Aquarius's Horoscopes |



Born between: Jan 20th - Feb 19th

Those born under the Aquarian are honest, artistic and loyal in their nature which makes them wonderful friends and family members. However stubborn and defensiveness are characterises attributed to Aquarians.

Mercury retro in lively Aries keeps you running and chattering, but with the silver-tongued Messenger rather tongue-tied, you need to be listening as well. The more you hear what people among your immediate contacts have to say, the more you will gain in the long run. Too much speed will not give you the time or inclination to do much in depth or details, but you will not be bored. An emotional experience may give you pause to rearrange your personal values. Fortunate colours are apple green and rose red. Lucky numbers are 3 and 21.
Mercury turns retrograde in your third house of communication, making it difficult to express yourself clearly for the next three weeks. Misunderstandings and confusion could frustrate your attempts to achieve your goals, so slow down and read the fine line very carefully. This is also a good time to notice what is not being said... consider learning more about body language and other forms of non-verbal communication. Read more on Mercury retrograde! Favourable colours are golden topaz and sapphire blue. Lucky numbers are 2 and 3.
You should have more confidence now that the Moon is in your sign. If you normally get stage fright about speaking out, that should disappear. You will be delighted by your ability to assert yourself. But if you are normally outspoken, watch you do not go over the score. Educational, travel-related and cultural issues are well-favoured, so don't miss the excellent potential before Mercury turns tail in Aries tomorrow. Confident colours are charcoal grey and rich red. Lucky numbers are 1 and 9.
The cosmic opposition of Jupiter and Saturn should not be a huge problem. But it isn't good for possessive relationships. You won't be able to keep everything absolutely stable with nothing budging an inch. This is a time to get rid of restrictions, give yourself room to breathe. Try not to overspend since you may be feeling a touch impulsive. A flash of insight will help you understand a tricky emotional situation. Insightful colours are amethyst and lapis lazuli. Lucky numbers are 11 and 23.
Tangible gestures of affection over the coming weeks will make you feel appreciated, Aquarius. Venus in Pisces can be quite extravagant, but promises to be lots of fun. Be flexible. Forget the accounts today, or any of the more unpleasant sides of reality. The issue of wealth connected with social status may arise in some form. Fortunate colours are sunflower yellow and dove grey. Lucky numbers are 2 and 3.
You can work well behind the scenes, pulling strings effectively. The roundabout route may well be the best one; don't think of yourself as timid, just sensible. Today especially you might as well keep yourself to yourself; you probably won't want to be too open, since everyone seems preoccupied. Try not to take it too personally, for tonight there is a very creative conjunction of Venus and Neptune in your sign. This has good romantic and artistic potential, but take it as it comes and don't get delusional. Creative colours are desert rose and fawn. Lucky numbers are 1 and 12.
It's a good day to stabilize your long term plans, as your hopes, wishes, dreams and visions come into play. You should be able to settle old differences amicably and see clearly which relationships have room for development. Those which have outlived their time and have no potential for further growth should be quietly dropped. Favourable colours are red coral and spanish leather. Lucky numbers are 23 and 39.
The celestials are moving nicely today, Aquarius, with the Sun, Jupiter and Saturn all receiving very positive rays. This is very good for you, with the Moon cheering up your house of friends, hopes and wishes. Your friends and associates will be in a good mood and might have some excellent advice with regard to any local or neighbourhood projects that you're into. Take their bright ideas seriously, you might do well out of them, but remember, if it seems too good to be true, it usually is. Excellent colours are ebony and sapphire. Lucky numbers are 3 and 9.
The atmosphere in your friendships or team relationships may be difficult. Heated feelings need to be handled calmly and rationally. It's best to be upfront, but in a quiet way -- otherwise the tensions will build up. Close one-on-one relationships should be easier. Don't take partners too much for granted. Be wary about relying on advice coming your way which may not be realistic. Friendly colours are lilac and caramel. Lucky numbers are 11 and 41.
The Sun in Aries, along with half the planetary family, is ideal for chatting happily about everything and anything. Don't be too mischievous, but you can still take pleasure in conversations that are shall we say not entirely straightforward. It's contrary. The Scorpio Moon urges you to wind down and chill out. You may overspend on life's little pleasures. Take them home. Favourable colours are magnolia and blueberry. Lucky numbers are 18 and 21.
It's shaping up to be a busy few weeks Aquarius, now that the cosmos is focusing on your third house of communication -- and running around! You'll be chatting nineteen to the dozen, handling a varied routine. There may be less time for depth or detail than you might like, as the energies tug in in different directions at the Equinox, with more correspondence than usual to handle. It's a great time to check out new communications gear, or even consider a new car, but with Mercury slowing in Aries, you'd better check the fine print and make sure everything is shipshape. Active colours are royal purple and old gold. Lucky numbers are 3 and 9.
With Venus in your sign, admirers should not be in short supply, at least over the week ahead. Don't be afraid to wear your heart on your sleeve and express your feelings of affection. Generally you should get what you want. But your budget does seem less settled than it was. Use your inventive mind to dream up new ways of earning more money. Just don't be too original with the bank manager who may not appreciate oddball suggestions. Fortunate colours are silver mink and fire engine red. Lucky numbers are 26 and 32.
It's a magnificent Moon at perigee, so intense and inspiring. The cosmos is pushing you to be more self-sufficient, but with all the underlying pressure, you could do with a friend for support and advice. Play your cards close to your chest, and don't magnify the situation into something bigger than it is. It will be almost 20 years before we have another Moon as beautiful as this. Excellent colours are beryl and blush. Lucky numbers are 8 and 9.
Friends will boost your self-esteem today, Aquarius. If you feel free to do what suits you, you will have to watch that long- running relationships don't go through a tenser phase over money, especially if you have a possessive partner. With Mercury opposing Saturn you may find yourself in a pointless discussion with obstructive comments failing to clear the air. Favourable colours are green jade and persimmon. Lucky numbers are 13 and 26.
Your self-esteem is not that great at the moment, as the pressure of the other is paramount. Don't judge yourself by other people's standards, however. Just because not everyone fits in with your point of view doesn't mean you are necessarily wrong. Give yourself a pat on the back for what you have accomplished recently. You have learned to find a great deal of endurance, stamina and dogged persistence, but perhaps you could be a bit more flexible. Soften your approach. Positive colours are purple sage and aquamarine. Lucky numbers are 7 and 8.
Mercury is now in conjunction with Jupiter, which brings fortunate news and remarkable encounters. Mercury is about how you put thoughts into words, or even write them to get your viewpoint across. But communication is a two-way process, so you also need to listen to others. The more you hear what they have to say, the better it will be in the long run. Opportunities may come from siblings or neighbours. Communicative colours are salmon pink and cool beige. Lucky numbers are 3 and 7.
Your closest relationships, both at work and at home, seem more dependent than usual. Don't be insecure if they are not quite fitting in with what you want. Shift your way and get in step with them. Are you over eating because you have a sense of emotional emptiness, and need to fill in the gaps? Don't compensate for not getting attention by overindulging. Make yourself useful by helping others solve their problems. Favourable colours are sunflower yellow and red ochre. Lucky numbers are 27 and 49.
Keeping your wits together is never easy when Uranus is stirring up your neighbourhood! You can expect a constant flow of information, combined with a fair amount of dashing around and more encounters than usual in the weeks ahead. If obstacles or people get in your way, do not get impatient. Add some tact to the mix, since you will get your own way faster. Advantageous colours are red garnet and burnished bronze. Lucky numbers are 21 and 30.
Don't sit behind a brick wall and feel sorry for yourself, even if you feel cut off. That will just make things worse. You have to break out of the vicious circle and find a way of bridging the gap. Obviously this is not a time to speculate wildly where cash is concerned. But there must be ways of cheering yourself up which do not cost too much. Good news is in the wind! Favourable colours are raw silk and violet. Lucky numbers are 21 and 15.
You can get those days when you meet someone who feels like a real soul-mate. An unspoken connection feels very right. Uranus and Saturn are making waves for you! Enjoy the moment but don't read too much into it. Looking great, you will attract compliments for the care you take over your appearance, and will be putting your best foot forward in social company. Radical developments in your neighbourhood may be expected in months ahead. You will be able to express yourself much better, even if in a rather fitful fashion. More on Uranus in Aries. Favourable colours are lime green and deep yellow. Lucky numbers are 18 and 21.
Your social life may not have been a bundle of laughs recently and it may have felt chilly and gloomy where it was once relaxing and indulgent. Responsibilities for loved ones may also have been taking up your time. However, your communicative powers are about to spark up as Uranus changes sign and Saturn holds the fort in cultured Libra, so you need to find like-minded friends, who want to pull together in a cooperative venture. It's time to create a new situation around you, even a better world. You know that dreams matter. Communicative colours are apricot and azure blue. Lucky numbers are 25 and 37.
Venus in your sign makes it easier to let go of old patterns of behaviour that have been holding you back. Change is never simple, especially at a psychological level, but you will benefit greatly from abandoning what is not in your best interests. Do not act hastily and disregard advice in financial matters, but bright inspiration may lead you to new ways of making money. Keep your ear to the ground. Fortunate colours are cherry red and cobalt blue. Lucky numbers are 1 and 3.
As Mercury moves into Aries, your mental facilities are quite stimulated. Make the most of it and get out and about to computer fairs, phone shops and onto the internet. You might even find a new car! Mercury turns retrograde later in the month, so now is a good time to stock up on comms-related goodies. Your whole life is undergoing a phase shift this month, so flow with the changes. Outgoing colours are apple green and violet. Lucky numbers are 11 and 29.
Be firm but not fixed in negotiations or financial agreements, especially connected with family property. Generosity combined with balanced common sense will produce the best results. You are about to move into a phase when your homelife and family finances won't seem as steady and stable as usual. Expect the unexpected, plan for sudden eventualities, and you will not go far wrong. That means always keeping your options open and being ready for ups and downs. Beneficial colours are cranberry and apricot. Lucky numbers are 2 and 4.
This is the kind of day when you should be careful if you say what you feel about the issues. Keep building bridges and mending fences. Your relationships with friends and associates are taking a turn for the better, so it seems you do have the capacity to understand and respond to the feelings and emotional situations around you. Just watch that you don't get too close to things, or your reputation for cool detachment might begin to falter... Receptive colours are blueberry and cream. Lucky numbers are 17 and 18.
Your single-tracked determination may be taking you down some strange byways, Aquarius. Though you may not always be deliriously happy, you are undoubtedly restructuring your personality behind the scenes. It's best not to get too close to subjects under discussion. The tendency is to mix emotion and logic, but you would do better just cruising, powered by your charm. After all, detachment is your strong suit. Favourable colours are lemon and green. Lucky numbers are 5 and 12.
If you can avoid falling out with people who order you around, creative discussions can take place. Two plus two might actually make five as new ideas spill out in a flood. Focus on tasks that require quick thinking, but resist the temptation to jump to conclusions. Try to listen to feedback and advice when you can spare a quiet moment. Fortunate colours are iridescent blue and glossy black. Lucky numbers are 8 and 24.
Cast your eye ahead and work out where you want to be in a year's time, Aquarius. Once you have set your goals, you can work out a practical plan for fulfilling them. You can't just hope it all shakes down, so use this powerful New Moon to give yourself a push. You may feel frustrated because you cannot act directly just yet. Get into forward gear, this is only temporary. Ambitious colours are amethyst and slate. Lucky numbers are 2 and 11.
It may be a touch edgy over the next couple of days even though the Moon in your own sign is boosting your charm. It's because the Moon's Nodes, the Dragon's Head and Tail, are changing sign. This only happens every 18 months or so and it can be stressful. Seek out solid, well- anchored friends who care about what you have to say. The energy is there for improving your surroundings, but try tact (not foot stamping!) for the best results. Beneficial colours are charcoal and crimson. Lucky numbers are 14 and 21.
Have you been ignored recently? Well now you are now sparkling back into the spotlight. It's time to iron out relationship problems and act as a peacemaker. Your natural charm works wonders, so your popularity rating will soar. Don't put too much stress on surface appearance, or try to fit in with whoever is taking the strong position around you just for the sake of quiet. Fortunate colours are glittering azure and bright gold. Lucky numbers are 1 and 11.
If today isn't your lucky day I don't know what is, as the emotional Moon, sensual Venus, fortunate Jupiter and wild card Uranus blend for you. As the Tibetans say, you don't always know when you are having good luck, so consider that minor mishaps may actually be blessings in disguise today. At the very least, you should be practically irresistible to the opposite sex. Fortunate colours are ruby red and snow white. Lucky numbers are 1 and 10.

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