Aries's Horoscopes |



Born between: March 21st - April 19th

Aries often are active people with great dynamics which allows them to be brave and therefore inspiring to others. Often hot headed those born under Aries will be strong-willed, determined and life-long friends.

The changing Moon enters your sixth house of health and service, making today perfect for organizing your environment. Have you looked in your refrigerator lately? Throw out anything that is past a reasonable expiration date. Consider your eating habits lately: the act of nourishing your body should be sacred. Don't come to the temple with cakes and chips... bring fresh fruits and vegetables to your table! Advantageous colours are cobalt blue and beige. Lucky numbers are 24 and 33.
The responsive Moon and unpredictable Uranus combine to create passion in your life today and you may have a difficult time controlling your reactions. Consider avoiding alcoholic beverages if you feel you may become overly emotional. A romantic evening with someone special could be very exciting and memorable. You'll have a way with words, but channel your energy wisely. Fortunate colours are amethyst purple and flame red. Lucky numbers are 10 and 42.
The Moon lights up your fifth house of romance and pleasure, putting the emphasis on fun and games. The next two days are great for romance, so plan a special night on the town. Your friends will enjoy your company as you are the perfect compliment to them now. You may even find that a friendship is blossoming into something more. Favourable colours are pale gold and periwinkle. Lucky numbers are 24 and 33.
If you have time on your hands, spend it making some home improvements today. Even small things such as dusting ceiling fans and cleaning windows will help make you feel proud of your environment. Spending more time with your family members will also help to strengthen bonds. A project that everyone can contribute to can help bring you closer. Beneficial colours are baby blue and butter yellow. Lucky numbers are 7 and 11.
The Moon drifts through hearth-loving Cancer and your fourth house of home and family, making you glad to be home at last this evening. If you're entertaining at home everything should run smoothly; your place will be a warm, cosy haven. Surround yourself with your loved ones and enjoy everything you have been working so hard for. Auspicious colours are dove grey and teal. Lucky numbers are 29 and 34.
The shining Sun in Aries opposes serious Saturn in your seventh house of significant others today, Rams. This house aids your partners, but also puts pressure on you from competitors. And with the Moon battling Jupiter in your house of secrets, it's likely to be a long day. One in which the Powers that Be are likely to be rather uncooperative. Advantageous colours are blue sapphire and reddish apricot. Lucky numbers are 1 and 7.
There'll be plenty of gossip going around today; keep in mind much of it is likely to be greatly exaggerated. As the day progresses, brilliant ideas may come to you out of the blue. However, you may have so many thoughts spinning around your head that it is nearly impossible to follow any of them. Keep pen and paper with you so that you can write down anything you may want to explore later. Favourable colours are pale yellow and sky blue. Lucky numbers are 5 and 14.
The life-giving Sun enters Aries, marking the beginning of your birthday month. As the days go by, you should feel your old vim and vigour coming back. The days before your birthday may be a time for quiet reflection. Allow yourself to end the old year by taking care of unfinished business and allowing the past to get behind you. A bright new year is waiting for you! More about the Equinox! Fortunate colours are ruby red and gold. Lucky numbers are 1 and 5.
Strive to be in control of your finances as the Moon moves through your second house of finances today. Even if you have the urge to spend money to show the world how fabulously successful you are, you should keep a tight reign on your pocketbook. Hopefully curbing your expenditures is a personal choice and not a necessity. Beneficial colours are ivy green and copper. Lucky numbers are 29 and 38.
The changing Moon enters your second house of personal finances, placing the focus on money today. As Moon squares Mars, it may seem as though both your income and your debt are increasing rapidly. Make a strong effort to control your impulse buying when the urge to shop strikes you. Auspicious colours are sage green and desert sand. Lucky numbers are 2 and 20.
Anyone standing in your way is likely to be flattened as the emotional Moon meets up with popular Venus in your first house of personality. Mercury joins them in Aries in the afternoon, so whatever you express will come across with a great deal of power and charm. Remember that there are other people in the world with needs, too. What may seem perfectly normal to you may seem over the top to someone with less fire. Advantageous colours are blossom pink and copper. Lucky numbers are 6 and 37.
The Moon sails through your first house of personality today, boosting your energy. The next two days will find you champing at the bit, determined to accomplish your goals. Don't allow your fiery drive to get in the way of good manners. Even if you are forced to deal with idiots, you must try to be diplomatic and calm. It will be all too easy to go ballistic because of delays and mix-ups. Fortunate colours are ruby red and sapphire blue. Lucky numbers are 10 and 13.
Today's New Moon may require you to confront your fears. Perhaps foreign ideas and cultures make you uncomfortable; if this is the case, you need to ask yourself why. Some of you may be apprehensive about continuing your education, but that is all the more reason for you to do so. It is time to face your fears and rise to the challenges your life presents. Favourable colours are sunset pink and pale gold. Lucky numbers are 39 and 48.
You may feel as if your life is in suspended animation at the moment, but be glad of it. There are fortunate aspects bringing valuable information and you should be in no hurry to deal with it while the Moon moves through your twelfth house of subconscious matters. Spend time reviewing the events of the past month, so that you may make the needful decisions about your future goals. Remember that history (and herstory) has a tendency to repeat itself unless you learn from it. Beneficial colours are pearl white and sea green. Lucky numbers are 21 and 30.
With both the Sun and the Moon in your twelfth house of secrets and solitude, you may feel under the weather. For some Rams, this is a very depressing time of the year as the Heavenly Lights have gone behind the curtain. However, this can be a time of powerful reflection and self analysis. It's time to give your spiritual batteries a complete overhaul. Honour your need for silence. Auspicious colours are midnight blue and lavender. Lucky numbers are 3 and 12.
The combination of the responsive Moon and unpredictable planets make this a topsy-turvy day. Anything can happen, especially where your friends are involved. If you go out tonight, you may end up spending more money than you would like, as you may need to rescue your pals from a sticky situation. You are the best choice for designated driver tonight, so stay sober. Advantageous colours are silver and white. Lucky numbers are 22 and 25.
The fun-loving Moon lights up your eleventh house of friends and associates, placing the focus on your playmates and peers. You can have a great time socializing now, so don't pass up the chance to meet friends for lunch or dinner. Ideal relationships may present themselves with Venus in your sign. Love may be in the air with someone you have a strong friendship with, but watch out for the green-eyed monster! Fortunate colours are electric blue and dusky pink. Lucky numbers are 11 and 16.
Yippee! After months of retro motion in your house of romance, macho Mars turns direct at last, releasing the pressure on your lovelife and children, not to mention your creativity. A serious tone dominates the day as the Moon continues through strict Capricorn and your tenth house of career and status. Be mindful of your manners if you want to make a good impression. It isn't in the proud Ram's nature to be a yes-man, but everyone has to kiss up sometimes. More on Mars Retrograde. Favourable colours are garnet red and golden amber. Lucky numbers are 19 and 28.
Your supervisors and others in authority may be temperamental today, but that won't stop you from making progress. If you're quiet and listen to that still, small voice, you may receive some invaluable advice. You can benefit from help behind the scenes as the spiritual Sun, healing Jupiter and loving Venus act as your personal guardian angels. Keep your ear to the ground. Beneficial colours are Pacific blue and shell pink. Lucky numbers are 17 and 26.
The changing Moon enters your tenth house of career and reputation today, making you a bit more mindful about your status. It may be hard to tone down your approach but you may need to put a damper on your natural enthusiasm: it's not that there is anything wrong with your joie de vivre, it's just that society often rewards the more controlled types. Auspicious colours are basic black and heather grey. Lucky numbers are 8 and 10.
As Venus swan-dives into your sign, this is not a day to sit around and watch television! Fun and excitement are out there waiting for you, if you'll go out and find it. Spending time with good friends or your partner will be good for your soul. In fact, you can lead the gang into some pretty wild situations if you so choose. People will be looking to you for adventure, so show them your fearless side! Advantageous colours are royal purple and bronze. Lucky numbers are 1 and 9.
Even if it is raining cats and dogs in your vicinity, today's energy can be the equivalent of sunny skies. With the lively Moon lighting up your ninth house of travel and adventure, life is full of potential and possibilities. An optimistic attitude will be contagious, so spend time with those who are open to all the beautiful ideas you have to share with the world. Fortunate colours are royal blue and sunny orange. Lucky numbers are 5 and 9.
You may have to contend with business or personal power plays as the Moon trolls through your eighth house of sex and money. This is a good time to centre yourself and focus your energy to avoid being used by so-called psychic vampires. You know the type; they attach themselves to you and seem to drain the life out of you. Steer clear of psychological manipulators. Favourable colours are rust and charcoal grey. Lucky numbers are 45 and 48.
If you didn't cover all your bases yesterday, you'll be faced with upsets today. The Powers That Be have been watching, so hopefully you've been discreet. If not, you may face censure. Nowadays, forwarding humorous e-mail to your colleagues at work can cost you your position. No matter how strong the urge to share the mirth is, click on the delete button instead! Beneficial colours are emerald green and carnelian. Lucky numbers are 27 and 36.
The morning hours favour partnership issues, but by evening, confusion sets in. This is not a good time to trust anyone else with your responsibilities. In fact, be prepared to take more than your share of life's burdens as some of your friends and associates fall down on the job. The old saying If you want something done right, do it yourself is the theme of the day. Auspicious colours are wine red and jet black. Lucky numbers are 9 and 18.
If you make a conscious effort to say and do the right things today, the presence of Venus in your twelfth house of secrets may see you enjoying a secret attraction. It may be hard if you're feeling emotional or sensitive, but it's precisely the fact that you are willing to be gracious that will earn you kudos. If someone else is being rude, you will look like royalty by being kind and courteous. Advantageous colours are soft coral and lavender. Lucky numbers are 7 and 15.
Spend time healing your inner and outer wounds. Be sure to eat right, get plenty of sleep, and avoid stressful situations, as many Ariens are more vulnerable to illness and injury now. Take the time to organize your life and streamline your routines... less is better and simple can be divine. Beneficial colours are lily white and lime green. Lucky numbers are 21 and 41.

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