a sense of being at cross purposes with your love. But never mind, dear Libra. Live and let live, and let tomorrow look after itself. Venus is in Aquarius, which always makes you feel happy, so everyone will feel better for having you around. Mercury is under pressure, so don't let your emotions get in the way of reason. Positive colours are ash green and antique white. Lucky numbers are 5 and 8.
Today's tensions, especially with the significant other, may also shake you loose from a piece of the past that has been weighing you down. Volunteer for change, then your daily schedules might become a little easier. It's certainly simpler to get your message across if you get your routines into gear. Today works well with the public or your wider circle of friends, since a sweet aspect to Venus means your charms are on display. Fortunate colours are amethyst and aubergine. Lucky numbers are 14 and 25.
The Moon is now in aspect to Mercury and Uranus, a lively and freedom-loving combination. Walk your own road and stay on the wild side. You may be uber reckless, but you're not likely to wang off into anything too nutty. Write down your plans before you start. Otherwise thoughts will flash on and off in your head and you won't keep track of them. Forget any boring chores. Favourable colours are neon red and deep purple. Lucky numbers are 5 and 14.
This isn't the most glamorous time of the year for you, but it could just be the right time to reorganise some of your methods. Find the discipline! You will clear up a good many tangles before they happen. It's restless in the domicile for a few weeks. Throw yourself into reorganising the house to soak up loose energy, but don't be a busybody. Avoid ticking the family off. Favourable colours are light yellow and warm russet. Lucky numbers are 6 and 24.
Relationships with women will be good, with the Moon shining a feminine light on your feelings. However, flamboyant gestures just to prove your point can cause a stir. If you take care of people, they will be much more likely to respond. That's your forte, Libra! Don't get too emotional, or too close to what is going on. Separate your head from your heart. Favourable colours are lime green and violet. Lucky numbers are 17 and 44.
With Venus, your life-ruler, now moving into your house of romance, your desires and passions are in full force. Heart-centred and flamboyant, you cast your spell over everyone you meet. Putting on a great performance, you entertain everyone, glowing when you have an appreciative audience. Even at work, your sunny temperament helps you avoid boring chores. Romantic colours are sensual peach and flamboyant red. Lucky numbers are 5 and 9.
Today's mood is light and easy as the Moon enters breezy Aquarius and your fifth house of romance and creativity. More people are open to having a good time and forgetting about their troubles for a while, so join the party! This evening you should kick back and enjoy something that is pure entertainment. Cut yourself some slack. Favourable colours are amethyst purple and golden honey. Lucky numbers are 6 and 15.