Gemini's Horoscopes |



Born between: May 21st - June 20th

Adaptability is a Gemini's greatest strength which has positives for the workplace. Whilst their affection and imagination provides more great qualities; the negative of a Gemini is that they can be pessimism however they thrive on others optimistic nature.

Despite the recent emphasis on public matters, the changing Moon makes you long for home, sweet home today. All the popularity in the world can't make up for being lonely at the end of the day. Many of you are in a state of relationship limbo as Pluto overhauls your closest relationships and the way your respond to intimate situations. Try to connect with your family for support. Auspicious colours are pale green and oyster. Lucky numbers are 20 and 22.
The lively Moon activates your third house of communication, combining with chatty Mercury and dark Pluto and stimulating Uranus to create information overload. If you attend an important class or meeting, be sure to take notes. It will be all too easy to mix up messages under these influences, especially if you are taking any kind of medication. Go slowly and pay attention. Fortunate colours are pale yellow and sky blue. Lucky numbers are 5 and 14.
The pace of life picks up as the Moon passes through Leo and your third house of communications. Traffic jams are likely this afternoon as planetary influences make many people confused and distracted, causing minor accidents and big delays. If it seems like you will never get your work done today, don't worry. You'll have plenty of time to catch up later this week. Favourable colours are lemon yellow and lime green. Lucky numbers are 23 and 32.
Today is a wonderful day to spend with family, especially if you have a common goal in mind. Get together to paint a house, work on a child's science project, or any type of activity that is best when done as a team. Being productive is good for your soul today, so don't spend the day in front of the television. If the weather is fine, find a project you can do outdoors. Get busy! Beneficial colours are desert sand and forest green. Lucky numbers are 11 and 33.
The Twins often have surprisingly conservative values, and you are reminded of this as the Moon moves through Cancer and your second house of personal finances and values. You may be tempted to spend money on your family during this time frame, so why not do some shopping this evening? It's easy to feel generous. Auspicious colours are sage green and terra cotta. Lucky numbers are 2 and 3.
Today clips along at a lively pace as the Moon glides through your first house of personality. It'll be easier for you to persuade others, so take advantage of this energy. Seductive Venus may have you making eyes at someone from far away, even if it is only a distant cubicle. Flirt and charm your way through the day and enjoy every minute of it! Advantageous colours are daisy white and bark brown. Lucky numbers are 37 and 46.
By early evening the changing Moon will be sailing through your first house of personality and it's time to make a social comeback. Say 'yes' to invitations, even if you're feeling low this morning. By evening, you will be ready to charm and entertain again. You'll especially enjoy doing something new or attending a cultural event as Mars pushes you forward. Favourable colours are bright red and blue sapphire. Lucky numbers are 3 and 11.
The life-giving Sun enters your eleventh house of friends and associates and will spend the next month giving a boost to your social life. Now is the time for you to make new connections, especially through travel and educational pursuits. Friends you make now have the power to change your life. More about the Equinox! Fortunate colours are golden amber and cranberry. Lucky numbers are 11 and 28.
Unexpected upsets may trip you up today, but what you may not realize is that you unconsciously orchestrated some of these events. As the Moon idles through your twelfth house of subconscious matters, you may find both your need for, and fear of change, coming into conflict. Take a deep breath and stay in low gear while your energies are at a low ebb. Beneficial colours are sunset pink and lavender. Lucky numbers are 21 and 30.
The changing Moon enters your twelfth house of secrets and solitude, urging you to slow down today. It's time to recharge your spiritual and emotional batteries. Normally social Twins should turn down invitations from friends and associates and concentrate on solitary activities instead. The sound of peace and quiet may be just what you need for the next two days. Auspicious colours are midnight blue and coin silver. Lucky numbers are 3 and 12.
Many Geminians will find that friends and associates are hot- tempered, as the restless Moon glides through impatient Aries today. Lively debates are likely and much can be accomplished while this fiery energy lasts. However, keep personal discussions out of the office, as you are likely to be misunderstood. Mercury skips into Aries, so don't forward any cheeky emails at work! Advantageous colours are cornflower blue and dollar green. Lucky numbers are 22 and 31.
Most Twins will experience increased energy as the Moon activates the eleventh house of friends and associates. You'll be more in the mood for lunch with co-workers and friendly chitchat than you were yesterday. In fact, some of your colleagues have terrific ideas for the future. Some good news may have come overnight, for you to make the most of. Fortunate colours are electric blue and hot pink. Lucky numbers are 11 and 15.
Today's New Moon will give you an opportunity to re-establish your reputation in the community. Despite the efforts of someone who seems to be working against you, a surprising chance to prove you are both responsible and creative is forthcoming. In truth, whoever is giving you the most trouble is also teaching you the most about yourself now. Look into the mirror a little more closely. Favourable colours are charcoal black and sapphire blue. Lucky numbers are 10 and 19.
You can be a star in the public eye today, as bright Mercury holds court in your tenth house of career and reputation. Your creative powers will be evident to others, especially those you work under. This is a wonderful evening to go out if you are concerned with your social status. You can climb up a rung or two on the social ladder just by being visible tonight. Beneficial colours are forest green and garnet red. Lucky numbers are 23 and 35.
You may find that pressure is beginning to build in the areas of your career and reputation. You may not be progressing as fast as you would like, but have patience. A personal relationship may be challenging you to rethink your plans for the future. A situation with a business partner or competitor may become very serious over the next few weeks. Auspicious colours are basic black and heather grey. Lucky numbers are 8 and 10.
Some Twins will fall in love at first sight with a stranger, while others may find the teachers in their lives are more luminous than ever. If you begin a vacation today, it may turn out to be the ride of your life! Whatever happens, it certainly won't be boring. Advantageous colours are parchment and tropical pink. Lucky numbers are 45 and 46.
Today is perfect for being spontaneous. If a good idea pops into your mind and it's feasible, go for it! A trip into the city if you live in the country will be stimulating, while those of you who live downtown should really consider going to a park in the country. Change your routine in some way. A change of scenery is recommended to keep the Twins happy and healthy. Fortunate colours are chestnut brown and cherry red. Lucky numbers are 27 and 38.
Mars turns direct today, releasing some karma in your friendships and opening up your hopes. Most of you will feel instantly lighter as the changing Moon enters Aquarius and your ninth house of travel, education, and adventure. All your dreams and wishes will keep you several feet off the ground this evening. Go ahead and indulge in a bit of escapism, whether you get lost in role-playing games, like to read books about faraway places, or prefer movie magic. More on Mars Retrograde. Favourable colours are burnt orange and tan. Lucky numbers are 9 and 36.
You'll be more aware of interpersonal power plays as the Moon activates your eighth house of sex and money. Not that you would ever participate in such a thing... but you might want to pay closer attention to how you get your needs met. Everyone needs to manipulate in order to survive; it's a perfectly normal, natural, and necessary function. Those who rely on it as their sole method of survival are another story. Favourable colours are cayenne and copper. Lucky numbers are 44 and 45.
A disagreement with a friend about a money matter or business issue may ruin the day. If other people are being greedy or stingy, simply ignore them. Those of you in an intimate relationships may find that tension leads to passion later on today. if you find yourself fighting about little things, stop and make up. Life is too short to be petty with each other. Auspicious colours are aubergine and bronze. Lucky numbers are 8 and 9.
Your adoring public may await you, as Venus enters lively Aries, but your partner or best friend may not agree with today's agenda. If you're torn between your ambitions and the needs of others, welcome to your seventh house of partnerships. Frustration in relationships is bound to be your middle name, as if it wasn't the story of your life already! Advantageous colours are blush pink and beige. Lucky numbers are 34 and 43.
The sensitive Moon lights up your seventh house of marriage and partnerships. Passions run high for better or for worse, so be prepared for Technicolor, 3D emotions to wash over you. Even if you are calm and serene, your mate, best friend, or business partner is likely to be experiencing overwhelming feelings. You can use this energy to become closer, but handle it with care. Auspicious colours are soft coral and pale aqua. Lucky numbers are 7 and 25.
You may find yourself in the service of your friends and associates now. If you're running yourself down just to please a demanding buddy, you need to rethink the relationship. If you are truly enjoying being useful and helpful to those you care about, you are on the right track. While the Moon passes through your sixth house of health and service, remember to treat your body with care. Favourable colours are cobalt blue and pewter. Lucky numbers are 6 and 16.
The Moon moves through Scorpio and your sixth house of health and service today, urging you to put away your toys and clean yourself up. If you've been eating too much junk, today is the day to detoxify your body. Eat only fresh, healthy foods and drink plenty of water; you might even consider going on a juice fast if your health will allow it. Beneficial colours are beige and blue grey. Lucky numbers are 18 and 21.
The heat created by the nurturing Moon and fantasy-prone Neptune is high today; don't allow doubts and insecurities to ruin the rosy glow. There will be plenty of time to look at love in the harsh light of day; now is the time to wonder at the magic of love and affection. Creativity is sparked by this transit, so be ready for the muse when she comes upon you. Auspicious colours are emerald green and mink brown. Lucky numbers are 28 and 39.
The next two days could be very romantic indeed as the cosy Moon stimulates your fifth house of love and pleasure; allow yourself to love and be loved today. Love inspires you to be the best you can be; it need not force you to change because you will be motivated to rise to your greatest heights for it. Children can also bring great joy during this tine frame, so be sure to connect with the young ones in your life. Advantageous colours are baby blue and blossom pink. Lucky numbers are 6 and 15.
With the Moon passing through your fourth house of home and family, it's time to do a bit of housekeeping. This is the perfect time to organize and tidy up if you've been letting things slide; you might find you even enjoy the physical exercise of house work. Spending time with your family members will help you to feel more deeply... whether this is a good thing or a bad thing remains to be seen! Beneficial colours are oyster and teal. Lucky numbers are 4 and 21.

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