Born between: June 21st - July 22nd
Supportive and encouraging those born under the Cancer sign are lovers that strive in the home setting. Traditional in their beliefs they are often conservative although they value unaccompanied time, greatly.
People who matter can hear you at work, dear Cancer. So be sure you hit the right note. Remember to be straightforward and don't get on a self-righteous pedestal; then you will win any argument. Staying detached and unemotional is key. Mercury is retro on your podium, so be sure to take the time to speak as clearly and effectively as you can. It's pretty much a question of getting the timing right. Positive colours are autumn gold and azure blue. Lucky numbers are 37 and 28.
Mercury turns retrograde in your tenth house of career and status, slowing down your progress on the job. Be sure to take notes and document everything, as misunderstandings and confusion reign. Stay as organized as possible while the trickster does his best to trip you up... by the time it is all over, you will have come out on top. Read more on Mercury retrograde! Ideal colours are sapphire blue and golden amber. Lucky numbers are 26 and 37.
Flush those tensions out into the open, Crabs. Get it over and done with; clear the air once and for all, rather than grinding on to the bitter end. Say just enough to make your feelings known and then move on. There should be good cash news coming your way, if it's not actually handed over today. Use the fair winds to fill your sails without going too wild on a spending spree. Prosperous colours are silvery blue and deep purple. Lucky numbers are 17 and 28.
The cosmic energies can be enlightening and exciting, or they can be unsettling and disruptive. In your social relationships, an unexpected turn of events may shake up your sense of security a little. But on the other hand, it could also let a blast of fresh air blow through which will bring you more independence. Try to be absolutely straightforward. Glossing over unpleasantness or tensions will not work out as you hope. Propitious colours are amber and burgundy. Lucky numbers are 8 and 10.
Venus entering sociable Pisces opens up a social whirlwind for you over the next few weeks, Cancer. All the right people will understand where you're coming from. What's more you will have an almost magical way of understanding what they're all about. Spread your favours around fairly generously, especially in cultural, academic, or religious circles. Breathe some adventure into your off duty activities. Auspicious colours are amber and amethyst. Lucky numbers are 9 and 25.
You may be feeling more vulnerable than usual. So you will be turning your attention to your most personal relationships. With the Moon and Pluto in your seventh house, you may seek to manipulate or gain control in partnerships, or you may be used in the same manner by a more powerful partner, but help others settle and they are more likely to do the same for you. It's a sort of each for each day. Helpful colours are grey satin and luminous green. Lucky numbers are 7 and 10.
With such a fabulous concentration of planetary power in your mid-heaven, your confidence inspires your colleagues who see you as honest and successful. However, remember not to get so carried away by a wonderful idea that you don't look at all the facts. Make sure you know what your promises really entail. Are you thinking through the practical consequences of your financial schemes? Ambitious colours are turquoise and bronze. Lucky numbers are 15 and 28.
You have now learned one valuable lesson at work, and the fruits of your wisdom mean you will not be caught out in the same way again. You have the stamina to see this one through to the end. Now its a question of hanging on in there until you tidy up the last loose ends. At some stage you may be in danger of over reacting, so don't rise to the bait or speak before you think. Breathe deeply and count up to 100. Surprising benefits will come your way. Beneficial colours are classic white and lapis lazuli. Lucky numbers are 6 and 10.
Although the winsome Crab is in the mood today, cooperation at work is not easy to achieve. Love is in the air, at least until later in the day, but if you stand your ground, the problems will resolve themselves. Just don't push differences to the bitter end, since that will leave a sour taste. What can you really achieve? Jupiter, the expansive planet of good fortune and developing potential in your career zone for some months promises a good deal of luck, if you can control the urge to splurge! Ideal colours are caramel and avocado. Lucky numbers are 14 and 10.
Your views at work are in demand, because you have all the relevant info down to the last detail. Just don't drown everyone in too many facts and figures. Make sure you edit down what you have to say in advance. Because you are overheated, you cannot think as clearly as usual. Don't carry on about trivia. Your emotions may be getting in the way of reason, so best to put them to work dreaming about that hunk you've been lusting after. Auspicious colours are cranberry and terra cotta. Lucky numbers are 14 and 26.
The Sun conjunct Uranus in Aries at the Equinox will push you to new heights, Cancer. More ambitious than usual over the next few weeks, you are keen to be noticed and will aim for a more prominent position. Big career developments are due in coming weeks. Be affectionate, indulgent and hard working. Think about saving money, perhaps starting a diet. Be self-disciplined. If you get the balance right your businesslike charm will win the day. Career negotiations should go well. Ambitious colours are clear white and crimson. Lucky numbers are 10 and 5.
There's more drama than usual in your emotional life, dear Cancer. Could you be shutting off your emotional needs altogether? Are you wary that if you open up to what you really want it could bring uncomfortable feelings to the surface? The world, and older family members in particular, may regard you as a rebel, but really you don't care. You must challenge old ideas, before settling to what suits you. Favourable colours are iridescent green and deep scarlet. Lucky numbers are 4 and 22.
Tonight's Virgo Moon in your house of communications is truly beautiful. This perigee Moon is rare and remarkable, as it has not been so close to the Earth in the best part of the past 20 years. Cancer is ruled by the Moon, so you're sure to be emotional about certain things, but don't let it bog you down in trivia. It's a perfect party night, so if you stand back and see the full picture without getting swamped in details, you will do best. Why not write down your feelings, or share them in a blog? Auspicious colours are moonstone and pale violet. Lucky numbers are 3 and 9.
Try flashing a happy smile, even if you are gritting your teeth behind the scenes. You will catch more flies with honey than with vinegar. Your feelings are running deeper than usual as the Moon moves to the full, but let that be your secret. Even your closest companions may find it difficult to know quite what runs below the surface in you. Just don't exclude them too much. Try to explain that resentment is finally being put to rest. Fortunate colours are purple and charcoal. Lucky numbers are 21 and 25.
After a morning with your head in the cashbook, you're more preoccupied with social details as the day draws on. Your concentration will pay off, though you won't necessarily find it very easy to communicate with other people, even once the phone starts blasting. Saturn under pressure from the Moon can sometimes create barriers. Don't be frightened to put yourself in the firing line. You do have a natural understanding of the suffering of others, and will find the means to relieve it in a practical way. Practical colours are chocolate brown and dark cherry. Lucky numbers are 2 and 3.
Step back and be tolerant, a little more light-hearted in the way you handle conversations and discussions. Good news will come regarding career developments, or at least the public expression of your thoughts and ideas. Luckily you are in an expansive and enthusiastic phase, so you should be able to express yourself confidently. Contacts with officials and leaders will be valuable. You could have a stroke of good luck Advantageous colours are purple sage and white ash. Lucky numbers are 10 and 37.
Sort out your priorities and decide what really is of value to you. As the Moon moves into Leo, your house of finances, you might be tempted to think that money is the only thing that matters. But there are other resources that can be just as precious, and can lift your spirits when you are feeling low. With the Sun and Moon in easy aspect, you will be able to fix a few problems that have been on your mind recently. Get cracking and get yourself back in control. Beneficial colours are caramel and apricot. Lucky numbers are 2 and 16.
In the months ahead you will have your own slant on the truth with regard to home and career responsibilities, and will speak your mind no matter what the consequences. You will be unswayed by traditional outlooks, but don't flip flop if you reach a deadlock. Stand up for yourself, and take control. Be clear, cool and to the point. Positive colours are red coral and burnt umber. Lucky numbers are 10 and 22.
You may feel circumstances pushing you where you don't want to go, dear Cancer. Saturn is urging you to lay foundations, or backtrack and unpick mistakes. Or face up to people you don't like. Communication may be obstructed today, but don't let yourself feel lonely or isolated, because the Moon enters your sign later today. Even if you sense a lack of support at work, keep pruning out the inessentials. Toss out what you don't need. Clear the decks for the future. Fortunate colours are bright green and silvery grey. Lucky numbers are 28 and 37.
Uranus, sky-king, joins the cosmic gang in your mid-heaven today. In times ahead you may experience a complete change of career, or if not a career, at least a significant alteration in one of the major directions of your life.Try to turn some of your visions into something that's real. Write it down, paint a picture, create a poem. Your feelings are running deep and strong. Only those closest to you will guess what is on your mind. More on Uranus in Aries. Fortunate colours are sky blue and moonstone. Lucky numbers are 10 and 48.
Do you really know what you want to do with your life? That is the question stern Saturn is forcing you to ask yourself. It's harder to take on practical responsibility at home or work, or to push ahead with certain old ambitions. Luckily you have oodles of initiative. Don't put yourself under strain, as big changes are coming up in your career. Throw your energy into resolving your problems. If one thing does not work, move on and try the next. Practical colours are sage green and ivory. Lucky numbers are 13 and 34.
It's time to examine what things are no longer necessary in your career and working life. Nothing lasts for ever in the same form, so you need to see what has passed its use-by date, and let it go. You are eager to find out about the latest knowledge and don't want to hear about the way it always was. The watchful Crab is on the brink of fortunate and perhaps astonishing developments. Get onto the leading edge. Beneficial colours are apple green and burnt orange. Lucky numbers are 10 and 17.
Finances in business or at home have been in an unpredictable phase. But you will find from now on that your cash situation stabilises which means you will not be so preoccupied with money. Emotionally you may feel more settled, too. Work will continue to be an area where you are pushing and pulling to upgrade or regenerate it. You'll be more in the public eye than usual in weeks ahead, so tread softly and play your cards subtly. Practical colours are apple green and russet. Lucky numbers are 6 and 10.
Leave the small details to others, Cancer. Keep the broader picture in mind. Long distance travel is likely to be either fantasy- driven, or perhaps part of a spiritual search in the months ahead, whether you are on the move or just in the planning stages. Expect the unexpected and you will not be disappointed. Just do not take anything for granted. Take it calmly and you will get there eventually. Fortunate colours are indian red and pale purple. Lucky numbers are 9 and 27.
It's the right day to soothe and smoothe, build bridges and make career associates or workmates feel more at ease. A sense of caution fills the atmosphere. Avoid arguments at home or work, but stand up for yourself with the family or loved ones. Be charming, but hold your ground if anyone looks like taking your good nature for granted. Favourable colours are duckegg blue and pastel peach. Lucky numbers are 11 and 24.
Even if you are feeling a bit down, or under pressure, blame it on Pluto and Saturn. Don't let them push you into your depths. The good thing is you will discover things about yourself you never knew before. What comes out of this testing time in the long term will be tremendously helpful, showing you a much more solid side of you. Look to your career environment for strength and encouragement, more so than home for the next couple of days. Favourable colours are antique leather and red velvet. Lucky numbers are 14 and 19.
Whatever anyone else wants, you want to do something different. Gosh. Definitely a day for flying solo. But you may need to put a brake on certain plans, since you'll be impatient and reckless. With a little more discipline, you can achieve so much more. Companions can't keep up with you or understand what you're on about if you're going too fast. Beneficial colours are hazelnut and peach. Lucky numbers are 22 and 25.
Today's New Moon urges you to review your beliefs, whether in politics, religion, or just your philosophy of living. Our outlook never remains the same from childhood to old age, dear Crustaceans. We constantly abandon what no longer fits and so we alter our approaches. The times they are a-changin', as Dylan reminds us. The dynamic energy surrounding you will attract highly energetic companions in weeks ahead and can achieve a great deal together. Go for it! Empowering colours are rich red and cool green. Lucky numbers are 9 and 18.
A new arrangement or agreement is in the wind with very close partners over joint finances or your intimate emotional life. If you put in the effort it will get everything on a more solid footing. With Mars in the mood as the Nodes change sign you will have the energy to push. You know it is important to you, but resist any tendency to be a little too sharp. Sensitive feelings could be hurt. Stabilising colours are grey and mauve. Lucky numbers are 11 and 22.
You will love people or loathe them in the days ahead, since your emotional responses will become much stronger. If you are off someone, then you will be really off. As far as you are concerned at the time there will be no switching back on again. But remember you will not always feel this intensely, and there may come a point in a few weeks time when you wish you hadn't been so abrupt. Find those who want to be with you at this profound level. Beneficial colours are antique velvet and golden brown. Lucky numbers are 9 and 15.
The normally impressionable Crab may be especially psychic as the receptive Moon slips into your eighth house of mystery. Some of you may find yourself communicating with those on the other side, whether in dreams or conversations you seem to be having with yourself. Allow you intuition to lead you over the next two days. Fortunate colours are wine red and bronze. Lucky numbers are 9 and 20.